S DX@WW $425WW321A 425 DX News #321 [1/7] 28 June 1997 No 321 BID: $425WW321A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ IK1ADH - IK1GPG /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3D2_f - The Daily DX reports Jack's (VK2GJH) final plans for his Pacific trip [425DXN 315, 317 and 319]. Jack will be operating (10-80 metres, SSB and CW) from Fiji as 3D2JH as follows: from 27 June to 1 July from Suva (OC-016), from 2 to 7 July from Rabi (OC-016), from 2 to 6 August again from Suva. Jack is not a member of WIA so that QSL is direct only: Jack D. Haden, P.O. Box 299, Ryde 2112, NSW, Australia. 3W - Hiroo, JA2EZD/XU2A went to Vietnam to help setup a new club station (3W6LI) and has been spotted on 15 metres SSB, but he should be active on all bands SSB and CW. He is reported to be planning an operation from the island of Quan Phu Quoc (AS-???) as either 3W6ZD (his own call) or 3W6PQ. Toshi, JA1ELY says that Hiroo hopes to stay one week on the island and that operations might start in early July. 5A - The DX News Sheet report that OE3KLU and others from Icom-Austria Radio Club will be active (on 10-160 metres, possibly on 6 and 2 metres) from 28 August to 7 September as 5A28. 5B - The Daily DX reports that Nick, RU3FM, will be operating (10-40 metres CW, SSB and RTTY) from Cyprus (AS-004) until 7 July. QSL via RU3FM. 5X - Mats, SM7PKK is now active (40 metres CW for the time being, but other antennas will be up soon) from Uganda as 5X1Z. QSL via SM7PKK (Mats Persson, Zenithgatan 24 #5, SE-212 14 Malmoe, Sweden). 8P - The DX News Sheet reports that Enno, PA0ERA will be active (CW only, mostly on WARC bands and 6 metres) from Barbados (NA-021) from 3 to 16 July. 9G - PA3AWW will be active (mostly on CW) from Ghana until the end of the year as 9G1AA. QSL to H v Dousterhout, Bosbesplein 15, NL-3355 SG Papendrecht, The Netherlands. 9H - The DX News Sheet reports that G4BUO, G4JVG, G4ZVJ and 9H1EL will be active (SSB and CW) from Malta (EU-023) from 27 to 31 July as 9H3Z? (QSL via G4ZVJ). They will participate in the IOTA Contest as 9H0A (QSL via LA2TO). 9M6 - Bob, N2OO (9M6OO), Alan, VS6KY/ZL1TX (ex VS5TX) and several local 9M6 operators will be active from Keningau (Sabah, Eastern Malaysia) from 4 to 23 August with a special call to be announced. Operation will be on 10-40 metres (SSB and CW), WARC bands included. QSL via N2OO. This activity will celebrate the Grand Opening of "Hillview Gardens", a touristic resort owned and run by Alfons, 9M6MU and Doris, 9M6DU. Hillview Gardens includes all the usual facilities *and* a new tower and hamshack. For further information, please contact Bob Schenck, N2OO (CQPINEY@worldnet.att.net) or visit the resort's page (http://www.idis.com/alfons/hill.html). A4 - Chris, A71CW is reported to be now in Oman and waiting for his licence. QSL cards may be addressed to P.O. Box 22101, Doha, Qatar until May 1998. C6 - Steve, N4JQQ will be active (mostly on 6 metres) as C6AFP from Treasure Cay, Abaco (NA-080) from 1 to 16 August. QSL via home call. CY9 - CY9AA operation from St Paul Island started at 3 UTC on 28 June. According to Tom, K5RC "the landing happened in gale winds and drenching rain. It was every bit as difficult as expected and it took over 9 hours to get a vertical and dipole up and get on the air". EA - Operations from Sisarga Islands (EU-077) [425DXN 319] will take place from 25 to 27 July (IOTA Contest included) with the call EG1ISG (from Isla Sisarga Grande, DIE O-137, Spanish Lighthouses Award D-1728) and EG1ISC from Isla Sisarga Chica, DIE O-138). QSL via EA1EPB. Cards may be sent through the bureau (please note that dollars/IRCs will be given again to UNICEF). EA - EA5ZI reports that an IOTA expedition is being organized to the Columbretes Islands (EU-069). Operations (10-80 metres, SSB and CW) will take place from Isla Columbrete Grande (DIE E-005, FEA E-0222) on 7-10 August with the calls ED5HQ and EF5HQ. QSL via EA5HQ. /EX S DX@WW $425WW321B 425 DX News #321 [2/7] 28 June 1997 No 321 BID: $425WW321B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== EA - Paco, EA5OL reports that the following islands will be activated during the 3rd DIE Contest (6 July): AV-027 (Las Chorreras, call EA1EG, QSL via EA1JJ), BA-039 (Las Tapias, call EA4ENK/P, QSL via EA5OL), BI-006 (La Carolina, call EA2CMW/P, QSL via EA2CMW), BU-006 (Miranda, call EA1URM, QSL via EA1JW), BU-022 (Trespaderne, call ED1IBA or EA1CSB/P), CO-001 (Las Quemadilas de Abajo, call EA7HCU/P, QSL via EA7HCU), CO-017 (Isla Grande, call ED7MTQ, QSL via EA7BB), CS-002 (Gayatos, call EA5WI/P, via EA5AL), E-021 (Mallorca, call ED6DIE, QSL via EA6ADP), E-037 (Sujetos, call EA5VY/P, QSL via EA5VM), E-044 (L'Olla, call EA5URP, QSL via EA5OL), E-267 (S`Illot, call ED6ZXP, QSL via APDO 240, Palma de Mallorca 07080), E-347 (La Planella de S'Alguer, call EA3BT/P, QSL via EA3BT), E-395 (El Cargol de L'Escala, call EA3URE, QSL via EA3AFW), GU-025 (El Empalme, call EA4CBA/P, QSL via EA4CBA), H-009 (El Pino, call EA7BR/P, QSL via EA7CWA), LE-023 (Valdequintana, call ED1ILE, QSL via EA1CJH), M-012 (Matillas, call EA4DMB/P, QSL via EA4ENQ), N-225 (Los Cuernos, call EA1BEY/P, QSL via EA1BEY), N-246 (Ballenato, call ED1IDA, QSL via EA1BT), O-008 (Toralla, call ED1BMA, QSL via EA1BMA), P-013 (La Olmeda, call EA1MK/P, QSL via EA1MK), S-014 (La Gomera, call ED8LIO, QSL via EA8KK), S-233 (Leon, call ED7IDL, QSL via EA7FR), SA-027 (Lopez Rodriguez, call ED1ISA, QSL via EA1EAU), TO-007 (Prado de los Toros, call EA4ENT/P, QSL via EA4ENT), V-011 (L'Estell, call EA5AEN/P, QSL via EA5AEN), VA-019 (La Moraleja, call EA1AGZ/P, QSL via EA5OL), V-024 (L'Assut de Sueca, call EA5RKX, QSL via EA5OL), V-025 (Moli de Cardona, call EA5AOP/P, QSL via EA5AOP), V-035 (Aliagar, call EA5RCC, QSL via EA5GLT). ES - ES1RA/1, ES1QD/1 and ES1OX/1 will be active from Aegna island (EU 149) from 16 to 23 July. ES - ES1RA, ES1QD and ES1OX will participate in the IOTA Contest as ES1QD/0 from Muhu island (EU 034). DL - Felix, DL8OBC reports that Matthias, DL4OCL will participate in the IOTA Contest (26-27 July) from Poel Island (EU-098, DID O-002) as DL4OCL/p on CW and SSB. QSL via DL4OCL either direct (Matthias Deutscher, P.O. Box 100412, D-30942 Ronnenberg, Germany) or htrough the bureau. DL - Felix, DL8OBC reports that he will participate in the IOTA Contest (26-27 July) from Helgoland Island (EU-127, DID N-014) as DL8OBC/p. He will be active for one week starting on the Contest weekend. QSL via DL8OBC either direct (Felix J. Riess, P.O. Box 1253, D-30984 Gehrden, Germany) or through the bureau. F - Jim, G3RTE and Phil, G3SWH will be active from St. Nicolas island in the Glenans group (EU-094, DIFM AT-010) between 28 and 30 June. They plan to run two stations simultaneously, with F/G3RTE/P on SSB and F/G3SWH/P on CW on all bands 80 to 10 metres. QSL for both stations via G3SWH either direct (Philip Whitchurch, 21 Dickensons Grove, Congresbury, Bristol BS19 5HQ, England, UK) or through the bureau. F - David's (F/ON4BDS/P) plans have changed [425DXN 317]. He has re-scheduled his operations from the Glenans and Sein Island, which are now expected to take place respectively on 22-25 July and on 25-28 July (IOTA Contest included). Activities from Cezembre (EU-157, 13-16 July), Brehat (EU-074, 16-19 July) and Ouessant (EU-065, 19-22 July) are confirmed. QSL via home call either direct or through the bureau. FG - Alain, F2HE will be FG/ (mainly on CW) from Guadeloupe (NA-102) from 20 June to 25 September. FP - Ken, AA3GMN will FP/ from St. Pierre Island, St. Pierre & Miquelon (NA-032) from 11 to 14 July. Operations will take place on HF bands, 6 metres (50.115 MHz) and VHF bands. FR - The Daily DX reports that FR5DT, FR5KH and FR5TU will be active on all bands from Piton de la Fournaise (a 2631 metre high mountain on Reunion) for one week starting on 27 June. QSL via F6FNU. G - Special event station GB2CFG will be active on 28 and 29 June for 25th anniversary of guiding in Chandler's Ford (Hampshire). GM - The DX News Sheet reports that GM0AXY, GM3BQA and GM4YMM should be active from Bass Rock (EU-123, IOSA FF-2) for 3-4 hours from 11.00 UTC on 28-29 June. GM - Ivan, G3IZD will be active as GM3IZD/P from Islay Island (EU-008) from 24 to 28 July, IOTA Contest included. QSL via home call. HB0 - Pierre, HB9QQ will be active (on 6 and 2 metres) from Liechtenstein from 11 to 15 August. HL - HL1TUE, HL1TMU, HL1MKT and one operator from HL0T will be active (40, 20 and 15 metres CW and SSB) as HL0N/3 from Anmyu Island (AS-080) from 4 to 7 July. QSL via HL1TUE either direct (120-110, Eom Sin-Jo, 21st Century Const. Research Lab., Dept. of Architectural Eng., Yonsei University, 134 Shinchon-Dong, Seodaemun, Seoul, Korea) or through the bureau. HZ - HZ1AB is celebrating 50 years on the air. A special card is being designed and will be available for contacts made between now and July 1988. QSL via K8PYD. Details on HZ1AB can be found at URL <http://www.garlic.com /~k7jj/hz1ab.html>. /EX S DX@WW $425WW321C 425 DX News #321 [3/7] 28 June 1997 No 321 BID: $425WW321C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== I - Fabio, IK8WTM will be /IE9 from Ustica Island (EU-051, IIA PA-001) on either 28-29 June or 5-6 July. He plans to be active from Colombara (IIA PA-002) and Scoglio del Medico (IIA PA-003) as well. QSL via the bureau or direct to P.O. Box 340, 80133 Napoli-NA, Italy. I - IK2HTW and IK2PZG will be /IL3 from a few islands in the Venice Lagoon during the weekend. I - Weather permitting IC8/IK8VRH and IC8/IK8UHA will be active from Scoglio del Palombaro (aka "di San Basilio", IIA NA-040) during the weekend. QSL via IK8VRH either direct (Casella Postale 173, 80016 Marano - NA, Italy) or through the bureau. I - Paolo, IV3UHL is currently active as IA5/IV3UHL from Elba Island (EU-028, IIA LI-001). Paolo was also active from Gemini (EU-028, IIA LI-003) on 18 and 25 June and he plans to operate from some other islands in the Toscano Archipelago. QSL via home call. I - Gaetano, IT9GAI will be active from Isola delle Palme (EU-025) on 5 and 6 July. I - Operations by IK8YFU, IZ8BAD and IW8PQ from Scoglio Godano (IIA VV-003) [425DXN 319] are now scheduled on 13 July. I - Special event station IR0MFP (Millennium For Peace) will be active on 14-15 July. QSL via IK0AZG. I - Salvo, IT9HLR reports that due to a bureaucratic problem, operations from Scoglio La Galera (IIA SR-013) [425DXN 319] has been postponed to a date not known as yet. I - Marco (IV3NCC), Pietro (IV3AJT) and Alessandro (IW3RMT) will be active as IL3/IV3AJT (on HF) and IL3/IW3RMT (on VHF) from Anfora Island (EU-130, IIA GO-026). J5 - Rob, ND3A left a paddle and keyer to J52IM, who is therefore expected to be active on CW soon. J52IM is currently active mainly on 40, 20 and 17 metres SSB. QSL via KB9XN. J6 - Jimmy, W6JKV will be J6/ from St. Lucia (NA-108) until 29 June. JA - JA4DND reports that the activity from Oki Islands (AS-041) [425DXN 317] has been cancelled due to bad weather conditions. JA - Toshi, JA1ELY reports that Noriko, 7K3EOP/1 and her husband Masao, JA1EY will be active (mainly on 20 metres) from Miyake Island, Izu Archipelago (AS-008) from 6 to 30 July. QSL via theyr home calls either direct or through the bureau. KL - Keith, N6HRG is now resident and active as N6HRG/KL7 from the Pribilof Islands (NA-028). OA - Cesar, OA4QV reports that he will be using the special prefix OA176 (on 10, 15, 20 and 40 metres SSB) from 1 to 31 July to celebrate 176th anniversary of the indipendence of Peru. QSL to OA4QV (Cesar Aguirre, P.O.Box 957, Lima 18, Peru). For direct requests please note that 1 IRC is not enough to cover return postage from Peru. OH0 - N4GN, OH1NX and OH2BH will be active as OH0/N4GN from Aland Islands (EU-002) as from 7 July and will put two stations on the air, CW (3.502, 7.002, 10.101, 14.024, 18.074, 21.024, 24.894, 28.024 and 50.104 MHz) and SSB (3.795, 7.045, 14.195, 18.115, 21.295, 24.935, 28.495 and 50.110 MHz). QSL via N4GN (Tim Totten, 8309 Dawson Hill Road, Louisville, KY 40299-5317, USA). OJ0 - The OH0 group (see above) will be joined by OH1VR, OH1RX, OH3FT and OH0RJ on 10 July. They will be active from Market Reef (EU-053) late on that day: OJ0/OH1VR will be active in the IARU Radiosport championship and the OJ0/N4GN call sign will be used before and after the contest and also on the WARC bands during the entire weekend (RTTY and 6 metre operations are planned as well). The operation will close down on 14 July. QSL for OJ0/OH1VR via OH1VR (Seppo Sisatto, Lansirinteenkatu 23, 33400 Tampere, Finland). QSL fro OJ0/N4GN via N4GN (Tim Totten, 8309 Dawson Hill Road, Louisville, KY 40299-5317, USA). OX - OZ8AE will be OX/ from Greenland (NA-018) from 7 to 21 July. He will operate CW only on 14.041, 18.086 and 10.115 MHz. QSL via bureau to OZ8AE. PA - VERON will participate in the IARU HF World Championship as PA6HQ (multi-multi) from the PI4COM contest site. It counts for a HQ multiplier. QSL via PA3CAL. PA - ON7ZV reports that a group of ON operators will participate in the IOTA Contest as PA/ON7PC/P from Goeree-Overflakkee (EU-146). Further information can be found at <http://www.ping.be/ON6QR/iota97.htm>. SM - The Southwest Scania Radio Amateurs will participate in the IOTA Contest from Hano Island (EU-138) as SK7DX. QSL via SM7PKK. SM - SM0OIG is /5 from Roslagen Island (EU-084) during the weekend. SP - Special event station 3Z2GD will be active in July to celebrate the 1000 years of the city of Gdansk. QSL via SP2FOV. SV - SV8CRI, SV8DCY, SV8DTL, SV8DTD and possibly others will be active on SSB during the IOTA Contest as J48LSV from Lesvos Island (EU-049). QSL via bureau or direct to P.O. Box 46, Mytilene, GR-81100, Greece. T2 - The Daily DX reports Jack's (VK2GJH) final plans for his Pacific trip [425DXN 315, 317 and 319]. Jack will be operating (10-80 metres, SSB and CW) from Funafuti, Tuvalu (OC-015) as T20JH from 7 to 9 and again from 28 to 29 July. Jack is not a member of WIA so that QSL is direct only: Jack D. Haden, P.O. Box 299, Ryde 2112, NSW, Australia. T30 - The Daily DX reports Jack's (VK2GJH) final plans for his Pacific trip [425DXN 315, 317 and 319]. Jack will be operating (10-80 metres, SSB and CW) from Tarawa, West Kiribati (OC-017) as T30JH from 13 to 15 and again from 23 to 24 July. Jack is not a member of WIA so that QSL is direct only: Jack D. Haden, P.O. Box 299, Ryde 2112, NSW, Australia. /EX S DX@WW $425WW321D 425 DX News #321 [4/7] 28 June 1997 No 321 BID: $425WW321D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== T33 - The Daily DX reports Jack's (VK2GJH) final plans for his Pacific trip [425DXN 315, 317 and 319]. Jack will be operating (10-80 metres, SSB and CW) from Banaba (OC-018) as T33JH from 16 to 22 July. Jack is not a member of WIA so that QSL is direct only: Jack D. Haden, P.O. Box 299, Ryde 2112, NSW, Australia. TK - IK0XBX will be active from Corsica (EU-014) as TK/IK0XBX/P from 12 to 26 or 28 July. TT - Jean-Pierre, F5TRD will be active from Chad for four months (call is not known as yet). UA - Special event stations R3RRC and R3IOTA will be active from 29 to 31 August during the third annual IOTA/DX Russian Convention (see below). V7 - JARL Kyoto Club members JA3ART, JA3MM, JH3QNH and JA3YAQ will be active (respectively as V73AR, V73MM, V73NH and V73YAQ) from Majuro Island (OC-029), Marshall Islands, from 6 to 14 August. Operations will take place on 10-160 metres, WARC Bands included, CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via JA3OIN. VE - The city of Calgary (Alberta) hosts the World Police/Fire Games and between 27 June and 4 July amateurs in Calgary area are allowed to use the special prefix CG6. VE - Special event stations VY1USI and VE7USI will be active respectively from Yukon River Islands (before and during Canada Day Contest starting at 17.00 UTC on 30 June) and islands in Atlin Lak (on 2 July) to celebrate the third anniversary of the United States Islands Awards Program (USI). QSL via NL7TB (John Reisenauer, USI Contest Mgr./Spec. Events Coordinator, 23406 East Kennedy Rd., Benton City, WA 99320, USA). VE - Gordon, WB9EEE reports that he will be /VE3 on a fishing trip to Ontario, Canada as from 28 June. He will be staying on Thunder Bay Island (CISA ON-191) and will try to operate each day until 5 July from over there at around 12 UTC and 20 UTC on 14260 MHz (+/-) and 7.260 MHz (+/-). During the week he will attempt to operate from at least 3 new ones. Special effort will be made to operate on Canada Day (1 July). QSL via home call. VE - Amateurs in Thunder Bay area (Ontario) area are allowed to use the prefixes CJ3 (instead of VE3) and CK3 (instead of VA3) between 12 and 31 July for the Scouts Canada Jamboree. VE - Alex, VE2AFC will be /VE2 from Coudres Island (NA-128) from time to time between 15 July and 15 August. VE - Louis, VE2BQB is active as VE8TA from Baffin Island (NA-047) until 15 December [425DXN 279] and in autumn will operate on 40, 80 and 160 metres. QSL via VE2BQB either direct (Louis Paquet, 1368 Rang 4, Lac Au Saumon, P.Q. G0J 1M0, Canada) or through the bureau. VK - VK4AAR reports that the special event station VI0ANARE will be active (80, 40, 20 and 15 metres SSB and CW) between 1 July and 31 October to celebrate the 50th anniversary of A.N.A.R.E. (Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition). QSL direct to VK4AAR (Alan Roocroft, Post Office, Dalveen QLD 4374, Australia) or via bureau to VK4ARB. VK9_lh - Jun (JH4RHF), YL Kumiko (JR4DUW) and Hiro (JR4PMX) are planning to operate (10-80 metres SSB and CW, possibly 160 metres and RTTY) from Lord Howe (OC-004) approximately between 24 and 29 July. They will participate in the IOTA Contest. They have applied for the callsigns VK9RH, VK9YL and VK9MX respectively. QSL for Jun and Kumiko will be via JH4RHF, QSL for Hiro will be via JR4PMX. VR2 - Special event stations VS97SAR (on 28-30 June) and VR97SAR (on 1-2 July) will be active to celebrate the handover of Hong Kong from the United Kingdom to the People's Republic of China. QSL to VR2XRW (Logan Chan, P.O. Box 80312, Cheung Sha Wan Post Office, Kowloon, Hong Kong). W - Randall, KD8JN will be /4 on all bands from Hatteras Island (NA-067, USI NC-005S) from 5 to 12 July. QSL via KD8JN either direct (Randall L. Phelps, 1226 Delverne Ave SW, Canton, Ohio 44710-1306, USA). W - N3OC, KA3T, N3HF and N3NPG will participate in the IOTA Contest from Assateague Island (NA-139). QSL to N3OC (ex WA3WJD) preferably via the bureau. XW - Jun, JH4RHF reports that Zorro, JH1AJT and others will be active (160-6 metres) from Laos from 28 June to 2 July. They will operate as XW1A on CW and XW1 on SSB. QSL via JH1AJT. YB - YB1XUR told us that the activity from Tanimabr Islands (OC-???) [425DXN 319] has not been cancelled but postponed to July. ZF - A group of South Florida DXers will operate from Little Cayman Island (NA-016) from 10 to 15 July. They will participate in the IARU HF World Championship contest. The operators are David, ZF2DN/ZF8 (QSL via KP4AM), Bob, ZF2DE/ZF8 (QSL via N4BP), Bruce, ZF2PU/ZF8 (QSL via W4OVU) and Julio, ZF2JS/ZF8 (QSL via WD4JNS). Operations will take place on 160-6 metres, CW, SSB and RTTY. ZF - K7AR, N7NU, N7MQ (ZF2MC), WJ7R (ZF2RV) and K7DBV (ZF2BV) will be active from Little Cayman Island (NA-016) from 24 November to 3 December. They will participate in the CQWW CW Contest as ZF2RV. QSL for contacts with ZF2RV during the Contest are via AA6BB/7, QSL for *all* other QSOs go to each operator's home call, either direct or through the bureau. ZK2 - Paul, ZK2PJ and his wife Janice, ZK2JJ will be on Niue (OC-040) for the next two years. QSL for both is direct via VK4AAR (Alan Roocroft, Post Office, Dalveen QLD 4374, Australia). ZL - The Kiwi Contest Group may participate in the IARU HF World Championship as ZL6A. QSL via bureau. ZP - Special event station ZP24I will be active (10, 15, 20, 40, 80 and 160 metres CW and SSB) from 10 to 20 July. QSL via ZP5WYV. /EX S DX@WW $425WW321E 425 DX News #321 [5/7] 28 June 1997 No 321 BID: $425WW321E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== ************************* ***************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************* IOTA/DX RUSSIAN CONVENTION ---> The third annual IOTA/DX Russian Convention is being organized by the Russian Robinson Club along with the Russian Contest Club and the Soyuz Radiolyubitelej Rossii (Union of Radioamateurs of Russia). The Convention will be held on 29-31 August in Voronezh (300 kilometres south-east of Moscow). The organizing committee members are Serge Popov (RN3QO), Igor Zakharov (UA3QDM) and Valery Sushkov (RW3GW). The programme includes an IOTA/DX Forum (lectures and videos by RW3GW, "Five Years of Russian Robinson Club"; RA3AUU, "VK0IR DXpedition to Heard Island"; UA3AB, "AH4/AH0W DXpedition to Midway Island"; RV3DZZ, "R3AA/9 Ski-pedition to Ermak Island (AS-109)"; RA3DEJ, "RF0Z Expedition to Starichkov Island (AS-095)"; RW3AH, "9X/RW3AH, Trip on Duty to Rwanda" and others) and much more, including a football (soccer) match Russian Robinson Club vs. Russian Contest Club. For further information please contact Valery Sushkov, RW3GW (P.O.Box 3, Lipetsk 398000, Russia; tel. (0742)77-66-22 or (0742)74-65-19) or Sergey Popov, RN3QO (P.O. Box 22, Voronezh 394077, Russia; tel. (0732) 13-03-52; E-mail: uv3qrj@ns.comch.ru). JG8NQJ/JD1 LOG ---> Available at URL <http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~nb8k-mtd/>. MALYJ VYSOTSKIJ ---> OH5AB/MVI and R1MVI [425DXN 317] went QRT at 03.30 UTC on 16 June. Propagation was very poor and they made 30,000 QSOs. MUKAISHIMA ISLAND ---> Recent operation by Sam, JR4GPA (24-25 May and 21-22 June) took place from Mukaishima (given as AS-117, but NO-REF). He will be active again on 12-13 July during the IARU HF World Championship. QSL 5A1A ---> Les, WF5E reports the following: "In a letter I received from 5A1A, Abubaker said he can QSL any 5A1A contacts since July 1995 on. He said it's not possible for him to use any QSL manager. For a QSL with 5A1A there is only one way that can be used: it has to be sent registered air mail, send green stamps (two per QSL), do not send any IRCs (they are not usable in Libya and have no value). The address is: Mr. Abubaker Alzway, P.O.Box 74421, Tripoli, Libya)". Les adds that "Abubaker is 25 years old, single and employed as a electronics engineer. His hobbies are Radio Amateur DXing and football. He collects stamps of football events, materials of football clubs and teams from all over the world (posters, flags, caps, mufflers, t-shirts etc.). Also likes correspondence 'pen pals' with people from all over the world (his English is excellent)." QSL 5K3W ---> QSLs are handled by HK3SGP (Francisco Hennessey, P.O.Box 170030, Bogota D.C., Colombia). QSL 9K2F ---> 9K2RA is *not* the QSL manager for 9K2F [425DXN 320]. Cards should go to 9K2HN either direct (Hamad J. Al-Nusif, P.O. Box 29174, 13152 Safat, Kuwait) or through the bureau. QSL FK/F5PXQ ---> The OPDX reports that QSL requests should be addressed to Didier Lavisse, Caserne Normandie, B.P. 12, 98842 Noumea Cedex, New Caledonia. Please note that one green stamp does not cover return postage from FK-land. QSL FR5HR ---> F6BUM is *not* the QSL manager for FR5HR [425DXN 320], QSL is via F5RRH (F6BUM is the QSL manager for *FG5HR*). QSL V63KU ---> JA1ELY and KQ4YI report that the address for direct requests is Isam Kamibeppu, P.O.Box 1679, Chuuk, FM 96942, Micronesia. Bureau cards are via JA6NL. QSL VK0IR ---> The following message has been received from Bob, KK6EK: "Almost all of the VK0IR cards are out, and I hope yours were received and are correct. The VK0IR team is especially grateful to John W4FRU and Bob K4JDJ for handling this enormous task. [...] Now and then I see a question about the cards from someone who has not received theirs yet. While the QSLing process is working just fine, it is possible that a small numer of cards have been lost somewhere or are still in process. [...] If you are still waiting for your cards and are concerned, I invite you to write back to me (directly please). Please be brief; I don't need a huge explanation, just your callsign and the vitae of your contacts. I will make a special personal effort to track them down for you. Please note that the internet log server is current. Log into <http://www.ccnet.com/~cordell/HI> and press the red button "Am I in the log?" If your QSO is not on the server, it is not in the log per se. In a very few cases, it is possible the log is wrong, so if you have a reasonable story, please forward that to me and I will see what we can do. Also please note that this is not a promise to give cards where they are not deserved. We must be able to find a log entry that is clearly yours in order to issue the card." /EX S DX@WW $425WW321F 425 DX News #321 [6/7] 28 June 1997 No 321 BID: $425WW321F =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== QSL VIA HP2CWB ---> HP2CWB is the QSL manager for HP2CWB/HP4, HP9I, 3F3C, H33C, HO3C, H92A, 3E2G, 3F0T, HO2M, HO1P, H95H, H88C, H99I, HO0S, H30S, H80S, and 3E0S. The addres is Jose Ng, Direct DistributonN Ltd., PTY-201, P.O.Box 02-5275, Miami, FL 33102-5275, USA ((please do not include US stamps, because the envelopes will be mailed from Panama). SAN DIEGO DX CLUB ---> At its June meeting, the membership elected the following slate of officers to serve for the 1997-1998 term: Bruce Clark, K6JYO (President); Jim McCook, W6YA (Vice President); Harry A. Hodges, WA6YOO (Secretary/Treasurer); Directors are Bill Denton (NG6Z),Larry Serra (N6NC), Bob Pace (WB6NBU), Harvey Hiller (KD6QK). Dick Shanks, W6BZE, founding President of the San Diego DX Club in 1946, has been elected President Emeritus. + SILENT KEY + QRZ-DX reports the following message from Ruthana, WB3CQN: "I have learned that Ahmed (YI1AU) was killed in an auto accident. He was going to send me logs and info he wanted on his QSL cards. This never happened. I have no logs. Ahmed was only 30 years old and a doctor, what a sad loss. I am sorry to have to return your cards". TL8PH ---> Heidi went QRT and returned to Switzerland on 20 June. YU4WU'S ADDRESS ---> The correct full address [425DXN 320] is: Robert Babec, P.O.BOX 224, 78001 Banja Luka, R.S. via Yugoslavia. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received via direct: 3D2RW, 5N0T, 5W1GC, 5X1T, 6W2/F6BUM (AF-078), 8P9JB, 9M6TPR, 9X4WW, A41LD, C6/DL6MHW, D2TT, E31FAO, ED2ISN, EM1HO, (AN-006), FG5HR, FM5CD, HS50A (AS-125), HS9AL (AS-126), IC8/IK8VRH (IIA NA-033, NA-039, NA-042), II1ARI, IL3/I3BQC (EU-131: IIA VE-005), IL3/IK2PZG (EU-131; IIA VE-030, VE-035), IM0JMA (IIA NU-003), IM0/IS0NHT (IIA CA-018), J87GU, N6VV (NA-066), OX3SA, P29VXX, R1FJZ, S21YS (AS-127), SU2MT, TU2XZ, VK5ISL (OC-220), VP2END, VP2MGG, XR8S, YC8YR. ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, I1ZL, IK1QFM, IK2PZG, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, IT9GAI, IT9HLR, IK0AZG, IK0XBX, Brescia DX Group, Crazy DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, Salento DX Team, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DL4VBP, DL7VOA, DL8OBC, DL9GOA, EA1FFH, EA1YB, EA5KB, EA5ZI, F6BUM, F6AJA, G3RTE, G3SWH, G4BUE, HL1TUE, HP2CWB, JA1ELY, JA4DND, JH4RHF, JI6KVR, K5RC, K7JJ, KB8NW, KD8JN, KK6EK, KQ4YI, N2OO, N4GN, NL7TB, OA4QV, ON4BDS, ON7ZV, OZ6TL, PS7AB, PS7KM, RA3AUU, RN3QO, SM7PKK, SP2FOV, VE6JO, VK4AAR, VK6LC, W3UR, WA6YOO, WB9EEE, WD4JNS, WD8MGQ, WF5E, YB1XUR, YZ7ED, ZP5RPO, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, The Daily DX, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY Notes ***************************************************************************** /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! 425 WWW Page ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ! ! INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: ! ! www-dx.deis.unibo.it - under the /pub/ham/425news/english/ directory ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL: ! ! http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/nph-425dxnews ! ! or sending a message to: majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it ! ! writing in the body of the message: subscribe 425dxnews address ! ! where address is the e-mail address of the subscriber ! ! for example: subscribe 425dxnews i1jqj.amsat.org ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * ! ! TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 ! ! DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 ! ! SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ! ! ARRL HQ BBS USA : 860-594-0306 ! ! CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 ! ! HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 ! ! WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 ! ! JUNGLE BBS NZ : +64-3-524-8332 ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang /EX S DX@WW $425WW321G 425 DX News #321 [7/7] 28 June 1997 No 321 BID: $425WW321G ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 07/07 5B4/RU3FM 321 till 05/07 9H0VRZ * by VRZA 320 till 03/07 CY9AA * by VE9AA's team 319 till 30/06 GS3EEO/p: Summer Is. (EU-092) * by G3OCA & G6LYI 319 till 29/06 HG5UFO * special event station 320 till 16/07 NP3G * by W5XJ 321 till 29/07 SM0OIG/5: Roslagen Is. (EU-084) 321 till 29/06 SM4DDS/7: Ven Isl. (EU-137) 317 till early July SV5/I3BQC: Karpathos Isl. (EU-001) 317 27/06-01/07 3D2JH: Suva (OC-016) * by VK2GJH 321 27/06-03/07 FR: Piton de la Fournaise * by FR5DT, FR5KH, FR5TU 321 27/06-29/06 Friedrichshafen * Ham Radio '97 *** 28/06-30/06 F: St. Nicolas Isl. (EU-094) * by G3RTE & G3SWH 321 28/06-31/08 F5IPW/p: Oleron Isl. (EU-032) 319 28/06-29/06 GB2CFG: special event station 321 28/06-29/06 IE9: Ustica Isl. (EU-051) (IIA PA-002) * by IK8WTM 321 28/06-29/06 IL3: Anfora Isl. (EU-130) (IIA GO-026) * by IV3 team 321 28/06-29/06 IL3: EU-131 * by IK2HTW & IK2PZG 321 28/06-29/06 GM: Bass Rock (EU-123) * by GM0AXY, GM3BQA, GM4YMM 321 321 28/06-07/07 TM0VER * special event station 320 28/06 VE3/WB9EEE: Thuder Bay Isl. (CIsA ON-191) 321 28/06-29/06 VS97SAR: special event station 321 28/06-02/07 XW1 & XW1A * by JH1AJT 321 29/06 IC8: Sc.del Paolombaro (IIA NA-040) by IK8VRH & IK8UHA 321 29/06-05/07 VE3/WB9EEE: C.Is.A. 321 30/06-04/07 HR6/WT4K 319 30/06-01/07 KL1SLE: Saint Paul Isl. (NA-028) * by KL7FH 320 30/06 VE7USI: Atlin Lak Isl. 321 30/06 VY1USI: Yukon River Isl. 321 01/07-02/07 VR97SAR: special event station 321 01/07 VY1RAC * by N6NT 319 02/07-07/07 3D2JH: Rabi (OC-016) * by VK2GJH 321 03/07-16/07 8P * by PA0ERA 321 04/07-07/07 HL0N/3: Anmyu Isl. (AS-080) * by HL1 team 321 05/07-06/07 IT9GAI/p: Isola delle Palme (EU-025) 321 05/07-12/07 KD8JN/4: Hatteras Isl. (NA-067) (USI NC-005S) 321 06/07 DIE activity 321 06/07 IJ7: Sc. Papuscia (IIA LE-037) * by Salento DX Team 311 06/07 IJ7: Sc. Pizzicazi (IIA LE-036) * by Salento DX Team 311 06/07-30/07 7K3EOP/1: Miyake Isl. (AS-008) 321 06/07 DIE Contest (05 - 13 UTC) *** 07/07-?? OH0 * by N4GN, OH1NX, OH2BH 321 07/07-21/07 OX/OZ8AE 321 07/07-09/07 T20JH * by VK2GJH 321 08/07-28/07 9N1VUD * by K4VUD 319 09/07-28/07 BY * by IV3FSG 319 09/07-23/07 SV5/OM3LA: Kos Isl. (EU-001) 317 10/07-?? OJ0 * by OH1VR, OH1RX, OH3FT, OH0RJ 321 10/07-16/07 XE1/WJ2O 317 10/07-15/07 ZF2DN/ZF8, ZF2DE/ZF8, ZF2PU/ZF8, ZF2JS/ZF8 321 10/07-20/07 ZP24I: special event station 321 11/07-14/07 FP/AA3GMN 321 12/07-20/07 IG9: (AF-019) Lampedusa Isl. & Lampione Isl. by IT9YRE 319 12/07-09/08 J3/G0TYX 319 12/07-13/07 PA6HQ * by VERON PI4COM 321 12/07-26/07 TK/IK0XBX/p 321 12/07-13/07 ZL6A * by Kiwi Contest Group 321 12/07-13/07 IARU HF World Championship Contest *** 13/07-16/07 F/ON4BDS/p: Czenmbre Is. (EU-157) 317 13/07 IK8YFU, IZ8BAD, IW8PQ: Scoglio Godano (IIA VV-003) 321 13/07-15/07 T30JH * by VK2GJH 321 14/07-15/07 IR0MFP: special event station 321 14/07 SM0/F5YJ: EU-084 311 15/07-15/08 VE2AFC/VE2: Coudres Isl. (NA-128) 321 16/07-23/07 ES1RA/1, ES1QD/1, ES1OX/1; Aegna Isl. (EU-149) 321 16/07-19/07 F/ON4BDS/p: Brehat Isl. (EU-074) 317 16/07-22/07 T33JH: Banaba Isl. * by VK2GJH 321 /EX