DX425 bulletin issue nr. 313

S DX@WW $425WW313A
425 DX News #313 [1/5]
 3 May 1997                        No 313                  BID: $425WW313A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3C0    - The DXpedition to Annobon Island (AF-039) is confirmed to take place
         from 20 to 27 May [425DXN  309] with the call 3C0DX. Three  stations
         will be working  simultaneously on SSB,  CW, RTTY  and Satelite,  24
         hours a day. QSL via EA4URE.  Donations are welcome at U.R.E.,  Avda
         Monte Igueldo  102, Madrid  28018,  Spain. For  further  information
         check at http://www.ure.es/3c0dx.html
3D2_fij- Ron, ZL1AMO is still active as  3D2RW. He expects  to fly to  Tarawa
         (T30) on 5 May [425DXN 312]. QSL via ZL1AMO.
3V     - The call sign  used by I5JHW,  I5OYY, I5NSR  and IK5EKB  in the  ARI
         Contest (3-4 May) will be TS8ZA [425DXN 309].
5X     - Mats, SM7PKK has left for Uganda  on a UN mission.  He will stay  in
         Africa for about six months and will be travelling to Zaire, Rwanda,
         Burundi and Tanzania  as well. This  is not a  DXpedition, but  Mats
         will try to get active on  the bands from the  locations he will  be
8Q     - DL8HCZ and DL9XAT will be active  (160-6 metres SSB/CW) from  Angaga
         Island, Maldives (AS-013) until  11 May as  8Q97FTG. QSL via  DK0FTG
         either direct (Funk-Telegramm, Gruetzmuehlenweg 23, D-22339 Hamburg,
         Germany) through the bureau.
BS7H   - Scarborough Reef  1997  started at  approximately  04.45 UTC  on  30
         April. It is rumoured they will  go QRT on 3 May at  8 UTC and  that
         there will be no RTTY activity  because of problems to the TNC.  QSL
         for BS7H is via JA1BK (JA stations only) and W4FRU; QSL for  BS7H/MM
         is via via W6RGG.
C6     - Joe, WB8GEX  will be  active (80-6  metres)  as C6AJR  from  Crooked
         Island, Bahamas (NA-113) from 30 May to 2 June. QSL via WB8GEX  (Joe
         Pater, 1894 Old Oxford Rd., Hamilton, OH 45013, USA).
CE0_eas- JA7KXD is QRV  from Easter Island  (SA-001) as  CE0/JA7KXD. QSL  via
         home call.
CT     - Marq,  CT1BWW  and  Miranda,  DJ0MW,  expect   to  be  active   from
         Pessegueiro Island (EU-167) sometime  between 1 and  4 May. QSL  via
CY9    - Mike Smith (VE9AA), Doug Shepard  (VE1PZ) and Dennis  Motschenbacher
         (K7BV) are the operators who will  be active as CY9AA from St.  Paul
         Island (NA-094) from 26 June to  3 July [425DXN 309]. Their goal  is
         to make as many contacts as possible on CW and SSB on all bands from
         160 to  2  metres. QSl  via  VE9AA (Michael  Smith,  271  Smith  Rd,
         Waterville, Sunbury Co, NB, E2V 3V6, Canada). Sponsors and donations
         are still welcome and can be  sent to VE9AA. Further information  is
         available at http://www.uksmg.org/cy9.htm
EA     - More than 30 lighthouses in Spain  and Portugal will be active in  4
         May. Paco, EA5OL will operate as EA5RKX from Cullera Lighthouse (FEA
         E-0198). QSL via EA5OL. For the  full list of the EA lighthouses  is
         available at http://www.arrakis.es/~ea5ol
EA     - ED5RCC/ED3 will be active from Buda  Island (EU-154) on 20-21  June.
         QSL via EA5AOR.
EA8    - EA8AKK/p and ED8FEA will operate  respectively from the  lighthouses
         at Punta Hidalgo,  Tenerife (FEA D-2835.5)  and at  La Isleta,  Gran
         Canaria (FEA D-2798) on 4 May.
EJ     - Anthony, EI2HY and Mike, EI2IB will be active respectively as  EJ2HY
         and EJ2IB from Saltee Islands (EU-103) from 3 to 5 May. QSL via home
F      - TM7I will be active from the island of Berclau (DIFI 62-001-R) on  3
         May. QSL via F5JYD.
F      - F5VCR/p will be active from Ile Ar Mazou (DIFM AT-128) on 3 May.
F      - F5TGR/p will be active from Ile  Enez Bihan ou Bilian (DIFM  MA-132)
         and Ile de Corbeau (DIFM MA-133) on 3 May.
F      - A French team will be active (CW  and SSB) as TM5B from Batz  Island
         (EU-105, DIFM MA-018) from 1 to 4 May. since May 1st to May 4th. QSL
         via F5FOD.
F      - F9IE, F6CKH, F5LGQ and F5JOT will be active from Evens Island  (DIFM
         AT-100) until 4 May.
F      - The new call which will be used to celebrate the opening of the  War
         Museum at Helfaut (10-11 May) [425DXN 311] is TM2VH.
F      - F5SNY will  be active  from Groix  island (EU-048)  durign the  IOTA
F      - F5GVH will be  active from Belle  Ile (EU-048) from  18 August to  2
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 3 May 1997                        No 313                  BID: $425WW313B
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G      - Special event station GB100BD will be  active for 24 hours on  17-18
         May from Brean Down,  Somerset (England) [425DXN  311]. It was  from
         this site that Marconi succesfully received a radio signal on 18 May
         1897 making this the first ever DX in the world, Lavernock Point  in
         Wales (GW) to  Brean Down (G).  QSL via G0WMW.  See below  MARCONIAN
G      - John, G3HTA will be /P (10-40  metres, CW and  SSB) from St.  Mary's
         Island (EU-011) from 17 to 23 May.
G      - Jim, G3RTE will  be active  (10-80 metres,  CW and  SSB) from  Lundy
         Island (EU-120) from  26 to 28  July. He will  particpate in the  12
         hour section of the IOTA Contest. QSL via home call.
GM     - Eric, GM0KJW/P  should be  active from  the islands  of Islay  (IOSA
         NH22) and Jura (IOSA NH21) during the weekend. QSL via home call.
GW     - Special event station  GB100LP will be  active from Lavernock  Point
         from 10 to 18 May [425DXN 303]. QSL via GW0ANA. See below  MARCONIAN
GW     - Special event station  GB100FI will be  active from Flatholm  Island
         (EU-124) from  12 to  16 May  [425DXN 303].  On 13  May GB100FI  and
         GB100LP  will  re-create  Guglielmo   Marconi`s  first  ever   radio
         transmission across water from Lavernock  Point to Flatholm  island.
I      - IK2XDE, IK2XDF, I2RFJ, I2OGV and IK2XNW will be active from some IIA
         islands in Ferrara province (including Scannone di Goro, IIA FE-005)
         between 1 and 4 May. QSL via IK2XDE through the bureau or direct  to
         P.O.Box 3, 22072 Cermenate - CO, Italy.
I      - Special event station IU9CSA is active  until 4 May from the  Castle
         of Sant'Alessio, near Taormina. QSL via IT9KDA.
I      - Bruno, IK2PZG and Angelo, IK2HTW will try to be active from some IIA
         islands in  the  Venice  Lagoon  -  Cantieri  (IIA  VE-048),  Unione
         (VE-049), San Domenico (VE-050), Aleghero (VE-051), Saloni (VE-052),
         Buon Castello (VE-053), San Felice (VE-054) - during the weekend.
JA     - Hiro, JH4FBV will be /4 (40, 30, 20,  17 and 15 metres, CW and  SSB)
         from Oki Archipelago (AS-041) from 3 (6 UTC) to 5  (00 UTC) May. QSL
         via  home   call   either  direct   (Hironori   Funahashi,   1-11-38
         Hamanochaya, Kurashiki-city, Okayama, 710 Japan).
JA     - JA2KVB, JH2ECU and JJ2AJE will be active (mainly on CW) as  JA2ZTR/1
         from Hachijo Island (AS-043) from 17 to 19 May. QSL either direct or
         through the bureau.
JA     - Yuki, JI6KVR will  be /6 (40,  20 and 15  metres, SSB  and CW)  from
         Koshiki Islands  (AS-037) from  21 to  23 June.  QSL via  EA5KB  (JA
         stations via JJ6LXX).
JD1_og - JL1LAP/JD1 is active from Ogasawara (AS-031).
KC6    - T88CK is currently active from Belau. QSL via HB9DCK.
KH7K   - Art, N2NB  has  been  forced  to cancel  his  trip  to  Kure  Island
         scheduled from 17 to 23 May  [425DXN 310]. Art has not been  granted
         permission to  land  a  plane on  Kure  and  cannot  organize  other
OH0    - Kari, OH5YW and  other operators will  be active (on  6 metres,  WWL
         KO09KW) as OH0LIZ from Aland (EU-002) from 31 May to 4 June. QSL via
PA     - A group of Dutch operators  will be active  as PA3BDQ/P from  Goeree
         Overflakkee (EU-146) during the IOTA Contest.
PY     - Pedro, PP5SZ will be active as ZY5SZ from Forte Santana (DFH  SC-01)
         on 3 and 4 May. QSL via PP5SZ.
R1F    - Nick, R1FJV is active (mainly on CW) from Franz Josef Land  (EU-019)
         until the end of the year. QSL via UA3AGS.
SP     - SP6ZDA/1 will be active from EU-132 until 4 May.
SV9    - Manfred, DL8SET will be SV9/ from Crete (EU-015) from 6 to 20  June.
         QSL via home call.
TT     - Baldur, DJ6SI will be active (mainly on CW) from Chad as TT8DX until
         9 May. QSL via DJ6SI
UA0    - RK0AZZ will be active as RP0AKO  from 7 to 11  May to celebrate  the
         Victory Day in  WWII. QSL via  RK0AZZ either direct  or through  the
UA0    - Oleg, R0/UR8LV will  use the  special call  R60UPOL until  7 May  to
         celebrate the 60th anniversary of the first Arctic communication  in
         USSR. QSL to Oleg Satyrev, P.O.Box 9909, 310070 Kharkov, Ukraine.
UA0    - Igor, UR5LCV reports that Oleg, R0/UR8LV is planning a DXpedition to
         Bolshoj Begichev  Island  (AS-???) in  late  August.  Donations  are
         welcome and should go to UR5LCV.
UR     - Special event  station  EO5JGP will  be  active from  9  to  12  May
         celebrating the Victory  Day in WWII.  QSL via UU4JXI  or direct  to
         P.O. Box 8-4-94, Krasnoperekopsk, Ukraine.
VK9_lh - Ed, K8VIR is  active from Lord  Howe Island (OC-004)  as VK9EHH,  He
         should be on the island until 6 May. QSL via home call.
YB     - YC8VYY's  operation  from  Kai  Islands  (OC-???)  [425DXN  312]  is
         reported  to  be  postponed  until  5   May  due  to  problms   with
         transportation. He should be active for seven days.
YJ     - Frank, YJ8AA  and another  operator are  reported to  be planning  a
         short SSB operation from Emae Island (OC-111) in the first or second
         week of June. QSL via VK4AAR.
YN     - Hiro, JA6WFM will be active as YN6WFM until the end of the year. QSL
         via JA6WFM either direct or through the bureau.
ZL7   -  The 1996 ZL8RI team will be active for a week at the  end of October
         from Chatham Islands (OC-038). They will participatein the  CQWW SSB
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425 DX News #313 [3/5]
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*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

EA ISLANDS ---> EA2BUF reports that  rules, directory etc.  of the ISN  Award
can be found at  http://www.omniware.es/personal/isn

MARCONIAN CENTENARY AWARD ---> 100 years ago Guglielmo Marconi made the first
ever radio transmission across water from Lavernock Point (Wales) to Flatholm
Island (EU-124)  and the  first "DX"  between Brean  Down, Somerset  (G)  and
Lavernock Point (GW).  The Barry Radio  Society will be  issuing a  Centenary
Award for any operator or SWL  who works any two of  the three special  event
stations (GB100LP,  GB100FI and  GB100BD, see  above) marking  this  historic
event. Cost of full colour award is �4.00, US $8.00 US or 10 IRCs. Send claim
(contacts should be certified by two  radio amateurs) to GW0ANA (Glyn  Jones,
Nirvana, Castle  Precinct,  Llandough, Cowbridge,  Vale  of Glam.  CF71  7LX,
Wales, U.K.).

QSL 5A1A  ---> Anatoly,  UT3UY states  that "all  cards, verified  by  OM3JW,
IK2ILH, N4AA, JA2JPA  are OK for  DXCC. JA2JPA  can confirm  contacts for  JA
stations, IK2ILH for Italians, OM3JW for Europeans and N4AA for any  station.
So the  information that  cards signed  by N4AA  *only* are  OK for  DXCC  is

QSL EU-167  --->  Cards  for Pessegueiro  Island  1996  operation  have  been
received from the  printer. QSL for  QSOs with  CT1EEB/p or  CT1CJJ/p is  via
CT1EEB,  either  direct  (Jose  Emanuel  Ribeiro  de  Sa,  P.O.Box  79,  3860
Estarreja, Portugal)  or  through the  bureau  (Jose, CT1EEB  accepts  bureau
requests at  ct1eeb@mail.telepac.pt); QSL  for QSOs  with CT1/WT2O/p  is  via

QSL HP1XBI ---> Jean-Michel,  F6AJA has the  logs up to  6 April and  reports
that direct cards  have all been  mailed. Cards for  HP1XBI/1 (NA-072,  28-31
March) have not been printed yet.

QSL HS9AL --->  Franco, I4LCK  reports that  cards for  HS9AL operation  from
Terutao Island (AS-126) will be mailed  within the end  of June. Franco  asks
not to send other requests along with HS9AL.

QSL IU2D ---> I2TZK is the new QSL manager for IU2D.

QSL VP8CTR ---> Dominik, DL5EBE is the QSL manager for all the contacts  made
by Roman (EM1KA) from Vernadsky Base.

QSL YI9CW ---> Tom, YI9CW made 65,000  QSOs and has already sent some  15,000
cards. He asks to be be patient because he is moving to a new house.

QSL ZS6/PA3DZN ---> PA3DMH is *not* the QSL manager for ZS6/PA3DZN  operation
last year. QSL is via PA3DZN (but DMH will forward the cards he has  received
to DZN). Alex,  PA3DZN will reply  to direct requests  in May. All  remaining
QSOs will be confirmed automatically through the bureau.

QSL received via direct: 3E1DX, 3W5RS, 5R8FK, 5W1PC, I5JHW/6Y5, 7X0AD, 9X4WW,
BA4CH, BO0KS (AS-102), CN2GA, FS5PL, HP1XBI,  OA0MP, PY2JM/p (SA-071),  TN6X,
ZD9CR, ZS23I (AF-077), ZY0SG, ZY0SK.
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425 DX News #313 [4/5]
 3 May 1997                        No 313                  BID: $425WW313D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***


AS-127/Prov   S2   CHITTAGONG REGION group (Bangladeshi islands, letter "a"),
                   operation by S21YS from Hatia Island

AF-078/Prov   6W   ATLANTIC COAST  SOUTH  group  (Senegalese  islands, letter
                   "b"), operation by 6W2/F6BUM from Karabane Island


AS-126 (CONFIRMED)  HS9AL, Koh Tarutao (March 1997)
NA-202              HP2/F5PAC, Grande Island (February 1997)
OC-141              VK8NSB/P, Groote Eylandt (March/April 1997)
OC-220 (CONFIRMED)  VK5ISL, St Peter Island (March 1997)
SA-022              LU5EWO/D, LU1EYW/D, LU7DP/D Gama Island (February 1997)
SA-045              PQ8MM/P, Bailique Island (February 1997)

(*) Includes  operations  where  validation material was volunteered, ie  not 
specifically  required  for  credit  to be given -  in all cases  cards   now 
submitted will be accepted by Checkpoints.


AF-076/Prov   5N4   Gulf of  Guinea  group (Nigeria,  operations  from  Bonny
                    Island by  5N4ALE since  September 1996  and 5N4BHF  from
                    February 1997)

AF-078/Prov   6W    Atlantic  Coast  South  group  (Senegal,  operation  from
                    Karabane Island by 6W2/F6BUM in April 1997)

AS-127/Prov   S2    Chittagong Region group (Bangladesh, operation from Hatia
                    Island by S21YS in April 1997)

Checkpoints are not authorised to accept for IOTA credit QSL cards confirming
contacts made with islands/groups whose Reference Numbers have been issued on
a provisional basis.

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

IK7AFM, IK8CJP, IT9KDA, Brescia DX Group, Crazy DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond
DX Club,  Roman DX  Group, Salento  DX Team,  9A2TW, CT1EEB,  CT1ENQ,  DJ8CR,
DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX,  The 59(9) DX  Report, The Daily  DX,

!       425 WWW Page --->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html      !
!                     INTERNET via  anonymous FTP at site:                  !
!  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  -  under the  /pub/ham/425news/english/  directory !
!             To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL:             !
!               http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/nph-425dxnews             !
!     or sending a message to:               majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it    !
!     writing in the body of the message:    subscribe 425dxnews  address   !
!          where  address  is the e-mail address of the subscriber          !
!             for example:  subscribe 425dxnews i1jqj.amsat.org             !
!                 * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *                    !
!                     TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751                       !
!                     DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613                       !
!                      SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422                      !
!                     ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306                       !
!                     CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921                       !
!               HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677                       !
!                      WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183                       !
!                      JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332                      !
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
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425 DX News #313 [5/5]
 3 May 1997                        No 313                  BID: $425WW313E
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  08/06      3B8/NK6F                                               309
till  04/05      3D2RW * by ZL1AMO                                      313
till  05/05      3V8BB * by I5JHW, I5NSR, I5OYY, IK5EKB                 309
till  15/06      3XY3A * by F5IEV                                       312
till  30/05      4S7BRG * by HB9BRM                                     301
till  14/05      8Q7MZ & 8Q7BZ * by OE3MZC & OE3YCB                     311
till  11/05      8Q97FTG * by DL8HCZ & DL9XAT                           313
till  16/05      9N1WU * by JA8MWU                                      312
till  03/05      BS7H: Scarborogh Reef * by OH2BH's team                313
till  20/05      C6AGN: Green Turtle Cay (NA-080) * by KM1E             299
till  04/05      DL: Neuwerk Isl. (EU-127) * by DL6CGC, DF5WBA, DJ3XG   305
till  11/05      EY8/K4YT                                               312
till  04/05      F6KTL/p: Ile des Evens (DIFM AT-100) * by F team       313
till  15/05      FR5DJ/J & FR5KH/J: Juan de Nova                        310
till  04/05      IL4: Scannone di Goro (IIA FE-005) * by I2 team        313
till  04/05      IU9CSA: special station                                313
till  04/05      J38ZB * by JH1NBN                                      311
till  07/05      R60POL: special call * by R0/UR8LV                     313
till  06/05      OZ/LX9EG/p: Mando Isl. (EU-125)                        309
till  04/05      TM5B: Batz Isl. (EU-105; DIFM MA-018) * by F team      313
till  04/05      SP6ZDA/1: EU-132                                       313
till  05/05      SV9/PA3GIO                                             309
till  05/05      T30WP * by JA1WPX                                      312
till  06/05      VK9EHH: Lord Howe Isl. * by K8VIR                      313
till  21/06      VP2END & VP2EUC * by JA4DND & JA5AUC                   305
till  06/05      ZB2FX * by G3RFX                                       310
01/05-04/05      CT: Pessegueiro Isl. (EU-167) by CT1BWW & DJ0MW        313
01/05-11/05      F: IOTA/DIFM * by DL2RBY & DL9NCW                      311
01/05-15/05      FR/DJ4VW                                               312
01/05-04/05      IB0: (EU-045) * by IK6JOT, IK6MWK, IK0ZAR         ???  312
01/05-04/05      IC8/IK8VRH: Scoglio della Lingua (IIA NA-033)     ???  312
02/05-03/05      JR0BAQ/0 & JF0KYK/0: Sado Isl. (AS-117)                311
03/05-04/05      EJ2HY & EJ2IB: Saltee Is. (EU-103) * by EI2HY & EI2IB  313
03/05            F5TGR/p: DIFM MA-132 & MA-133                          313
03/05            F5VCR/p: Ile Ar Mazou (DIFM AT-128)                    313
03/05-04/05      GM0KJW/p: Islay Isl. & Jura Isl. (IOSA NH21)           313
03/05-04/05      IL3 * by IK2HTW & IK2PZG                               313
03/05-04/05      IL3 * by IK2ILH & IK2MRZ                               311
03/05-05/05      JH4FBV/4: Oki Archipelago (AS-041)                     313
03/05            TM7I: Berclau Isl. (DIFI 62-001R)                      313
03/05-04/05      ARI International DX Contest                           ***
04/05-14/05      8Q7BP & 8Q7LU * by EA2BP & EA2CLU                      311
05/05-13/05      BV3/DL5AUJ                                             311
05/05-23/05      KH6/N2NB                                               310
05/05-??         T30 * by ZL1AMO                                        313
05/05-06/05      V73WP * by JA1WPX                                      312
07/05-11/05      RP0AKO: special call * by RK0AZZ                       313
08/05-11/05      HS50A: Koh Chang Isl. (AS-125)                         312
09/05/12-05      EO5JGP: special event station                          313
10/05-17/05      GB100LP: special call                                  313
10/05-11/05      TM2VH: special event station                           313
10/05-11/05      CQ-M International DX Contest                          ***
10/05-11/05      Volta DX RTTY Contest                                  ***
11/05            IJ7: Sc. Scattapignata (IIA LE-031) by Salento DX Team 311
11/05            IJ7: Sc. Specchia (IIA LE-032) * by Salento DX Team    311
12/05-16/05      GB100FI (EU-124): special call                         313
12/05-July       YI9VK * by HA7VK                                       311
16/05-20/05      OZ1RDP: Romo Isl. (EU-125) * by DL team                305
16/05-18/05      Dayton (Ohio): Convention 1997                         ***
17/05-23/05      G3HTA/p: St. Mary's (EU-011)                           313
17/05-18/05      GB100BD: special event station                         311
17/05-19/05      JA2ZTR/1: Hochijo Isl. (AS-043) * ba JA2 team          313
17/05-18/05      Baltic Contest                                         ***
17/05            European Sprint Spring CW (00 - 17 UTC)                ***
17/05-18/19      ITU Contest                                            ***
18/05            EA7: San Juan de Los Terreros Isl. (EU-152)            311
20/05-27/05      3C0DX * by URE                                         313
23/05-27/05      GM5VG/p: St. Kilda Isl. (EU-059) * by GM team          311
23/05-26/05      KL: Pleasant Isl. (NA-161) * by KL7AF's team           307
24/05-25/05      CQ WW WPX CW Contest                                   ***
25/05-31/05      F: Chausey Is. (EU-039) * by Grantham Radio Club       307
25/05            IJ7: Sc. Fincari (IIA LE-034) * by Salento DX Team     311
25/05            IJ7: Sc. Iannaredda (IIA LE-035) * by Salento DX Team  311
30/05-02/06      C6AJR: Crooked Isl.  (NA-113) * by WB8GEX              313
30/05-06/06      ID9: Stromboli Isl. (EU-017; IIA ME-016) * by IT9 team 303
31/05-04/06      OH0LIZ * by OH5YW's team                               313
mid May          9N1SM * by VE5SM                                       312
May              KH7K: Kure * by N4BQW                              ??? 307
May              TT8DX * by DJ6SI                                       313
May              YC8VYY: Kai Isl. (OC-???)                              313