DX425 bulletin issue nr. 300

S DX@WW $425WW300A
425 DX News #300 [1/4]
 1 February 1997                   No 300                    BID: $425WW300A 
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                                  Edited by
                               I1JQJ  & IK1GPG
                                Translated by

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@fileita.it - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)             !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

VK0IR ---> The  1997 Heard Island DXpedition went QRT on 27 January  at 11:55
UTC, when  VK0IR logged  their last QSO on  20 meter  with ON4UN.  A total of
80673 QSOs have been logged:

  Mode   SAT    10    12    15    17    20    30    40    80   160 Total
    CW   144   110   574  5362  5149 11977  7111 11079  2789  1241 45536
   SSB   490   118   174  4456  4542 16318     0  4479  2504     0 33081
  RTTY     0     0     0     0     0  2056     0     0     0     0  2056
 Total   634   228   748  9818  9691 30351  7111 15558  5293  1241 80673

There were made 14941 QSOs with Japan  (CW 8991, SSB 5473,  RTTY 477);  35846
with Europe (CW 21358, SSB 13756, RTTY 732); 14532 with Eastern North America
(CW 7555, SSB 6601, RTTY 376); 5837 with Central North  America (CW 3050, SSB
2537,  RTTY 250); 4157  with Western  North America (CW 2367,  SSB 1668, RTTY
122); 713 with Australia and  New Zealand (CW 253,  SSB 447, RTTY  13);  4647
with the rest of the world (CW 1962, SSB 2599, RTTY 86).

    ***                       ON THEIR SUPERB JOB                    ***

3B8    - From 20 February to 1 March Adriano, IK2GNW will be active  (SSB, CW
         and RTTY) from Mauritius Island (AF-049) as 3B8/IK2GNW. He will con-
         centrate on 80 and 160 metres.
8P9    - From 4 to 1  February Steve, K2WE (ex-NI2C) will be active from Bar-
         bados with a call to be got upon arrival. Operations will take place
         on 10-160 metresi, WARC band included, SSB & CW. QSL via home call.
CE     - Ismael, CE7AOY is  reported to be /8 from 7 to 10 February from Wel-
         lington Island (SA-032).
CY0    - Wayne, VE1CBK was expected  to be active from Sable Island as CY0SAB
         from 27-31 January, but, due to an unforeseen  technical problem, he
         was reported being unable to be QRV until 29 January at the earliest
         Wayne planned to be  active on HF,  concentrating on 160,  80 and 40
         metres before and after his normal work day (12 UTC-20 UTC). QSL via
         home call (Wayne E King, 63 Brook St, Lake Fletcher, NS, B2T 1A5 Ca-
ER_ant - Operator Pavel is reported to  be active in  February as EM1HU  from
         Ukraine Antarctic  base Vernadsky  (WABA UR-01)  on Galindez  Island
         (AN-006). QSL via I2PJA.
FR     - From 15 to 20 March Adriano IK2GNW will be active (SSB, CW and RTTY)
         from Reunion Island (AF-016) as FR/IK2GNW. He will concentrate on 80
         and 160 metres.
HP     - From  8 to 11 February Jose (HP2CWB) and Francisco (HP1DON)  will be
         active  (SSB only)  from  Cayos  Holandeses,  San  Blas  Archipelago
         (NA-170). Calls that might be used are 3E0S, 3F0S, H30S, H80S, H90S,
         HO0S and  HP170SB.  QSL via HP2CWB (Jose Ng Lee, Direct Distribution
         LTD., PTY-201, P.O.Box  02-5275, Miami,  FL 33102-5275,  USA. Please
         note that this is just a  maildrop address:  cards will  be actually
         mailed from Panama, so that do not send SASEs with US stamps).
I_ant  - Filippo, IK0AIH is active  as IA0PS from  Italian Antarctic  base at
         Terranova Bay (WABA I-01) on Pennell Coast.
KC4_ant- Greg, WB7CHV, who  is  currently  active as  KC4AAC [425DXN 294]  at
         Palmer Station (WABA K-10)  on Anvers Island (AN-012),  will looking
         for European  stations  on  2 February  at 16,  17,  and  18 UTC  on
         14.270 MHz +/- QRM.  They have replaced  the old triband  ant with a
         new 3 element  monobander for 20  metres and added  a new  amplifier
         with booming signals.
OH0    - OH1NX, OH1NYP,  OH1TX and OH2BH will be active from Aland islands as
         OH0NYP on 160 metres until 2 February.
S2     - Operations by DL3NEO, DL3DXX and DL8WPX [425DXN 299] will take place
         with the  call S21XX  on all bands  (with  special  emphasis  on low
         bands) mostly on CW. DL3DXX and DL8WPX will be staying in Bangladesh
         until 14 February (after leaving S2 they will join DK7YY  and DL7UFN
         for the planned activity from OC-117,  425DXN 297]. DL3NEO will stay
         in Dhaka until 17 February. The group has been issued also the calls
         S21XZ and S21XY. QSL DL3NEO.
S7     - From 12 to 19 February Adriano, IK2GNW will be  active (SSB,  CW and
         RTTY) from Mahe,  Seychelles ( AF-024) as S79GN. He will concentrate
         on 80 and 160 metres. Adriano might be  active for 2 or  3 days from
         Desroches Island (AF-033) as well.
V8     - Hiro, JA1WTR  (ex-TA2ZY, VU2WRT  and XW8AK)  is active  as V85HY  on
         15-80 metres CW. QSL via JA1WTR.
VE     - The Blue Mountain Amateur  Radio Club will operate  a special  event
         station  (on 20, 40 and  80 metres) under the club call (VA3BMR) du-
         ring the running of the 1997  Special Olympics World Winter Games at
         Collingwwod from 1 to 8 February. Special  full color QSL cards have
         been  printed for  this occasion and will be distributed to contacts
         through the QSL bureau.
S DX@WW $425WW300B
425 DX News #300 [2/4]
 1 February 1997                   No 300                    BID: $425WW300B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *  Q S L   I N F O  [1/2] *

3W5FM    P.O.Box 66, Vladimir 600011, Russia
4K70DWZ  P.O.Box 116, Ktoprak 81031, Azerbaijan
5B4AAI   Nicholas Kyriakides, P.O.Box 696, 6306 Larnaca, Cyprus
5H3CC    "Baba" Camillo Calliari, P.O.Box 30, Njombe, Tanzania
5R8FK    Ray Shankweiler, P.O.Box 620, 101 Antananarivo, Madagascar
5Z4FM    Jim, P.O.Box 34168, Nairobi, Kenya
8P9BM    Alan Slusher, 32 Welches Heights, St. Thomas Parish, Barbados
9K2HN    Hamad J.Al-Nusif, P.O.Box 29174, 13152 Safat, Kuwait
BA4TB    P.O.Box 219, Wuxi, Shanghai, China
BY4SZ    A.R.S. of Suzhou RSA, P.O.Box 51, Suzhou, China
C31YA    Miguel Bautista Carmona, Carrer l'Alzinaret 9 2-2, Andorra la Vella,
C31ZK    Josep Navarro Yelamos, Carer de l'Aigueta 18 2-2, Andorra la Vella,
CE3CE    P.O.Box 12052, 11300 Montevideo, Uruguay
DK7PE    Rudolf Klos, Im Kirschgarten 17, D-55263 Wackernheim, Germany
DL2HBX   Ulrich Ann, Marienstr. 20a, D-38104 Braunschweig, Germany
DS1AFL   Gun Kim, 10-711 Samik-Apt, Seocho-dong, Seoul 137-074, Korea
DU1KK    Richard C.Kwiatkowski, American Embassy IM, APO, AP-96440, U.S.A.
E22AAA   P.O.Box 1, Bangkok, 10900 Thailand
EK6GC    Robert Grigoryan, P.O.Box 25, Charentsavan, Armenia
ERAC     Egypt Radio Amateur Club, P.O.Box 78, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt
EY8MM    Nordir N.Tursoon-Zadeh, P.O.Box 303, Dushanbe 734001, Tajikistan
F5GTW    Claude Touyeras, 23 rue des Chardonnerets, 86130 Jaunay-Clan, France
F5RRH    Rene Allegre, 56 Leconte, Dlisle-BDN, 97411 Saint Paul, Reunion Is.
F5RQQ    Jean Marc Vigier, 4 impasse des lys,63800 Cournon d'Auvergne, France
FO5OP    Georges Couderc, P.O.Box 887, Raiatea, French Polynesia
GM4AGL   Bill Fergusson, 72 High Park Sail, Erskine, Renfrewshire, PA8 7HX,
HA8FW    Bela Mihaly, Csongradi sgt. 122/A. 4/9., H-6724 Szeged, Hungary
HB9CRV   Hermann Stein, Bruelmatten 13, CH 4410 Liestal, Switzerland
HB9CYV   Cristian Zeller, Jaegerstr. 19, CH-8200, Schaffhausen, Switzerland
HL1IWD   Sung Ki Lee, 572-278, Sung San-dong, Mapo-ku, Seul 121-250, Korea
HS8AS    Southern Thailand DX Group, P.O.Box 8, Phuket 83150, Thailand
IK0FVC   Francesco Valsecchi, Via Bitossi 21, I-00136 Roma, Italy
JT1BH    S.Surenjav, P.O.Box 125, Ulan Bator 13, Mongolia
JT1CD    N.Khosbayar, P.O.Box 94, Ulan Bator 28, Mongolia
JT1KAA   HQ Station of the MRSF, P.O.Box 639, Ulan Bator 13, Mongolia
JT1T     HQ Station of the MRSF, P.O.Box 639, Ulan Bator 13, Mongolia
JX7DFA   Einar Dahlen, N-8099 Jan Mayen, Norway
LA7JO    Stig A.Lindblom, P.O.Box 827, N-7001 Trondheim, Norway
K7AR     Alan Rovner, 18809 NE 21st Street, Vancouver, WA-98684, U.S.A.
KH6AT    Bryce A.Carr., 65 Kaulana Street, Hilo, HI-96720, Hawaii, U.S.A.
N7JW     James Wilson, 3301 Deseret Drive, St. George, UT-84790, U.S.A.
OY9JD    John I.Dan, P.O.Box 2028, FR-165 Argir, Faroe Island
OX3XO    Stig Kristiansen, Blokland 56 1 tv., DK-2620 Albertslund, Denmark
SM0CMH   Goran Lundell, Elgovagen 11, S-133 36 Saltsjobaden, Sweden
SU1ER    Ezzat Sayed Ramadan, P.O.Box 78, Heliopolis, Cairo 11341, Egypt
SU1MT    Mohamed Soheil Tartousieh, P.O.Box 1616, Alexandria, Egypt
SU1SK    Said Kamel, P.O.Box 62, Shobra Al-Khima, Cairo 13411, Egypt
SU3YM    Yasser, P.O.Box 545, Port Said, Egypt
TD9IGI   Germano, P.O.Box 1690, Guatemala City, Guatemala
TF3DX    Villi, Silungakvisl 10, IS-110 Reykjavik, Iceland
TI2CF    Carlos M.Fonseca, P.O.Box 4300, San Jose 1000, Costa Rica
UN7FW    Vadim Mikhin, UL. Lenina 47-27, Ekibastuz 638710, Kazakhstan
V31BB    Bob, P.O.Box 3132, Belize City, Belize
V31FA    Alan Slusher, 32 Welches Heights, St. Thomas Parish, Barbados
V85HY    Hiro Yamada, c/o Japanese Embassy, No 1 & 3, Jawatan Dalam,
         Kampong Mabohai, Brunei
VE3ICR   Glenn Wyant, 74 Highland Ave, St. Catharines, Ontario, L2R-4J1,
VE8RCS   Polar  ARC, c/o CFS  Alert, P.O.Box 5210, Stn. Forces, Belleville,
         Ontario, K8N 5W6, Canada
VK6APH   Phil Harman, 45 Ventnor St. Scarborough, W.Australia 6019, Australia
VO2WL    Hams of Western Labrador, P.O.Box 107, Labrador City NF, A2V 2K3,
VQ9ZZ    Diego Garcia ARC, Jim Pfister, P.O.Box 15, US Navy Support Center
         FPO, AP-96464-0016, Chagos Archipelago
VS6BG    Brett Graham, P.O.Box 12727, Honk Kong
VU2MTT   Prasad Rajagopal, P.O.Box 23, Mangalore 575001, India
VU2PAI   Ananth Pai, Bharath Beedi Works, P.O.Box 730, Mangalore 575003,India
YB5NOF   John Daluas, P.O.Box 1205, Palu 94001, Indonesia
YI1FLY   Azahr, P.O.Box 55072, Baghdad, Iraq
ZB2EO    John J. Bautista, P.O.Box 534, Gibraltar
ZS6MG    Vladimir Karamitrov, P.O. Box 1788, Bramley 2018, South Africa
S DX@WW $425WW300C
425 DX News #300 [3/4]
 1 February 1997                   No 300                    BID: $425WW300C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *  Q S L   I N F O  [2/2] *

CALL        MGR     CALL       MGR     CALL       MGR     CALL       MGR    
3E1DX       KU9C    C6AHF      N6RA    IL3/IK2RZG IK2XDE  PJ8/ND5S   ND5S   
3G1X        CE1IDM  C94AI      CT1CKP  IL3/IK2XDE IK2XDE  PJ8/W8EB   W8EB   
3X1SG       ON6BV   CE3F       LU8DPM  IL3/IK2XDF IK2XDE  PJ8N       N7RT   
4A1FEC      XE1BEF  CE7AOY     CE7ZK   IU9AF      IT9AF   PJ8RT      N7RT   
4K0CW       DL6KVA  CG1ZZ      VE1ZZ   J28JY      F6BFH   PY0FF      W9VA   
4K8F        UA9AB   CI3AT      VE3AT   J45DZX     SM0CMH  R1ANZ      UW1ZC  
4L1UN       RW6HS   CK7U       VE7UBC  J45M       SV5BYR  RA0FF      KL7H/W6
4L5A        IK3HHX  CO2JD      HI3JH   J45T       SV5TH   RA2FBC     DJ1OJ  
4M5X        W4SO    CO2MA      HI3JH   J48Y       SV1BKN  RN3QO      N2UCK  
4O4D        YU4FDE  CO3ZD      CT1ESO  J52AK      IV3TIQ  RN4W       RW4WR  
4U1UN       WB8LFO  CO4/CO2MA  CO2MA   J68AD      YT1AD   RQ4L       UA4LCQ 
4V2A        9A2AJ   CO6DE      CM6DE   J6DX       N9AG    RW2F       DK4VW  
4X/G0PWW    W3TB    CQ8UW      WA3HUP  J75T       DL6LAU  RX9FM      W3HNK  
4X/OK1JR    OK1AJN  CT3FN      HB9CRV  J87GU      DL7VOG  S79JD      F6AJA  
5A1A/OE2GRP OE2GRP  CT9U       DL2HYH  J88AQ      W2MIG   S79NK      DJ8NK  
5H3CC       IN3ATM  CV5A       CX7BL   JD1BFQ     JE4LWQ  SU0ERA     SU1ER  
5H3OH       OH2BAA  CX6VM      W3HNK   JT1T       JT1KAA  SV5/K7AR   K7AR   
5N0MVE      ON7LX   CX8DX      CE3CE   JW5NM      LA5NM   T32LZ      N7YL   
5N3/SP5XAR  SP5CPR  CX9AU      KA5TUF  JX7DFA     LA5DFA  T94GB      S52CX  
5R8FH       I1PIN   CY1COP     VO1COP  JY8B       DL5MBY  TA4ZPA     DL3LAE 
5W0NW       ZS6NW   D25L       PA3DMH  KC6VW      JA6VZB  TE1C       TI2CF  
5X1T        ON5NT   EA8BRR     EC8ATN  KG4DD      WD8QCU  TF3D       ON4GO  
5X4DEL      WB3DNA  EA8EA      OH2KI   KG4ML      WB6VGI  TI6/KF4AME KF4AME 
5X4DLI      KE4EW   ED6PZ      EA6PZ   KH0DQ      JF1SQC  TI9/KB0QMY K3BYV  
5X4F        K3SW    ED9EA      EA7LQ   KH6DC      KH6VB   TI9CF      TI2CF  
6Y5/G3XAQ   G3XAQ   EI7M       EI5HB   KM5EP/4    KC5AYR  TJ1GD      SP9CLQ 
7P8SR       NY3N    EK4JJ      GW3CDP  KP1/N0TG   N0TG    TM4ICF     F5PTI  
7Q7EH       AA9HD   ER0F       OE5EIN  KP4/K4UJ   K4UJ    TM5TON     FA1TXE 
7S0MG       SK0MG   EW1NY      N8LCU   KP4/K4WA   K4WA    TM6BZ      F5SKJ  
7X0AD       EA4URE  EX9A       DF8WS   L5V        LU3VAL  TM7XX      F5MUX  
7Z5OO       W1AF    FH5EJ      F6EBA   L75AA      LU4AA   TO0R       W4FRU  
8P9DX       VE3ICR  FK8DC      VK4FW   LU1ZI      LU8ED   TU2MA      OH8SR  
8P9IY       KF8OY   FK8HC      EA5KB   LU7DW      AY7D    TU2XZ      W3HC   
8P9Z        K4BAI   FM5BH      F6HEQ   LX/DF0BK   DL8SCG  UN7LC      I0WDX  
8Q7DV       DJ0EC   FM5EE      F5HVT   LX4B       LX1TI   UX2MM      DL3BQA 
8S3FRO      SL3ZV   FR5RH      F5RRH   LY5A       LY2ZZ   V2/J38FR   DL7DF  
9A50D       9A1BHI  FY5YE      W5SVZ   LY6M       AC6WL   V26B       WT3Q   
9G1TM       G4XTA   G6T        G3NYY   LY7A       LY2ZO   V5/WA1JBB  W3HCW  
9G5SX       G3SXW   GB60BBC    GW0VSW  LZ0A       LZ1KDP  V63CT      HL1IWD 
9H0A        LA2TO   GM6V       GM3WOJ  LZ7N       LZ1NG   VK0IR      W4FRU  
9J2BO       W6ORD   GM6X       GM4FDM  M6T        G3XTT   VK0TL      VK6APH 
9J2SZ       SP8DIP  GM6Z       W5ASP   N2TU       NN2G    VK4WGL     KB5GL  
9J2TF       JA2BOV  H44/DK9FN  HA8FW   NH2G       WF5T    VP5/K8JP   K8JP   
9K2F        9K2HN   HAM9RT     HA9RT   NP4Z       WC4E    VP5/W9CAA  W9CAA  
9L1MA       W0HSC   HB0MX      HB9MX   OD5ARA     9K2GS   VP5/WB9U   WB9U   
9M2JJ       SM0OEK  HC8/N5KO   AA5BT   OD5PL      HB9CRV  VP5JP      K8JP   
9M2RY       N4JR    HD9N       AA5BT   OE3S       OE2GEN  VS6WO      K9EC   
9M2TO       JA0DMV  HG1G       HA1KSA  OI2E       OH2IW   VU2TLO     OM6MO  
9M6NA       JE1JKL  HG6Y       HA6OI   OI3GZ/6    OH3GZ   XY1HT      LA7JO  
9U5DX       F2VX    HH2B       N4WW    OI7T       OH7AAC  YI1US      WA3HUP 
9V1YC       AA5BT   HL3ERJ     HL1XP   OL3A       OK1MR   YI1WMS     N3PBX  
A22QR       ZS6EW   HL9HH      KA5UWN  OL7Z       OK2PAY  YS1AG      N4EPJ  
A35RK       W7TSQ   HP1XVH     N0JT    OM8A       OM3RA   YS8ZKK     DK6KK  
A92GF       EA7FR   HR6/N7QXQ  NA7X    ON4YLC     ON4AMM  YW1A       YV1DIG 
AH3D        OH2BD   HS0AC      LA7JO   OT6T       ON4UN   ZF2QM      W6OSP  
AH7A        AH6NV   HZ1HZ      N7RO    OX3XR      OZ3PZ   ZF8AA      NM8F   
BD5QE       BY5RSA  II1R       IK1DPA  P40W       N2MM    ZK1AND     AB7FS  
C31LJ       VE3GEJ  IJ7/IK7XIV IK7XIV  PJ5AA      W1AF    ZV5E       PP5ZYZ 
C4CQ        5B4AEA  IL3/I2RFJ  IK2XDE  PJ5JP      AB1U    ZW0Z       PY1ADV 

S DX@WW $425WW300D
425 DX News #300 [4/4]
 1 February 1997                   No 300                    BID: $425WW300D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ...  ***************************

GERMAN ISLANDS AWARD ---> Peter, DL2MX (German Islands Award  Manager)  gives
the latest information on the IOTA status of some German islands [425DXN 296]
N-026 (Minsener Oog), Koos (O-010), Lotseninsel (O-020), Grosse Kirr (O-023),
Oie (O-024) and Riether Werder (O-027) do *not* count for IOTA;  Bock (O-004)
and Beuchel (O-025) count for EU-057; Langenwerder (O-022) counts for EU-098.

QSL VK0IR ---> QSLs are via INDEXA, c/o  W4FRU,  P.O.Box  5127,  Suffolk,  VA
23435, USA. W4FRU  is a QSL manager for several other DX stations, so that if
you include a QSL request for one or more of these  other stations along with
your  VK0IR QSL  request, it  could delay your  Heard card by  as much as six
months. In keeping with the  above, TO0R  QSLs should  be sent  separately as
they will be processed by a different person than the Heard Island cards. Any
donation you may include with your QSL request, over and above  that required
to process your QSL request, will be forwarded to the DXpedition treasurer.

VK0IR SOUVENIRS ---> You can also support the expedition by  bying one of the
unique souvenirs that are made available: white on black (@ $15) and 4-colour
(@ $20)  coffee mugs (order from Bob Schmieder, KK6EK, 4295 Walnut Blvd, Wal-
nut Creek, CA  94596, USA); cotton  T-shirts  (sizes adult  S-XXL and XXXL by
special request, $20 U.S.  and $25 airmail DX)  available from  Tom Anderson,
WW5L, 3505 Cliffwood Drive,  Bedford, Texas  76021-2043, USA. A  professional
quality video will be made available around May 1997 (for information and or-
ders, please  contact Peter Casier,  ON6TT, Oude Heerbaan 30, B9230 Wetteren,
             For the news issued in this number, thanks to:     

!       425 WWW Page --->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html      !
!                     INTERNET via  anonymous FTP at site:                  !
!  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  -  under the  /pub/ham/425news/english/  directory !
!             To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL:             !
!               http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/nph-425dxnews             !
!     or sending a message to:               majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it    !
!     writing in the body of the message:    subscribe 425dxnews  address   !
!          where  address  is the e-mail address of the subscriber          !
!                 * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *                    !
!                     TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751                       !
!                     DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613                       !
!                      SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422                      !
!                     ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306                       !
!                     CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921                       !
!               HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677                       !
!                      WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183                       !
!                      JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332                      !
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang