DX425 bulletin issue nr. 297

S DX@WW $425WW297A
425 DX News #297 [1/8]
 11 January 1997                   No 297                    BID: $425WW297A 
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                                  Edited by
                               I1JQJ  & IK1GPG
                                Translated by

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@fileita.it - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)             !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

VK0IR  - It is anticipated that the  landing operation, including the setting
up of the first shelter  will take approximately 4 to 6  hours, depending  on
weather. One of the first tasks will then be to set up the  NCDXF beacon. The
radio operation will only start after all infrastructure has been set up, and
after all  antennas have been  raised. This may take 2 or 3 days. During this
time  we will  be able to  collect a  lot of valuable  propagation data  from
listening to the beacon station. The NCDXF beacon will run from the island as
VK0IR with an R5 vertical. It will transmit on 14.100, 18.110, 21.150, 24.930
and 28.200 MHz. The beacon transmits for ten seconds on each band every three
minutes. The VK0IR transmission on 20 metres is at one minute and ten seconds
after the hour, and every three minutes after that. The transmissions on  the
other bands follow every ten seconds with the 10  metre transmission starting
at one minute and fifty seconds after the hour, and every three minutes after
that. On each frequency  it sends  VK0IR in CW at  100W, then  1 second  long
steady  tones, at  100, 10, 1  and 0.1 W  and then  moves to  the next higher
frequency. Listen for the beacon and report  peak times,  strength and  SP/LP
specs to your pilot station or to ON4UN (E-mail to john.devoldere@innet.be or
via packet to ON4UN @ON4AWP.OVN.BEL.EU). The quality of these reports will be
an important tool to draft the operating plan for the first days of operation

VK0IR: AM I IN THE LOG? ---> PACSAT be used to send the contents  of the logs
to civilized word so that they can be use for log-checking. The log will only
contain call, band and mode. It will not contain any  duplicate QSO's and you
will not be able to "browse" through the log.  The log data will be available
* WORLD WIDE WEB:  connect to  http://www.aurumtel.com/hnews.html (from  here
you can go to the  log server) or  connect directly to the US log server page
at http://www.aurumtel.com/heard-log.html or connect directly to the European
log server at  http://heard.eunet.be  (once connected, enter the callsign you
are interested in, and press the "search" button);
* E-MAIL: send an e-mail message to heard-log@ve7tcp.ampr.org with the call 
sign of the station in the body (one per line). The log server will 
immediately return a message to you with the requested data;
* PACKET RADIO: the following syntax has to be closely followed:
           to  : PA3BXR @PI8VAD.#ZH2.NLD.EU
           subj: HEARD-LOG
           msg : HEARD-LOG <<< call >>>
You can  ask for log  info for your  friends as  well. Put one call per line,
preceded  by  " HEARD-LOG ". A  maximum of FIVE  callsigns are  accepted. The
callsign MAY NOT contain a slash (/). The log server will return a message to
you with the  required data. This may take some time though (from a few hours
to a day or more if a lot of HF forwarding is involved!)
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425 DX News #297 [2/8]
 11 January 1997                   No 297                    BID: $425WW297B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

5N     - Mark, 5N0MVE (QSL via ON7LX) is  back home  in Belgium  because  his
         work assignment in Nigeria is over]
5R     - Maurizio, 5R8FH is a lay missionary at Sakalalina, in South  Central
         Madagascar.  For the time being Maurizio is active only on 20 and 15
         metres, with 80 watts  and a three  element beam towards Europe. QSL
         direct to I1PIN: G.Carlo Pignocchino, Via San Solutore 18, 10010 Ca-
7O     - Recent operations by Zorro, JH1AJT and  Franz, DJ9ZB as  7O1A (15-23
         December 1996)  logged  13,140  SSB QSOs  with 105  Countries, on 80
         (1,078  QSOs), 40  (1,926), 20 (3,620),  17 (3,635), 15  (1,971), 12
         (670) and 10 (240) metres.
7Q     - Karl, WF5A will be active again (10-80 metres, WARC bands  included,
         SSB and CW) from Malawi as 7Q7KH for four or five weeks starting  in
         early February. QSL via home call.
8Q     - Chris HB9CYV/8Q7YV and Martin HB9CYN/8Q7YN [425DXN 292] logged  2371
         QSOs (almost  all on CW), 1122 on 40 metres. QSL via bureau to their
         respective home calls. For direct cards, HB9CYN's address is e' Mar-
         tin Ghermi, Wyden 5, CH-5242 Birr, Switzerland. HB9CYV's (not HB9CRV
         425DXN 294)  correct  address  is Christian  Zeller,  Jaegerstr. 19,
         CH-8200 Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
8Q     - In March Rolf (HB9DIF) and his wife Manuela will be in the  Maldives
         for three weeks together with Hans  (DL8NBE). Rolf and Hans will  be
         active on all bands CW/SSB/RTTY possibly with their old calls, 8Q7BV
         and 8Q7BE respectively. QSL via bureau only.
9A     - Miro, 9A0AA/mm is active from the Antarctic Vessel "Hrvatska Cigra",
         near the Russian Vernadsky base.
9G     - From 1 February to 8 March Steve,  PA3GBQ will be active from  Ghana
         as 9G5BQ. Operations  will take place  mainly  during the  night and
         morning hours on low and WARC bands. Steve is expected to participa-
         te in  the ARRL  CW Contest (possibly  with a special call). QSL via
9H     - From 14 to 24 January IZ3AHY,  LX1PS and LX2BN  will be active  (all
         bands, SSB and CW) from Malta as 9H3XF. QSL via IK3OYS.
9M2    - Dick, N4ISV has got the call  9M2RY, with  which he  will be  active
         (SSB and CW) for several years. QSL via N4JR.
9M8    - From 19 April to 6 June Peter, PB0ALB will be active (10, 15, 20, 40
         and 80  metres) from Sarawak (OC-088) as 9M8CC. Hopefully Peter will
         operate also RTTY. QSL via PB0ALB.
C6     - From 13 to 20 January Rick, NE8Z  will  be active  (SSB  and CW)  as
         NE8Z/C6A from Treasure Cay ((NA-080). QSL via NE8Z or K8LJG.
CE     - Paul, F6EXV has got the CE3/F6EXV licence. Paul will be  active from
         Chile for two or three years. QSL via F2VX.
CE_ssh - CE9MFK is active from Chilean Antarctic  base Refuge Sherriff  (WABA
         CE-09) on Livingston Island, South Shetlands (AN-010). He is usually
         QRV at 00.30 UTC on 14.245 MHz.
CX     - From 10 to 20  Janury a group of  CX operators will  be active  from
         Flores  Island (SA-030) as  CV5A (all band/all mode operations). QSL
         via P.O.Box 2, Z.C. 11000, Montevideo, Uruguay.
CY9    - From 10 to 20 June (+/-) Mike, VE9AA and Doug, VE1PZ will be  active
         from St. Paul Island as CY9AA  [425DXN 293]. They will be active  on
         160-2 metres SSB/CW (special emphasis  will be placed  on 6 and  160
F      - Marc, ON5FP and Kristof, ON6NN will participate in the  IOTA Contest
         (26-27 July) from Sainte Marguerite Island (EU-058).
F      - From 23 to 26 January the station TM4ICF will be active on all bands
         SSB and CW. QSL via F5PTI.
FP     - Jack, WA1CFS (ex N1REU) is organizing a "seriuos" activity ((CW, SSB
         and RTTY, all bands 10-160 metres, 2 and 6 metres, possibly satelli-
         te) from St. Pierre et Miquelon in August.
FR     - TO0R (operated by the VK0IR  team) went  QRT on 5  January at  02.10
         UTC. The logs can  be found the log servers  (see VK0IR: AM I IN THE
         LOG? above), where they  will be available until the  first logs for
         VK0IR are posted. At that time they will be removed. QSL via INDEXA,
         c/o W4FRU, P.O.Box 5127, Suffolk. VA 23435, USA.
FS     - From 15 to 20  February (dates  are still  subject to  confirmation)
         FS5PL,  FG5BG  and FJ5AB  will  be  active  from  Tintamarre  Island
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H4     - In early February  Bernhard, DL2GAC and Siegfried, DK9FN will be ac-
         tive (mainly on the low bands) for two weeks at least as H44MS (SSB)
         and H44/DK9FN (CW). They are unlikely to activate "interesting" IOTA
JX     - Per, LA7DFA is active until April from Jan Mayen (EU-022) as JX7DFA.
         In January he will concentrate on  80 metres SSB and in February  he
         will be  active on  160 metres  as well.  QSL  via home  call  (also
         through the bureau).
KC4_ant- On 19 December Henry, KC4/VE0HSS was active for a few hours from the
         base Upstream Bravo.
KC4_ant- On 12 January Greg, WB7CHV arrived [425DXN 294] to US Antarctic base
         Palmer (WABA K-010), on Anvers Island  (AN-012), from where he  will
         be soon QRV as KC4AAC.
KC4_ant- Art, KC4/KL7RL  is now again active [425DXN 295] from  multinational
         Antarctic base  Patriot  Hills  (WABA MN-01). Art  will  be  QRV for
         Europe on Wednesdays (20-21 UTC on 14.260 MHz)  and  Sundays  (17-18
         UTC and 20-21 UTC on 14.260 MHz).
KC4_ant- KC4/KC8CWI is  active from  US  Antarctic base  Amudsen-Scott  (WABA
         K-08), South  Pole.  He is  usually  QRV on  20  metres  during  the
LU     - From 20  to 30  January  LW9DHU, LU6DO  and  LW5EJQ will  be  active
         (10-160 metres) from Martin Garcia Island (SA-055) as LW5EJQ/D.  QSL
         via LW5EJQ.
LU_ssh - Pedro, LU1ZS is active from Argentine Antarctic base Teniente Camara
         Bahia Luna  (WABA  LU-17)  on  Meda  Luna  Island,  South  Shetlands
         (AN-010). Pedro  is usually  active from  23 UTC  to 1  UTC  between
         14.190 and 14.240 MHz.
LU_ssh - LU8EYK/z is active from Aregentine Antarctic  base Beyers Base  Camp
         (WABA LU-19) on Livingston Island, South  Shetlands (AN-010). He  is
         QRV daily at 1 UTC on 14.331 MHz with Jorge, LU4EDL.
P2     - In February a group of German operators will  be active from  Misima
         Island, Louisiade Archipelago ((OC-117).
P4     - From 22 to 28 January Mike, K4PI will be active from Aruba as  P49I.
         He will participate in the CQ 160 Meter CW Contest. QSL to K4PI.
PJ5    - From 24 to 28 January Mike, K3UOC  will  be  active  on  CW  (10-160
         metres, WARC bands included) as PJ5AA from St.Eustatius (NA-145). He
         will participate in the CQ 160 Meter Contest. QSL via W1AF.
PY     - From 9 to 12 January the station  PT5T will be  active (SSB and  CW)
         from Maria Francisca Island (SA-026, DIB 67). QSL via PP5LL.
PY     - From 8 to 11 February ZY3CEJ will be active (SSB and CW) from Furado
         Island (DIB 62). QSL via F6FNU o PY3CEJ (for South America only).
PY     - From 20 to 24 February PY5AA (SSB) and PQ5L (CW) will be active from
         Mel Island (SA-047, DIB 24, DFB PR-01, DFH PR-01) on  80, 40, 20, 15
         and 10 metres.  QSL for  PY5AA via  LABRE/PR, P.O. Box 1455, Curiti-
         ba/PR, 80001-970, Brazil (or through  the bureau). QSL  for PQ5L via
         LABRE/SC,  P.O. Box 224,  Florianopolis/SC,  89010-970,  Brazil  (or
         through the bureau).
PY0_sp - The addresses of the QSL managers for the forthcoming  operations by
         ZY0SK and ZY0SG from St.Peter  & St.Paul Rocks [425DXN 295] are P.L.
         Andrade  (PT7AA),  Rua Osorio de  Paiva 75, Fortaleza/CE, 60720-000,
         Brazil (CW contacts only) and Karl M.  Leite (PS7KM), Rua Estacio de
         Sa 1838, 59054-580 Natal/RN, Brazil (SSB contacts only).
S2     - Vittorio (I1SLY), Fernanda (IK1FLF) and Manju (S21AM) are organizing
         an  activity from  Kutubdia Island  (AS-???) scheduled for 21-23 Fe-
V2     - From 12 to 19 February Matt, NM9H and Sean  KX9X (ex KF9PL)  will be
         V2/ from Antigua. They  will participate  in the ARRL  DX CW Contest
         possibly as V21CW.  Operations  will  take place  mostly on CW, with
         emphasis  on 160 and 80 metres and WARC bands. QSL via their respec-
         tive home calls.
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V5     - WB0HPS and  KV0Q will join KY0A and W8UVZ [425DXN 293] in the opera-
         tions from Namibia scheduled for 10-18 February. Outside the ARRL CW
         Contest all mode operations are expected (RTYY on 20 and 15 metres).
VE     - Operator Steve at VE8RCS on Ellesmere  Island (NA-008, CISA  NT-005)
         appeared near 14.260  MHz around  20 UTC  the last  few days.  Steve
         operates from NWT WX Station base Alert, which is the most  northern
         human permanent settlement in the world.  QSL direct to: Polar  ARC,
         c/o CFS  Alert,  P.O.Box 5210,  Stn.  Forces,  Belleville,  Ontario,
         Canada K8N 5W6 (put the operator's name on the envelope).
VK_ant - Mike (ex VP8MAP) is active from  Australian Antarctica (South  Pole)
         until the end of January. He is usually QRV between 22 UTC and 3 UTC
         on 14.243 and 14.270 MHz.
VP5    - From 12 to 24 February Joe, K8JP will be active as VP5/K8JP. He will
         participate in the  ARRL DX CW  and CQ  160 Metres  SSB contests  as
         VP5JP. QSL  via K8JP  (Joe Pontek,  P.O. Box  59573, Schaumburg,  IL
         60159-0573, USA).
VR2    - To celebrate the  transfer of sovereignity over Hong Kong from UK to
         China, VR2/VR6 stations will be allowed to change their prefixes in-
         to VR97/VS97 (in 1997) and VR98/VS98 (in 1998).
VU_and - Last week Mani, VU2JPS and his wife Mala,  VU2MTC (Port Blair, Anda-
         man Islands)  eventually  got the  equipment  donated  by the  Heard
         Island DX Association [425DXN 249].
VU_ant - In early January another group  of scientists  (among them there  is
         Sen, VU3PMG)  arrived to Indian  Antarxtic base Maitri (WABA VU-02),
         on Queen Maud Land. Current operators from VU2AXA are VU3DEN, VU3NHK
         and VU3PMG.
W      - On 11 January Norm, N6JV will be active from a few USI islands (Big,
         Small, Goat, Schoolhouse and Indian) in Lake Berryessa.
W      - From 16 UTC of  28 January to  1 UTC of  the 29th Challenger  Middle
         School ARC, San  Diego, CA, will  operate a  special event  station,
         KI6YG, to  commemorate the  eleventh anniversary  of the  Challenger
         space shuttle  tragedy.   Frequencies will  be  on or  near  14.250,
         21.350, and 28.350.  There will be a special commemorative QSL.  QSL
         to Challenger  Middle  School,  Attention:  Frank  Forrester,  10810
         Parkdale Avenue, San Diego, CA 92126, USA.
XU     - Mike, XU6WV  has  not much  time  for operating.  He has been active
         mainly on 20 metres SSB (23.30-00.15 UTC or 12-13  UTC) so far, with
         a few excursions on the WARC bands. He will have a 40/80 vertical up
         within the next few days.
YB     - Deddy, YB1XUR reports that the activity from Tukangbesi Is  (OC-???)
         [425DXN 295] has been postponed to late February (possibly from 21st
         to 23rd).  This  is  the only IOTA activity  currently expected from
ZF     - Bruce, W6OSP and Joe, WA6VNR will participate in the CQWW CW 160 Me-
         ter  Contest (24-26  January) as  ZF2QM from Cayman Islands. QSL via
ZP     - From 19 to 26 January ZP5KO and others will be active (10-160 metres
         SSB/CW) from the island of Yacyreta (Parana river) as ZP0V.
ZS_ant - Marten, ZS6ZY will be leaving for Antarctica on  7 January. He  will
         be  active as  ZS7/ZS6ZY from  the Aghulus  (a resupply ship),  from
         SANAE base (WABA ZS-01) and from the new South African base  at Ves-
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425 DX News #297 [5/8]
 11 January 1997                   No 297                    BID: $425WW297E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

                  >>> NEWS FROM THE RSGB IOTA COMMITTEE <<<

   The following notice has been received from the RSGB IOTA Committee:


AF-077        ZS1  Cape Province-South Coast  group (South Africa,  operation
              by ZS23I in October 1996)

The following Reference Numbers have been issued provisionally (Prov), to  be
confirmed when satisfactory validation material has been provided: 

AF-076 (Prov) 5N4  Gulf of Guinea  group (Nigeria, operation  by 5N4ALE  from
                   Bonny Island  during  September to  December  1996  -  all
                   necessary paperwork  has  been  received  but  information
                   still required about QSLing arrangements)

OC-217 (Prov) YB3  Kangean Is (Indonesia, operation  by YB3SPS/P in  December

OC-218 (Prov) FK   Matthew  Island  (New  Caledonia,  operation  by  FK5M  in
                   December 1996)

AS-125 (Prov) HS   Gulf of Thailand North East group (Thailand, operation  by
                   HS50A from Koh Chang in December 1996)

Validation is also awaited for the following operations from already numbered

OC-152        FO   Tubuai Island (French  Polynesia, operation  by FO0SUC  in
                   October 1996)

AS-067        JA   Uji Archipelago (Japan,  operation by  JI6KVR in  December

Checkpoints are  not authorised  to accept  for IOTA  credit QSLs  for  these
operations for  which validation  material is  required. No  change to  their
status will  now  be  made  before  the  Honour  Roll/Annual  Listing  update
deadline. IOTA  members are  reminded that  updates for  the annual  listings
should be mailed to their nominated Checkpoints on or before 1 February 1997.

                             NEW CHECKPOINT

The RSGB  IOTA Committee  is  happy to  announce  the following  new  Country
Assistant and Checkpoint appointments for Brazil and South America:
*  Helio Carlota,  PY2DBU, as  the Checkpoint  for Brazil  and South  America
   (excluding French Guiana),
*  Ronaldo Bastos Reis, PS7AB, as Country Assistant for Brazil,
*  Pedro Sirzanink, PP5SZ, as Country Assistant for South America  (excluding
   French Guiana).
PS7AB and PP5SZ will act as Assistant Checkpoints when necessary.
These new checkpoint arrangements,  which have the  support of the  Brazilian
National Society LABRE, took effect on 1 January 1997.


" [...]  When  a group  or  an individual  go  out of  their  way to  make  a
collection for a DXpedition without any thought of benefit to themselves,  it
deserves to be  recorded and publicised.  This happened  in the  case of  Mal
Johnson VK6LC's operation  from the remote  Lacepede Is in  May 1996  signing
VK6ISL. DXNS 1704 [as well  as 425DXN 249,  ed.] carried a  note at the  time
that the Diamond DX Club (DDXC) had decided to try and raise US$1000 for  Mal
towards the projected cost of US$5000  for this IOTA New  One. Thanks to  the
tireless efforts of Gianni Varetto, I1HYW, this target was well exceeded, the
amount collected  reaching,  with  a US$260  contribution  from  the  USA,  a
handsome US$1921! This was a tremendous, and extraordinary, gesture on behalf
of an operator who has over  recent years activated many  new IOTA groups  in
Australia at  considerable cost  to himself.  Needless to  say, Mal  is  very
grateful. Hearty congratulations to Gianni and  the Diamonds. (This is  quite
separate from a donation of 450 pounds  made by the IOTA Committee, with  the
assistance of a collection at the Windsor HF Convention, towards the cost  of
replacing equipment lost by Mal in  an accident on his immediately  following
operation from  Sholl  Island OC-140)."  (Roger  Balister, G3KMA,  RSGB  IOTA
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 11 January 1997                   No 297                    BID: $425WW297F
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****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ...  ***************************

CADXA 1997 ---> The 1997 Central Arizona DX Association Board of Directors is
as follows: Mike Fulcher, KC7V (President), Mike Bill, AA7NO (Vice President)
Steve Thompson, N7TX (Secretary). Rick Dill, N7KO (Treasurer), Dave Hollander
N7RK (Member at Large), Ned Stearns, AA7A (Member at Large), Gary Capek, K8BN
(Immediate Past President). The CADXA Home Page is at:

DX AWARDS DIRECTORY ---> Ted, K1BV is pleased  to announce that the 1997 edi-
tion of his  "DX Awards Directory" is  now being printed.  The book will show
the rules for 2551 different awards  from 122 DXCC  countries.  Many hundreds
of  address  and  rules changes  are also included.  More info by E-Mail from
k1bv@top.monad.net or at WWW page http://top.monad.net/~k1bv

NJDXA 1997 ---> The  North Jersey  DX Association  officers for  1997 are the
following: Ben Friedland, K2BF (President); John Sawina NA2R (Vice President)
Bill Hudzik,  W2UDT (Secretary);  Gene Ingraham, N2BIM (Treasurer). The NJDXA
Home Page is at http://www.njdxa.org

QSL 3V8BB ---> The QSL manager for the 3V8BB operations between 21 and 26 No-
vember 1996 is DL2HBX (not DL2HSX).

QSL 3V8BB ---> The cards for the operations by Hans  (DF2UU) and Win  (DK9IP)
from  3V8BB  (11-17 September  1996) have  all been  mailed  either direct or
through the bureau.

QSL 5A1A  -> Kenneth, SM4EMO ireports the mailing addresses of some operators
active from 5A1A: op. Ali, Box 80462, Tripoli; op. Usama, Box 78665, Tripoli;
op. Abubaker, Box 74421, Tripoli, Libya. Kenneth suggests QSL  should be sent
via registered airmail.

QSL D44 ---> The direct cards for Veronica's (IK3ZAW) and Martino's  (IK3RIY)
operations from Cape Verde [425DXN 271]  have all been mailed. The  remaining
QSOs will be confirmed automatically through the bureau.

QSL D68XS, D68ET & D68DV ---> The direct  cards for  D68XS,  D68ET and  D68DV
(August/September 1996) have all been mailed. QSL via DL4XS (Maike Stargardt,
Friedrichsthal 21, 51688 Wipperfuerth, Germany) preferably via the bureau.

QSL I5DCE ---> IK1GPG  (Massimo Balsamo,  Strada Statale 28 Nord # 7, I-12084
Mondovi'-CN, Italy) has logs and QSL cards for all the operations by the late
Franco Guiducci, I5DCE. Between August 1989 and March 1996 I5DCE's operations
included activities from the following IOTA groups:  EU-014, EU-041,  EU-049,
EU-067,  EU-075, EU-113,  EU-151,  EU-158, AF-065,  AF-068,  NA-102,  NA-114,
NA-147, SA-012, SA-059.

QSL KUWAIT ---> Hamad,  9K2HN reports  the QSL info for the following Kuwaiti
stations:  9K0A (via 9K2HN.  also through  the  bureau),  9K2AI (via bureau),
9K2CA (via ON6BY),  9K2EC (via 9K2HN  also  through the  bureau),  9K2DB (via
bureau or  direct to Ahmed  Al-Holly, Box 17313 Khalidya 72454, Kuwait), 9K2F
(for 1996 activities: via 9K2HN also through the bureau), 9K2GS (via WB6JMS),
9K2HN (via  bureau or  direct to  Hamad J.  Al-Nusif,  Box 29174 Safat 13152,
Kuwait), 9K2HR (via bureau or direct to Husain Al-Ramadhan, Box  6262 Hawally
32037, Kuwait), 9K2MR (via bureau or direct to Meshari  Al-Ruwaih, Box  14591
Alfayha 72856, Kuwait), 9K2MU  (via WA4JTK),  9K2NG  (via bureau or direct to
Nezar Al-Ghanim,  Box 3007 Safat  13031, Kuwait), 9K2NM (via bureau or direct
to Nawaf Al-Moharb,  Box 14427  Al-Faiha 72855, Kuwait), 9K2QA (via bureau or
direct to Ahmed Al-Turki, Box 954 Hawally 32010, Kuwait), 9K2QQ (via bureau),
9K2RR (via bureau or direct  to Faisal  Al-Ajmi,  Box 1124  Farwaniya  80000,
Kuwait), 9K2/YO9HP  (via YO9HP).  9K2RA is the  call of  the Kuwaiti  Amateur
Radio Society (KARS), which  manages the cards  only for its  own operations.
Many  amateurs in  Kuwait are used to saying "QSL via 9K2RA" to mean "QSL via
bureau".  The KARS  bureau mails  the cards every three months (at the end of
March, June, September and December).
S DX@WW $425WW297G
425 DX News #297 [7/8]
 11 January 1997                   No 297                    BID: $425WW297G
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

QSL FT5XL ---> Didier, F5NZO has mailed all the direct cards for contacts ma-
de with FT5XL up to 7 November 1996. The last part of the logs will be coming
with the operator himself, who is going to leave Kerguelen.

QSL VK9PG ---> The address of JR5XPG, who was active from Lord Howe as  VK9PG
[425DXN 291] is: Hidenori Uemura, 550-25 Zota-korehiro, Nagao-cho, Ohkawa-gun
Kagawa 769-23, Japan.

QSL ZK1DI ---> DK1RV (Hans-Georg Goebel, Postfach 1114, D-57235 Netphen, Ger-
many) has received the logs of ZK1DI up to 16 December 1996 (1,050 QSOs). Di-
rect cards have all been already mailed.

QSL ZL7AA ---> ZL2AL (L.F. Jennings, P.O.Box 54, Hastings, New Zealand) still
has a supply of cards and will QSL to all valid QSOs made with ZL7AA, Chatham
Islands (May 1993).

THE DX MAGAZINE ---> Previously  published by Paul and Nancy Smith, following
many years of publication by Chod  Harris, the DX Magazine has been purchased
by Carl Smith, N4AA, current publisher  of QRZ DX. For further information on
this publication, send 10 SASE to: DX MAGAZINE, P.O. Box 16522, Asheville, NC
28816-4522, USA (E-mail: N4AA@AOL.COM).

WWDXC 1997 ---> The  Western Washington DX Club 1997  Officers are the follo-
wing: Bob  Preston, W7TSQ (President); Dick Swanson, K7BTW  (Vice President);
Mike Schone,  WA7BAY (Secretary);  Marina Zuetell, N7LSL (Treasurer);  Duncan
Carman, W7JEN; John Gohndrone,  N7TT; Joe Gregory,  W7QN; Adam  Kerner, K7ST;
Larry Short, N7YQ e Roger Huntley, W7VV (Trustees); Mike Pickard, K7NPN (Out-
going President Trustee). The Club Home Page is at:

+ SILENT KEY +  It was with the greatest sadness that we  have learnt of  the
passing of Hugo, LU9AB (ex  LU3ABX), who  became a  Silent Key on 26 December

QSL received via direct:  3C5A (AF-010), 3DA0CA,  5R8FK, 5V7HR,  5V7ML, 9A8P
(EU-090),  9M2/G3OZF,  (AS-072),  CQ2I  (EU-150),  CY0AA,  F5RUQ/p  (EU-039),
IL3/IK2XDE (IIA  RO-011), IM0/IS0NHT  (EU-024; IIA  CA-016, CA-026,  OR-006),
TM5CHY (EU-039), PY0FM,  V73AX, V85HN,  VP8CWI, VR2KF,  YE8P (OC-146),  ZS23I
(AF-077), ZS8IR.
             For the news issued in this number, thanks to:     

Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club,  Roman DX  Group, 9K2HN, CT1EEB,  CT1ENQ,
DX-NL,  DXNS,  LNDX,  NPDXG,  OPDX,  PY-DX,  QRZ-DX,  The  59(9)  DX  Report,

!       425 WWW Page --->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html      !
!                     INTERNET via  anonymous FTP at site:                  !
!  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  -  under the  /pub/ham/425news/english/  directory !
!             To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL:             !
!               http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/nph-425dxnews             !
!     or sending a message to:               majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it    !
!     writing in the body of the message:    subscribe 425dxnews  address   !
!          where  address  is the e-mail address of the subscriber          !
!                 * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *                    !
!                     TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751                       !
!                     DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613                       !
!                      SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422                      !
!                     ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306                       !
!                     CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921                       !
!               HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677                       !
!                      WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183                       !
!                      JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332                      !
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
S DX@WW $425WW297I
425 DX News #297 [8/8]
 11 January 1997                   No 297                    BID: $425WW297I
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  12/01      I5JHW/6Y5                                              292
till  ??         8J1RL: Antartica                                       294
till  ??         CE9OH: Antarctica                                      295
till  ??         CE9SAC: Antarctica                                     294
till  ??         CE9MFK: South Shetland                                 297
till  ??         CE9/CE7JOD: South Shetland                             294
till  12/01      CU8/DL3KUD: Flores Isl. (EU-089)                       291
till  15/02      FR5GM * by F6AFJ                                       295
till  ??         FT5YP: Antarctica                                      295
till  ??         HF0POL: Antarctica                                     294
till  15/01      HR3 * by KS9W & K9BG                                   295
till  ??         KC4AAA, AAC, AAD, AAF, USB: Antartica                  294
till  05/02      UA3YH/KC4: Antarctica (WABA K-08)                      292
till  February   KC4/KL7RL, KC4/KC8CWI: Antarctica                      297
till  ??         LU1ZS, LU8EYK/z: South Shetland                        297
till  ??         LU1ZV: Antarctica                                      294
till  ??         LZ0A: South Shetland                                   294
till  ??         OA0MP: South Shetland                                  295
till  12/01      PT5T: Maria Francisca Isl. (SA-026; DIB 67)            297
till  ??         R1ANT, ANZ: Antarctica                                 294
till  ??         R1ANW: Antarctica                                      295
till  ??         T31BB * by DF6FK                                       292
till  mid Jan    TI9CF * by TI4CF                                       295
till  12/01      TM6BZ: Batz Isl. (EU-105)                              291
till  end Jan    VK0MAP: Antarctica                                     297
till  ??         VP8CPG: Antarctica                                     295
till  ??         VU2AXA: Antarctica                                     294
08/01-31-01      PJ9JT: Curacao * by W1BIH                              291
08/01-11/01      ZY3CEJ: Furado Isl. (DIB 62)                           297
10/01-20/01      CV5A: Flores Isl. (SA-030)                             297
10/01-12/01      Japan International LF DX CW Contest                   ***
11/01-27/01      P40WA * by K9UWA                                       297
11/01            N6JV * by USI islands                                  297
12/01            EA4ENK/p: Las Tapias Isl. (DIEI BA-39)                 293
13/01-20/01      C6: Treasure Cay (NA-080) * by NE8Z                    297
13/01-19/01      CU2/DL3KUD: Sao Miguel (EU-003)                        291
14/01-24/01      9H3XF * by IZ3AHY, LX1PS, LX2BN                        297
14/01-21/01      T32HA: Christmas Is. (OC-024) * by VE7AHA              291
15/01-28/01      VK0IR: Heard Island                                    293
17/01-17/02      HS0/DL2FDK                                             293
19/01            EA4ENK/p: El Egidillo Isl. (DIEI BA-37)                293
19/01-26/01      ZP0V: Yacyreta Isl. * by ZP5KO's team                  297
20/01-30/01      LW5EJQ/d: Martin Garcia Isl. (SA-055) * by LU team     297
22/01-28/01      P49I * by K4PI                                         297
23/01-26/01      TM4ICF                                                 297
24/01-28/01      PJ5AA * by K3UOC                                       297
24/01-26/01      ZF2QM * by W6OSP & WA6VNR                              297
24/01-26/01      CQ WW CW 160 Mt.                                       ***
25/01-26/01      REF CW Contest                                         ***
25/01-26/01      UBA SSB Contest                                        ***
26/01            EA4ENK/p: Contreras Isl. (DIEI BA-37)                  293
28/01-29/01      KI6YG * Challinger Middle School                       297
January-February IJ7: Pazzi Isl. (IIA LE-006) * by Salento DX team      295
January-February IJ7: Sc. Terra (IIA LE-???) * by Salento DX team       295
January-February IJ7: Sc. Tondo (IIA LE-013) * by Salento DX team       295
January-February P4/K2LE                                                291
January-February ZY0SK & ZY0SG: St.Peter & Paul Rocks  by PS7KM & PT7AA 295
January          ZD9: Gough Isl. (AF-030) * by ZD7WRG                   291
01/02-08/03      9G5BQ * by PA3GBQ                                      297
01/02            TX0K: Kerguelen * by VK0IR's team                      293
03/02-17/02      V47CA * by VE3BW                                       293
08/02-09/02      EA SSB DX Contest                                      ***
08/02-10/02      YL/OM SSB Contest                                      ***
10/02-18/02      V59T * by KY0A, W8UVZ, WB0HPS, KV0Q                    297  
12/02-19/02      V2 * by NM9H & KX9X                                    297
12/02-24/02      VP5/K8JP                                               297
15/02-16/02      KR8V/C6A: Abaco Isl. (NA-080)                          293
15/02-20/02      FS: Tintamarre Isl. (NA-190) * by FG5BG, FJ5AB, FS5PL  297
15/02-16/02      ARRL International DX CW Contest                       ***