DX425 bulletin issue nr. 323

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425 DX News #323 [1/8]
 12 July 1997                      No 323                   BID: $425WW323A
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                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG
! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List                             !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

5A     - The Daily DX reports that OE1AOA, OE2GRP, OE2KTO, OE3ICS, OE3SGU and
         OE6DGG  will  be  active  from  Tripoli  between  31  August  and  7
         September. They will use the special call 5A28, which celebrates the
         28th anniversary of the Libyan Revolution. Suggested frequencies are
         as follows  (CW/SSB/RTTY):  1.848/1.838,  3.798/3.508,  7.048/7.008,
         10.108,  14.198/14.028/14.088, 18.148/18.078,  21.298/21.028/21.088,
         24.948/24.898, 28.498/28.028/28.088  MHz,  plus  6  metres  (50.098,
         50.128, 50.208 MHz) and 2 metres (144.028, 144.228 MHz).
         The team will participate in the  All Asian DX SSB  Contest  and  in
         the IARU Region I VHF Contest.  QSL via OE2GRP either direct  (Recep
         Gursoy, Moserkellergasse  16,  A-5202  Neumarkt  a.W.,  Austria)  or
         through  the   bureau.   Further   information   is   available   at
5A     - Andreas (DJ7IK), Dieter (DL3KDV), Felix (DL8OBC) and Thomas (DL1GGT)
         will operate  from  5A1A between  24-25  November  and  4  December,
         including  a   "serious"   entry  in   the   CQ  WWDX   CW   Contest
         (multi-single). Operations  will take  place on  all HF  bands,  160
         metres and WARC  included, on CW,  SSB and RTTY,  with two  stations
         active simultaneously. QSL  via DL3KDV either  direct (Dieter  Voss,
         Friedrichsthal 21,  D-51688  Wipperfuerth, Germany) or  through  the
         bureau.  Further information  is available  at <http://www.afthd.th-
         darmstadt.de/5a1a/> (where a log search facility will be established
         in due course). An e-mail reflector  will be created to allow  DXers
         to give input and receive updates.
5V     - Marc, F5PCU (ex TL8MB and 5T5NU) is expected to be active from  Togo
         at the end of July (see also TY and XT below).
5X     - Steve, DJ1US will leave for Uganda  within the end of July. He  will
         join Peter,  ON6TT/5X1T  and Mats,  SM7PKK/5X1Z  until  the  end  of
         November. Steve will be  active (callsign not  known at the  moment)
         mostly on CW in his spare time. QSL via DF2RG.
9A     - Pietro, IK4MTF will visit Croatia between 3 and 16 August. He  plans
         to be active for 3 or 4 days from Brac Island (EU-016).
9H     - G4BUO, G4JVG,  G4ZVJ and  9H1EL will  be active  as 9H3XY  (QSL  via
         G4ZVJ) during  their  operation  from  Malta  (EU-023,  25-31  July)
         [425DXN 321]. They will participate in the IOTA Contest as 9H0A (QSL
         via LA2TO).
9M_spr - Bob Schenck, N2OO  and Bob  Hamilton, N0RN  (ex K0IYF)  will take  a
         break from the  Grand Opening  Special Event  operation at  Hillview
         Gardens (see 9M6 below) to fly out to Layang-Layang Island,  Spratly
         Is (AS-051) between 14 and 18  August. They plan  to be active  with
         two stations on 30, 20, 17 and 15 metres CW and SSB. The license  is
         confirmed but the callsign is still being negotiated.
9M6    - The special event call 9M6HIL will be used during the activity  from
         the Hillview Gardens Resort in Keningau, Sabah, East Malaysia  (5-24
         August)  [425DXN   321].  Operators   will  be   N2OO/9M6OO,   N0RN,
         VS6KY/ZL1TX and a number of local  9M6s. The permanent callsign  for
         the resort  (which  includes  an hamshack)  will  be  9M6A  for  all
         subsequent operations. QSLs for both 9M6HIL and 9M6A are via N2OO.
9M8    - 9M8ZZ (operator Arie) is active from  9M8CC's QTH in Serian,  Borneo
         (OC-088) until the end of July [425DXN 319]. QSL via PA3FWG.
9U     - The Daily DX reports that Peter,  5X1T/ON6TT is leaving for  Burundi
         for work reasons. He hopes to be active from 9U5CW's QTH between  14
         and 17 July.
CE0_ea - Tom, LA4LN reports that Erling, LA6VM and Just, LA9DL will be active
         (40, 30, 20, 17, 15 and  10 metres, SSB and  CW) from Easter  Island
         (SA-001) between  31 July  and 4  August. Call  is unknown  as  they
         expect to get the licence opon arrival. Erling and Just will be also
         visiting Peru (11-26 July), Bolivia (26-29 July), Chile (29-31 July)
         and Brazil (5-7 August). QSL via their respective home calls, either
         direct (LA6VM:  Erling  Johan Wiig,  Jacob  Fayesvei 6,  0287  Oslo,
         Norway; LA4LN: Just  Nils Quigstad, Nygaards  Alle 8  A, 0871  Oslo,
         Norway) or through the bureau.
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425 DX News #323 [2/8]
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CT     - Jose, CT1EEB  reports that  operations  from Insua  Island  (EU-150)
         [425DXN 305] are confirmed to take place from 24 to 28 July. CT1AHU,
         CT1FMX, CT2FTZ and  ON5NT will participate  in the  IOTA Contest  as
         CQ2I. Outside the contest they will be active (24 hours a day)  with
         at least two stations and will  concentrate on those areas in  which
         EU-150 is a most wanted (North  America-West Coast, Asia,  Oceania).
         Special emphasis will be given to  CW. QSL via  CT1EEB (Jose de  Sa,
         P.O.Box 79, 3860 Estarreja, Portugal).  A  web  page will  be  ready
         after  15 July (http://www.rede-nonio.min-edu.pt/es/esestar/insua).
CT     - Members of the  Radioamador Clube de  Loule will be  active as  CQ1C
         from Culatra Island (EU-145) on 26-27 July.
CU     - Manfred, DK2OY and Wolf, DL3LAB are  currently CU2/ from the  Azores
         (EU-003) and will be on until 15  July. They are active also on  160
         metres. QSL via home call either direct (DK2OY's address is  Manfred
         Petersen, Hardtstr 83, D-40629 Duesseldorf, Germany) or through  the
CU     - Leonel, CU3EJ will  be active as  CU8L from  Flores Island  (EU-089)
         between 23 and 30 July. He will participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL
         via home call.
CY9    - The Daily  DX reports  that VY2SS,  VY2RO, VY2LI,  VY2KHZ/W3KHZ  and
         VY2CD will be active (special effort on RTTY, but CW and SSB on  all
         HF bands as well) from St.  Paul Island (NA-094)  as CY9SPI from  23
         July to 6 August. They will participate in the IOTA Contest.
CY9    - Lou, VA3RU reported to 425 DX News that he, VA3EU and HA5JI will  be
         active (mostly CW  on all bands)  from St. Paul  Island (NA-094)  as
         CY9R between 12 and 22 September. They will pay special attention to
         Asia. Further information can be found at <http://www.dipole.com>.
CY0   -  The OPDX bulletin reports that Jarek,  VA3NCD/SP8NCD will be  active
         (15, 20, 40 and 80 metres, mostly on CW) as CY0NCD from Sable Island
         (NA-063) between 15 and 17 August.
D2     - PA3DMH reports that Alex, D25L will be active during the weekend. He
         will also participate  in the IARU  HF World  Championship. QSL  via
         PA3DMH, who says that this might be the last chance to work D25L.
DL     - Michael, DL6MHW will  participate in the  IOTA Contest from  Fehmarn
         Island (EU-128). He will be active on SSB and every contact will  be
         confirmed automatically via  the bureau. Direct  requests should  be
         mailed to  Michael  Hoeding, Bruno-Taut-Ring  56,  39130  Magdeburg,
EA     - F6ELE and  F6HKA are  EA1/ from  Mouro  Island (EU-142)  during  the
EA     - EA5BD reported to 425 DX News that the station ED1OCV will be active
         from Coelleira Island (EU-077,  DIE N-001) between  25 and 27  July,
         IOTA  Contest  included.  QSL  via  EA1AAA  (Javier  Claro  Andrade,
         P.O.Box, 8, 27772 Valadouro (Lugo), Spain).
EI     - Anthony, EI2HY and  Mike, EI2IB will  be active as  EJ2HY and  EJ2IB
         from  Blasket  Is  (EU-007)  between  26  and  30  July.  They  will
         participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL via home calls.
ES     - ES7RE, ES7FU, ES7JW, ES7CE,  ES7ABD and IK6CAC  will be active  (SSB
         and CW) as ES0I from Ruhnu Island  (EU-034) from 14 to 19 July.  QSL
         via ES7RE (Italian amateurs can get their cards from IK6CAC).
FG     - Juanjo, EA3CB will be FG/ in August. From 8 to 14 he will be  active
         (10-40 metres, WARC  bands included, CW  and SSB,  maybe RTTY)  from
         Guadeloupe (NA-102)  and from  15 to  17 he  will operate  from  Les
         Saintes  (NA-114).  QSL  via  EA3CB  (QSOs  will  be  all  confirmed
         automatically through the bureau).
FH     - DF2SS will be active (10-160 metres, mostly SSB) as FH/DF2SS/p  from
         Mayotte (AF-027) between 28 July and 17 August (see FR below).
FR     - DF2SS will be active (10-160 metres, mostly SSB) as FR/DF2SS/p  from
         Reunion (AF-016) between 28 July and 17 August (see FH above).
G      - G0KPE, G0ORH, G3KLH, G3NVO, G3RUW, G3RVM and G3ZGC will  participate
         in the IOTA Contest as M7N from the Isle of Wight (EU-120). QSL  via
G      - Special event station GB0GP is active during the Grand Prix Silve
GM     - GM4FDM, GM3NIG, GM4YMA, GM0UKZ, GM3UTQ  and GM3COB will  participate
         in the IOTA Contest as GM5VG/P from Gigha Island (IOTA EU-008).  QSL
         via GM3UTQ.
HB     - Nick, HB9DDZ will participate in the IARU HF World Championship  (CW
         only) from the USKA HQ Station HB9A.  QSL via bureau.
HR     - Operator Nelson  is  active as  HR6SWA  from  Santanilla  (Swan)  Is
         (NA-035) until  the  end  of  July.  Nelson  cannot  work  on  split
         frequencies and has  been helped by  Elmo, EA5BYP to  work the  IOTA
I      - ID8/IK8PGM was active from Cirella Island (EU-144, IIA CS-001) on 11
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I      - Operation from Scoglio dell'Ulivo (IIA RC-002)  [425DXN 319] by  the
         Calabria DX Team  is now scheduled  on 27 July.  The rocks does  not
         qualify for IOTA.
I      - Nuccio (I0YKN),  Gianfranco (IZ0BFK),  Marisa (IK0ZSL)  and  Massimo
         (IZ0BGS) will be active as IB0ONU from Ponziano Archipelago (EU-045)
         on 26 and 27 July. QSL via I0YKN (Nuccio Meoli, Via della  Stazione,
         04010 Cori - LY, Italy).
I      - IT9HLR will participate in IARU HF World Championship as II9R (SSB).
         QSL via IT9HLR.
I      - Giuseppe, IT9JOF will be /IH9 from  Pantelleria Island (AF-018,  IIA
         TP-001) from 20 July to 15 August.
I      - Franco (IK0NGI) and  Francesco (IK0FUX)  will be  active during  the
         IARU HF World Championship as IQ0C. QSL via IK0NGI.
I      - I1JQJ will be active during the IARU HF World Championship as  IQ1A.
         QSL via I1JQJ.
I      - Enzo (IK7IMO), Michele (IK7MCJ), Giuseppe (IK7TAL), Roberto (IK7XIV)
         and Michele  (IK7YUA)  will  participate  in  the  IOTA  Contest  as
         IJ7/IK7XIV from San Pietro Island (IIA TA-002), Cheradi Is (EU-073).
         Activity (SSB and CW) will start on 24 July and operators will  sign
         home call/IJ7  outside the  Contest. QSL  via IK7XIV  either  direct
         (Roberto Paisio,  Via  Seneca  23,  73020  Cavallino-LE,  Italy)  or
         through the bureau.
I      - IT9FXY, IT9GNG, IT9WKH and IT9HBT will be IT9/ from Asinelli  Island
         (EU-166, IIA  TP-016)  on 2  and  3 August.  It  will be  the  first
         operation from this island, but they are unlikely to be able to stay
         on the island during the night. QSL via IT9FXY.
I      - IT9GNG and  IT9FXY will  be IF9/  from Levanzo  Island (EU-054,  IIA
         TP-009) between 5 and 8 September.
I      - Italian Scout stations will operate as II8S between 2 and 9  August.
         QSL via IK2IWU.
IS0    - Gianni, IK6CGO will visit Sardinia between 12 and 27 July. He  plans
         to be active  from either Isola  dei Cavalli di  Palau (EU-024,  IIA
         SS-115) or Isolotto di Porto Pollo (EU-024, IIA SS-117) on 20 July.
JA     - Yuki, JI6KVR will be /6 from  Danjo Archipelago (AS-056) from 21  to
         23 November. QSL via EA5KB (for JA stations QSL is via JJ6LXX).
JD1_mt - Toshi, JA1ELY reported to 425 DX News that Take, JG8NQJ will be /JD1
         from Minami Torishima (OC-073) for three months starting on 23 July.
         He will be active in his spare time  mainly on 40, 30 and 20  metres
         CW. QSL via JA8CJY.
JW     - Jurgen, DJ3KR might  be active  from Svalbard  (EU-026) as  JW/DJ3KR
         till 20 July. QSL via home call.
KC4_ant- Roman, EM1KA  reports  that operator  Jame  is  active  from  KC4AAC
         (Palmer Station,  Anvers Island,  AN-011) every  day  at 18  UTC  on
         14.175 MHz until October.
KH7K   - Gary McClellan, K7ZD (k7zd@phnx.uswest.net) reported to 425 DX  News
         that the Midway-Kure DX Foundation (c/o  Consulate of Finland,  5933
         West Grovers Avenue, Glendale, Arizona 85038-1101, USA) is  planning
         a multi-national team DXpedition to Kure Island, tentatively set  to
         take place  the latter  half of  September 1997.   This  will be  an
         all-mode, all-band  operation  involving  5-6  operators.  The  team
         expects to be QRV from Kure for one full week and will be  operating
         three HF stations continuously.  There will be a concentrated effort
         to work those areas of the  world where Kure  is most badly  needed,
         such as Europe, as well as  special emphasis on low-band  operating.
         The DXpedition will be  conducted in tandem  with fish and  wildlife
         scientists who will accompany the team.
KL     - John Minke, N6JM reports that he  will be active  (SSB and CW)  from
         Dutch Harbor on Amaknak Island (NA-059) in mid-September. Arrival is
         expected on 13 September at 14.30  UTC, scheduled departure will  be
         the afternoon of 16 September (Alaska  time). While at Dutch  Harbor
         John will see about  activating additional islands  in the area  for
         the U.S.Islands program.   The closest island  in the Four  Mountain
         Islands group (NA-???) is less than 150 miles from Dutch Harbor  and         he will study the possibility of  getting there if it is within  his
         budget. After  leaving Dutch  Harbor John  may  try to  activate  an
         island in Kachemak Bay, which will count for NA-158. Comments and/or
         questions may be sent to John's e-mail address (n6jm@pacbell.net).
LA     - Hans, SM3TLG will be LA/ from  Hareidlandet Island (EU-079) from  12
         to 19 July. He will be active mostly on 40 metres CW.
LA     - LA/DF8OY/p will be active from EU-055 during the week-end.
OH     - OH1MDR, OH1NOA and OH1MM will participate  in the IOTA Contest  from
         Sandstroem Reef (EU-096). They are likely to use the call  OH0MDR/1.
         QSL via OH1MDR.
OH0    - Pekka, OH2TA  (ex OH2BVF)  reported  to 425  DX  News that  he  will
         participate in the IARU (CW) and IOTA (CW and SSB) Contests as OH0TA
         from Aland Is (EU-002). QSL via OH2TA either direct (Pekka Holstila,
         Linnaistentie 7, 01640 Vantaa, Finland) and through the bureau.
OZ     - Ulli, DL2HEB will be  active (10-80 metres  CW) as OZ/DL2HEB/P  from
         Laeso Island (EU-088) from 14 July to 3 August. He will  participate
         in the IOTA Contest.
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P4     - John, W2GD is active from Aruba  (SA-036) as P40W until 13 July.  He
         partecipates in  the  IARU HF  World  Championship (12-13  July)  as
         Single op all band CW. QSL via N2MM.
PA     - Martin, VE3MR will be active (SSB) as PA3EVJ from Schouwen Duiveland
         (EU-146) from  12  to 30  July.  He will  participate  in  the  IOTA
         Contest. QSL via home call.
PY     - The Daily DX reports that  PY6WL will be  active from Santa  Barbara
         Island, Abrolhos  Archipelago  (SA-019)  between  14  and  16  July.
         Suggested frequencies  are  3.515, 7.015,  10.145,  14.015,  18.075,
         21.015, 24915 and 28015 MHz CW; 3.615, 7.115, 14.165, 21.165, 24.935
         and 28.365  MHz SSB.  QSL via  PY6WL (Francisco  Edvaldo Pereira  de
         Freitas, Rua A, casa 4, Vila  Naval de Inema,  Base Naval de  Aratu,
         Sao Tome de Paripe, 40.800.310 Salvador, Bahia, Brazil).
PY     - PP5AVM, PP5AP, PP5GWM, PP5LL and PU5DPF will be active (SSB and  CW)
         as PR5L from Campeche Island (SA-026,  DIB 41) from 7 to 11  August.
         QSL via PP5LL (P.O. Box 8, 88010 970 Florianopolis, SC, Brazil).
S7     - The Daily  DX reports  that Paddy,  S79MAD  has been  given  special
         permission to operate on 80 metres from 25  to 28 July.  He will  be
         active between 13.00 and 03.00 UTC each day, IOTA Contest included.
SM     - Special event  station  8S3JR  will  be  active  until  20  July  to
         commemorate the visit of King Chulalongkorn  of Siam (now  Thailand)
         to Bispgarden  in Jemtland  in 1897.  QSL via  SM3CVM either  direct
         (Lars Aronsson, Lillfjellvegen  62, S-831 71  Ostersund, Sweden)  or
         through the bureau.
T33    - The Daily DX  reports that "the  boat that  Jack, VK2GJH/3D2JH,  was
         taking broke down.  He  is now back  in Suva, Fiji  Island.  He  was
         headed to Banaba (T33)  when the boat  had its problem.   It is  not
         clear what Jack  will do at  this moment". Jack  was due to  operate
         from Banaba as T33JH between 16 and 22 July [425DXN 321].
TA     - Gabriele, IK3GES is  currently active from  Turkey and will  operate
         from Kekov Island (AS-115) on 19-20 July. QSL via home call.
TF     - Ove, LA2IJ will be TF/ from 21  to 27 July. Main activity will  take
         place on RTTY (14.083, 21.083 and 7.037 MHz), with some SSB as well.
         QSL via LA2IJ either direct or through the bureau.
TT     - The Daily DX reports that Jean-Pierre, F5TRP, will be active (CW and
         SSB)  from  Chad  as  TT8LJP  until   15  October.  QSL  via   F5TRP
         (Jean-Pierre Lange, SP 85319, F-00842 Paris Armees, France).
TY     - Marc, F5PCU (ex TL8MB and 5T5NU) is expected to be active from Benin
         at the end of July (see also 5V above and XT below).
UA     - Dima, RA0TA will  participate in  the IOTA  Contest from  Starichkov
         Island (AS-095). QSL via RA3DEJ.
UA     - Oleg Satyrev,  UR8LV  is planning  an  IOTA DXpedition  to  Bol'shoy
         Begichev Island in the Laptev Sea Coast West group (AS-???) to  take
         place in the first half of  October. The DXpedition budget is  quite
         high and  any  donation  would  be  most  appreciated.  For  further
         information, including Oleg's  bank account  number, please  contact
         Igor, UR5LCV at <ur5lcv@krars.kharkov.ua>.
VE     - Lew, N6VV [425DXN 319] will be active as N6VV/VE7 from Quadra Island
         (NA-091) from 18 to 21 July.  QSL via N6VV either direct or  through
         the bureau.
VE     - Lew, N6VV  [425DXN 319],  W7DR, VE7QCR,  VE7EOP and  VE7EDZ will  be
         active as N6VV/VE7 from Queen Charlotte  Is. (NA-051) from 25 to  28
         July. They will participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL via N6VV either
         direct or through the bureau.
VE     - The Daily  DX reports  that VE2AYU,  VE2CB, VE2SEI,  VE2YAK,  VO1NO,
         VE2TBH, VE1DD  and  VE9AT  will  be  active  from  Whitehead  Island
         (NO-REF) between  26 and  30 July.  They will  operate as  XJ9GM  to
         commemorate the 25th anniversary of the  opening of the Grand  Manan
         Elementary School, where the radio operation  will be situated.  QSL
         via West  Island  Amateur Radio  Club  Inc. (P.O.  Box  884,  Pointe
         Claire/Dorval, Quebec, H9R 4Z6 Canada).
VE     - Lew, N6VV [425DXN 319] and  W7DR will be  active from Green  Island,
         Dundas Is. (NA-118) from 31 July to 2 August.  It will be the  first
         activity in eight years. QSL via  N6VV either direct or through  the
VE     - VE3VGI, VA3AG/VE3IMR and VE3TIG will be active as VE8B from Governor
         Island (NA-173, CISA  new). They will  arrive on the  island in  the
         afternoon of  27  July  and  leave  in  the  morning  of  1  August.
         Operations will take place on 3.790,  7.060 & 7.260, 14.260,  21.260
         and 28.450 MHz, plus 146.52 MHz and 50.125 MHz (6 metres enthusiasts
         will have a chance to contact 14 grids:  FN 08, 09, 16, 17, 18,  19,
         25, 26,  35;  FO 03,  10,  11, 12,  13).  QSL  via  VE3TIG.  Further
         information is available at <http://webhome.idirect.com/~galati/>.
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VK9_lh - Jun (JH4RHF) and  Kumiko (JR4DUW) have  got their  Lord Howe  calls,
         respectively VK9LR and VK9LL [425DXN 321]. They and JR4PMX (call  to
         be announced) will be active  between 24 and  29 July, IOTA  Contest
VK9_n  - The Daily DX reports that Kevin,  VK9NX will be  active (40, 80  and
         160 metres) from  Norfolk Island (OC-005)  starting on  26 July  for
         about two weeks. QSL via VK4FW.
VP5    - Carlo, I4ALU will VP5/ (CW only  on all bands) from  Providenciales,
         Caicos Islands (NA-002) from 12 to 24 August. QSL via home call.
W      - Don, AA5AT and Abner, WN5W will be active from Marsh Island (NA-120)
         this Sunday (13 July) between 14.00 UTC and 23.00 UTC. They have not
         been granted permission to stay overnight, Don and Abner will try to
         be QRV from this island on a regular basis, maybe once a month.
W      - Dave, KF8TM will be /4 (10-40 metres, WARC bands included, CW  only)
         from St.  George  Island  (NA-085)  from 20  to  27  July.  He  will
         participate in  the IOTA  Contest. QSL  via KF8TM  either direct  or
         through the bureau.
W      - The Daily DX reports that Luis,  XE1L and the Florida West Coast  DX
         Ring members will participate  in the IOTA  Contest as W4/XE1L  from
         Anna Maria Island NA-034.
XT     - Marc, F5PCU  (ex TL8MB  and 5T5NU)  is expected  to be  active  from
         Burkina Faso at the end of July (see also 5V and TY above).
YI     - Laszlo, HA0HW reports  that Sanyi, HA7VK  is allowed  to operate  as
         YI9VK [425DXN 311] only from a  local club station, not from  "home"
         (the Hungarian Embassy  in Baghdad). Sanyj's  work shedule does  not
         leave him  many free  hours while  the club  is  open, so  that  his
         chances to be active  are limited to  weekends only. This  situation
         has caused Laszlo to cancel his trip to Iraq, where he was  expected
         to operate as  YI9HW in mid-July.  Laszlo's son, Gabi  (HA7SK/YI9SK)
         will be visiting Baghdad in a few  days' time, but he does not  know
         whether or not he  will be active.   At all  events, cards for  both
         YI9VK and YI9SK are via HA0HW.
YJ     - We have been informed that Stuart, YJ8UU will be active on 6  metres
         (QRV  daily  at  06.30  UTC   on  50.110  MHz)   as  from  19   July
         approximately. He is living in Vila  and will be there for 3  years.
         QSL via ZL2HE.
Z2     - Cedric, N9YXA  will  be active  (10-160  metres,  mainly  SSB)  from
         Zimbabwe between 3 and 21 August.
ZK1_nc - The Dateline DX Association has received  the call ZK1XXP for  their
         North Cook operation  from Penrhyn Atoll  (OC-082) [425DXN 319]  and
         N1DG is  finalizing  the Web  site  that will  include  on-line  log
         checking. N4RF, N7RO, WA4YBV, N6MZ, ZS8IR, KI6AN and K8XP will  meet
         in Los Angeles 17 September for departure to Rarotonga with  arrival
         on the Island of Penrhyn in the  North Cook Group on the morning  of
         20 September.  Operation will last 7 days with 3 or more stations on
         3 modes (SSB,  CW, RTTY). Primary  goals are low  bands, Europe  and
         East Coast North  America.  QSL  information to  be announced.  Tom,
         K8XP also  reports  that  "the DDXA  is  working  closely  with  the
         Midway/Kure Island DX  Association who will  operate from Kure  [see
         KH7K above, ed.] during the same  approximate period to insure  both
         operations the most effective use of frequencies for all concerned".

*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

4U1UN ---> Tom,  K5RC reported  to The  Daily DX  that "Within  the last  six
weeks, a  new regime  has taken  over operations  of 4U1UN."  The station  is
expected to be on the air more often and active in most contests. QSL for all
contacts AFTER 1 APRIL 1997 via W6TER.

CHILTERN DX CLUB ---> The Chiltern DX Club (CDXC) 1997/98 Committee is formed
by Don Beattie,  G3OZF (President), Neville  Cheadle, G3NUG (Chairman),  Alan
Jubb,  G3PMR  (Vice  Chairman  &   Secretary),  Steve  Telenius-Lowe,   G4JVG
(Vice-Chairman  &  Marketing),   Bob  Whelan,   G3PJT  (Treasurer),   Brendan
McCartney,  G4DYO   (News  Letter   Editor),   Don  Field,   G3XTT   (Contest
Coordinator), Bill Moorwood (Awards  Manager).

DXCC APPROVES OPERATIONS ---> The  ARRL DXCC Desk  has received and  approved
documentation for the following operations: 3A/DJ7RJ, 3B8/DL6UAA, 3B8/EA3ELM,
3C5Z, 3D2UK,  3XY03A, 8Q7AF,  9H3VG, 9H3VH,  9H3WD, 9H3WM,  9K2/YO9HP,  9U5T,
BS7H, C50YL, C53HP, C93/JA6SJN, C93/JG6BKB,  C93/JR6XIW, D25L, D2FIB,  D68KS,
ES1HR, ET3FB, HS9AL, J3X, J6/F5CCO, J75T,  J77C, J77FT, J79BP, J79QA,  J79RC,
YV7/AH6OM, YV7/WH6DAG, Z2/SM0FIB, and ZK1JOO (The  ARRL Letter, Vol. 16,  No.
28, July 11,  1997). For further  information please  contact Bill  Kennamer,
K5FUV at <bkennamer@arrl.org>.
S DX@WW $425WW323F
425 DX News #323 [6/8]
 12 July 1997                      No 323                   BID: $425WW323F
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

IIA SOFTWARE --->  The new updated  release of  the IIA  Software written  by
Marco, IK0QOB  is now  available at  <http://www.mline.peoples.it/crazy>  and
<http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/islands/>. Snail mail requests can be  sent
to Crazy DX Group, P.O. Box 11, 04011  Aprilia - LT, Italy (please enclose  a
diskette and a padded SASE).

MARCONI MEMORIAL AWARD ---> Glyn, GW0ANA  reportas that the Marconi  Memorial
Award for working GB100FI, GB100LP or GB100BD [425DXN 313] will be going  out
from 8 July. To claim this award if you worked any two of the above  stations
send $8  us or 10 IRCs to awards manager GW0ANA (Glyn  Jones, Nirvana, Castle
Precinct, Llandough, Cowbridge, Vale  of Glam. CF71  7LX, Wales, U.K.).  This
special centenary award commemorating Marconi's first ever DX and first  ever
IOTA from Flatholm Island (EU-124).

MUKAI ISLAND --->  It has been  determined, after checking  maps, that  Mukai
Shima fails to meet Rule 2  of IOTA. Therefore  recents operations by  JR4GPA
(25-25 May and 22-21 June) count  for AS-007 (Honshu  Island) not for  AS-117
(Honshu's coastal islands).

QSL IL3JWR ---> Mario, IV3JWR has  started replying to  the requests for  his
IIA activities as IL3JWR (special call granted for the period 5 April -5 July

QSL  OD5SB  --->  PA3FWP  (Stefano  Badessi,  Guldemondvaart  10,   NL-2211JC
Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands) will be the QSL manager for OD5SB until the
latter sorts out local problems.

QSL SK7DX ---> QSLs for the forthcoming activity by SK7DX from EU-138  during
the IOTA Contest [425DXN 321] will be via SK7DX either direct or through  the

QSL received  via  direct: 3D2RW,  3E1DX,  3W5FM, 5N4BHF  (AF-76),  6W2/F6BUM
(AF-078), 7O1A, 9M6TPR,  9N1ARB, 9N1RHM,  BV5GQ, BV6DF,  BV8BC, BY1QH,  EM1HO
(AN-006), EL2PP,  EM1U,  FH5CB, HK3JJH/1  (SA-078)  HS50A  (AS-125),  II1ARI,
IC8/IK8VRH (IIA NA-042),  IL3JWR (EU-130; IIA  GO-004, 018,  020, 025,  027),
IL3/I3BQC (EU-131;  IIA VE-012),  IL3/IK2ILH  (IIA RO-012),  IL3/IK2MRZ  (IIA
RO-009), IL3/IK3BPN (EU-131;  IIA VE-046), IP1/IK1QBT  (EU-083; IIA  SV-001),
JY5HO, KH2D, OY4TN,  P29VXX (OC-117), PR5L  (SA-026), PY0TI, S21YS  (AS-127),
(NA-198), ZD7KT, ZK2EH, ZL9DX, K8VIR/ZL9.

QSL received  via  WF5E DX  QSL  Service: 5N3/SP5XAR,  5N0MVE,  5N0T,  7Q7EH,
9U/EA1FH, A71FM, C56DX,  D2FIB, SM0FIB/D2, FR5ZU/T, FT5WE, HZ1AB, J3A,  P40V,
T88T, VE8KM (NA-006), VK7DI (OC-195), WH6CQH.

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

Brescia DX  Group, Crazy  DX Group,  Delta Mike,  Diamond DX  Club, Roman  DX
Group, Salento DX Team, AA5AT, AD1C,  CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DJ1US, DL4VBP,  DL7VOA,
DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, The Daily

!       425 WWW Page --->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html      !
!                     INTERNET via  anonymous FTP at site:                  !
!  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  -  under the  /pub/ham/425news/english/  directory !
!             To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL:             !
!               http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/nph-425dxnews             !
!     or sending a message to:               majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it    !
!     writing in the body of the message:    subscribe 425dxnews  address   !
!          where  address  is the e-mail address of the subscriber          !
!             for example:  subscribe 425dxnews i1jqj.amsat.org             !
!                 * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *                    !
!                     TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751                       !
!                     DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613                       !
!                      SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422                      !
!                     ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306                       !
!                     CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921                       !
!               HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677                       !
!                      WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183                       !
!                      JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332                      !
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
S DX@WW $425WW323G
425 DX News #323 [7/8]
 12 July 1997                      No 323                   BID: $425WW323G
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               CALENDAR  [1/2]
                               edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  16/07      8P9DS * by PA0ERA                                      321
till  end July   9M8ZZ * by PA3FWG                                      323
till  28/07      9N1UD * by K4VUD                                       319
till  28/07      BY * by IV3FSG                                         319
till  14/07      FP/AA3GMN                                              321
till  ??         G/F6BFH: Scilly Is. (EU-011)                           319
till  end July   HR6SWA: Swan Is. (NA-035)                              323
till  13/07      JU4HL: Gobi Desert * by KDXC & KARL                    322
till  20/07      JW/DJ3KR                                               323
till  15/07      KP2/W4YOK                                              322
till  ??         OJ0 * by OH1VR, OH1RX, OH3FT, OH0RJ                    321
till  29/07      OY * by DL1MGB                                         322
till  13/07      P40W * by W2GD                                         323
till  16/07      NP3G * W5XJ                                            321
till  29/07      SM0OIG/5: Roslagen Is. (EU-084)                        321
till  23/07      SV5/OM3LA: Kos Isl. (EU-001)                           317
till  29/06      SM4DDS/7: Ven Isl. (EU-137)                            317
till  13/07      YV30T: La Tortuga Isl. (SA-044)                        322
till  15/07      ZF2DN/ZF8, ZF2DE/ZF8, ZF2PU/ZF8, ZF2JS/ZF8             321
till  20/07      ZP24I: special event station                           321
till  13/07      ZP5/LU6EBG                                             322
06/07-20/08      NH4/NH6YK                                              322
12/07-13/07      3V8BB * by YT1AD                                       322
12/07-13/07      D25L * by PA3DZN                                       323
12/07-13/07      EA: Mouro Isl. (EU-142) * by F6ELE & F6HKA             323
12/07-20/07      IG9: (AF-019) Lampedusa Isl. & Lampione Isl. by IT9YRE 319
12/07-13/07      II9R * by IT9HLR                                       323
12/07-13/07      II0S * by IK0AZG                                       322
12/07-13/07      IQ1A * by I1JQJ                                        323
12/07-13/07      IQ0C * by IK0FUX & IK0NGI                              323
12/07-09/08      J3/G0TYX                                               319
12/07-19/07      LA/DF8YO/p: EU-055                                     323
12/07-19/07      LA/SM3TLG: Hareidlandet Isl. (EU-079)                  323
12/07-13/07      OH0TA * by OH2TA                                       323
12/07-30/07      PA3EVJ: Schouwen Duiveland (EU-146) * by VE3MR         323
12/07-13/07      PA6HQ * by VERON PI4COM                                321
12/07-13/07      RA0TA: Starichkov Isl. (AS-095)                        323
12/07-26/07      TK/IK0XBX/p                                            321
12/07-13/07      ZL6A * by Kiwi Contest Group                           321
12/07-13/07      IARU HF World Championship Contest                     ***
13/07-16/07      F/ON4BDS/p: Czenmbre Is. (EU-157)                      317
13/07            IK8YFU, IZ8BAD, IW8PQ: Scoglio Godano (IIA VV-003)     321
13/07-15/07      T30JH * by VK2GJH                                      321
13/07            W: Marsh Isl. (NA-120) * by AA5AT & WN5W               323
14/07-17/07      9U * by ON6TT                                      ??? 323
14/07-19/07      ES0I: Ruhnu isl. (EU-034) * by IK6CAC & ES7 team       323
14/07-15/07      IR0MFP: special event station                          321
14/07-03/08      OZ/DL2HEB/p: Laeso Isl. (EU-088)                       323
14/07-16/07      PY: Santa Barbara Isl. (SA-019) * by PY6WL             323
14/07            SM0/F5YJ: EU-084                                       311
15/07-15/08      VE2AFC/VE2: Coudres Isl. (NA-128)                      321
16/07-17/07      BV0DX/1 * by JA & BV team                              322
16/07-23/07      ES1RA/1, ES1QD/1, ES1OX/1; Aegna Isl. (EU-149)         321
16/07-19/07      F/ON4BDS/p: Brehat Isl. (EU-074)                       317
17/07            OH9/F5YJ                                               311
18/07-26/07      JW2PA * by LA2PA                                       319
18/07-21/07      VE7: Quadra Isl. (NA-091) * by N6VV                    303
19/07-22/07      F/ON4BDS/p: Ouessant Isl. (EU-065)                     317
19/07-20/07      LA/F5YJ: Vardo Isl. (EU-141)                           311
19/07-20/07      TA: Kekov Isl. (AS-115) * by IK3GES                    323
19/07-20/07      Seanet CW Contest                                      ***
20/07-15/08      IH9: Pantelleria Isl. (AF-014) * by IT9JOF             323
20/07            IM0/IK6CAG: EU-24                                      323
20/07-27/07      KF8TM/4: St. George Isl. (NA-085)                      323
21/07-24/07      3A * by ON5FP & ON6NN                                  315
21/07-27/07      TF/LA2IJ                                               323
22/07-25/07      F/ON4BDS/p: Glenan Is. (EU-094)                        321
22/07-27/07      LA/F5YJ: Soroya Isl. (EU-044)                          311
23/07-30/07      CU8L: Flores Isl. (EU-089) * by CU3EJ                  323
23/07-06/08      CY9SPI: St. Paul Isl. * by VY2 team                    323
23/07-12/08      JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima                           323
23/07-24/07      T30JH * by VK2GJH                                      321
24/07-28/07      BV: Ma-Tsu Sil. (AS-113) * by BV & JA team             319
24/07-28/07      CQ2I: Insua Isl. (EU-150) * by NPDXG                   323
24/07-28/07      GB0ON: Les Minquiers Plateau (EU-099) * by ON team     293
24/07-28/07      GM3IZD/p: Islay Isl. (EU-008)                          321
24/07-31/07      KP2: by N2OO, KF2BQ, N2LD                              319
24/07-29/07      VK9: Lord Howe * by JH4RHF, JR4DUW, JR4PMX             323
25/07            C2 * by VK2GJH                                         319
S DX@WW $425WW323H
425 DX News #323 [8/8]
 12 July 1997                      No 323                   BID: $425WW323H

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               CALENDAR  [2/2]
                               edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

25/07-15/08      DL4FCH/p: Pellworm Isl. (EU-042)                       319
25/07-27/07      ED1ISC: Sisarga Chica Isl. (EU-077) (DIE O-138)        321
25/07-27/07      ED1ISG: Sisarga Grande Isl. (EU-077) (DIE O-137)       321
25/07-27/07      ED1OCV: Coelleira Isl. (EU-077) (DIE N-001)            323
25/07-28/07      F/ON4BDS/p: Sein Is. (EU-068)                          321
25/07-01/08      JX6RHA * by LA6RHA                                     319
25/07-28/07      N6VV/VE7: Queen Charlotte Isl. (NA-051) * by VE7 team  323
26/07-27/07      CQ1C: Culatra Isl. (EU-145)                            323
26/07-27/07      CT: EU-150 * by NPDXG                                  301
26/07-27/07      DL4OCL/p: Poel Isl. (EU-098) (DID O-002)               321
26/07-27/07      DL6MHW/p: Fehmarn Isl. (EU-128)                        323
26/07-27/07      DL8OBC/p: Helgoland Isl. (EU-127) (DID N-014)          321
26/07-30/07      EJ2HY & EJIB: Blasket Is. (EU-007) * by EI2HY & EI2IB  323
26/07-27/07      ES1RA, ES1QD, ES1OX; Muhu Isl. (EU-034)                321
26/07-27/07      F: Noimoutier Isl. (EU-064) * by F5PAC                 311
26/07-27/07      F: Sainte Marguerite Isl. (EU-058) * by ON5FP  ON6NN   297
26/07-27/07      F: Groix Isl. (EU-048) * by F5SNY                      313
26/07-27/07      GM3USL/p: Great Cumbrae (EU-123)                       315
26/07-27/07      GM5VG/p: Ghiga Isl. (EU-008) * by GM team              323
26/07-27/07      GM6V: Anglesey Isl. (EU-124)                           305
26/07-27/07      IB0ONU: Ponziano Arch. (EU-045) * by I0 team           323
26/07            IJ7: Capezzone Isl. (EU-091) * by Salento DX Team      311
26/07-27/07      IJ7: San Pietro Isl. (EU-073) * by IK7 team            323
26/07-27/07      J48LSV: Lesvos Isl. (EU_049) * by SV8 team             321
26/07-27/07      M7N: Isle of Wight  (EU-120) * by G team               323
26/07-27/07      MW6Z: Anglesey Isl. (EU-124)                           295
26/07-27/07      N3OC, KA3T, N3HF, N3NPG: Assateague Isl. (NA-139)      321
26/07-27/07      N7FL: Guemes Isl. (NA-065)                             311
26/07-27/07      OH0MDR/1: Sandstroem Reef (EU-096) * by OH1 team       323
26/07-27/07      PA3BDQ/p: Goeree Overflakkee (EU-146)                  313
26/07-27/07      PA/ON7PC/p: Goeree Overflakkee (EU-146)                321
26/07-27/07      SK7DX: Hano Isl. (EU-138)                              321
26/07-27/07      VE1JS: Long Isl. (NA-127)                              315
26/07-08/08      VK9NX: Norfolk Isl. (OC-005)                           323
26/07-27/07      W4/XE1L: Anna Maria Isl. (NA-034)                      323
26/07-27/07      WB8YJF: Ocracoke Isl. (NA-067)                         319
26/07-30/07      XJ9GM: Whitehead Isl. * by VE2 team                    323
26/07-27/07      IOTA Contest                                           ***
27/07-30/07      VE8B: Governor Isl. (NA-175) by VE3VGI & VA3AG, VE3TIG 323
27/07-31/07      9H0A * by G4BUO, G4JVG, G4ZVJ, 9H1EL                   321
27/07            I: Sc. dell'Ulivo (IIA RC-002) * by Calabria DX Team   323
28/07-15/08      9A/DL1AUJ: Rab Isl. (EU-136)                           319
28/07-17/08      FH & FR * by DF2SS                                     323
28/07-29/07      T20JH * by VK2GJH                                      321
29/07-02/08      LA/F5YJ: Senja Isl. (EU-046)                           311
31/07-04/08      CE0: Eater Isl. * by LA6VM & LA9DL                     323
31/07-02/08      GM/ON4BAM/m: Lewis Isl. (EU-010)                       309
31/07-02/08      VE7: Green Isl. (NA-118) * by N6VV & W7DR              323
end July         5V * by F5PCU                                          323
end July         5X * by DJ1US, ON6TT, SM7PKK                           323
July             IT9HLR/p: (IIA-SR-???)                                 321
end July         TY * by F5PCU                                          323
end July         V5/W0YG                                                319
end July         XT * by F5PCU                                          323
July             YB: Leti Isl. (OC-???) * by YB8OX, YB8SYB, YC8VYY      319
July             YB: Lucipara Isl. (OC-???) * by YB8OX, YB8SYB, YC8VYY  319
July             YB: Taninbar Isl. (OC-???) * by YB8VM                  321
July             YJ: Emae Isl. (OC-111) * by YJ8AA                      320
01/08-16/08      C6AFP: Treasure Cay (NA-080) * by N4JQQ                321
02/08-06/08      3D2JH: Suva (OC-016) * by VK2GJH                       321
02/08-20/08      9H8CI: Comino Isl.                                     315
02/08-04/08      GM/ON4BAM/m: Skye Isl. (EU-008)                        309
02/08-08/08      II8S: special event station                            323
02/08-03/08      IT9: Asinelli Isl. (EU-166) (IIA TP-016) * by IT9 team 323
03/08-16/08      9A * by IK4MTF                                         323
03/08-21/08      Z2 * by N9YXA                                          323
05/08-24/08      9M6HIL: Keningau * by VS6KY & 9M6s                     323
05/08            LA/F5YJ: Vesteralen Isl. (EU-033)                      311
06/98-21/08      J3 * by IV3TMV, IV3NVN, IV3ZJR                         319
06/08            LA/F5YJ: Lofoten Isl. (EU-076)                         311
06/08-14/08      V73AR, V73MM, V73NH, V73YAQ * by JARL Kyoto Club       321
07/08-10/08      ED5HQ & EF5HQ: Columbrete Grande Isl. (EU-069)         321
07/08-11/08      PR5L: Campeche Isl. (SA-026) (DIB 41)                  323
08/08-14/08      FG/EA3CB: Guadeloupe Isl. (NA-102)                     323
08/08-11/08      PR5L: Campeche Isl. (SA-026; DIB 41)* by PP5LL         317
09/08-10/08      IM0: IIA * by IK2UJR & IK2XDV                          317
O9/08-10/08      N2OB Long Island Beach (NA-111)                        315
09/08-10/08      European HF CW Championship Contest                    ***
09/08-10/08      WAE DX CW Contest                                      ***
11/08-15/08      HB0 * by HB9QQ                                         321
12/08-24/08      VP5/I4ALU                                              323
14/08-24/08      JW6RHA & JW9THA * by LA6RHA & LA9THA                   319
14/08-18/08      9M: Spratly * by N2OO & N0RN                           323
15/08-17/08      CY0NCD: Sable Isl. * by VA3NCD                         323
15/08-17/08      FG/EA3CB: Les Saintes Isl. (NA-114)                    323
15/08-17/08      I: Scoglio Apani (IIA BR-002) * by 59 DX Club          319