DX425 bulletin issue nr. 325

S DX@WW $425WW325A
425 DX News #325 [1/8]
26 July 1997                       No 325                  BID: $425WW325A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List                             !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !
               >>>>   3.700, 3.705, 3.710, 3.715, 3.720 MHZ   <<<<
                                    THANK YOU

3D2_fij - The Daily DX reports that Ron Wright, ZL1AMO will be active (also on
         160 metres) as  3D2RW from Fiji  between 13 and  20 August. QSL  via
5H     - Fabio, I4UFH will be active as  5H1FS from Zanzibar Island  (AF-032)
         from 27 July to 9 Agust. Operations  will take place from 10 to  160
         metres, SSB and RTTY, with special  attention for Japan and US  West
         Coast. Fabio will do his best  to become active during the last  two
         hours of the IOTA Contest. QSL to I4UFH either direct or through the
7O     - The DX  News  Sheet reports  that  Zoli, HA5PP  had  his  June  work
         assignment cancelled [425DXN 315].
7Q     - Eli Camin, IN3VZE (ex 9J2CE) reported to 425 DX News that he will be
         active as 7Q7CE (20, 15 and 10 metres SSB) from Malawi between 2 and
         25 August. QSL  via home call  (Eli Camin, Corso  3 Novembre  136/2,
         38100 Trento - TN, Italy).
9A     - DL8YTM is  active from  EU-136 and  should  participate  in the IOTA
9K     - Special event station 9K6POW will be  active on 2  and 3 August  for
         Kuwaiti Prisoners Of War still held  in Iraq. QSL via 9K2RA  (Kuwait
         Amateur Radio  Society,  P.O.Box 5240,  Safat,  13053  Kuwait).  For
         further  information   please  contact   KARS  at   e-mail   address
9M2    - Ray, G3NOM/9M2OM  will  be active  as  9M2OM/P from  Pangkor  Island
         (AS-072) during the IOTA Contest. He will be using one of the FT-900
         IOTA rigs donated by Etienne,  HB9DX to the  IOTA Committee and  now
         based permanently in Kuala Lumpur. QSL via G0CMM.
9M6    - Bob Schenck, N2OO reports that the  permanent call for the  Hillview
         Gardens station after the grand opening celebration is over  [425DXN
         323] will be 9M6AAC. "I  had previously thought  it would be  9M6A",
         Bos states, "but that was not  available". The special call for  the
         grand opening will be 9M6HIL (5-24  August). QSL for both the  calls
         via N2OO.  Further information on the resort  is  available  at  the
         Hillview Gardens web page (http://www.idis.com/alfons/hill.html). 
9M_spr - Don  Field,   G3XTT  announces   that  a   multinational  group   of
         DXpeditioners, primarily members of the United Kingdom's Chiltern DX
         Club and  the UK  DX Foundation,  will  operate from  Layang  Layang
         Island (aka Swallow Reef) in the Spratlys (AS-051) in February 1998.
         The team is expected to include  G3NUG, G3OZF, G3WGV, G3XTT,  G4JVG,
         G0OPB, K5VT, VK2BEX, G3NOM/9M2OM and 9M6SU.   It is planned to  keep
         four stations on the air round the clock, to maximize band openings. 
         All HF bands will be activated, on  SSB, CW and RTTY, and the  group
         will also have equipment  for 6 meters.   The team  will use a  wide
         selection of monoband and multiband antennas. The callsign 9M0C  has
         been  provisionally   allocated.  A   Web  page   is  available   at
         <http://members.aol.com/spratly98> with up-to-the-minute  expedition
         news. Sponsorship is being sought, and donations can be made to K5VT
         (USA), VK2BEX (Japan/Oceania) and G3WGV (elsewhere).  If you wish to
         be e-mailed directly with information as it becomes available,  send
         a message to the expedition's publicity  officer Don Field G3XTT  at
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26 July 1997                       No 325                  BID: $425WW325B
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A4     - A45XL is active from Masirah Island (AS-014). QSL via G4VUO.
AP     - Sergio  (ex  VU3CUR)  reports  to  be   in  Pakistan  for   business
         commitments for a couple of years. While awaiting his personal  call
         (QSL will be via IK4ZGY), he now operates from club station AP50WAP.
         Pakistani amateurs are allowed to use the special prefix AP50  until
         30  September  to  celebrate  the   50th  anniversary  of   Pakistan
CO     - Victor, CO8HF and Leo,  CO3ZD will participate  in the IOTA  Contest
         from Cuba (NA-015). QSL via CT1ESO.
CO     - Crescencio, CO4BM  will  participate in  the  IOTA Contest  from  La
         Juventud Island (NA-056). QSL via CT1ESO.
CX     - Claudio, LU7DW reported to 425 DX News that he will try to be active
         during the IOTA Contest from Timoteo  Dominguez island (NO-REF).  He
         has a landing permit for a 24-hour staying on the island, but if the
         weather is bad he will operate  from Martin Garcia (SA-055)  instead
         (see LU below).
CY9    - Lou, VA3RU reports that due to a "change in regulations" the call to
         be used from St. Paul Island (12-22 September) will be CY9DX and not
         CY9R [425DXN 323]. Operators will be VA3RU, VA3EU and HA5JI. QSL via
DL     - The station DL0SOP will be active from Koos Island (DIA O-010) on 27
         July. This island does not count for IOTA.
DU     - Hans, PA3GKI will  be travelling  around the  Philippines between  8
         August and 18 October. He will  try to be active  from as many  IOTA
         groups as possible. He will operate  as 4F2DX from 10 to 80  metres,
         CW and SSB. QSL direct to DDXG  (Dutch DX Group, P.O. BOX 232,  7670
         AE, Vriezenveen, Netherlands).
EA     - Sancti Petri Island (EU-143) will be aired as ED7SPI during the IOTA
         Contest. QSL via EA7PY.
EA     - The Batea Radio DX Group  plans to participate  in the IOTA  Contest
         from Salvora Island (EU-077). QSL via EA1MC.
EA     - EA5AL, EA5WI  and  EA5BD  will be  active  as  EA5FMC/P  from  Tales
         (CVC-093)  and  Sueras  (CVC-092)  Castles  on   3  and  10   August
         respectively. QSL via EA5AR.
EA     - Juan, EA1BD and Javier, EA1EB will be /P from Mouro Island  (EU-142)
         from 14 to 17 August.  Operations will take  place on 10-80  metres,
         mostly SSB. QSL via bureau to the operators' callsigns; direct cards
         should be addressed to EA1BD (Box 249, 39080 Santander, Spain).
EI     - The Mid-Ulster ARC and the Armagh & District ARC will be active  (on
         20 metres during the day and on 80 in the evening) as EJ/GI3VFW from
         Tory Island (EU-121) on 23 and 24 August.
F      - The station TM4B will be active  from Brehat Island (EU-074) from  2
         to 7 August. QSL via F1MUT either direct or through the bureau.
F      - Marc, F6HQP is plannin gto be active from some IOTA and DIFM  island
         in Bretagne bewteen 1 and 15 August.
F      - A group of  French operators will  be active as  TM0ISL from  Sainte
         Marguerite Island (IOTA EU-058) on 23 and 24 August. QSL via F5IIU.
FH     - The Daily  DX reports  that Volkmar,  DF2SS is  not  sure to  go  to
         Reunion [425DXN 323], due to flight schedules. At all events he will
         be on Mayotte from 27 July to 13 August. He plans to be very  active
         on 160 metres.
FK     - Eric, FK8GM will participate  in the IOTA  Contest from Noumea,  New
         Caledonia (OC-032).
FO     - The OPDX Bulletin reports  that N6VO/FO5VO, N6RT/FO0RT,  W6RW/FO0RW,
         KA7CQQ/FO0CQ and W6KK/FO0KK will be active from Bora Bora  (OC-067),
         French Polynesia  in late  October. QSL  via home  calls. They  will
         participate in the CQ  WW SSB Contest  (Multi-Single) as FO8DX  (QSL
         via W6DA).
G      - Alan, G3PMR will participate  in the IOTA  Contest as M7F  (EU-005).
         QSL via home call.
G      - Rich, G4ZFE  will be  active as  G4ZFE/P from  the Isles  of  Scilly
         (EU-011) until 29 July. He will  participate in the IOTA Contest  as
GM     - Sid, GM4SID will  be active as  GM4SID/P from GM0DJI's  QTH on  Yell
         Island (EU-012)  until  29 July.  He  will participate  in  the IOTA
         Contest. QSL via home call.
GM     - The Ayr Amateur Radio Group will be active (20, 40 and 80 metres) as
         GS0AYR/P from IOTA group EU-123 starting on 2 August.
GU     - G3KHZ, G3SJJ, G4DRS and G4JQL will  participate in the IOTA  Contest
         as GU7D (10-80 metres, CW and SSB) from the Island of Sark, Guernsey
         (EU-114). QSL via G3SJJ.
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I      - IZ7ATN, IW0FT and IW0FTB are expected to be IB0/ from the  following
         islands in the Ponziano Archipelago (EU-045) between 24 and 29 July:
         Ponza  (IIA  LT-001),  Zannone  (LT-012),  Scoglio  Rosso  (LT-015),
         Scoglio Evangelista  (LT-019),  Faraglioni della  Madonna  (LT-021),
         Scoglio Monaco (LT-024). They will participate  in the IOTA  Contest
         from Zannone Island as IB0/IZ7ATN. QSL via home calls, either direct
         or through the bureau.
I      - IB0ONU's operation  [425DXN  323] will  take  place (20,  40  and  2
         metres) from the  islands of Palmarola  (EU-045, IIA  LT-008) on  26
         July and of Gavi (EU-045, IIA LT-002) on 27 July. QSL via I0YKN,
I      - Oreste (IK3VIA), Paolo (IK3QAR) and Luigino (IK3SSJ) will be  active
         during the  IOTA Contest  as IL3VIA  from Lido  Island (EU-131,  IIA
         VE-032). QSL via IK3VIA.
I      - The call used by the Salento  DX Team during  the IOTA Contest  from
         EU-091 [425DXN 311] will be IJ7/IK7EZP.
I      - Giuseppe, IK8GCP and others will be active from Scoglio San  Martino
         (IIA NA-014) on either 26-27 July or 2-3 August.
I      - OE8XJK plans to participate in the  IOTA Contest as IL3/OE8XJK  from
         the island of Grado (EU-130, IIA GO-001). QSL via home call.
I      - Apulia Team member Marcello, IK7HIN and operators from ARI  Molfetta
         will be  active  from Isolotto  dell'Eremita  (IIA  BA-003)  on  2-3
         August. QSL via bureau or direct to IK7ZCP (Nico Ciannamea, c/o Mail
         Boxes, Via Terlizzi 10/A, 70056 Molfetta - BA).
I      - Salento DX Team operators  might be also  active from the  following
         IIA islands during the weekend:  Chianca D'Abramo (LE-017),  Mogghia
         (LE-015), Gabbiani (LE-014),  Penna (LE-022),  Occhio Uno  (LE-020),
         Occhio Due (LE-021). 
I      - Salento DX  Team operators  plan to  be  active from  the  following
         islands between 1  and 3 August:  Sant'Andrea (EU-091, IIA  LE-001),
         Uccolette (IIA LE-027), Piccioni (IIA LE-028).
I      - IK0ZAR, IK0QDB, IK0UFE, IW0EWD and IW0FNX will be IB0/ from some IIA
         islands near Palmarola. Ponziano Archipelago (EU-045)  on 26 and  27
         July. QSL via home calls.
I      - Patrizia (IK3BPN),  Alessandro (IZ3ALE)  and possibly  Vito  (I3BQC)
         will be active  from Motta San  Lorenzo (IIA VE-055)  and Motta  dei
         Cunicci (IIA VE-056) on 26 and 27 July.
I      - IK0CNA, IK0LZR and IK0XCC will be active as IB0/IK0CNA from  Scoglio
         dei Saraceni (IIA RM-002) on 3 August. QSL via bureau to IK0CNA.
I      - IK2DUW and IK8PGM  will be  ID9/ until  31 July  from Eolie  Islands
         (EU-017). They will participate in the IOTA Contest.
I      - Aretusa DX Team members  IT9HLR, IT9AXZ, IT9YRE  and IT9WDY will  be
         /IJ9 (SSB and CW) from Scoglio  Galera (EU-025, IIA SR-013)  [425DXN
         321] on either 2-3 August or 9-10 August. QSL via home call.
I      - IK2DUW, IK2OFW, IW8QP  and IW8QOT plan  to be active  from some  IIA
         islands (Calabria region) in the first week of August.
I      - IJ7/IK7JWY, IJ7/IK7YZE, IJ7/IK7YTQ, IJ7/IK4VWT, and IJ7/IK7ETE  will
         be active from Scoglio del Campo  (IIA LE-005) sometimes between  13
         and 26 August. QSL via home  call or direct  to IK7ETE (Bruno  Meli,
         P.O.Box 1, 73058 Tuglie-LE, Italy).
I      - IK2PZG, IK6JOT and  IK6MWK will be  IL7/ from a  few IIA islands  in
         Foggia (FG) province in mid-August.
IS0    - IM0/IS0VBH will  be active  from Isola  dell'Ogliastra (EU-165,  IIA
         NU-001) on  27  July.  QSL  via  IS0VBH  either  direct  (Gioacchino
         Baffone, Via Donizetti 9, 08040 Lotzorai - NU, Italy).
JA     - Yuki, JI6KVR  will  be  active  from  Amakusa  Archipelago  (AS-012)
         between 15 and 17 August. QSL via EA5KB (QSL manager for JA stations
         only is JJ6LXX).
JA     - Yuki, JI6KVR reports that  JH3DYG/1 will be  active from Niijima  Is
         (AS-008) on 6 and 7 September. QSL via JH3DYG.
J3     - IV3TMV (requested call J38AI), IV3NVN (requested call J38AH) and  YL
         operator IV3ZJR  (call  still unknown)  will  be active  (on  10-160
         metres, special attention to WARC bands)  from Grenada from 6 to  22
         August. QSL for all via IV3TMV.
JD1_og - Toshi, JA1ELY reported to 425 DX News that members of the  Mitubishi
         Electric Tokyo Ham Club will be active (from 40 to 6 metres, SSB and
         CW) as JM1YGG/JD1 from Ogasawara Archipelago (AS-031) between 14 and
         16 August.  QSL via  bureau to  JM1YGG or  direct to  7N3GNX  (Tatuo
         Torii, 34-10 Sakuragaoka 3, Tama, 206 Japan).
JW     - Tom, SP5UAF  reports that  JW0M (operator  Jack) is  located at  the
         Polish Academy of  Science on JW  land. QSL direct  to P.O. Box  35,
         80-325 Gdansk 37, Poland.
KH2    - The Daily DX reports that Ray,  WH6ASW will be active as  WH6ASW/KH2
         from Guam (OC-026) as WH6ASW/KH2 starting  in mid-late August  until
KH3    - Al, KK5ZX will be on Johnston Atoll (OC-023) around 20 August.  This
         is not a DXpedition, but he hopes  to be active (mostly on CW)  from
         the local club station during his spare time.
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KH6    - Dewitt Jones, W4BAA and Bill Jackson, AA7AV reported to 425 DX  News
         that Chuck Brady,  N4BQW will be  active (10-80  metres, WARC  bands
         included, on  SSB, CW  and possibly  RTT) from  Tern Island,  French
         Frigate Shoals (OC-055) from 27 August  to 5 September. Chuck  "will
         have the time, power and equipment  to work the deserving" and  will
         concentrate on Europe.  QSL via  WA4FFB (Mark  McIntyre, 2903  Maple
         Ave, Burlington, NC 27215, USA).
KH0    - Masa, JH6VLF and Seiji, JH6RTO will  be active (also on WARC  bands)
         respectively  as  KH0/JH6VLF  and  AH0R  from  Northern  Mariana  Is
         (OC-086) between 12 and 16 September. QSL via home call (please note
         that JH6RTO's new address is: S. Fukushima, 1182-1 Hase, Atsugi 243,
KL7    - Tom's activity from Kayak Island (NA-157) as KL7/W6IXP [425DXN  324]
         will include participation in the IOTA Contest. QSL via W6IXP either
         direct (P.O. Box 370535, Montara, CA 94037, USA) or via the bureau.
LU     - Claudio, LU7DW reported to 425 DX News that YL operator LW8EXF  will
         be  active  during  the  IOTA  Contest  from  Martin  Garcia  Island
         (SA-055). If  bad weather  does not  allow Claudio  to operate  from
         Timoteo Dominguez Island (see CX above), he too will be active  from
OH     - Harry, OH6YF will participate (CW  and SSB) in  the IOTA Contest  as
         OH0MYF/6 from Raippaluoto Island (EU-101). QSL via OH6YF.
OH     - Members of the Paksalo contest group OH2HE (Juha, OH1JT/OH7JT; Pasi,
         OH2IW/OH6UM; Mika, OH2JA and Tumppi OH8KXK) will participate in  the
         IOTA Contest as OH2JA/P from Emsalo  Island (EU-097). Contacts  will
         be all  confirmed automatically  through  the bureau.  Directs  QSLs
         should be sent  to OH2IW/OH6UM (Pasi  Luoma-aho, Vallikuja  10 A  8,
         02600 Espoo, Finland).
OH     - Rolf, OH6KXL reported  to 425 DX  News that a  group of Finnish  and
         German amateurs will be active (SSB  and CW) as OH8TA from  Hailuoto
         Island (EU-126) between 15 and 17 August. QSL via bureau.
OH0    - The OPDX  Bulletin  reports that  SM0AJV,  SM0EEH,  SM0GNS,  SM0HJZ,
         SM0HPL, SM0IEA and SM0IHR will be  OH0/ from Aland Islands  (EU-002)
         from  14  to  17  August.  Further   information  is  available   at
OX     - Rudy, PA3GQW will  be active  (on 20  and 6  metres) from  Greenland
         (NA-018) between 26 August and 2 September.
PA     - Jan, PA2JJB will participate in the IOTA Contest (12 hours, possibly
         24) from Texel Island (EU-038). QSL  via home call either direct  or
         through the bureau.
SM     - Ray, DK5RK will be active from Oland Island (EU-037) from 26 July to
         1 August. He  will participate  in the  IOTA Contest.  QSL via  home
SV5    - Laci, HA0HW will be active (mostly on CW) as SV5/HA0HW/p from Rhodes
         (EU-001) until  5  August.  He plans  to  participate  in  the  IOTA
         Contest. QSL via HA0HW.
TF     - The OPDX reports that Scott, AE4FY will be stationed for 2 years and
         a half in Iceland, from where he  will be active (SSB, CW and  RTTY)
         as TF/AE4FY in a couple of months. QSL via K4GZ.
TK     - IK0HWI will be TK/ from 17 to 31 August. He is planning to be active
         from some Corsican IOTA group.
TK     - F5UKW will be TK/ from Corsica (EU-014) between 12 and 31 August. He
         will try  to operate  from the  islands  of Cavallo  and/or  Lavezzi
UA1    - RK1B/1 is active from  EU-162  and  should  participate  in the IOTA
         Contest. QSL via RV1AC.  
UA0    - Alex (RW0LBK),  John (RW0MM),  Vlado  (UA0LCZ), Serge  (UA0LEC),  YL
         Meela (UA0LHT) and Mike (UA0MF) will be active as UE0LMF from Popova
         Island (AS-066) until 29 July. Operations  will take place on  10-80
         metres, CW and SSB. They will  participate in the IOTA Contest  with
         the call RZ0LWA. QSL for both calls via UA0MF.
V5     - Charlie, W0YG reported  to 425 DX  News that he  plans to be  active
         again on  CW only  from Namibia  as V5/ZS6YG  during the  months  of
         August and  September. He  will concentrate  on 17,  15, 12  and  10
         metres. QSL  direct  to Charlie  Summers,  6746 North  Yucca  Trail,
         Parker, CO 80138-6110, USA.
VE     - To celebrate 100  years of Orthodoxy  in Canada and  the first  ever
         visit of the church leaders  to Canada, CH6RCH  will be active  from
         the QTH of  VE6JY on 26  and 27 July.  Special QSL available  direct
         from VE6BEX (Tom Evans, RR # 1, Andrew, Alberta T0B 0C0, Canada)  or
         regular QSL card via the bureau.
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VK     - Yuki, JI6KVR reports that JARA members VK2IAZ, VK2IY, VK2BEX, VK2TJH
         will be active as VK2IOM from Montague Island (New South Wales State
         South group, OC-???) on 13 and 14 September.
VK9_lh - IOTA Contest operation from Lord Howe  [425DXN 323] will take  place
         with the call VK9LL. QSL via JH4RHF.
W      - Howie, K1VSJ  will participate  in the  IOTA Contest  from  Martha's
         Vineyard (NA_046). QSL via home  call.
YI     - Laci, HA0HW reports that Sanyi, HA7VK/YI9VK has been finally granted
         permission to operate his own rig from the Hungarian Embassy [425DXN
         323]. He can operate on 7,  14, 18, 21, 24 and 28  MHz (CW, SSB  and
         RTTY) and will be active  until 29 July.  His son Gabi,  HA7SK/YI9SK
         can operate from the Central Radio Club only. QSL via HA0HW for both
YU     - YU1FW is  active  from  Sveti  Nikola  Island  (EU-163)  and  should
         participate in the IOTA Contest.
YV     - Luis Romagni, YV5ENI will  participate in the  IOTA Contest as  4M5I
         from Piritu Island (SA-048).
Z2     - Cedrick Johnson,  N9YXA  confirms  his  forthcoming  operation  from
         Zimbabwe to take place from 3 to 21 August as Z2/N9YXA [425DXN 323].
         Cedrick's will be an Health and Safety operation and he may need  to
         work exclusively W9's  in Northern Illinois  who are connected  with
         the National  Traffic  System  during  times.  Further  informationa
         available at <http://www.netcom.com/~n9yxa/zimbab/>.
ZK1_sc - The OPDX Bulletin reports that Tony, KQ2I *might* operate as  ZK1AAT
         from Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands between 25 and 31  July.
         Tony *will* be active (30 and 40 metres CW) from Aitutaki  (OC-083),
         South Cook Islands  from 1 to  11 August.  Please give  him *real*  
         signal reports. QSL via home call.

*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

EP2MKO ---> The  OPDX Bulletin reports  that Bill Moore  at DXCC stated  that
this station is "OK" for DXCC. QSL via UA6HCW.

JA2EZD ---> Hiroo, JA2EZD reported to  The Daily DX that  he is currently  in
Japan and will return to south east Asia (XW,  XV, XU & others) on 2  August.
He is planning to  be active from  another new IOTA  island in Vietnam  later
this year. Hiroo reminds that QSLs for  all his operations go via XW2A  (P.O.
Box, 2659, Vientiane,  Laos): do not  send US dollars,  which are illegal  in
Laos, but IRCs.

QSL BD7JA/7 ---> Fulvio, I1WFF reports that Yang is very sorry for the delay.
The new AS-094 cards have been ordered, but he is still waiting them from the

QSL ET3PG ---> The Daily DX reports that "anyone who worked ET3PG in the late
70's or early 80's who still needs a  QSL should try via Tensai, ET3BT",  who
still has logs & cards (Capt. Tensai, P.O. Box 6128, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia).

QSL FT5ZG ---> It has been  reported that F5RQQ is  still awaiting the  cards
from the printer. Be patient!

QSL TI9JJP ---> Cards for Jose's recent activity from Coco's Island  (NA-012)
should go via home call, TI2JJP.

QSL VK0IR ---> It has been reported that John, W4FRU, after slowing down  the
process a bit due to some health  problems, is back in action.
S DX@WW $425WW325G
425 DX News #325 [6/8]
26 July 1997                       No 325                  BID: $425WW325G
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

QTH RENTAL SITE ---> Are you  planning a DXpedition  or a Contest  operation?
Sean  Kutzko,  KX9X  (e-mail  kx9x@juno.com)  reports  that  his  QTH  Rental
Information     site     is     now     up     and     running     at     URL
<http://hobbes.ncsa.uiuc.edu/sean/qthlist.html>: "it is crude at this point",
Sean says, "but I will continue  to upgrade the quality of  the page as  time

SM7PKK'S ADDRESS ---> Please note that Mat's (SM7PKK/5X1Z) correct address is
the following (CBA is *wrong*):  Mats Persson, Zenithgatan  24 #5, SE-212  14
Malmo, Sweden.

VATICAN CITY ---> Luciano, I0JBL informed  425 DX News  that "HV3SJ has  left
the Jesuit Curia  Generalizia and does  not exist any  more. HV1CN and  HV2VO
closed down some  time ago and  therefore HV4NAC, from  the Pontifical  North
American College, seems to be the  last and only station active from  Vatican

VK5ISL ---> Gianni, I1HYW reports that the direct requests he has got so  far
for VK5ISL (OC-220) have all been answered.

QSL received  via direct:  4K2MAL, 9Q5MRC,  BV6DF, BV8BC,  BY1QH,  CT3/DJ0MW,
E31FAO, EM1HO (AN-006),  FT5WE, HB0/PI4TUE, HV4NAC,  IA5/IK5VLS (EU-028,  IIA
GR-001), IB0/I0YKN  (EU-045; IIA  LT-010),  ID9/I2IAU (EU-017,  IIA  ME-001),
IL3JWR (EU-130,  IIA  GO-025, 027),  IL3/IK2HTW  (EU-131, IIA  VE-029,  048),
IL3/IK3ZAW (EU-131,  IIA VE-038),  N4BQW/KH4,  KH0N, KH2D,  P29VXX  (OC-117),
SV8/F2VX, YC8YZ/p (OC-222), ZB2X, ZS8IR.

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

IZ0BGS, Brescia DX Group, Crazy DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club,  Roman
DX Group,  Salento  DX Team,  9K2DB,  9M2OM,  AA7AV,CT1EEB,  CT1ENQ,  DL4VBP,
59(9) DX Report, The Daily DX, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY Notes.

!       425 WWW Page --->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html      !
!                     INTERNET via  anonymous FTP at site:                  !
!  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  -  under the  /pub/ham/425news/english/  directory !
!             To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL:             !
!               http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/nph-425dxnews             !
!     or sending a message to:               majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it    !
!     writing in the body of the message:    subscribe 425dxnews  address   !
!          where  address  is the e-mail address of the subscriber          !
!             for example:  subscribe 425dxnews i1jqj.amsat.org             !
!                 * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *                    !
!                     TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751                       !
!                     DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613                       !
!                      SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422                      !
!                     ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306                       !
!                     CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921                       !
!               HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677                       !
!                      WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183                       !
!                      JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332                      !
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
S DX@WW $425WW325G
425 DX News #325 [7/8]
26 July 1997                       No 325                  BID: $425WW325G
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                            IOTA CONTEST ACTIVITY

The following stations are expected to be active during the IOTA Contest:

IOTA REF        CALL                     QSL VIA        425DXN #

AF-018          IT9JOF/IH9                                 323
AF-024          S79MAD                   GW4WVO            323
AF-032          5H1FS                    I4UFH             325

AS-066          RZ0LWA                   UA0MF             325
AS-072          9M2OM/p                  G0CMM             325
AS-093          HL0Z/4                   DS4CNB            325
AS-095          RI0TA                    RA3DEJ            324
AS-099          TA0/IK3GES/p             IK3GES            317
AS-099          TA2DS (?)                                  324
AS-113          BO0M                     BV2KI             319

EU-001          SV5/HA0HW/p              HA0HW             325
EU-002          OH0TA                    OH2TA             323
EU-005          M7F                      G3PMR             325
EU-007          EJ2HY                    EI2HY             323
EU-007          EJIB                     EI2IB             323
EU-008          GM3IZD/p                 G3IZD             321
EU-008          GM5VG/p                  GM3UTQ            323
EU-011          M7A                                        325
EU-012          GM4SID/p                 GM4SID            325
EU-017          ID9/IK2DUW & ID9/IK8PGM                    325
EU-018          OY/DL1MGB/p or OY6A      DL1MGB            322
EU-023          9H0A                     LA2TO             321
EU-034          ES1QD/0                                    321
EU-037          SM/DK5RK                 DK5RK             325
EU-038          PA2JJB                                     325
EU-042          DL4FCH/p                                   319
EU-044          LA/F5YJ                                    311
EU-045          IB0ONU                   I0YKN             323
EU-045          IB0/IZ7ATN                                 325
EU-048          F5SNY                                      313
EU-049          J48LSV                                     321
EU-058          F/ON5FP                                    297
EU-058          F/ON6NN                  ON5FP             297
EU-064          F5PAC                                      311
EU-068          F/ON4BDS/p               ON4BDS            321
EU-073          IJ7/IK7XIV               IK7XIV            323
EU-077          ED1ISC                   EA1EPB            321
EU-077          ED1ISG                   EA1EPB            321
EU-077          ED1OCV                   EA1AAA            323
EU-077          Batea Radio DX Group     EA1MC             325
EU-084          SM0OIG/5                                   321 
EU-088          OZ/DL2HEB/p                                323
EU-089          CU8L                     CU3EJ             323
EU-091          IJ7/IK7EZP                                 325
EU-096          OH0MDR/1                 OH1MDR            323
EU-097          OH2JA/p                  OH2IW             325
EU-098          DL4OCL/p                 DL4OCL            321
EU-099          GB0ON                    ON4ON             293
EU-101          OH6YF                    OH6YF             325
EU-114          GU7D                     G3SJJ             325
EU-120          M7N                      G3WOI             323
EU-120          G3RTE                                      313
EU-123          GM3USL/p                 GM0KVI            315
EU-124          MW6Z                                       295
EU-124          GW7V                     GW0GEI            325
EU-127          DL8OBC/p                 DL8OBC            321
EU-128          DL6MHW/p                 DL6MHW            323
EU-129          DL0HRO/p                                   324
EU-130          IL3/IK2XYG                                 324
EU-130          IL3/OE8XJK               OE8XJK            325
EU-131          IL3/IK2PZG               IK2PZG            324
EU-131          IL3VIA                   IK3VIA            325
EU-136          9A/DL8YTM/p                                325
EU-137          SM4DDS/7                                   317
EU-138          SK7DX                    SK7DX             321
EU-143          ED7SPI                   EA7PY             325
EU-145          CQ1C                                       323
EU-146          PA3EVJ                   VE3MR             323
EU-146          PA/ON7PC/p                                 321
EU-146          PA3BDQ/p                                   313
EU-150          CQ2I                     CT1EEB            323
EU-158          SV1CID                   SV1CID            324
EU-162          RK1B/1                   RV1AC             325
EU-163          YU1FW                                      325
EU-165          IM0/IS0VBH               IS0VBH            325

NA-015          CO8HF                    CT1ESO            325
NA-015          CO3ZD                    CT1ESO            325
NA-034          W4/XE1L                                    323
NA-046          K1VSJ                                      325
NA-051          N6VV/VE7                 N6VV              323
NA-056          CO4BM                    CT1ESO            325
NA-065          N7FL                                       311
NA-067          WB8YJF                   WB8YJF            319
NA-085          KF8TM/4                  KF8TM             323
NA-088          HP1XBI/4                 F6AJA             324
NA-094          CY9SS                                      324
NA-106          KP2/N2OO                                   319
NA-127          VE1JS                    VE1JS             315
NA-128          VE2AFC/VE2                                 321
NA-139          N3OC                     N3OC              321
NA-157          KL7/W6IXP                                  325
NO-REF          XJ9GM                                      323

OC-004          VK9LL                    JH4RHF            325
OC-032          FK8GM                                      325

SA-048          4M5I                                       325
SA-055          LW8EXF                                     325
NO-REF          CX/LU7DW                                   325

Note: NO-REF  means  "to  be  considered by  the  IOTA  Committee when
more information is provided".
S DX@WW $425WW325H
425 DX News #325 [8/8]
26 July 1997                       No 325                  BID: $425WW325H
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  end July   9M8ZZ * by PA3FWG                                      323
till  28/07      9N1UD * by K4VUD                                       319
till  28/07      BY * by IV3FSG                                         319
till  06/08      CY9SS: St. Paul Isl. * by VY2 team                     323
till  10/08      HR6SWA: Swan Is. (NA-035)                              323
till  29/07      IB0: EU-045 * by IZ7ATN, IW0FT, IW0FTB                 325
till  15/08      IH9: Pantelleria Isl. (AF-014) * by IT9JOF             323
till  12/08      JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima                           323
till  05/08      SV5/HA0HW/p                                            325
till  15/08      VE2AFC/VE2: Coudres Isl. (NA-128)                      321
till  29/07      YI9VK * by HA7VK                                       325
26/07-27/07      CH6RCH: special event station                          325
26/07            IB0ONU: Palmarola Isl. (EU-045) (IIA LT-008)           325
26/07-27/07      IB0: EU-045 * by IK0ZAR, IK0QDB, IK0UFE, IW0FNX        325
26/07-27/08      IC8: Sc. San Martino (IIA NA-014) * by IK8GCP's team   325
26/07-27/07      IJ7: (IIA LE-14,15,17,20,21,22) * by Salento DX Team   325
26/07-27/07      IL3: (IIA VE-055, 056) * by IK3BPN & IZ3ALE            325
26/07-08/08      VK9NX: Norfolk Isl. (OC-005)                           323
26/07-30/07      XJ9GM: Whitehead Isl. * by VE2 team                    323
26/07-27/07      IOTA Contest                                           ***
27/07            IM0/IS0VBH: Isola dell'Ogliastra (EU-165) (IIA NU-001) 325
27/07-30/07      VE8B: Governor Isl. (NA-175) by VE3VGI & VA3AG, VE3TIG 323
27/07-09/08      5H1FS: Zanzibar Isl. (AF-032) * by I4UFH               325
27/07-31/07      9H0A * by G4BUO, G4JVG, G4ZVJ, 9H1EL                   321
27/07            DL0SOP: Koos Isl. (DIA O-010)                          325
27/07-13/08      FH * by DF2SS                                          325
27/07            I: Sc. dell'Ulivo (IIA RC-002) * by Calabria DX Team   323
27/07            IB0ONU: Gavi Isl. (EU-045) (IIA LT-002)                325
28/07-15/08      9A/DL1AUJ: Rab Isl. (EU-136)                           319
28/07-31/07      SV: Samothraki Isl. (EU-049) * by IK3RIY & IK3ZAW      324
28/07-29/07      T20JH * by VK2GJH                                      321
29/07            HL0Z/4: Wan-do (NO-REF) * by DS4CNB's team             325
29/07-02/08      LA/F5YJ: Senja Isl. (EU-046)                           311
31/07-04/08      CE0: Eater Isl. * by LA6VM & LA9DL                     323
31/07-02/08      GM/ON4BAM/m: Lewis Isl. (EU-010)                       309
31/07-02/08      VE7: Green Isl. (NA-118) * by N6VV & W7DR              323
July             YB: Leti Isl. (OC-???) * by YB8OX, YB8SYB, YC8VYY      319
July             YB: Lucipara Isl. (OC-???) * by YB8OX, YB8SYB, YC8VYY  319
July             YB: Taninbar Isl. (OC-???) * by YB8VM                  321
July             YJ: Emae Isl. (OC-111) * by YJ8AA                      320
01/08-16/08      C6AFP: Treasure Cay (NA-080) * by N4JQQ                321
01/08-15/08      F6HQP/p: DIFM                                          325
01/08-03/08      IJ7: (IIA LE-001, 027, 028) * by Salento DX Team       325
02/08-06/08      3D2JH: Suva (OC-016) * by VK2GJH                       321
02/08-25/08      7Q7CE * by IN3VZE                                      325
02/08-20/08      9H8CI: Comino Isl.                                     315
02/08-03/08      9K6POW: special event station                          325
02/08-04/08      GM/ON4BAM/m: Skye Isl. (EU-008)                        309
02/08-03/08      I: Isolotto dell'Eremita (BA-003) * by IK7HTN's team   325
02/08-08/08      II8S: special event station                            323
02/08-03/08      IJ9: SC. Galera (SR-013) * by Aretusa DX Team          325
02/08-03/08      IT9: Asinelli Isl. (EU-166) (IIA TP-016) * by IT9 team 323
02/08-07/08      TM4B: Brehat Isl. (EU-074)                             325
03/08-16/08      9A * by IK4MTF                                         323
03/08            IB0/IK0CNA: Scoglio dei Saraceni (RM-002)              325
03/08-21/08      Z2/N9YXA                                               325
05/08-24/08      9M6HIL: Keningau * by VS6KY & 9M6s                     323
05/08            LA/F5YJ: Vesteralen Isl. (EU-033)                      311
06/98-22/08      J3 * by IV3TMV, IV3NVN, IV3ZJR                         325
06/08            LA/F5YJ: Lofoten Isl. (EU-076)                         311
06/08-14/08      V73AR, V73MM, V73NH, V73YAQ * by JARL Kyoto Club       321
07/08-10/08      ED5HQ & EF5HQ: Columbrete Grande Isl. (EU-069)         321
07/08-11/08      PR5L: Campeche Isl. (SA-026) (DIB 41)                  323
08/08-18/08      4F2DX: IOTA * by PA3GKI                                325
08/08-14/08      FG/EA3CB: Guadeloupe Isl. (NA-102)                     323
08/08-11/08      PR5L: Campeche Isl. (SA-026; DIB 41)* by PP5LL         317
09/08-10/08      IM0: IIA * by IK2UJR & IK2XDV                          317
O9/08-10/08      N2OB Long Island Beach (NA-111)                        315
09/08-10/08      European HF CW Championship Contest                    ***
09/08-10/08      WAE DX CW Contest                                      ***
11/08-15/08      HB0 * by HB9QQ                                         321
12/08-31/08      TK/F5UKW                                               325
12/08-24/08      VP5/I4ALU                                              323
13/08-20/08      3D2RW: Fiji * by ZL1AMO                                325
14/08-24/08      JW6RHA & JW9THA * by LA6RHA & LA9THA                   319
14/08-18/08      9M: Spratly * by N2OO & N0RN                           323
early August     ID8: IIA * by I2DUW, IK2OFW, IW8QP                     325
11/10-12/10      Bologna: XIII HF DX Convention *  Guglielmo Marconi    ***