DX425 bulletin issue nr. 303

S DX@WW $425WW303A
425 DX News #303 [1/5]
 22 February 1997                   No 303                    BID: $425WW303A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3A     - Manfred, DJ7RJ will be active (CW and SSB on 10-40 metres,  possibly
         160 and 80 metres as well) as 3A/DJ7RJ  from 3 to 13 March. QSL  via
         home call.
3Y5    - The DXpedition to Bouvet  Island [425DXN 295]  is now scheduled  for
         departure Cape Town on board of  Afrique du Sud,  a 67 meter  vessel
         whose cost will  be in the  order of USD  100,000. Barry, ZS1FJ  and
         Tony, WA4JQS have been at this project  for a long time: a solid  12
         day operation on  Bouvet will see  the team leaving  Cape Town on  5
         January 1998,  with planned  return date  of  5 February.  All  team
         members are  expected  to  contribute,  initially  by  way  of  bank
         guarantee and  eventually an  estimated USD  10,000 into  attorney's
         trust account in tranches as need arises.
5N     - Franz, 5N0BHF is active from Bonny  Island (AF-076/prov) as  5N4BHF.
         QSL via OE6LAG.
9A     - Luigino, IK3SSJ will be active from IOTA gropu EU-136 from 10 to  16
9U     - 9U5CW and 9U5DX  will use the  special call 9U5T  for all the  major
         contests in 1997.  QSL is via  F2VX (who  has just  sent some  5,000
         9U5DX cards through the French bureau).
A3     - DK1CE (Ulmar), DL5UF (Hilde)  and DF5WA (Bert)  will be active  from
         Tonga until 10 March. They plan  to operate (CW  and SSB) from  IOTA
         groups OC-049, OC-064 and OC-164.
A7     - Chris, A71CW will go QRT from Qatar at the end of March.
BS7H   - Tim Totten, N4GN reports  that "a multinational  team, led by  BZ1OK
         and JA1BK, will  set sail  from the  southern Chinese  port city  of
         Guangzhou (a.k.a. Canton) on 28 April,  and is expected to  commence
         the one-week operation from Huang Yan Dao [Scarborough Reef, AS-116]
         on Wednesday, 30 April, using the  call sign BS7H. The primary  goal
         of this  operation is  to provide  at least  one  QSO with  as  many
         individual DXers as possible.  For  this reason, the operators  will
         concentrate on those regions having  the most difficult  propagation
         paths (e.g., the eastern half  of the U.S.),  giving DXers in  every
         corner of the globe the best possible chance to make it in the  log.
         A secondary goal  will be to  provide QSOs on  additional bands  and
         modes, including 160 through 6 meters, CW, SSB, satellite and  RTTY,
         with as many as four stations simultaneously on the air.   Operators
         for BS7H  1997 include  BZ1OK, JA1BK  (who will  also serve  as  QSL
         manager), JA1RJU, N7NG,  W6EU (ex-WA6AUE) and  W6RGG.  The  complete
         operating team, as well as the list of transmit frequencies, will be
         announced once they have been finalized. BS7H 1997 will also  employ
         an 'operations  support  network'  consisting  of  several  stations
         throughout the world  which will be  in constant communication  with
         the operating team from the time of their departure until their safe
         return. Thanks  to the  CRSA's  [Chinese Radio  Sports  Association]
         tireless efforts  to  promote  Amateur  Radio  within  the  People's
         Republic of China  and to develop  relationships with key  agencies,
         this DXpedition enjoys strong support from the PRC government".
BV9P   - Joe Fitter, BV/N0IAT reports the following:  "Had a nice  discussion
         with several of my Taiwanese/Chinese hams  during the Chinese  Lunar
         New Years holiday. One of the topics of discussion was the  upcoming
         DXpedition to Pratas Island, one of the newest of DXCC countries. It
         is with  a sad  note that  I must  report  that the  application  to
         revisit Pratas Island was rejected.   Citing military  preparedness,
         the officials rejected the  application for a  return to the  island
         for DX operations.  So, at this time, there is no plan for a  return
         to Pratas Island during the first half of 1997".
D4     - Didier, 6W/F5OGL and  Christian, 6W1QV will  try to  be active  from
         Cape Verde (AF-005) from 26 Februay to 4 March.
DU     - DU1IXY, DU3NHK, DU3RAA and JG0HZE/DU1 will  be active from 13 to  20
         April from Lubang Island (OC-126).
EA8    - Angel (EA3ALD), Manolo (EA8ZS) and Tony (EA5BY) will participate  in
         the CQ WW DX SSB 160 Meter Contest as EA8ZS.
FK     - Didier, F5PXQ is leaving for New Caledonia, where he will be staying
         for three years. He will be on the air as soon as possible.
FS     - Operations by  FS5PL from  Tintamarre Island  (NA-199) [425DXN  301]
         have been delayed one week and are now scheduled from 1 to 3 March.
FS     - Eddie, EA3NY will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (1-2 March)
         from Saint Martin (Single Operator, all bands).
S DX@WW $425WW303B
425 DX News #303 [2/5]
 22 February 1997                   No 303                    BID: $425WW303B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

G      - The Barry ARS  will be  active from  10 to  17 May  as GB100LP  from
         Lavernock Point, South Glamorgan, in  conjunction with GB100FI.  The
         special prefix (GB100) commemorates the first QSO across water  made
         by Marconi 100 years ago  (special QSL cards  and a centenary  award
         certificate will  be  available  for  contacting  both  GB100FI  and
         GB100LP). QSL via GW0ANA.
GW     - The Barry ARS will be active  (all modes, all bands)  from 12 to  16
         May from Flatholm Island (EU-124) as GB100FI. QSL via GW0ANA.
HP     - Gerard, F2JD (ex-5R8EN, S79JD etc.) has  been given the call  HP1XBI
         [425DXN 291].    He is  active  from 40  to  15 metres  (WARC  bands
         included). Gerard will try to  be active from  some HP islands.  QSL
         via F6AJA.
HP     - Jose,  HP2CWB  will  be  /HP4  from  Isla  Colon,  Bocas  del   Toro
         Archipelago (NA-088) on 21-22 February.  Operations will take  place
         on 10-40 metres, CW and SSB. QSL  via QSL via Jose Ng Lee  (HP2CWB),
         Direct  Distribution  LTD,  PTY-201,  P.O.Box  02-5275,  Miami,   FL
         33102-5275, USA (please do not use SASEs with US stamps, because the
         above is just a maildrop address for incoming mail).
HP     - Jose (HP2CWB), Emilio (HP2DFU), Ricardo (HP2CTM) and others will  be
         active from IOTA  group NA-202  on 9  March [425DXN  301] as  either
         3F2A, H32A, or H82A. Operations (10-40 metres, CW and SSB) will take
         place from one  of the  following islands:  Naranjo Arriba,  Naranjo
         Abajo, Dos  Marias  (Dos Hermanas),  Grande.  QSL via  Jose  Ng  Lee
         (HP2CWB), Direct Distribution LTD, PTY-201, P.O.Box 02-5275,  Miami,
         FL 33102-5275, USA (please do not use SASEs with US stamps,  because
         the above is just a maildrop address for incoming mail).
I      - Weather permitting, the Salento DX Team will be IJ7/ (15, 20 and  40
         metres SSB & CW) from Isola  della Discesa (IIA LE-025) on 2  March.
         QSL via home call.
I      - Giovanni, IT9TZZ and Tino, IT9NGN will  be active (SSB and CW)  from
         30 May to 6 June from Stromboli Island (EU-017, IIA ME-016). QSL via
         home calls.
I      - Joe, IK4HLQ  will participate  in major  contests as  IU4Q. QSL  via
J2     - Dominique, F5RYC is active again as J28YC. QSL via F6EJI.
J5     - J52DW will be active from 24 to 30 March. QSL via LX2DW.
KP2    - KE2VB, K2ZJ and  K2ZL will participate  in the ARRL  DX SSB  Contest
         (1-2 March) as WP2Z from U.S. Virgin Islands (NA-106).
LA     - Trondheim student radio club station LA1K will activate LM1SKI  (all
         modes, all bands) from 20 February to 2 March during the Nordic  Ski
         World Championships 1997. QSL via LA1K  either via bureau or  direct
         (Akademisk Radioklubb  - LA1K,  Elgeseter  Gt 1,  N-7030  Trondheim,
PY     - Operations by  PY5AA and  PQ5L  from Mel  Island  (SA 047,  DIB  24)
         [425DXN 297] have been postponed to 17-22 April.
PY0_fer- W9VA was active as PY1ZFO/PY0F. QSL via W9VA.
S7     - Staffan, SM7DQW is active (SSB and CW) until 28 February as  S79DQW.
         QSL via SM7DQW,
SP     - The local Police Radio Club will celebrate the 1000 year anniversary
         of Gdansk from 1 to 31  March. Operations will  take place with  the
         special call 3Z2GD. QSL via SP2FOV.
ST0    - John, PA3CXC/ST0  [425DXN 301]  made 1200  QSOs.  QSL via  N4FN  (ex
V3     - John (W2NA), Vic (KI6IM) and Bill (WA9L) will be participate in  the
         ARRL DX SSB Contest (1-2 March) as V31DX. QSL via AA6BB.
VE     - N6VV will be /VE7 from Quadra Island (NA-091) from 18 to 21 July.
VE     - N6VV, K6XV,  W7DR,  VE7QCR, VE7EOP  and  VE7EDZ will  be  active  as
         N6VV/VE7 from Queen Charlotte Is (NA-051)  from 25 to 28 July.  They
         will participate in the IOTA Contest.
VE     - N6VV and W7DR will be active  as N6VV/VE7 from Green Island  (Dundas
         Is, NA-118) from 31 July to 2 August. Special emphasis will be given
         to Europe.
VP5    - Tom, W0GLG and his  wife Glenys will  be active (80,  40, 20 and  15
         metres SSB)  from  30  March  to 4  April  from  Grand  Turk  Island
VP9    - Jeff, AJ2U (ex  N2MZH) will be  active from Bermuda  Is (NA-005)  as
         AJ2U/VP9 from 27  February to 4  March. In will  participate in  the
         ARRL DX SSB Contest as VP9ID. QSL via N2KJM.
VU_ant - Prabhu, VU2AXA/P  is  currently  active  from  Indian  Bay  campsite
         (69.56S-11.54E) some 100 Km southeast of  the Maaitree base.He  will
         be looking for Europe on 14.260  MHz starting at 16  UTC to 18  UTC,
         for North/South America and others on  14.260 MHz from 22 UTC to  24
         UTC. Prabhu  is expected  to return  to India  on 4  March. QSL  via
W      - Herb, KE7PB  and John,  NL7TB will  be active  from 1730  UTC on  26
         February from Bradford  and Robins Islands  (Multnomah County,  OR),
         and Cascades and  Hamilton Islands  (Skamania County,  WA). QSL  via
         home calls.
XE     - The Radio Club  Satelite, XE1RCS will  participate in  the CQWW  160
         Meter SSB Contest (Multi/Single).
XT     - Ray, W4BYG  will  be in  Burkina  Faso from  18  to  25  (at  least)
         February. He will be active as  XT2AR on 20 metres SSB each  evening
         after 21 UTC. QSL via W4BYG.
ZF     - ZF2AU, ZF2LB, ZF2EP and  ZF2EB will be  active (160-10 metres)  from
         Little Cayman Island (NA-016) from 27 February to 4 March.  Callsign
         during the ARRL DX Contest will be ZF2FT. QSL via K5RV (ex N5OCD).
ZF     - John, NC8V will be active as either ZF2JC/ZF8 or ZF8JC from 20 to 27
ZK1_nc - Bruce, AA8U (ZK1AAU) is planning to  be active in  November  (CQ  CW
         Contest included) from Manihiki Atoll (OC-014). Bruce would like  to
         get information from amateur who operated from Manihiki in the  past
         (please e-mail him at aa8u@modempool.com).
S DX@WW $425WW303C
425 DX News #303 [3/5]
 22 February 1997                   No 303                    BID: $425WW303C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

GUANTANAMO BAY  ---> Jan,  K4QD has  just returned  from his  second trip  to
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba as KG4QD.  During his trips in October 1996 and February
1997 he made a total  of over 4500  QSOs (over 1200  QSOs were with  Europe).
Bill, KG4GC  and  Jan travelled  together;  they used  Bill's  call  for  the
September 1996  CQ WW  RTTY and  February 1997  WPX RTTY  contests (in  these
efforts they made over 2500 RTTY contacts and Bill made about 1000 additional

INSIDE DX ---> Art,  N2AU (editor) has  decided that issue  401 of Inside  DX
(published on 14 February)was the last one.

KUWAIT NATIONAL  AND LIBERATION  DAY  AWARD --->  To  mark the  National  and
Liberationd  Day  (25-26  February)  the  Kuwait  Amateur  Radio  Society  is
delighted to announce an international award for both licensed radio amateurs
and SWLs:
1) Contacts may be conducted on any amateur band any mode.
2) The contest will start at 00:00 GMT on 25th of February every year and end
at 23:59 GMT at the end of February.
3) There will be two call signs in use: 9K2RA/NLD and 9K2../NLD. 9K2RA is the
club call sign.
4) To qualify for the award the participant is required to secure at least  3
points. for any  Kuwaiti station signing  /NLD will  count for  1 point,  and
9K2RA/NLD will count for 2 points.
5) The participant must submit a certified  copy of the logbook along with  5
IRC or 3$.
6) There  is no  deadline for  the submitting  applications which  should  be
addressed to Kuwait Amateur Radio Society  (KARS), P.O.Box:5240 Safat,  13053

QSL 5R8FK --->  Ray Shankweiler, 5R8FK  routinely replies to  QSLs that  come
direct and that include return postage (no bureau in Madagascar). His address
is: Ray Shankweiler,  Box 620, Antananarivo  101, Madagascar, Africa  (please
note that his country is Madascar, *not* the Malagasy Republic).

QSL HH2WL ---> Larry, KF6CN still has the logs and cards for his activity  as
HH2WL (1983-1987).

QSL N7QXQ/HR6 --->  Bob, W7TSQ  has taken  on the  responsibility for  Gary's
(N7QXQ/HR6, NA-057) QSLs. Gary is just  about out of cards,  so more will  be
ordered when the next mailboat leaves for the States in about a week. Most of
those will be shipped to Bob. Gary will  send Bob all log entries through  31
March 97 which  Bob should have  in hand about  mid April. If  you have  sent
cards to his Gary's  address in Tampa  [425DXN 301], just  wait! If you  have
sent to  NA7X, now  a silent  key, please  send again  to  Bob for  a  direct
response (an SASE  or SAE plus  postage is required,  cards received  without
will be answered via bureau).

QSL KG4 ---> Jan, K4QD reports the  current QSL information  for some  active
KG4 stations from Guantanamo Bay:
* KG4QD via K4QD (ex WA4VQD): Jan Heise, 131 Sand Pine Road, Indialantic,  FL
32903, USA
* KG4GC  via  WT4K  (ex  KQ4GC):  Bill Gallier,  4094  Sandy  Run  Drive  E., 
Middleburg, FL 32068, USA
* KG4AU (Rusty Auxier) now via WT4K
* KG4AN (Guantanamo ARC club station) now via WT4K
* KG4ML via WB6VGI (CBA)
* KG4CQ via Tom Mann, PCS Box 1005, Box 30, FPO AE 09593-0130, USA
S DX@WW $425WW303D
425 DX News #303 [4/5]
 22 February 1997                   No 303                    BID: $425WW303D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

QSL T9DX  ---> Cards  were received  from the  printer  and Boris,  T93Y  was
expected to answer to direct requests in early February.

QSL XZ1N ---> Cards  are being printed  and mailing is  expected to start  in
early March.

QSL YI1WMS ---> Antonello is the  QSL manager for  YI1WMS (only for  contacts
made with European  stations, *Germany excluded*).  QSL cards  will be  ready
before the end of the month. Antonello is  the QSL manager also for IQ2W  and

QSL VIA UA6XGL  ---> Andy Gromov,  UA6XGL/3 is going  to close  the logs  for
R0L/UA6XGL (August 1991) and 4K0ADS (September  1991-February 1992). QSL  via
bureau to RZ3AZO  (attn UA6XGL) or  direct to Box  DX, Moscow, A-171,  125171
Russia. Bureau cards can also be requested at e-mail ua6xgl@aha.ru

THE GOLIST ---> For further  information on the  subscription rates for  "The
GOLIST, QSL Manager List", which is  now available monthly via the  Internet,
please contact WB4RRK  (John Shelton, P.O.  Box 3071, Paris,  TN 38242,  USA;
e-mail golist@iswt.com; WEB:<http://www.datawise.net/~prosoft/golist.htm>).

TX0K ---> Peter, ON6TT reports that during the last days of the Heard  Island
expedition, the  VK0IR  team  started planning  a  one  night  activity  from
Kerguelen. They packed one huge crate with 2 complete stations, one tent, two
generators,  antennas,  tables,  chairs  etc.,  but  bad  weather  conditions
prevented the crate from being put  ashore. The team was  allowed 2 hours  on
shore, and even if the gear could not be offloaded, they made just a  handful
of QSOs with ZS6SOA and 6O5DX as FT5XM (the call that had been issued instead
of the planned TX0K) from the commercial station on Kerguelen.

+ SILENT KEY +  It was with the greatest  sadness that we have learnt of  the
passing of  Ethel Smith,  K4LMB on  4 February.  She was  79 was  one of  the
founders of the Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL).

QSL riceived  via direct:  4M5LR (SA-035),  5X1T, 8P9HT,  9L1KA, CY0TP,  FK5M
(OC-218), J79XM, JY9QJ, KG4MN, PJ9JT, RF0Z (AS-095).
QSL received via WF5E - DX QSL Service: 9K2HN, AB5EA/p (NA-119), CY0AA,  H99I
(NA-203), DF5WA/HI8, KG6VI/6  (NA-144), LU6Z, N4VA/m  (US.I. MD-019R),  T93Y,
V5/DL5AWI, VU2PAI, WB8YJF/p (NA-062), XJ1CWI (NA-154).

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

IK8CJP, Brescia DX Group,Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group,  9K2HN,
OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG.

!       425 WWW Page --->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html      !
!                     INTERNET via  anonymous FTP at site:                  !
!  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  -  under the  /pub/ham/425news/english/  directory !
!             To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL:             !
!               http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/nph-425dxnews             !
!     or sending a message to:               majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it    !
!     writing in the body of the message:    subscribe 425dxnews  address   !
!          where  address  is the e-mail address of the subscriber          !
!             for example:  subscribe 425dxnews i1jqj.amsat.org             !
!                 * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *                    !
!                     TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751                       !
!                     DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613                       !
!                      SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422                      !
!                     ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306                       !
!                     CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921                       !
!               HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677                       !
!                      WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183                       !
!                      JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332                      !
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
S DX@WW $425WW303E
425 DX News #303 [5/5]
 22 February 1997                   No 303                    BID: $425WW303E
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  01/03      3B8/IK2GNW                                             300
till  ??         8J1RL: Antartica                                       294
till  24/02      8P * by AA1M, W1HL, W1USN, KA1IMD                      299
till  23/02      8Q7AF * by I8RIZ                                       299
till  08/03      9G5BQ * by PA3GBQ                                      297
till  10/03      A3 * by DK1CE, DL5UF, DF5WA                            303
till  20/05      C6AGN: Green Turtle Cay (NA-080) * by KM1E             299
till  27/02      C91CO * by 3DA0CA                                      301
till  ??         CE9OH: Antarctica                                      295
till  ??         CE9SAC: Antarctica                                     294
till  ??         CE9MFK: South Shetland                                 297
till  ??         CE9/CE7JOD: South Shetland                             294
till  ??         HF0POL: Antarctica                                     294
till  22/02      HP: Colon Isl. (NA-088) * by HP2CWB                    303
till  ??         IA0PS: Antarctica * by IK0AIH                          300
till  03/03      J75T * by DL3LAR, DL8OBQ, DL6LAU                       299
till  23/04      JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima                           301
till  ??         KC4AAA, AAC, AAD, AAF, USB: Antartica                  294
till  February   KC4/KL7RL, KC4/KC8CWI: Antarctica                      297
till  27/02      KG4ML                                                  301
till  02/03      LM1SKI & LM2SKI: special calls                         303
till  01/03      LU1ZI: South Shetland                                  299
till  ??         LU1ZS, LU8EYK/z: South Shetland                        297
till  ??         LU1ZV: Antarctica                                      294
till  ??         LZ0A: South Shetland                                   294
till  ??         OA0MP: South Shetland                                  295
till  04/03      P29VXX: Misima Isl. (OC-117) * by DL team              299
till  01/04      PZ5JC * by OZ2BJC                                      299
till  ??         R1ANT, ANZ: Antarctica                                 294
till  ??         R1ANW: Antarctica                                      295
till  28/02      S79DQW * by SM7DQW                                     303
till  24/02      VP5/K8JP                                               297
till  ??         VP8CPG: Antarctica                                     295
till  12/04      VU2AXA: Antarctica                                     294
till  25/02      XT2AR * by W4BYG                                       303
till  ??         ZL5ANT: Antarctica                                     299
till  13/03      ZL7ZB * by DJ4ZB                                       302
20/02-27/02      ZF8 * by ZF2JC                                         303
21/02-23/02      5K3SB * by The Liga Colombiana de Radioaficionados     302
21/02-23/02      CQ WW SSB 160 Mt.                                      ***
22/02-07/03      HP7/F5PAC: Arch. San Blas (NA-170)                     299
22/02-23/02      REF SSB Contest                                        ***
22/02-23/02      UBA CW Contest                                         ***
22/02-24/02      YL/OM CW Contest                                       ***
23/02-08/03      PJ8 * by ND5S, KF5LG, W8EB, KB8ZXO                     299
24/02-27/02      XX9TR: Taipa Isl. (AS-075) * by OH2BH, OH2PM, OH2YY    299
26/02-04/03      D4 * by 6W/F5OGL, 6W1QV                                303
26/02            K: OR & WA US.I. * by KE7PB & NL7TB                    303
27/02-04/03      8P9Z * by AA4NC & K4MA                                 299
27/02-04/03      VP9 * by AJ2U                                          303
27/02-04/03      ZF2FT * by ZF2UA, ZF2LB, ZF2EP, ZF2EB                  303
February-March   7Q7KH * by WF5A                                        297
01/03-02/03      FS * by EA3NY                                          303
01/03-02/03      FS: Tintamarre Isl. (NA-199) * by FS5PL                303
01/03-31/03      3Z2GD * special call                                   303
01/03-02/03      V31DX * by W2NA, KI6IM, WA9L                           303
01/03-02/03      WP2Z * by KE2VB, K2ZJ, K2ZL                            303
01/03-02/03      ARRL International DX SSB Contest                      ***
02/03            IJ7: Duscesa Isl. (IAI LE-025) * by Salento DX Team    303
03/03-13/03      3A/DJ7RJ                                               303
03/03-30/05      4S7BRG * by HB9BRM                                     301
07/03-10/03      8B8WI: Tukangbesi Is. (OC-???) * by YB0RX's team       299
07/03-27/03      8Q7BV & 8Q7BE * by HB9DIF & DL8NBE                     297
09/03            HP: NA-202 * by HP2CWB, HP2DFU, HP2CTM                 303
10/03-16/03      9A: EU-136 * by IK3SSJ                                 303
14/03-22/03      HS9AL: Terutao Isl. (AS-???) * by I & HS team          301
15/03-20/03      FR/IK2GNW                                              300
15/03-17/03      VK: Stradbroke Isl. (OC-137) * by KB5GL's team         299
15/03-16/03      BARTG WW RTTY Contest                                  ***
15/03-16/03      Russian DX Contest                                     ***
24/03-30/30      J52DW * by LX2DW                                       303
29/03-30/03      CQ WW WPX SSB Contest                                  ***
30/03-04/04      VP5 * by W0GLG                                         303
early March      EM1HO: Antarctica * by UX2HO                           301
March            S2: Kutubdia Isl. (AS-???) * by S21AM, I1SLY, IK1FLF   301