DX425 bulletin issue nr. 318

S DX@WW $425WW318A
425 DX News #318 [1/4]
 7 June 1997                        No 318                  BID: $425WW318A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List                             !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3A     - Luc, I1YRL and Luca, IK1OWC will be active (CW only) on 14-15 June.
5N     - Franz, 5N4BHF was  due to go  QRT from Bonny  Island (AF-076) on  27
         May. He will be active from the mainland as 5N0BHF. QSL via OE6LAG.
9N     - The Daily DX reports that Murray,  VE5SM should be  in Nepal. for  a
         few more weeks. He has already worked several hundred stations  from
         either 9N1RHM's QTH and his own  place. Murray's licence allows  him
         to operate on 20 and 40 metres only.
9N     - Dick, 9N1ARB went QRT on 22 May. He is travelling to Thailand, China
         and Hong  Kong. He  misht be  active from  the QTHs  of  HS0/DL1ZAV,
         BA1HAM and VR2FN.  QSL via KV5V.
A6     - Jamal Al Maktoum, A61AO is newly  licensed operator from United  Rab
         Emirates. QSL via N1DG.
CY0    - Wayne, VE1CBK will  be on Sable  Island (NA-063) from  7 to 21  June
         doing spring  maintenance work.  He will  again  be using  the  call
         CY0SAB, but due to the fact that this is a working trip he will have
         limited operating  time, at  least during  the first  week.  Special
         attention will be paid for any  openings to Asia. Wayne plans to  be
         active on 6-80 metres, SSB, CW and RS12. QSL via VE1CBK.
FR     - Olivier, FR5HG  went QRT  on 2  June. QSL  to P.O.Box  14, Riv.  des
         Pluies, 97438 Sainte-Marie. Reunion Island.
FR/J   - FR5KH/J and FR5FT/J (1762) have gone QRT from Juan de Nova (AF-012).
         6000 QSOs have been logged  (only four with  USA stations). QSL  via
         F6FNU. FR5KH should be /E from  Europa (AF-009) on his next trip  to
         the islands.
I      - Mario, IV3JWR plans to be active  from IL3 islands in the Grado  and
         Marano Lagoons on 7 or 8 June. QSL via IV3JWR.
I      - The Venice Islanders will be active from some islands in the  Venice
         lagoonon 7-8 June:  La Salina (EU-131,  IIA VE-013), Santa  Cristina         (EU-131, IIA VE-012) and others.
I      - The Salento DX  Team will  be active  from Scoglio  Occhio Uno  (IIA
         LE-020) and Scoglio Occhio Due (IIA LE-021) on 7-8 June.
I      - IT9HLR and others [425DXN 315] will be active (SSB and CW) from  the
         island of Milocca (EU-025) on 14-15 June.
KL     - Frank, KL7FH [425DXN  301] plans  to be  active as  KL1SLE from  the
         following IOTA groups: NA-087 (through 6 June), NA-059 (from 6  June
         for a couple of days), NA-019 (9-13 June), NA-028 (30 June-4  July),
         NA-042 (1-4 July).  These dates  could be changed easily by  weather
         and flight schedules. Operation may be  as short as  one day or  one
         night  in  some   places.  Latest  information   can  be  found   on
KL     - AL7R and  KL7XX  will be  on  NA-004 6-7  June,  but  will  only  be
         operating for 4 hours each day (04.00-08.00 UTC).
KP2    - Carroll, NA4I will  be /KP2 (mainly  on 6 metres)  from U.S.  Virgin
         Islands (NA-106) from 12 to 18 June.
TJ     - Mark La Point (ex J5UAI)  is now active  from Yaounde, Cameroon.  He
         plans to be QRV on all bands CW, SSB  and RTTY. His time of duty  at
         the U.S. Emabassy is two years. QSL via NW8F.
UA1    - Albert,    RA1QHJ    (Albert_Marcovchuk@p18.f350.n50.z2.fidonet.org)
         reports that RA1QQ,  RW1ZZ and RA1ZZ  are planning  a DXpedition  to
         Kil'din (EU-082), Bol'shoy Oleniy (EU-082), Kharlov (EU-161), Novaya
         Zemlya (EU-035) and maybe Bolshoi Ainov (NO-REF). Operations  should
         start after  15  June with  the  calls  RA1QQ/1,  RW1ZZ/1,  RA1ZZ/1,
         UE1QQQ/1 and UE1ZNF. 
UA0    - N7TZ reports that RA0AA will be on AS-062 next week.
UA0    - N7TZ reports that RW0FO will be on AS-025 during the weekend.
VK0_mac- The Daily DX reports that Tom, VK0TS (Macquarie Island) is likely to
         be on  14.222 MHz  with Jim,  VK9NS at  03.45  UTC on  Saturday  and
         Sunday.  QSL  via VK1AVS (P.O.  Box 2063, Kambah  Valley, ACT  2092,
VU     - Special event station VU4NG97 is active  until 12 June to  celebrate
         the 4th National Games of India.
VU_and - Mani, VU2JPS  keeps on  being  active from  time  to time  from  the
         Andamans, but the Daily DX reports that he and his wife Mala, VU2MTC
         will be leaving Port  Blair (Andaman Islands)  some time this  month
         (probably on 17 June) and will be moving back to mainland India.
Z2     - Alain (ex 5U7NU, TZ6NU and XT2BR) is active as Z21KM from  Zimbabwe.
         He might also  be active  as 9J1AE  from Zambia  and 7Q7/9J2AE  from
         Malawi. QSL via F6FNU.
S DX@WW $425WW318B
425 DX News #318 [2/4]
 7 June 1997                        No 318                  BID: $425WW318B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

CLIPPERTON DX CLUB --->  The Clipperton DX  Club International DX  Convention
will be held on 20-21  September in Nantes,  France. For further  information
please contact  Alain,  F5LMJ  (secretary  of  the  Clipperton  DX  Club)  at
f5lmj@f5keq.fpdl.fra (his mailing address is Alain Tuduri, 25 rue de Jussieu,
44300 Nantes, France).

DC3MF'S PAGES --->  Historical and geographical  information on IOTA  islands
can  be  found  on  Wolfgang's (DC3MF)  pages at http://www-dx-deis.unibo.it/

IOTA CONTEST 1997 ---> Paul, EI5DI, has produced an updated version of  Super
Duper for the IOTA Contest which can handle up to 5000 QSOs.  It is  freeware
and may be downloaded from his site (http://www.iol.ie/~okanep).

NA-066 BREAKDOWN ---> Recent operation by  N6VV and W7DR from Santa  Catalina
Island (NA-066) [425DXN 316] logged 5314  QSOs (4373 SSB, 941 CW): 2987  QSOs
with USA, 294 with Canada, 1785 with Europe, 1015 with Zone 14, 542 with Zone
15, 96 with Zone 16, 96 with Zone 17.

QSL 4U1UN  ---> Cards  for QSOs  after April  1997 should  be sent  to  W6TER
(Gerald Smith, 145  west 67th  Street -  # 29-H,  New York,  NY 10023,  USA).
Contacts made before April 1997 will still be handled by WB8FLO.

QSL 5N0MVE ---> Carine, ON7LX reports that everything received by the end  of
January 1997 has been answered.

QSL 5N0RMS ---> Cards for this station are now handled by Alan, WA4JTK.

QSL DU9RG ---> The OPDX reports that Robin  Go, DU9RG has a new QSL  address:
Robin U. Go, 818 Acacia Avenue, Ayala Alabang Village, 1780 Muntinlupa  City,

QSL HS50A ---> The logs for the second operation from Koh Chang (AS-125, 8-11
May 1997) have arrived [425DXN 317]: 2488 QSOs (1427 CW, 1061 SSB) were  made
on 160 (25 CW), 80 (41  CW), 40 (382/75), 20 (644/522),  15 (255/401) and  10
metres (80/63). QSL cards have been printed and both the QSL managers (JA9IFF
for Japan only, and I1JQJ) have replied to all direct requests. Bureau  cards
are still being  dealt with. Requests  for verification  received via  E-mail
will be accepted, and if verified  will be confirmed by  a QSL card  returned
via the bureau. E-mail  requests are welcome  at i1jqj@amsat.org (I1JQJ)  and
jim@ba2.so-net.or.jp (JA9IFF). HS50A  Home Pages, including  photos and  map,
can be found at www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/ and www.eurolife.com/user2/home-g.

QSL IIA FE-004 ---> Cards for  recent operation by IL4/IK2PZG and  IL4/IK4HPU
from Mezzanino  (IIA FE-004)  cand be  sent to  either IK2PZG  or  IL4/IK4HPU
(direct or via bureau).

QSL AH0R/VP9 ---> QSL for this  station (active from Bermuda during the  CQWW
WPX CW Contest) should go  via JH6RTO (Seiji  Fukushima, 1182-1 Hase,  Atsugi
243, Japan).

QSL YB0ARA --> The QSL manager is neither WA6AHF nor K6DLV, but N2AU.
                 W.A.S.A. results - Up to date 01/06/97
                     Worked Antarctic Stations Award
    Call   .... Stations         Call   .... Stations     Call   ...Stations
 1. GM3ITN .... 206            . I7JFQ  .... 45         . IK8CVZ .... 20    
 2. K4MZU  .... 158          16. I2MWZ  .... 42       30. IK8MKE .... 19    
 3. W9DC   .... 125          17. VE3LDT .... 38       31. JH1IED .... 16    
 4. VE3XN  .... 122          18. I8LEL  .... 35       32. JA9IFF .... 15    
 5. K6DT   .... 105          19. EA5AT  .... 34       33. I8INW  .... 14    
 6. K9PPY  .... 103          20. VE3MDQ .... 28       34. I8KUT  .... 13    
 7. VE7IG  .... 83             . RA6AR  .... 28       35. F5JYD  .... 11    
 8. I8KNT  .... 74           22. UC2AW  .... 24       36. IK8TWV .... 10    
  . IK1GPG .... 74           23. EA5KB  .... 21         . F-10095.... 10    
10. I8IYW  .... 73             . JE1DXC .... 21         . EA5OB  .... 10    
11. N5UR   .... 52             . DF7GK  .... 21         . JA4CTL .... 10    
12. ON5KL  .... 50           26. PY2DBU .... 20         . LU7AGG .... 10    
13. IK8OZZ .... 45             . I1-21171... 20
    WD8MGQ .... 45             . NE8Z   .... 20
S DX@WW $425WW318C
425 DX News #318 [3/4]
 7 June 1997                        No 318                  BID: $425WW318C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                   W.A.B.A. Results - Up to date 01/06/97
                       Worked Antarctic Bases Award

    Call   .... Bases            Call   .... Bases        Call   ....Bases
 1. K4MZU  .... 91  Top HR     . 4Z4DX  .... 26  HR     . OK1-1198...11     
 2. I8ACB  .... 73  Top HR   66. I5OYY  .... 25  HR     . IK0GPP ....11     
 3. W9DC   .... 72  Top HR     . I0OLK  .... 25  HR     . IS0JMA ....11     
 4. VE3XN  .... 70  Top HR     . I8LEL  .... 25  HR     . WB9EEE ....11     
 5. GM3ITN .... 68  Top HR     . IK2FIQ .... 25  HR     . EA5GJM ....11     
 6. I1ZL   .... 66  Top HR     . IK8PGC .... 25  HR     . IK2ILH ....11     
 7. I1HYW  .... 63  Top HR     . EA7BR  .... 25  HR     . PY5OP  ....11     
 8. I2YDX  .... 61  Top HR   72. UY5XE  .... 23         . TU2QW  ....11     
 9. IK1EDC .... 60  Top HR     . KC8PG  .... 23         . DL6KVA ....11     
10. I8KNT  .... 59  Top HR     . OA4OS  .... 23         . F6EXQ  ....11     
  . K6DT   .... 59  Top HR     . PT2TF  .... 23         . DF7GK  ....11     
12. IK1GPG .... 58  Top HR     . I1UKM  .... 23 (SK) 140. IK8HVH ....10     
13. DE0MST .... 54  Top HR     . VE3NSZ .... 23         . IK8DOI ....10 (SK)
14. I1SNW  .... 52  Top HR     . EA8BGY .... 23         . I2MQP  ....10     
15. VE7IG  .... 51  Top HR   79. I5DCE  .... 22 (SK)    . HB9CSA ....10     
  . K9PPY  .... 51  Top HR     . VE3MDQ .... 22         . EA7CIW ....10     
  . IK2HTW .... 51  Top HR   81. UT51862.... 21         . BRS-44266..10     
18. I1JQJ  .... 50  Top HR   82. I2LPA  .... 20         . YB0RX  ....10     
19. W3KH   .... 49  HR       83. I8WES  .... 19         . ONL4003....10     
20. I8IYW  .... 48  HR         . IK8CVZ .... 19         . OH3MIG ....10     
  . F6EPN  .... 48  HR         . F6GKA  .... 19         . EA9PY  ....10     
22. IK1JJB .... 46  HR         . I8KDB  .... 19         . CT1DIZ ....10     
  . OE2-205572. 46  HR       87. IK8BMW .... 18         . HB9DAX ....10     
24. F6ELE  .... 45  HR         . W0-6437.... 18         . IK8TWV ....10     
25. YL1XZ  .... 42  HR         . NE8Z   .... 18         . SM5HV  ....10     
26. I2FUG  .... 41  HR         . JE1DXC .... 18         . GM0LVI ....10     
27. IK8OZZ .... 40  HR       91. DL7CW  .... 17         . KD1CT  ....10     
28. EA5AT  .... 39  HR         . IK7NXM .... 17         . EA5ZR  ....10     
29. ON5KL  .... 38  HR         . IK4HPU .... 17         . CT1AHU ....10     
  . OH2QQ  .... 38  HR         . I1-21171... 17         . CT1EEB ....10     
  . KE4I   .... 38  HR       95. I2PHN  .... 16 (SK)    . EA5GCX ....10     
32. DK1RV  .... 37  HR         . EA7OH  .... 16         . EA5OB  ....10     
  . OM3JW  .... 37  HR         . I8SAT  .... 16         . UA3-147412.10     
34. W0MLY  .... 36  HR         . PY2DBU .... 16         . F6HKA  ....10     
  . DE0DXM .... 36  HR         . KA5TQF .... 16         . KK6ZO  ....10     
36. I2MWZ  .... 34  HR         . IK8MKE .... 16         . EA3EYR ....10     
  . OE3WWB .... 34  HR      101. I8YZP  .... 15         . IK4HLU ....10     
  . OE6MKG .... 34  HR         . I8KUT  .... 15         . ON7DR  ....10     
39. I8XTX  .... 33  HR         . EU2AW  .... 15         . IK5ATM ....10     
  . I8KCI  .... 33  HR         . KJ8M   .... 15         . EA9PB  ....10     
  . EA4MY  .... 33  HR         . IK8VRS .... 15         . IK7CNX ....10     
  . G4WFZ  .... 33  HR         . I2ZGA  .... 15         . UN2O   ....10     
  . IK8DDN .... 33  HR         . I2YWR  .... 15      171. ARI    .... 0     
  . WD8MGQ .... 33  HR      108. I8IHG  .... 14         . ARI ROMA .. 0     
45. I1KFB  .... 32  HR (SK)    . EA4KK  .... 14         . J.A.R.L.... 0     
  . IK6FHX .... 32  HR      110. G3YAA  .... 13         . CQ USA .... 0     
  . G4RFV  .... 32  HR         . CT1UE  .... 13 (SK)    . U.R.E. .... 0     
48. I7JFQ  .... 31  HR         . VE6VK  .... 13         . DK3PZ  ....Simple 
49. W9DWQ  .... 30  HR (SK)    . IK5UIS .... 13         . U3HB   ....Simple 
  . IT9GAI .... 30  HR         . EA5GRM .... 13         . EA4BOD ..Op.ED0BOD
  . F5XL   .... 30  HR         . JH1IED .... 13         . ZL2AKV ..Op.ZL5AL 
52. IK2MLY .... 29  HR         . I1RJP  .... 13         . F6APU  ..Op.FB8YF 
53. G3TOK  .... 28  HR         . RA6AR  .... 13         . N4GCK  ..Op.3Y0PI 
  . IK2IWU .... 28  HR         . JH7DFZ .... 13         . WA4JQS ..Op.3Y0PI 
  . I8QJU  .... 28  HR      119. RA3AR  .... 12         . DL8JDX ..Op.DP0GVN
  . IK2PZG .... 28  HR         . I8INW  .... 12         . GM0GAV ..Op.VP8GAV
57. EA5KB  .... 27  HR         . IT9YRE .... 12         . I0JBL  ..Op.IA0PS 
  . EA3KB  .... 27  HR         . EA5OL  .... 12      186. VP8CMR ..Op.VP8CMR
  . F/HH2HM.... 27  HR         . DJ9RR  .... 12                             
  . VE3LDT .... 27  HR         . JA9IFF .... 12                             
  . F5PYI  .... 27  HR         . DL8USA .... 12                             
62. I8YRK  .... 26  HR         . F5WA   .... 12                             
  . IK8FUN .... 26  HR      127. DK6NJ  .... 11                             
  . W4BAA  .... 26  HR         . I2AT   .... 11                             
S DX@WW $425WW318D
425 DX News #318 [4/4]
 7 June 1997                        No 318                  BID: $425WW318D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***


AS-127     S2       Chittagong Region group (Bangladesh, operation from Hatia
                    Island by S21YS in April 1997)

AF-076        5N4   Gulf of  Guinea  group (Nigeria,  operations  from  Bonny
                    Island by  5N4ALE since  September 1996  and 5N4BHF since
                    February 1997)

AF-078        6W    Atlantic  Coast  South  group  (Senegal,  operation  from
                    Karabane Island by 6W2/F6BUM in April 1997)


AF-076 (confirmed)    5N4ALE, Bonny Island (since September 1996)
AF-076 (confirmed)    5N4BHF, Bonny Island (since February 1997)
AF-078 (confirmed)    6W2/F6BUM, Karabane Island (April 1997)
AS-127 (confirmed)    S21YS, Hatia Island (April 1997)
NA-132                HK3JJH/0A, Serranilla Bank (April 1997)
NA-133                HK3JJH/0B, Roncador Cay (April 1997)
OC-218                FK5M, Matthew Island (second operation - April 1997)
SA-082                HK3JJH/2, HK3JLN/2, Aguja Island (March 1997)

(*) Includes  operations  where  validation material was volunteered, ie  not 
specifically  required  for  credit  to be given -  in all cases  cards   now 
submitted will be accepted by Checkpoints.

                       (awaiting validation material)

OC-...     Kai Is (Indonesia, operations by YC8VYY and YC8YR in May 1997)

                  >>> 1997 HONOUR ROLL & ANNUAL LISTING <<<

The 1997 IOTA Honour Roll and Annual Listing will be published in the July
issues of "RadCom" and "The DX News Magazine".

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
Brescia DX  Group, Crazy  DX Group,  Delta Mike,  Diamond DX  Club, Roman  DX
Group, Salento  DX  Team, 9M2OM,,  CT1EEB,  CT1ENQ, DL4VBP,  DL7VOA,  DL9GOA,
DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, The Daily

!       425 WWW Page --->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html      !
!                     INTERNET via  anonymous FTP at site:                  !
!  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  -  under the  /pub/ham/425news/english/  directory !
!             To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL:             !
!               http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/nph-425dxnews             !
!     or sending a message to:               majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it    !
!     writing in the body of the message:    subscribe 425dxnews  address   !
!          where  address  is the e-mail address of the subscriber          !
!             for example:  subscribe 425dxnews i1jqj.amsat.org             !
!                 * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *                    !
!                     TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751                       !
!                     DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613                       !
!                      SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422                      !
!                     ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306                       !
!                     CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921                       !
!               HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677                       !
!                      WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183                       !
!                      JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332                      !
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang