SB DX@WW $425WW291A 425 DX News #291 [1/5] 30 November 1996 No 291 BID: $425WW291A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1GPG Translated by I1-21171 & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail - BBS IK1GPG@IK1JNS.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector ! ! (e-mail ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 4X - From 1 to 26 December the special station 4Z40SZ will be active from Nazareth. 6Y - Masill, JE3MAS (ex 5H1HK) is now active as 6Y6A (not 6Y5XX as repor- ted in 425DXN 286). 6Y - From 3 to 12 December Alan, G3XAQ/6Y5 will be active CW only from 10 to 160 metres. QSL via home call. 9G - Marcia, 9G1TM is again active (for two years) from Ghana. Marcia is active in SSB only, mainly from 10 to 20 metres, WARC bands included QSL via G4XTA. C5 - From 2 to 15 December Babs, DL7AFS will be QRV (SSB only) from C53CS's QTH. C6 - From 3 to 19 December N6RA will be active as C6AHF from Harbour Isl. (NA-001). He will participate in the ARRL 10 and 160 metres Contests QSL via home call. C6 - Walt, G3NYY/C6A (QSL via home call) and Tim, G4VXE/C6A (QSL via G3SWH) will be active, mainly on CW, from New Providence Island (NA-001) from 30 November to 9 December. They will participate in the ARRL 10 Meter Contest and some RTYY activity is also possible. CU - From 30 December to 12 January Matt, DL3KUD will be CU8/ from Flores island (EU-089) and from 13 to 19 January he will be CU2/ from Sao Miguel island (EU-003). Operations will take place from 10 to 160 metres only CW. QSL only via bureau. E3 - Jin, JF1IST has been granted permission to operate from Eritrea, where he is working. For one week as from 9 December, Jim will try to be particularly active on 160 (1.824, 1.825 or1.830.5 MHz, QSX 1.909-1.911 MHz), 80 (3.790-3.796 MHz, QSX 3.800-3.805), 40 (7.040- 7.050 and 7.005 MHz), 20 (14.185 and 14.030 MHz) and 21 (21.295 and 21.030 MHz) metres. QSL via JH1AJT. EA - During the week end EA5RKX will be active from Cullera (FEA E-0198). QSL via EA5OL. F - From 10 to 12 January the station TM6BZ will be active (SSB only) from Batz island(EU-105). QSL via F5SKJ. F - During the week end the station TP10CE will be active from the Council of Europe, Strasbourg. QSL via F6FQK. FO - Eric, F5CCO has cancelled his tripo in FO [425DXN 289]. FR - From 5 to 15 December Jacques, F6HMJ will be active from Reunion island (AF-016). FS - From 4 to 11 December some North Jersey DX Association members will be active on all bands (CW, SSB and RTTY) from St. Martin using the call FS/W2QM. QSL via W2QM. FT_W - In January FT5WE and FT5WF will go QRT from Crozet. They will not be replaced by any other amateur during 1997. FT_X - On 10 December FT5XL will go QRT from Kerguelen and he will not be replaced by any other amateur during 1997. FT_Z - Eric, F5ICB/FT5ZG is already on Amsterdam [425DXN 289], but he will not be active before February. He has no mike but just a CW keyer. His QSL manager (F5RQQ) has moved, therefore the address in 425DXN 289 is no more valid. HB0 - From 14 to 15 December HB9LEY (ex JA1LZR) will be active from Liech- tenstein as HB0/HB9LEY. Operations will take place on 80, 40, 30,20, 17 and 15 metres CW/SSB giving particular attention to Japan. QSL via JH1BSE. /EX SB DX@WW $425WW291B 425 DX News #291 [2/5] 30 November 1996 No 291 BID: $425WW291B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== HK0 - Pedro, HK3JJH reported to John, WD8MGQ that his planned trip to Ser- rana Bank & Roncador Cays (NA-133) and Serranilla Bank Cays (NA-132) [425DXN 290] has been postponed until the same date next month (from 22 to 24 December). If that does not work out, the same dates in Ja- nuary. All of the operations are scheduled to last from 6 to 8 hrs only. HP - Gerard, F2JD left for Panama [425DXN 287], where he will stay for at leats six months. He will be active as soon as possible. J2 - As from early December Dominique, F5RYC will be again active as J28YC. J3 - From 31 December to 7 January Joe, WB8GEX will be active from Gre- nada (NA-024) as J3K. QSL via home call. JA - From 28 to 30 December Yuki, JI6JVR will be active (15-40 metres SSB and CW) from Amakusa islands (AS-012). QSL via EA5KB. JD1_oga- Eiji, JQ1SUO/JD1 will be joined by JA8FCG/JD1 during the operations from Ogasawara planned from 16 December to 3 January [425DXN 279]. JD1_oga- From 23 to 25 December JA4GXS/JD1, JF4LNO/JD1 (YL) and JN4AWW/JD1 will be active (from 10 to 160 metres, SSB and CW) from Chichi isl., Ogasawara (AS-031). QSL via JA4GXS. JT - The next month Mike, NI7T will be active from Mongolia (from 10 to 160 metres, between 00.00 and 12 UTC) as JT1FBT. QSL via home call. KH6 - Mike, W7DRA/KH6 will be active (1.804, 1.808 or 1.843 MHz) during the ARRL 160 meter Contest. LU - If weather does not permit landing on Timoteo Dominguez island (SA-057) [425DXN 289], Claudio, LU7DW will try to be active from Martin Garcia island (SA-055). P4 - Between late January and early February Andy, P4/K2LE will be active from Aruba (SA-036). QSL via home call. PJ9 - From 8 January to the end of March John, W1BIH will be again active from Curacao (SA-009) as PJ9JT. QSL via W1AX. T32 - From 14 to 21 January Andy, VE7AHA will spend his vacations on Christmas Island, East Kiribati (OC-024), from where he will be ac- tive as T32HA. QSL via home call. V3 - From 11 to 16 December Mike (W5ZPA/V31MP), Stan (W5JYK/V31YK) and Wondy (K5KR/V31??) will be active (CW, SSB, and RTTY) from Amber- gris Cay (NA-073). QSL direct to their respective home calls. VE - From 1 to 31 December the Marconi Wireless Society will be active (from 10 to 160 metres, SSB and CW) as VA1S to celebrate the 94th anniversary of the first radio transmission by Marconi. QSL via VE1AL. VE_ant - On 30 November, 1, 7 and 8 December VE7CGG, who is active from the multinational antarctic base Patriot Hills (WABA MN-01), will be QRV for Europe from 17 to 19 UTC on 20 metres SSB. VK9_lh - From 26 to 29 December JE5FLM/VK9FL and JR5XPG/VK9PG will be active from Lord Howe (OC-004) on HF and via satellite. QSL via their re- spective home calls. VQ9 - Pres, N6SS is again active (for four months) as VQ9SS from Diego Garcia (AF-006). Pres is active also on 160 meters. QSL via N6SS. YB - From 1 to 7 December some YB operators will be active on all bands in SSB and CW from Kangean islands (OC-???) using the special call 8B3KI (or YE3K). QSL via YB3SPS. The DXpedition, which is organized by YB0RX, might have a copuple of days delay due to bad weather, but at all events it will last a week. YB - YB0RX is organizing a DXpedition (scheduled in the first half of January) to the Tukangbesi islands (OC-???). Z3 - From 2 December Jari, OH3MIG will be active on all bands possibly as Z38/OH3MIG. Jari will be staying in Macedonia at least until next Summer. QSL via OH3GZ. ZD7 - Johnny, ZD7WRG will be active from St. Helena on 40 and 80 metres SSB for many months. QSL via WA2JUN. ZD9 - In January Johnny, ZD7WRG should be active for one day from Gough Island (AF-030). /EX SB DX@WW $425WW291C 425 DX News #291 [3/5] 30 November 1996 No 291 BID: $425WW291C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== ************************ **************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************ C21BH ---> C21BH's "Birthday Party" activity [425DXN 289] logged some 12,000 QSOs. C21BH also participated in the CQ WW CW Contest with two stations and totalled some 5,000 QSOs. Part of the C21 operation was conducted at the QTH of C21RK. The station is now fully furnished for the current season with both high and low-band antennas. Also C21NJ has a new 20M monobander and can be reached with good signals. A special event full-color C21BH QSL will be released in January. QSL via OH2BH (Martti J. Laine, Nuottaniementie 3D20, 02230 Espoo, Finland). CANAD-X ---> John Scott (VA3PI/VE1JS) reports that the Canadian DX Associa- tion (CanaD-X) is now defunct. The Post Office Box (Box 717 Station Q, Toron- to) will be closed as of February 28, 1997. The CanaD-X awards, with the ex- ception of the CanaD-X 100 Award which is now defunct, have all been taken over by Radio Amateurs of/du Canada (RAC). Applications for these awards (Provincial Capitals, Seaway and Trans-Canada) may now be sent to VE6VK: Russ Wilson, RAC Awards Manager, 1235 Richland Road NE, Calgary, AB, Canada T2E 5M5. Copies of the criteria for these awards are available from the above ad- dress. The Canadian Contest Championship will also continue in its present form administered by the undersigned, but also sponsored by RAC. EU-167 ---> On November 17 CT1EEB/p, CT1CJJ/p and CT1/WT2O/p were active from Pessegueiro Island (EU-167). QSL via their respective home calls. Pessegueiro is a most wanted island for the IOTA programme (according to the latest Most Wanted list it was needed by more than the 83% of the current IOTA members), but unfortunately the operators could not notify anyone in advance of the o- peration due to the fact they were not sure if they could get transportation to the island or not. Between 11.03 UTC and 15.02 UTC 513 QSOs were made with six continents. The island is a wildlife refuge and in the winter permissions to stay overnight are impossible to obtain. The operators had to cut short their activity due to the weather changing for the worse. HEARD ISLAND ---> Ghis, ON5NT has joined the VK0IR team. Bob, KK6EK expects the team to be put ashore on Heard Island around 12 January and come on the air a day or so later. Baring catastrophe, they should be QRV for a little more than two weeks. Contributions are still most welcome at Bob Allphin (K4UEE: 4235 Blackland Dr., Marietta, GA 30067, USA) or the Northern Califor- nia DX Foundation (P.O. Box 2368, Stanford, CA 94309, USA). ISLAND/DX NEWS ---> After three years of publishing the Island News the for- mat has changed to include DX NEWS. For a free copy of the Island/DX news send an e-mail to The newsletter is published every two weeks and is four pages but will soon be going to six pages. A free sample can also be obtained by mail send a SASE #10 envelope to Island/DX News P.O. Box 707, Amelia Island, FL 32035-0701. MARSHAL ZSHUKOV-100 YEARS AWARD ---> Established to celebrate the 100th anni- niversary of Marshal Zshukov's birth, the award is from 2 December 1996 up to 2 December 1997. It is necessary to score 100 points working stations UA3X-, RA3X-, RK3X-, RP3X-, RU3X-, RV3X-, RW3X-, RX3X- or RZ3X-. The award is available also to SWLs. Each QSO/HRD counts 10 points for European stations and 25 points for Extraeuropeans. The requests (including a GCR and 8 IRCs) should be sent to UA3XAN (Vlad Mogilyov, P.O.Box 703, Kaluga, Russia). QSL A61AT ---> Mary Ann, WA3HUP is not the QSL manager for the A61AT station active on 80 metres CW. QSL J52IM ---> The QSL manager for Dave, J52IM (home call KC9IM) is KB9XN (Howard Barbrey, 306 Greenfield Circle, Geneva, IL 60134, USA). Dave has been advised that someone has checked into one of the DX Nets on at least two da- tes (12 and 15 November) using my call with a QSL manager of N5YWT. This sta- tion must be considered as a pirate. QSL JD1/7J1AYK ---> Gary, W5FI (ex W5VSZ) reports that the full-colour pictu- re QSL cards for his Ogasawara activity as JD1/7J1AYK [425DXN 276] have been ordered, but he does not have them yet. Gary hopes to begin processing cards out around Christmas or at the turn of the year. He has received over 1000 envelopes so far, with about 1300 QSOs worth of contacts on them to confirm - please be patient and do not send any second request. QSL RF0Z ---> RA3DEJ (QSL manager RF0Z, AS-095) reported to UR5LCV that QSLs are being printed. QSL VK1DX ---> The current QSL route for VK1DX [425DXN 290] is via VK1PJ (Philip Rayner, 33 Willoughby Crescent, Gilmore, ACT 2905, Australia). QSL VP8CSA ---> The QSL manager (DL1SDN) is currently very busy, but requests will be replied. QSLs can be sent also to this address: Dieter Stumpp, Post- fach 1941, D-72609 Neurtingen, Germany. QSL VIA DL7FT ---> The only valid addess of DL7FT is: Frank Turek, Postfach 1421, D-14004 Berlin, Germany. /EX SB DX@WW $425WW291D 425 DX News #291 [4/5] 30 November 1996 No 291 BID: $425WW291D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== TF50IRA ---> This call has been used for the fisrt time during the recent CQ WW CW Contest. It is the special call of the club station TF3IRA and celebra- tes the 50th anniversary of IRA (Icelandic Radio Amateurs). QSL via TF3IRA (Box 1058, Reykjavik, Iceland) also via bureau. W9 BUREAU ADDRESS ---> Jerry, K9BG (9th Call Area Bureau Manager) informs that effective immediately, the new address for the 9th Call Area QSL Bureau in the United States is: NIDXA, PO Box 1450, Woodstock, IL 60098. Mail sent to the OLD address (NIDXA, PO Box 519, Elmhurst, IL 60126) will be forwarded for one year. XZ1N ---> The demand for SSB was so high that the XZ1N team made the decision to alter their CQWW CW contest plan. In place of a multi-multi entry, they opted for single band entries in 160 through 15 metres. The remainder of the group concentrated on SSB. The XZ1N team returned on 27 November. 23187 QSOs (12612 CW, 9936 SSB, 639 RTTY) were made on the nine HF bands as follows (CW/SSB/RTTY): 1222 QSOs on 160 metres CW, 2943 QSOs on 80 metres (2377/559/7), 4288 QSOs on 40 metres (3876/401/11), 2113 QSOs on 30 metres, 5391 QSOs on 20 metres (1661/3426/304), 1142 QSOs on 17 metres (443/699/0), 5745 QSOs on 15 metres (897/4531/317), 122 QSOs on 12 metres (19/103/0), 221 QSOs on 10 metres (4/217/0). As promised, operators did their best to concentrate on North America and made a special effort on the low bands. The majority of contacts were with European (47%) and Japanese (32%) stations, with North American (15%) stations being worked only during the brief windows available to the team. Bureau cards can be requested in two ways: the usual method routed as "XZ1N via W1XT" and via the Internet by sending E-mail to For a quicker reply, direct requests with a return envelope and sufficient postage are encouraged and should go to W1XT (Bob Myers, P.O. Box 17108, Fountain Hills, AZ 85269, USA). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received via direct: 8A5ITU (OC-215), 9K2HN/p (AS-118), A61AH/p (AS-118), F6ELE/p (EU-065), F6EXQ/p (EU-159), F/DJ8QP/P (EU-058), F/IK3GES/p (EU-064), FO0SUC (OC-050, OC-152), FR5ZQ/T, FT5WE, HI9/I4LCK (NA-122), HS0/IK4MRH (AS- 053), IA5/IK4RUX (EU-028; IIA LI-026), IJ7/IK7EZP (IIA LE-022), IJ7/I7PXV (EU-091, IIA LE-002), IJ7/IK7VEH (IIA LE-022), IL3/IK2HTW (EU-131; IIA VE-021, 022, 040, 041), IL3/IK2PZG (EU-131, IIA VE-003, 019, 028, 040), IL3/IV3VER (EU-130; IIA GO-010), IL3/IV3VER (IIA GO-017, 022), NL7TB/p (NA-206), LU/IK1EDC (SA-022), LU/IK1EDC, SV8/F2VX (EU-052), NU2L/VE8 (NA-208), VK6ISL (OC-140), VK6ISL (OC-214). QSL received via WF5E DX QSL service: 3B8CF, 5N3/SP5XAR, ZP5WYV. ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HLI, I1HYW, IK1HSR, IK1QFM, IK2WXQ, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK7XIV, IK8CJP, Brescia DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DL7VOA, DL9GOA, EA5KB, EA5OL, F5CCO, F5PYI, F5SKJ, F6AJA, G3NYY, G4BUE, G4JVG, JA1QGT, JE5FLM, JH4RHF, JI6KVR, K7WX, K9BG, KK6EK, LU7DW, N7RK, NL7TB, NT5C, OH3MIG, PS7AB, PS7KM, TF3DX, UA3XCO, VA3PI/VE1JS, VE7CC, VK1FF/WB2FFY, VK6LC, W2CE, W5FI, W5ZPA, WD8MGQ, WT2O, YB5NOF/8, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY DX. ***************************************************************************** /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! 425 WWW Page ---> ! ! INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: ! ! - under the /pub/ham/425news/english/ directory ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! If you wish to subscribe to the 425DXNEWS mailing list the address is ! ! ! ! If your access to the Internet is restricted to email only, send mail to ! ! ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * ! ! TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 ! ! DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 ! ! SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ! ! ARRL HQ BBS USA : 860-594-0306 ! ! CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 ! ! HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 ! ! WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 ! ! JUNGLE BBS NZ : +64-3-524-8332 ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang /EX SB DX@WW $425WW291E 425 DX News #291 [5/5] 30 November 1996 No 291 BID: $425WW291E ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 01/12 3C5Z: Bioko Isl. (AF-010) * by N6ZZ 290 till December 7P8/G4FUI 275 till January FT5WE & FT5WF: Crozet 291 till 10/12 FT5XL: Kerguelen 291 till 01/12 J6 * by USA team 287 till 10/12 UE9SAA * by RW9SG 289 till 15/12 VE8TA: Baffin Isl. (NA-047) * by VE2BQB 279 till December ZD8DEZ * by G0DEZ 259 till July 97 ZS8IR: Marion Is. * by ZS6RI 263 20/11-05/12 3B8/F6HMJ ??? 289 29/11-01/12 TP10CE 291 30/11-09/12 G3NYY/C6A & G4VXE/C6A: New Providence Isl. (NA-001) 291 01/12-26/12 4Z40SZ: Nazareth 291 01/12-31/12 VA1S: Marconi Wireless Society 291 01/12-07/12 YB: Kangean Isl. (OC-???) * YB team 291 02/12-15/12 C5 * by DL7AFS 291 02/12-Summer 97 Z3 * by OH3MIG 291 03/12-12/12 G3XAQ/6Y5 291 03/12-09/12 C6AHF: Harbour Isl. (NA-001) * by N6RA 291 03/12-04/12 FK5M: Matthew Isl. (OC-???) * by FK8GM & FK8CR 291 04/12-11/12 FS/W2QM: St. Martin * by New Jersey DX Association 291 06/12-07/12 TM5TEL * special event station 289 11/12-16/12 V3: Ambergris Cay (NA-073) * by W5ZPA, W5JYK, K5KR 291 14/12-15/12 HB0/HB9LEY 291 16/12-25/12 TM6CLO * special event station 289 16/12-03/01 JQ1SUO/JD1: Ogasawara 279 22/12-03/01 OZ/DL2HEB/p: Romo Isl. (EU-125) 287 23/12-25/12 JD1: Ogasawara * by JA4GXS, JF4LNO, JN4AWW 291 26/12-29/12 VK9FL & VK9PG: Lord Howe * by JE5FLM & JR5XPG 291 28/12-30/12 JI6KVR: Amakusa Is. (AS-012) 291 28/12-05/01 KC6VW: Belau * by JA6VZB 273 30/12-12/01 CU8/DL3KUD: Flores Isl. (EU-089) 291 31/12-07/01 J3K * by WB8GEX 291 December CX/LU7DW: Timoteo Dominguez Isl. (SA-057) ??? 289 December E3 * by JF1IST 291 December VE7CGG: Antartic Base Patriott Hills (WABA MN-01) 291 08/01-March PJ9JT: Curacao * by W1BIH 291 10/01-12/01 TM6BZ: Batz Isl. (EU-105) 291 10/01-12/01 Japan International LF DX Contest *** 13/01-19/01 CU2/DL3KUD: Sao Miguel (EU-003) 291 14/01-21/01 T32HA: Christmas Is. (OC-024) * by VE7AHA 291 15/01-27/01 VK0IR: Heard Island 289 24/01-26/01 CQ WW CW 160 Mt. *** 25/01-26/01 REF CW Contest *** 25/01-26/01 UBA SSB Contest *** January-February FT_W: Crozet * by VK0IR team 283 January-February FT_X: Kerguelen * by VK0IR team 283 January HK0/IK4RSR: San Andres Is. (NA-033) 289 January-February P4/K2LE 291 January YB: Tukangbesi Isl. (OC-???) * by YB team 291 January ZD9: Gough Isl. (AF-030) * by ZD7WRG 291 /EX