DX425 bulletin issue nr. 295

S DX@WW $425WW295A
425 DX News #295 [1/6]
 28 December 1996                  No 295                    BID: $425WW295A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                                  Edited by
                               I1JQJ  & IK1GPG
                                Translated by
                              I1-21171 & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@fileita.it - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)             !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

1A0    - From 26 to 30 December 1A0KM will  be active again (all modes &  all
3B8    - Laurent, F5PYI will  be active  (10-80 metres  SSB/CW) as  3B8/F5PYI
         until 3 January.
3W     - From 30 dicembre to 5 gennaio Unni, LA6RHA (JW6RHA) will be visiting
         Vietnam. She hopes to be cative as 3W6RHA. QSL via LA6RHA.
7O     - Xavier, EA3BHK reports  that Zorro,  JH1AJT announced  to have  been
         invited by  the  local authorities  to  visit Yemen  again  in  1997
         (possibly in late April).
9X     - Mark, ON4WW/9X4WW will stay in Belgium till 28 December.  Once  back
         in Kigali, due to local circumstances, he will operate only on 14118
         (SSB and CW) and 1827.5 kHz.  Skeds for 160 metres will be  possible
         on 14118 and via ON4UN). QSL via ON5NT.
BS7    - From 2 to  11 May OH2BH,  OH2MM, OH1RY, SM7PKK,  N7NG, W6EU,  JA1BK,
         BZ1HAM, OH0XX  and two  operators from  Spain  will be  active  from
         Scarborough Reef.
CE_ant - Juan Carlos, CE9OH  is active from  Chilean Antarctic base  Bernardo
         O'Higgins (WABA CE-02).
EA     - On 29  December (weather  permitting) EA5YH/P  will be  active  from
         Mitjana Island (DIE E-046). QSL via home call.
EA     - During the weekend EA1BEY/p will be active from lighthouse de  Somos
         (FEA D-1586). QSL via EA1BEY.
EA     - During the second or third weekend in January EA1BT/p will be active
         from lighthouse Punta de  San Anton (Llanes)  (FEA D-1582), QSL  via
         QSL via EA1BT.
FR     - F6AFJ will  be active  (20 and  15 metres  SSB)  as FR5GM  until  15
FR     - On 26 and  December Peter, ON6TT  and Arie, PA3DUU  might be  active
         from Reunion as FR/home call, because the TO0R call [425DXN 293]  is
         valid as of 28 December only.
FT_ant - The station FT5YP is currently active (CW and SSB) from Les  Petrels
GW     - The MW6Z  (call to be confirmed)  team will partici�ate  in the IOTA
         Contest 1997 from Anglesey (EU-124).
HR     - Bob, KS9W  and Jerry,  K9BG  will be  active  from Honduras  from  8
         through 15 January. HR3/K9BG will operate primarily CW and  HR3/KS9W
         will operate CW/RTTY (SSB activity will be minimal). Opretaions will
         take place on all bands from  10 through 160  metres. QSL via  their
         respective home calls.
S DX@WW $425WW295B
425 DX News #295 [2/6]
 28 December 1996                  No 295                    BID: $425WW295B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

I      - On 29 December (weather permitting) some operators from the  Salento
         DX Team will be IJ7/ from Isola del Capezzone (EU-091, IIA  LE-004).
         QSL via their  respective home  calls. Operations  from Isola  Pazzi
         (IIA LE-006),  Scoglio Tondo  (IIA LE-013)  and Scoglio  Terra  (IIA
         LE-029) are scheduled for January and February.
KC4_ant- Steve and  Glen are  two operators  who are  going to  be active  as
         KC4USL from US  Antarctic base Dome  Charlie (WABA  K-02) on  Wilken
KC4_ant- KL7RL/KC4 has been heard  transmitting from multinational  Antarctic
         bese Mount Vinson (WABA MN-02)  on Ellsworth Land.  Art is going  to
         return to multinational  base Patriot Hills  (MN-01), where he  will
         stay for 45 days.
KH2    - Jim, KH2D will be active on 160 metres (1.828 MHz from 8 to 15  UTC)
         for the next months.   Jim will try  to be QRV  for Europe at  about
         20.30 UTC. QSL via K8NA (not N8NA, 425DXN 294).
OA_ssh - OA0MP is active from Peruvian Antarctic base antartica Machu  Picchu
         (WABA OA-01) on King George Island, South Shetlands (AN-010).
PY     - From 29 to  31 December PY8JA/p  will be  active (SSB  and CW)  from
         Atalaia Island (DIB-60). QSL via P.O.Box  5056, 66601.970 Belem, PA,
         Brazil or through the bureau.
PY0_sp - Karl, PS7KM (ZY0SK) and Tino, PT7AA (ZY0SG) will be active from  St.
         Peter & St. Paul Rocks in January. Operations should start around 25
         January (the actual date depends on transportation) and last for two
         or three weeks. Activity will  take place on  all bands (160  metres
         excluded), SSB & CW. QSL via PT7AA (for CW) and PS7KM (for SSB).
SM_ant - In mid-January Henry, VE0HSS will  visit and try  to be active  from
         Swedish Antarctic base Wasa (WABA SM-01) on Princess Martha Coast.
TI9    - TI4CF's activity from Coco's Island [425DXN 292] has been  postponed
         to 4 January.
UA_ant - Peter (a Russian  operator) and Henry  (a visitor  from Canada)  are
         active from R1ANW [425DXN 294]. They are QRV for Europe from 18 to  
         24 UTC and for North America from 00 to 04 UTC.
VK0_m  - Tom Stoke, VK0TS arrived on Macquarie on 17 December. He will try to
         be as active  as possible (it  depends on his  workload). He may  be
         found on 14.222 MHz.
VP8_ant- VP8CPG is active from British Antarctic base Rothera (WABA G-07)  on
         Adelaide Island (AN-001).
W      - Ray, AD4LX will be active from  FL-301S (USI Programme) starting  on
         30 December through 2 January.
XE     - From 3 to 5 January Hector, XE1BEF will be active  from Clarion Isl.
         (NA-115) as  4F4C or  6F4C.  CW/SSB/RTTY  operations will take place
         from 10 to 160 metres, WARC bands included.  QSL via home call.
XT     - Hugolin, XT2HB is a newly licensed  amateur in Burkina Faso. He  can
         be found at about 17.30 UTC on 14.120 MHz and during the weekends at
         7.30 UTC on 14.225 MHz. QSL  via XT2HB (Hugolin, Dep. 01, B.P.  6397
         Ougadougou. Burkina Faso, West Africa).
YB     - From 3 to 5 January YB0RX  and a couple of  other operators will  be
         active from Tukangbesi islands (OC-???)  [425DXN 291] possibly  with
         the call 8B8WI. Operations are expected to take place from 10 to  80 
         metres (only SSB for the time being).
YB     - Flavio, IK2IQD reports that from 21 to 23 February YB1XUR and  other
         three operators  will  be active  from  Pukangbesi  Island  (NO-REF)
         possibly with a special call. QSL via YC8KAR.
S DX@WW $425WW295C
425 DX News #295 [3/6]
 28 December 1996                  No 295                    BID: $425WW295C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

While waiting  for  the  Italian Most  Wanted  Countries List, scheduled  for
January, the following is the List compiled by the Northern Portugal DX Group
(NPDXG) on the basis of the information coming from the Portuguese DXers. 

                     DECEMBER 1996                     

Rank        DXCC Country        Prefix      % Need Rank

1           North Korea         P5          100
2           Heard Island        VK0/h       85,7
3           Palmyra             KH5         80,9
4           Willis Island       VK9W        76,1
5           MacQuarie Isl.      VK0/m       75,7
6           Auckland/Campbell   ZL9         73,8
7           Banaba Island       T33         72,5
8           Bouvet Island       3Y/b        71,4
9           Kingman Reef        KH5k        70,0
10          Andaman/Nicobar     VU4         69,0
11          Central Kiribati    T31         66,6
12          Wake Island         KH9         66,2
13          Buthan              A5          64,2
14          Agalega/S.Brandon   3B6         64,0
15          Baker/Howland       KH1         63,8
16          Tokelau             ZK3         63,2
17          Midway              KH4         62,0
18          Amsterdam/St.Paul   FT5/z       61,9
19          Kermadec            ZL8         60,2
20          Pagalu              3C0         59,5
21          Kure Island         KH7         57,1
22          Yemen               7O          54,7
23          North Cook          ZK1/n       51,5
24          Rodriguez Island    3B9         50,0
25          Clipperton Island   FO/x        49,8
26          Tromelin            FR/t        49,5
27          Ogasawara           JD1/o       49,1
28          Mellish Reef        VK9M        48,7
29          Laos                XW          48,0
30          Myanmar/Burma       XZ          47,7
31          Conway Reef         3D2/c       47,6
32          Nauru               C2          47,1
33          Belau               KC6         46,8
34          Minami Torishima    JD1/m       45,2
35          Laccadives          VU7         43,6
36          Spratly Islands     1S          42,8
37          Eritrea             E3          42,5
38          Crozet Island       FT/w        42,1
39          Kerguelen Island    FT/x        41,9
40          Christmas Island    VK9X        41,2
41          South Sandwich      VP8/sa      41,0
42          Pr. Edward/Marion   ZS8         40,8
43          Peter I Island      3Y/p        40,4
44          Juan de Nova Isl.   FR/j        40,1
45          South Sudan         ST0         39,6
46          South Georgia       VP8/g       38,5
47          Malpelo Island      HK0/m       38,0
48          Cocos Keeling       VK9C        37,2
49          South Orkney        VP8/o       36,5
50          San Felix Islands   CE0x        35,7
51          S.Peter&Paul Rocks  PY0S        34,9
52          Kampuchea           XU          33,5
53          Vietnam             XV          33,3
54          Nepal               9N          33,0
55          Bangladesh          S2          32,4
56          Aves Island         YV0         31,6
57          Maldives            8Q          30,9
58          Iran                EP          30,5
59          Glorioso Island     FR/g        30,3
60          Sudan               ST          30,0
61          Cocos Island        TI9         29,7
62          Congo               TN          29,5
63          Afghanistan         YA          28,9
64          Guinea Equatorial   3C          28,5
65          Sable Island        CY0         28,4
66          Comoros             D6          28,0
67          Market Reef         OJ0         27,6
68          Mount Athos         SV/a        27,2
69          Somalia             T5          26,8
70          Syria               YK          26,4
71          S.M.O.M.            1A0         26,1
72          Malyj Vysotskij     4J1         25,9
73          Lybia               5A          24,4
74          Jan Mayen           JX          22,9
75          Tristan da Cunha    ZD9         22,0
76          Togo                5V          21,4
77          Burundi             9U          20,4
78          Juan Fernandez      CE0z        19,0
79          Benin               TY          18,7
80          Guinea Konakri      3X          16,6
81          Rwanda              9X          16,3
82          Trindade Island     PY0T        16,0
83          East Kiribati       T32         15,7
84          Chad                TT          15,2
85          S.M.B. Cyprus       ZC4         14,9
86          Niue Island         ZK2         14,5
87          Uganda              5X          14,2
88          Western Samoa       5W          14,0
89          Tonga               A3          13,5
90          St.Paul Island      CY9         13,4
91          Wallis/Futuna       FW          12,8
92          Macau               XX9         12,0
93          Rotuma Island       3D2/r       11,9
94          Madagascar          5R          11,4
95          Scarborough Reef    BS7         11,1
96          Ethiopia            ET          10,7
97          Djibouti            J2          10,5
98          Tuvalu              T2          10,2
99          West Kiribati       T30          9,6
100         Iraq                YI           9,0
S DX@WW $425WW295D
425 DX News #295 [4/6]
 28 December 1996                  No 295                    BID: $425WW295D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

BOUVET ISLAND  --->  Tony Deprato,  WA4JQS  (Director  of  Operations,  South
Sandwich Island Antarctic DX  Group) reports the  following: "The paper  work
for the South  Sandwich Island DX  Group's Bouvet  Island DXpedition  [425DXN
267, ed. note] is going along very  well. Permission had been received for  a
December 1997 landing date, but with  the possible establishment of a  CCAMLR
(Convention  of  the  Conservation  of  Antarctic  Marine  Lining  Resources)
ecosystem monitoring program being set up on the island and taking effect  in
October 1997 problems could arise just before departure time with  permission
to land. The  South Sandwich Group  has reapplied for  a 1998 season  landing
date also so that they would have time to work with any new requirements that
the CCAMLR group should request. Many requests by the JA-operators for us  to
postpone our landing till 1998, so that the  28 MHz band opening to JA  would
be greater, was also a big factor in the new date request."

HEARD ISLAND DXPEDITION: REFLECTOR ---> The Heard reflector is now online! It
will be the  main perum in  which DXers  can participate  in the  expedition.
Through the  reflector, the  audience will  be able  to pass  the team  their
feedback. It will be the focal point per all updates and feedback coming from
the expedition team on the island. The expedition members on the island  will
not be on the reflector, but all inpermation  to and from the island will  be
channeled through the pilot stations. The  reflector will cater to free  flow
discussions (tips, recommendations, questions and answers, etc) between DXers
and the  expedition's pilots.   The  first step  to  subscribe to  the  Heard
reflector is  to send  Email to  heard-request@ve7tcp.ampr.org   (put in  the
body: subscribe).

HEARD ISLAND DXPEDITION: PILOT STATIONS ---> The Heard Island expedition uses
the Pilot Station  concept, idea  by W0CP,  and extensively  used during  the
Peter 1 expedition,  to stay in  contact with  the DX-community.   The  pilot
stations have  daily  contact with  the  H.I. expedition  (via  PACSAT).  The
communication between the pilots and the DX-community will take place via the
Internet, Packet (BBS  and DX Clusters)  and daily  info nets  on 75  metres.
There are five pilot stations in the US, one in Europe and one in Japan: N1DG
(Don    Greenbaum,    ex    WB2DND;    E-mail:    n1dg@aurumtel.com;    PBBS:
N1DG@NS1N.MA.USA.NA; DX-Cluster:  K1AJ) for  USA  North East,  North  America
(except  USA),  South  America;  W0EK,  (Bob   Bruner,  ex  WD0AEK;   E-mail:
bbruner@upstel.net; PBBS:  W0EK@NF0H.Mn.USA.NA;  DX Cluster:  K0IR)  for  USA
Midwest & North; K0EU (Randy Martin; E-mail: randymartn@aol.com;  DX-cluster:
KY0A) for USA Mid-West &  South; W4WW (Scotty  Neustadter, ex N4PYD;  E-mail:
scotty@iquest.com; PBBS: W4WW@K4BFT#HSV.AL.USA.NA; DX-Cluster: W4NS) for  USA
South East;  W2IJ (Jay  Kobelin,  ex WA2FIJ/6;  E-mail:  pcb4u@ix.netcom.com;
DX-Cluster: N7QQ) for  USA West Coast  and Oceania;   ON4UN (John  Devoldere;
E-mail:  john.devoldere@innet.be;   PBBS:  ON4UN@ON4AWP.BEL.EU;   DX-cluster:
ON4DXK)   for   Europe   &   Africa;   JH1ROJ   (Isao   Numaguchi;    E-mail:
isaonuma@nisiq.net; DX-cluster: JH1ROJ) for Japan and Asia.

HEARD ISLAND  DXPEDITION:  INFO  NETS  --->  The  schedules  are  as  follow
(frequencies are +/- QRM): at 2 UTC on 3.850 Mhz (East coast; call: W4WW  and
N1DG); at 4 UTC on 3.850  MHz (Mid West  & West Coast;  call: K0EU, W0EK  and
W2IJ); at 12 UTC on 3.804 MHZ or 14.145 MHz (Japan; call: JH1ROJ or  JH1ORA);
at 22 UTC on 3.780 MHz (EUrope; call: ON4UN).

HEARD ISLAND DXPEDITION: THE TEAM ---> The final list of participants in  the
VK0IR team include:  EA8AFJ (Michel Sabatino),  HB9AFI (Kurt Wetter),  HB9AHL
(Willy Rusch), HB9BHW (Hans Burki), K0IR (Ralph Fedor), K4UEE (Bob  Allphin),
K9AJ (Mike McGirr), KK6EK  (Bob Schmieder), N6EK  (Bob Fabry), N6MZ  (Michael
Mraz), NP4IW (Carlos Nascimento), OE9AMJ (Arno Metzler), ON5NT (Ghis  Penny),
ON6TT (Peter Casier), PA3DUU (Arie Nugteren), RA3AUU (Harry Booklan),  VK2JDM
(VK2TQM, David Muller), W8FMG (Wes Lamboley),  W0GJ (WA0PUJ, Glenn  Johnson),
W3VN (WA3YVN, Al Hernandez), 9V1YC (James Brooks).

JA POSTAGE ---> Current basic postal  charges from Japan to  the rest of  the
world are as follows: 90 yen (zone 1: Asia, North Pacific), 110 yen (zone  2:
North America, Oceania, Russian Asia, Near/Middle  Oriente, Europe), 130  yen
(zone 3: South America, Africa). One  US$ is about 110-113 yen  and 1 IRC  is
150 yen. Printed matter postage is 70/90/120 yen (20/25/50 grammes, zone  1),
80/110/150 yen (20/25/50 grammes, zone 2), 90/130/170 yen (20/25/50  grammes,
zone 3). Ship mail (to any country) postage  is 90 yen (20 grammes), 160  yen
(50 grammes), 270 yen (100 grammes).
S DX@WW $425WW295E
425 DX News #295 [5/6]
 28 December 1996                  No 295                    BID: $425WW295E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

ODXG ---> The newly founded Oceania  Radio DX Group  is planning an  activity
from Willis in 1997 and from Macquarie in 1998 or 1999.

QSL DE W6/G0AZT ---> Eddie, W6/G0AZT (P.O.Box 5194, Richmond, CA 94805,  USA)
is the QSL manager for the following activities: ZF1RY, P40RY, TY1RY,  8R1TT,
3V8BB (RTTY only,  8-13 October  1996); VK9LZ,  VK9LX and  VK9NM (Lord  Howe,
20-29 September 1995); VP5/ P4/ C6A/ VP9/ V2/ and VP2M/G0AZT.

QSL 3C1DX ---> Teo, EA6BH/3C1DX mailed the first batch of 850 direct cards on
30 November. The second batch will be mailed on 30 December.

QSL 8R1K ---> Marko, OH6DO (AB6NJ/5) prefers QSLs for his operations as  8R1K
during CQWW  Contests  being  sent  to his  new  address  in  Finland:  Marko
Myllymaki, Mehtokuja 10 B 3, 63700 Ahtari, Finland.

QSL FT5WE ---> Claude, F5GTW  (QSL manager for  Samuel,  FT5WE)  has sent out
(either  direct  and through  the bureau)  some  7,000 QSL  cards  confirming
contact  made between  29 December 1995  and  29 August 1996. Claude is about
receiving  the logs for the  period 30 August-5 November. Samule will be back
home in March.

QSL HS50A ---> HS50A  from  AS-125  went  QRT at 5 UTC of 15 December.  Local
problems caused  a slow  QSO rate  during the weekend, but Koh Chang might be
activated again in 1997.  QSL cards will not be sebt  until after  1 February
(IOTA Honour Roll/Annual Listing upadte deadline).

QSL IU2D ---> As of WPX 1996 the new QSL manager is IK2EKY.

QSL J3 ---> Flavio, IV3TMV is the QSL manager for the operations by J38AI and
J38AH. Cards are handled both dierect (Flavio Cian, Via Vittorio Alfieri  13,
33030 Bressa di Campoformido-UD) or through the bureau.

QSL TY1RY ---> Eddie,W6/G0AZT  reports that due  to circumstances beyond  his
control, QSL cards for TY1RY [425DXN  293] will not be available until  after
the New Year.

QSL XX9X ---> QSL cards for 1996  operations should be sent to Martti,  OH2BH
[425DXN 287]. QSLs for 1994 and 1995 activities are handled by Steve, KU9C.

QSL received via direct:  3DA0CA,  3V8BB (via G0AZT/W6), 4F3CV, 5R8FK, 5V7HR,
5V7ML,  9A8P (EU-090),  9H0A, 9M2TO, A35HC,  C21NJ,  CI3O (CISA  ON-069, 197,
198,  199),  CQ2I  (EU-150),  CY0AA,   DS0DX/2  (AS-105),   EI5CRC  (EU-007),
F5RUQ/p (EU-039), FP5CJ, FP5CW, FR5ZU/T, FT5WE, HC2/F6AUS (SA-034), HC4/F6AUS
(SA-033), IA5/I2MWZ (EU-028;  IIA LI-020), IA5/IK1GPG  (EU-028; IIA  LI-020),
IA5/IK1NEG (EU-028; IIA LI-020),  IA5/IK1QFM (EU-028; IIA  LI-020),IB0/IK6JOT
(EU-045; IIA LT-001,  002, 008), IC8/IK2PZG  (EU-031; IIA  NA-002, 009,  023,
024), ID9/I2VGW (EU-017; IIA ME-018), IH9/IK8BIZ  (AF-018; IIA TP-001,  003),
II1ARI, IL3/IK2GPQ (EU-131; IIA VE-024, 045), IL3/IK2PZG (EU-131; IIA VE-001,
007, 019, 020, 022, 024, 027,  028, 040, 041,  045), IL3/IV3EXV (EU-130;  IIA
GO-005, 008, 012, 014, 023, 026,  029), IL3/IV3JWR (EU-131; IIA GO-010,  017,
022), IM0JMA  (EU-EU-024;  IIA  SS-138),  IM0/IS0UPR  (EU-024;  IIA  OR-008),
IQ1TSM, J28JY, J59ON, J59KX, J8/DL9XAT,  K9PPY/p (NA-192), NL7TB/p  (NA-206),
LU/IK1EDC (SA-022),  LU/IK1EDC, TM5CHY  (EU-039), PY0FM,  V73AX, V85HN,  VE8A
(NA-207), NU2L/VE8 (NA-208), VK6ISL (OC-140), VK6ISL (OC-214), VP8CWI, VR2KF,
YE8P (OC-146), XM3P, ZD7DP, ZD7WRG, ZD8Z.

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

I0JBL, IK0FVC, IK0WRB,  IK0ZSN,  Brescia DX  Group, Delta   Mike, Diamond DX 
Club, Roman DX  Group, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DL7VOA, DL9GOA, EA3BHK, EA5KB,  EA5OL,
PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG.
!       425 WWW Page --->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html      !
!                     INTERNET via  anonymous FTP at site:                  !
!  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  -  under the  /pub/ham/425news/english/  directory !
!   If you wish to subscribe to the 425DXNEWS mailing list the address is   !
!               http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/nph-425dxnews             !
! If your access to the Internet is restricted to email only, send mail to  !
!                    425dxnews-request@pc.fr.flashnet.it                    !
!                 * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *                    !
!                     TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751                       !
!                     DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613                       !
!                      SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422                      !
!                     ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306                       !
!                     CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921                       !
!               HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677                       !
!                      WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183                       !
!                      JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332                      !
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
S DX@WW $425WW295F
425 DX News #295 [6/6]
 28 December 1996                  No 295                    BID: $425WW295F
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  30/12      1A0KM                                                  295
till  03/01      3B8/F5PYI                                              295
till  ??         8J1RL: Antartica                                       294
till  01/01      8Q7YV & 8Q7YN * by HB9CYV & HB9CYN                     292
till  ??         CE9OH: Antarctica                                      295
till  ??         CE9SAC: Antarctica                                     294
till  ??         CE9/CE7JOD: South Shetland                             294
till  15/02      FR5GM * by F6AFJ                                       295
till  January    FT5WE & FT5WF: Crozet                                  291
till  ??         FT5YP: Antarctica                                      295
till  ??         HF0POL: Antarctica                                     294
till  03/01      JQ1SUO/JD1: Ogasawara                                  279
till  ??         KC4AAA, AAC, AAD, AAF, USB: Antartica                  294
till  05/02      UA3YH/KC4: Antarctica (WABA K-08)                      292
till  February   KL7RL/KC4: Antarctica                                  295
till  ??         LU1ZV: Antarctica                                      294
till  ??         LZ0A: South Shetland                                   294
till  ??         OA0MP: South Shetland                                  295
till  03/01      OZ/DL2HEB/p: Romo Isl. (EU-125)                        287
till  ??         R1ANT, ANZ: Antarctica                                 294
till  ??         R1ANW: Antarctica                                      295
till  ??         T31BB * by DF6FK                                       292
till  31/12      VA1S: Marconi Wireless Society                         291
till  29/12      VK9FL & VK9PG: Lord Howe * by JE5FLM & JR5XPG          291
till  ??         VP8CPG: Antarctica                                     295
till  ??         VU2AXA, VU3NHQ/p: Antarctica                           294
till  Summer 97  Z38/OH3MIG                                             291
till  July 97    ZS8IR: Marion Is. * by ZS6RI                           263
28/12-30/12      JI6KVR: Amakusa Is. (AS-012)                           291
28/12-05/01      KC6VW: Belau * by JA6VZB                               273
29/12-12/01      6Y * by I5JHW                                          292
29/12            EA1BEY/p: Lighthouse de Somos                          295
29/12            EA4ENK/p: Pizarilla Isl. (DIEI BA-28)                  293
29/12            EA5YH/p: Mitjana Isl. (DIE E-046)                      295
29/12            IJ7: Capezzone Isl. (EU-091; IIA LE-004)               295
29/12-31/12      PY8JA/p: Atalaia Isl. (DIB 60)                         295
30/12-05/01      3W6HRA * by LA6RHA                                     295
30712-02/01      AD4LX/p: US.I. (FL-301s)                               295
30/12-12/01      CU8/DL3KUD: Flores Isl. (EU-089)                       291
30/12-03/01      TO0R: Reunion * by VK0IR's team                        293
31/12-07/01      J3K * by WB8GEX                                        291
December-Feb     ZX0ECF: South Shetland (WABA PY-01)                    293
03/01-05/01      8B8WI: Tukangbesi Is. (OC-???) * by YB0RX's team       295
03/01-05/01      XE: Clarion Isl. (NA-115) * by XE1BEF                  295
04/01-mid Jan    TI9CF * by TI4CF                                       295
04/01-05/01      ARRL International DX RTTY Contest                     ***
08/01-15/01      HR3 * by KS9W & K9BG                                   295
08/01-March      PJ9JT: Curacao * by W1BIH                              291
08/01-09/01      TX0C: Crozet * by VK0IR's team                         293
10/01-12/01      TM6BZ: Batz Isl. (EU-105)                              291
10/01-12/01      Japan International LF DX CW Contest                   ***
12/01            EA4ENK/p: Las Tapias Isl. (DIEI BA-39)                 293
13/01-19/01      CU2/DL3KUD: Sao Miguel (EU-003)                        291
14/01-21/01      T32HA: Christmas Is. (OC-024) * by VE7AHA              291
15/01-28/01      VK0IR: Heard Island                                    293
17/01-17/02      HS0/DL2FDK                                             293
19/01            EA4ENK/p: El Egidillo Isl. (DIEI BA-37)                293
24/01-26/01      CQ WW CW 160 Mt.                                       ***
25/01-26/01      REF CW Contest                                         ***
25/01-26/01      UBA SSB Contest                                        ***
26/01            EA4ENK/p: Contreras Isl. (DIEI BA-37)                  293
January          HK0/IK4RSR: San Andres Is. (NA-033)                    289
January-February IJ7: Pazzi Isl. (IIA LE-006) * by Salento DX team      295
January-February IJ7: Sc. Terra (IIA LE-???) * by Salento DX team       295
January-February IJ7: Sc. Tondo (IIA LE-013) * by Salento DX team       295
January-February P4/K2LE                                                291
January-February ZY0SK & ZY0SG: St.Peter & Paul Rocks  by PS7KM & PT7AA 295
January          ZD9: Gough Isl. (AF-030) * by ZD7WRG                   291
01/02            TX0K: Kerguelen * by VK0IR's team                      293
03/02-17/02      V47CA * by VE3BW                                       293
08/02-09/02      EA SSB DX Contest                                      ***
08/02-10/02      YL/OM SSB Contest                                      ***
15/02-16/02      KR8V/C6A: Abaco Isl. (NA-080)                          293
15/02-16/02      ARRL International DX CW Contest                       ***
21/02-23/02      YB: Pukangbesi Isl. (NO-REF) * by YB1XUR's team        295
February         FT5ZG: Amsterdam * by F5ICB                            291
February         V59T * by KY0A & W8UVZ                                 293