S DX@WW $425WW305A 425 DX News #305 [1/5] 8 March 1997 No 305 BID: $425WW305A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ IK1ADH - IK1GPG /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3B8 - Mart, DL6UAA will be active from Mauritius from 16 March and 3 April. If the licence arrives in time, he will be active on AO-10 as well. 3DA - Koji, JM1CAX/ZS6CAX and Tad, JH7PKU/AA3JA will participate in the WPX SSB Contest (29-30 March) from Swaziland as 3DA5A. Outside the contest they might use either 3DA0NX and 3DA/AA3JA. QSL via JH7FQK. 8P - David, VE3VET will be active (SSB and some RTTY on all bands) from 25 March to 3 April as 8P9IJ from Barbados (NA-021). He will participate in the CQ WPX SSB Contest. QSL via VE3VET. 9G - Andy, G4ZVJ plans to sign 9G5VJ from Accra, Ghana from 7 to 17 March. On 8 and 9 March he will participate in the RSGB Commonwealth Contest (British Commonwealth QSOs only). Activity will be CW only on +/- 1.827, 3.503, 7.003, 10.103, 14.027, 18.077, 24.897, 28.027 MHz. QSL to G4ZVJ direct (Andy Chadwick, 5 Thorpe Chase, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 1UA, England, U.K.) or via bureau. 9M_spr - Charlotte, KQ1F and Paul, K1XM expect to operate from Layang Layang, Spratly Islands (AS-051) for a week in late March during their holiday in East Malysia (see 9M6 below). QSL via KQ1F. 9M6 - Charlotte, KQ1F and Paul, K1XM will be operating from Sabah, East Malaysia in mid-March. Callsigns are 9M6TCR and 9M6TPR respectively. This is a combined scuba-diving and amateur radio trip. Operations will take place from Borneo (OC-088) and Sipadan Island (OC-133). QSL via KQ1F. C6 - Andrea, DL3ABL and Michael, DL6MHW will be active (all bands, CW and SSB) from New Providence, Bahamas (NA-001) from 24 March to 4 April. Expected calls are C6A/DL6MHW and C6A/DL3ABL. C6A/DL3ABL will also be active during the CQ WPX SSB Contest. QSL via bureau or direct to Andrea Diekmann, Bruno-Taut-Ring 56, D-39130 Magdeburg, Germany. CN - Special events stations CN36GI, CN36NL and CN36LU are active on 160, 80, 40 and 20 metres to celebrate the 36th anniversary of the crowning of His Majesty Hassan II, King of Morocco. QSL via CN8GI. CT - The Northern Portugal DX Group (NPDXG) and the Portuguese DX Group (GPDX) will be active from Insua Island (EU-150) from 24 to 28 July (IOTA contest included with the call CQ2I) [425DXN 301]. Operators CT1AHU, CT1BQH, CT1CJJ, CT1DVV, CT1EEB, CT1EEN, CT1ENQ, CT1ESV, CT1FMX and G3TMA will be /p outside the contest (special emphasis will be given to Asia (Japan), Oceania, North America West coast and Midwest). DL - Peter (DL6CGC), Wolfgang (DF5WBA) and Rudiger (DJ3XG) will be active from Neuwerk Island (EU-127, DIG N-012) from 30 April to 4 May. FK - Eric, FK8GM hopes to be active again from Matthew Island (OC-218). His mission will take place from 21 to 25 April, but for the time being he does not know how long he will be staying on the island. FR - Guy, F5MNW will be active (mainly on CW) either as FR/F5MNW or TO5UFT from Reunion Island (AF-016) from 22 March to 6 April. FR/J - Henry, FR5ZQ/J is currently active (SSB and CW) from Juan de Nova (AF-012). FS - JA4DND and JA5AUC will be FS/ (160-10 metres, SSB and CW) from St. Martin (NA-105) from 21 to 26 March (schedule subject to change). QSL via home calls. G - Gary, M0AMM and Dave, M1AFT will be active as M0AMM (80, 40 and 20 metres SSB) from 28 to 31 March from Holy Island (EU-120). QSL via M1AFS. GW - Members of the GM6V CQWW SSB multi multi contest team (Chris, GM3WOJ and Jim, GM0NAI) are joining forces with local stations on Ynys Mon (Isle of Anglesey, EU-124) to put together a large contest DXpedition station on for the IOTA Contest. There will be at least three TX stations set up, along with one or two multiplier spotting RX stations. I - Special event call II0FR will be aired by ARI Frosinone from 7 to 11 March. Every QSO will be confirmed automatically through the bureau. I - Crazy DX Group members Luca (IB0/IK0QDB), Maurizio (IB0/IK0ZAR) and Fabrizio (IB0/IW0FNX on VHF) will be active from Torre Astura (IIA LT-031) on 8 and 9 March. QSL via home calls. I - Maurizio (IK2ILH), Gigi (IK2MMF) and Roberto (IK2MRZ) will be active from some IL3 islands (IIA counters) on 8 and 9 March. I - The Salento DX Team will be IJ7/home call from the island of Torre Ovo (IIA TA-003) on 9 March. I - Weather permitting, IK8VRH (and IW8EAA on VHF) will be /IC8 from Scoglio Monaci (IIA NA-032) on 9 March. QSL via home call. I - The Salento DX Team will be IJ7/home call from Isola dei Capperi (IIA LE-026) on 16 March. I - Marconi Contest Club member I4UFH, IV3TAN, I4JMY, IK2SGC, IT9EQO and IT9GSF will participate in the WPX SSB Contest from Lampedusa Island (AF-019, IIA AG-001, African Italy, CQ Zone 33) as IZ9Z. Special emphasis on low bands. QSL via IT9EQO either direct and thorugh the bureau. I - Roberto, IK0MHR and Salvatore, IK0JFW will be IA5/ from Argentarola Island (IIA GR-003) on 6 April. If the weather id bad, operations (20 and 40 metres, CW and SSB) will be postponed to 13 April. QSL to their respective homa calls. I - Operators from ARI-Cinisello Balsamo (Milano) will be active during major contests in 1997 as IQ2C. They have already participated in the ARRL DX CW and SSB Contests. QSL either via bureau or to IZ2ABW (P.O.Box 44, 20092 Cinisello Balsamo-MI, Italy /EX S DX@WW $425WW305B 425 DX News #305 [2/5] 8 March 1997 No 305 BID: $425WW305B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== J7 - Larry (AA6MV) and Marti (N6ULI) will be active from Dominica (NA-01) from 11 to 19 March. Activity will take place mainly on CW, from 10 to 40 metres. Callsigns will be issued upon arrival, but QSL will be via AA6MV. JA - JF1IST is expected to be /7J1 from Okino Torishima (AS-052) until 12 March. QSL via JI1FXS. JA - Masa, JH6VLF and Seiji, JH6RTO will be active from Oshima (Izu Archipelago, AS-008) on March 22, just one night trip. They will operate as JH6VLF/1 and 7L3TDU/1 respectively on 40, 30, 20, 17 and 15 metres SSB & CW. QSL for JH6VLF/1 is via homecall, QSL for 7L3TDU/1 is via JH6RTO (whose new address is: Seiji Fukushima, 1182-1-2-506, Hase, Atsugi, Kanagawa 243, Japan). JW - Rag, OZ8RO will be again active as JW5HE from 24 to 31 March. QSL via OZ8RO. KL7 - KL7AK will be active from Pleasant Island (NA-161, USI AK-042S) from 23 to 26 May. KP2 - Rich, KF8UM will be KP2/ from US Virgin Islands (NA-106) from 26 March to 2 April. He will participate in the CQ WPX SSB Contest (single-op low power). QSL via home call. KP4 - The Cabo Rojo Contest Club of Puerto Rico (NA-099) will participate in the CQ WPX SSB Contest as WP3X (multi-multi). OH - OH1LU will be /P from IOTA group EU-096 during the weekend. OZ - A group of German operators will be active as OZ1RDP from Romo Island (EU-125) from 16 to 20 May. QSL via DL9BCP. PY - The station ZY8M is active during the weekend from Marajo Island (DIB 023). QSL via PT2GTI. PY - PY2QA, PY2DUN, PY2MMM, PY2OZF, PY2AE and PU2YSU will be active as ZY2IB (10-80 metres, SSB and CW) from Sao Sebastiao Island (SA-028, DIB 016) from 18 to 21 April. QSL via PY2AE. PZ - K3BYV will be active from Suriname from 18 March to 3 April, as PZ5DX. He will participate in the CQ SSB WPX Contest. QSL via K3BYV. SP_ssh - Mark, SP3GVX is currently active from Polish Antarctic base HF0POL (WABA SP-01) on South Shetland Islands (AN-010). Mark is active mostly on CW usually around 1 UTC. QSL via SP3FYM (Henryk Karwowski, P.O.Box 832, 66 400 Gorzow Wlkp, Poland). T33 - JE1DXC reports that Ron, ZL1AMO is planning an activity from Banaba Island (OC-018) in April. TZ - There are six new licensees in Mali, but only Yatt, TZ6HY is active. A club station is expected to be built so that others without equipment can be active as well. V2 - Gavin, GM0GAV will be active from 5 to 12 March as V2/GM0GAV (NA-100). He should participate in the RSGB Commonwealth Contest. V3 - John (W2NA), Vic (KI6IM) and Bill (WA9L) did not participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest as V31DX [425DXN 303]. They hope to be active during the CQ WPX SSB Contest. VK - On Sunday, 9th March 1997 the city of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia will host the first race of the Formula 1 Grand Prix season. In conjunction with this major event the Eastern and Mountain District Radio Club (EMDRC Inc.) has once again been granted approval to operate an Amateur Radio Special Event Station with the call sign VI3GP. The station will be operational from 00.00 UTC on Thursday, 6 March to 23.59 UTC on Sunday, 9 March from Club members homes on a roster basis. Operations will took place on SSB and CW (80, 40, 20, 15, 10 metres; but David, VK3EW will be active on 3.799 and 1.840 MHz as well). QSL via VK3ER, either via the bureau or direct to P.O. Box 87, Mitcham. Victoria 3132, Australia). VP2E - JA4DND and JA5AUC will be active (160-10 metres, SSB and CW) as VP2END and VP2EUC from Anguilla (NA-022) from 16 to 21 March (schedule subject to change). QSL via home calls. VP2M - Graham, G0VNW will be active (40, 20, 17 and 15 metres SSB, possibly 80 and 160 as well) for one year from Montserrat (NA-103) starting in early April. He needs a QSL amanger (please contact him at Graham Carrington, 101 Papplewick Lane, Hucknall, Nottingham NG15 8BG, England). VP2V - John, VP2V/KK9A will participate in the ARRL SSB Contest from British Virgin Islands (NA-023). Outside the contest he will be working also on 80 and 160 metres. QSL via WD9DZV. W - Lew, N6VV, wil be active (20 metres only) from Angel Island (USI CA-006S) on 8 March starting around 20 UTC. W - Norm, N6JV plans to be active from the mobile on 8 March en route to/from the San Francisco Bay area. He will be available for USI CA-013S, 015S, 019S, 048S (to) and 021R and 023R (from). W - AA3ID and N3GPF will be active from Hatteras Island (NA-067, USI NC-005S ) between 9 and 20 March. W - Tom, KC4SUS will be active on 11 March from several out-of-the-way Florida Key islands starting around 14-15 UTC. W - The Knight Lites (a group of amateurs who specialize in QRP operations) will be active as WQ4RP from Portsmouth Island (NA-067, USI NC-009S) from around 21 UTC of 4 April through 6 April. QSL via K4HQ. XE - Gene, N9SW will be XE3/ on CW from 23 to 30 March. QSL via home call. XT - Harold, DF2WO will be active (CW and SSB) as XT2AW from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso from 28 March to 14 April. QSL via home call. XU - Robert, KE2FB is currently active as XU2FB on 40 metres CW, but he expects to put up an HF tri-band antenna in the next month. He will be QRV from Cambodia for 18 months. QSL via N4JR. ZK1_nc - K8XP (ex AL7EL), N7RO, N4RF (ex AB4AE) and possibly W4LSW (ex K4HQI), N6EK, N1DG (ex WB2DND) and ZL1AMO will be active from Penrhyn Atoll (OC-082) from 20 to 27 September. Operations will take place on all bands (CW, SSB and RTTY) with special emphasis on low bands. Suggestions and financial assistance should go to K8XP: Tom Harrell, 1801 18th Ave., Menominee, MI 49858, USA. ZL9 - Mike, HA/W0YR reports that Ed, ZL4/K8VIR will be leaving the South Island of New Zealand on 30 March for Auckland Island (OC-074) with a group of scientists for an indefinate stay. He is the only amateur of the group and his operation as ZL9/K8VIR (mostly SSB) is a sideline. They expect to arrive at ZL9 on 2 April. QSL to ZL9/K8VIR, P.O.Box 9, Teanau, New Zealand. /EX S DX@WW $425WW305C 425 DX News #305 [3/5] 8 March 1997 No 305 BID: $425WW305C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== ************************* ***************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************* 7O1A: DXCC NEWS RELEASE ---> The following statement is dated 7 March (source: http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/970307/#7o1a): "In the wake of questions raised about the status of the December 1996 7O1A operation from Aden, Yemen, the ARRL has been in touch with the Ministry of Communications in that country. The Ministry of Communications in Sana'a, capital of Yemen, has advised the ARRL DXCC Desk that, while it is aware of a document issued by its Aden office, the Ministry of Communications in Sana'a--as the main body responsible for communications--never issued an official authorization for Amateur Radio. Therefore, the 7O1A operation cannot be accepted for DXCC credit". For more information, please contact Bill Kennamer, K5FUV at e-mail address bkennamer@arrl.org. P29VXX --> After nearly 12,000 QSOs from Bangladesh together with Hannes (DL3NEO), Dietmar (DL3DXX) and Joerg (YB1AQS) went to Papua New Guinea and met Juergen (DL7UFN) and Falk (DK7YY) for the second part of their trip. From Misima Island (OC-117) they were able to log some 18,000 QSOs in 12 days, with two stations: dupes excluded, they worked 411 stations on 160 metres; 1803 on 80; 3318 on 40; 2127 on 30; 3418 on 20; 1837 on 17; 3113 on 15; 563 on 12; 693 on 10 (14282 CW, 2378 SSB, 623 RTTY). QSL is to DL7UFN (Juergen Maerz, Glambecker Ring 7, D-12679 Berlin-Marzahn, Germany) *preferably via bureau. QSL 9K2RR ---> KU9C is the *new* QSL manager for Faisal, 9K2RR. QSL AH8A ---> Ron Lago, AC7DX (P.O.Box 25426, Eugene, Oregon 97402, USA) is the new QSL manager for AH8A. QSL D25L ---> Alex, PA3DMH reports that cards for D25L QSL have arrived from the printer. He will start mailing them early next week. Requests received after the first week of February will be processed when the other backlog is cleared. Bureau cards will start being sent in early April. QSL FT5WE ---> F5GTW has received the last part of the log (up to 29 December 1996). He is also receiving many cards for *FT5ZG*, whose QSL manager is *F5RQQ*. QSL K2OLG ---> Joe, K2OLG, says his logs back to 1993 are generally operations from islands. If you need those QSLs, an SASE to Joe will get them (Joe Gumino, 1290 Yesica Ann Cir. #G103, Naples, FL 34110, USA). QSL KC6VW ---> Cards for KC6VW (operated by Tosy, JA6VZB) [425DXN 304] are via JA6BSM through the bureau *only*. QSL S21XX ---> QSL manager is DL3NEO (Hannes Schmidt, Komotauer Str. 28 B, D-91207 Lauf, Germany) *preferably via bureau*. QSL V5 ---> W0YG, KV0Q, WB0HBS and W8UVZ logged some 4000 QSOs before and after the ARRL CW Contest, with special emphasis on the low bands (1300 contacts on 160 metres). Some other 3500 contacts were made during the contest. QSL V5/ZS6YG via W0YG (ex-KY0A); QSL V5/W8UVZ via W8UVZ; QSL V51Z via ZS6EZ (direct only). QSL DE KF7E ---> In mid April Jim, KF7E will pack and store cards and logs for the following operations: 5X1XX, 5X1HR, 7Q7JH, KF7E/V5, KF7E/A2 and KF7E/Z2. QSL DE N5FTR ---> Buzz, N5FTR is the QSL manager for the following stations: ZD7JP, OA4DTW, V31ML, A441KJ, V31SD, 9M8BT, 9M8FH, 9M8LL, 9M8YL, Z21BA, ZD8KFC, PJ0/KB5DZP, V31BR, V47LDX and J87CQ. Buzz sends cards to the outgoing bureau only once a year (next mailing will be in January 1998). VK0IR, THE VIDEO ---> In the US, please order from Dennis Motschenbacher (K7BV), 4357 Appollonio Way, Carson City, Nevada 89704 (e-mail k7bv@aol.com): $25 plus $3 postage US priority mail (US orders will get the standsard NTSC version; if you are ouside the US, you can also order the PAL version from this address at $30 plus $5 airmail postage. No credit card accepted, payment must be either as a check drawn on a US bank in US$ or cash). In Europe and elsewhere, please order (PAL version only) from Ghis Penny (ON5NT), Lindestraat 46, B-9880 Aalter, Belgium (e-mail ghispenny@club.innet.be): $30 (900 Bef) plus $5 (1000 Bef) postage (cheques ONLY). Please be aware that the video is copyrighted, and the proceeds go to help pay the enormous expenses of the expedition. /EX S DX@WW $425WW305D 425 DX News #305 [4/5] 8 March 1997 No 305 BID: $425WW305D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== ZK1DI/P ---> Hans, DK1RV received ZK1DI's logs up to 10 February and the logs for ZK1DI/P's operations from Manihiki Atoll (OC-014), North Cook Islands (31 January - 6 February). Gun made 1359 QSOs: 4 on 160 metres SSB with North American stations; 207 on 80 metres (149 SSB and 58 CW, 27 Europeans worked); 853 on 40 metres (205 SSB and 648 CW, 188 Europeans); 181 on 30 metres (9 Europeans); 21 on 20 metres (16 SSB and 5 CW, 14 JA stations, no European); 25 on 17 metres (9 SSB and 16 CW); 61 on 15 metres (26 SSB and 35 CW, 35 JAs, 19 North Americans and no European) and 7 on 12 metres (1 SSB and 6 CW, only JAs). Gun was running 80 watts to a FD4 antenna and had less than 12 hour electricity a day. QSL via DK1RV (Hans-Georg Goebel, Postfach 1114, D-57235 Netphen, Germany), who expected to mail all direct QSLs with sufficient return postage on 3 March. ZY0SG ---> Recent operations by ZY0SG (CW) from St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks logged 4821 QSOs (0 on 80 metres; 713 on 40; 1721 on 30; 140 on 20; 1282 on 17; 956 on 15; 5 on 12; 4 on 10) as follows: Japan 0/80, 55/40, 289/30, 64/20, 6/17, 0/15, 0/12, 0/10 (total 414); Europe 0/80, 74/40, 547/30, 62/20, 549/17, 369/15, 2/12, 2/10 (total 1605); USA 0/80, 539/40, 798/30, 0/20, 664/17, 513/15, 0/12, 2/10 (total 2516); Brazil 0/80, 21/40, 30/30, 10/20, 15/17, 20/15, 3/12, 0/10 (total 99); others 0/80, 24/40, 57/30, 4/20, 48/17, 54/15, 0/12,0/10 (total 187). Station worked were 349 in Japan, 1185 in Europe, 1666 in USA, 67 in Brazil, 135 in other areas. ZY0SK ---> Recent operations by ZY0SK (SSB) from St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks logged 4318 QSOs (8/80, 823/40, 1382/20, 1025/17, 949/15, 19/12, 112/10) as follows: Japan 0/80, 48/40, 125/20, 1/17, 0/15, 0/12, 0/10 (total 174); Europe 0/80, 318/40, 178/20, 416/17, 502/15, 0/12, 0/10 (total 1414); USA 0/80, 223/40, 880/20, 522/17, 350/15, 10/12, 50/10 (total 2035); Brazil 7/80, 77/40, 47/20, 14/17, 22/15, 5/12, 33/10 (total 205); others 1/80, 157/40, 152/20, 72/17, 75/15, 4/12, 29/10 (total 490). Stations worked were 165 in Japan, 1147 in Europe, 1571 in USA, 136 in Brazil, 383 in other areas. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + SILENT KEY + The IOTA community mourns the recent sudden passing of Etienne (Steve) Heritier, HB9DX. Roger Balister, G3KMA, RSGB IOTA Manager reminds us that Steve was IOTA's benefactor at last year's Windsor Convention. Moved by a feeling of extraordinary generosity he gave the Yaesu FT-990A, star prize of the raffle, to the Programme. IOTA subsequently, with his agreement, exchanged it for two portable FT900 rigs making a total of three which are now available for loan to DXpeditions. + SILENT KEY + Member of the Magnolia DX Association Ken Ward, WQ5H became a silent key on 3 March. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL riceived via direct: 3B8CF, 9J2CE, BO0KS (AS-102), BV0AA, DP1KGI, ET3KV, F5VCR/p, HL0Y/2 (AS-090), IC8/IZ8AJV (IIA NA-026), IJ7/IK7FPX (IIA LE-013, LE-029), IJ7/IK7JWX (IIA LE-013, LE-029), JW0K, K8SCH/4 (NA-112), JX7DFA, PY2JM/p (SA-071), PY6JJ (SA-023), T88T, KA2PHQ/VE1 (NA-081), KA2PHQ/VE2 NA-038), ZW0C (SA-072). ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, I1WFF, IK1QFM, I1WFF, IK1QLD, IK2ILH, IK2RXV, I4UFH, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, IK8VRH, IK0PRG, IW0GJA, IK0ZAR, Brescia DX Group,Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, 9K2HN, AC7DX, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DJ9IN, DK1RV, DL3ABL, DL4VBP, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL9BCP, DL9GOA, EA5KB, F5PYI, F6AJA, F9RM, FK8GM, G3KMA, G4BUE, G4ZVJ, GM0GAV, GW0ANA, HA/W0YR,JA3AAW, JA6VZB, JE1DXC, JH2PDS/1, JH6RTO, JH7PKU, JI6KVR, K1XM, K5YG, KK6EK, N5FG, NL7TB, PA3DMH, PS7AB, PS7KM, PT7WA, VE7CC, VK6LC, WA2MOE, WD8MGQ, YB1AQS, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG. ***************************************************************************** /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! 425 WWW Page ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ! ! INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: ! ! www-dx.deis.unibo.it - under the /pub/ham/425news/english/ directory ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL: ! ! http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/nph-425dxnews ! ! or sending a message to: majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it ! ! writing in the body of the message: subscribe 425dxnews address ! ! where address is the e-mail address of the subscriber ! ! for example: subscribe 425dxnews i1jqj.amsat.org ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * ! ! TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 ! ! DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 ! ! SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ! ! ARRL HQ BBS USA : 860-594-0306 ! ! CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 ! ! HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 ! ! WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 ! ! JUNGLE BBS NZ : +64-3-524-8332 ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang /EX S DX@WW $425WW305E 425 DX News #305 [5/5] 8 March 1997 No 305 BID: $425WW305E ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 13/03 3A/DJ7RJ 303 till 31/03 3Z2GD * special call 303 till 30/05 4S7BRG * by HB9BRM 301 till 27/03 8Q7BV & 8Q7BE * by HB9DIF & DL8NBE 297 till 17/03 9G5VJ * by G4ZVJ 305 till 10/03 A3 * by DK1CE, DL5UF, DF5WA 303 till 20/05 C6AGN: Green Turtle Cay (NA-080) * by KM1E 299 till ?? EM1HO: Antarctica * by UX2HO 301 till 20/03 FR/IK2GNW 300 till ?? FR5ZQ/J: Juan de Nova (AF-012) 305 till 11/03 II0FR: Frosinone * special event station 305 till 23/04 JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima 301 till 01/04 PZ5JC * by OZ2BJC 299 till 12/03 V2/GM0GAV 305 till 12/04 VU2AXA: Antarctica 294 till 10/03 YB8ZY: Tukangbesi Is. (OC-219) * by YB0RX's team 299 till 13/03 ZL7ZB * by DJ4ZB 302 08/03-12/03 JF1IST/7J1: Okino Torishima (AS-052) 305 08/03-09/03 IB0: Torre Astura Isl (IIA LT-031) * by Crazy DX Group 305 08/03-09/03 IL3: IIA * by IK2ILH, IK2MMF, IK2MRZ 305 08/03-09/03 OH1LU/p: EU-096 305 08/03 N6JV: USI 305 08/03 N6VV: Angel Isl. (USI CA-006S) 305 08/03-09/03 ZY8M: Marajo Isl. (DIB 023) 305 09/03 HP: NA-202 * by HP2CWB, HP2DFU, HP2CTM 303 09/03 IC8: Scoglio Monaci (NA-032) * by IK8VRH & IW8EAA 305 09/03 IJ7: Torre Ovo Isl. (TA-003) * by Salento DX Team 305 09/03-20/03 K: Hatteras Is. (NA-067) * by AA3ID & N3GPF 305 10/03-16/03 9A: EU-136 * by IK3SSJ 303 11/03-19/03 J7 * by AA6MV & N6ULI 305 11/03 KC4SUS: USI 305 14/03-22/03 HS9AL: Terutao Isl. (AS-???) * by I & HS team 301 15/03-17/03 VK: Stradbroke Isl. (OC-137) * by KB5GL's team 299 15/03-16/03 BARTG WW RTTY Contest *** 15/03-16/03 Russian DX Contest *** 16/03-03/04 3B8 * by DL6UAA 305 16/03 IJ7: Capperi Isl. (LE-026) * by Salento DX Team 305 16/03-21/06 VP2END & VP2EUC * by JA4DND & JA5AUC 305 18/03-03/04 PZ5DX * by K3BYV 305 18/03-21/03 ZY2IB: Sao Sebastiao Isl. (SA-028) 305 21/03-26/06 FS * by JA4DND & JA5AUC 305 22/03-06/04 FR: Reunion * by F5MNW 305 22/03 JH6VLF/1 & 7L3TDU/1: Oshima Isl. (AS-008) 305 23/03-30/03 XE3/N9SW 305 24/03-04/04 C6A/DL6MHW & C6A/DL3AB 305 24/03-30/30 J52DW * by LX2DW 303 24/03-31/03 JW5HE * by OZ8RO 305 25/03-03/04 8P9IJ * by VE3VET 305 26/03-02/04 KP2/KF8UM 305 28/03-31/03 G: Holy Isl. (EU-120) * by M0AMM & M1AFT 305 29/03-30/03 3DA5A * by JM1CAX & JH7PKU 305 29/03-30/03 IZ9Z: Lampedusa Isl. (AF-019) by Marconi Contest Club 305 29/03-30/03 VP2V/KK9A 305 29/03-30/03 WP3X * by Cabo Contest Club 305 29/03-30/03 CQ WW WPX SSB Contest *** 30/03-04/04 VP5 * by W0GLG 303 March 9M: Spratly * by KQ1F & K1XM 305 March 9M6TCR & 9M6TPR * by KQ1F & K1XM 305 March S2: Kutubdia Isl. (AS-???) * by S21AM, I1SLY, IK1FLF 301 04/04 WQ4RP: Portsmouth Isl. (NA-067) * by The Knight Lites 305 05/04-06/04 Italian YLRC Marconi *** 05/04-06/04 EA RTTY DX Contest *** 05/04-06/04 SP DX SSB Contest *** 06/04 IA5: Argentarola Isl. (IIA GR-003) by IK0MHR & IK0JFW 305 11/04-13/04 Japan International HF DX CW Contest *** 12/04 Lyon DX Gang Convention *** 13/04-20/04 DU1: Lubang Isl. (OC-126) * by JG0HZE & DU team 303 17/04-22/04 PY: Mel Isl. (SA-047; DIB 24) * by PY5AA & PQ5L 297 18/04-19/04 YU DX Contest *** 19/04-06/06 9M8CC: Sarawak (OC-088) * by PB0ALB 297 21/04-25/04 FK: Matthew ISl. (OC-218) * by FK8GM 305 26/04-27/04 Helvetia Contest *** 26/04-27/04 SP DX RTTY Contest *** 30/04-07/05 BS7H: Scarborogh Reef * by OH2BH's team 303 30/04-04/05 DL: Neuwerk Isl. (EU-127) * by DL6CGC, DF5WBA, DJ3XG 305 April T33 * by ZL1AMO 305 /EX