S DX@WW $425WW319A 425 DX News #319 [1/5] 14 June 1997 No 319 BID: $425WW319A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ IK1ADH - IK1GPG /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 5Z - This summer 5Z4SS and 5Z4LH are going QRT, while 5Z4BJ will be in the USA for several months. 6V - 6V1A will be active from Goree Island (AF-045) on 14-15 June [425DXN 307]. QSL via ARAS, P.O. Box 971, Dakar, Senegal. 9A - Wolf, DL1AUJ will be active (all bands, WARC included) as 9A/DL1AUJ from Rab Island (EU-136) from 28 July to 15 August. 9M8 - The Daily DX reports that Arie, PA3FWG will be active (also RTTY) as 9M8ZZ in July for about one month. 9N - Charles, K4VUD will be active for 20 days as 9N1VUD from Kathmandu starting on 8 July. He plans to participate in the IARU contest (14-15 July). QSLs to K4VUD. BV - BV2KI, BV2KS, BV4AS, JI6KVR, JP1RIW and JR7TEQ will be active (all bands CW and SSB) from Ma-Tsu Islands (AS-113) from 24 to 28 July. They will participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL via BV2KI. BY - Simonetta, IV3FSG will be in Beijing between 9 and 28 July. She expects to be active from a club station, possibly on RTTY. C2 - Jack, VK2GJH will be active from Nauru (OC-031) on 25 July (call not given). QSL via home call. CY9 - The DXpedition to St. Paul Island (NA-094) is confirmed to take place from 26 June to 3 July with the call CY9AA [425DXN 313]. Operations will begin once all three stations are up and running, at least with basic antennas. VE1PZ, K7BV and VE9AA will be active CW and SSB (no RTTY) on all HF bands, 2 and 6 metres (a beacon will be operating on 50.101 MHz). Daily reports will be available at <http://www.uksmg.org/cy9.htm>. QSL via VE9AA (Mike Smith, 271 Smith Rd, Waterville, Sunbury Co, NB, E2V 3V6 Canada). DL - Peter, DL4FCH will be active (10-80 metres, CW only) as DL4FCH/P from Pellworm Island (EU-042) from 25 July to 15 August. He will participate in the IOTA Contest. EA - EA1JE/P will be active from the Castle of Zamora (CZA-011) on 15 June. QSL via bureau. EA - EA4ENT/P will be active from Isla Matarronquilla (DIEI TO-01) on 22 June. EA - EA5RKX will be active from Torre de Santa Ana (CVV-141) on 21 June and from Torre Miranda (CVV-139) on 22 June. EA - EA1APB and others will participate in the IOTA Contest from Sisargas Islands (EU-077). EP - The Daily DX reports that Zbig, SP5GRM has confirmed that Zenek, SP5INQ will be in Iran the last weekend of July. Zenek will try to get either a licence or permission to operate from one of the current EP stations. Zenek expects to be in Iran again in November and December. ES - ES2RW/2 will be active from EU-149 during the weekend. QSL via ES2RIQ. F - F5IVC/P will be active from the inland island of Mahis (DIFI 45-001-R) on 13-15 June. F - Joel, F5IPW will be active from Oleron Island (EU-032) from 28 June to 31 August. He will participate in the IOTA Contest. G - Alain, F6BFH should be G/ from the Isles of Scilly (EU-011) in July. GM - Ken, G3OCA and Peter, G6KYI will be active as GS3ZBI/P on 19 June from Eigg Island (EU-008, IOSA NH-03) and on 21 June from Canna Island (EU-008, IOSA NH-01). QSL via G3OCA. GM -Ken, G3OCA and Peter, G6KYI will be active as GS3EEO/P from Summer Is (EU-092, IOSA SC-10) from 26 to 30 June. QSL via G3OCA. GU - A team of BARTG (British Amateur Radio Teledata Group) members will participate in the CQWW RTTY Contest (27-28 September) from Guersney (EU-114). Thy will use the club call GU3HFN. HB9 - HB9FG will be active in contests until 31 December as HB6FG. The special call celebrates the 60 years of the Fribourg Section of the USKA. QSL via bureau. HP - OPDX reports that Bill, WT4K will be HP3/ (SSB and RTTY) from Panama from 23 to 27 June. QSL direct to home call. HR - OPDX reports that Bill, WT4K might be HR6/ from Honduras from 30 June to 4 July. I - IT9HLR, IT9AXZ, IT9YRE and IT9WDY will be IJ9/ from the islands of Milocca (EU-025, IIA SR-012) during the weekend. They will be also active from Scoglio Galera (EU-025, IIA SR-013) within the end of June. I - Venice Islanders will be active again on 14-15 June from a few islands in the Venice lagoon. I - Nando, IT9YRE will be active from the islands of Lampedusa (IIA AG-001) and Lampione (IIA AG-002) between 12 and 20 July. The islands count both for IOTA group AF-019. QSL via homecall. I - IK8YFU, IZ8BAD and IW8PQ will be active (on HF, 2 and 6 metres respectively) from Scoglio Godano (IIA VV-???) on 13 July, I - Members of the 59 DX Club will be active from Scogli Apani (IIA BR-002) from 15 to 17 August. I - IK8YFU and other operators of the Calabria DX Team are planning to be active from Scoglio dell'Ulivo (IIA RC-002) during the summer. /EX S DX@WW $425WW319B 425 DX News #319 [2/5] 14 June 1997 No 319 BID: $425WW319B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== J3 - G0TYX will be J3/ from 12 July to 9 August. He will be active on CW QRP (10-80 metres). QSL via home call. J3 - IV3TMV (J38AI), IV3NVN (J38AH) and YL operator IV3ZJR (call still unknown) will be active from Grenada from 6 to 21 August. QSL for all via IV3TMV. JW - Leif, JW2PA will be active from 18 to 26 July 1 on all bands from 10 to 80 metres, CW and SSB. QSL via LA2PA either direct or through the bureau. JW - The Daily DX reports that Unni, LA6RHA and Evelyn, LA9THA will be active from Svalbard as JW6RHA and JW9THA from around 14 to 24 August. QSL via home calls. JX - The Daily DX reports that Unni, LA6RHA will be active (mostly on SSB) from Jan Mayen (EU-022) as JX6RHA from 25 July to 1 August. Look for her on 14.248 MHz (+/-). KH0 - Tony, JA6CNL and Sumy, JA6HBS will be active again as KH0N and KH0/JA6HBS from Saipan Island (OC-086) from 20 to 23 June. Operations will take place on 160-6 metres CW (WARC included) and 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, and 6 metres SSB. QSL for both via JA6CNL either direct or through the bureau. KP2 - N2OO, KF2BQ (YL operator) and N2LD will be KP2/ (10-160 metres, CW and SSB) from St. Croix, US Virgin Islands (NA-106) from 24 to 31 July. They will participate in the IOTA Contest as KP2/N2OO. QSL via home calls. LA/SM - Unni, LA6RHA will be active from LG5LG/SJ9WL (the joint station owned by Sweden and Norway at Morokulien) on 27-29 June. Look for her on 14.248 MHz (+/-). OH - OH1MDR will be active (20 and 15 metres SSB; 40, 30, 20, 17, 15 and 10 metres CW) as OH1MDR/p from Sandstrom Reef (EU-096) from 20 to 22 June. QSL via home call either direct (Timo Pohjola, Kissalinja 29, 28400 Ulvila, Finland) or through the bureau. ST - Lou, G4OJW is active from Khartoum, Sudan as ST2AA. QSL via WB2RAJ. SV - Phil, G3SWH will be active (10-80 metres, CW only) as SV8/G3SWH from the island of Mykonos (EU-067) between 13 and 20 June. Look for Phil in the mornings (between 06.00 and 08.00 UTC) and in the afternoons, between 15.00 and 18.00 UTC. QSL via G3SWH, either direct or via the bureau. SV - George, SV1QN will be active from Mykonos Island (EU-067) in August. SV - RAAWG (Radio Amateurs Association of West Greece) members SV1CIF, SV1DPP, SV1DPJ, SV1CIB and SV1DPF plan to be active from several Greek islands during the summer. The island of Petalas (EU-052) will be activated during the weekend; afterwards activities are planned to take place from Lefkas (EU-052), Kalamos (EU-052), Corfu (EU-052) and Andros (EU-067) during the summer. TJ - The call being used by Mark (ex J5UAI) from Cameroon [425DXN 318] is TJ1US. QSL via NW8F. TK - TK/DL1BKK/P is active from Ile de la Folaca (DIFM TK-030) in the Cerbicales (EU-100) during the weekend. UA - Ed, NT2X, has been active as RV7AA from St Petersburg. He is now QRV from Volgograd and will be active from Moscow as well. The RV7 prefix is only issued to foreigners. QSL via home call. V5 - Charlie, W0YG will be V5/ (special emphasis to 80 and 160 metres) from Namibia at the end of July. QSL via home call. VE - W2NTJ/VE8 is active from NA-173. QSL via VE9RHS. VE - Bruce, N6NT will be active (10-160 metres) on 1 July during the Canda Day Contest as VY1RAC from VY1JA's QTH (Yukon Territory). VE - Lew, N6VV is planning to be active from Canadian IOTA groups NA-091 (18-21 July), NA-051 (25-28 July), NA-118 (31 July-2 August) [425DXN 303]. VU - It has been confirmed by VK9NS that Mani, VU2JPS, has shut down [425DXN 318]. He was expected to leave the Andamans on 12 June. QSL via VK9NS. W - Jon, WB8YJF will be active (SSB, CW and RTTY) from Ocracoke Island (NA-067) from 26 July to 2 August. He will participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL via home call. XE - The DX-NL reports that bad weather conditions have caused operations from Sacrificios Island [425DXN 318] to be postponed to a time to be arranged. YB - Jim Smith, VK9NS reported to The Daily DX that Benny, YC8YZ is not actually on Obi Island (OC-???), but on Tapat which will count as the same. Benny is using a battery and should be active for a few other days. QSL via YC8YZ (Benny Lewu, P. O. Box 67, Ternate, Indonesia 97716). YB - The Daily DX reports that YB8VM might be active in the next few days from Tanimbar Island (OC-???) for two or three days. YB - The Daily DX reports that YB8OX, YB8SYB and YC8VYY are planning to be active from Leti Islands (OC-???) in July for one week. Afterwards they plan to go to Lucipara Island (OC-???). YJ - Mal, VK6LC reports that Frank's (YJ8AA) operation from OC-111 [425DXN 313] has been delayed but not cancelled. The boast is still undergoing repairs and no date has been fixed. ZB - Jorma, OH2KI was active from Gibraltar as ZB2X from 6 to 8 June. QSL via home call. ZK1_nc - The Dateline DX Association's all-band (6-160 metres) activity from Penrhyn Atoll (OC-082), North Cook Islands [425DXN 311] is confirmed to take place from 20 to 27 September. The team of operators include K8XP (ex AL7EL), N7RO, N4RF, KI6AN, WA4YBV, ZS8IR and N6MZ. Three stations will be used on CW, SSB and RTTY with a special emphasis on the low bands. Operators will pay special attention to the needs of Europe and eastcoast North America. A web site will be available and on-line log checking will be provided by Don, N1DG. Because all equipment must go by sea freight, donations are requested to help pay for this expense. Donations may be sent to WA4YBV (Robert Pond, 9 River Cove, Portsmouth, VA 23703, USA). ZS - The special event callsign ZS50WRC will be on the air until 31 December to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the City of Welkom. QSL via ZS4AE or direct to ZS50WRC (Welkom Radio Club, P.O. Box 30594, Moreskof 9426, Republic of South Africa). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 425 DX NEWS SPANISH WEB SITE ---> Thanks to "QTC Magazine", 425 DX News is now available in Spanish at URL http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm 425 DX NEWS SEARCH ---> Are you looking for any information published in past issues of 425 DX News? Please visit our Web pages http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html and try the "Search" button. The programme, written by Mirko (IK0ZSN), gives the needed information in a few seconds. Enjoy 425 DX News! /EX S DX@WW $425WW319C 425 DX News #319 [3/5] 14 June 1997 No 319 BID: $425WW319C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== ************************* ***************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************* IV ITALIAN ISLANDS TROPHY ---> Foreign amateurs: 1) F5JSK & DL5MX 112 IIA islands; 3) EA5AT 96; 4) ON4ON 88; 5) S53EO 76; 6) ON5KL 75; 7) F6AXP 71; 8) F5LJA 62; 9) DL5ZG 59. Italian amateurs: 1) IT9WLK 121; 2) I8KDB 118; 3) IK8DDN 116; 4) I2MWZ 114; 5) IK2EUC 101; 6) IK2HTW 100; 7) IK2XYZ 998; 8) IK2PZG 91; 9) IX1IJL 72; 10) IS0LLJ 67; 11) IK2WZQ 64; 12) IK8DBL 60: 13) IK8VRP 50; 14) IK8MFA 26. Foreign SWLs: 1) F-102555 49; 2) F-14368 11. Italian SWLs: 1) I2-66508 44. The Trophy is sponsored by the Diamond DX Club. BRAZIL 6 M BEACON ---> A new beacon is QRV on 50.080 MHz (call: "VVV BEACON DE PP1CZ PP1CZ GG99UQ GG99UQ 3 WATTS 5 ELEM YAGI VVV"). Reports to PP1CZ (pp1cz@br.home shopping.com.br). DAYTON 1997 ---> Tom, K8CX has 103 pictures taken at Dayton this year up at http://paradox2010.com/dayton97/. HOME PAGES ---> The home page of the GADX (Grupo Argentino de DX) can be found at <http://www.qsl.net/gadx>. The home page of the Clipperton DX Club can be found at <http://www.mygale.org/04/cdxc>. JAPAN 10 M BEACONS ---> Toshi, JA1ELY reports that the followin beacons are active from Japan: JA5ALE (will be replaced by JA5ZQM within three months) on 28.264 MHz (QTH Tokushima prefecture, WWL PM74GA, power 10W, call "VVV DE JA5ALE/PM74GA", SWL reports to JF5HVI); JA7ZMA on 28.188 MHz (QTH Fukushima prefecture, WWL QM07, power 50W, call "VVV DE JA7ZMA JA7ZMA JA7ZMA QM07"); JA2IGY on 28.200 MHz (QTH Mie prefecture, WWL PM84, IBP beacon). LYNX DX GROUP ---> The Most Wanted Countries Survey made by the Lynx DX Group ranks P5, A5 and KH5K, followed by ZL9, BS7, VK0_hi, T31, ZL8, ZK3, KH5, 3B6-7, ZK1_nc, T2, T33, FW. MALPELO ---> Alex, HK4QIM reports that HK operators are oraginizing a DXpedition to Malpelo to take place in 1999. PNW DX CONVENTION ---> The 1997 Pacific Northwest DX Convention will be held at Richmond, British Columbia on 25-27 July. For further information please contact VE7BXG (Ken Thompson, P.O. Box 3048, Blaine, Washington 98231) or VE7SZ (abucksho@direct.ca) or go to http://www.davetek.com/pnwdxconvention/ dxcon.htm QSL EM1HO ---> Tony, I2PJA has replied to all the direct requests he has got so far. Paul, EM1HO will be on Galindez Island (AN-006) until February 1998. He is active almost daily with 1 Kw and a new antenna. QSL HP1XBI/1 ---> Jean-Michel, F6AJA has received the cards from the printer and will start replying to the direct requests as soon as possible. Gerard, HP1XBI was /1 from Contadora Island (NA-072) ate the end of March. QSL S21YS ---> Cards for S21YS (AS-127) have been printed and QSL manager IK1FLF has started replying to the requests. QSL SU2ZG ---> IK2PZG is *not* the QSL manager for this staton (who is likely to be a pirate). QSL TU5DE ---> I0EKY is the new QSL manager for TU5DE. QSL VK5ISL ---> Cards for VK5ISL (OC-220) have been printed and QSL manager I1HYW has started sending them out. QSL VK0TS ---> The correct QSL manager for Tom, VK0TS (Macquarie Island) is VK1AUS [425DXN 318]: Simon Trotter, P.O. Box 2063, Kambah Village, ACT 2902, Australia. QSL YB0ARA/9 ---> The Daily DX reports that Art, N2AU has received copies on disk for all YB0ARA/9 QSOs from Phil, YB0ARA/K6DLV and hopes to be able to answer the requests in early July. Please note that N2AU *cannot* confirm contacts with YB0ARA (he has the logs for YB0ARA/9 only). QSL ZV0MB & ZV0MV ---> ABRA-DX (Associacao Brasileira de Radioexpedicionarios) reports that QSL manager PT2GTI started sending out cards for ZV0MB and ZV0MV (Martim Vaz Islands, SA-010) on 5 June. QSL VIA IK0ZKZ ---> Paolo, IK0ZKZ is the QSL manager for Sate, JY5OH. Paolo apologizes for still being unable to confirm contacts with J39JQ and YC8FI, whose logs and cards have not arrived as yet. /EX S DX@WW $425WW319D 425 DX News #319 [4/5] 14 June 1997 No 319 BID: $425WW319D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== QSL VIA AA6BB/7 ---> The Daily DX reports that AA&BB/7 is the QSL manager for the following stations: 1Z9A, 1Z9B, 1Z9C, 1Z9D, 1Z9E, 1Z9YL, 3D2WM, 3Y0PI, 8P6JQ (up to 1992, now via K9JJR), 8P9GI (June 1986), 9M2HB, 9M8EN, A35SS, AA6LF/KH5, AH2BE, AH2BH/KH9, BV/VR2BH, BV2FB, C21BD, CR9AJ, FO0SST, FW/AA6LF, HK0/KB5GL, HL9KL, HL9KLN, HL9KLT, HL9MM, HS4AMS, JT1AN, JT1AO, KB6DAW/KH2, KB6DAW/KH9, KC6HA, KP4AM, ON4ABT, RA0FA (through 1993), RI5A, RW0CWA, S79WHW, T30AC, T30W, T30XAC, UA3CT (14.226.5 net only), UB5UAT, UI9ACQ, UO5OQ (through 1993), UR1RWX (through 1993), UR2RRR (through 1993), UW0CW (through 1993), UY5PC (through 1993), UZ2FWA (14.226.5 ney only through 1993), V31A, V31DX, V31UN, VK0HI, VP8BZL, VP8SSI, VQ9CQ, VQ9HB, VQ9SS, VQ9VO (September-November 1982), VR2BH, VR2EW, VS6CT (from September 1988 on), VS6CT/KP2 (August 1986), VS6CX, VS6DX, XE2/AA6LF/XF1, XW8EZ, XW8FA, XX9CT (13-21 February 1988), YB0ARC, ZK1ALF, ZK1XP, ZS3TL. QSL direct to Jerry Branson, 93787 Dorsey Lane, Junction City, OR 97448, USA. QSL VIA IK7JTF ---> IK7JTF is the QSL manager (direct CBA) for 9K2AI, AP2KSD, AP2MAM, HZ1CCA, OD5PI and TT8AM. QSL VIA N2AU ---> The Daily DX reports that N2AU (Arthur J. Hubert, 436 N Geneva St, Ithaca, NY 14850-4112, USA) is the QSL manager for the following stations: 5Z4RL, AH7G, CT3DL, EL2CX, KH2F, KH2F/KH4, KK7K/DU2, NH7A, OH0MB/OJ0, VU2NTA, W2GD/OH0, WR6R/KH6, WR6R/WH6, YB0ARA/9, ZD7AF, ZD7HI, ZD7OK, ZD8AF. TYPOS! ---> It is FR5DT (not FT) who has gone QRT from Juan de Nova [425DXN 318]. Alain's (Z21KM) call from Zambia is 9J2AE, not 9J1 [425DXN 318] (tnx F6FNU). The correct URL of DC3MF's pages [425DXN 318] is http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/dc3mf/ (apologies to everyone concerned...). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received via direct: 3B8GF, 3B8/IK2GNW, 3B8/ON4QM, 3D2CT, 3DA0CA, 4L5O, 4S7BRG, 5V7MD, 6W1AE, 6W2/F6BUM (AF-078), 7O1A, 8Q7BE, 9L1NG, 9M2OM, 9Q5HX, 9Q5TR, A43GI, A71BH, AP2KSD, C21BH, C21DJ, CE7AOY, CT1/WT2O/p (EU-167), CV0Z, EM1HO, D68QM, FR/IK2GNW, FR5DX, FR5ZU/G, FW2EH, HK3JJH/HK0A (NA-132), HK3JJH/HK0B (NA-133), HP1XBI/1 (NA-072), HP2/F5PAC (NA-202), HS50A (AS-125), HS9AL (AS-126), II1ARI, IL3/IK2HTW (IIA VE-044), IL3/IK2PZG (IIA VE-029, 030, 035, 044, 048, 049), IL3/IV3JWR (EU-130, IIA GO-002), IL7/IK7JWX (IIA LE-031), KC4AUF (NA-140), KG4AU, KG6DX, KH8/N5OLS, LU6Z, N6VV (NA-066), OA4SS, R1FJR, RA2FBC, S92SS, ST2SA, T31BB, T33CS, TI9CF, TJ1PD, TO0R, V44NEF, VU2RAK, XX9X (AS-075), XU2BH, XU7VK, XZ2BH, YC8YR. QSL received via WF5E DX QSL Service: VP2E, YB9BV (OC-022), YL1FLY, OH1RY/ZC6, ZS64RI (AF-064), ZV2EPA (SA-024), ZY0ZGD. ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, I1SLY, I1WFF, IK1QFM, IK1RGL, I2PJA, IV3FSG, IV3TMV, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK7XNF, I8IYW, IK8CJP, IK8YFU, IW8PQ, IT9GAI, IT9HLR, IK0ZKK, Brescia DX Group, Crazy DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, Salento DX Team, BV4FH, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DL1AUJ, DL4FCH, DL4VBP, DL7VOA, DL9GOA, EA1YB, EA5KB, F5LMJ, F6AJA, F6FNU, F-11556, G3SWH, G4BUE, GI0TJJ, HK4QIM, JA1ELY, JI6KVR, K4VUD, K8CX, K8XP, LA4BN, LU6BEG, N2OO, N5UR, NL7TB, OH1MDR, PS7AB, PS7KM, PT2NP, SV1CIB, SV1QN, VE9AA, VK1FF, VK6LC, YB5NOF/8, W3UR, WD8MGQ, YB5NOF/8, ZS4BS, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, The Daily DX, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY Notes. ***************************************************************************** /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! 425 WWW Page ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ! ! INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: ! ! www-dx.deis.unibo.it - under the /pub/ham/425news/english/ directory ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL: ! ! http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/nph-425dxnews ! ! or sending a message to: majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it ! ! writing in the body of the message: subscribe 425dxnews address ! ! where address is the e-mail address of the subscriber ! ! for example: subscribe 425dxnews i1jqj.amsat.org ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * ! ! TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 ! ! DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 ! ! SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ! ! ARRL HQ BBS USA : 860-594-0306 ! ! CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 ! ! HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 ! ! WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 ! ! JUNGLE BBS NZ : +64-3-524-8332 ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang /EX S DX@WW $425WW319E 425 DX News #319 [5/5] 14 June 1997 No 319 BID: $425WW319E ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 15/06 ES2RW/2: EU-149 319 till 16/06 GI/EI7NET: Rathlin Isl. (EU-122) * West Net DX Group 299 till 14/06 IJ9: Milocca Isl. (IIA-SR-012) * by IT9 team 319 till 18/06 KP2/NP4I 318 till 20/06 OY * by DF8QJ, DK6QW, DL3QQ, DL4YBZ, DL6YFB 307 till 16/06 R1MVI & OH5AB/MVI * by OH & UA team 317 till 17/06 SV5 * by HA0HW, HA4GDO, HA6NL, HA6PS, HA6ZV 311 till 20/06 SV8/G3SWH: Mykonos Isl. (EU-067) 309 till 20/06 SV9/DL8SET 313 till 15/06 TK/DL1BKK/p: Ile de la Folaca (EU-100) (DIFM TK-030) 319 till 15/06 VE: C.Is.A. * by VE3NSZ & VE5AEE 316 till ?? W2NTJ/VE8: NA-173 319 till 19/06 YC8YZ: Obi Is. (OC-???) 319 13/06-16/06 7S6NL: Vinga Isl. (EU-043) 311 13/06-15/06 F5IVC/p: Mahis Isl. (DIDI 45-001-R) 319 13/06-20/06 TF * by IT9ESZ & LA6ZH 315 14/06-15/06 3A * by I1YRL & IK1OWC 318 14/06-15/06 6V1A: Goree Isl. (AF-045) 319 14/06-15/06 IL3: EU-131 * by Venice Islanders 319 14/06-15/06 RA0AA: AS-062 318 14/06-15/06 SV: Petalas Isl. (EU-052) * by SV1CIB 's team 319 14/06-15/06 ZX7CB: Capo Branco Lighthouse (DFB PB-01) 317 14/06-15/06 ARI * Contest delle Sezioni *** 14/06-15/06 WW South America CW Contest *** 15/06 EA2CMW/p: Isla Txipio (DIEI BI-05) 317 15/06 EA7HCU/p: Isla Cerro (DIEI CO-09) 317 16/06-early July SV5/I3BQC: Karpathos Isl. (EU-001) 317 17/06-17/08 V5/GM4DMA 317 19/06-03/07 CF3L: special event station 309 19/06 GS3ZBI/p: Eigg Isl. (EU-008) * by G3OCA & G6LYI 319 19/06-26/06 GU * by G3ICO 315 20/06-21/06 ED5RCC/ED3: Buda Isl. (EU-154) 313 20/06-22/06 II1ARI: Torino * special event station 315 20/06-23/06 KH0N (JA6CNL) & KH0/JA6HBS 319 20/06-22/06 OH1MDR/p: Sandstrom Reef (EU-096) 319 21/06-23/06 JI6KVR/6: Koshiki Is. (AS-037) 313 21/06-22/06 All Asian DX CW Contest *** 22/06 EA4ENT/p: Mtarronquilla Isl. (DIEI TO-01) 319 22/06 IJ7: Sc. Prusieddi (IIA LE-039) * by Salento DX Team 311 22/06 IJ7: Sc. Sulasce (IIA LE-038) * by Salento DX Team 311 23/06-27/06 HP3/WT4K 319 25/06-29/06 SM4DDS/7: Ven Isl. (EU-137) 317 26/06-03/07 CY9AA * by VE9AA's team 319 26/06-30/06 GS3EEO/p: Summer Is. (EU-092) * by G3OCA & G6LYI 319 26/06-27/06 LG5LG & SJ9WL: Morokulien 319 27/06-05/08 3D2JH: Fiji * by VK2GJH 315 27/06-29/06 Friedrichshafen * Ham Radio '97 *** 28/06-30/06 F: St. Nicolas Isl. (EU-094) * by G3RTE & G3SWH 315 28/06-31/08 F5IPW/p: Oleron Isl. (EU-032) 319 28/06-30/06 JA: Oki Arch. (AS-041) by JA4DND,JI4POR,JM4BPV,JM4MAQ 317 30/06-04/07 HR6/WT4K 319 30/06-04/07 KL1SLE: NA-028 & NA-042 * by KL7FH 318 June/July IT9GAI/p: (IIA-SR-???) 316 June/July IT9HLR/p: (IIA-SR-???) 315 June/July JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima 309 June-July UA1: EU-035, 082, 116, NO-REF * by UA1 team 318 June-July V5/GM4DMA 311 June WH2M * by JE7RJZ 315 June YB: Taninbar Isl. (OC-???) * by YB8VM 319 June-July YJ: Emae Isl. (OC-111) * by YJ8AA 319 01/07 VY1RAC * by N6NT 319 05/07 T20JH * by VK2GJH 315 06/07 IJ7: Sc. Papuscia (IIA LE-037) * by Salento DX Team 311 06/07 IJ7: Sc. Pizzicazi (IIA LE-036) * by Salento DX Team 311 06/07 DIE Contest (05 - 13 UTC) *** 08/07-28/07 9N1VUD * by K4VUD 319 09/07-28/07 BY * by IV3FSG 319 09/07-23/07 SV5/OM3LA: Kos Isl. (EU-001) 317 10/07-16/07 XE1/WJ2O 317 12/07-20/07 IG9: (AF-019) Lampedusa Isl. & Lampione Isl. by IT9YRE 319 12/07-09/08 J3/G0TYX 319 12/07-13/07 IARU HF World Championship Contest *** /EX