DX425 bulletin issue nr. 322

S DX@WW $425WW322A
425 DX News #322 [1/5]
 5 July 1997                       No 322                  BID: $425WW322A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3V     - The Daily DX reports that Hrane  Milosevic, YT1AD will be  operating
         from 3V8BB during the IARU HF World Championship (12-13 July).
3W     - Hiroo, JA2EZD has been active  as 3W4EZD from  Quan Phu Quoc  Island
         (AS-128) since 29 June at 09.55 UTC and is reported to be QRV  until
         1 UTC on 6 July with 100 watts and a dipole. QSL via XW2A (P.O.  Box
         2659, Vientiane, Laos: please do not send green stamps, but 2 IRCs).
5H     - N5HG will  be active  (80-15  metres CW  and  SSB, possibly  on  160
         metres) as 5H3HG until July 1998. QSL v�a WY3V.
A6     - Abdullah, A61AQ  is a  newly licensed  amateur from  the Emirate  of
         Sharjah. He already has antennas for 15 and 10 metres and Don,  N1DG
         is going to ship him a  monobander for 20 metres  and a linear.  QSL
         via N1DG (Don Greenbaum, 27 Pill Hill Lane, Duxbury, MA 02332, USA).
BV     - The Daily DX reports  that a group  of JA and  BV operators will  be
         /BV1 from the rare Ilan Province  on 16 and 17  July. They will  use
         the special call  BV0DX/1 as well.  QSL via KA6SPQ.  Paul, BV4FH  is
         also reported  to  be  planning an  operation  from  BV5  (Juan  Min
         Province) in eraly July with XYL  Christine, BV4YB and two  Japanese
CN     - Moroccan amateurs are allowed to use the special prefix CN68 on  8-9
         July to celebrate the 68th anniversary of the Monarchy.
EA     - Three other  stations are  reported to  participate in  the III  DIE
         Contest (6 July): EA5WI/P (from Isla  Gayatos, DIEI CS-002; QSL  via
         EA5AL), ED1BMA (from Isla  Toralla, DIE O-008;  QSL via EA1BMA)  and
         EA1CIL/P (from  Isla Los  Netos, DIE  N-073;  QSL via  EA1AAA).  DIE
         Contest rules and software are available on Paco's (EA5OL) home page
EI     - Leo, K8PYD will be active as EI4VUJ from  7 to 19 July. Most of  the
         operation will be from the rare Leitrim County. QSL via K8PYD.
EU     - Igor, EU1EU will operate as EU930EU  until 31 July to celebrate  the
         930 years of the city of Minsk, Belarus. QSL via LY1BA (P.O.Box  67,
         Vilnius, 2000,  Lithuania).  A special  award  will  be  issued  for
         contacts made  with  stations in  Minsk  between 1  January  and  31
         December 1997: for  further information please  contact EU1EU  (Igor
         Getmann, P.O.Box 143, Minsk-5, 220005, Republic of Belarus;  e-mail:
FK     - Didier, FK/F5PXQ [425DXN 321] is now active as FK8VHN. QSL direct to
         Didier Lavisse, Caserne Normandie, B.P. 12, 98842 Noumea Cedex,  New
GM     - Bad weather caused  operations from  Bass Rock  (GM0AXY, GM3BQA  and
         GM4YMM, EU-123) [425DXN 321] to be postponed to 5-6 July.
HP     - Gerard, F2JD/HP1XBI will  be active as  HP1XBI/2 from Grande  Island
         (NA-202) during  the weekend.  QSL via  F6AJA.  Gerard (who  is  now
         active on 6 metres as well) will stay in Panama until October.
I      - Mario, IV3JWR will be IL3/ from a couple of islands counting for IIA
         (IOTA EU-130) during the weekend. QSL via home call.
I      - IK3QAR will be IL3/ from the island of Campalto (EU-131, IIA VE-002)
         during the weekend.
I      - IT9AUP is IF9/  from Marettimo Island  (EU-054, IIA  TP-010). He  is
         active mainly on CW.
I      - IK7BRX will  be  IL7/  from La  Chianca  (IIA  FG-011)  and  Scoglio
         Sant'Eufemia (IIA-FG-012) during the weekend.
I      - Walter, IN3XUG will be IA5/ (40,  20 and 15  metres SSB) from  Isola
         del Giglio (EU-028, IIA GR-002) from 5 to 14 July. QSOs will be  all
         confirmed through the bureau.
I      - Gianni, IK0AZG will participate in the IARU HF World Championship as
         II0S.  QSL via home call.
S DX@WW $425WW322B
425 DX News #322 [2/5]
 5 July 1997                       No 322                  BID: $425WW322B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

JT     - The Korean DX Club (KDXC) and the Korean Amateur Radio League (KARL)
         are organizing a DXpedition to Danlanzadgad (Gobi Desert),  Mongolia
         between 10  and 13  July. Operators  will  be HL1CG,  HL1DK,  HL1FB,
         HL1IE, HL1IFM, JT1CD,  JT1FBB, W6EE and  other HL  and JT  amateurs.
         They will  be active  as JU4HL  SSB and  CW on  all HF  bands,  WARC
         included.  They  should  also  participate  in  the  IARU  HF  World
         Championship. QSL via HL1CG either direct (Mr. Hyungsuk Song, Kaehwa
         APT #107-305, Banghwa-3-dong,  Kangso-ku, Seoul  157-223, Korea)  or
         through the  bureau.  Bureau cards  may  be  requested  through  the
         Internet: send an  e-mail message  to <hl1cg@stella.skku.ac.kr>  and
         detail your call and QSO data (one QSO per line).
KH4    - Ted, NH6YK reported to 425 DX News that  he is most likely to be  on
         Midway (OC-030) from 6 July to  around 20 August. He will be  active
         (on 10 and 6 metres, possibly on  other bands) in his spare time  as
         NH4/NH6YK. QSL to NH6YK either direct or through the bureau.
KL     - Keith, N6HRG/KL7  is  *not* located  on  NA-028  (Pribilof  Islands)
         [425DXN 321], but on Mitkof Island (NA-041).  QSL to Keith  Gerlach,
         P.O. Box 2166, Petersburg, AK 98833, USA.
KL     - John, WD8MGQ reports that bad weather caused the operation by KL1SLE
         from St. Paul Island (NA-028) [425DXN 320] to be postponed maybe  to
         the latter part of July or early August.
KP2    - Tom, W4YOK  will be  KP2/ (CW  only)  from Virgin  Islands  (NA-106)
         between 8 and  15 July. He  will participate  in the  IARU HF  World
         Championship. QSL via home call.
OX     - OZ8AE's trip  to Greenland  [425DXN 321]  has been  postponed to  11
         July. He will be OX/ until 23 July.
OY     - Chris, DL1MGB reported to 425 DX News that he will be active (10-160
         metres) as  OY/DL1MGB/P from  Faroe Islands  (EU-018) from  9 to  29
         July.  He  will  participate  in  the  IARU  HF  World  Championship
         (possibly as OY6A:  QSL via DL1MGB)  and he might  be active in  the
         IOTA Contest as well. QSL via home call through the bureau.
P2     - Paul, P29PL is now active from OC-008. QSL via VK9NS.
SV8    - Uli, DK2OC is expected to be SV8/ from Hydra Island (EU-075)  mainly
         on CW.
W      - N6VR and  N6JV will  try to  operate from  NA-187 (California  State
         Centre group) on 5 and 6  July. N6VR says  "We're shooting for  noon
         [19 UTC] to 2 p.m. for 4-6 hrs on the  5th, then 9 a.m. to 1-2  p.m.
         on the 6th".
YB     - Benny, YC8YZ is reported by  John, YB5NOF/8 to  be returning to  Obi
         Islands (OC-???) on 6 July for about ten days. QSL cards may be sent
         to YB5NOF: John E. Daluas, P.O. Box 1205, Palu 94001, Indonesia.
YV     - Eduardo Barboza, YV5MHX reported to 425 DX News that the Association
         of Radioamateurs of Venezuela, Grupo DX  Caracas and the  Venezuelan
         Navy are organizing an IOTA expedition  to La Tortuga (SA-044).  All
         mode & band operations will take place  from 10 to 13 July with  the
         call YV30T. QSL via W4SO (ex  WS4E): please note that cards will  be
         mailed from Venezuela.
ZP     - Ernesto, LU6BEG (GADX Bulletin editor) will  be ZP5/ (10-80  metres,
         CW and RTTY) from 9 to  13 July (QSL via home  call: Box 1589,  1000
         CF,  Argentina).  He   will  participate  in   the  IARU  HF   World
         Championship (multi-op) with  Renato as ZP5XF  or ZP0M  (QSL to  Box
         1937, Asuncion, Paraguay).
                       *** IOTA REFERENCE NUMBERS *** 

AS-128/Prov  --->  It  has  been  issued  to  the  Mekong  Delta  West  group
(Vietnamese islands, letter  "c") following 3W4EZD's  current operation  from
Quan  Phu  Quoc  Island.  The  provisional  number  will  be  confirmed  when
validation material is received.

OC-221 --->  It  has been  issued  and confirmed  to  the Kai  Islands  group
(Indonesia, YB8 islands,  letter "j")  following YC8YR's  (resident in  Tual)
activity. NOTE!  Validation material  is still  awaited from  YC8VYY for  his
operation from  this group  in May,  so that  do *not*  submit cards  yet  to
checkpoints for this latter operation.

OC-222 --->  It  has been  issued  and confirmed  to  the Obi  Islands  group
(Indonesia, YB8 islands, letter "m") following YC8YZ/P's operation from Tapat
Island in June.
S DX@WW $425WW322C
425 DX News #322 [3/5]
 5 July 1997                       No 322                  BID: $425WW322C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

BS7H (1997 ACTIVITY)  LOG SEARCH --->  It is now  available on Kan's  (JA1BK)
home page (http://www.iijnet.or.jp/JA1BK/)  along with  several pictures  and
much information on the third DXpedition to Scarboriugh Reef.

CY9AA ---> VE1PZ, K7BV and VE9AA left St. Paul Island at around 2 p.m.  local
time on 3 July after some 12,000 QSOs  (about 275 contacts on 6 metres).  QSL
via VE9AA (Michael Smith, 271 Smith  Rd, Waterville, Sunbury Co, NB, E2V  3V6

K3VOA ---> The Maryland Apple Dumpling Radio Amateur Society (MADRAS) and the
Voice of America Amateur Radio Club operated the special event station  K3VOA
from VOA's HQ in Washington,  DC to celebrate  the 4th of  July and the  55th
Anniversary of the  Voice of  America. QSL  either direct  (MADRAS, P.O.  Box
2468, Wheaton, MD 20902, USA) or through the bureau.

QSL 9K2HN --->  Hamad, 9K2HN reports  that more than  1,000 cards for  German
amateurs (years  1994, 1995  and 1996)  have been  sent  by him  through  the

QSL A6 ---> Don Greenbaum and his son  Micah (27 Pill Hill Lane, Duxbury,  MA
02332, USA) are the QSL managers for A61AD, A61AO, A61AQ and A61AF.

QSL A71A  ---> Francesco,  IV3TMM can  confirm *only*  the  QSOs he  made  as
A71A/IV3TMM between July and August 1994.

QSL AF-078 ---> Jack, F6BUM reports that  all the direct QSLs for his  recent
operation as 6W2/F6BUM from Karabane Island have been mailed.

QSL CE7PWE  --->  Doc,  K7SO  reports that  Jorge,  CE7PWE  (SA-053)  is  now
responding to requests  from his address  (Maule 1137, Arica,  Chile). It  is
suggested that cards should be sent via registered mail.

QSL EU-082 & EU-161 ---> QSL  for recent operations by UE1QQQ/1 (EU-161)  and
UE1ZNF/A  (EU-082)  [425DXN  318]  may  be   sent  to  UA1ZJW  (P.O.Box   72,
Severomorsk-1, 184600,  Russia) or  RA1QQ (P.O.Box  24, Cherepovets,  162627,

QSL IG9/AC6WE  --->  Dennis,  K7FL  reported  to  425  DX  News  that  "those
requesting a card  for past CQWW  CW operations from  IG9/AC6WE should  route
cards via UA3DPX.  Cards previously mailed  to AC6WE (actually  my QTH)  have
been forwarded to  Andy in  Russia. Cards  via the  W6 bureau  have not  been

QSL IL3/IK3QAR ---> IK3GES is *not* the QSL manager for IL3/IK3QAR. QSL cards
for his past, present and future IIA operations are via home call.

QSL P40WF --> Frank Wolczak, WA0IWF/P40WF  passed away in early 1996.  WD0EWH
has the logs and wishes to close out Frank's DXpedition to Aruba. If you need
a card, please mail your request to Duke Humphrey, 9606 Grand Ave, Omaha,  NE
68134-2621, USA.

QSL UA3AP ---> Cards for Sergey, UA3AP/K3AO  (ex AA8OT) are via his US  call,
either direct (Sergei  Kulyov, P.O.  Box 3497,  Columbus, OH  43210, USA)  or
through the bureau.

QSL VIA AI6V ---> AI6V is the QSL manager  for P40V, P42V, P44V and P49V  and
his *new* address is Carl D. Cook, 110 Amigo Road, Danville, CA 94526, USA.

QSL VIA  W3CF  ---> Doug,  W3CF  (ex N3ADL)  is  *not* the  QSL  manager  for
*anyone*. Cards for V26B are via WT3Q (Doug is V26DX and was on the V2  crew,
but *his* manager is KK3S). Cards for  FM5DN have been handled by KU9C  since

VK3 INWARDS QSL BUREAU  ---> The mailing  address for all  cards for VK3  WIA
members has changed. All cards from overseas countries should be addressed to
WIA Victoria, Inwards QSL Bureau, 40G Victory Boulevard, Ashburton.  Victoria
3147, Australia.  Cards  addressed  to the  current  address  (Box  757G  GPO
Melbourne) will continue to  be collected and  distributed until 31  December

XW1 &  XW1A  --->  Zorro,  JH1AJT  reported to  Jun,  JH4RHF  that  not  only
propagation during the recent XW1/XW1A operation  [425DXN 321] was  extremely
poor, but they also suffered from heavy  local QRM. Zorro hopes to return  to
Laos in the future and operate from a different and quiter site.

ZD7HI ---> N2AU, QSL manager for ZD7HI,  reports that Chris is not active  on
160 or 80  metres at this  time.   Chris has  no key  or keyer  and does  not
operate *any* CW. Those who (think to)  have worked ZD7HI on that mode,  have
worked a  slim. The  only ZD7  who is  active on  CW is  Gilbert, ZD7BG,  who
appears to be able to operate on 80-10 metres.

+ SILENT KEY + DXers  all over the  world mourn the  passing of Burt  Fageol,
KV4AD/PJ8AD, who became a silent key on 30 June.
S DX@WW $425WW322D
425 DX News #322 [4/5]
 5 July 1997                       No 322                  BID: $425WW322D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *  Q S L   I N F O  [1/2] *

CALL        MANAGER       CALL        MANAGER       CALL        MANAGER     
3W4EZD      XW2A          EX2FP       WA4VEK        SV5/SM0CMH  SM0CMH      
3Z2GD       SP2FOV        EX9A        DF8WS         T40RCG      CO2KG       
4B1AC       XE1BEF        EX9DZ       WA4VEK        T88X        JA6BSM      
4K52C       4K9C          F/G3RTE/P   G3SWH         T94B        N9JR        
4L5A        IK3HHX        FO5PI       F5OTZ         T97M        K2PF        
4L6YL       WA4VEK        GM7R        GM0NAI        TA2IJ       DJ9ZB       
4N0AV       YU7AV         GS3EEO/P    G3OCA         TJ1US       NW8F        
4N0S        YU7JDE        GW4WXZ      G4WXZ         TM0VER      F5UO        
4N9BW       YU7BW         H22A        YL3AF         TM4ZZ       F6ARC       
4O6A        YT6A          H27W        5B4WN         TM8R        F6FGZ       
5B4/RU3FM   RU3FM         HB0/DL3OCH  DL3OCH        TP9CE       F6FQK       
5R8FK       NY3N          HB5CC       HB9BCK        TU4FF       OH8SR       
5X1Z        SM7PKK        HF1GD       SP2BIK        UA9F/NN7A   NN7A        
5X4F        K3SW          HG1S        HA1KSA        UA9XFY      ES4RO       
5Z4RL       N2AU          HP3/WT4K    WT4K          UE1QQQ/1    RA1QQ       
6W1AE       F5THR         HR6/NN7A    NN7A          UE1QSK      RA1QQ       
7S6NL       SK6NL         HZ1CCA      IK7JTF        UE1ZNF/A    UA1ZJW      
7X2RO       OM3CGN        IH9/OK5DX   OK1CW         UE9SVC      RW9SG       
8P9HR       K4FJ          IL3/IK3QAR  IK3QAR        UF0O/UF6DZ  WA4VEK      
8R1ZB       JH1NBN        IL3/IV3AJT  IV3AJT        UF6DZ       WA4VEK      
9A0C        9A2KL         IL3JWR      IV3JWR        UT7W        WA3HUP      
9A50D       9A1BHI        IL3SP       IK3QAR        UX3M        UR3MP       
9A6V        9A1BST        IU3V        IK3VIA        V31JZ       NN7A        
9A7C        KA9WON        IU4F        IK4ZHH        VK1FF       WB2FFY      
9A90CBD     9A3UF         J41W        SV1CIB        VK3FBM      NN7A        
9A9JH       DL9JH         J83ZB       JH1NBN        VP2EJX      LA9JX       
9H0A        LA2TO         J87GU       DL7VOG        VP2ESJ      W5SJ        
9H0VRZ      PA0JR         JT1FBW      G3YBO         VP5GN       K5GN        
9H3JR       DJ0QJ         JY8YB       DL5MBY        VP9/AH0R    JH6RTO      
9H3ON       PA3BIZ        JY9QJ       DL5MBY        VS97BG      VS6BG       
9H3YM       PE1OFJ        KG5KG       LA6RHA        VS97SAR     VS6XRW      
9K2F        9K2HN         KH0AA       JA5DQH        VS97UW      VR2UW       
9M2OM       G0CMM         KP2/W5ODD   W5ODD         WL7E        KL7GNP      
9M8ZZ       PA3FWG        LG5LG       LA4DCA        WP2Z        K0DEQ       
9V1ZB       JL3WSL        LY6M        LY1DS         WT5BS       ND5G        
9X5HF       LA2HFA        LZ7N        LZ1NG         XE2VKR      NN7A        
A45XL       G4VUO         LZ9A        LZ2HM         XM7A        VE7SV       
AH8A        AC7DX         M7A         G4ZFE         XQ1IDM      CE1IDM      
AY7D        LU7DW         M7Q         G3GRS         YL8M        YL2KL       
AZ9W        LU5UL         NH2C        JI3ERV        YM2ZW       OK1TN       
CN2SN       IK7JTF        NP3A        KP3L          YN6WFM      JA6VU       
CR8AJ       CT1AD         NP3F        N4YGP         YR2N        YO2KCB      
CR9AJ       CT1ADP        NP3G        W5XJ          YT0X        YU7AL       
CS7UW       CT4UW         OA176QV     OA4QV         YT4I        YU4WU       
CT3BX       HB9CRV        OF4AB       OH4AB         YT7A        YU7GMN      
CT3ET       CT1ADP        OH0AM       OH2BAD        YW5R        YV5LIX      
CY1UL       VO1UL         OH0E        OH6LI         YX1D        YV1AVO      
CY9AA       VE9AA         OH0TA       OH2BVT        Z31GX       DJ0LZ       
D2M         OH3LQK        OH1AF       OH1XT         Z38/OH3MIG  OH3GZ       
DA0RG       DL8OBC        OM5M        OM3KFF        Z38G        OH3GZ       
DU6/K9AW    WF5T          OT7T        ON4UN         ZA1AM       IK1FLE      
E21EJC      HS1GOS        P40W        W2GD          ZD8JF       GW0ANA      
EA8AH       OH1RY         PA6WPX      PA3CAL        ZD8Z        VE3HO       
EA9QD/P     EA9JS         PJ8N        K1NA          ZF2AH       WA6VNR      
ED1FBU      EA1FBU        PX1I        PY1KS         ZF2MD/8     K7JI        
ED1SPA      EA1EB         R9ZF/NN7A   NN7A          ZF2NE       W5ASP       
ED3SDX      EA3AIM        RF6FP       WA4VEK        ZK2JJ       VK4AAR      
ED7URF      EA7PY         RK9XYW/P    RA9XF         ZK2PJ       VK4AAR      
ED8CMP      EA9JS         RW2F        DK4VW         ZP70CM      ZP1LL       
EG97CMC     EA2URD        RW9USA      UA9AB         ZS6Y        KK3S        
EO6F        OE5EIN        SJ9WL       LA6RHA        ZW5B        PY5EG       
EW35WB      EW1WB         SP0YMM      SP8ARY        ZZ2Z        PY2YP       
S DX@WW $425WW322E
425 DX News #322 [5/5]
 5 July 1997                       No 322                  BID: $425WW322E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *  Q S L   I N F O  [2/2] *

4K8DYL   Oksana, P.O.Box 214, 270000 Baku, Azerbaijan
4O4D     Kurtovic Zdravko, P.O.Box 99, 74001 Doboj, RS, via Yugoslavia
4S7TP    Thilosewa Pelpola, 111 Lady McCallum Drive, Kandy, Sri Lanka
5H3CC    Camillo Calliari, P.O.Box 30, Njombe, Tanzania
5N0AIP   P.I. Amadi, P.O.Box 4450, Festac Town, Apapa, Lagos, Nigeria
5N7NJM   P.O.Box 77, Zaria, Nigeria
5R8EW    P.O.Box 3934, Antananarivo 101, Madagascar
A61AQ    Abdullah, P.O.Box 2088, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
C31JI    Jordi Iranzo Lopez, Costa d'en Codina N. 3, URB Can Nogue,
         Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra
EK4JJ    Serge, P.O.Box 9A/33, 375062 Yerevan, Armenia
EK6OCM   Vahag, P.O.Box 25, 370562 Charentsavan, Armenia
EP2SMH   P.O.Box 17665-441, Tehran, Iran
HP1AC    Camilo A.Castillo, P.O.Box 6-583, El Dorado, Panama
JA6CNL   C/o NKDXC, P.O.Box 11, Yawata, 805-91, Japan
JH1NBN   Yoosuke Uchiyama, 924-4 Yojokawa-Cho, Hachioji, Tokyo 193, Japan
JH6RTO   Seiji Fukushima, 1182-1 Hase, Atsugi 243, Japan
PY4AA    LABBR/MG, P.O.Box 314, Belo Horizonte, MG, 301323-970, Brazil
RA9XF    Leonid A.Sidorkin, P.O.Box 841, 167000 Syktyvkar, Russia
RW9SG    P.O.Box 1161, 460051 Orenburg, Russia
UA2BD    Taras S.Buratevich, P.O.Box 567, 236000 Kaliningrad, Russia
UF6DZ    Valentin Makhalov, P.O.Box 387, Yeroham 80500, Israel
YC8YZ    P.O.Box 67, Ternate, Halmahera Island 97716, Indonesia

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

IK0HBN, Brescia DX Group, Crazy DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club,  Roman
DX Group, Salento  DX Team, 9K2HN,  CT1EEB, CT1ENQ,  DL4VBP, DL7VOA,  DL9GOA,
PY-DX, QRZ-DX,  The 59(9)  DX Report,  The Daily  DX, URE-EA-DX,  VK2SG  RTTY

!       425 WWW Page --->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html      !
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                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang