DX425 bulletin issue nr. 296

S DX@WW $425WW296A
425 DX News #296 [1/5]
 4 January 1997                     No 296                    BID: $425WW296A 
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                                  Edited by
                               I1JQJ  & IK1GPG
                                Translated by
                              I1-21171 & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@fileita.it - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)             !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

                       ***  Most Wanted in Italy  ***

Thanks to the over 300 DXers  who, answering to the  425 DX News  invitation,
sent their most wanted through Packet,  e-mail or snail mail. Thanks also  to
the "big guns" who, notwithstanding they contacted all the countries  (except
P5) expressed  their  appreciation  about  our  initiative,  offering  useful
suggestions for the future. The following  list, which considers the 48  most
wanted Countries, reports at first three places, as it was foreseeable, North
Korea, Heard  Island and  Bhutan. This  situation is  to  be changed  by  the
forthcoming operations of VK0IR, which, if the expedition is succesful,  will
delete Heard from  the Most Wanted  list. About Scarborough  Reef a  probable
activity on a grand scale is planned by OH2BH in May. No short-time  activity
from Bhutan, but for Auckland (presumably  in the next first three  Countries
after the VK0IR operations) a DXpedition is on the way, planned for 1999,  by
ZL8RI group. Patience is a virtue  - the Bouvet expedition, organized by  the
South Sandwich Island Antarctic DX Group, will not take place until  December
1997 (but it is possible a delay to 1998), but it should be a successful one.
Another imminent  change should  come from  the forthcoming  operations  from
St.Peter & St.Paul Rocks (currently at the 10th place).

|Pos.| Pfx,  Paese        |Pos.| Pfx,  Paese       |Pos.| Pfx,  Paese      |
|  1 | P5    North Korea  | 17 | FT_Z  Amsterdam   | 33 | KP5   Desecheo   |
|  2 | VK0   Heard        | 18 | PY0   Peter & Paul| 34 | KH4   Midway     |
|  3 | A5    Bhutan       | 19 | E3    Eritrea     | 35 | 3B9   Rodriguez  |
|  4 | ZL9   Auckland     | 20 | FO0   Clipperton  | 36 | ST0   So.Sudan   |
|  5 | BS7   Scarborough  | 21 | VK9   Willis      | 37 | 7O    Yemen      |
|  6 | KH5K  Kingman reef | 22 | 3D2   Conway reef | 38 | VP8   So.Orkney  |
|  7 | VU4   Andaman      | 23 | KH9   Wake        | 39 | KH8   Amer.Samoa | 
|  8 | KH7   Kure         | 24 | VU7   Laccadive   | 40 | TI9   Cocos      |
|  9 | 3B6,7 St.Brandon   | 25 | KH1   Howland     | 41 | YA    Afganistan |
| 10 | 3Y    Bouvet       | 26 | 3C0   Annobon     | 42 | JD1   Minami Tor.|
| 11 | T31   Centr.Kirib. | 27 | ZL8   Kermadec    | 43 | CY9   St. Paul   |
| 12 | KH5   Palmyra      | 28 | HK0   Malpelo     | 44 | VP8   So.Georgia |
| 13 | VK0   MacQuarie    | 29 | 3Y    Peter 1     | 45 | FR/J  Juan de Nov|
| 14 | T33   Banaba       | 30 | CE0   San Felix   | 46 | T32   East Kirib.|
| 15 | BV9   Pratas       | 31 | VK9   Mellish     | 47 | CY0   Sable      |
| 16 | ZK3   Tokelau      | 32 | VP8   So.Sandwich | 48 | T2    Tuvalu     |
S DX@WW $425WW296B
425 DX News #296 [2/5]
 4 January 1997                     No 296                    BID: $425WW296B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

VK0IR  - Due to  a strike  in France,  the departure  of  the ship  has  been
         delayed. The team will sail from Reunion Island on 5 January in  the
         afternoon. They will head directly to Heard Island and will not stop
         at Crozet. They will be QRV on schedule from Heard Island.

FO     - FO5PP/p is active (mainly on CW) from Rurutu (OC-050).
I      - On 6 January (weather permitting) Tony,  IK8VRH and other  operators
         will be  active  as  IK8UHA/IC8  from  Scoglio  dello  Schiavone  di
         Miniscola (IIA NA-???) or, alternatively, Scoglio dello Schiavone di
         Procida (EU-031, IIA NA-???). QSL via IK8VRH.
JA     - From 2 to  4 January Hiro,  JH4FBV will be  /6 from Fukuejima,  Goto
         Islands (AS-040) on 40,. 20 and 15 metres (mainly CW). QSL via  home
         call    direct    (Hironori    Funahashi,    1-11-38    Hamanochaya,
         Kurashiki-city, Okayama, 710 Japan) or through the bureau.
KG4    - Bill, WT4K  and  Rusty, KG4AU  will  participate in  the  ARRL  RTTY
         Roundup Contest (4-5  January) as KG4GC.   QSL via  WT4K (ex  KQ4GC)
         direct or through the bureau.
TN     - TN7A will be active until 6-7 January. QSL via JH1NBN.
W      - From 6 to 12 January Jim, AA3ID  and his wife Dianne, N3GPF will  be
         active from Hatteras Island (NA-067, USI NC-005S).
ZD9    - WA2JUN, QSL manager  for ZD7WRG, reports  that Johnny (ZD7WRG)  will
         not operate  from  Gough Island  (AF-030)  during  his  short  visit
         [425DXN 291].

OC-217  YB3  KANGEAN  IS  (Indonesia,  YB3   islands,  letter  "e"),   issued
             following the operations by YB3SPS/P.

OC-218  FK   MATTHEW ISLAND (New Caledonia, letter "e"), issued following the
             operations by FK5M.

AS-125  HS   GULF OF THAILAND  NORTH EAST group  (Thai islands, letter  "a"),
             issued following the operations by HS50A from Koh Chang.

The Reference Numbers have  been issued provisionally,  to be confirmed  when
satisfactory validation  material  has been  provided.  Checkpoints  are  not
authorised to accept  QSLs for  these operations  for IOTA  credit until  the
Reference Numbers have been confirmed.
S DX@WW $425WW296C
425 DX News #296 [3/5]
 4 January 1997                     No 296                    BID: $425WW296C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         **  GERMAN ISLANDS AWARD **

Nordsee / North Sea
N-001    EU-047     Borkum
N-002    EU-047     Lutje Horn
N-003    EU-047     Juist
N-004    EU-047     Memmert
N-005    EU-047     Norderney
N-006    EU-047     Baltrum
N-007    EU-047     Langeoog
N-008    EU-047     Spiekeroog
N-009    EU-047     Wangerooge 
N-010    EU-047     Mellum
N-011    EU-127     Scharnhorn
N-012    EU-127     Neuwerk
N-013    EU-127     Trischen
N-014    EU-127     Helgoland
N-015    EU-127     Dune
N-016    EU-042     Sylt
N-017    EU-042     Fohr
N-018    EU-042     Amrum
N-019    EU-042     Langeness
N-020    EU-042     Oland
N-021    EU-042     Grode-Appelland
N-022    EU-042     Hooge
N-023    EU-042     Pellworm
N-024    EU-nein    Nordstrand
N-026    EU-047     Minsener Oog
N-027    EU-047     Oldoog
N-028    EU-047     Lutje Oldoog
N-029    EU-042     Suderoog
N-030    EU-042     Sudfall
N-031    EU-042     Habel
N-032    EU-042     Japsand
N-033    EU-042     Hallig Norderoog
N-034    EU-042     Norderoogsand
N-035    EU-042     Suderoogsand

Ostsee / Baltic Sea:
O-001    EU-128     Fehmarn
O-002    EU-098     Poel
O-003    EU-nein    Zingst
O-004    EU-057 ?   Bock
O-005    EU-057     Hiddensee
O-006    EU-057     Ummanz
O-007    EU-057     Rugen
O-008    EU-057     Vilm
O-009    EU-nein    Riems
O-010    EU-057 ?   Koos
O-011    EU-057     Ruden
O-012    EU-057     Greifswalder Oie
O-013    EU-129     Usedom
O-014    EU-nein    Daenholm (in Rugendamm/Rugen Causeway)
O-015    EU-129     Goermitz (Achterwasser, off Usedom)
O-016    EU-057     Fahrinsel (off Hiddensee)
O-017    EU-057     Heuwiese (off Rugen)
O-018    EU-057     Libitz/Liebitz (off Rugen)
O-019    EU-057     Ohe (off Schaprode-Village / Rugen)
O-020               Lotseninsel
O-021    EU-098     Walfisch
O-022               Langenwerder
O-023               Grosse Kirr
O-024               Oie
O-025               Beuchel
O-026    EU-057     Tollow (in Schoritzer Wiek / off Rugen)
O-027               Riether Werder

Inlandsinseln / Inland Island
B-001    EU-nein    Reichenau (Bodensee/Untersee - Lake Konstanz)
B-002    EU-nein    Mainau (Bodensee/Uberlinger See - Lake Konstanz)
B-003    EU-nein    Herreninsel

(Note: this list is not finished, there might be new ones in future
       e.g.  Hamburger Hallig, and islands around Usedom, etc.)
S DX@WW $425WW296D
425 DX News #296 [4/5]
 4 January 1997                     No 296                    BID: $425WW296D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         **   ITALIAN PROVINCES   **
Abb.Province       Zone    Abb.Province      Zone    Abb.Province       Zone
AG  Agrigento      IT9     GE  Genova        I1      PZ  Potenza         I8 
AL  Alessandria    I1      GO  Gorizia       IV3     RA  Ravenna         I4 
AN  Ancona         I6      GR  Grosseto      I5      RC  Reggio Calabria I8 
AO  Aosta          IX1     IM  Imperia       I1      RE  Reggio Emilia   I4 
AP  Ascoli Piceno  I6      IS  Isernia       I8      RG  Ragusa          IT9
AQ  L'aquila       I6      KR  Crotone       I8      RI  Rieti           I0 
AR  Arezzo         I5      LC  Lecco         I2      RM  Roma            I0 
AT  Asti           I1      LE  Lecce         I7      RN  Rimini          I4 
AV  Avellino       I8      LI  Livorno       I5      RO  Rovigo          I3 
BA  Bari           I7      LO  Lodi          I2      SA  Salerno         I8 
BG  Bergamo        I2      LT  Latina        I0      SI  Siena           I5 
BI  Biella         I1      LU  Lucca         I5      SO  Sondrio         I2 
BL  Belluno        I3      MC  Macerata      I6      SP  La Spezia       I1 
BN  Benevento      I8      ME  Messina       IT9     SR  Siracusa        IT9
BO  Bologna        I4      MI  Milano        I2      SS  Sassari         IS0
BR  Brindisi       I7      MN  Mantova       I2      SV  Savona          I1 
BS  Brescia        I2      MO  Modena        I4      TA  Taranto         I7 
BZ  Bolzano        IN3     MS  Massa         I5      TE  Teramo          I6 
CA  Cagliari       IS0     MT  Matera        I7      TN  Trento          IN3
CB  Campobasso     I8      NA  Napoli        I8      TO  Torino          I1 
CE  Caserta        I8      NO  Novara        I1      TP  Trapani         IT9
CH  Chieti         I6      NU  Nuoro         IS0     TR  Terni           I0 
CL  Caltanissetta  IT9     OR  Oristano      IS0     TS  Trieste         IV3
CN  Cuneo          I1      PA  Palermo       IT9     TV  Treviso         I3 
CO  Como           I2      PC  Piacenza      I4      UD  Udine           IV3
CR  Cremona        I2      PD  Padova        I3      VA  Varese          I2 
CS  Cosenza        I8      PE  Pescara       I6      VB  Verbania        I1 
CT  Catania        IT9     PG  Perugia       I0      VC  Vercelli        I1 
CZ  Catanzaro      I8      PI  Pisa          I5      VE  Venezia         I3 
EN  Enna           IT9     PN  Pordenone     IV3     VI  Vicenza         I3 
FE  Ferrara        I4      PO  Prato         I5      VR  Verona          I3 
FG  Foggia         I7      PR  Parma         I4      VT  Viterbo         I0 
FI  Firenze        I5      PS  Pesaro        I6      VV  Vibo Valentia   I8 
FO  Forli'         I4      PT  Pistoia       I5                             
FR  Frosinone      I0      PV  Pavia         I2                            
S DX@WW $425WW296E
425 DX News #296 [5/5]
 4 January 1997                     No 296                    BID: $425WW296E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         **   SPANISH PROVINCES   **

Abb. Province      Zone    Abb. Province      Zone    Abb. Province     Zone
A    Alicante      5       GR   Granada       7       PO   Pontevedra    1  
AB   Albacete      5       GU   Guadalajara   4       S    Cantabria     1  
AL   Almeria       7       H    Huelva        7       SA   Salamanca     1  
AV   Avila         1       HU   Huesca        2       SE   Sevilla       7  
B    Barcelona     3       J    Jaen          7       SG   Segovia       1  
BA   Badajoz       4       L    Lerida        3       SO   Soria         1  
BI   Vizcaya       2       LE   Leon          1       SS   Guipuzcoa     2  
BU   Burgos        1       LO   La Rioja      1       T    Terragona     3  
CA   Cadiz         7       LU   Lugo          1       TE   Teruel        2  
CC   Caceres       4       M    Madrid        4       TF   Tenerife      8  
CE   Ceuta         9       MA   Malaga        7       TO   Toledo        4  
CO   Cordoba       7       ML   Melilla       9       V    Valencia      5  
CO   La Coruna     1       MU   Murcia        5       VA   Valladolid    1  
CR   Ciudad Real   4       NA   Navarra       2       VI   Alava         2  
CS   Castellon     5       O    Asturias      1       Z    Zaragoza      2  
CU   Cuenca        4       OR   Orense        1       ZA   Zamora        1  
GC   Las Palmas    8       P    Palencia      1                             
GE   Gerona        3       PM   Baleares      6                          
              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

!       425 WWW Page --->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html      !
!                     INTERNET via  anonymous FTP at site:                  !
!  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  -  under the  /pub/ham/425news/english/  directory !
!             To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL:             !
!               http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/nph-425dxnews             !
!     or sending a message to:               majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it    !
!     writing in the body of the message:    subscribe 425dxnews  address   !
!          where  address  is the e-mail address of the subscriber          !
!                 * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *                    !
!                     TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751                       !
!                     DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613                       !
!                      SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422                      !
!                     ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306                       !
!                     CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921                       !
!               HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677                       !
!                      WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183                       !
!                      JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332                      !
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang