DX425 bulletin issue nr. 316

S DX@WW $425WW316A
425 DX News #316 [1/5]
 24 May 1997                       No 316                  BID: $425WW316A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3C0    - The 20-27 May 3C0DX expedition to Annobon Island has been  cancelled
         at the  very last  moment.  Eleven out  of  13 operators  have  been
         unsuccessful in obtaining visas for Annobon.  The DXpedition is  now
         scheduled to start on 11 October.
3DA    - Koji, ZS6CAX will participate in  the CQWW WPX  CW Contest as  3DA5A
         (SOAB). Before and after the  contest he will  be active as  3DA0NX.
         QSL for 3DA0NX is via  ZS6CAX (bureau or  direct) or JM1CAX  (bureau
         only). QSL for 3DA5A via JH7FQK.
5B     - RA9JX, RA9JR, RZ9UA, RA3CQ  and RZ3BW will  participate in the  CQWW
         WPX CW Contest as H22A from  Cyprus (AS-004). QSL to Uldis  Silinsh,
         P.O. Box 3, Valmiera, LV-4200, Latvia.
9A     - Gus, 9A/DJ8QP/P,  who  is currently  active  from EU-136,  will  not
         operate from EU-110 before November.
BV     - Gus, SM3EVR/BV2 is  active from Taiwan  (AS-020) until October.  QSL
         via SM3EVR.
F      - Larry, F5PYI  plans  to be  /M  from some  DIFI  islands on  24  May
HZ     - Thomas, SM0CXU/AB5CQ will be active during  the CQWW WPX CW  Contest
         from HZ1AB.  Plans are  for either  40 or  20 metres  only. QSL  via
I      - Special event station IQ3AC has been active since 10 May and will be
         operated by ARI Treviso until 31 May. QSL via IK3GES.
I      - IQ1A will be active during the CQWW WPX CW Contest. QSL via I1JQJ.
I      - Oreste, IK3VIA will participate in the  CQWW WPX CW Contest as  IU3V
         (SOAB) from Lido Island (EU-131, IIA VE-032). QSL via IK3VIA:
I      - Gabriele, IK3GES  will be  IL3/ from  the  island of  Camerini  (IIA
         RO-003) between 23 and 25 May and from the island of Bastimento (IIA
         RO-010) from 30 May to 1 June. QSL via home call.
I      - Bad weather conditions  forced Fabio (IK6JOT),  Sergio (IK6MWK)  and
         Fabio (IK6ZER) to postpone their planned activity from the  Ponziano
         Archipelago (EU-045) to 31 May-1 June. QSL via IK6MWK.
I      - IT9GAI and IT9YRE  are planning  to operate  from a  few IIA  Sicily
         islands (Pietra  Patella,  Scoglio Guicciarda,  Isola  delle  Palme,
         Scoglio a Pizzo, Scoglio dei Maltesi).
JY     - George, JY9QJ and  Ulli, JY8YB/DL5MBY will  participate in the  CQWW
         WPX CW Contest as JY8YB (Multi-Single) from Amman, Jordan. Ulli will
         be active after the contest as well.
KH2    - JI3ERV/NH2C, JG3RPL/N1BJ  and JR7OMD/WI3O  will participate  in  the
         CQWW WPX CW Contest (Multi-Single) as  NH2C from Guam (OC-026).  QSL
         via JI3ERV.
KH0    - Aki, JA5DQH will be active  as KH0AA from  Saipan (OC-086) until  27
         May. He  will participate  in the  CQWW WPX  CW Contest.  After  the
         contest he will  be active on  WARC bands  and 160  metres. QSL  via
KP2    - Andy, SM4CNN/DF3IAL will be active from  Virgin Islands (NA-106)  as
         WP2Z between 22 and 28 may. He  will participate in the CQWW WPX  CW
         Contest.   QSL   to   DF3IAL   either   direct   (Anders    Larsson,
         Riedhalsstrasse 10,  D-60437  Frankfurt,  Germany)  or  through  the
LA     - The Trondheims-gruppen av  NRRL has been  granted permission to  use
         the special call  LM2T between 30  May and 6  June to celebrate  the
         1000 years  of Trondheim.  QSL via  the bureau  or direct  to  LA2T,
         Trondheimsgruppen av NRRL, Box 929, NO-7001 Trondheim, Norway.
OK     - OK2PHH will participate in the CQWW WPX CW Contest as OK7DX. QSL  to
         MDXG-VYCOM, Box 54, 62700 Brno.
P4     - John, W2GD will participate in  the CQWW WPX  CW Contest from  Aruba
         (SA-036) as P40W (SOAB). John plans  to be active until 26 May.  QSL
         via home call.
PY     - Alex, PY1KS will participate in the CQWW WPX CW Contest as PX1I  (10
T33    - Ron, ZL1AMO, is back in home. He was  not able to go to T33,  Banaba
         [425DXN 312].
V2     - N2BA will be operating from the  V26B contest location (NA-100)  for
         the CQWW WPX CW Contest  (callsign as yet  unknown). QSL via  N2BA's
         current address (11 Columbus Ave, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028 USA).
S DX@WW $425WW316B
425 DX News #316 [2/5]
 24 May 1997                       No 316                  BID: $425WW316B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

VE     - Special event  station VX6CAR  will operate  from 18  to 21  May  to
         celebrate the  75th  anniversary  of  CARA  (Calgary  Amateur  Radio
         Association). CARA members are allowed to  use a special prefix  VF6
         from 21 May to 1 June.
VE     - Dennis, VE5AEE and Ernest, VE3NSZ are  off to do  a few islands  and
         join the celebrations on  Prince Edward Island  (the opening of  the
         new Confederation Bridge) [425DXN 315] and Newfoundland (the landing
         of John Cabot at  Bonivista 500 years  ago). Operations are  planned
         from 29 May  to 15 June  and include Lennox  Island (NA-029,  C.Is.A
         PE004 on  29 May  as VE3NSZ/XN0/M),  Change Island  (NA-198,  C.Is.A
         NF011 on 10 June), Fogo Island (NA-198, C.Is.A NF005 on 11 June) and
         some new VE  islands in  Prince Edward,  Newfoundland, Labrador  and
         Quebec provinces. QSL either direct or through the bureau.
W      - John, NL7TB  will  be active  from  several USI  islands  in  Idaho,
         Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota and  Montana between 22 May  and
         4/5 June.  QSL via  NL7TB (John  Reisenauer, 23406  E. Kennedy  Rd.,
         Benton City, WA 99320, USA).
W      - Lew, N6VV  will be  /P (20  and 40  metres CW  and SSB)  from  Santa
         Catalina Island  (NA-066)  between 30  May  and  2  June.  Equipment
         includes  a  beam  antenna  and  an   amplifier,  so  (hotel   staff
         permitting!) Lew  will  be looking  for  Europe  during  West  Coast
         evening and morning openings. QSL direct to N6VV.
YA     - John, who operated S2/PA3BTQ from Bangladesh, is now in  Afghanistan
         with the Red Cross.
ZP     - Ernesto, LU6BEG will  participate in the  CQWW WPX  CW Contest  from
         Paraguay as ZP0M (single operator, 15 metres). QSL via ZP5XF. Before
         and after the contest he will be active as ZP5/LU6BEG (QSL via  home

425 DX NEWS SPANISH WEB SITE  ---> Thanks to "QTC Magazine",  425 DX News  is
now available in Spanish at URL  http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm

425 DX NEWS SEARCH --->  Are you  looking for  any information  published  in
past issues of 425 DX News? Please visit our Web pages 
and try the "Search" button. The programme, written by  Mirko (IK0ZSN), gives
the  needed information in a few seconds. Enjoy 425 DX News!

*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

DIE SOFTWARE ---> Paco, EA5OL is the  author of PRGDIE, the software for  the
management of  participation in  the Spanish  Islands Award.  The program  is
downloadable (in  English, French  and Spanish,  either Windows  and DOS)  at

IOTA @  FRIEDRICHSHAFEN  ---> IOTA  enthusiasts  attending the  Ham  Fest  at
Friedrichshafen, Germany (27-29 June) are invited to participate in the  IOTA
Forum on  Friday 27th  (between 1  and 2.30  p.m., at  the Konferenzsaal,  40
Platze). An IOTA get-together is being  organized by Hans, DK1RV on  Saturday
28th at 7 p.m. (at "Beim Bene", VFB Station Gaststatte, Teuringer Strasse 2).
Further details from DK1RV (Hans Georg Goebel, Postfach 1114, 57235  Netphen,
Germany; e-mail dk1rv@t-online.de).

International DX Convention will be held on 22-23 August at the Royal Sonesta
Hotel [425DXN 311. The programme has been finalized. Presentations on DX  and
technical topics  include  "Navassa Island"  by  Dick  Brown  (W5AA);  "AH1A,
Howland Island"  (video);  "CY9/W5IJU St.  Paul  Island"  by  Vance  LePierre
(W5IJU); "ARRL DXCC Update" by Bill Moore (NC1L, ARRL DX Desk);  "Propagation
Prediction for  the  DXer" by  Ned  Stearnes (AA7A);  "JD1/7J1AYK  ChiChicima
Island" by  Gary Jones  (W5FI); "Dxpeditions  & Internet  Technology" by  Bob
Schmieder (KK6EK);  "The  DXCC2000 Project"  by  Rick  Roderick  (K5UR);  "RF
Exposure Regulations & the Dxer" by  Jim Maxwell (W6CF);  "ZY0SK St. Peter  &
St. Paul Rocks" by Karl Leite (PS7KM);  "It ALL Starts at the Microphone"  by
Bob Heil (K9EID); "AH4/AH0W Midway  Island" by Frank  Smith (AH0W). The  Gala
Banquet programme include DXer of the  Year Award to Al Hernandez (K3VN)  and
"VK0IR Heard Island 1997" by team member  K3VN. Last but not least "DXCC  QSL
checking" by Bill Moore, NC1L.

QSL DX1CW ---> JA3GN  is *not* the  QSL manager for  club station DX1CW.  QSL
should go direct to CW PHIL,  P.O. Box 1048, Manila,  Philippines 1099 or  to
4F1FZ  (Rey  Fermin,  248  Shaw  Blvd.,   Mandaluyong  City,  Metro   Manila,
Philippines 1501).

QSL OD5NA ---> IK3ZAW (Veronica Della  Dora, Piazza Fiume  14, 30126 Lido  di
Venezia - VE, Italy) is the QSL manager for Nabil, OD5NA.

QSL YN1RLI  &  YN1KDM --->  Dave,  TI5RLI operated  as  YN1RLI  from  Managua
recently. QSL is via WA4JTK. Dave will  be back to Nicaragua during the  last
week of May and again in June. QSL for YN1KDM, who operated with Dave, is via

QSL VIA IK3GES ---> IK3GES (GAbriele Gentile, Via Baratta Vecchia 240,  31022
Preganziol - TV, Italy) is the  QSL manager for 5T5FA, TZ6BHV, RA6WA,  LX2MR,
IL3SP, IL3/IK3QAR, IL3/I3ILH, IQ3AC and for his own operations from F  (1991,
1992, 1996), SV8 (1993-95), SV1 (1993-95) and IL3 (1995 and 1997). 

QSL VIA NN6C ---> Mike, NN6C (ex KM6ON) is not the QSL manager for RA0FA  any
more and he has not received any news from  HH2LQ for more than one year.  He
is still the QSL manager for Z32XX, Z32XA and Z37FCA.
S DX@WW $425WW316C
425 DX News #316 [3/5]
 24 May 1997                       No 316                  BID: $425WW316C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *  Q S L   I N F O  [1/2] *

CALL       MGR      CALL       MGR      CALL       MGR     CALL       MGR   
3A/ON6NN   ON5FP    CE3MCC     W3HC     IG8R       I8RIZ   TA1FA      TA1AL 
3A50LZ     W3HC     CO2AL      W3HC     II1H       I1HJT   TA2FE      KK3S  
3B8/NK6F   NK6F     CO2CL      W3HC     IL3/DJ9HQ  DJ9HQ   TA2IJ      DJ9ZB 
3B8AD      F6CPN    CO6AP      W3HC     IL3/DL1MHM DL1MHM  TA3ZK      DL4VBP
3C0DX      EA4URE   CO6FA      W3HC     IL4/IK2XNW IK2XDE  TA4/DL1CW  DL1CW 
3C1/TU4EI  W3HC     CO6RQ      W3HC     IQ2C       IZ2ABW  TA4A       W3HC  
3D2JH      VK2GJH   CO7KR      DL5DCA   IQ3AC      IK3GES  TF/IT9ESZ  IT9ESZ
3D2RW      ZL1AMO   CO8HF      CT1ESO   IQ4T       IK4HVR  TF/LA6ZH   LA6ZH 
3V8ZY      IN3RZY   CP8XA      DG9NB    IQ6F       IK6BOB  TF/PA3DWD  PA3DWD
3W5FM      UA0FM    CQ1A       CT2GFK   IR7S       IK7RWE  TJ1GD      SP9CLQ
3W6AR      XW2A     CQ1C       CT2GFK   IU2D       I2TZK   TJ1GS      EA4AHK
3X0HME     F5MGX    CQ4FMX     CT1FMX   IU4F       IK4ZHH  TK/DL0VS   DL0VS 
3Z0AU      SP9CZ    CQ4I       CT2GFK   IU9CSA     IT9KDA  TK/DL7HZ   DL7HZ 
3Z0JP      SP6GVU   CQ6U       CT4UW    IZ8BAB     IK8QDT  TL8BC      F5IPW 
3Z1PEA     SP3NQF   CQ8I       DJ0MW    IZ9R       I2VXJ   TM2VH      F1CSZ 
4F3CV      HB9CXZ   CS0RCL     CT2GFK   J20TW      K3TW    TM5B       F5FOD 
4F4IX      DU1IF    CS1CRA     CT1BWW   J28MD      DL2RDP  TM5EUR     F5EMN 
4J52P      4K9C     CU3DX      CU3AN    J39A       KQ1F    TM5FER     F6KQK 
4K52C      4K9C     CU7DT      CU7AA    J45RDS     SV5BYR  TM7I       F5JYD 
4K8F       UA9AB    CY0PDA     VE9AA    J73JT      W3HC    TM9CMN/MM  F6GPE 
4K9W       DL6KVA   CY1GO      VO1GO    J83ZB      JH1NBN  TN/F5OZS   F6FNU 
4L1BW      N3CBW    D2/AA4HU   W3HC     J87GU      DL7VOG  TO9PL      KF0UI 
4L1UN      RW6HS    D2BB       EA4BB    JD1/JF1LGD JF1LGD  TR8JH      W3HC  
4L4MM      TA2DS    D68TW      K3TW     JT1FBW     G3YBO   TS8ZA      I5JHW 
4L5A       IK3HHX   DA0LPG     DL1DCY   JW0L       G8APB   TT8DX      DJ6SI 
4L8A       OZ1HPS   DU6/K9AW   WF5T     JW7QIA     LA7QIA  TU2DP      K4MQL 
4N0S       YU7JDE   E21AOY/8   7L1MFS   JY8YB      DL5MBY  TU2XZ      W3HC  
4N7M       YU7KM    E21CJN     K3WUW    JY9QJ      DL5MBY  TU4EI      W3HC  
4N7ZZ      YU7FIJ   EA1AAA/P   EA1AAA   KH2/AD4WF  AE4EZ   TU4FF      OH8SR 
4S7BRG     HB9BRM   EA4EMZ/P   EA4ENK   KH2/K9AW   WF5T    TU5EV      W3HC  
4S7DRG     DL7DCU   EA5FEJ/P   EA5FEJ   KH4/N4BQW  W4FFW   TZ6VV      AA0GL 
4U1UN      W6TER    EA5RD/P    EA5ND    L70FM      LU4FM   UA0AP      AA2SZ 
4U1WB      KF4OMW   EA5RKX     EA5OL    LM2T       LA2T    UA0AZ      W3HNK 
4Z4LF      WA4WTG   EA6ABN     W3HC     LS9F       LU5FCI  UA2FB      DJ9ZB 
5B4AGI     N4JR     ED0BOD     W3HC     LX0ITU     LX1JH   UA4NC      W3HC  
5H3ES      DF9SU    ED1FBU     EA1FBU   LX5SNJ     LX1RA   UA4RZ      K7ZR  
5H3HG      WY3V     ED1SLG     EA1BYJ   LX60RL     LX1KQ   UA6ART     RU6BV 
5H3KII     OH2KI    ED3/ED5RCC EA5AOR   LZ0L       LZ1KCP  UA9AJ      UA9AB 
5K3W       HK3SGP   ED4FMM     EA4SS    MU0ASP     F5SHQ   UA9XS      W3HC  
5N0ASW     W3HC     ED4MVC     EA4SS    MX0ADJ     G3NYY   UE4WWA     RK4WWA
5N0SKO     W3HC     ED4TCM     EA4AAA   NH2C       JI3ERV  UE50XK     UA9XK 
5N0T       F2YT     ED5RCM     EA5EOR   OA4DHW     N5FTR   UE50XN     UA9XEN
5N0YL      F2YT     ED5SGA     EA5VG    OD5/N4MUJ  N4JR    UE9WAB     W3HC  
5N2CFA     W3HC     ED7VG      EA7EDY   OD5MM      HB9CYH  UE9WAC     W3HC  
5N3/SP5XAR SP5CPR   ED8FEA     EA8AKN   OD5NJ      EA5BYP  UK4YT      W2TK  
5N8NDP/9   IK5JAN   EF1SJM     EA1JW    OD5PI      IK7JTF  UK8OM      RW6HS 
5X1K       F6FNU    EJ2HY      EI2HY    OD5PN      LX1NO   UK8OO      W3HNK 
5X1P       G3MRC    EJ2IB      EI2IB    OD5RY      N4JR    UK9AA      DL4YT 
5X1T       ON5NT    EK6GC      W3HNK    OH0HEY     OH3TY   UN7JID     UN7JX 
5Z4RL      N2AU     EK6OCM     K6EID    OH0JWH     DJ2PJ   UN9PQ      IK2QPR
5Z4SS      JA1SQI   EM1HO      I2PJA    OH0JWL     DF5FF   US1ITU     UY5EG 
6K96EAG    HK5BUV   EO50KR     UT5KW    OH0LIZ     OH5YW   US7ZL      W3HNK 
6T2MG      W3HC     EO5FI      OE5EIN   OJ0/DL3YEL DL5IO   UT5URW     W3HC  
6W1/F5PHW  F6KPQ    EO5IG      UR7IA    OJ0/DL5IO  DL5IO   UT6A       DL5BAC
6W1QV      F6FNU    EO5JGP     UU4JXI   OJ0/DL6GV  DL5IO   UU0JM      W1TE  
6W6/K3IPK  K3IPK    EO5QZ      UX7QQ    OM1X       OM3LZ   UU3JO      W3HC  
6W6/N3NS   K3IPK    EO5ZN      UY0ZG    OM2I       OM3TA   UU3JQ      W3HC  
6Y5DA      VE4JK    EP2ASZ     W3HC     OM3A       OM3KAG  UU5J       UB4JLF
7J1AWL     KC7FYS   EP2DL      W3HC     OM3B       OM4HL   UU7JK      W3HC  
7N2UTO     HL5CL    EP2HSA     W3HC     OM3M       OM3IM   UX0BB      W3HC  
7P8/OE2VEL OE2GEN   EP2MA      W3HC     OM3T       OM3TU   V26NA      KX9X  
7Q7JL      G0IAS    EP2MKP     UV6HPV   OM3W       OM7KK   V5/WA1JBB  W3HC  
7Q7RM      G0IAS    EP2MRD     W3HC     OM5A       OM3LA   V51GC      W3HC  
7X5VRK     W3HC     ER5GB      W3HNK    OM5M       OM3KFF  V51Z       ZS6EZ 
7Z5OO      W1AF     ER9V       ER1DA    OX3XR      OZ3PZ   V63KU      JA6NL 
8P6DA      KU9C     EU3FT      W3HC     OZ/LX9EG   LX9EG   V73AT      K2CL  
8Q7BP      EA2BP    EU50XS     UA9XS    OZ1RDP     DL9BCP  V73K       W6TKF 
8Q7LT      DK0FTG   EU5R       EU1FC    P29KS      WB0LNO  V73NN      N3OA  
8Q7LU      EA2CLU   EW1DM      W3HC     PT7WX      W3HC    VI6VY      W3HC  
8Q7UZ      DL8UZ    EW1MM      W3HC     PW8LF      PY2VA   VK6AJW     W3HC  
8Q97FTG    DK0FTG   EW1SM      W3HC     R0/UR8LV   UR5LCV  VK6VS      W3HC  
9A1CHP     W3HC     EW35WB     EW1WB    R1ANF      RK1PWA  VK9EHH     K8VIR 
9A2OP      W3HC     EW3LB      W3HNK    R1FJR      F5PYI   VP2E       WB5CRG
9A50D      9A1BHI   EW52BO     EW2EO    R1FJV      UA3AGS  VP2MGG     WB2YQH
9A6DRC     W3HC     EW52OB     EU1FC    R60UPAL    UR8LV   VP5/K4ISV  W4FRU 
9A90CBD    9A3UF    EW52OW     EU6DX    R9C        W3HC    VP5/K5GN   K5GN  
9G1MR      IK3HHX   EX8DX      IK2QPR   R9WB       W3HC    VP5/N4KE   N4KE  
9G5CA      ZL2IW    EX8F       DL8FCU   RA0AL      W3HC    VP8CTR     DL5EBE
9G5CW      DL2RUM   EX8F       DL8FCU   RA0FA      WK6C    VP9KK      K1EFI 
9H1ZE      IZ3AHY   EY1ZA      W3HNK    RA2FBC     DJ1OJ   VQ9KH      WJ5R  
9H3VE/M    G0OYF    EY8/K4YT   W2TK     RA2FZ      W3HNK   VQ9VK      AA1OJ 
9J2BO      W6ORD    EY8AM      DF3OL    RA9DX      SP7LZD  VS97KM     VR2KM 
9J2TF      JA2BOV   EY8CQ      W3HNK    RB5JK      W3HC    VS97MS     VS6MS 
9K2GS      WB6JMS   F6KTL/P    F6CKH    RN3QO      N2UCK   W1ACT/P    N1JOY 
9K2MA      W3HC     FG5HR      F6BUM    RP3DPW     RK3DXG  WP2Z       DF3IAL
9K2MU      WA4JTK   FK/JE1OYE  JM1LJS   RP3DTF     RZ3DO   WP4Q       KP4CKY
9K2RR      KU9C     FK/JJ1DWB  JM1LJS   RP3DWW     RK3DX   WU1ITU     KA1R  
9K2ZR      K8EFS    FM5GU      WA4JTK   RP3QWK     N2UCK   X5SO       YU1KN 
9L/TU5EV   W3HC     FS5PL      KF0UI    RP3RST     RX3RXX  XQ3MCC     W3HC  
9L3GB      W3HC     FT5ZG      F5RQQ    RP3YZ      RW3YZA  XT/TU4EI   W3HC  
9M2EU      JA2EJI   G3HTA/P    G3HTA    RP4FMK     RZ4FXX  XT2JB      W3HC  
9M2OM      G0CMM    GB0MPA     GW0PUP   RP4FXX     RZ5FXX  XU2A       XW2A  
9M2RY      N4JR     GB100BD    G0WMW    RP4H       RZ4HZZ  XU2FB      N4JR  
9M2TO      JA0DMV   GB100FI    GW0ANA   RP4W       UA4WE   XV7TX      SK7AX 
9M8QQ      DF5UG    GB100LP    GW0ANA   RP4Y       RW4YA   XW8KPL     JH1EVE
9M8SL      9M8MA    GB2MI      GM0KVI   RP6APT     RK6AYN  XX9AW      KU9C  
9N1SM      VE8PW    GB6MI      GM0KVI   RP9ATZ     UA9AB   YC8TXW     YB5NOF
9Q5BQ      HB9AMO   GD0TOU/P   G0TOU    RP9XUK     W3HC    YC8YR      YB5NOF
9Q5HX      IK2MRZ   GE100FI    GW0ANA   RU0LAX     W3HC    YE8SUN     YB8UMX
9V1XQ      G4PKP    GM0KJW     G0KJW    RU9WB      W3HC    YM2KC      TA2FE 
9V1YC      AA5BT    GM5VG/P    GM3UTQ   RV6ASY     RU6BV   YN1KDM     TI5KD 
9V1ZB      JL3WSL   GW7J       GW0GEI   RV73WB     W3HC    YN1RLI     WA4JTK
9X/RW3AH   RW3AH    H22A       YL3AF    RV9W       W3HC    YN4/WK6O   KB5IPQ
9X5HF      LA2HFA   HA/W0YR    AA9DX    RV9WB      W3HC    YN6WFM     JA6VU 
S DX@WW $425WW316D
425 DX News #316 [4/5]
 24 May 1997                       No 316                  BID: $425WW316D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *  Q S L   I N F O  [2/2] *

A70BY      F5PYI    HB0/IN3IKF IN3IKF   RW9USA     UA9AB   YO/F6AJA   F6AJA 
A92FZ      W3HC     HC2FN      W3HC     RX9TX      W3HC    YO4BZC     I8YGZ 
AH8A       AC7DX    HF1GD      SP2BIK   RZ6AZH     RU6BV   Z31RI      DJ0LZ 
AP2MAM     IK7JTF   HL5KY      W3HNK    RZ6HAV     W3HC    Z31VJ      W3HC  
AT0ITU     VU2UR    HL9AX      W3HC     S21B       W4FRU   Z32XA      NN6C  
AX1ITU     VK1FF    HL9OO      W3HC     S79MAD     GW4WVO  Z32XX      NN6C  
AX2ITU     VK2PS    HP1XBI     F6AJA    SO8FHG     PA0FHG  Z37FCA     NN6C  
BD4TB      9A2AJ    HR2A       KB5IPQ   SV8CKM     SV8JE   ZA/F5SOZ   F5SOZ 
BG4TBD     9A2AJ    HS0/KM4P   W3HC     SV9/DL3MCO DL3MCO  ZA1E       I2MQP 
BS7H       W4FRU    HS0AIT     W3HC     SV9/I2YYO  IK2MYX  ZA1Z       HB9BGN
BS7H/MM    W6RGG    HS0ZCJ     W3HC     SV9/PA3GIO PA3GIO  ZB2FX      G3RFX 
BV/JA3TJA  JA3TJA   HS1AZ      K6VNX    SV9/SV0HS  DJ8MT   ZB9BV      W4FRU 
BV3/DL4AMJ DL5AUJ   HS1BV      W3HC     SX2THE     SV2TSL  ZD7HI      N2AU  
BV4MU      KA6SPQ   HS50A      I1JQJ    T20AA      KD4XN   ZD8Z       VE3HO 
BV4OQ      W3HC     HS6CMT/3   JA7FYF   T30WP      JA1WPX  ZP2EHA     DH1PAL
BV5DR      W3HC     HS9AL      I4LCK    T88CK      HB9BCK  ZS5ACW     W3HC  
BV9O       BV8BC    HZ1AB      K8PYD    T88JZ      JA7FWR  ZS97MM     ZS1FJ 
C53HG      W3HC     HZ1TA      OE6EEG   T88TY      JA6PJS  ZY5SZ      PP5SZ 
C6AGN      KA1DIG   IA5/IK5AMB IK5AMB   T97M       K2PF    ZZ1Q       PY1ADV
C6AJR      WB8GEX   IA5/IK5VLS IK5VLS   T98P       9A4SP   ZZ2E       PY2EX 

4L7C    P.O.Box 387, Yeroham 80500, Israel
7L1MFS  Yiroshi Yoshida, Shinko-Blg 4-4-1, Arakawa, Arakawa, Tokyo 116, Japan
7X5JF   Moktar Bensmain, 39 Ave Badi Mohammed, 07000 Biskra, RP, Algeria
AA0GL   Marshall P.Reece, 303 Hillcrest Drive, Larned, KS-67550, U.S.A.
AC7DX   Ron Lago, P.O.Box 25426, Eugene, OR-97402, U.S.A.
C21NJ   Norman Jockane, P.O.Box 45, Baudu District, Republic of Nauru
CT2GFK  Toze, P.O.Box 468, P-8700 Olhao, Portugal
DF3IAL  Anders Larsson, Riedhalsstrasse 10, D-60437 Frankfurt, Germany
DJ2YA   Ulrich Weiss, Am Birkenstrauch 15, D-57334 Bad Laasphe, Germany
DX1CW   CW Philippines, P.O.Box 1048, Manila, 1099, Philippines
ER9V    P.O Box 9537, Kishinev, MD-2071, Moldova
EX7MY   Victor Grishin, Moscow r-n, s. Spartak 2-12, 722058, Kyrsyzstan
FP5AC   Jean Christophe Lebon, P.O.Box 1343, F-97500 Saint Pierre, Saint
        Pierre & Miquelon
FR5HG   Olivier Dijoux, 40 route Gabriel Mace, 97490 Sainte Clotilde, France
GW0ANA  Glyn Jones, Nirvana, Castle Precinct, Llandough, Cowbridge, Vale of
        Glamorgan, CF71 7LX, Wales, U.K.
HI3JH   Julio E.Henriques, P.O.Box 122, Santiago, Dominican Republic
HK3SGP  Francisco "Siso" Hennessey, P.O.Box 170030, Bogota D.C., Colombia
IK4HVR  Francesco Tonetti, Via Marmolada 66, I-47023 Cesena (FO), Italy
IT9ESZ  Ruth B. Geering, Via S. Nicola 9, I-90146 Palermo (PA), Italy
LA6ZH   Ruth Tollefsen, P.O.Box 17, Tveita, N-0617 Oslo, Norway
RA9JP   V.Kljucherov, Ul. Parkovaja, 15-A-57, Langepas, Henty-Mans. AO,
        626449, Russia
RU6BV   Serge Guryew, Kadoshskay str.13/1, Tuapse-3, 352800, Russia
RW6HS   Vasily Kasjanenko, P.O.Box 20, Georgievsk, Stavropolsky Kraj,
        357800, Russia
SV5BYR  Mike Balaskas, Chr. Smyrnis 6, GR-85100 Rhodes, Rodhes Island, Greece
SV9ABG  Manos Klontzas, 9 Apollonos Str., 71305 Iraklion, Crete, Greece
UA0SMF  M.Dorokhov, Koneva st. 20/244, Irkutsk, 664043, Russia
UB4JLF  Yuri Zapadnja, Podgornaya st.4, Zolotoe Pole, Crimea, 334718, Ukraine
UT5EA   Igor Chmyr, P.O.Box 3506, Dnepropetrovsk 18, 320012, Ukraine
UT6IO   P.O.Box 186, 340000 Donek, Ukraine
VK1FF   Jim Muller, 40 Garrick St, Fadden, ACT, 2904 Australia
VP8CWI  Serge Shitov, P.O.Box 559, Stanley, Falkland Island
VU2LO   Lokesh Khanna, B 63 Paschimi Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi 110067,
VU3HKQ  Harkirat Singh, 596 Sector 18-B, Chandigarh, 160018, India
W2TK    Robert A.Renz, 366 Rutherford Avenue, Lyndhurst, NJ-07071, U.S.A.
W3HC    Carl F."Mac" McDaniel, 2116 Reed Street, Williamsport, PA-17701-3904,
S DX@WW $425WW316E
425 DX News #316 [5/5]
 24 May 1997                       No 316                  BID: $425WW316E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         IIA - Italian Islands Award
                         ***  IIA TROPHY - 1997  ***

This Trophy is issued by the Crazy DX Group.
Every OM and SWL (world-wide) can participate.
The purpose is to contact/listen/activate the largest number of different
italian islands.
Only referenced islands from the official IIA list will be valid, but also
any possible island reference released after the Trophy's starting.
The participation is free of cost.
Have a good hunting !

From June 1st  to  September 30th   1997.

It will be valid every qso/listening/activity on every amateur radio band.

Each different contacted/listened/activated italian island will count 1

3 categories are available: OM, SWL and DX-PEDITIONERS.
It's possible to participate at more than 1 category. Points of different
categories cannot be combinable.
In the DX-PEDITIONERS category, it's necessary for the participant to be
the owner of the used call-sign in every activity.
A plaque will be awarded to the top scoring participants in each category.
Complete results will be sent by the postal service to every participant.

Complete logs with datas of every qso/listening (call-sign, date, UTC time,
band, mode, IIA reference, correspondent call-sign for SWL category) should
be sent within November 30th 1997 to the following address:

or through e-mail:  crazy@grisnet.it

For DX-PEDITIONERS category's participants, it will be enough to send the
complete activities list (dates, used call-signs and IIA references).

A special prize will be awarded to the Crazy DX Group member that will
achieve the best result.

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

IK8CJP, IT9GAI, Brescia DX Group, Crazy DX Group, DeltaMike, Diamond DX Club,
Roman DX Group, Salento DX Team, 4F1EAA, CT1EEB,CT1ENQ, DK1RV, DL4VBP,DL7VOA,
PY-DX, QRZ-DX,  The 59(9)  DX Report,  The Daily  DX, URE-EA-DX,  VK2SG  RTTY

!       425 WWW Page --->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html      !
!                     INTERNET via  anonymous FTP at site:                  !
!  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  -  under the  /pub/ham/425news/english/  directory !
!             To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL:             !
!               http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/nph-425dxnews             !
!     or sending a message to:               majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it    !
!     writing in the body of the message:    subscribe 425dxnews  address   !
!          where  address  is the e-mail address of the subscriber          !
!             for example:  subscribe 425dxnews i1jqj.amsat.org             !
!                 * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *                    !
!                     TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751                       !
!                     DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613                       !
!                      SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422                      !
!                     ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306                       !
!                     CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921                       !
!               HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677                       !
!                      WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183                       !
!                      JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332                      !
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang