S DX@WW $425WW302A 425 DX News #302 [1/5] 15 February 1997 No 302 BID: $425WW302A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ IK1ADH - IK1GPG /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 7Q - 7Q7EH is active on 15 and 20 metres RTTY. QSL via AA9HD 9N - 9N1RHM is active on CW and RTTY. QSL via KV5V 9Q - Frank, 9Q5PA will be active for 15 months. QSL direct to Frank Patris, c/o American Embassy Kinshasa, Unit 31550, APO 09828, USA C6 - Dick, N4RP will be active on CW from NA-048 as C6A/N4RP until 17 February. He will participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest. QSL via home call. GU - Mathieu, F5SHQ is QRV as MU0ASP from Guernsey (EU-114). QSL via F5SHQ. HK - The Liga Colombiana de Radioaficionados will participate in the forthcoming CQ WW SSB 160 Meter Contest (21-23 February) with the special callsign 5K3SB. QSL via HK3DDD. HV - Francesco, IK0FVC and Maurizio, I0HCJ will participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest (15-16 February) from HV4NAC on 40 metres. QSL via IK0FVC (Francesco Valsecchi, Via Bitossi 21, 00136 Roma-RM, Italy). KH9 - KC7FWZ/KH9 is currently active from Wake Island (OC-053). OD - Norby, LX1NO/LX9EG will be visiting Lebanon between 13 and 16 February. He might be active (20 and 15 metres) either as LX1NO/OD5 or OD5PN (the latter being the call of Jamil, his host). QSL via home call. OX - OX3RO is active on 20 metres RTTY. QSL direct to Bendt Lothsen, P.O.Box 1416, Nuuk 3900, Greenland. P4 - P40W will be active during the ARRL DX CW Contest (Single-OP/High Power/All Band). PJ2 - Jack, W1WEF and John, W1BIH, will participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest as PJ9C from Curacao (SA-006). Before and after the contest they will be QRV as PJ9/W1WEF (QSL via home call). QSL for PJ9C is via K1CPJ. PY0_sp - ZY0SK and ZY0SG [425DXN 299] went QRT on 14 February at 10:15 UTC after some 10,000 QSOs. Operations from St.Peter and St.Paul Rocks (SA-014) had initial problems with RF feedback between the two stations (these problems prevented them from being active on RTTY). Karl and Tino were not able to operate between 12 UTC and 18 UTC because of the extremely high temperatures. S2 - Hannes, Joerg and Dietmar started their operation as S21XX [425DXN 300]. Problems with the generator were fixed after the first two days. They have made some 10,000 QSOs so far (300 RTTY, 300 SSB, all others on CW). On 160 metres 700 QSOs have been made with Europe & Asia and 23 with North America; QSOs made on 80 and 40 metres are 2200 (145 with North America) and 2500 (245 with North America ) respectively. Dietmar and Joerg were expected to leave on Friday 14; Hannes (S21XZ) will be active until 18 February. V4 - Alex, W2OX is currently active as V47KP from St. Kitts (NA-104). He will participate in the ARRL DX CW and SSB Contests and in the CQ SSB 160 Meter Contest. QSL via K2SB. W - Pete, W2WI will be operating from Long Beach Island (IOTA NA-111, USI NJ001S) from 12 to 16 february. W - Herb, KE7PB and John, NL7TB will activate Bradford, Robins (both Multnomah County, OR), Cascades and Hamilton (both Skamania County, WA) Islands on 26 February starting 17.30 UTC. QSL via home calls. ZC6_GAZA Ray, 9M2OM (ex-9M2/G3NOM) reports that a small group of Japanese operators (Yoshi, JA1UT; Jiro, JA3UB; Teru, JA3TXZ), who are members of the recently formed IARV (International Amateur Radio Volunteers), will be setting off for Palestine on 11 February. Their mission will primarily be Phase 2 of a humanitarian aid project started last June in the Gaza Strip. Due to the above commitments there is only a 50/50 chance of operation this time. There is the possibility of an operation from the Gaza Strip (Palestine) from 12 to 14 February: Yoshi, Jiro and Teru hope to assist Palestine National operators to activate ZC6MPT from the HQ of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications in Gaza City (operation is likely to be confined to 20 metres SSB around 14.190 MHz). This will be followed by a visit to the West Bank from 14 to 16 February, possibly using own call/ZC6 call-signs. QSL via JA1UT. ZL7 - Lothar, DJ4ZB is currently active (on SSB, all bands) from Chatham Islands (OC-038) as ZL7ZB. QSL via home call. /EX S DX@WW $425WW302B 425 DX News #302 [2/5] 15 February 1997 No 302 BID: $425WW302B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== LIGHTHOUSE OF SPAIN [1/3] FEA LIGHTHOUSE PR ============================================== D-1452 Cabo Higuer SS D-1456 Faro De La Plata SS D-1472 Punta Teodoro Arroca SS D-1482 Isla De Santa Clara SS D-1483 Igueldo SS D-1489 Isla De San Anton SS D-1493 Atalaya Baja SS D-1498 Extremo Rompeolas Ondarroa BI D-1499 Extremo Malecon Ondarroa BI D-1502 Cabo De Santa Catalina BI D-1520 Cabo Machichaco BI D-1522 Cabo Villano BI D-1524 Punta Galea BI D-1525 Extremo Contramuelle Algorta BI D-1526 Luz Direccion Puerto Bilbao BI D-1526.4 Extremo Dique Punta Lucero BI D-1527 Extremo Dique de Santurce BI D-1536 Castillo De Santa Ana S D-1537 Extremo Rompeolas Norte S D-1542 Punta Del Pescador S D-1544 Punta Del Caballo S D-1546.1 Puente Argo�os S D-1552 Cabo Ajo S D-1554 Isla Mouro S D-1556 La Cerda S D-1557 Pena Horadada S D-1560 Cabo Mayor S D-1562 Punta Torco De Afuera S D-1574 Punta Silla S D-1580 Punta De San Emeterio O D-1582 Punta De San Anton O D-1586 Somos O D-1589 Extremo Dique De Lastres O D-1592 Faro De Tazones O D-1596 Cabo De Torres O D-1614 Faro De Candas O D-1628 Cabo Pe�as O D-1630 Faro De Aviles O D-1634 Angulo De Dique Del Oeste O D-1640 Punta Rebollera O D-1641 Cabo Vidio O D-1642 Cabo Busto O D-1646 Punta Atalaya O Blanca O D-1652 Punta Lama O D-1657 Cabo San Agustin O D-1658 Isla Tapia O D-1660 Isla Pancha LU D-1668 Bajo de Rapadoira LU D-1673 Piedra Burela LU D-1676 Punta Atalaya LU D-1678.8 Punta Roncadoira LU D-1686 Punta Estaca De Bares C D-1686.3 Cabo Ortegal C D-1687 Punta Candelaria C D-1688 Punta Promontorio C D-1692 Cabo Prior C D-1694 Cabo Priori�o Chico C D-1697 Castillo De La Palma C D-1701 Escollo Pulgueira C D-1704 Torre De Hercules C D-1706 Punta Mera C D-1716 Castillo De San Anton C D-1728 Islas Sisargas C D-1730 Punta Del Roncudo C D-1732 Punta Lage C D-1736 Cabo Villano C D-1737 Punta De La Barca C D-1740 Cabo Tori�ana C D-1742 Cabo Finisterre C D-1756 Islote Lobeira Grande C D-1760 Cabo Cee C D-1782 Punta Insua C D-1784 Monte Louro C D-1786 Cabo Reburdino C D-1794 Cabo Corrubedo C D-1796 Isla Salvora C D-1818 Isla Rua C D-1826 Punta Caballo PO D-1842 Extremo Del Muelle De Carril PO D-1846 Isla Ons PO D-1860 Isla Tambo PO D-1873 Punta Couso PO D-1874 Cabo Del Home PO D-1882 Punta Monteagudo PO D-1884 Monte Faro PO D-1886 Punta Canabal PO D-1888 Cabo Vicos PO D-1891 Punta Lameda PO D-1904 La Guia PO D-1916 Cabo Silleiro PO /EX S DX@WW $425WW302C 425 DX News #302 [3/5] 15 February 1997 No 302 BID: $425WW302C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== LIGHTHOUSE OF SPAIN [2/3] FEA LIGHTHOUSE PR ============================================== D-2312 Rompido De Cartaya H D-2320 Picacho H D-2321 Extremo Dique Contencion Arena H D-2345 La Higuera H D-2346 De Bonanza CA D-2351 Punta Del Perro CA D-2355.2 De Rota CA D-2359.1 Posterior CA D-2362 Castillo De San Sebastian CA D-2388 Castillo De Sancti Petri CA D-2405 Cabo Roche CA D-2406 Cabo Trafalgar CA D-2408 De Barbate CA D-2412 Punta Paloma CA D-2414 Isla De Tarifa CA D-2420 Punta Carnero CA D-2424 Extremo Del Dique Norte CA D-2434 Pantalan Centro CA D-2482 Punta Almina CE D-2484 Extremo Del Dique De Levante CE D-2486 Extremo Del Dique De Poniente CE D-2772 Punta Delgada GC D-2782 Punta Pechiguera GC D-2786 Punta Marti�o GC D-2790 Punta Jandia GC D-2791 Islote Barlovento GC D-2792 Punta Toston GC D-2794 Extremo del Dique Muelle GC D-2795 Punta Lantailla (La Entallada) GC D-2798 De La Isleta GC D-2799.6 Extremo Del Dique Reina Sofia GC D-2812 Punta Arinaga GC D-2814 Maspalomas GC D-2816 Punta Sardina GC D-2820 De Anaga TF D-2828 Punta Abona TF D-2830 Punta Rasca TF D-2832 Punta Teno TF D-2836 Punta Orchilla TF D-2842 San Cristobal TF D-2846 Punta Cumplida TF D-2850 Punta Fuencaliente TF D-2851 Punta Del Moro TF D-2854 Punta Gorda TF E-0020 Punta De La Doncella MA E-0056 De Marbella MA E-0058 Punta Calaburras MA E-0060.4 Extremo SuroEste Dique Sur MA E-0062 Del Arranque Del Dique Este MA E-0072 Torre Del Mar o Velez MA E-0074 Punta De Torrox MA E-0077 Extremo Del Dique Poniente GR E-0080 Cabo Sacratif GR E-0081 Castell De Ferro GR E-0082 La Herradura GR E-0086 Isla De Alboran AL E-0088 Faro De Adra AL E-0090 Punta Sabinar AL E-0092 Extremo Del Dique Sur AL E-0092.4 Extremo Del Dique Norte AL E-0093 Castillo De San Telmo AL E-0106 Cabo De Gata AL E-0107 Punta De La Polacra AL E-0108 Mesa De Roldan AL E-0110 De Garruchia AL E-0114 Punta Negra MU E-0120 De Mazarron MU E-0124 Cabo Ti�oso MU E-0126 Islote Escombreras MU E-0128 Extremo Del Dique De Navidad MU E-0130 Dique De La Curra MU E-0134 Punta De La Chapa MU E-0136 Cabo De Palos MU E-0138 Hormiga Grande MU E-0140 El Estacio MU E-0141.5 Extremo Del Dique Levante MU /EX S DX@WW $425WW302D 425 DX News #302 [4/5] 15 February 1997 No 302 BID: $425WW302D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== LIGHTHOUSE OF SPAIN [3/3] FEA LIGHTHOUSE PR ============================================== E-0146 Extremo Del Dique Levante A E-0147 Guardamar Del Segura A E-0148 Faro De Tabarca A E-0152 Cabo Santa Pola (Torre Talayola) A E-0158 Extremo Dique Abrigo De Levante A E-0166 Cabo De La Huerta A E-0172 Islote De Benidorm A E-0173.6 Punta Del Albir A E-0176 Cabo De La Nao A E-0180 Cabo De San Antonio A E-0194 Extremo Del Dique Norte V E-0198 Cabo Cullera V E-0200 Faro De Valencia V E-0216 Cabo Canet V E-0218 Faro De Nules CS E-0222 Monte Colibri CS E-0226 Extremo Del Dique De Levante CS E-0230 Cabo Oropesa CS E-0232 Castillo Del Papa Luna CS E-0233 Cabo Irta CS E-0234 De Peniscola CS E-0244 Extremo Del Dique Levante CS E-0250 Faro De Formentera PM E-0251 Cabo Berberia PM E-0252 Cabo Sabina PM E-0254 Los Los Puercos o Pou PM E-0256 Isla Espardell PM E-0260 Isla Ahorcados PM E-0264 Islote Botafoch PM E-0268 Isla Tagomago PM E-0270 Punta Moscarte PM E-0274 Isla Conejera PM E-0276 Islote Bleda Plana PM E-0278 Islote Vedra PM E-0282 Cabo Llebeitx PM E-0284 Cabo Tramontana PM E-0288 Punta De Sa Creu PM E-0289 Cabo Gros PM E-0296 Cabo Formentor PM E-0298 Punta De La Avanzada PM E-0304 Isla Aucanada PM E-0308 Cabo De Pera PM E-0310 Punta Ses Crestas o Farola PM E-0312.6 Torre D'en Beu PM E-0314 Punta Salinas PM E-0316 Cabo Blanco PM E-0318 Extremo Dique Oeste De Palma PM E-0318.8 Faro De Porto Pi PM E-0322 Extremo SW Dique Este Palma PM E-0330 Punta Cala Figuera PM E-0332 Islote El Toro PM E-0334 Cabo De La Mola PM E-0338 Punta Anciola PM E-0340 Isla Horadada PM E-0342 Cabo D'artrutx PM E-0344 Punta De Sa Farola PM E-0348 Cabo Nati PM E-0350 Cabo Caballeria PM E-0352 Cabo Favaritx PM E-0354 Punta De San Carlos PM E-0355 Punta Del Espero PM E-0366 Isla Del Aire PM E-0370 Punta De La Ba�a T E-0373 Punta Senieta T E-0377 Cabo Tortosa T E-0380 El Fangal T E-0386 Cabo Salou T E-0387 Extremo Del Dique Levante T E-0387.1 De La Banya T E-0396 San Cristobal B E-0398 Al Norte Desem. Rio Llobregat B E-0400 Montjuic B E-0401 Extremo Del Dique Del Este B E-0448 Calella B E-0453 Cabo Tossa GI E-0462 Punta Del Molino GI E-0467 Formiga Gran GI E-0470 Cabo San Sebastian GI E-0472 Islas Medas GI E-0476 Punta La Bateria o Blancals GI E-0484 De Cala Nans GI E-0486 Cap De Creus GI E-0488 Punta S'Arnella GI E-6752 Faro De La Isla Congreso ML E-6754 Faro De Chafarinas ML E-6758 Faro Al Noreste De Melilla ML E-6762 Extremo Del Dique Noreste ML E-6768 Extremo Del Cargadero De Mineral ML /EX S DX@WW $425WW302E 425 DX News #302 [5/5] 15 February 1997 No 302 BID: $425WW302E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== ************************* ***************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************* IOTA REF.NOS. CONFIRMED ---> The following new IOTA Reference Numbers have been confirmed (cards now submitted will be accepted by Checkpoints): OC-217 YB3 Kangean Is (Indonesia) OC-218 FK Matthew Island (New Caledonia) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================= *** Q S L I N F O *** ========================= 9A2WJ Milan Drlic, A.Jaksica 11/1, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia DL2GAC Bernard Stefan, Moeggenweiler Str.18, D-88677, Markdorf, Germany F5JKK Eric Jauch, 8b, Le Norvais, F-56250 Monterblanc, France G4ZVJ Andy Chadwick, 5 Thorpe Chase, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 1UA, UK HB9BRM Mario Primavesi, Falkensteinerstr 5, CH-4710 Balsthal, Switzerland HB9CYN Martin Ghermi, Wyden 5, CH-5242 Birr, Switzerland HP2CWB Jose' NG, Direct Distribution LTD, PTY-201, P.O.Box 02-5275, Miami, FL-33102-5275, U.S.A. HR6/N7QXQ Gareth Kimball, Oak Bay Resort. c/o Jackson Shipping Co., 5353 W Tyson Ave., Tampa, FL-33611, U.S.A. JA6NL P.O.Box 1679, Truk Lagun, Micronesia JA6VZB Toshiyuki Moriyama, Civil Eng., Kyushu Univ.,Hakozaki Higashi-ku, Fukuoka-city, 812-81 Japan JA8CJY Susumu Sanada, 5-4 Shin-ei, Toyohira, Sapporo 004, Japan KX9X Sean Kutzko, 2614 Greenleaf Blvd., Elkhart, IN-46514, U.S.A. N0JT John B.Trampler, 5994 N Farm Rd 171, Springfield, MO-65803, U.S.A. NM9H Matt Kolb, 1301 S. Second St., Gillespie, IL-62033, U.S.A. PA3CXC John Fung-Loy, Strausslaan 4, NL-2551 Den Haag NM, Netherlands PT7AA P.Andrade, Rua Osorio de Paiva 75, Fortaleza CE, 60720-000, Brazil PS7KM Kari M.Leite, Rua Estacio de Sa 1838, 59054-580 Natal RN, Brazil SM0CMH Goran Lundell, Elgovagen 11, S-13336 Saltsjobaden, Sweden VE1CBK Wayne E.King, 63 Brook St, Lake Fletcher, NS, B2T 1A5, Canada VK6APH Phil Harman, 45 Ventnor St, Scarborough, W. Australia 6019 XE1BEF Espinoza Miguel, Martinez De Chicago No.981, Col.Infonavit, Mexico XT2HB Hugolin, Dep.01, P.O.Box 6397, Ougadougou, Burkina Faso XX9KC P.O.Box 58, Macau YU4WU Robert Babec, P.O.Box 224, 78001 Banja Luka, R.S., Yugoslavia ZD7YL P.O.Box 12,St.Helena Island,Sauth Atlantic Ocean. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, IK1HSR, IK1QFM, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, IK8VRH, IK0FVC, Brescia DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, 9M2OM, BV/N0IAT, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DF4RD, DJ5AV, DL7VOA, DL9GOA, EA5KB, F6AJA, G3KMA, G4BUE, JI6KVR, K7BV, NL7TB, PS7AB, PS7KM, VE7CC, W2WI, W3FG, WD8MGQ, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY DX. ***************************************************************************** /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! 425 WWW Page ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ! ! INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: ! ! www-dx.deis.unibo.it - under the /pub/ham/425news/english/ directory ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! If you wish to subscribe to the 425DXNEWS mailing list the address is ! ! http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/nph-425dxnews ! ! If your access to the Internet is restricted to email only, send mail to ! ! 425dxnews-request@pc.fr.flashnet.it ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * ! ! TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 ! ! DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 ! ! SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ! ! ARRL HQ BBS USA : 860-594-0306 ! ! CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 ! ! HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 ! ! WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 ! ! JUNGLE BBS NZ : +64-3-524-8332 ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang /EX