S DX@WW $425WW306A 425 DX News #306 [1/5] 15 March 1997 No 306 BID: $425WW306A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ IK1ADH - IK1GPG /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3V - Hrane, YT1AD will be participate in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest as 3V8BB (single op, all bands). He will be staying in Tunis from 26 to 31 March. QSL via home call. 6Y - Jay, K4ZLE will be /6Y5 from Jamaica (NA-097) from 17 to 24 March. Main activity on CW (80, 40 and 30 metres). QSL via home call. 9M_spr - Operations by Charlotte, 9M6TCR and Paul. 9M6TPR [425DXN 305] from Layang Layang, Spratly Islands (AS-051) are scheduled from 21 to 28 March. 9M6 - Activities by Charlotte, 9M6TCR and Paul. 9M6TPR [425DXN 305] from East Malaysia are scheduled as follows: any operation before 21 March will be from Borneo (OC-088); from 29 March to 4 April operations will be from Sipadan Island (OC-133); after 4 April any additional operation will be from Borneo. Dates are subject to change due to weather etc. FM - Nicolas, F5TGR will be FM/F5TGR from Martinique (NA-107) from 15 to 21 March. FS - Bob, K1YJK will be FJ/ from St. Barthelemy Island (NA-146) from 17 to 31 March. Main activity on CW (from 160 to 10 metres), but Bob is expected to participate in the CQ WPX SSB Contest. QSL via home call. HP - Gerard, F2JD/HP1XBI is now QRV on 80 metres. QSL via F6AJA. I - Bad weather forced Tony, IK8VRH to postopone is /IC8 activity from Scoglio Monaci (IIA NA-032) [425DXN 305] to 16 March. KG4 - Bill, WT4K/KG4GC, Rusty, AE4WH/KG4AU and Wayne, KG4WD will be active again from Guantanamo (NA-015) from 14 to 21 March. They will participate in the BARTG Spring RTTY Contest as KG4AU. QSL via WT4K (Bill Gallier, 4094 Sandy Run Drive, Middleburg, FL 32068, USA). OK - LX1NO, LX2KW, OK1RR and OK1MD are planning to participate in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest as OK8AUY (Multi/Single). QSL to LX1NO. T8 - The Japan Palau Crazy Contest Club is planning to participate in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest as T88X. Operators JA6VZB, JE6DND and JJ6TYG will be QRV from 10 to 80 metres. QSL via JE6DND. Before the contest T88JA (ie. Tosy, JA6VZB ex KC6VW) will be active on WARC or RTTY. QSL for T88JA is via JA6BSM. VK - The Special Event station VI21DS will be aired between 15 and 22 March by the Oceania DX Group for Awareness Week for Down Syndrome. QSL via via ODXG: Oceania DX Group, P.O.Box 929, Gympie, QLD 4570 Australia (for USD 5 or 10 IRC, funds to Down Syndrome). W - Fred, KF9YL will be active from one or more Illinois USI counter islands on 15 March starting around 14.30-15 UTC. W - Dennis, N9WDQ will be active from Ribeye Island (USI IL-new) on 20 March and from Grant Tower (USI MO-new) & Horseshoe Islands (USI IL-new) on the 21st. XT - Dan, N9XAG/XT2DP will go QRT from Burkina Faso in either April or May. QSL via WB2YQH. ZD7 - Newly licensee Ray, ZD7RH is active on 20-10 metres from St. Helena (AF-022). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************* ***************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************* AS-125 CONFIRMED ---> Following the December 1996 HS50A operation from Koh Chang, the provisional IOTA Ref.No. has been confirmed to the GULF OF THAILAND NORTH EAST group. QSL ZY8R & ZY8M ---> Daniel, PT7BI is *not* the QSL manager for his recent operations from the islands of Itarana (ZY8R, SA-060, DIB 25) [425DXN 304] and Marajo (ZY8M, DIB 23) [425DXN 305]. The correct QSL route is via PT2GTI. /EX S DX@WW $425WW306B 425 DX News #306 [2/5] 15 March 1997 No 306 BID: $425WW306B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== RTTY MOST WANTED [1/2] DXCC Most Wanted Country List Survey Form (by Don Hill, AA5AU) To use this survey, print out this page, check the countries that you still need, and snail mail to Don Hill AA5AU, P.O.Box 625, Belle Chasse, LA 70037 USA. I would prefer that a zero (0) be entered for countries that you HAVE or a one (1) be entered for countries you NEED. For example, Mike W5ZPA, only needs 11 more countries on RTTY. Therefore he would put a "1" next to those countries he NEEDS and leave the rest blank. On the other hand, if you need more countries than you have worked, it may be quicker to put a "0" next to those countries you have worked and leave the others blank. There are no real rules as to what you consider a country you already HAVE. Many do not collect the QSL cards and don't chase DXCC. However, I would caution against those that consider the 7O RTTY operation in 1996 in their return. Even the operator admitted he did not have a valid license to operate from 7O. Yet, contacts with Heard Island or St. Peter/St. Paul Rocks that have been confirmed electronically are welcome as being contacts you may HAVE. It may be months before we see those cards. Your callsign:____________ 0 = Country you HAVE OR 1 = Country you NEED __1A0 Sov. Mil. Order __JX Jan Mayen __1S Spratly Island __JY Jordan __3A Monaco __K,N,W United States __3B6/7 Agalega & St. B __KC4 Antarctica __3B8 Mauritius __KC6 Belau/Palau (West Carolina) __3B9 Rodriguez Islan __KG4 Guantanamo Bay __3C Equatorial Guin __KH1 Baker and Howland __3C0 Pagalu Island __KH2 Guam __3D2 Fiji Islands __KH3 Johnston __3D2/C Conway Reef __KH4 Midway Island __3D2/R Rotuma Island __KH5/K Kingman Reef __3DA Swaziland __KH5/P Palmyra & Jarvis Island __3V Tunisia __KH6 Hawaii __3W/XV Vietnam __KH7 Kure Island __3X Guinea __KH8 American Samoa __3Y Bouvet __KH9 Wake Island __3Y/P Peter I Island __KH0 Mariana Islands __4J-4K Azerbaijan __KL7 Alaska __4J1 Malyj Vysotskij __KP1 Navassa Island __4K2 Franz Josef Lan __KP2 Virgin Islands __4L Georgia __KP4 Puerto Rico __4P-4S Sri Lanka __KP5 Desecheo Island __4U1/I ITU HQ, Geneva __LA-LN Norway __4U1/U United Nations __LU Argentina __4X/4Z Israel __LX Luxembourg __5A Libya __LY Lithuania __5B Cyprus __LZ Bulgaria __5H-5I Tanzania __OA-OC Peru __5N-NO Nigeria __OD Lebanon __5R-5S Madagascar __OE Austria __5T Mauritania __OF-OI Finland __5U Niger __OH0 Aland Island __5V Togo __OJ0 Market Reef __5W Western Samoa __OK-OL Czech Republic __5X Uganda __OM Slovak Replublic __5Y-5Z Kenya __ON-OT Belgium __6V-6W Senegal __OX Greenland __6Y Jamaica __OY Faroe Islands __7O Yemen __OZ Denmark __7P Lesotho __P2 Papua New Guinea __7Q Malawi __P4 Aruba __7T-7Y Algeria __P5 North Korea __8P Barbados __PA-PI Netherlands __8Q Maldive Islands __PJ2,4 Neth. Ant,Bonaire,Curacao __8R Guyana __PJ5,6 St Maarten,Saba,St. Eustat. __9A Croatia __PP-PY Brazil __9G Ghana __PY0/F Fernando de Noronha __9H Malta __PY0/S St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks __9I-9J Zambia __PY0/T Trindade & Martim Vaz __9K Kuwait __PZ Suriname __9L Sierra Leome __S2 Bangladesh __9M2,4 West Malaysia __S5 Slovenia __9M6,8 East Malaysia __S7 Seychelles __9N Nepal __S9 Sao Tome & Principe __9Q-9T Zaire __S0 Western Sahara __9U Burundi __SA-SM Sweden __9V Singapore __SN-SR Poland __9X Rwanda __ST Sudan __9Y-9Z Trinidad & Toba __ST0 Southern Sudan /EX S DX@WW $425WW306C 425 DX News #306 [3/5] 15 March 1997 No 306 BID: $425WW306C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== RTTY MOST WANTED [2/2] __A2 Botswana __SU Egypt __A3 Tonga __SV-SZ Greece __A4 Oman __SV/A Mount Athos __A5 Bhutan __SV5 Dodecanese (Rhodes) __A6 United Arab Emi __SV9 Crete __A7 Qatar __T2 Tuvalu __A9 Bahrain __T31 Kiribati, Central __AP-AS Pakistan __T32 Kiribati, Eastern __BS7 Scarborough Re __T33 Banaba (Ocean) Island __BV Taiwan __T30 Kiribati, Western __BV9 Pratas Island __T5 Somalia __BY China __T7 San Marino __C2 Nauru __T9 Bosnia-Herzegovina __C3 Andorra __TA-TC Turkey __C5 The Gambia __TF Iceland __C6 Bahamas __TG Guatemala __C8-C9 Mozambique __TI Costa Rica __CA-CE Chile __TI9 Cocos Island __CE0A Easter Island __TJ Cameroon __CE0X San Felix & San __TK Corsica __CE0Z Juan Fernandez __TL Central Africa __CM Cuba __TN Congo __CN Morocco __TR Gabon __CP Bolivia __TT Chad __CT Portugal __TU Ivory Coast __CT3 Madeira Island __TY Benin __CU Azores __TZ Mali __CV Uruguay __UA1.. European Russia __CY9 St. Paul Island __UA2 Kaliningrad __CY0 Sable Island __UA8.. Asiatic Russia __D2 Angola __UJ-UM Uzbekistan __D4 Cape Verde __UN-UQ Kazakhstan __D6 Comoros __UR-UZ Ukraine __DA-DL Germany __V2 Antigua and Barbuda __DU-DZ Philippines __V3 Belize __E3 Eritrea __V4 St. Kitts and Nevis __EA-EH Spain __V5 Namibia __EA6 Balearic Island __V6 Micronesia __EA8 Canary Islands __V7 Marshall Islands __EA9 Ceuta and Melil __V8 Brunei __EI-EJ Ireland __VE Canada __EK Armenia __VK Australia __EL Liberia __VK9/C Cocos Keeling Island __EP-EQ Iran __VK9/L Lord Howe Island __ER Moldova __VK9/M Mellish Reef __ES Estonia __VK9/N Norfolk Island __ET Ethiopia __VK9/W Willis Island __EU-EW Belarus __VK9/X Christmas Island __EX Kyrgystan __VK0/H Heard Island __EY Tajikistan __VK0/M Macquarie Island __EZ Turkmenistan __VP2E Anguilla __F France __VP2M Montserrat __FG Guadeloupe __VP2V British Virgin Islands __FH Mayotte __VP5 Turks and Caicos Islands __FJ Saint Martin __VP8 Falkland Islands __FK New Caledonia __VP8/G South Georgia Islands __FM Martinique __VP8/H South Shetland Islands __FO French Polynesi __VP8/O South Orkney Islands __FO/C Clipperton Island __VP8/S South Sandwich Islands __FP St. Pierre & Mi __VP9 Bermuda __FR Reunion Island __VQ9 Chagos Island __FR/G Glorioso Island __VR6 Pitcairn Island __FR/J Juan de Nova & __VS6 Hong Kong __FR/T Tromelin Island __VU India __FT8W Crozet Island __VU/A Andaman & Nicobar __FT8X Kerguelen Islan __VU/L Laccadive Islands __FT8Z Amsterdam & St. __XA-XI Mexico __FW Wallis & Futuna __XF4 Revilla Gigedo __FY French Guiana __XT Burkina Faso __G England __XU Kampuchea (Cambodia) __GD Isle of Man __XW Laos __GI Northern Irelan __XX9 Macao __GJ Jersey __XY-XZ Myanmar (Burma) __GM Scotland __YA Afghanistan __GU Guernsey __YB-YH Indonesia __GW Wales __YI Iraq __H4 Solomon Islands __YJ Vanuatu (New Hebrides) __HA Hungary __YK Syria __HB Switzerland __YL Latvia __HB0 Liechtenstein __YN Nicaragua __HC-HD Ecuador __YO-YR Romania __HC8 Galapagos Islan __YS El Salvador __HH Haiti __YT-YU Yugoslavia __HI Dominican Repub __YV-YY Venezuela __HJ-HK Colombia __YV0 Aves Island __HK0/A San Andres & Pr __Z2 Zimbabwe __HK0/M Malpelo Island __Z3 Macedonia __HL South Korea __ZA Albania __HO-HP Panama __ZB2 Gibraltar __HQ-HR Honduras __ZC4 British Sov. Bases Cyprus __HS Thailand __ZD7 St. Helena Island __HV Vatican City __ZD8 Ascension Island __HZ Saudi Arabia __ZD9 Tristan de Cunha & Gough I. __I Italy __ZF Cayman Islands __IS0 Sardinia __ZK1/N Cook Islands, North __J2 Djibouti __ZK1/S Cook Islands, South __J3 Grenada __ZK2 Niue __J5 Guinea-Bissau __ZK3 Tokelau Islands __J6 St. Lucia __ZL-ZM New Zealand __J7 Dominica __ZL7 Chatham Island __J8 St. Vincent __ZL8 Kermadec Island __JA-JS Japan __ZL9 Auckland and Campbell __JD1/M Minami Torishim __ZP Paraquay __JD1/O Ogasawara __ZR-ZU South Africa __JT-JV Mongolia __ZS8 Prince Edward & Marion __JW Svalbard /EX S DX@WW $425WW306D 425 DX News #306 [4/5] 15 March 1997 No 306 BID: $425WW306D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [1/2] * =========================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER ============================================================================ 3A/I5DCE IK1GPG FS/JA5AUC JA5AUC T88JA JA6VZB 3B8/DL6UAA DL6UAA FS5PL/P KF0UI TI2IDX WA9BXB 4O4D YU4FDE HP1XBI F6AJA TI4IDX WA9BXB 4U1UN WB8LFO HP1XVH KF0UI TK/I5DCE IK1GPG 4U49UN WB8LFO HS9AL I4LCK TL8IM KB9XN 5N4BHF OE6LAG IA5/I5DCE IK1GPG TM1C F6CTT 6W1QV F6FNU IM0/I5DCE IK1GPG TO5UFT F5MNW 7X0AD EA4URE IQ2C IZ2ABW TY1NI PE1IVQ 8P9IJ VE3VET IZ9Z IT9EQO UX2HO I2PJA 8P9JA K4MA J28JY F6BFH V31BR N5FTR 8Q7AF I8RIZ J37P/I5DCE IK1GPG V31ML N5FTR 9G5VJ G4ZVJ J45RDS SV5BYP V31SD N5FTR 9K2RR/NLD KU9C J52DW LX2DW V47KP K2SB 9M6TCR KQ1F J52IM KB9XN V47LDX N5FTR 9M6TPR KQ1F J69MV J6LMV V5/W8UVZ W8UVZ 9M8BT N5FTR J7/AA6MV AA6MV V5/ZS6YG W0YG 9M8FH N5FTR J7/N6ULI AA6MV V51Z ZS6EZ 9M8LL N5FTR J87CQ N5FTR V63BM JA6VZM 9M8YL N5FTR JW5HE OZ8RO V73GT WF5T 9Q5TR 4Z5DP JX7DFA LA7DFA VK3MO WA9BXB A35WA DF5WA JY5SK WB9YXY VK5ISL I1HYW A41KJ N5FTR KC6GZ KB9XN VK9PG JR5XPG AH0T JA6VZB KG4AU WT4K VP2END JA4DND AH8A AC7DX KG4ML WB6VGI VP2EUC JA5AUC C6A/DL3ABL DL3ABL KH2AD KB9XN VP2EV K7BV C6A/DL6MHW DL3ABL KH6RS N6HR VP2MFB W2OFB C91J N5FTR OA4DTW N5FTR VP8CSA DL1SDN C9RRJ N5FTR OK8AUY LX1NO VP8CTR UX1KA CN2GF/M IK1GPG P29VIG JA3IG VQ9VK AA1OJ CN2GF/P IK1GPG PJ0/KB5DZP N5FTR WP2Z KE2VB CN36GI CN8GI PT1ZZ PY1NEZ XA5T KB5FU CN36LU CN8LU R0PK UA0AGI XF3/NE8Z NE8Z CN36NL CN8NL RK9XWX RV9XF XT2AW DF2WO CT1/I5DCE IK1GPG S21AM N4VA XW2A JE2YRD D2EV DL3KBQ S21XX DL3NEO YB0AIM KB9XN EA3/I5DCE IK1GPG S21XY DL3NEO YV5/I5DCE IK1GPG EA5/I5DCE IK1GPG S21XZ DL3NEO YV7/I5DCE IK1GPG EA7/I5DCE IK1GPG S59A S59UN Z21BA N5FTR EA9/I5DCE IK1GPG SU3AM DL5ZBV ZD7JP N5FTR EN100IM UX8IXX SV3/I5DCE IK1GPG ZD8KFC N5FTR EN2O I2PJA SV3/SV1CID SV1CID ZF2NE W5ASP F/I5DCE IK1GPG SV3/SV1DPL SV1CID ZK1JOO VE6JO FG/I5DCE IK1GPG SV8/I5DCE IK1GPG ZL4/K8VIR K8VIR FR/IK2GNW IK2GNW T30A KU9C ZL9/K8VIR K8VIR FS/JA4DND JA4DND T48RAC VE3ESE ZX0Z PY1LVF /EX S DX@WW $425WW306E 425 DX News #306 [5/5] 15 March 1997 No 306 BID: $425WW306E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [2/2] * =========================== 9M2OM Ray Gerrard, G3NOM, 16 Jln Bkt Antarabangsa, Tmn Bkt Mewah, 68000 Ampang, West Malaysia AC7DX Ron Lago,P.O.Box 25426, Eugene, OR-97402, U.S.A. DL1SDN Dieter Stumpp, P.O.Box 1941, D-72609 Nuertingen, Germany DL3NEO H. Schmidt, Hans-Sachs-Str. 24, D-91207 Lauf, Germany EK4GK P.O.Box 9A/33, Terevan 375062, Armenia ER3MM Victor Shubervetsky, P.O.Box 637, Beltsy MD-3101, Moldava F5SHQ Mathieu Roche, 4 Cours de la Liberation, F-33000 Bordeaux, France G4ZVJ Andy Chadwick, 5 Thorpe Chase, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 1UA,UK PY1LVF Jose Luiz Vieira Fernandes, P.O.Box 18.009, Meier, RJ-20722-970 Brazil SV1CQN Kostas Karakostas, Anapafseos 4, B.Parodos, GR-30100 Agrinion, Greece UA9CR Alex Y.Prikhodko, P.O.Box 293, Ekaterinburg, 620142, Russia UX1KA P.O.Box 36, Rivne 266023, Ukraine UX8IXX P.O.Box 21, Mariupol 341030, Ukraine VE3ESE Don Guy Fisher, 48 Lucerne Drive Ont, N2E 1B3, Canada VR6ME Mark Ellmos, P.O.Box 24, Pitcairn Islands, South Pacific WB8LFO Jerry Kurucz, 5338 Edgewater Drive, Lorain, OK-44053, U.S.A. WA9BXB Richard Breckinridge, 3827 Kemman Avenue, Brookfield, IL-60513-1521, U.S.A. WT4K Bill Gallier, 4094 Sandy Run Drive E, Middleburg, FL-32068, U.S.A. YC9VX Bert, P.O.Box 7575, JKS CCE, Jakarta 12560, Indonesia ZL9/K8VIR P.O. Box 9, Teanau, New Zealand ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, IK1HSR, IK1QFM, IK2JYT, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, IK8VRH, Brescia DX Group,Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, AA5AU, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DL4VBP, DL7VOA, DL9GOA, EA5KB, HB9RG, F6AJA, G4BUE, JA6VZB, JI6KVR, K1XM, DL7TB, PP5SZ, PS7AB, PS7KM, VE7CC, VK6LC, WD8MGQ, YU1OL, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG. ***************************************************************************** /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! 425 WWW Page ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ! ! INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: ! ! www-dx.deis.unibo.it - under the /pub/ham/425news/english/ directory ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL: ! ! http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/nph-425dxnews ! ! or sending a message to: majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it ! ! writing in the body of the message: subscribe 425dxnews address ! ! where address is the e-mail address of the subscriber ! ! for example: subscribe 425dxnews i1jqj.amsat.org ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * ! ! TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 ! ! DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 ! ! SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ! ! ARRL HQ BBS USA : 860-594-0306 ! ! CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 ! ! HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 ! ! WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 ! ! JUNGLE BBS NZ : +64-3-524-8332 ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang /EX