S DX@WW $425WW326A 425 DX News #326 [1/7] 2 August 1997 No 326 BID: $425WW326A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ IK1ADH - IK1GPG /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3D2_fi - The Daily DX reports that Jack, VK2GJH is now back on Fiji after his Banaba operation (he logged some 1600 QSOs mostly on 20 metres). Jack will be active as 3D2JH until 3 August, then he will return to Australia. 9K - 9K2HN reports that 9K6POW [425DXN 325] will start being active on 1 August at 12 UTC. Operations might also include RTTY and Satellite AO-10. QSL via 9K2RA. 9M2 - Ray, G3NOM/9M2OM will be active (mostly on CW, 14.040 MHz +/- QRM) as 9M2OM/p from Ketam Island (AS-074) on 2 and 3 August. He should be active from 12 UTC on 2 August until 20 UTC on 3 August. If propagation permits other frequencies will be 14.260, 18.128 and 21.260 SSB; 18.098 and 21.040 MHz CW. QSL via G0CMM. CT - Vic, CT1AXS reported to 425 DX News that he and Jorge, CT1FMX will be active (10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres) as CQ1I from Berlenga Island (EU-040) from 10 to 16 August. QSL via CT1FMX. CU - CU9B will be active from Corvo Island (EU-089) from 6 August to 2 September. QSL via CU3AV. EA - Jose, EA5ZI reminds island chasers that the Spanish novice frequencies where EF5HQ is allowed to transmit are 21.200, 7.025 and below 3.700 MHz. ED5HQ and EF5HQ will be active from rare Columbretes Islands (EU-069) between 7 and 10 August [425DXN 321]. EA - EA1ADP/p plans to be active from the islands of Queimada (DIE N-075), Gabeira (N-076) and Chileiteira (N-077) within the end of the week. QSL via EA1AAA. EA9 - EA9PD/p will be active from Isla el Pineo (DIE S-142) on 1 August. He plans to be active from other EA9 islands during the first week of August. FW - Paul, FW5IW is active (CW only on 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres) from Wallis & Futuna until 14 August. QSL via OH5UQ. G - Glyn, GW0ANA and the Barry Amateur Radio Society will be active as G0ANA/p from Lundy Island (EU 120) from 3 August for six days. QSL via GW0ANA. HP - Gerard, F2JD/HP1XBI will be active as HP1XBI/2 during the weekend from Isla Grande (NA-202). He will stay on the island from 17 UTC on 2 August until 22 UTC on 3 August. QSL via F6AJA either direct or through the bureau. I - Venice Islanders are active from a few islands (EU-131) in the Venice lagoon during the weekend. I - Stefano,IK2QEI and Giorgio, I2VXJ will be active on all HF bands from Lampedusa Island (AF-019, IIA AG-001) from 2 to 16 August. They will participate in the WAE CW Contest. QSL via bureau to IK2QEI. I - ID8/IK8BIZ is active from Cirella Island (EU-144, IIA CS-001) during the weekend. I - Weather permitting, IK8VRH and IK8UHA will IC8/ from Scoglio Tavola di Mare (IIA NA-043) on 3 August. I - Antonello, ID9/IK2DUW and Roberto, ID9/IK8PGM will try to be active from the island of Basiluzzo (EU-017, IIA ME-017) during the weekend. I - Fabio, IK8WTM will be IF9/ from Egadi Islands (EU-054) from 6 to 21 August. He plans to be active from IIA TP-005, TP-007, TP-009, TP-010, TP-012, TP-013, TP-014 and TP-015 on 9-10 and 15-17 August. QSL via IK8WTM either direct (P.O. Box 340, 80133 Napoli-NA, Italy) or through the bureau. /EX S DX@WW $425WW326B 425 DX News #326 [2/7] 2 August 1997 No 326 BID: $425WW326B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== JD1_mt - Jun, JA7SSB reports that JD1/JG8NQJ [425DXN 323] will be leaving Minami Torishima one month earlier (in late September). He is used to operating on 7.010, 10.103 and 14.027 MHz (+/- QRM). QSL via JA8CJY. OD - Murtada, 9K2MU is active (CW and SSB) from Lebanon for about one month. QSL via WA4JTK. P4 - The DX News Letter reports that DL3XM, DL4LQM, DL5LYM and DL8WAA will be active as P40XM from 1 to 26 August. They will participate in the WAE CW Contest and will also try to be active from PJ2 and PJ7. QSL via DL3XM (ex DL8WXM), either direct or through the bureau. SV - Special event station J41WCA is currently active to celebrate the IAAF World Championships in Athens. QSL via SV1BSX. TY - The DX News Letter reports that Sigi, DJ4IJ will be active again from Benin as TY1IJ for six weeks starting around 30 July. Special attention will be given to 160, 80 and 30 metres. V5 - Charlie, W0YG says that "the absolute best time to catch me on 10 metres will be the weekend of August 9 and 10". Charlie will be active (CW only) from Namibia as V5/ZS6YG [425DXN 325]. QSL direct to Charles Summers, 6746 North Yucca Trail, Parker, CO 80138-6110, USA. W - Special event station AC2P/200 will be aired by members of the Long Island DX Association operating from the radio room of the 200 year old Montauk Point Lighthouse [425DXN 323], Long Island (NA-026, USI NY-03-S) from 14 UTC of 2 August to 19 UTC of 3 August. A special color QSL certificate will be available. QSL direct to AC2P. W - The OPDX Bulletin reports that Don, K4PK will be active from Sunset Beach Island (NA-112) from 2 to 15 August. QSL to 705 Lenoir Ln, Hardy, VA 24101, USA. ***************************************************************************** >>> IOTA REFERENCE NUMBERS ISSUED IN JULY 1997 <<< AS-128/Prov 3W MEKONG DELTA WEST group (Vietnamese islands, letter "c") following 3W4EZD's operation from Quan Phu Quoc Island. OC-221 YB8 KAI IS (Indonesia, YB8 islands, letter "j") following YC8YR's (resident in Tual) activity. NOTE! Validation material is still awaited from YC8VYY for his operation from this group in May, so that do *not* submit cards yet to checkpoints for this latter operation. OC-222 YB8 OBI IS (Indonesia, YB8 islands, letter "m") following YC8YZ/P's operation from Tapat Island in June. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************* ***************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************* QSL FK ---> Please note that cards for FK8GM and FK5DX are via WB2RAJ (direct only), while F6AJA is the QSL manager (either direct and through the bureau) for FK5M (Matthew Island, OC-218) only. QSL THROUGH INTERNET ---> Bureau cards for FR/HB9CYN/p, FR/HB9CYV/p, 8Q7YN and 8Q7YV can be requested via <http://ab5eh-lin.tamucc.edu/~hb9cyn>. QSL VIA PS7KM ---> PS7KM (Karl M. Leite, Rua Estacio de Sa 1838, 59054-580 Natal, RN, Brasil) is the QSL manager for the following operations: PY0FA, PY0FK, PY0FKL, ZY0FA, ZY0FK, ZY0FMC, ZY0FMN, ZY0FRG, ZY0FRT, ZY0MNF (Fernando de Noronha, SA-003); PY0TG, PY0TK, PY0TR, ZY0TG, ZY0TK, ZY0TR (Trinidade, SA-010); PY0SK, PY0SP, PY0SR, ZY0SK, ZY0SP, ZY0SR, ZY0SS, ZY0SW, ZY0SY (St Peter & Paul Rocks, SA-014); PY0RK, ZY0RK (Rocas Atoll, SA-038); ZW7KM (special event stations). /EX S DX@WW $425WW326C 425 DX News #326 [3/7] 2 August 1997 No 326 BID: $425WW326C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [1/3] * =========================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER ========================================================================== 3A/JH1NBN JH1NBN FO4OK FO5OK PY0TK PS7KM 3A/ON6NN ON5FP FP5BU F5TJP PY0TR PS7KM 3V8BB YT1AD FP5CJ VE2FB R0QQ RA4FY 3Z0AN SP7LZD FR/DF2SS/P DF2SS R1ANF RK1PWA 3Z2GX SP2FOV FY5YE W5SVZ R1ANZ RA1AD 4F3CV HB9CXZ G/F6BFH/P F6BFH R1ASP RA1AD 4F4IX DU4IX GB0ON ON4ON R1FJL JA3AFR 4U1UN W6TER GC0STH/P G4DIY R1FJV UA3AGS 4U1WB KK4HD GD6YB/P G3SWH RA0FA WK6C 5A28 OE2GRP GJ/DF3OL DF3OL RI0TA RA3DEJ 5H1FS I4UFH GJ0MEU ON4ON RK1B/1 RV1AC 5H3ES DF9SU GM3IZD/P G3IZD RK3DXZ/3 RZ3DO 5H3JA K0OB GM3USL/P GM0KVI RZ0LWA UA0MF 5N0T F2YT GM4SID/P GM4SID S79MAD GW4WVO 5N8NDP/P IK5JAN GM5VG/P GM3UTQ SK7DX SM7PKK 5X1T ON5NT GU7D G3SJJ SM/DK5RK DK5RK 5X1Z SM7PKK GW7A G0DBE SP0BG SP9ZGN 7K3EOP/1 7K3EOP GW7V GW0GEI SV1CID SV1CID 7Q7RM G0IAS H22A YL3AF SV5/HA0HW/P HA0HW 7X2CR IS0LYN H25X 5B4XF SV5/OM3LA/P OM1APD 7Z1IS SM0OFG HF0POL SP3FYM SV8/DK2OC/P W4FC 8P6DA KU9C HF1GD SP2BIK SV8/ON5CT/P ON5CT 8P9DS PA0ERA HL0Z/4 DS4CNB SX2THE SV2TSL 9A/DL8YTM/P DL8YTM HP1XBI/4 F6AJA T20AA KD4XN 9A50D 9A1BHI HR1LW JA1LW T32O WC5P 9A9JH DL9JH HR2A KB5IPQ T33JH VK2GJH 9G1YR G4XTA HZ1CCA IK7JTF T9/YO6DBL YO9XC 9H0A LA2TO IA5/IK5VLS IK5VLS T94DX DL1FDV 9H3JR DJ0QJ IB0ONU I0YKN TA0/IK3GES/P IK3GES 9H3XY G4ZVJ IH9/IT9JOF IT9JOF TA2IJ DJ9ZB 9H3ZV G4ZVJ IJ7/IK7TAJ IK7TAJ TC0II TA1T 9H5IP 9H1CC IJ7/IK7XIV IK7XIV TF/AE4FY K4GZ 9K2/SP5UAM SP5PBE IJ7/IK7XNF IK7XNF TF/DL6QK DL6QK 9K2AI IK7JTF IL3/IK2PZG IK2PZG TF/LA2IJ LA2IJ 9K2GS WB6JMS IL3/IK2WXQ IK2WXQ TK/IK0XBX IK0XBX 9K2QQ AA6BB IL3/IK2XYG IK2XYG TL8BC F5IPW 9K6POW 9K2RA IL3/OE8XJK OE8XJK TL8CK F6EWM 9M2OM/P G0CMM IL3VIA IK3VIA TM0K F5BSB 9M6AAC N2OO IL7/IK7BRX IK7BRX TM0M ON5FP 9M8ZZ PA3FWG IL7/IZ7ATN IZ7ATN TM5RED F6KQC 9N1UD K4UVD IM0/IK6CGO IK6CGO TM9M F6KNB 9Q5HX IK2MRZ IM0/IS0UPR IS0UPR TT8LJP F5TRP 9V1AN JJ1TBB IM0/IS0VBH IS0VBH TZ6JA JA3EMU A35MJ KS7D IU3SSM IK3ZBJ UA9UST UA9AB A61AQ N1DG IY5PIS IK5QPZ UE0LMF UA0MF AC2P/200 AC2P J3/G0TYX G0TYX US8U UT4UWT AH8A AC7DX J42TCE SV2CWW V47CA VE3BW AP50N AP2MMN J48ISL SV2AEL V47KAI K2SB AP50WAP IK4ZGY J48LSV SV8DTD V5/OH2NNE OH2NNE AT0ITU VU2UR J48W SV1CIB V63DA JE5WJM BO0M BV2KI JD1/JG8NQJ JA8CJY V63KU JA6NL BO2YA BO2AB JD1/JM1YGG 7N3GNX V73GT WF5T C53/DL5NAM DL5NAM JW/DJ3KR DJ3KR VE1JS VE1JS CH6RCH VE6BEX JW0M SP2QOQ VE7/N6VV N6VV CJ3FW VE3FW JW2PA LA2PA VE7USI NL7TB CL8VP CO8RCG JX6RHA LA6RHA VE8B VE3TIG CN68NL CN8NL JY9QJ DL5MBY VK9LF JR4PMX CN8VK IK0ZKK KF8TM/4 KF8TM VK9LL JH4RHF CO3ZD CT1ESO KH0CG WH0AAV VK9LR JH4RHF CO4BM CT1ESO KH8/K7CXJ KH6JEB VK9NX VK4FW CO8HF CT1ESO KL7/W6IXP W6IXP VP5/I4ALU I4ALU CQ1C CT1CFI KP2/AA1BU WA1LNP VP8CTR DL5EBE CQ2I CT1EEB KP3X KP4XX VQ9IE WY8Q CS7UW CT4UW KP4IX WP4MIM VR97UW VR2UW CU2X DK4LI L20H LU4HAW VU2AU/50 VU2AU CU8L CU3EJ LA/DK4UN/P DK4UN VU2PAI/50 VU2PAI CY7TUB VE7NA LA/F5YJ/P F5YJ WB8YJF WB8YJF CY9SS VY2SS LA/F8UFT/P F5YJ WH2Q JI1DLZ DL4OCL/P DL4OCL LG5LG SM0DJZ X5ACL YU1FW DL5CW/P DL5CW LU3DL LU4AA XE1L WA3HUP DL6MHW/P DL6MHW LX2AW CT1AWE XJ9GM VE2CWI DL8OBC/P DL8OBC LY97XA LY1XA XL3AEA VE3SJL /EX S DX@WW $425WW326D 425 DX News #326 [4/7] 2 August 1997 No 326 BID: $425WW326D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [2/3] * =========================== EA1/F6ELE F6ELE M7F G3PMR XN0OS VY2OS EA1/F6HKA F6HKA M7N G3WOI XV7TH SK7AX EA3URE EA3AFW M7T G3XTT YB2BRW N2UE EA8/OH4NL OH2BYS MJ0AWR K2WR YI1OM IK2DUW ED1ISG EA1EPB MU0ASP F5SHQ YI9VK HA0HW ED1MC EA1NK N3OC N3OC YJ8UU ZL2HE ED1OCV EA1AAA OD5/SP3DPR SP3NYM YM7PA PA0TLX ED5MFP EA5VM OE5T OE5XVL YU9A YU1FW ED5RPU EA5GNW OH0/N4GN N4GN ZA1MH Z32KV ED5URD EA5GMB OH0BH OH2BH ZF2HQ G0VHQ ED7SPI EA7PY OH0MDR/1 OH1MDR ZF8/ZF2DE N4BP EG1ISG EA1EPB OH0TA OH2TA ZF8/ZF2DN KP4AM EJ2HY EI2HY OH2JA/P OH2IW ZF8/ZF2JS WD4JNS EJ2IB EI2IB OH6YF OH6YF ZF8/ZF2PU W4OVU EJ4GK EI4GK OJ0/N4GN N4GN ZK1CC ZL2HU EO2QMD UA5QRB OL5OPZ OK2BIQ ZP24I ZP5WYV EP2MKP UV6HPV OM7HQ OM3JW ZW5B PY5EG ES1RA/1 ES1RA OY4TN OY6FRA ZW7KM PS7KM ES5RF/0 OH2LVA OY6A DL1MGB ZY0FA PS7KM ES7/IK6CAC IK6CAC OZ/DL3HBG/P DL3HBG ZY0FK PS7KM ET3IV I3IVW P40W N2MM ZY0FMC PS7KM EU4VUJ K8PYD P40XM DL3XM ZY0FMN PS7KM EU930EU LY1BA P43JB OH6ZS ZY0FRG PS7KM EW35WB EW1WB PA/DL1MP/P DL1MP ZY0FRT PS7KM EY1ZA W3HNK PA/ON7PC/P ON7PC ZY0MNF PS7KM EY8AM DF3OL PA3EVJ VE3MR ZY0RK PS7KM F/ON4BDS/P ON4BDS PI4/LX9VIS LX1TI ZY0SK PS7KM F/ON6NN ON5FP PS8PY/P PS8DX ZY0SP PS7KM FG/EA3CB EA3CB PY0FA PS7KM ZY0SR PS7KM FG/F2HE F6LQJ PY0FK PS7KM ZY0SS PS7KM FG5HR F6BUM PY0RK PS7KM ZY0SW PS7KM FH/DF2SS/P DF2SS PY0SK PS7KM ZY0SY PS7KM FK5DX WB2RAJ PY0SP PS7KM ZY0TG PS7KM FK8GM WB2RAJ PY0SR PS7KM ZY0TK PS7KM FM/ON4BAM/P ON4BAM PY0TG PS7KM ZY0TR PS7KM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4F2DX DDXG, Dutch DX Group, P.O.Box 232, 7670 AE, Vriezenveen, Netherlands 5H3CA Jonathan Anderson, P.O.Box 39, Bariadi, Tanzania 7N3GNX Tatuo Torii, 34-10 Sakuragaoka 3, Tama 206, Japan AH0Y Rodante Cruz, AAA 479, CB 10001, Saipan, MP-96950, U.S.A. BD4RA P.O.Box 542, Nanjing, China BD6QD Libo, P.O.Box 60.003, Wuhan, China BO2AB Jini Lin, P.O.Box 504, Taipei, Taiwan BV2KI Bruce Yih, P.O.Box 84-609, Taipei, Taiwan BV2RF Kao, P.O.Box 3-129, Yungho Taipei, Taiwan BV4OM Fang Shiao, P.O.Box 200, Nantou, Taiwan CN8NL Mabil, P.O.Box 171, Rabat, Morocco CN8VB Benchimol Maurice, 10 Rue Ibnou Khalouya, 20500 Casablanca, Morocco CT1EEB Jose de Sa, P.O.Box 79, P-3860, Estarreja, Portugal DK4QO Alfred Fatum, Schulte Berge Str.16, D-45968, Gladbeck, Germany DL1FDV Mario Lovric, Hagebuttenweg 4, D-61231, Bad Nauheim, Germany DL3KDV Dieter Voss, Friedrichsthal 21, D-51688 Wipperfuerth, Germany DL6MHW Michael Hoeding, Bruno-Taut-Ring 56, D-39130, Magdeburg, Germany DS1BZR Shim Jung-Seob, 390-8 Booam-Dong Jongro-Ku, Seoul 110-021, S.Korea EW4MM Casamir Kopachel, P.O.Box 88, 231500, Byelorussia EW930WN P.O.Box 50, 220102 Minsk, Byelorussia F6KNB Radio-Club AOM-PTT de Bordeaux, Central Telephonique Rue de Pessac F-33170, Gradignan, France FG5GG Roland B.Bogota, Saint-Protais, F-97180 Sainte-Anne, Guadeloupe FK8HC Frank Petitjean, P.O.Box 7636, F-98801 Noumea, New Caledonia FK8VHN Didier Lavisse, Caserne Normandie, P.O.Box 12, F-98842 Noumea Cedex, New Caledonia FO5OK Eddy Tchung, P.O.Box 491, Papeete, Tahiti Island, French Polinesia HK3SGP Francisco "SISO" Hennessey, P.O.Box 170.030, Bogota, Colombia HL1CG Hyungsuk Song, Kaehwa APT # 107-305, Banghwa-3-dong, Kangsc-ku, Seoul 157-223, South Korea HL3HNC Jin-Tai Kim, #102-402, Kukdong Apt. Munhwa 2 Dong, Chjng-Gu, Taejon 301-132, South Korea HL9RK Dave Pote, PSC 3, P.O.Box 4347, APO, AP-96266-4347, U.S.A. HR1RC Rolando Chavarria, Calle I Milagrosa No.3611, Tegucigalpa, Honduras /EX S DX@WW $425WW326E 425 DX News #326 [5/7] 2 August 1997 No 326 BID: $425WW326E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [3/3] * =========================== I0YKN Nuccio Meoli, P.O.Box 1, I-04010, Cori (LT), Italy IK7XIV Roberto Paisio, Via Seneca 23, I-73020 Cavallino (LE), Italy IS0VBH Gioacchino Baffone, Via Donizetti 9, I-08040 Lotzorai (NU), Italy J42TCE P.O.Box 20120, GR-55110, Thessaloniki, Makedonia, Greece KH0CE Ignacio G.Capuchino, P.O.Box 2249, Saipan, MP-96950, U.S.A. KH0I Hilario Feliciano, P.O.Box 7670, Saipan, MP-96950, U.S.A. LU3XPS Maio A.Caballido, Lapataia 335, 9410 Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina LU4HAW Radio Club Villa Carlos Paz, P.O.Box 104, 5152 Villa Carlos Paz, Cordoba, Argentina LU6BEG Ernesto M.Grueneberg, P.O.Box 1589, 1000 CF, Argentina OE2GRP Recep Gursoy, Moserkellergasse 16, A-5202, Newmarkt A.W., Austria OH2IW Pasi Luoma-aho, Vallikuja 10 A 8, SF-02600, Espoo, Finland OH2TA Pekka Holstila, Linnaistentie 7, SF-01640, Vantaa, Finland PA0TLX P.O.Box 2010, NL-1180, EA Amstelveen, Netherlands PP5LL Jaime Lira Do Valle, P.O.Box 08-88010-970, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil PS7KM Karl M.Leite, Rua Estacio de Sa 1838, BR-59054-580 Natal, RN, Brazil RK1PWA Nick Shapkin, P.O.Box 73, 164744 Amderma, Arkhangelskaja, Russia RV1AC Alex, P.O.Box 104, 192241, St.Petersburg, Russia SM3CVM Lars Aronsson, Lillfjellvegen 62, S-831 71, Ostersund, Sweden SM7PKK Mats Persson, Zenithgatan 24 #5, SE-212 14 Malmoe, Sweden UV6HPV Rosa T.Baranova, P.O.Box 999, 355044 Stavropol, Russia VE9AA Michael E.Smith, 271 Smith Road, Waterville, NB, E2V 3V6, Canada VK2GJH Jack Hayden, P.O.Box 299, Ryde NSW 2112, Australia VK3 Buro WIA Victoria, Inwards QSL Bureau, 40G Victory Boulevard, Ashburton, Vic 3147, Australia VU2PAI Pai, P.O.Box 730, 575003 Mangalore, India XJ9GM West Island ARC, P.O.Box 884, Pointe Claire/Dorval, Quebec, H9R 4Z6, Canada ZB2EO J.Bautista, 47 Valiant House, Gibraltar ZD7BG Gilbert, P.O.Box 157, Jamestown, St.Helena Island ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, IK1QFM, IK2QEI, IK4HPU, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, Brescia DX Group, Crazy DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, Salento DX Team, 9K2HN, AC2P, CT1AXS, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DL7VOA, DL9GOA, EA5JC, EA5KB, EA5YN, EA5ZI, EA9PD, F6AJA, G3ZAY, G4BUE, GW0ANA, JA7SSB, JI6KVR, KA2D, NL7TB, PS7AB, PS7KM, VK6LC, W3UR, WD8MGQ, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, The Daily DX, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY Notes. ***************************************************************************** /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! 425 WWW Page ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ! ! INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: ! ! www-dx.deis.unibo.it - under the /pub/ham/425news/english/ directory ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL: ! ! http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/nph-425dxnews ! ! or sending a message to: majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it ! ! writing in the body of the message: subscribe 425dxnews address ! ! where address is the e-mail address of the subscriber ! ! for example: subscribe 425dxnews i1jqj.amsat.org ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * ! ! TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 ! ! DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 ! ! SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ! ! ARRL HQ BBS USA : 860-594-0306 ! ! CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 ! ! HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 ! ! WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 ! ! JUNGLE BBS NZ : +64-3-524-8332 ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang /EX S DX@WW $425WW326F 425 DX News #326 [6/7] 2 August 1997 No 326 BID: $425WW326F =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== POST IOTA CONTEST [1/2] =========================== The following list of QSL routes has been compiled by Pascual Guardiola, EA5EYJ. Further information, comments and amendments must be sent direct to him at either e-mail address <ea5eyj@arrakis.es> or AX.25 <EA5EYJ@EA5URM.EAMU.ESP.EU>. IOTA CONTEST 1997 (26-27 JULY) CALL QTH QSL Info =========================================================================== 4F3CV OC-042 HB9CXZ 4M5I SA-048 I2CBM 5B4/G3LNS AS-004 G3LNS RSGB-Bureau 5H1FS AF-032 I4UFH Buro or CBA 7K3EOP/1 AS-008 7K3EOP 7N2ATO AS-007 HL5CL 7S2AT EU-135 SK2AT Umea Radioamatorer, Mariehemsgarden, S-90236 Umea, Sweden 7S6KY EU-043 SK6KY 8P6CV NA-021 KU9C direct or bureau or e-mail 9A/DL6LZM/p EU-136 DL6LZM Peter Schmeiduch, Dornbergerstr. 14, 04315 Leipzig, GERMANY 9A4RU EU-016 Bureau 9H0A EU-023 LA2TO 9M2OM/p AS-072 G0CMM John Bell, 28 Stiles Avenue, Marple, tockport, SK66LR, England, UK 9V1ZB AS-019 JL3WSL A45XL AS-014 G4VUO M.B.Beck, 11 Orde Close, Pound Hill Crawley, W Sussex, Great Britian, UK. AA4V/P NA-110 Bureau or CBA direct. BO0M AS-113 BV2KI Bruce Yih, Box 84-609, Taipei, Taiwan ROC or via bureau. BV4HB AS-020 S C Lin, Box 2006, Taichung, Taiwan BV4QW AS-020 bureau CO3ZD NA-015 CT1ESO CO4BM NA-056 CT1ESO CO8HF NA-015 CT1ESO CQ1C EU-145 CT2GFK CQ2I EU-150 CT1EEB Jose de Sa, P.O.Box 79, 3860 Estarreja, Portugal CU8L EU-089 CU3EJ CY7TUB NA-036 VE7NA Nanaimo Amateur Radio Assoc., 5387 Lost Lake Rd, Nanaimo BC, V9T5E7, CANADA CY9SS NA-094 VY2SS Robert Robertson, RR 2, Bloomfield C0B 1E0, Canada DK8OL EU-042 Bureau DL0HRO/P EU-129 DL0HRO bureau or direct (CBA 96). DL1BWU/P EU-098 Bureau. DL1WA/P EU-129 Bureau DL2MX/P EU-057 Bureau DL3KZA EU-057 Bureau DL4OCL/P EU-098 DL4OCL bureau or direct: Matthias Deutscher, P.O. Box 100412, D-30942 Ronnenberg,Germany DL4FCH/P EU-042 DL4FCH DL6MHW/P EU-128 DL6MHW bureau or direct:DL6MHW Michael Hoeding Bruno-Taut-Ring 56 39130 Magdeburg Germany DL8OBC/P EU-127 DL8OBCbureau or direct. DU1SAN OC-042 Serafin A Nepomuceno, 186 MacArthur Highway, Potrero, Malabon 1475, MM, Philippines EA6BH EU-004 Mateo Campomar Munar, C.Reina M. Montpeller 74-B, 07007 Palma de Mallorca ED1ISC EU-077 EA1EPB ED1ISG EU-077 EA1EPB ED1MC EU-077 (SSB) via EA1NK ... (CW) via EA1DD ED1OCV EU-077 EA1AAA: Javier Claro Andrade, P.O.Box, 8, 27772 Valadouro (Lugo), Spain ED5HQ EU-069 EA5HQ ED7SPI EU-143 EA7PY Juan Jose Sanchez Pecci, Apart.Postal 37, 11130 Chiclana de la Frontera, Cadiz, Spain EG1ISG EU-077 EA1EPB bureau or direct. EJ1D EU-121 EI5HD EJ2I EU-121 EI5HD EJ4GK/p EU-103 EI4GK ES1QD/0 EU-034 ES1QD F/EA3NY EU-064 EA5OL F/ON4BDS/P EU-068 ON4BDS either direct or through the bureau. F/ON5FP EU-058 ON5FP F/ON6NN EU-058 ON5FP F5PAC/P EU-064 Bureau F6KTL/P EU-064 F6CKH FG5HR NA-114 F6BUM FK8GM OC-032 FK8GM bureau or WB2RAJ direct FK8GJ OC-032 F6CXJ or CBA Direct FK8VHN/P OC-033 Didier Lavisse, Caserne Normandie, B.P. 12, F-98842 Noumea Cedex, Nouvelle Caledonie, FRANCE FS5PL NA-105 N0JT (ex KF0UI) G7Q EU-005 G0SAH G7Y EU-005 G0FOS GB0ON EU-099 ON4ON also through the bureau. GD6YB/P EU-116 G3SWH Phil Whitchurch, 21 Dickensons Grove, Congresbury, Bristol, BS19 5HQ, United Kingdom, either with SASE or via the RSGB Bureau GI7J EU-115 GW4VEQ GM3IZD/P EU-008 G3IZD GM3POI EU-009 CBA GM3USL/P EU-123 GM0KVI bureau GM4EVS/P EU-092 GM4EVS GM4SID/P EU-012 GM4SID GM5VG/P EU-008 GM3UTQ Bureau or direct CBA GU7D EU-114 G3SJJ GW7A EU-005 G0DBE GW7V EU-124 GM0GEI Bureau or direct: Steve Jones, Bron Heulog, Rhostrehwfa, Llangefni, Ynys Mon, LL77 7AJ Wales U.K HL0Y/4 AS-060 Buro or Yarra-Yonsei University, 134 Shinchon-Dong, Seodaemun, Seoul 120-749, South Korea HL0Z/4 AS-093 DS4CNB D.R.Lee, Kwangsan POB 111, Kwangju 506-050,S.Corea HP1XBI/4 NA-088 F6AJA direct or bureau. IB0/IZ7ATN EU-045 IZ7ATN direct or bureau IB0ONU EU-045 I0YKN Nuccio Meoli, P.O.Box 1,04010 CORI (LT), ITALIA IC8WIC EU-031 Gian Luca Salvia, Via lo Palazzo 26, Capri 80073, Italia ID9/IK2DUW EU-017 IK2DUW ID9/IK8PGM EU-017 IK8PGM IK2XYG EU-130 IK2XYG IK/OE8XJK/P EU-130 OE8XJK bureau or direct IL3/IK2PZG EU-131 IK2PZG IJ7/IK7EZP EU-091 IK7ZCP bureau or direct:Nico Ciannamea, c/o Mail Boxes, Via Terlizzi 10/A, 70056 Molfetta - BA, ITALIA IJ7/IK7XIV EU-073 IK7XIV bureau or direct:Roberto Paisio, Via Seneca 23, 73020 Cavallino-LE, Italy IL3/OE8XJK EU-130 OE8XJK IL3VIA EU-131 IK3VIA IM0/IS0VBH EU-165 IS0VBH IT9GSF EU-025 bureau J3/G0TYX NA-024 G0TYX J48ISL EU-049 SV2AEL J48LSV EU-049 SV8DTD bureau or direct: PO Box 46, Mytilene, GR-81100, Grecia.. isl Lesvos - Grecia J48W EU-052 SV1CIB bureau JA1EY/P AS-008 JA1EY JI4SEU AS-041 Hiroshi Kusaka, 124 Tsudo, Tsuma-mura, Oki, Japan JG6URG/6 AS-077 Teturo Urakawa, 10768-1 Ono, Yamauchi, Saga 849-23, Japan JW2PA EU-026 LA2PA JX6RHA EU-022 LA6RHA K1VSJ/p NA-046 K1VSJ Howard M Bromberg, 21 Wingate Rd, Province, RI-02906, USA KF8TM/4 NA-085 KF8TM bureau or direct: DAVID T HUTCHINS, 4401 GIBBS RD, NORWALK OH-44857, USA KH2/JA1HGY JA1HGY Nao Mashita, 8-2-4 Akasaka, Minato, Tokyo 107, Japan KL7/W6IXP NA-157 W6IXP Buro or Direct: P.O. Box 370535, Montara, CA 94037, USA KL7AK NA-041 N6IV KP2/N2OO NA-106 N2OO ROBERT W SCHENCK, POB 345 ,TUCKERTON NJ 08087, USA KP3L NA-099 Luis R Rosario Padro, Terr Guaynabo Aleli N 30, Guaynabo PR-00969, USA KP4/AA5DX NA-099 N2AU LA/DK4UN/P EU-079 DK4UN Ronny Triemer, Inselstr 14, D-09113 Chemnitz, Germany LA/F8UFT EU-044 F5YJ LA4GHA EU-056 Bureau or Direct: Roger Bjorgvik, Straudavn 3, N-6420 Aukuan, Norway. M7A EU-011 G4ZFE M7F EU-005 G3PMR M7G EU-005 G1AHM M7N EU-120 G3WOI M7S M0AGQ M7T EU-005 G3XTT MD/PA3GIO/P EU-116 PA3GIO MJ0AWR EU-013 K2WR MW7Z EU-124 Bureau N3OC/P NA-139 N3OC (ex WA3WJD) bureau or direct. N5KM NA-143 Bureau NL7P NA-158 WB4BSJ OH0MDR/1 EU-096 OH1MDR OH0MYF/6 EU-101 OH6YF OH0TA EU-002 OH2TA OH2JA/P EU-097 bureau or Pasi Luoma-aho, Vallikuja 10 A 8, 02600 Espoo, Finland OH6YF EU-101 OH6YF /EX S DX@WW $425WW326G 425 DX News #326 [7/7] 2 August 1997 No 326 BID: $425WW326G =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== POST IOTA CONTEST [2/2] =========================== OY6A EU-018 DL1MGB OZ/DL2HEB/p EU-088 DL2HEB Bureau OZ5MJ EU-029 Jens Palle Moreau Jorgensen, Jaegerbakken 13, DK-5260 Odense, Denmark PA2JJB/p EU-038 PA2JJB bureau or direct PA3EVJ EU-146 VE3MR PY0FF SA-003 W9VA bureau or direct: William B Smith , 1345 Linden Ave, Deerfield , IL-60015, USA R1FJL EU-019 JA3AFR RA0FA AS-018 WK6C (ex AB6KE) Carmine M Fiorello, 33792 Granada DR, Dana Point, CA-92629, USA RI0TA AS-095 RA3DEJ Dmitriy, P.O. Box 2, Zarya, 143992, Russia. RK1B/1 EU-162 RV1AC Alexander V. Pashenko, POB 104, St.Petersburg 241, 192241 RUSIA RZ0LWA AS-066 UA0MF S79MAD AF-024 GW4WVO SM/DK5RK EU-037 DK5RK SK7DX EU-138 SM7PKK SV1BRL/8 EU-052 SV1BRL SV1CID/P EU-158 SV1CID bureau or direct: Kostas Bakolitsas, 3 Parodos Kolokotronh 11, Agrinio 30100, Greece SV5/HA0HW/p EU-001 HA0HW TA/IK3GES/P AS-098 IK3GES from (Kara), AS-115 (Kekova) and AS-099 TA2DS/0 AS-099 WA3HUP TF/KZ1L EU-021 KZ1L TM0K F5BSB TM0M EU-058 ON5FP TM1OOL F6KWP TM5FAR F5PVX bureau or direct TU2XZ ---- W3HC (ex W3HCW) only direct UA0NL/0 AS-066 UA0NL UA0SJ ---- UW0ST CBA V73GT OC-028 WF5T bureau or direct: Paul I Rubinfeld, P.O.Box 4909, Santa Fe , NM-87502, USA VE1JS NA-127 VE1JS VE7/N6VV NA-051 N6VV Lew Jenkins II, 819 Slater Ave, Pleasant Hill, CA-94523, USA VP5JM NA-002 W3HNK Joseph L Arcure Jr, P.O.Box 73, Edgemont, PA-19028, USA VP8CTR AN-006 DL5EBE WI7N NA-065 WI7N WL7MA/p NA-042 WL7MA cba WB8YJF NA-067 WB8YJF WH2Q JI1DLZ XE1L NA-034 WA3HUP Mary Ann Crider, 2485 Lewisberry rd.,York Haven,PA-17370, USA XJ9GM NA-014 VE2CWI : The West Island Amateur Radio Club Inc., P.O. Box 884, Pointe Claire/Dorval, Quebec, H9R 4Z6 Canada. YB1XUR OC-021 YC1XUR CBA or EA5KB bureau YB2UDH OC-021 Tatang,P:O:Box 277, Magelang 56101, Indonesia YB5QZ OC-143 bureau or direct: Anton Iriawan, P.O.Box 1035, Pekanbaru 28010, Indonesia YB5NOF/8 OC-146 YB5NOF John E.Daluas, P.O.Box 1205, Palu 94001, Indonesia YC5XIP OC-106 YC5XIP YC8BJK OC-147 YC8BJK YC8TXW OC-210 YB5NOF or Ronny, P.O.Box 166, Tahuna, Kepulauan Sangir, Indonesia YC8TZR OC-209 YB5NOF or Jusuf Maringka, P.O.Box 205, Lirung, Kepulauan Talaud, Indonesia YC9NBR OC-148 Irianus, P.O.Box 1021, Kupang 85000, NTT, Indonesia YU9A EU-163 YU1FW ZA0SI EU-169 HB9RG (HA1AG informs that HB9RG it is not the manager. It is possible that it will be PIRATE.) ZK1AAT OC-013 KQ2I John A Tyson, P.O.Box 165, Pottersville, NJ-07979, USA /EX