S DX@WW $425WW308A 425 DX News #308 [1/5] 29 March 1997 No 308 BID: $425WW308A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ IK1ADH - IK1GPG /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3X - Philippe, F5IEV is active as 3XY3A. QSL via F5IEV. 4L - Al, 4L5A will be active during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (20 metres). QSL via IK3HHX. 9Q - Pierre, HB9AMO will be active (mainly on 20 metres CW) for two months as 9Q5BQ from Kinshasa, Zaire. QSL to home call. A9 - Bob, A92GD is now active on 30 metres (note that the only frequency A9 stations are able to use on 30 metres is 10.140 MHz). QSL via K1SE. C6 - Andrea, DL3ABL will participate in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest as C6AJR (NA-001). QSL via DL3ABL direct (Andrea Diekmann, Bruno-Taut-Ring 56, D-39130 Magdeburg, Germany) or via the bureau. EA8 - Pekka, OH1RY will be signing EA8AH from Canary Islands (AF-004) during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (single band 20 metres). Pekka and Martti, OH2BH (see EA9 below) want to find out "the world's best contesting QTH" and welcome comparison, observations and reports on their signals. EA9 - Martti, OH2BH will be signing EA9AM from Ceuta during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (single band 20 metres). EL - Rob, ND3A was expected to be in Monrovia as from 25 March. He will be in Liberia for about one month and plans to be active on 10-160 metres (SSB and CW). QSL via P.O. Box 3675, Merrifield, VA 22116-3675, USA. FY - Dave, DJ0PJ will be FY/ again from French Guiana from 2 April to 6 May (QRP operation on 10.116, 14.060, 18.080 and 21.060 MHz). GW - Steve, GW0GEI should participate in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest as GW7J from the Island of Anglesey (EU-124). H4 - H44TQO is reported to be active (usually at about 11 UTC on 14.185 MHz) from the New Georgia Group (OC-149). HB0 - Kurt, HB9AMZ will be HB0/ from Liechtenstein on 30-31 March (QRP operations on 14.060 MHz). HC8 - Ted, HC5K and another operator will be active will be active (AMTOR, PACTOR, RTTY, SSB and possibly satellite) as HC8K from Galapagos Islands (SA-004). OPerations will take place on 160-10 metres. QSL to Ted Jaramillo, P.O. Box DX, Cuenca, Equador, South America. HK - John, WD8MGQ reports that Pedro, HK3JJH will be on San Andres Island (NA-033) as from 30 March. He expects to be active from Serrana Bank (NA-133) on either 31 March o 1 April (the operation will last 8-12 hours). The next day he will be QRV from Roncador Cays (NA-133) again for 8-12 hours; then the day after that he will be QRV from Serranilla Bank Cays (NA-132) for another 8-12 hours. QSL via home call. HP - Gerard F2JD/HP1XBI plans to be active during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest from HP1XVH's QTH on Contadora Island (IOTA NA-072). I - IK2DUW, IK2VFQ, IK2OFW and IK8PGM will be ID8/ [425DXN 307] from Scogli Isca (IIA CS-006) on 29 March. I - Operators from the Salento DX Team will be active from Scoglio Galera (IIA VV-???, formerly RC-001) on 31 March. JD_oga - Aki, JD1AMA will going QRT from Ogasawara at the end of March, but will keep his POB in JD1 land (Akihiko Miyqazaki, P.O.Box 602, Chichijima, Ogasawara Is, 100-21 Japan) for the mail to be forwarded to his address in Tokyo. JX - Per, JX7DFA wil be active on 160 metres (1824.5) from Jan Mayen (EU-022) during the weekend. It will be the last chance to work him on that band before he returns to Norway. /EX S DX@WW $425WW308B 425 DX News #308 [2/5] 29 March 1997 No 308 BID: $425WW308B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== KP2 - Rich, KF8UN will be /KP2 from U.S. Virgin Islands (NA-106) from 26 March to 2 April. He is expected to participate in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest. QSL via home call. OZ - The special event station OZ5HCA will be active (20, 40 and 80 metres as from 8 UTC) on 2 April to commemorate the birth of Hans Christian Andersen (1805). QTH will be Odense, Andersen's birthplace, on Fyn Island (EU-029). QSL either via bureau or direct to OZ5MJ (Jens Palle Moreau Jorgensen, Jaegerbakken 13, DK 5260 Odense, Denamrk). PY - The station ZW2SA will be active from Santo Amaro Island (SA-071, DIB 10) from 27 to 30 March. QSL via PY2EUY (Joao C. Miedzinski, Al. Lorena 461, apt. 81, S�o Paulo/SP, 01424-000, Brazil). S2 - Due to local problems Vittorio, I1SLY will not be active from Kutubdia Island [425DXN 301] but from the island of Hatia (AS-???). Operations are now scheduled on 5 and 6 April. S0 - EA2JG, EA3CB, EA3CZM, EA3GBU, EA4TX, S01A and possibly other operators will be active (CW and SSB) as S0RASD from 27 to 31 March. They are expected to participate in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest. SP - The Special event station HF1GD will be active until 31 December to celebrate the 1000 year anniversary of the the city of Gdansk. QSL via SP2BIK. T2 - Bernhard, DL2GAC [425DXN 307] has been given the call T22MS and is currently active from Tuvalu (OC-015). TA - TA2DS and TA2FE will be active during the CQWW WPX SSB and CW Contests as YM2KC. QSL via TA2FE. W - Dennis N9WDQ will be active from Kaskasia Island (USI IL-005R) on 31 March starting around 16 UTC. ZL9 - Ed Hartz, K8VIR [425DXN 305] is reported to be /ZL9 from Auckland Island (OC-074) for five days possibly starting on April 2. ZS - Leon, ZS4Y should be active during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest as ZS45TWR (if the paperwork is finalised in time). QSL direct to ZS4Y: P.O. Box 1561, Welkom, 9460, Rep of South Africa (please note that IRCs cannot be used in South Africa). ****************************************************************************** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [1/4] * =========================== CALL MGR CALL MGR CALL MGR =========================================================================== 3B8/DL6UAA DL6UAA EX8MF IK2QPR RL2O IK2QPR 3W5FM UA0FM EX8QB IK2QPR RM9RX UA9QCO 3XY3A F5IEV EX9A DF8WS RW9AV UA9AB 3Z2GD SP2FOV EY1ZA W3HNK RZ1AXN RA1AD 4F4IX DU4IX EY4AA/6 UA9AB RZ9DX/0 RW1HS 4L0DX IK2QPR EY8XX GW3CDP S21XX DL3NEO 4L4KK SV2AEL FG5FC F6DZU S92AT NJ2D 4L5A IK3HHX FG5HR F6BUM T88JA JA6BSM 4L8A OZ1HPS FR5KH/J F6FNU T97M K2PF 4S7BRG HB9BRM FS/JA4DND JA4DND TA3/DL8OBC DL8OBC 4U1WB KF4OMW FS/JA5AUC JA5AUC TA3DD TA1KA 4X1VF K1FJ FS5PL KF0UI TA3ZI DL8OBC 5H3ES DF9SU GM0KJW/M G0KJW TA3ZJ DL3FJU 5N0PYL F2YT GU/W7MAE W7MAE TJ1PD N5DRV 5N3/SP5XAR SP5CPR HB0/HB9LEY JH1BSE TL8PRV IN3EYY 5N7YZC WA1ECA HC8/HC4MZ HC4MZ TM5SOM F5KOU 5R8EE FR5EL HF0POL SP3FYM TP9CE F6FQK 5W0AN DF8AN HF1GD SP2BIK TS40A YT1AD 5W0JB AA8HZ HP1XBI F6AJA TS8A YT1AD 5X1R SM4ARJ HP1XVH KF0UI TT8AM IK7JTF 5X4F K3SW HR2KOS KB5IPQ TT8FT DL7FT /EX S DX@WW $425WW308C 425 DX News #308 [3/5] 29 March 1997 No 308 BID: $425WW308C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [2/4] * =========================== 6V1A 6W6JX HS1RU JG3AVS TU2PL IK2NNI 6Y5/K4LE K4LE HS9AL I4LCK UA9FAR W7YS 7X0AD EA4URE IC8/IK2PZG IK2PZG UA9XFY ES4RO 7X2RO OM3CGN IC8/IZ8BFY IC8QEF UA9XJV ES4RO 7X4AN DJ2BW ID8/IK2DUW IK2DUW UA9XMC ES4RO 7Z1AB KN4F ID8/IK2VFQ IK2VFQ UC1WWO IK2QPR 7Z5OO W1AF II0FR IK0RNR UC2WO IK2QPR 8P9IJ VE3VET IJ7/IK7FPX IK7FPX UF6FFL IK2QPR 8Q7BE DL8NBE IJ7/IK7JWX IK7JWX UI8IZ IK2QPR 8Q7BV HB9DIF IJ7/IK7TAJ IK7TAJ UK7PBH IK2QPR 8Q7SM SM0AGP IJ7/IK7VJX IK7VJX UK8IZ IK2QPR 9A50D 9A1BHI IQ1Z IK1NLZ UL0OB IK2QPR 9G1BJ G4XTA IZ3AHY IK3OYS UL7OB IK2QPR 9H1EL LA2TO IZ3ALL IK3OYS UL7PJQ IK2QPR 9H3XF IK3OYS IZ3BAE I3PLJ UM7MA IK2QPR 9J2TF JA2BOV J28JY F6BFH UM8DX IK2QPR 9K2/YO9SP YO9SP J37XC W2BJI UM8MFO IK2QPR 9K2RR KU9C J38FR DL7DF UM8MU IK2QPR 9L1IS KB9N J45T SV5TS UM8QB IK2QPR 9M2OM G0CMM J52DW LX2DW UN2O IK2QPR 9M2TO JA0DMV J77FT DL7FT UN5F UL7FEC 9M6TE F9IE JD1/JG8NQJ JA8CJY UN7PJQ IK2QPR 9M6TPM KQ1F JW5HE OZ8RO UN9PQ IK2QPR 9M6TPR KQ1F JX7DFA LA7DFA UP50O IK2QPR 9N1RHM KV5V JY5HF JY5AR UR4WWT WR3L 9U5CW EA1FFC JY8FO KA1FFO UT6Q UR6QA 9X4WW ON5NT JY9QJ DL5MBY UX0FF OE5EIN 9X5BMK SM5BMK KC4/KA7DHE K4MZU (94/95) V29SW DL1HH A61AF F6EJI KC4/VE0HSS K4MZU V47XC G0IXC A61AJ K3LP KC4/VE7MKZ K4MZU (94/95) V63DA JE5WJM A71BH OE6EEG KC4AAB K4MZU V63KU JA6NL A71PY F5PYI KC4AAC K4MZU V7/WA1EAC K1ZUT A92FZ W3HC KC4AAD K4MZU VA3NJ VE3SJL A92GD K1SE KC4AAF K4MZU VE0HSS/AM K4MZU (96/97) A92GF EA7FR KC4AAG K4MZU (94/95) VK5ISL I1HYW AH7G N2AU KC4USB K4MZU (94-96) VK8NGE VK4FW AL7O AL7BL KC4USL/AM K4MZU VK9CJ DJ9HX AP2CW K7ZA KC4USV K4MZU (95/96) VP2END JA4DND BO0KS BV2KI KC4USX K4MZU (94/95) VP2EUC JA5AUC BV4NU KA6SPQ KC6BP AA8HZ VP5/KB4ERS KB4ERS BV5CN AA6BB KC6JF KD6DTP VP5CK N9CK C56/DK3FW DK3FW KG4AU N5FTR VP8CRE K4MZU (95/96) C6A/DL6MHW DL3ABL KH0AC K7ZA VP8CTR UX1KA C6AGN KA1DIG KP2/KF8UN KF8UN VP8MS K4MZU (72/93) CO2CI KA4KLU LX1PS IK3OYS VP8MX K4MZU CO2JD HI3JH LX2BN IK3OYS VQ9DW KB8UCL CO3ZD CT1ESO LX9EG LX1NO VQ9VK AA1OJ CO4BM CT1ESO LZ1KOZ LZ1YE VQ9ZX WJ7S CO6RQ W3HCW MU/W7MAE W7MAE WP2/WI9WI WI9WI CO8TW W3HNK MU0ASP F5SHQ XU2FB N4JR CU7R CU7AA NH7A N2AU XV7TH SK7AX CV0Z CX3CE NP2E WA4WIP XY1HT LA7JO CY0AA WD8SDL OD5/A61AM KA5TQF YB2BRW N2UE D2EV DL3KBQ OD5PN LX1NO YC8TZR YB5NOF D68DV DL4XS OX3UU OZ2UU YI1AK KC5HWR DS5URW KV5V P29VR W7LFA YI1HK SM3DBU EA9AU EA9IB P29VXX DL7UFN YM2KC TA2FE ED1TCC EA1DHH P39P 5B4ES YM3DL DL4VBP ED5SSC EA5EUZ PJ9JT W1AX YN6WFM JA6WFM ED5URD EA5GMB PX1I PY1KS YO/G3VUN/P G3VUN EO2CWO IK2QPR PZ5DX K3BYV ZA1MH Z32KV ER5GB W3HNK PZ5JB AA3OE ZB2CN DJ9WH ES7FQ UR2FQ R0/UR8LV UR7LD ZD7JP F5FTR ET9BT ET3BT R1A/VE0HSS K4MZU (96/97) ZD7WRG WA2JUN EU6MM IK2QPR R1ANF RK1PWA ZD8DEZ G0DEZ EW6WW IK2QPR R1ANT UA1GO ZF8/ZF2JC NC8V EX2FU IK2QPR R1ANW K4MZU ZS6/AA3JA JH7FQK EX2U IK2QPR R1FJR F5PYI ZS6IR DL4JZ EX5T IK2QPR RA2FBC DJ1OJ ZS8IR ZS6EZ EX7MA IK2QPR RA5DX SP7LZD ZW1B PY1OB EX8DX IK2QPR RC4/UC2WO IK2QPR ZW2SA PY2EUY EX8F UM8MY RF6FU IK2QPR ZY2IB PY2AE EX8M DL8FCU RL0O IK2QPR ZZ1K PY1KB /EX S DX@WW $425WW308D 425 DX News #308 [4/5] 29 March 1997 No 308 BID: $425WW308D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [3/4] * =========================== 3B8AD Caboche Paul, Route Cotiere Tombeau Bay, Mauritius Island 3B8AR Raffray Raymond, Lallah Road Floreal, Mauritius Island 3B8BH Hurloll Ramduth, 64 Sir Virgile Naz Ave Quatre-Bornes, Mauritius 3B8BJ Lagesse MJP Jean, General Hall Street Curepipe, Mauritius 3B8CF Mandary Seewoosankar, 6, Shastri Road Candos Q-Bornes, Mauritius 3B8CS Labat Jules, 17 Brown Ave Quatre-Bornes, Mauritius Island 3B8DA Mootoo Alex, 41, Brown Sequard Ave Solferino Vacoas, Mauritius 3B8DB Baccus Mohammud Taher, 412, Modern Square Vacoas, Mauritius 3B8DM Aumeeruddy Ismet, Veerasamy Ayer Ave Morc.Raffray Le Hochet T.Rouge, Mauritius Island 3B8DX Michel J.Gerard, 202, Jadr Covat 29, J.Mosque St P.L, Mauritius 3B8FA Momple Patrice, 20 Bis, Morcellement Jhuboo/Colin T.Aux Biches 3B8FC Ramjuttun Bhyeromath, 9th Mile Triolet, Mauritius Island 3B8FG Solim Abid Nahaboo, 13, Napier Broome St Beau-Bassin, Mauritius 3B8FJ Ramjauny Mahmad Rafick, 54 Alma St, Vallee Pitot P.L, Mauritius 3B8FN Rambhojun Brind Kumar, 309,Royal Road, ST Paul Phoenix, Mauritius 3B8FP Karroo A.Rashid, Simonet Lane,Jerningham ST, Curepipe, Mauritius 3B8FQ Cadersa Abdool Rashid, 55,Ave De La Faye,B.Rose,Q.Bornes,Mauritius 3B8FR Felicite Robert Gerard, Rue Victoria, P.Mathurin, Rodrigues Isl. 3B8FV Moutou Gerard, 68 Ave Independence R.Brunes, B.Bassin, Mauritius 3B8FW Unhuck Ashlam Mohammed, 75 Clairfonds No 3 Vacoas, Mauritius 3B8FX Martin Guy, 23,Allee Des Tamariniers, Carlos, Tamarin, Mauritius 3B8GA Baccus Mohammud Faizal, 412,Modern Square Vacoas, Mauritius 3B8GB Martin Maureen, 23,Allee Des Tamariniers,Carlos,Tamarin, Mauritius 3B8GC Pitot Jacques, Rue Auguste Esnouf,Curepipe, Mauritius Island 3B8GD Muttur Mohammad Iqbal, 69,DR Ferriere Ave Rose-Hill, Mauritius 3B8GE Rungapamestry Rajhen, 81,Ylang Ylang Quatre-Bornes, Mauritius 4L Buro P.O. Box 123, Tbilisi 380 004, Republic of Georgia DL3NEO Hannes Schmidt, Komotauer Str. 28 B, D-91207 Lauf, Germany DL7UFN Juergen Maerz, Glambecker Ring 7, D-12679, Berlin-Marzahn, Germany HC5K Ted, P.O.Box DX Cuenca, Ecuador IK2QPR Paolo Fava, Via Bertani 8, I-46100 Mantova, Italy JA6WFM Hirofumi Nakamura, 1311-11 Miyahara-Machi Yatsushiro Gun, Kumamoto 869-46 Japan KX9X Sean Kutzko, 2614 Greenleaf Blvd, Elkhart, IN-46514, U.S.A. NC8V John Cornwell, 15100 E. Scatter Ridge Rd., Athens, OH-45701-8854, U.S.A. PU9AAF Luciano Gasparini, Av.Afonso Pena 3592, 79002-075 Campo Grande, MS, Brazil SU1AA Iman Loufty, qsl via SU1AL SU1AB Ammal Loufty, qsl via SU1AL SU1AC Mohamed Loufty, qsl via SU1AL SU1AH Hamed Hassen, 40 Al-Zahraa St., Ein-Shams, Cairo, Egypt SU1AL Loufty Al-Mahdy, P.O.Box 109, Al Giza, Giza, Egypt SU1AO Mohamed Atif Osman, 5 Mansi St., Fiasal, Giza, Egypt SU1AY Aiman Hamed, 3 Faried El-Atrash St., Ein-Shams, Cairo, Egypt SU1BH Mohamed El-Asiry, 4 El-Safa St., Mohandsein, Cairo, Egypt SU1CR Mohamed S.Reda, 50 Khidr El-Toni St., Nasr-City, Cairo, Egypt SU1CS Mohamed Al-Sabah, 4 Ben Zinki St., Zamalik, Cairo, Egypt SU1DZ Abdul J.Marafi, 32 G/Dewal Arabia, Mohansein, Cairo, Egypt SU1ER Ezzat S.Ramadan, P.O.Box 78, Heliopolis, Cairo 11341, Egypt SU1FJ Fatin A.J Ma'Rafi, qsl via 9K2DZ or SU1DZ SU1FN Fathy Anwar, 17 Mahmoud Fouad, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt SU1GM Gergis Makari, 4 St.No.100, Maadi, Cairo, Egypt SU1GS Greiss Sobhi Greiss, P.O.Box 18, Agouza, Giza, Egypt /EX S DX@WW $425WW308E 425 DX News #308 [5/5] 29 March 1997 No 308 BID: $425WW308E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [4/4] * =========================== SU1HA Hany Anwer, 37 El-Suadi Building, New-Maadi, Cairo, Egypt SU1HH Ahmed Haroun, 15 Hendawi St., Dokki, Cairo, Egypt SU1HK Hosni Khater, 20 St. No.2, Mokattam-City, Cairo, Egypt SU1HM Hosam El-Shenawi, 16 El-Dahir Sq., Cairo 11271, Egypt SU1HN Hamed Nassar, P.O.Box 1578, Alf-Maskan, Cairo 11777, Egypt SU1HR Hesham Y.Khater, P.O.Box 78, Heliopolis, Cairo 11341, Egypt SU1HT Hassen El-Telbani, 7 Moh.Mahmoud, Imbaba, Cairo, Egypt SU1JR Jamal El-Rifaie, 15 Cairo/Alex Road, Giza, Egypt SU1KR Khaled Said, P.O.Box 78, Heliopolis, Cairo 11341, Egypt SU1KZ Yousef Kamal Zada, 51 Al-Giza St., Giza, Egypt SU1MH Mahmoud M.Hassan, qsl via EAWC, Ramsis, Cairo, Egypt SU1MI Mouna Ibrahim Moh., 7 Rouda St., Al-Rouda, Cairo, Egypt SU1MK Magda Hosni Khatir, qsl via SU1HK SU1MN Manal Nassar, qsl via SU1HN SU1MR Magi Ezzat Sayed, qsl via SU1ER SU1NK Manal Hosni Khatir, qsl via SU1HK SU1RA Reda Amer, 18 Sami Str., Lazoughli, Cairo, Egypt SU1RR Rezhab Ezzat Sayed, qsl via SU1ER SU1SA Sayed Abdel-Samee, 53 Fahmy Ghali St., Ein-Shams, Cairo, Egypt SU1SK Said Kamel Ahmed, P.O.Box 62, Shobra Al-Khima, Cairo, Egypt SU1SM Sherif Samir, 56 Masged Elrahma St., Shobra, Cairo, Egypt SU1SR Saly Ezzat Sayed, qsl via SU1ER SU1UN Talal Abdul Aziz, 12 Hassen Sabri St.Zamalik, Cairo, Egypt SU2MM Mohi-Eldeen Mohamed, qsl via SU2MT SU2MS Mahmoud El-Soori, 22 El-Geesh St., Stanly, Alex, Egypt SU2MT Mohamed Tartousieh, P.O.Box 1616, Alexandria, Egypt SU2NN Nazli Mohi-Eldeen, qsl via SU2MT SU2TA Tarek Abdulla, P.O.Box 250, Al-Saray, 21411 Alex, Egypt SU3AM Ahmed El-Sagir, 7 Orabi St., Port Said, Egypt SV5BYR Mike Balaskas, Chr. Smyrnis 6, GR-85100, Rhodes, Hellas, Greece TA2FE Emin Bora Demirel, P.O.Box 223, 34433 Istanbul-Sirkeci, Turkey TG9NX Francisco Capuano, 16 Ave, 17-20 Z10, Guatemala City, Guatemala UA9CAX Valery Chudinovskikh, P.O.Box 97, Ekaterinburg, 620063, Russia UA9CLB Vadim Ovsyannikov, P.O.Box 42, Ekaterinburg, 620034, Russia UA9CR Alex Y. Prikhodko, P.O.Box 293, Ekaterinburg, 620142, Russia UR5MAL E.V.Chepur, P.O.Box 23,349340 Krasnodon, Ukraine UY1HY Valery N.Kompaniets, P.O.Box 3, Lubny 3,Poltavskaya 315500 Ukraine VK3 Buro G.P.O. Box 757G, Melbourne Vic. 3001, Australia VK4 Buro G.P.O. 638, Brisbane Qld. 4001, Australia ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, I1SLY, IK1HSR, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, Brescia DX Group,Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, 4L5A, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DL4VBP, DL5HCD, DL7VOA, DL9GOA, EA5KB, F6AJA, G4BUE, JA1ELY, JI6KVR, LA6WEA, NL7TB, OZ5MJ, PS7AB, PS7KM, SP2BIK, VE7CC, VK6LC, W3UR, WD8MGQ, ZS4Y, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, The Daily DX, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY Notes. ***************************************************************************** /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! 425 WWW Page ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ! ! INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: ! ! www-dx.deis.unibo.it - under the /pub/ham/425news/english/ directory ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL: ! ! http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/nph-425dxnews ! ! or sending a message to: majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it ! ! writing in the body of the message: subscribe 425dxnews address ! ! where address is the e-mail address of the subscriber ! ! for example: subscribe 425dxnews i1jqj.amsat.org ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * ! ! TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 ! ! DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 ! ! SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ! ! ARRL HQ BBS USA : 860-594-0306 ! ! CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 ! ! HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 ! ! WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 ! ! JUNGLE BBS NZ : +64-3-524-8332 ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang /EX