S DX@WW $425WW309A 425 DX News #309 [1/5] 5 April 1997 No 309 BID: $425WW309A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ IK1ADH - IK1GPG /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3A - Special Event station 3A7A will be active from 15 to 30 April to celebrate 700 years of Grimaldi dynasty. QSL via bureau. 3B8 - Kenton, NK6F will be active from AF-049 from 20 April to 8 June as 3B8/NK6F. He will operate mainly on CW from 3B8CF's house. QSL via home call. 3C0 - The Union de Radioaficionados Espanoles (URE) is organizing a DXpedition to Annobon Island (AF-039) from 20 to 27 May. Three complete station will be active and operators include EA3AOK, EA3BT, EA4BPJ, EA4BT, EA5AD, EA5GRC, EA6BH, EA6WV, EA7BJ, EA7JB, DJ9ZB, EA4BQ/OH0XX, EA8AH/OH1RY and W9EVI. QSL via EA4URE. Budget is US$ 45,000 and any help will be most appreciated. 3V - Giovanni, I5JHW will be active from 3V8BB from 28 April to 5 May. He and I5SNR, I5OYY and IK5EKB will participate in the ARI International Contest (3-4 May) possibly as 3V5I. QSL via I5JHW. 3Y_bouv- The SSIDXG operation [425DXN 303] has been delayed until December 1998 on the authority of the Norwegian Polar Institute. An ecosystem monitoring programme is being established on the island and landing permissions have been temporarily revoked. 7O - Steve, HA0DU reports that Zoli, HA5PP (ex 3W8DX and XW8DX) will be in Aden, Yemen for about one year as from May. He will do his best to have his license approved and confirmed by the authorities in Sanaa. Zoli plans to be on the air in late June. A7 - Jean-Jacques (ex J28JJ) is active (RTTY included) on Saturdays from the club station A71A. BV - BV9AYA is active from P'eng-Hu (Pescadores) Islands (AS-103). QSL via BV2KI. CT - Moreira (CT1AHU), Lopes (CT1CJJ), Jose (CT1EEB) and Jorge (CT1FMX) will be /P from 25 to 27 April from the following DIP islands (they do not count for IOTA) on the Beira Litoral: Testada (BL-002), Gaga (BL-004), Matadouce (BL-015) and Marinha Nova (BL-016). Plans are subject to change depending on WX. CT - Jose, CT1EEB reports that Gramatal Island, from which he and CT1CJJ were /p on 31 March, has the DIP reference number BL-017 (*not* BL-015 as mentioned on the air). QSL via home calls. CY9 - The DXpedition to St. Paul Island (NA-094), led by Mike Smith (VE9AA) [425DXN 293], is now scheduled from 26 June to 3 July. F - F5RBB will be active from Fort Louvois (DIFM AT35) on 12 and 13 April. F - Derek, F5VCR will be active from a few IOTA and/or DIFM islands between 12 and 18 April. G - Special Event station GB5OTR will be activated until the end of 1997 by the Torbay ARC to celebrate their 50th anniversary. QSL via bureau. GJ - Peter, DK1RP will be active from Jersey (EU-013) until 12 April. Contacts will be all confirmed via the bureau. GM - Maurice, GM/ON4BAM/m will be active from Lewis (EU-010, from 31 July to 2 August) and Skye (EU-008, from 2 to 4 August) islands. GU - Jean-Marc, F5SGI will be GU/ (mainly on CW) from Guersney (EU-114) from 6 to 11 April. H4 - Bernhard, DL2GAC will be active again as H44MS next week. He will try to operate from Rennell Island (OC-127). QSL via home call. /EX S DX@WW $425WW309B 425 DX News #309 [2/5] 5 April 1997 No 309 BID: $425WW309B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== HB0 - DJ9SI, DJ8KI and DL8SET will be active (all bands, 160 metres and WARC included) from Liechtenstein from 7 to 11 May. QSL via DL8SET. HK0 - HK1HHX reports that Pedro, HK3JJH stopped in Cartagena on his way to San Andres Island on Friday 4 April. Pedro told him he expects to be active from Serrana Bank (NA-133), Roncador Cays (NA-133) and Serranilla Bank Cays (NA-132) [425DXN 308] as from 5 April: 10-hour operation from each island on 20 metres SSB as HK3JJH/0A and HK3JJH/0B. QSL via home call. I - Enrico, IT9AXZ, and Salvo, IT9HLR will /P from Ortigia (EU-025, IIA SR-006) from 4 to 30 April. QSL via home calls. I - Virgilio, IC8OZM lives on the island of Procida (EU-031, IIA NA-002). QSL via IC8QEF (Elviro Lombardi, Via Liberta 66, 80079 Procida - NA, Italy). JD1_min- Take, JQ8NQJ/JD1 [425DXN 301] will be active from Minami Torishima (OC-073) until 23 April, but is expected to be back on the island in June or July. His favourite frequencies are 7012, 10104 and 14028-29 MHz and operations depend on his commitments at the meteorological station. QSL via JA8CJY, either direct or through the bureau. KP2 - It was KF8UM (*not* KF8UN) who was active from U.S. Virgin Islands (NA-106) from 26 March to 2 April [425DXN 308]. OZ - DJ5NN, DL8DXL, DL2TG, DL2LTM, DL2DRD, DJ5NN, DH0DW and LX1NO will be active (CW and SSB) from Mando Island (EU-125) from 1 to 6 May as OZ/LX9EG/P. OZ - Special event stations OZ2DSB, OZ3DSB, OZ5DSB, OZ6DSB, OZ8DSB and OZ4DSB/GB will be active on 1 June (8-16 UTC, 80, 40 and 20 metres) to celebrate the opening of the railway link across the Store Baelt (Great Belt) between the islands of Sjaelland and Fyn. QSOs will be all confirmed via the bureu (direct cards to OZ4IO: Oluf Krog, Brinken 5, DK 8260 Viby Jylland, Denmark). PY - PQ5L will be active (SSB and CW) from Mel Island (SA-047, DIB 24) from 15 to 22 April (9 UTC). QSL via PP5LL. PY - PR5L will be active (SSB and CW) from Sao Francisco Island (SA-027, DIB 08) from 22 (18 UTC) to 30 April. QSL via PP5LL. S2 - Vittorio, IK1SLY/S21YS and Manju, S21AM are now active (20 metres SSB, with 100 watts, a dipole and possibily a cubical quad) from Hatia Island (AS-???) [425DXN 308]. QSL via IK1FLF. SP - The Scout Amateur Radio Club SP5ZDH will activate the Special Event station 3Z0APA from 4 to 6 April to celebrate the 53rd anniversary of Arsenal Action in Warsaw during WWII. They will participate in the SP DX Contest (from 15 UTC of 5 April to 15 UTC of the 6th, CW and SSB). QSL via SP5ZDH. SV - Phil, G3SWH will be SV8/ (CW only) from Mykonos Island (EU-067) from 13 to 20 June. QSL via home call. SV9 - Bert, PA3GIO will be active (10-20 metres SSB, WARC bands included, possibly 40 and 80 metres) from Crete (EU-015) as SV9/PA3GIO/M and SV9/PA3GIO/P from 28 April to 5 May. QSL via home call. T5 - Bill, VK6ZX and his wife Diane, VK6KYL should be active (on 20 and 40 metres) as 6O0X and 6O0YL from Somalia for a few hours between 8 and 10 April. QSL direct to VK6ZX (P.O. Box 463 Kalgoorlie, WA 6430, Australia). TA - Nilay, TA3YJ and YL operator Berkin, TA3J will be QRV as YM3ATA from 17 to 27 April to celebrate Childrens' Day (23 April). QSL via TA3YJ. TU - 5X4D will be active (80-10 metres SSB) from 18 April to 2 May as TU2WL. V4 - After their activity from Antigua [425DXN 307] Rick, AI5P (mainly on CW) and George, WB5JHK (mainly on SSB) will be active from St. Kitts & Nevis (NA-104). QSL via home calls. VE - Special Event station CF3L will be activated on 25-26 April and from 19 June to 3 July by The Quinte ARC to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Ontario, Canada. Stations in Quinte may use the CF3 prefix, VE3 stations may use the CI3 prefix and VA3 stations use the XL3 prefix. W - Jimmie, KA3UNQ expects to be active from one or more New Jersey USI islands on 7 April. W - Radio Central Amateur Radio Club will be sanctioned Marconi Station using the call W2RC/IMD to celebrate the International Marconi Day (19 April). W2RC/IMD will be operating from an original 1901 Marconi transmitting shack in Rocky Point, New York. QSL via N2IME or via the W2 bureau. W - Dean, K3GGN will activate a new Washington island (USI WI-001) starting on 1 through 6 June. /EX S DX@WW $425WW309C 425 DX News #309 [3/5] 5 April 1997 No 309 BID: $425WW309C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== ************************* ***************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************* 3B8 BUREAU ---> Mauritius have an incoming QSL bureau (that menas that return postage is still needed), The address is: Mauritius Amateur Radio Society, Candos Regn: 4388 Quatre Bornes, Mauritius. 4L QSL BUREAU ---> Mamuka Kordzakhia, 4L2M (President of National Association Radioamateurs of Georgia, NARG) reports that Georgia now has a new QSL bureau address: P.O. Box 123, Tbilisi 380 004, Republic of Georgia. OPDX has learned that "the National Association Radioamateurs of Georgia (NARG) is not the only organization/QSL Bureau representing 4L amateurs in Georgia. Today in Georgia there are at least 4 different organizations working with radio amateurs and associations. AL, 4L5A, President of Friendship World Wide Radioclub (FWWRC), states P.O. Box 1 Tbilisi, 380002 GEORGIA is used by FWWRC. Al recommands when working a 4L station ask the Georgian amateur what organization they belong to. He also states some 4L stations do not belong to any organization". IOTA CHECKPOINTS ---> The month of April is a period when the IOTA data base is maintained at RSGB HQ and the checkpoints are >>> unable <<< to process any new claims or updates. Please, therefore, do not send any cards or claims to your checkpoint until the >>> end of April <<<. N7NG ---> 425 DX News congratulates Wayne Mills, N7NG on his recent appointment as chairman of the DXAC. OPERATIONS APPROVED FOR DXCC CREDIT ---> The ARRL DXCC Desk reports that documentation from the following operations now has been received and approved for DXCC credit: 3A/IK1QBT, 3A/JH1NBN, 3B8/DK1RP, 3CODX, 3C1DX, 3C5A, 3D2/DL7RAG, 3D2HW, 3D2MN, 3DA0MA, 3W5RS, 4L6PA, 4X/DL3JSW, 5H1HW, 5R8EO, 5T5U, 5V7HR, 5V7ML, 5V7LB, 5W0AN, 5W0HW, 5X1D, 5X1K, 5X1T, 6W1/N2WCQ, 6W1QV, 6Y5/I5JHW, 6Y5/W4JKC, 7P8FS, 7P8MA, 8Q7BC, 8Q7YV, 8Q7ZR, 9G5BQ, 9J2AE, 9J2PI, 9L1MG, 9L1PG, 9MOZ, 9M2RY, 9M6P, 9M6TE, 9M6TF, 9M6TG, 9M6TI, 9M6TJ, 9Q5BB, 9U/EA1FH, 9U5CW, 9U5DX and 9U/F5FHI. Also, A35HB, A35MN, AA4NC/CY0, BY1QH/G3SWH, BY1QH/W5ZPA, C6A/AF1U, C91CO, CY0/WA4DAN, CY0AA, CY0XX, D68SE, DK8FS/C91, E3A3O, EM1KA, F/G3SWH/P, FJ/I4ALU, FO0DI, FO0SUC, FR/DL1DA, HI8/DL1DA, HI9/I4LCK, HS0/7L1MFS, HS0/IK4MRH, J28TC, J56CK, J56DY, J6/DK1RP, KC6GB, KH8/IK2GNW, KH8AL/HKO, KP2/KX8N, LA1TV, OD5RY/OD5/N4ISV, PJ8/WB2GAI, SO1RSF, S21XX, S21XY, S21XZ, S79UAA, T7/IK6RUM, T98JWV, TG9IDK, TI5/JH1NBN, TI9X, TE9RLI, TJ1GB, TJ1GD, TJ1RA, TL8MR, TT8AM, TT8DJ, TT8HG, TT8PG, TT8SS, V31VI, V63CO, V73C/CY0, VK2BEX/CY0, VK2IFB, VK4LF/VK9M, VK9CT, VP2MEY, VP2V/KC2QF, VR2/I1RBJ, W6RJ/Z2, WB6RZK/Z2, XR0Y/Z, XT2DM, XU2FB, Z2/9J2AE, Z21KM, ZA1AJ, ZB2/DL1BX, ZB2/DL5JAB, ZB2/DL5JAN, ZF2GS, ZF2WY, ZK1FAN, ZK1HW, ZK1LIA, ZK1NJX, ZK1PYD, ZK1RAG, ZK1WTS, ZK2RA, ZK2ZE, ZL3FAN, ZL7BTB, ZV0MB, ZV0MV and ZY0ZGD. (Source: The ARRL Letter, Vol. 16, No. 12) QSL DE PA0GAM ---> Cards for Gerben's operations (PA0GAM/OH0, PA0GAM/OH0/OJ0, PA0GAM/4S7, 9Q5MA, PA0GAM/ST2, PA0GAM/9L, YB3AQE, ZA/PA0GAM, PF4WCY) may be requested to QSL manager PA0GIN or to Gerben himself (Gerben A. Menting, Waezenburglaan 104, 9351 Hg Leek, The Netherlands). QSL HR3/K9BG ---> Jerry, K9BG reports that all direct QSLs for his January, 1997 HR3 operation have been already mailed. Bureau requests are just beginning to show up and will be dealt with as they arrive. /EX S DX@WW $425WW309D 425 DX News #309 [4/5] 5 April 1997 No 309 BID: $425WW309D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== QSL SV5DZZ ---> IZ2AEQ (Elio Cereda, Via Franco Faccio 20, 20161 Milano - MI, Italy) has been the QSL manager for Kostas, SV5DZZ since 1 January 1997. QSL VK9GA ---> Due to moving from YB3 to PA last year and other circumstances Gerben, PA0GAM was able to process the cards for his VK9GA operation (May 1996) only recently. All direct cards have been mailed now and buro cards will be send this week. QSL ZY0SG & ZY0SK ---> Tino, PT7AA/ZY0SG and Karl, PS7KM/ZY0SK report that cards for their recent operations from St. Peter & St. Paul Rocks are being sent out. THE DAILY DX ---> A new Internet DX bulletin, THE DAILY DX, is written and produced by Bernie McClenny, W3UR (ex WR3E and WB3JRU). It will be e-mailed to your home or office 5 days a week, Monday through Friday, 50 weeks a year. Subscriptions to "The Daily DX" are $49.00 per year for 250 issues (but subscribers between now and April 30, 1997 will get the bulletin at $36.00 per year). Subscribers who are not completely satisfied after 30 days are offered a full money back guarantee. To receive the first two weeks free, send an e-mail to bernie.mcclenny@mail.wdn.com with name, callsign and e-mail address. "The Daily DX" Homepage is at URL http://www.wdn.com/thedailydx ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received via direct: 3B8/F5PYI, 5N3/SP5XAR, 7Q7EH, 9U5DX, AH4/AH0W, CY0/AA4NC, IB0/IK0ZAR (IIA LT-031), IC8/IZ8AJV (IIA NA-026), IC8/IZ8AMZ (IIA NA-021), JQ1SUO/JD1, LU1EYW/D (SA-022), P29VIG, PY2JM/p (SA-071), TF3GC, TM2P (EU-070), TN6X, VP2MEP, VP8CSA, ZY0SK. QSL received via WF5E - DX QSL Service: EM1KA, FT5WE, PJ5AA. ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, I1SLY, IK1QFM, IZ2AEQ, I4LCK, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, IZ8ANA, IT9HLR, Brescia DX Group,Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, 4L2M, AD1C, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DL4VBP, DL7VOA, DL8SET, DL9GOA, EA5KB, F6AJA, G4BUE, HA0DU, HK1HHX, JA1ELY, JI6KVR, K9BG, N1RL, N8RF, NL7TB, ON4BAM, OZ5MJ, PA0GAM, PP5SZ, PS7AB, PS7KM, SP5CGN, SP5YFC, VE7CC, VE9AA, VK6LC, W3UR, WD8MGQ, WO2N, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, The Daily DX, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY Notes. ***************************************************************************** /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! 425 WWW Page ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ! ! INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: ! ! www-dx.deis.unibo.it - under the /pub/ham/425news/english/ directory ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL: ! ! http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/nph-425dxnews ! ! or sending a message to: majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it ! ! writing in the body of the message: subscribe 425dxnews address ! ! where address is the e-mail address of the subscriber ! ! for example: subscribe 425dxnews i1jqj.amsat.org ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * ! ! TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 ! ! DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 ! ! SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ! ! ARRL HQ BBS USA : 860-594-0306 ! ! CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 ! ! HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 ! ! WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 ! ! JUNGLE BBS NZ : +64-3-524-8332 ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang /EX S DX@WW $425WW309E 425 DX News #309 [5/5] 5 April 1997 No 309 BID: $425WW309E ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 30/05 4S7BRG * by HB9BRM 301 till 13/04 K6JAH/6Y5 307 till 20/05 C6AGN: Green Turtle Cay (NA-080) * by KM1E 299 till ?? EM1HO: Antarctica * by UX2HO 301 till 12/04 GJ/DK1RP 309 till 07/04 J77FT * by DL7FT 307 till 23/04 JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima 301 till 21/06 VP2END & VP2EUC * by JA4DND & JA5AUC 305 till 12/04 VU2AXA: Antarctica 294 till 08/04 YO/G3VUN/p 307 04/04-06/04 3Z0APA: special event station 309 04/04-17/04 6W: Karabane Isl. (NO REF) * by F6BUM 307 04/04-30/04 IT9: Ortigia Isl. (IIA SR-006) * by IT9AXZ & IT9HLR 309 04/04-06/04 Fresno, California: 1997 International DX Convention *** 05/04-06/04 HK0: NA-132 & NA-133 * by HK3JJH 309 05/04-06/06 S2: Hatia Isl. (AS-???) * by S21AM & I1SLY 309 05/04-06/04 Italian YLRC Marconi *** 05/04-06/04 EA RTTY DX Contest *** 05/04-06/04 SP DX SSB Contest *** 06/04-11/04 GU/F5SGI 309 06/04 IA5: Argentarola Isl. (IIA GR-003) by IK0MHR & IK0JFW 305 06/04 Como: HF DX Convention *** 07/04 KA3UNQ: USI 309 08/04-10/04 6O0X & 6O0YL * by VK6ZX & VK6KYL 309 08/04-15/04 V2 * by AI5P & WB5JHK 307 09/04-30/04 V47XC * by G0IXC 307 10/04-10/05 TS40A: special event station 307 11/04-13/04 W: Grand Isl. (USI LA-003S) 307 11/04-13/04 Japan International HF DX CW Contest *** 12/04-13/04 F5RBB: Fort Louvois (DIFM AT-035) 309 12/04-18/04 F5VCR: DIFM 309 12/04 Lyon DX Gang Convention *** 13/04-20/04 DU1: Lubang Isl. (OC-126) * by JG0HZE & DU team 303 15/04-30/04 3A7A * special event station 309 15/04-22/04 PQ5L: Mel Isl. (SA-047; DIB 24) 309 16/04-23/04 KH4/K1NT * by JA3IG 307 17/04-22/04 PY: Mel Isl. (SA-047; DIB 24) * by PY5AA & PQ5L 297 17/04-27/04 YM3ATA: special event station * by TA3YJ & TA3J 309 18/04-02/05 TU2WL * by 5X1D 309 18/04-19/04 YU DX Contest *** 19/04-06/06 9M8CC: Sarawak (OC-088) * by PB0ALB 297 19/04 International Marconi Day *** 20/04-08/06 3B8/NK6F 309 21/04-25/04 FK: Matthew ISl. (OC-218) * by FK8GM 305 22/04-30/04 PR5L: Sao Francisco Isl. (SA-027; DIB 08) 309 25/04-26/04 CF3L: special event station 309 25/04-27/04 CT: (DIP BL-02, 15, 16) * by CT1AHU, CT1EEB, CT1FMX 309 26/04-27/04 Helvetia Contest *** 26/04-27/04 SP DX RTTY Contest *** 28/04-05/05 3V8BB * by I5JHW, I5SNR, I5OYY, IK5EKB 309 28/04-05/05 SV9/PA3GIO 309 30/04-07/05 BS7H: Scarborogh Reef * by OH2BH's team 307 30/04-04/05 DL: Neuwerk Isl. (EU-127) * by DL6CGC, DF5WBA, DJ3XG 305 April 9M6TCR & 9M6TPR: Borneo (OC-088) * by KQ1F & K1XM 306 April-September 9Q5HX * by IK2BHX 307 April H44MS * by DL2GAC 309 April T33 * by ZL1AMO 305 April V4 * by AI5P & WB5JHK 309 01/05-06/05 OZ/LX9EG/p: Mando Isl. (EU-125) 309 03/05-04/05 ARI International DX Contest *** 10/05-17/05 GB100LP & GB100FI (EU-124): special calls 303 10/05-11/05 CQ-M International DX Contest *** 10/05-11/05 Volta DX RTTY Contest *** 16/05-20/05 OZ1RDP: Romo Isl. (EU-125) * by DL team 305 17/05 European Sprint Spring CW (00 - 17 UTC) *** 17/05-18/19 ITU Contest *** 20/05-27/05 3C0 * by URE 309 23/05-26/05 KL: Pleasant Isl. (NA-161) * by KL7AF's team 307 24/05-25/05 CQ WW WPX CW Contest *** 24/05-25/05 Ibero Americain SSB Contest *** 25/05-31/05 F: Chausey Is. (EU-039) * by Grantham Radio Club 307 30/05-06/06 ID9: Stromboli Isl. (EU-017; IIA ME-016) * by IT9 team 303 May KH7K: Kure * by N4BQW 307 /EX