S DX@WW $425WW299A 425 DX News #299 [1/6] 25 January 1997 No 299 BID: $425WW299A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1GPG Translated by IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@fileita.it - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ VK0IR - The situation at 07:27 on 23 January is 60,189 QSOs (the record set up by 3Y0PI has been broken already): 33,580 CW, 25,592 SSB, 1017 RTTY (Japan 11,287; Europe 24,976; US East Coast 11,862; US Mid West 4,733; US West Coast 3,224). VK0IR will not participate in the 160 Meter Contest: they fear they will make too many dupe QSOs, and will concentrate on 40 and 75/80 during the weekend. They may however give out a few multipliers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4L - Al, 4L5A (ex-UF6FFF e RF0FWW) will be very active on 1.820 MHz during the CQWW CW 160 Meter Contest. QSL direct to IK3HHX. 5X - Gus, 5X1D will be back in Uganda in late January. He will be active mostly on 2 metres EME and 6 metres (on 50.150 MHz between 17.30 and 19.00 UTC). QSL via SM0BFJ. 7X - This year Enrique, EA5AD is active as 7X0AD on all bands SSB. QSL via EA4URE. 8P - From 27 February to 4 March AA4NC and K4MA will operate from the 8P9Z station on all bands and all modes including RTTY. They will participate in the ARRL DX SSB contest. Calls unknown at this time. All QSL via K4MA. 8P - Bob (AA1M), Jim (W1HL), Mike (W1USN, ex-NW1J) and Tim (KA1MID) will be QRV (all bands CW and SSB) from Barbados from 17 to 24 February. Call signs not available as of this time. QSL via bureau or direct to operators' home call. 8Q - From 12 February to 4 March Dieter, DF5JR will be active from Maldives as 8Q7CR. QSL via DF5JR. 8Q - From 15 to 23 February Gianni, I8RIZ will be active (all bands, 160 metres included) from Maldives possibly with his old call 8Q7AF. QSL either via bureau or to P.O.Box 200, 80100 Napoli-NA. Italy. C6 - Bill, KM1E will be active (6-160 metres) until 20 May as C6AGN from Green Turtle Cay (NA-080). QSL via KA1DIG. CY9 - Mike, VE9AA *may* be looking to fill one or even two more operating positions for his DXpedition to St.Paul Island [425DXN 297]. Operators must be flexible and able to play well with others, must be able to run a pileup on CW and SSB while running a laptop logging program, must be able to pay their own share of the expenses and to finance own transportation to either New Brunswick or Nova Scotia and must be willing to bring their own gear/rig if necessary. A lot of priority will be given to operators with both HF & VHF-dx experience. Please contact Mike at e-mail ve9aa@brunnet.net. For the time being the team includes Mike (VE9AA), Doug (VE1PZ) and Dennis (K7BV). Operations are now scheduled for 13-21 June. EA - EA4ENK/P will be active from Isla La Hoya (DIEI BA-27) on 2 February. QSL via EA5OL. EA_ssh - Currently there are only two people at the Spanish Antarctic base Juan Carlos (WABA EA-01, Livingston Island, South Shetlands), but more are to arrive soon. It is hoped one is a licenced amateur who can operate from ED0BAE. In the meanwhile Dany (LZ0A), who is only 2 km away, is trying to help fix the equipment. EA9 - On 26 January (or, in case of bad weather, on February) EA9PB, EA9PD and EA9PY will be active from Islote Antonio Garcia (S-255) as ED9MAG. The activity will be dedicated to the memory of late Antonio Garcia Gutierrez, EA9TQ. QSL via EA9PB. EK - EK6GC (ex UG6GAW) will participate in the CQWW 160 Meter CW Contest. QSL to: Robert Grigoryan, P.O. Box 25, Charentsavan, 378562 Armenia. F - Didier, F5VCR will be active from some DIFM islands (MA-59, MA-60, MA-61) on 25 January. FG - On 10/11 February DL3LAR, DL8OBQ and DL6LAU might be FG/ from Guadeloupe before going to Dominica. QSL via DL6LAU. /EX S DX@WW $425WW299B 425 DX News #299 [2/6] 25 January 1997 No 299 BID: $425WW299B GI - The WestNet DX Group will be active from Rathlin Island (EU-122) from 12 to 16 June. The callsign aired will be GI/EI7NET and operation will take place on all HF bands (160-10 metres) and possibly also on 6 metres. QSL via EI6FR. GU - Guernsey ARS club station GU3HFN will operate during CQ 160 Meters CW Contest (24-26 January) and this year club operators will be joined by G3KHZ. QSL via bureau, or direct to Guernsey ARS GU3HFN, P. O. Box 100, Guernsey GY1 3EL, via U. K. H4 - Operations by Bernhard, DL2GAC/H44MS (SSB) and Siegfried, H44/DK9FN (CW) [425DXN 297] will take place from Shortland Is. (OC-162). Siegfried will be leaving H4 on 20 February (+/-), but Bernhard will remain in H4 for about other 40 days. 10-160 metres operations are expected, with a battery operated amplifier and wire antennas. QSL for H44MS via DL2GAC; QSL for H44/DK9FN via HA8FW. QSOs will be all confirmed autonatically through the bureau. HP - From 22 February to 7 March Joel, HP7/F5PAC will be active Archipelago de San Blas (IOTA NA-170). An activity from NA-202 is possible as well. I - On 26 January IK8VRH, IK8UHA, IW8DPC and IW8EAA will be active from Lo Schiavone di Procida (IIA NA-???, IOTA NA-031). J7 - From 12 February to 3 March DL3LAR, DL8OBQ and DL6LAU will be active from Dominica. They will participate in both the ARRL Contests and in the CQWW 160 meter SSB Contest, possibly as J75T. KC4_ant- KC4AAD at Siple Dome Station [425DXN 294] went QRT on 17 January. Windy and Don were active for about five weeks. KC4_ant- KC4USB at Byrd Surface Camp (WABA K-04) [425DXN 294] closed down. Steve really did not get off the ground because of serious rig problems and time to operate. KC4_ant- KC4AAF at Upstream Charlie [425DXN 294] will be QRT on or about 25 January. Hopes to have amplifiers and a better antenna next season. Sarah is the Camp Leader and hopes to return as well. KG4 - Bill, (WT4K, ex-KQ4GC), Jan, (K4QD) and Rusty (KG4AU) will participate in the CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest (8-9 February), Multi/Single, as KG4GC from Guantanamo. QSL via WT4K, also through the bureau. Jan and Bill will be also active (on all bands CW and SSB) from 10 to 14 February as KG4QD and KG4GC respectively. LU_ssh - Abel, LU8DEK is active (CW) until 1 March from LU1ZI at Argentine Jubany base on 25 de Mayo Island (WABA LU-20), King George Is, South Shetlands (AN-010). QSL to: Radioestacion LU1ZI, Direccion Nacional del Antartico, Cerrito 1248, Buenos Aires, Argentina. OA_ssh - Santos, OA4CLA is QRV nightly on 14.240 and 14.190 MHz between 23.00 and 02.00 UTC from OA0MP station at WABA OA-01 (IOTA AN-010) [425DXN 295]. OH_ant - Henry, VE0HSS has just arrived at Finnish Antarctic Base Aboe, but no word from him as yet. Henry is expected to be traveling to various Norwegian Bases as well over the next ten days. P2 - Operations from Louisiade Archipelago (OC-117) [425DXN 297] will take place from 20 February to 4 March. Operators will be Dietmar (DL3DXX), Joerg (DL8WPX), Ftok (DK7YY) and Juergen (DL7UFN). Special emphasis will be given to low bands CW. Licence is still to be confirmed. P2 - From 8 to 11 February Yuu, JA3IG will be active from Manus Island (OC-025) as P29VIG. Operations will take place from 10 to 40 metres, CW and SSB. QSL via home call. P4 - From 21 January to 1 February Brian, NX9O and Anna, N9KHC will be active from Aruba as P40X and P4/N9KHC. Brian will participate in the UBA SSB and CQ 160 Meter CW Contests (25-26 January). PA - PA3BHY, PA3BLS, PA3DXA, PA3EXX, PE1GRJ and PE1JAN will participate in the PACC Contest (8-9 February) as PA6PA. QSL via PA3BLS. PJ8 - Ron (ND5S) & Sue (KF5LG) and Bill (W8EB) & Dorothy (KB8ZXO) will be operating as PJ8/ (on all bands, WARC included, CW, SSB and RTTY) from St. Martin (NA-105) 23 February to 8 March. They will be on the air between 12.30 UTC and 16 UTC each day, and again at 20.30 UTC on 20 metres (daily sked with the hams back home). QSL via their respective home calls. The group will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest as PJ8A (QSL via W9NIP). /EX S DX@WW $425WW299C 425 DX News #299 [3/6] 25 January 1997 No 299 BID: $425WW299C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== PY - From 5 to 9 February Mario, PQ8MM/p will be active from Bailique Island (SA 045, DIB 35). QSL via Mario Gomes, P.O.Box 533, 68906-972 Macapa-AP, Brazil. PY - From 8 to 12 February Lima (PY1NEZ), Lineu (PY1ADV) and Zeca (PY1LVF) will be active as ZZ0Z, ZW0Z (SSB) and ZX0Z (CW) respectively from Frances Island (SA-067, DIB 68, DFB ES-07). Operations will take place on all bands (WARC and 160 metres included). QSL via home call or through the bureau. PY0_sp - Randy, WX5L reports that Karl, PS7KM and Tino, PT7AA will be leaving on 1 February. Hopefully ZY0SK and ZY0SG will be QRV from St.Peter and St.Paul Rocks [425DXN 295 & 297] on 5 February for two or three weeks. Activity will take place on RTTY as well (as ZY0SK), thanks to Randy, WX5L who has provided the equipment. St. Peter & St.Paul Rocks is one of the Most Wanted Countries on RTTY (8th place). PZ - Bent, OZ2BJC is actrve from Suriname as PZ5CJ until 1 April. He has daily skeds with his brother (OZ2CIJ) at 11 UTC on 14.320/14.330 MHz. S2 - From 2 to 14 February Hannes (DL3NEO), Joerg (DL8WPX) and Dietmar, (DL3DXX) will be in Dhaka: if successful in getting a licence, they will be active mostly on low bands CW. S9 - Gary, S92AT has just got his licence and will be active from Sao Tome (AF-023) for several years. SU - Ahmed, SU3AM is often active from SU0ERA, a new club station. QSL via SU1ER. T5 - 6O5DX is also on WARC bands. QSL via F5PYI. TN - From 24 January to 4 February Baldur, DJ6SI will be active (10-160 metres, CW and SSB) from Congo as either TN6X. QSL via DJ6SI. UK - From 27 January to 10 February Karl, K4YT/DL4YT will be in Uzbekistan again. He hopes to be active as UK4YT. QSL via K4YT. V2 - From 1 to 20 February Walter, DL2SDS will be active mostly on CW. The call is still to be confirmed. QSL via QSL via DL2SDS. V3 - John (WC0W/V31TP), Alan (NS0B/V31EV) and possibly Bob (WG9L/V31RC) will be going to Belize for a week for the ARRL DX CW Contest (Multi/Single entry with the call V31TP). They will try to be on the air by mid-late afternoon local time on 12 February and will take down on 18 February. Before and after the Contest they will operate SSB as well. Activity will be limited to 160-10 metres with no WARC band operation. QSL via their respective home calls. V5 - WA1JBB (ex-C53HG) is active from Namibia as V5/WA1JBB while waiting for his own V5 call. QSL direct to W3HCW. VK - From 15 (05.30 UTC) to 17 March (01.00 UTC) Silvano, VK4WGL (home call KB5GL, ex-IT9SEZ), Sergio (VK4GK), Angelina (VK4AAC) and John (VK4WX) will be active from Stradbroke Island (OC-137). Operations will take place on 3.995, 7.065, 14.260 and 21.260 MHz. QSL via their respective home calls. VK0_mq - Amateurs currently at the weather station on Macquarie Island are Tom (VK0TS), Eric, VK0KBB and Graham, VK0WG. They arrived in early December, but they haven not had any time fo amateur radio so far. VK0TS plans to be QRV mostly on 40 and 80 metres CW & SSB with Australian and Antarctic stations. VP2E - From 9 to 18 February Dennis, K7BV will be active from Anguilla as VP2EV. Operations will take place mostly on CW on 10-160 metres and RS12. QSL via home call (the new address is 4357 Appollonio Way, Carson City, NV 89704). VP5 - From 4 to 11 February Steve, N9CK (ex-N9CKC) will be active as VP5/N9CK mainly on CW and RRTY. He will participate in the WPX RTTY Contest as VP5CK. QSL via N9CK also through the bureau. VU - Yannick, F6FYD (ex-ST2YD, T5YD, etc) will be in India for one year. W - On 25 January Paul, N3LLT should be active from two Pennsylvania USI islands (PA-017R and PA-002R). W - On 27 January KA3UNQ will be active from USI island MD-017S in Maryland. W - On 30 January (at about 19.30 UTC) John, NL7TB will be active as KC7KHU from Haystack Rock (a new counter for USI and a non-counter for IOTA). XX9 - From 24 to 27 January OH2BH, OH2PM and OH2YY will be active on 160 metres as XX9TR from Taipa Island (AS-075), Macau. QSL via OH2BH. YB - Mal, VK6LC Stephan, N2MAU reports that 8B8WI's operations from Wangi Wangi Island, Tukangbesi Is. (OC-???) [425DXN 297] have been postponed to 7-9 March. ZK1sc - From 22 February to 10 March Vitaly, VE6JO will be at Rarotonga (OC-013, South Cook Islands). Vitaly has applied for a licence, but he will not be able to take any equipment with him. If he finds a station to rent, he will be active. ZL_ant - ZL5ANT has bee reported on 40 metres CW around 16 and 17 UTC from New Zetoand Antarctic Base Scott (WABA ZL-02), on Ross Island (AN-011). ZS_ant - The supply ship with operators Marten (ZS6ZY) and Graham has arrived at the new Sanae 4 South African Base [425DXN 297]. /EX S DX@WW $425WW299D 425 DX News #299 [4/6] 25 January 1997 No 299 BID: $425WW299D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== ************************ **************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************ IOTA HONOUR ROLL & ANNUAL LISTING ---> Just a note to remind IOTA members that updates for the 1997 HR & Annual Listing must be mailed to their nominated Checkpoints on or before 1 FEBRUARY. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARARM CONVENTION ---> The 37th annual Convention of the Mexican amateurs society (ARARM) will be held on 10-13 July 1997 at the Congress Centre in Leon, Guanajuato. For further information please contact Sergio Valdes Sada, XE2RJ (tel (0)11-528-357113, fax (0)11-528-353368). DX NEWS LETTER ---> As of 1 January 1997 Michael, DJ5AV is the new editor of the DX News Letter, replacing Uwe, DL9GOA. Our warmest thanks to Uwe for his friendly co-operation and our best wishes to Michael. NEW DIFM REFERENCE NUMBERS ---> Jean-Michel, F6AJA reporst the latest Reference Numbers issued to some Channel (MA-...) and Atlantic (AT-...) islands: MA-100, Ile Enez Amann Ar Rouz; MA-101, Ile Leac'h Venn; MA-102, Ile Enez Croaz Hent; AT-123, Ile Nole; AT-124, Ile Percee; AR-125, Ile TIbidy; AT-126, Ile Salgern. QSL 3E1DX ---> Gunter, HP1XVH allowed his call 3E1DX to be used during the CQWW CW Contest. For QSOs made on 17-18 November 1996 (CW & SSB) QSL is via KU9C. For other QSOs QSL is via N0JT. QSL 4K2KBZ ---> W2CE (Robert Reed, 1991 Route 37 West - Lot 109, Toms River, New Jersey 08757, USA) reports the following: "Recently I have started to receive QSL cards for Sergey 4K2KBZ. While I did handle the later part of his operations from Franz Josef Land he left the country about 2 weeks after my starting as his manager. I had logs only for about 900 QSO's made during those 2 weeks. I had been sending QSL's to the PO Box Sergey was using on Dixon Island as his next stop but have not heard of anyone ever receiving a QSL reply from that Box. Stations who worked 4K2KBZ during the period managed by me have already received either a direct reply to a QSL request or received a duplicate QSL via the bureau". QSL 6W1AR & 6W8AR ---> Harald, DJ3AS will close the logs for 6W1AR and 6W8AR (Dakar, 1980-1982) at the end of 1997. QSL 9K2F ---> Hamad, 9K2HN reports that direct cards for recent operations by 9K2F (AS-118, December 1996) are in the mail. QSL via 9K2HN (Hamad Al-Nusif, P.O.Box 29174 Safat, 13152 Kuwait) also through the bureau. QSL FK5M ---> Jean-Michel, F6AJA has received the logs of FK5M (Matthew Island, OC-218/prov). QSL cards will be ready in early February. /EX S DX@WW $425WW299E 425 DX News #299 [5/6] 25 January 1997 No 299 BID: $425WW299E QSL EJ7NET ---> Declan, EI6FR reports that all direct cards for EJ7NET (EU-007) have been answered. QSLs for all stations appearing in the EJ7NET log have been prepared and will go to the bureau this month. QSL LU/IK1EDC ---> Direct cards for operations by LU/IK1EDC from the islands of Gama (SA-022), Chaffers and Pardela have all been mailed. QSL OH0/OZ1FG ---> Jens, OZ5MJ reports that the station OZ1FG is not known in Denmark and should therefore be considered as a pirate. QSL TY1RY ---> Eddie, W6/G0AZT (P.O.Box 5194, Richmond, CA 94805, USA) reports that the first batch of cards has been mailed. Any QSL requests sent direct to Steve, KE6FV are being sent to him for processing, there is no need to re-submit them to Eddie. SCDXC ---> The elected officials for the Southern California DX Club are Larry Shapiro, K6RO (President); Will Angenent, KN6DV (Vice President); Jim Zimmerman, N6KZ (Secretary); Rich Bongeorno, WU6T (Treasurer); Harv Shore, K6EXO (Membership); Harvey Laidman, N6HL and Dan Margo, W7RF (Board members). W/VE ISLAND CONTEST ---> John, NL7TB reminds that the third W/VE Island Contest, sponsored by the US Islands Awards Program, will take place on August 16 and 17. Russ, VE6VK, will manage the contest and John himself will handle the award certificates and plaques. Please check the USI Website for the complete contest rules (http://www.owt.com/usislands/) + SILENT KEY + The DX world is saddened by the news of the death of Ed Blaszczyk, N7EB on 19 January. Ed, 79, was one of the hobby's best CW operators and veteran FOC member. He was much appreciated for his years of diligent service as the QSL manager for the late Father Marshtol Moran, 9N1MM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received via direct: 3C1DX, 3DA0CA, 5N35T, 5R8FK, 5V7HR, 5V7ML, 5Z4RL, 7P8FS, 7P8MA, 9A8P (EU-090), 9J2CE, 9M2/G3OZF, (AS-072), CQ2I (EU-150), CY0AA, F5RUQ/p (EU-039), D68DV, D68ET, DF5JT/HK0, JA5SEY/HP3, HH2AJ, IJ7/IK7IMO (IIA LE-004, 010, 015, 019), IJ7/IK7XIV (IIA LE-014, 015, 018), IL3/IK2XDE (IIA RO-011), IM0/IS0NHT (EU-024; IIA CA-016, CA-026, OR-006), J68ER, TM5CHY (EU-039), PY0FM, RU0B (AS-121), RU0B/p (AS-087), S92PI, TK/DK7YY, V73AX, V7/W2HRX, V85HN, VP2EFO, VP8CWI, VR2KF, VU2PAI, YB3SPS/p (OC-217), YE8P (OC-146), ZS8IR, ZV2EPA (SA-024). ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HLI, I1HYW, I1WFF, IK1QFM, IK1EDC, IK1JJB, IK1TAZ, I5FLN, IK6MQP, IK7AFM, IK7VJX, I8RIZ, IK8CJP, IK8VRH, Brescia DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, 4L5A, 9K2HN, AA1M/W1EKT, AC4NJ, AH0W/OH2LVG, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DC3MF, DF6QN, DL2GAC, DL3KDV, DL7VOA, DL9GOA, EA5KB, EA5OL, EI6FR, F6AJA, F9RM, G4BUE, GU3MBS, JA1ELY, JI6KVR, K4MA, K4MZU, K4YT/DL4YT, K7BV, K8YSE, KB5GL, KN6DV, LU1DZ, N2MAU, N9CK, NA2M, NL7TB, NS0B, ON4UN, OZ5MJ, PP5SZ, PS7AB, PS7KM, PY2YW, SM0BFJ, VE7CC, VK6LC, W1YY/7J3AAC, W2CE, W3UR, W5KSI, W8EB, WX5L, WD8MGQ, NJDXA, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG. ***************************************************************************** /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! 425 WWW Page ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ! ! INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: ! ! www-dx.deis.unibo.it - under the /pub/ham/425news/english/ directory ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL: ! ! http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/nph-425dxnews ! ! or sending a message to: majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it ! ! writing in the body of the message: subscribe 425dxnews address ! ! where address is the e-mail address of the subscriber ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * ! ! TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 ! ! DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 ! ! SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ! ! ARRL HQ BBS USA : 860-594-0306 ! ! CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 ! ! HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 ! ! WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 ! ! JUNGLE BBS NZ : +64-3-524-8332 ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang /EX S DX@WW $425WW299F 425 DX News #299 [6/6] 25 January 1997 No 299 BID: $425WW299F ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till ?? 6O5DX 299 till ?? 8J1RL: Antartica 294 till 02/02 8P9DX * by VA3DX 298 till 20/05 C6AGN: Green Turtle Cay (NA-080) * by KM1E 299 till ?? CE9OH: Antarctica 295 till ?? CE9SAC: Antarctica 294 till ?? CE9MFK: South Shetland 297 till ?? CE9/CE7JOD: South Shetland 294 till 15/02 FR5GM * by F6AFJ 295 till ?? FT5YP: Antarctica 295 till ?? HF0POL: Antarctica 294 till ?? KC4AAA, AAC, AAD, AAF, USB: Antartica 294 till 05/02 UA3YH/KC4: Antarctica (WABA K-08) 292 till February KC4/KL7RL, KC4/KC8CWI: Antarctica 297 till 27/01 KP4: Puertorico * by K4UJ & K4WA 298 till 01/03 LU1ZI: South Shetland 299 till ?? LU1ZS, LU8EYK/z: South Shetland 297 till ?? LU1ZV: Antarctica 294 till ?? LZ0A: South Shetland 294 till ?? OA0MP: South Shetland 295 till 27/01 P40WA * by K9UWA 297 till 01/02 P40X * by N9KHC 299 till 28/01 P49I * by K4PI 297 till 31/01 PJ9JT: Curacao * by W1BIH 291 till 01/04 PZ5JC * by OZ2BJC 299 till ?? R1ANT, ANZ: Antarctica 294 till ?? R1ANW: Antarctica 295 till 26/01 TM4ICF 297 till 04/02 TN6X * by DJ6SI 299 till 28/01 V47NS * by W9NSZ 298 till 28/01 VK0IR: Heard Island 293 till end Jan VK0MAP: Antarctica 297 till ?? VP8CPG: Antarctica 295 till ?? VU2AXA: Antarctica 294 till ?? ZL5ANT: Antarctica 299 till 26/01 ZP0V: Yacyreta Isl. * by ZP5KO's team 297 20/01-30/01 LW5EJQ/d: Martin Garcia Isl. (SA-055) * by LU team ??? 297 24/01-26/01 GU3HFN * by G3KHZ 299 24/01-28/01 PJ5AA * by K3UOC 297 24/01-26/01 ZF2QM * by W6OSP & WA6VNR 297 24/01-26/01 CQ WW CW 160 Mt. *** 25/01 F5VCR/p: DIFM 299 25/01 N3LLT: US.I. 299 25/01-26/01 REF CW Contest *** 25/01-26/01 UBA SSB Contest *** 26/01 EA4ENK/p: Contreras Isl. (DIEI BA-37) 293 26/01 ED9MAG: Islote Antonio Garcia (DIE S-255) 299 26/01 IC8: Sciavone di Procida (EU-031; IIA NA-???) 299 27/01 KA3UNQ: US.I. 27/01-10/02 UK4YT * by K4YT/DL4YT 299 28/01-29/01 KI6YG * Challinger Middle School 297 30/01 KC7KHU: Haystack Rock * by NL7TB 299 January-February IJ7: Sc. Terra (IIA LE-???) * by Salento DX team 295 January-February IJ7: Sc. Tondo (IIA LE-013) * by Salento DX team 295 January-February P4/K2LE 291 January-February ZY0SK & ZY0SG: St.Peter & Paul Rocks by PS7KM & PT7AA 299 01/02-08/03 9G5BQ * by PA3GBQ 297 01/02 TX0K: Kerguelen * by VK0IR's team 293 01/02-20/02 V2 * by DL2SDS 299 02/02 EA4ENK/p: Isla La Hoya (DIEI BA-27) 299 02/02-14/02 S2 * by DL3NEO, DL8WPX, DL3DXX 299 03/02-17/02 V47CA * by VE3BW 293 04/02-11/02 VP5CK * by N9CK 299 05/02-09/02 PQ8MM/p: Bailique Isl. (SA-045; DIB-35) 299 08/02-09/02 KG4GC * by WT4K, k4qd, KG4AU 299 08/02-11/02 P29VIG: Manus Isl. (OC-025) * by JA3IG 299 08/02-09/02 PA6PA * by PA team 299 08/02/11/02 ZY3CEJ: Furado Isl. (DIB 62) 297 08/02-12/02 ZZ0Z, ZW0Z, ZX0Z: Frances Isl. (SA-067; DIB-68) 299 08/02-09/02 EA SSB DX Contest *** 08/02-10/02 YL/OM SSB Contest *** 10/02-11/02 FG * by DL3LAR, DL8OBQ, DL6LAU 299 10/02-18/02 V59T * by KY0A, W8UVZ, WB0HPS, KV0Q 297 12/02-04/03 8Q7CR * by DF5JR 299 12/02-03/03 J7 * by DL3LAR, DL8OBQ, DL6LAU 299 12/02-19/02 V2 * by NM9H & KX9X 297 12/02-18/02 V31TP * WC0W, NS0B, WG9L 299 12/02-24/02 VP5/K8JP 297 February-March 7Q7KH * by WF5A 297 February-March H44MS: Shortland Is. (OC-162) * by DL2GAC 299 February-20/02 H44/DK9FN: Shortland Is. (OC-162) 299 /EX