DX425 bulletin issue nr. 314

S DX@WW $425WW314A
425 DX News #314 [1/7]
 10 May 1997                       No 314                  BID: $425WW314A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3W     - Hiro, JA2EZD  is active  (all bands,  CW and  SSB) from  Vietnam  as
5H     - The Daily  DX reports  that Lee,  N5HG  is currently  active  (15-80
         metres, SSB and CW) as 5H3HG. He is expected to stay in Tanzania for
         about 14 months. Lee plans plans to put up an antenna on 160  metres
         within the next week. QSL via home call or to WY3V.
9J     - Richard (ex TR8DR, PT2ZDR and YS1DRF) is currently active as 9J2DR.
F      - F5MRP is active from Fort Boyard (EU-032, AT-26) during the weekend.
F      - Special event station TM5EUR will  be active (20,  40 and 80  metres
         SSB, RTTY and CW) from 9 to 11 May. 
FK     - Didier, F5PXQ is FK/ from New  Caledonia for the next three or  four
FR     - The call FR5HG (already used by F5MXQ) has been re-issued to Olivier
         Dijoux (40 route Gabriel Mace,  97490 Sainte Clotilde, France).
FT5Z   - Eric, FT5ZG has received an amplifier  (thanks to the Clipperton  DX
         Club) and is now  active again from  Amsterdam Island (AF-022).  QSL
         via F5RQQ.
HB0    - Beppe, IN3LKF and Oreste, IK3VIA were  active from Liechtenstein  on
         3-4 May. QSL via home calls either direct or through the bureau. 
HS     - The second  activity from  Koh Chang  (AS-125) has  started  [425DXN
         312].    HS50A  is  now  QRV  with  four  stations  in  simultaneous
         operation.  However,  propagation  conditions  are  reported  to  be
         "lousy". If conditions  are good enough,  it should  be possible  to
         work North America (New York State  was worked at  10 UTC on  14.180
         MHz): the operators are briefed to listen often for USA, but not all
         of them are experienced. The intended  schedule for 80/160 from  now
         on is as follows: tomorrow (10 May) they will try between 11 UTC and
         13 UTC for USA on 1.825 MHz; from 19 UTC onwards they will try 3.525
         MHz CW for EU etc. QSL  via JA9IFF (*Japan only*) and I1JQJ,  either
         direct or through the bureau.
I      - Weather permitting, the Salento DX Team will be active from  Scoglio
         Scattapignata (IIA LE-031) and Scoglio Specchia  (IIA LE-032) on  11
         May. QSL via home calls.
I      - Bad weather conditions forced Tony, IK8VRH to postpone his operation
         from Scoglio Lingua (IIA NA-033) on 10-11 May [425DXN 312].
I      - IL3/DL1MHM/p and IL3/DJ9HQ/p will be active  (40, 20 and 15  metres)
         from Grado (EU-130, IIA GO-001) until Sunday (11 May) morning.
I      - Iacopo (IA5/IK5AMB), Gabriele (IA5/IK5VLS) and Gianluca (IA5/IZ5AXB)
         will be active  from the island  of Giannutri  (EU-028, IIA  GR-001)
         from 9 to 11 May. QSL to their respective home calls (either  direct
         or through the bureu) or to  Sezione ARI Lucca, P.O.Box: 303,  55100
         Lucca - Italy.
I      - Operation by  Mario, IL3/IV3JWR  on 25  April  took place  from  the
         island of Valerian (EU-130, IIA GO-024). Mario was able to be active
         for a couple of hours on 40 metres only. He will try to convince the
         island's reluctant owner  to give  him permission  to operate  again
         from Valerian.
JA     - Hiro, JH4FBV will be /4 from AS-117 (Honshu's coastal islands)  from
         6 UTC on 10 May to 3 UTC on 11 May. QSL via home call either  direct
         (Hironori Funahashi, 1-11-38  Hamanochaya, Kurashiki-city,  Okayama,
         710 Japan) or throught the bureau.
V7     - Tim, N2PC is active from Marshall Islands as V73AT for four or  five
         years. QSL via K2CL.
VK     - AX2ITU will be active from 14 UTC on 16 May to 14 UTC on 17 May  for
         World Communications Day.  QSL to VK2PS.
W      - Philip, KF4JFG  will be  active from  Hatteras Island  (NA-067,  USI
         NC-005S) from 10 through 16 May.
W      - The North Jersey DX  Association will be  signing W2JT/40 until  the
         end of  1997  to  celebrate  its  40th  anniversary.  Each  week,  a
         different member of the NJDXA will  be using the Anniversary  suffix
         (ie. KF2TI/W2JT/40): work  as many different  operators as  possible
         and submit your logs to K2WE. Certificates will be awarded to  those
         working the most W2JT/40 stations.
YB     - Yanto, YC8VYY is  reported to be  currently active (only  40 and  15
         metres SSB) from Kai Islands (OC-???) [425DXN 313]. He is only  able
         to get on the air for a few hours each day as he is working.  Deddy,
         YB1XUR is trying to organize skeds with Europe on 21.260 MHz between
         10 and 12.30 UTC and on 7.090 MHz between 17 and 19 UTC.
ZK2    - After being active as VK9EEH  [425DXN 313] Ed,  K8VIR is now  active 
         from Niue (OC-040). QSL via home call.
S DX@WW $425WW314B
425 DX News #314 [2/7]
 10 May 1997                       No 314                  BID: $425WW314B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

                            >>>  BS7H 1997   <<<

The BS7H 1997 DXpedition shut down at approximately 06.45 UTC on 3 May,  much
earlier than planned. The reason for the early shutdown has been reported  by
Tim Totten, N4GN, who got the following information by telephone from several
of the BS7H 1997 team members in Guangzhou.
"As has  been  widely  reported  in  the  media,  the  Philippine  government
announced on 28 April (within hours of the BS7H/MM departure from  Guangzhou)
that three  Chinese  military ships  had  been spotted  in  the  area  around
Mischief Reef in the Spratly Islands.   Mischief Reef is claimed by both  the
Philippines and China.  Philippine President  Fidel Ramos immediately  lodged
an official diplomatic protest with Beijing,  and ordered increased Navy  and
Air Force presence in the area.   Although the Spratly  Islands lie some  300
miles to the south of Scarborough  Reef, news of  the escalating tensions  in
the region  was immediately  relayed to  the BS7H  crew.   The expedition  to
Scarborough actually involved two P.R.C. Ocean  Bureau vessels (one  carrying
the BS7H team with an Ocean Bureau crew, the other carrying only Ocean Bureau
personnel).  The two Ocean Bureau  captains were disturbed  by the news  from
the Spratly Islands, but everyone agreed  to press on toward Scarborough.  On
the first day  of on-the-air operations  by BS7H (30  April), two  Philippine
military reconnaisance jets overflew the reef at low altitude. Then, late  on
1 May, a Philippine Navy ship arrived  at the reef, eventually followed by  a
second Philippine military vessel. Philippine Navy  officers visited each  of
the three BS7H operating sites. [...]  In discussions with the BS7H team  and
the captain of the lead Ocean  Bureau vessel, however, the officers  asserted
the Philippine position that  Scarborough Reef lies  within the 200  nautical
mile Exclusive  Economic  Zone  (EEZ)  claimed  by  the  Philippines.  It  is
important to note  that the  Philippine officers  admitted that  there is  no
Philippine claim to the reef itself.   The captain of  the lead Ocean  Bureau
ship, of course, stated the Chinese position that Scarborough reef is  P.R.C.
territory and provides the baseline  for a 12  nautical mile Territorial  Sea
(TS) surrounding  the reef.   At  first, the  Philippine  Navy seemed  to  be
concerned that the amateur radio operations of BS7H were somehow an 'economic
activity' subject  to treatment  under an  EEZ  claim similar  to  commercial
fishing or oil  drilling.  But  after observing the  pileup operations,  this
concern was apparently satisfied.  Still, the Navy officers insisted that  it
was O.K. for the P.R.C. ships  to safely pass through the  Philippine-claimed
EEZ, but that they should not stop in any one place for a prolonged period of
time. The captain  of the  lead Ocean  Bureau ship  was unable  to reach  any
agreement with the Philippine Navy officers on this point.  Finally,  wishing
to avoid a further escalation of tensions, the Ocean Bureau captains made the
decision to  leave the  reef and  return to  Guangzhou, cutting  the  planned
seven-day BS7H operation down to only three days".


DAYTON ---> Terry, W9JOO, editor of  QRZ IOTA, will attend the Hamvention  in
Dayton. He  will  be staying  at  the Crown  Plaza  and hopes  to  meet  many
contestmen and DX chasers.

IOTA PROVISIONAL  NUMBERS  CONFIRMED  --->  The  provisional  numbers  AF-076
(Nigeria, Gulf of  Guinea group) and  AF-078 (Senegal,  Atlantic Coast  South
group) have been confirmed. QSL cards  of 5N4ALE (issued by either DK1RV  and
the operator himself) and 5N4BHF (both  operating from Bonny Island,  AF-076)
and 6W2/F6BUM (who was active from Karabane Island, AF-078) will be  accepted
by IOTA checkpoints.

VK0IR: THE BOOK ---> It will  be available on  15 May at  Dayton and by  mail
from K7BV thereafter. The  book is hard  cover, 224 pages  and is full  color
throughout.  A   preview   and  ordering   information   are   available   at

+ SILENT KEY +  It was with the greatest  sadness that we have learnt of  the
passing  of  well-known DXer Sam Canter, W6TSQ, who died a few days ago at 85
years of age. Sam was a ham for almost 70 years.
S DX@WW $425WW314C
425 DX News #314 [3/7]
 10 May 1997                       No 314                  BID: $425WW314C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***   D.I.F.M.   [1/5]  ***

* A *  RULES
  1 It is requested that all diploma applicants or stations giving the
    possibility of acquiring a diploma of THE REF UNION have a sporting
    spirit and fair play conduct.
  2 An applicant or a station giving the possibility of obtaining a diploma
    or the responsible of this station (QSL manager...etc) can be disquali-
    fied for violating the rules and RADIO AMATEUR fair play.
  3 In the case where the responsible of a station has been found to have
    contravened the rules the activation can be refused and the station in
    question warned.
  4 Only the diploma service of THE REF UNION in consultation with the na-
    tional president are authorised for all decision taking without appeal.
* B *  STARTING DATE   01 January 1986
    The DIFM can be obtained by all stations with an official radio amateur
    licence also all SWLs under the same conditions.
    The DIFM is destined to promote contacts with FRENCH islands,
    Also all islands reputed to be dangerous for access are excluded
    from the DIFM programme.
    All stations contacted should be terrestrial with the name of the
    island and reference number clearly printed.Contacts with boats
    aircraft and via repeaters are not recognised.
    The activation of an island will not be accepted IF THERE HAS NOT BEEN
    It is necessary to present justification (QSL cards) of 10 islands.
    Afterwards it is possible to obtain tickets raising the value of the
    diploma by groups of 5 always presenting the QSL cards.
    After 20 islands confirmed it is possible to raise the score island by
    The justificatives QSL cards must mention the DIFM reference and must
    be printed.
    The basic DIFM can be claimed all year round.
    Score increasing is only done ONCE PER YEAR BEFORE THE 31 JANUARY.
    An honour table is published in the 3 months that follow.
* G *  PRICE
    This is published each year in RADIO REF , in the DX bulletins and
    on Packet Radio.
                  F6CFT    Jean Jacques COSTE
                           816 Av.Delattre de Tassigny
                           F-71000 Macon
    For the DIFM ONLY a significant area of ground, surrounded by water and
    never totally submerged count.
    The maps which serve as the only reference are those of the SHOM
    (Service Hydrographique Oceanographique of the Marine)
    With a scale between 1/25000 and 1/52000.
S DX@WW $425WW314D
425 DX News #314 [4/7]
 10 May 1997                       No 314                  BID: $425WW314D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***   D.I.F.M.   [2/5]  ***
    01 MARCH 1997.
    The list is divided into 4 main groups which are divided into sub groups
    Each island has the following descriptive information:
      -The reference DIFM (MA,AT,ME,TK.) 
      -The name or names of the island.
      -The IOTA reference if applicable.
      -The appropriate SHOM map number.
      -The geographic co-ordinates.
    The 4 main groups and sub groups are,
       - A - ST MARCOUF archipelago(49,5N/1W).
       - B -Upper and lower NORMANDY (48,5-50N/1,5-2W).
       - C -CHAUSEY archipelago (49,5N/1W).
       - D -ILLE ET VILAINE and COTE D'ARMOR EAST (48,5N/1,5-2,5W).
       - E -COTE D'ARMOR WEST (48,5-49N/2,5-3,5W).
       - F -THE SEPT ILES (48,52-48,54N/3,26-3,30W).
       - G -NORTH FINISTERE (48,5N/3,5-5W). 
       - H - WEST FINISTERE (48,1-48,5N/4,5-5,5W).
       - I - SOUTH FINISTERE (47,5-48,1N/3,5-5,5W).
       - J - GLENAN archipelago (47,5N/4W).
       - K - MORBIHAN (47-48N/2,5-3,5W).
       - L - PAYS DE LOIRE (46,5-47,5N/1,5-2,5W).
       - M - CHARENTE archipelago (45,5-46,5N/1-1,5W).
       - N - AQUITAINE (43,5-45,5N/1-2W).
       - O - LANGUEDOC ROUSSILLON (42,5-43,5N/3-4E).
       - P - PROVENCE COTE D'AZUR (43-44N/4-7E).
       - Q - HYERES archipelago (43N/6,5E).
       - R - LERINS archipelago (43,5N/7E).
       - S - CORSICA (42N/9E).
       - T - HAUTE CORSE islands except V.
       - U - SOUTH CORSE islands except W and X.
       - V - SANGUINAIRES archipelago (42N/8,5E).
       - W - CAVALLO and LAVEZZI archipelago (41,2N/9,1E).
       - X - CERBICALES archipelago (41,5N/9,2E).
    The islands in the following list , are DELETED because they fall into
    the criteria of paragraphes C or I.
    However contacts made with these islands before the 01 FEBRUARY 1997
    Their references have been re-distributed in the island list of
    01 MARCH 1997.
    During the demand for the DIFM or for a score augmentation,these islands
    should be included at the end of the list in the section DELETED ISLANDS
         -ILE DES TINTIAUX  (*)                   ex MA-007
         -ILE VERTE                               ex MA-037
         -ILE DE ROCHEFORT  (*)                   ex MA-039
         -ILE DE TAUREAU                          ex MA-042
         -ILE DE LA CALEBASSE                     ex AT-019
         -ILE DES FAISANS / CONFERENCE  (*)       ex AT-029
         -ILE LE DAOUET                           ex AT-049
         -ILE PEN GLAS                            ex AT-050
         -ILE DE CHELOT                           ex AT-051
         -ILE DE BERN ID                          ex AT-052
         -ILE DES PETITS CARDINAUX                ex AT-095
         -ILE DE STHUAN                           ex AT-097
         -ILE DE TROMPELOUP                       ex AT-101
         -ILE DE CROUTE                           ex AT-106
         -ILE DE BEYCHEVELLE                      ex AT-107
         -ILE DES EYGLAUDES                       ex ME-025
         -ILE DU GRAND SALAMAN                    ex ME-026
         -ILE DE CAPENSE                          ex TK-040
         -ILE DI U BROCCIU                        ex TK-041
    In the island list ALL the references where the island name is
    followed by (*) signifies that this island has already been activated.
    Every year at the same time that the classification list is published
    the list of islands activated for the first time will also be published.
    All applications for the DIFM or for score augmentation should be
    set out in the following manner.
      -On paper, addressed to DIFM-MANAGER,with the name,address and call-
       sign,the islands should be listed in group and numerical order.
       Payment should be made to the DIFM MANAGER.
S DX@WW $425WW314E
425 DX News #314 [5/7]
 10 May 1997                       No 314                  BID: $425WW314E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***   D.I.F.M.   [3/5]  ***

REF.    ISLAND                          REF.    ISLAND                       
AT-001  Ile d'OUESSANT                  MA-072  Ile JAOUEN                   
AT-002  Ile de MOLENE                   MA-073  Ile MORVILLE                 
AT-003  Ile BENIGUET                    MA-074  Ile d'ERC'H                  
AT-004  Ile MELON                       MA-075  Ile DAVAL ou AVAL            
AT-005  Ile RONDE                       MA-076  Ile a CANTON ou AGANTON      
AT-006  Ile de L'ABER                   MA-077  Ile du RENARD                
AT-007  Ile de SEIN                     MA-078  Ile BOLENNEC ou LES PEIGNES  
AT-008  Ile CHEVALIER                   MA-079  Ile LOSQUET ou LOSKET        
AT-009  Ile Aux MOUTONS                 MA-080  Ile MOLENE                   
AT-010  Ile SAINT NICOLAS               MA-081  Ile FOUGERE                  
AT-011  Ile VERTE                       MA-082  Ile MILLIAU ou MILIO         
AT-012  Ile de GROIX                    MA-083  Ile PLATE                    
AT-013  Ile de THEVIEC                  MA-084  Ile BONO                     
AT-014  Ile Aux MOINES                  MA-085  Ile de MALBAN                
AT-015  Ile de BELLE ILE                MA-086  Ile ROUZIC                   
AT-016  Ile d'HOUAT                     MA-087  Ile NOIRE                    
AT-017  Ile de HOEDIC                   MA-088  Ile du TAUREAU               
AT-018  Ile DUMET                       MA-089  Ile de LOUET                 
AT-019  Ile du PETIT LITIRI             MA-090  Ile VENAN                    
AT-020  Ile de NOIRMOUTIER              MA-091  Ile WRAC'H                   
AT-021  Ile d'YEU                       MA-092  Ile CEZON                    
AT-022  Ile de RE                       MA-093  Ile ENEZ TERC'H              
AT-023  Ile d'AIX                       MA-094  Ile STAGADON                 
AT-024  Ile MADAME                      MA-095  Ile TARIEC                   
AT-025  Ile d'OLERON                    MA-096  Ile GUENIOC                  
AT-026  Ile de FORT BOYARD              MA-097  Ile GARO                     
AT-027  Ile de PATIRAS ou PHILIPPE      MA-098  Ile du BEC                   
AT-028  Ile Aux OISEAUX                 MA-099  Ile de ROSSERVO ou ROSSERVOR 
AT-029  Ile des OISEAUX (CHINGOUDY)     MA-100  Ile ENEZ AMANN ar ROUZ       
AT-030  Ile du PILIER                   MA-101  Ile LEC'H WENN               
AT-031  Ile de FORT ENET                MA-102  Ile ENEZ CROAZ HENT          
AT-032  Ile de CORDOUAN                 MA-103  Ile de la MEULE              
AT-033  Ile du BANC D'ARGUIN            MA-104  Ile de la HOULEE             
AT-034  Ile du FORT PATE                MA-105  Ile de la GENETAIE           
AT-035  Ile de FORT LOUVOIS             MA-106  Ile du PETIT ROMONT          
AT-036  Ile de KELLER                   MA-107  Ile PLATE                    
AT-037  Ile de BANNEC                   MA-108  Ile des TROIS ILETS          
AT-038  Ile de BALANEC                  MA-109  Iles ANERET & ANCRE          
AT-039  Ile de QUEMENES                 MA-110  Ile le LOUP                  
AT-040  Ile de TRIELEN                  MA-111  Ile le LEZARD                
AT-041  Ile de LITIRI                   MA-112  Ile NEQUILAS                 
AT-042  Ile de LEDENEZ VRAZ             MA-113  Ile du GRAND CHEVREUIL       
AT-043  Ile de LEDENEZ VIHAN            MA-114  Ile du PETIT CHEVREUIL       
AT-044  Ile de LEDENEZ QUEMENES         MA-115  Ile du FORT NATIONAL         
AT-045  Ile de MORGOL                   MA-116  Ile de PETIT BEY             
AT-046  Ile SEGAL                       MA-117  Ile la GRANDE ROCHE          
AT-047  Ile d'YOC'H                     MA-118  Ile de la NELLIERE           
AT-048  Ile du TOULINGUET               MA-119  Ile GWIN ZEGAL               
AT-049  Ile Aux CHRETIENS               MA-120  Ile de la POINTE de BILFOT   
AT-050  Ile LEDENEZ de BALANEC          MA-121  Ile ROCH ar MENNOU           
AT-051  Ile de la CHEMINEE              MA-122  Ile BLANCHE                  
AT-052  Ile ROC'H HIR                   MA-123  Ile RAGUENES MEUR            
AT-053  Ile PETITE du BINDY             MA-124  Ile de la CHEVRE             
AT-054  Ile des MORTS                   MA-125  Ile QUOALEN                  
AT-055  Ile TREBERON                    MA-126  Ile ENEZ INECH ou NINI       
AT-056  Ile TRISTAN                     MA-127  Ile la PETITE ILE            
AT-057  Ile GARO                        MA-128  Ile Aux LAPINS               
AT-058  Ile RAQUENEZ                    MA-129  Ile de SEIGLE                
AT-059  Ile de PENFRET                  MA-130  Ile TANGY ou du BIWIC        
AT-060  Ile de DRENEC                   MA-131  Ile PLATE                    
AT-061  Ile CIGOGNE                     MA-132  Ile ENEZ BIHAN ou BILIAN     
AT-062  Ile du LOC'H                    MA-133  Ile le CORBEAU               
AT-063  Ile de BRUNEC                   MA-134  Ile Aux DAMES                
AT-064  Ile de BANANEC                  MA-135  Ile RICARD                   
AT-065  Ile de QUIGNENEC                MA-136  Ile TI SAOSON                
AT-066  Ile de BRILIMEC                 MA-137  Ile PENN ENEZ                
AT-067  Ile de GUIRIDEN                 MA-138  Ile ENEZ ar VIR              
AT-068  Ile de ROELAN                   MA-139  Ile LONGUE                   
AT-069  Ile de LA TRUIE                 MA-140  Ile VALAN                    
AT-070  Ile de CREIZIC                  MA-141  Ile des JACOBINS             
AT-071  Ile de BERDER                   MA-142  Ile STEREC                   
AT-072  Ile GAVRINIS                    MA-143  Ile FORT de QUERQUEVILLE     
AT-073  Ile RENAUD                      MA-144  Ile de la POINTE du BANC     
AT-074  Ile de LA JUMENT                MA-145  Iles des ROCHES D'OUVRES     
AT-075  Ile LONGUE                      MA-1467 Ile ESQUINA                  
S DX@WW $425WW314F
425 DX News #314 [6/7]
 10 May 1997                       No 314                  BID: $425WW314F
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***   D.I.F.M.   [4/5]  ***

AT-076  Ile GOVIHAN                     ME-001  Ile du FORT BRESCOU          
AT-077  Ile GODEC                       ME-002  Ile d'ARAGNON                
AT-078  Ile HURIC ou des OEUFS          ME-003  Ile de RATONNEAU             
AT-079  Ile HUR                         ME-004  Ile du PLANIER               
AT-080  Ile BAILLERON ou LA DERVENN     ME-005  Ile de MAIRE                 
AT-081  Ile TASCON ou ENEZY             ME-006  Ile de RIOU                  
AT-082  Ile de BOED                     ME-007  Ile VERTE                    
AT-083  Ile de BOEDIG                   ME-008  Ile de BENDOR                
AT-084  Ile LOGODEN                     ME-009  Ile des EMBIEZ               
AT-085  Ile d'IRUS                      ME-010  Ile de PORQUEROLLES          
AT-086  Ile HOLAVRE                     ME-011  Ile de PORT CROS             
AT-087  Ile DRONEC                      ME-012  Ile du LEVANT                
AT-088  Ile d'ARZ                       ME-013  Ile d'OR                     
AT-089  Ile des POULAINS                ME-014  Ile de ST.HONORAS            
AT-090  Ile BAGUENERES                  ME-015  Ile du GRAND GAOU            
AT-091  Ile de BANGOR                   ME-016  Ile de POMEGUES              
AT-092  Ile EN TOUL BRAZ                ME-017  Ile du GRAND ROUVEAU         
AT-093  Ile de GLAZIC ou GLAZIG         ME-018  Ile des VIEILLES             
AT-094  Ile de VALUEC                   ME-019  Ile du LION de MER           
AT-095  Ile MOUSKER ou BLANCHI          ME-020  Ile SAINTE MARGUERITE        
AT-096  Ile des GRANDS CARDINAUX        ME-021  Ile de L'ESTAGNOL            
AT-097  Ile du FORT BLOQUE              ME-022  Ile de LEOUBE                
AT-098  Ile de MEABAN                   ME-023  Ile de l'ELEVINE             
AT-099  Ile de BELAIR                   ME-024  Ile d'ENDOUME du LARGE       
AT-100  Ile des EVENS                   ME-025  Ile de la MELETTE            
AT-101  Ile de PIERRE PERCEE            ME-026  Ile de la FAUVETTE           
AT-102  Ile MARGAUX                     ME-027  Ilot TIBOULEN                
AT-103  Ile BOUCHAUX/NOUVELLE/SANSPAIN  ME-028  Ile d'IF                     
AT-104  Ile AMBES                       ME-029  Ile de TIBOULEN              
AT-105  Ile VERTE / NORD / CAZEAU       ME-030  Ile de JAIRE                 
AT-106  Ile de CROUTE                   ME-031  Ile de JARRON                
AT-107  Ile SAINT MICHEL                ME-032  Ile de MOYADE                
AT-108  Ile SENIZ                       ME-033  Ile du PETIT CONGLOUE        
AT-109  Ile Aux CHEVAUX                 ME-034  Ile du GRAND CONGLOUE        
AT-110  Ile STIBIDEN                    ME-035  Ile CALSERAIGNE / PLANE      
AT-111  Ile RADENEC                     ME-036  Ile ROUSSE                   
AT-112  Ile GRAND VEZID & PETIT VEZID   ME-037  Ile du PETIT ROUVEAU         
AT-113  Ile BRANNEC                     ME-038  Ile des FOURMIQUES           
AT-114  Ile GRAND HUERNIC               ME-039  Ile de LA REDONNE            
AT-115  Ile PLADIC (PEN BLEI)           ME-040  Ile LONGUE                   
AT-116  Ile de LERN                     ME-041  Ile RATONNIERE               
AT-117  Ile HENT TENN                   ME-042  Ile PELLEGRIN / JARDIN       
AT-118  Ile SEPT ILES                   ME-043  Ile du LION de TERRE         
AT-119  Ile ERLANNING                   ME-044  Ile du GRAND RIBAUD          
AT-120  Ile PIRENN ou MOUCHIOUSE        ME-045  Ile du PETIT RIBAUD          
AT-121  Ile ILETTE                      ME-046  Ile du RIBAUDON              
AT-122  Ile de GUEOTEC                  ME-047  Ile du PETIT LANGOUSTIER     
AT-123  Ile NOLE                        ME-048  Ile du GROS SARRANIER        
AT-124  Ile PERCEE                      ME-049  Ile du PETIT SARRANIER       
AT-125  Ile TIBIDY                      ME-050  Ile de BAGAUD                
AT-126  Ile SALGREN                     ME-051  Ile de la GABINIERE          
AT-127  ILE du FORT de BERTHEAUME       ME-052  Ile de la TRADELIERE         
AT-128  Ile AR MAZOU                    ME-053  Ile de ST.FEREOL             
AT-129  Ile D'ARUN                      ME-054  Ile de L'ILOT                
AT-130  Ile de TERENEZ                  ME-055  Ile de POINTE ROUSSET        
AT-131  Ile du GRAND BINDY              ME-056  Ile des DEUX FRERES          
AT-132  Ile CONQ                        ME-057  Ile du PETIT GAOU            
AT-133  Ile QUEFFEN                     ME-058  Ile D'ENDOUME de TERRE       
AT-134  Ile Aux RATS                    ME-059  Ile CHRISTAOU                
AT-135  Ile KERNER                      ME-060  Ile du PORTUGAIS             
AT-136  Ile de DOMOIS                   ME-061  Ile des RASCAS               
AT-137  Ile GURIC                       TK-001  LA CORSE                     
AT-138  Ile en TOUL BIHAN               TK-002  Ile GRANDE SANGUINAIRES      
AT-139  Ile A BACCHUS                   TK-003  Ile de CAVALLO               
AT-140  Ile du BECHET                   TK-004  Ile de PIANA                 
MA-001  Ile du LARGE                    TK-005  Ile de PINARELLU             
MA-002  Ile de TATIHOU                  TK-006  Ile de FINOCCHIAROLA         
MA-003  Ile PELEE                       TK-007  Ile de LA GIRAGLIA           
MA-004  Ile GRANDE                      TK-008  Ile de GARGALU               
MA-005  Le MONT ST.MICHEL               TK-009  Ile des MOINES               
MA-006  Ile des RIMAINS                 TK-010  Ile de LA PIETRA             
MA-007  Ile du FORT de LA HOUGUE        TK-011  Ile de LAVEZZI               
MA-008  Ile de CEZEMBRE                 TK-012  Ile DI CALA D'ALGA           
MA-009  Ile AGOT                        TK-013  Ile CORMORANS ou OGA         
MA-010  Ile SAINT MICHEL                TK-014  Ile de PORRI                 
MA-011  Ile du VERDELET                 TK-015  Ile POINTE SETTE NAVE        
MA-012  Ile de BREHAT                   TK-016  Ile de PIANA (CHIAVARI)      
MA-013  Ile d'ER                        TK-017  Ile PUNTA DI L'OGA           
MA-014  Ile SAINT GILDAS                TK-018  Ile DU TARAVU                
MA-015  Ile Aux MOINES                  TK-019  Ile D'ECCICA                 
MA-016  Ile GRANDE                      TK-020  Ile de L'ANCURELLA           
MA-017  Ile CALLOT                      TK-021  Ile de BRUZZI                
MA-018  Ile de BATZ                     TK-022  Iles de LA TONNARA           
MA-019  Ile de SIECK                    TK-023  Iles de FAZZIOLU             
MA-020  Ile VIERGE                      TK-024  Ile SAINT ANTOINE            
MA-021  Ile de TOMBELAINE               TK-025  Ile de PIANA (SPERONO)       
S DX@WW $425WW314G
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 10 May 1997                       No 314                  BID: $425WW314G
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MA-022  Ile du PERRON                   TK-026  Ile de RATINO                
MA-023  Ile L'ISLET                     TK-027  Ile de PORAGGIA              
MA-024  Ile des HEBIHENS                TK-028  Ile de SAN BAINZO            
MA-025  Ile de HARBOUR                  TK-029  Ile de PERDUTO               
MA-026  Ile de TERRE                    TK-030  Ile de LA FOLACA             
MA-027  Iles des HERBEUSES              TK-031  Ile di U TORO                
MA-028  Ile GRIOS de GRENIQUET          TK-032  Ile de MAESTRO MARIA         
MA-029  Ile de BREQUETS                 TK-033  Ile de PIETRICAGGIOSA        
MA-030  Ile GRAND ROMONT                TK-034  Ile de LA VACCA              
MA-031  Ile LONGUE                      TK-035  Ile de FORANA                
MA-032  Ile HUQUENANS                   TK-036  Ile de FARINA                
MA-033  Ile le CHATELIER                TK-037  Ile SAN CIPRIANU             
MA-034  Ile des LANDES                  TK-038  Ile de LA CORNUTA            
MA-035  Ile ROCHE de HERPIN             TK-039  Ile de ROSCANA               
MA-036  Ile de CARN                     TK-040  Ile de CENTURI               
MA-037  Ile du FORT de L'ILET           TK-041  Iles du CAPO MURSETTA        
MA-038  Ile du FORT du GUESCLIN         TK-042  Ile PIANA (Ile ROUSSE)       
MA-039  Ile le CHAPEAU                  TK-043  Ile de SPANO                 
MA-040  Ile de GRANDE BEY               TK-044  Ile de SCUGLIETTI            
MA-041  Ile de LA MAUVE                 TK-045  Ile de PORI                  
MA-042  Ile Aux OISEAUX                 TK-046  Ilot de GARGANELLU           
MA-043  Ile MEZ de GOELO                TK-047  Ilot PALAZZU                 
MA-044  Ile LEMENEZ                     TK-048  Ilot VARDIOLA                
MA-045  Ile de SAINT RION               TK-049  Iles de CAPIGLIOLU           
MA-046  Ile LOGODEC                     TK-050  SCOGLIU LONGU                
MA-047  lle RAGUENES                    TK-051  Ile BAIE de FIGARI           
MA-048  Ile BINIGUET                    TK-052  Ile CAMARO CANTO             
MA-049  Ile VERTE                       TK-053  Ilot ZIGLIONE                
MA-050  Ile GROUEZEN                    TK-054  Ile POINTE de FAUTEA         
MA-051  Ile AR MORBIC                   Del-01  Ile des TINTIAUX             
MA-052  Ile LAVREC                      Del-02  Ile VERTE                    
MA-053  Ile a BOIS                      Del-03  Ile de ROCHEFORT             
MA-054  Ile MODEZ ou Ste MODE           Del-04  Ile du TAUREAU               
MA-055  Ile LA PETITE                   Del-05  Ile de LA CALEBASSE          
MA-056  Ile LOAVEN                      Del-06  Ile FAISANS ou LA CONFERENCE 
MA-057  Ile YVINEC ou KERGONET          Del-07  Ile le DAOUET                
MA-058  Ile des PINS ou des ONGLES      Del-08  Ile PEN GLAS                 
MA-059  Ile INSTAN ou ISTAN             Del-09  Ile de CHELOT                
MA-060  Ile Aux OIES ou AUZA            Del-10  Ile BERN ID                  
MA-061  Ile BAELANEC ou des GENETS      Del-11  Ile des PETITS CARDINAUX     
MA-062  Ile du MILIEU                   Del-12  Ile de STUHAN                
MA-063  Ile des LEVRETTES               Del-13  Ile de TROMPELOUP            
MA-064  Ile ILLIEC ou ZILIEC            Del-14  Ile de LA COQUE              
MA-065  Ile MARQUER                     Del-15  Ile de BEYCHEVELLE           
MA-066  Ile du CHATEAU NEUF             Del-16  Ile des EYGLAUDES            
MA-067  Ile des FEMMES                  Del-17  Ile du GRAND SALAMAN         
MA-068  Ile BRUC                        Del-18  Ile de PIERREPLANE           
MA-069  Ile TOME                        Del-19  Ile de CAPENSE               
MA-070  Ile de COSTAENES                Del-20  Ile DI U BROCCIU             
MA-071  Ile DHU                                                              


              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

IK0ZAR, I0-5105, Brescia  DX Group, Crazy  DX Group, Delta  Mike, Diamond  DX
Club, Roman  DX  Group, Salento  DX  Team, CT1EEB,  CT1ENQ,  DL1MHM,  DL4VBP,
59(9) DX Report, The Daily DX, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY Notes.

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                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang