DX425 bulletin issue nr. 293

S DX@WW $425WW293A
425 DX News #293 [1/5]
 14 December 1996                  No 293                    BID: $425WW293A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                                  Edited by
                               I1JQJ  & IK1GPG
                                Translated by
                              I1-21171 & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@fileita.it - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)             !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IK1JNS.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3D2_rot - Antoine, 3D2AG is now active from Rotuma as 3D2AG/p [425DXN 279].
7O      - Zorro, JH1AJT  and Franz,  DJ9ZB will  be in  Yemen from  14 to  21
          December for a radio  demonstration. They believe  there is a  very
          good chance to be granted permission to operate (SSB only -  3.797,
          7.060, 14.195, 21.295 and 28.495 MHz - no WARC, CW, or RTTY). Zorro
          says operating time might be very limited. They will concentrate on
          20, 40 and  80 metres. Callsign  is unknown at  this time. QSL  via
9U      - Erik, SM0AGD is currently in Burundi, where he will be working with
          UN/DHA in Bujumbura for one month. He does not plan on any major DX
          activity, but he has brought his keyer, just in case he finds time,
          equipment and a licence waiting to  be used! For the time being  he
          has been spotted active from 9U5CW's QTH.
C6      - Gary, KR8V will participate in the ARRL International DX CW Contest
          (15-16 February) as KR8V/C6A from Abaco (NA-080). Before and  after
          the contest he will be active (mainly  on CW) on all bands from  10
          to 160 metres. QSL via home call.
CX      - The operators who until 15 December  are active from Flores  Island
          (SA-030) [425DXN  292]  as CV0Z  are  CX2AM, CX3AN,  CX3BV,  CX3CE,
          CX4AAE, CX4AAJ, CX4CQ, CX4CR, CX4SS, CX6FK, CX7DF, CX4AK and CX8DX.
          QSL via CX3CE (CBA), CXAM (CBA), CX1CCC (CBA) or to P.O. Box 12052,
          11300 Montevideo, Uruguay.
CY9     - Mike,  VE9AA  is  organising  a  DXpedition  to  St.  Paul  Island.
          Preliminary dates will be 10-15 June (subject to slight change) and
          it will be an all band effort (2-160 metres).
E3      - Business committments have forced JF1IST/E31FAO [425DXN 292] to  go
          QRT on 12 December.
EA      - In December  and  January EA4ENK  will  be /p  from  the  following
          Spanish islands: La Hoya (15 December,  DIEI BA-27), Pizarilla  (29
          December,  DIEI  BA-28),  Las  Tapias  (12  January,  DIEI  BA-39),
          Contreras (26 January, DIEI BA-37), El  Egidillo (19 January,  DIEI
          BA-38). QSL for all these activities via EA5OL.
FR      - Members of the Heard Island team will begin arriving on Reunion  as
          early as 26  December.  Operation  from Reunion  (TO0R) will  begin
          around 30 December  for several  days, emphasizing  the low  bands.
          Departure from Reunion Island is scheduled for 3 January.
GJ      - From 24 to 28 July 1997 ON5SY, ON1CJQ, ON4AVA, ON4FE, ON4ON,  ON7PQ
          and ON9CGB will be active from Les Minquiers Plateau (EU-099). They
          will participate in the IOTA Contest (26-27 July) as GB0ON. Outside
          the contest they will be active mainly on the WARC bands with their
          individual calls  GJ/ON...../P.  QSL via  ON4ON  also  through  the
HS      - HS50A's operations from Koh Chang (AS-125) [425DXN 292] are due  to
          end on 15 December. QSL via  JA9IFF/1 (for Japanese stations  only:
          Jim Nakajima, Setogaya 138-19-704,  Hodogaya, Yokohama, 240  Japan)
          and I1JQJ  (Mauro Pregliasco,  Corso  Novara 39,  10154  Torino-TO,
          Italy; or: Mauro Pregliasco, P.O.Box 250, 10100 Torino-TO,  Italy),
          also through the bureau. It is possible to ask for bureau cards  by
          sending an e-mail message to hs50a@pc.fr.flashnet.it (please detail
          your call and QSO data: date, UTC, band, mode).
HS      - From 17 January to 17  Febraury Ralf, DL2FDK  will be again  active
          from Thailand as HS0/DL2FDK (SSB and Pactor from 10 to 40  metres).
          QSL via DL2FDK.
KC4_ant - UA3YH/KC4, who  is  active (also  as  KC4AAA)  from  Amundsen-Scott
          Antarctic Base [425DXN 292], is often  QRV (14.020 and 14.180  MHz)
          for Europe between 16 and 19 UTC and for Americas between 00 and  3
          UTC. For the contacts made with UA3YH/KC4 the QSL manager is  RW3XA
          (ex UA3XBY),  either  direct  (Box  461,  Obninsk,  Kaluga  region,
          249020, Russia) or through the bureau.
S DX@WW $425WW293B
425 DX News #293 [2/5]
 14 December 1996                  No 293                    BID: $425WW293B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

LU      - The Pekermans  DX  Group will  participate  in the  ARRL  10  meter
          Contest as from Martin Garcia Island (SA-055). QSL via LW5EJQ.
PY_ssh  - From December until February ZX0ECF will  be active from  Brazilian
          Antarctic base  Comandante Ferraz  (WABA  PY-01), locate  don  King
          George Island, South Shetland Is (AN-010). He is usually QRV at  23
          UTC ion 14.140-150 MHz.
S9      - Andrew, K4HQ reports that Charles, S92SS  will be back to Sao  Tome
          on 16 December. His favourite band is 17 metres (expecially CW)  in
          the evenings but he will also make it a point to be more active  on
          80 and 160 metres as he  has a new antenna for  those bands. It  is
          however possible to find him on every Monday at 20.30 UTC on 14.278
          MHz. His wife (S92YL) prefers 20 metre DX nets and is usually on in
          their early afternoon. Charles will not be in Sao Tome much longer,
          because as of June 1997 he will be looking for another job. QSL via
          Charles Lewis, P.O. Box 522, Sao Tome (via Portugal).
TI9     - TI2JJP is active as TI9JJP from Coco's.
V4      - Fom 3 to 17 February Joe,  VE3BW will be active  as V47CA from  St.
          Kitts (NA-104).  Operations will  take place  on all  bands  (6-160
          metres) mainly on CW. QSL via homecall.
V5      - Charlie, KY0A  (V5/ZS6YG)  is again  organizing  an  activity  from
          Namibia with W8UVZ. Operationa are scheduled for February and  will
          include participation in the ARRL CW  Contest as V59T [425DXN  259]
          (QSL via KY0A).  Outside the contest  V5/ZS6YG (QSL  via KY0A)  and
          V5/W8UVZ (QSL via W8UVZ) will be active mainly on the low bands and
          on 10-12 metres.
V6      - From  28  December  to  1   January  Tack  (JE1SCJ/V63YT),   Miyuki
          (JG0PBJ/V63MP) and Kazu (JA0VSH/V63KZ) will be active from  Pohnpei
          (OC-010). Operations will take  place from 10  to 160 metres,  WARC
          bands included. QSL  to their respective  calls, direct or  through
          the bureau.
VK0IR   - The Heard Island  team consists  of EA8AFJ,  HB9AFI, HB9AHL,  K0IR,
          K4UEE, K9AJ,  KK6EK,  N6EK,  N6MZ,  NP4IW,  OE9AMJ,  ON5NT,  ON6TT,
          PA3DUU,  RA3AUU,  VK2JDM,  W8FMG,  W0GJ,  WA3YVN  and  9V1YC.   The
          itinerary is the following:
          3      January    Depart Reunion Island      (TO0R)
          8/9    January    Visit Crozet Island        (TX0C)
          12/13  January    Arrive Heard Island
          15     January    On the air - Heard Island  (VK0IR)
          29/30  January    Depart Heard Island
          1      February   Visit Kerguelen Island     (TX0K)
          7      February   Arrive Reunion Island
          There  is  a  possibility  of  radio  operations  from  Crozet  and
          Kerguelen. However the  length of stay  on these  islands is  quite
          short and dependent  on boat schedules  and weather. While  enroute
          aboard the  Marion  Dufresne, the  team  will be  quite  active  as
          Upon arrival on Heard Island, the  NCDXF beacon will be  installed.
          VK0IR/B will be transmitting on 14.100,  18.110, 21.150, 24.930 and
          28.200 MHz. The beacon will transmit for ten seconds on each  band,
          every three minutes. Because the beacon will be operational 2 or  3
          days prior to radio operations beginning, your reports (through the
          pilot stations:  ON4UN, N1DG (WB2DND), K0EU, W0EK (WD0AEK),  W2FJ/6
          (WA2FIJ/6), W4WW (N4PYD) and JH1ROJ) will be helpful in setting the
          operating plan for the first  days of operation.   Also, a  special
          beacon will be operational on 1826.5 MHz.
          Donations are still welcome and can be sent to K4UEE (Bob  Allphin,
          4235  Blackland  Dr.  Marietta,  GA  30067,  USA)  or  KK6EK   (Bob
          Schmieder, 4295 Walnut Blvd., Walnut Creek, CA 94596, USA).
W       - On 14-15 December K3IXD, KD4QVT, N3NT, W3GHR and WB3ECU, thanks  to
          the hospitality of the  Voice of America  Amateur Radio Club,  will
          activate K3VOA in the ARRL 10 Meters Contest. Operations will  take
          place on both CW and SSB. QSL via K3IXD (for this contest only).
S DX@WW $425WW293C
425 DX News #293 [3/5]
 14 December 1996                  No 293                    BID: $425WW293C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ...  ***************************

5R8EN ---> Before leaving for Panama  Gerard, F2JD (ex  5R8EN) sent the  last
part of his  log to Jean-Michel,  F6AJA, who has  replied to  all the  direct
cards. During his staying in  Madagascar Gerard logged  11410 QSOs (56%  SSB,
40% CW, the rest on in RTTY/PACTOR) and 1340 QSOs from Nosy Be (75% SSB,  25%

9G5SX ---> During 15, 26 and 27 November Roger (G3SXW) made 817 CW  contacts,
mostly on 15 and 17 metres, as  9G5SX transitting through Accra for the  5V7A
project. QSL via G3SXW.

FT5WE ---> FT5WE was not active  during the following periods: 31/1 to  17/2,
5/5 to 29/5, 31/5 to 15/6, 30/6 to 26/7, 3/8 to 17/8.

QSL CAPE VERDE  ---> It is  advisable to  mail your  letters "via  Portugal",
otherwise they are routed through Senegal  where they are more likely to  get
lost. D44BC's  address  therefore should  be  as  follows:  Julio  Vera-Cruz,
P.O.Box 36, Mindelo, Republic of Cape Verde, Via Portugal.

QSL 5V7A ---> The 5V7A entry to the CQWW CW Contest yielded 12,200 QSOs  (QSL
via GM4AGL).  On November  21  and 22  personal  call-signs were  used  while
testing antennas [425DXN 287] (QSL  via home call).  Direct QSL requests  for
5V7A were being answered within one week of the contest. E-mail requests  for
bureau replies are being accepted at 100260.342@compuserve.com (please do not
send by more than one route as this causes unnecessary duplication of  effort
and cost). Full details of the expedition and QSLing are on our home page at:

QSL 5X1T --->  Peter, ON6TT/5X1T reports  that QSL cards  are being sent  out
since a  few weeks.  The QSL  manager (ON5NT)  is still  processing the  rest
before he leaves to Heard Island.

QSL ID9/I2VGW  ---> Gabriele,  I2VGW has  started  replying to  the  requests
concerning his recent activity from Vulcano  (EU-017, IIA ME-018). QSL  cards
will be sent  also through the  bureau, but if  you want a  direct reply  the
address is P.O.Box 966, 20101 Milano - MI, Italy.

QSL TY1RY ---> Eddie, G0AZT reports that QSL cards for TY1RY (September 1996)
are expected from the printers in about two weeks time. Processing will start
as soon as he gets them. Requests should be sent to P.O. Box 5194,  Richmond,
CA 94805, USA (it is not necessary  to re-send SSB cards already sent  direct
to KE6FV).

QSL V59T ---> The QSL managers for  V59T's activities in 1994, 1995 and  1996
are W2IJ (ex-WA2FIJ, 1994), V51GB (1995) and N2AU (1196).

QSL VIA G3SWH  ---> Phil is  the QSL  manager for  the following  operations:
GW6YB/p, G4VXE/TF (August 1993), L4D (SA-065, November 1993) G4VXE/C6A (1994,
1995 and 1996), GJ4VXE/p (June 1994), G4VXE/VE3 (1996), GJ3RTE/p (June 1996),
GJ3SWH/p (June 1996).
S DX@WW $425WW293D
425 DX News #293 [4/5]
 14 December 1996                  No 293                    BID: $425WW293D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

SDI ---> Paul, EI5DI has updated his SDI (Super-Duper for IOTA) for the  1997
Contest. It  includes  the  latest  island  references  from  the  1997  IOTA
Directory.  You   can   download   SDI,   and   SDL   for   listeners,   from

THE 59(9) DX REPORT ---> Along with the 50 week full year subscription, a  25
week half-year subscription  is available.   Stateside  subscribers can  also
select a less expensive full  year Second Class  (Periodical) rate.   Besides
checks, MasterCard and Visa are now available as a payment choice. "THE 59(9)
DX  REPORT"  has  Web  Page  for  everyone  to  enjoy.    Check  it  out  at:
http://members.aol.com/the599rpt/dx.htm  For a sample issue and  subscription
information send a large SASE to:  THE  59(9) DX REPORT, P.O. Box 73,  Spring
Brook, NY 14140, USA.

UGANDA ---> During the CQWW CW Contest  Dave (KE4EW), Dale  (N3BNA) and  Paul
(5X4F) logged some 2500 QSOs as  5X4F [425DXN 288]. Outside the contest  Dave
operated as 5X4DLI (about 1000 QSOs) and Dale operated as 5X4DEL (about  2500
QSOs). They were  using only battery  power, so they  had to  operate on  low
power for  most of  the time  to  conserve the  batteries  and tried  not  to
transmit any more than necessary. QSl via K3SW (for contacts made with 5X4F),
via KE4EW (for contacts made with  5X4DLI) or via  WB3DNA (for contacts  made
with 5X4DEL).

+ SILENT KEY +  It was with the greatest  sadness that we have learnt of  the
sudden passing of  Antonio Garcia Gutierrez,  EA9TQ. EA9PY,  EA9PB and  EA9PD
will handle the QSL cards concerning the operations Antonio was manager for.

+ SILENT KEY +  It was with the greatest  sadness that we have learnt of  the
passing of George Wise, W7MB, who became a Silent Key on December 10.

QSL  received via direct:  5V7HR, 5V7ML,  9A8P (EU-090),  C21NJ, CI3O  (CISA
ON-069, 197, 198,  199), DS0DX/2 (AS-105),  EI5CRC (EU-007), FR5ZU/T,  FT5WE,
HC2/F6AUS (SA-034), HC4/F6AUS (SA-033), IB0(IK6JOT  (E-045; IIA LT-001,  002,
008), IC8/IK2PZG (EU-031; IIA NA-002, 009, 023, 024), ID9/I2VGW (EU-017;  IIA
ME-018), II1ARI, IH9/IK8BIZ  (AF-018; IIA TP-001,  003), IL3/IK2GPQ  (EU-131;
IIA VE-024, 045), IL3/IK2PZG (EU-131;  IIA VE-001, 007,  019, 020, 022,  024,
027, 028, 040, 041, 045), IL3/IV3EXV (EU-130; IIA GO-005, 008, 012, 014, 023,
026, 029), IL3/IV3JWR (EU-131; IIA GO-010, 017, 022), IM0JMA (EU-EU-024;  IIA
SS-138), IM0/IS0UPR  (EU-024;  IIA OR-008),  IQ1TSM,  J59ON,  J59KX,  K9PPY/p
(NA-192), NL7TB/p  (NA-206), LU/IK1EDC  (SA-022), LU/IK1EDC,  VE8A  (NA-207),
NU2L/VE8 (NA-208), VK6ISL (OC-140), VK6ISL (OC-214), XM3P

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
DX Group, Delta  Mike, Diamond DX  Club, Roman DX  Group, 9M2/G3NOM,  CT1EEB,
!       425 WWW Page --->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html      !
!                     INTERNET via  anonymous FTP at site:                  !
!  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  -  under the  /pub/ham/425news/english/  directory !
!   If you wish to subscribe to the 425DXNEWS mailing list the address is   !
!               http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/nph-425dxnews             !
! If your access to the Internet is restricted to email only, send mail to  !
!                    425dxnews-request@pc.fr.flashnet.it                    !
!                 * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *                    !
!                     TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751                       !
!                     DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613                       !
!                      SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422                      !
!                     ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306                       !
!                     CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921                       !
!               HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677                       !
!                      WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183                       !
!                      JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332                      !
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
S DX@WW $425WW293E
425 DX News #293 [5/5]
 14 December 1996                  No 293                    BID: $425WW293E
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  ??         3D2AG/p: Rotuma                                        293
till  26/12      4Z40SZ: Nazareth                                       291
till  17/12      8P9GD & 8P9GE * by KU9C & K2PF                         292
till end Dec     9U * by SM0AGD                                         293
till  15/12      C50YL * by DL7AFS                                      291
till  15/12      CV0Z: Flores Isl. (SA-030) * by CX team                293
till  January    FT5WE & FT5WF: Crozet                                  291
till  15/12      HS50A: Kong Khang Isl. (AS-125) * by HS1AAM's team     292
till  15/12      HB0/HB9LEY                                             291
till  ??         TI9JJP * by TI2JJP                                     293
till  05/02      UA3YH/KC4: Antarctica (WABA K-08)                      292
till  16/12      V3: Ambergris Cay (NA-073) * by W5ZPA, W5JYK, K5KR     291
till  16/12      V63CT: Phonpei (OC-010) * by HL1IWD                    292
till  31/12      VA1S: Marconi Wireless Society                         291
till  Summer 97  Z38/OH3MIG                                             291
till  July 97    ZS8IR: Marion Is. * by ZS6RI                           263
14/12-21/12      7O * by JH1AJT & DJ9ZB                            ???  293
14/12-15/12      LU9DWH/D: Martin Garcia Isl. (SA-055)                  293
14/12-15/12      Contest Italiano 40 & 80 metri                         ***
14/12-15/12      ARRL 10mt Contest                                      ***
15/12            EA4ENK/p: La Hoya Isl. (DIEI BA-27)                    293
16/12-25/12      TM6CLO * special event station                         289
16/12-03/01      JQ1SUO/JD1: Ogasawara                                  279
18/12-27/12      9K2F: Faylaka Isl. (AS-118) * by 9K team               292
19/12-01/01      8Q7YV & 8Q7YN * by HB9CYV & HB9CYN                     292
21/12-04/01      TI9CF * by TI4CF                                       292
22/12-03/01      OZ/DL2HEB/p: Romo Isl. (EU-125)                        287
23/12-25/12      JD1: Ogasawara * by JA4GXS, JF4LNO, JN4AWW             291
24/12-27/12      T32BB * by DF6FK                                       292
26/12-29/12      VK9FL & VK9PG: Lord Howe * by JE5FLM & JR5XPG          291
27/12-???        T31BB * by DF6FK                                       292
28/12-30/12      JI6KVR: Amakusa Is. (AS-012)                           291
28/12-05/01      KC6VW: Belau * by JA6VZB                               273
29/12-12/01      6Y * by I5JHW                                          292
29/12            EA4ENK/p: Pizarilla Isl. (DIEI BA-28)                  293
30/12-12/01      CU8/DL3KUD: Flores Isl. (EU-089)                       291
30/12-03/01      TO0R: Reunion * by VK0IR's team                        293
31/12-07/01      J3K * by WB8GEX                                        291
December         CX/LU7DW: Timoteo Dominguez Isl. (SA-057)         ???  289
December-Feb     ZX0ECF: South Shetald (WABA PY-01)                     293
08/01-March      PJ9JT: Curacao * by W1BIH                              291
08/01-09/01      TX0C: Crozet * by VK0IR's team                         293
10/01-12/01      TM6BZ: Batz Isl. (EU-105)                              291
10/01-12/01      Japan International LF DX Contest                      ***
12/01            EA4ENK/p: Las Tapias Isl. (DIEI BA-39)                 293
13/01-19/01      CU2/DL3KUD: Sao Miguel (EU-003)                        291
14/01-21/01      T32HA: Christmas Is. (OC-024) * by VE7AHA              291
15/01-28/01      VK0IR: Heard Island                                    293
17/01-17/02      HS0/DL2FDK                                             293
19/01            EA4ENK/p: El Egidillo Isl. (DIEI BA-37)                293
24/01-26/01      CQ WW CW 160 Mt.                                       ***
25/01-26/01      REF CW Contest                                         ***
25/01-26/01      UBA SSB Contest                                        ***
26/01            EA4ENK/p: Contreras Isl. (DIEI BA-37)                  293
January          HK0/IK4RSR: San Andres Is. (NA-033)                    289
January-February P4/K2LE                                                291
January          YB: Tukangbesi Isl. (OC-???) * by YB team              291
January          ZD9: Gough Isl. (AF-030) * by ZD7WRG                   291
01/02            TX0K: Kerguelen * by VK0IR's team                      293