DX425 bulletin issue nr. 290

SB DX@WW $425WW290A
425 DX News #290 [1/5]
 23 November 1996                  No 290                     BID: $425WW290A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                                  Edited by
                               I1JQJ  & IK1GPG
                                Translated by
                              I1-21171 & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@fileita.it - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)             !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IK1JNS.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3C     - Phil, N6ZZ (from 17 November to 1 December) and Marv, N5AW  (from 20
         to  28  November)  will  be  active  (mainly CW)  from  Bioko island
         (AF-010),  Equatorial Guinea, respectively  as 3C5Z  and 3C5A.  They
         plan to participate in the CQWW CW Contest as 3C5Z call  (Multi/Sin-
         gle). Outside the contest they will be  active on  WARC  bands.  QSL
         for both of them is via N6ZZ.
C6     - George, OM2SA will participate in the CQWW CW  Contest as  C6A/KM9D.
         QSL  via OM2SA.
EA     - On 24  November EA7BR/P  will be  active  from Isla  Tavirona  (DIEI
         HU-019). QSL via home call.
EA8    - Jorma, OH2KI (see  ZB) will participate  in the CQWW  CW Contest  as
         EA8EA (80 metres). QSL via home call.
FK     - FK8GM and FK8CR will be active as FK5M from Matthew Island (OC-???).
         Eric and Eddy will be arriving to the island on 3 December (at about
         7 UTC or most likely at about 20 UTC) and they will stay there  till
         20.00 UTC of 4 December.  Operations are expected  to take place  on
         SSB (3.790, 7.075, 14.195 & 14.260,  21.260 and 28.460 MHz), CW  and
         RTTY. QSL via F6AJA.
FY     - Dave, DJ0PJ has been forced to postpone his trip to FY  [425DXN 289]
         at the very last  minute. He  may now be going in a couple of weeks,
         but as ever his plans are subject to very short notice change.
FY     - During  his  staying  in  Suriname  (see  PZ) Mako, JA1OEM should be
         active (40 and 80 metres CW) from French  Guyana for  one  week. QSL
         via JA1OEM.
HC     - Bernd, DL1VJ/HC1OT will be active during the CQWW CW Contest.
HK0    - Pedro's  (HK3JJH)  operations  from  Serrana  Bank  &  Roncador Cays
         (NA-133) and  Serranilla Bank Cays  (NA-132), planned from 22  to 24
         November [425DXN 285], have been cancelled.
I      - On either 23-24 November or 30 November-1 December Gerry, IC8/IZ8ANA
         will be active (weather permitting) from Procida island (EU-031, IIA
         NA-002), Scoglio dello Schiavo (EU-031, IIA NA-???), Scoglio  Canno-
         ne (EU-031, IIA NA-023) and possibly from Vivara island (EU-031, IIA
         NA-005).  QSL  via  bureau or via IK8VRS  (Raul Migliano P.O.Box 22,
         80040 Volla-NA).
I      - The Crazy DX Group will participate  in the CQWW CW  Contest as IR0A
         (Multi/Single). QSL via IK0QDB
I      - IK3QAR and IK3VIA will participate in the CQWW CW Contest from  Lido
         Island (EU-131; IIA VE-032) using the call IL3/IK3VIA.
I      - The Western  Liguria  DX Team  (I1NVU,  IK1DPA, IK1FVO,  IK1LWL  and
         IK1QBT) will participate in the CQWW CW Contest with the call II1R.
I      - Giorgio (IG9/I2VXJ), Fabio (IG9/IT9GSF) and Andy, UA3DPX (IG9/AC6WE)
         will participate  in the  CQWW CW  Contest from  Lampedusa  (AF-019)
         respectively on 80, 20 e 40 metres.
KH2    - From 29 November to 3 December Ken, JA1CMD/AD4WF will be active from
         Guam as KH2/AD4WF. Operations will take place mainly on CW (from  10
         to 160 metres,  WARC bands included).  QSL via bureau  to JA1CMD  or
         direct to AE4EZ.
LX     - LX/DF0BK will participate in the CQWW CW Contest (Multi/Single). QSL
         via DL8SCG.
OE     - The  OE2-DX-group (OE2XEL/OE2S) will participate in the CQWW CW Con-
         test as OE3S. QSL via OE2GEN.
OH     - OH7AAC  will participate  in the CQWW CW Contest as OI7T (Multi/Sin-
         gle). QSL via OH7AAC.
OH0    - Petri, OH3MEP will participate in the CQWW CW Contest as OI0MEP from
         Aland Is. QSL via home call.
PZ     - Mako, JA1OEM should be  active from  Suriname on 80, 40, 30,  20, 17
         and 15 metres CW and SSB. Mako will not participate in the  CQWW  CW
         Contest, during which he will be active in SSB). QSL via JA1OEM.
S7     - A group of UR operators is rumoured to be active as from 25 November
         from the  five Seychelles  IOTA groups with the call S79UDX. QSL via
T9     - Dave, T9/WA5IKQ is active (SSB and CW )  from 20 through  80 metres.
         Dave is  located in Camp  McGovern (not far from the city of Brcko).
         QSL direct to KH6BZF.
TK     - TK5NN  and  TK5EP  will participate in the CQWW CW Contest on 80 and
         160 metres respectively.
YV     - Paolo, YV1DIG  will participate in the CQWW CW Contest as YW1A (Sin-
         gle Operator, Single Band - 40 metres).
ZB     - Jorma, OH2KI (see EA8)  has cancelled his  planned activity as  ZB2X
         during the CQWW CW Contest [425DXN 279].
SB DX@WW $425WW290B
425 DX News #290 [2/5]
 23 November 1996                  No 290                     BID: $425WW290B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         * Q S L   I N F O   [1/2] * 

4K70DWZ   P.O.Box 116, Ktoprak 81031, Azerbaijan
4X6TT     Amir Bazak, P.O.Box 1446, Ramat Hasharon 47226, Israel
4Z4DX     Dov Gavish, 27 Hamitnahalim, Ramat Hasharon 47203, Israel
5Z4BZ     Michel, P.O.Box 41784, Nairobi, Kenya
5Z4FM     Jim, P.O.Box 34168, Nairobi, Kenya
9M2/G3NOM Ray Gerrard, 16 Jln Bkt Antarabangsa, Tmn Bkt Mewah, 68000 Ampang,
          Selangor, East Malaysia
9V1WW     James Basil Rodrigo, Block 13 Ghim Moh Rd 19-37, 1027 Singapore
9Y4NZ     Chris, P.O.Box 168, San Fernando, Trinidad & Tobago
A41KT     Hamed Ali Segabi, P.O.Box 116, Seeb 11, Oman
A41LZ     Tada, P.O.Box 2837, Ruwi 112, Oman
A45ZN     Anthony George Frank Selmes, P.O.Box 981, Muscat 113, Oman
A71CW     Chris Dabrowski, P.O.Box 22101, Doha, Qatar
AH8A      William E.Faulkner, P.O.Box 2567, Pago Pago, 96799-2567, Amer.Samoa
AL7MX     Kenin G.Foster, P.O.Box 877326, Wasilla, AK-99687, U.S.A.
BY4BZB    ARS of Shanghai, Zhabei District Chil Sci and Tech Center,
          P.O.Box 083-105, Shanghai, China
BY4RSA    ARS of Jiangsu Radio Sports Association, Box 538, Nanjing, China
BY4SZ     ARS of Suzhou RSA, P.O.Box 51, Suzhou, China
CN8NK     Mhamed, P.O.Box 6343, Rabat, Morocco
CU2AF     Eduardo Machado, Rua D.a Maria Jose' Borges 67, Faja de Baixo, 9500
          Faja de Baixo, Sao Miguel Island, Azores Islands
D44BS     Angelo Mendes, P.O.Box 308, Praia, Cabo Verde Island, Portugal
DF6JC     Joerg Pamp, Institut fuer Mobil- und, Satellitenfunktechnik,
          Wave Propagation Section, Carl-Friedrich-Gauss-Str. 2, D-47475
          Kamp-Lintfort, Germany
DF7RX     Bernhard Steibl, Kelheimwinzerstr. 40, D-93309 Kelheim, Germany
DL5EBE    Dominik Weiel, Reinshagener Str. 99, D-42857 Remscheid, Germany
DU1SAN    Serafin A.Nepomuceno, 186 MacArthur Highway, Potrero, Malabon 1475,
DU9RG     Robin U.GO, Tukananes, Cotabato City 9301, Philippines
DX1CW     The Dx Manager, P.O.Box 390, Greenhills, Metro Manila, Philippines
EA7PY     J.Jose Sanchez Pecci, P.O.Box 37, 11130 Chiclana, Cadiz, Spain
ET3YU     Dragan Stojanovic, Dusana Vukasovica 82/20, 11070 Novi Beograd,
F5JJW     Joel Suc, P.O.Box 7, F-69520 Grigny, France
FG5GH     Edgar Jacob, Perrin, F-97111 Morne a l'Eau, France
FH5CY     Yves Seguineau, P.O.Box 555, F-97610 Mayote, France
FM5DN     Leonce Richer, 4 Km 5 Route de Balata, F-97234 Fort De France,
FR5DX     Jean Vandersteen Mauduit, 67 Rue des Palmiers, F-97430 Le Tampon,
          Reunion Island
FR5EL     P.O.Box 87, F-97832 Le Tampon, Reunion Island
FR5ZN     Robert Jean Richeville, P.O.Box 65, F-97462 St.Denis Cedex, Reunion
FY5KE     Le Ranch, P.O.Box 450, F-97310 Kourou, French Guyana
HA1KS     Radio Club of Gyor, P.O.Box 79, Gyor, H-9002, Hungary
HB9H      USKA Sezione ART, P.O.Box 385, CH-6500 Bellinzona, Switzerland
HC2GT     Roberto Marcos S., P.O.Box 09-01-15004, Guayaquil, Ecuador
HP1BYS    Elio Eloy Salinas, P.O.Box 6-9776, El Dorado, Panama
HS0/G4JMB Philip Weaver, Apt 8A-PP House, 25/1 Soi St Louis 2, South Sathorn
          Road, Yannawa, Bangkok 10120, Thailand
J59OFM    Gianfranco Gottardi,Missione de Caboxangue,P.O.Box 55,Guinea Bissau
JA2JPA    Takashi Ajiro, 2-14-18 Doubayashi, Shimizu, Shizuoka 424, Japan
JF1MIA    Takashi Sugawara, 1-12-14 Jamisueyoshi, Tsurumi, Yokohama, Kanagawa
          230, Japan
JT1KAA    H.Q. Station of the MRSF, P.O.Box 639, Ulan Bator 13, Mongolia
JY3ZH     Zedan Hussein, P.O.Box 11020, Amman, Jordan
K8VIR     Edwin H.Hartz, P.O.Box 480, Green Valley, AZ-85622-0480, U.S.A.
KD1CT     Bob Emory, 206 John Tasker Rd., Barnstead, NH-03218, U.S.A.
KG4AN     Guantanamo Bay ARC, P.O.Box 73, FPO, AE-09593, U.S.A.
KH0BX     Enrico Y.Lopez, Caller Box 10004 Pr 696, Saipan, MP-96950,
          Northern Mariana Islands, U.S.A.
KH0CG     Eliezer R.Apoong, AAA-294 Caller Box 10001, Saipan, MP-96950,
          Northern Mariana Islands, U.S.A.
KH0I      Hilario P.Feliciano, P.O.Box 7670 Svrb, Saipan MP-96950,
          Northern Mariana Islands, U.S.A.
SB DX@WW $425WW290C
425 DX News #290 [3/5]
 23 November 1996                  No 290                     BID: $425WW290C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         * Q S L   I N F O   [2/2] * 

KH6BZF    Lee R.Wical, 45-601 Luluku Rd Ct 44-25, Kaneohe, Honolulu, HI-96744
          Hawaii Islands
KH6CC     Jack N.Wheeler, P.O.Box 436, Paauilo, HI-96776, Hawaii Islands
KH6FKG    Harry Nishiyama, 1990 Hale Hooko St, Hilo, HI-96720, Hawaii Islands
KP2BH     James Soto, P.O.Box 803, Frederiksted, Saint Croix, VI-00840, USA
LU7DW     Claudio Fernandez, P.O.Box 7, Tapiales 1770, B.A., Argentina
N2SHP     Barry A.Schwartz, 72-22 153rd St., 2H, Flushing, NY-11367-2642, USA
NL7DU     Dale E.Pelzer, 205 Eureka Ave, Fairbanks AK-99701-3619, U.S.A.
NP2Z      Richard M.Adamson, 3234 Cochise DR, Atlanta GA-30339, U.S.A.
NP4A      Pedro J.Piza Jr., P.O.Box 7373, Ponce PR-00732, U.S.A.
OH2BH     Martti Laine, Nuottaniementie 3 D 20, F-02230, Espoo, Finland
OKDXA     Oklahoma DX Association, P.O.Box 88, Morris, OK 74445-0088, U.S.A.
OKDXF     Czeck DX Foundation, P.O.Box 73, Bradlec, CZ-293 06, Czech Republic
OY6A      Fra Contest Club, Hambaru Yuiri Vid Strond, FR-100, Faeroerne 0138,
          Faroe Islands
PJ9A      Radioteam Finland, P.O.Box 599, SF-40270 Palokka, Finland
PY5EG     Atilano de Oms, P.O.Box 37, Buritiba, PR, CEP 800001, Brazil
SU1SK     Said Kamel, P.O.Box 62 Shobra Al-Khima, Cairo 13411, Egypt
SU3YM     Yasser, P.O.Box 545, Port Said, Egypt
T77C      Antonio Ceccoli, Via Carrare 67, RSM-47031 Murata A-7, San Marino
T88T      Belau Dx-pedition, P.O.Box 88, Morris, OK-74445-0088, U.S.A.
TA1F      Tuncer Topdemir, P.O.Box 676, TR-34435 Istambul, Turkey
TA2J      S.Fazil Turkan, Etemefendi Cad 12 1 D-18, Erenkoy, TR-81080,
          Istanbul, Turkey
TA3J      Berkin Aydogmus, P.O.Box 987, TR-35214, Izmir, Turkey
TR8IG     Jean Luc Perony, P.O.Box 740, Libreville, Gabon
TR8JCV    Jean Claude Villard, P.O.Box 4110, Libreville, Gabon
TZ6VV     Larry Erwin, P.O.Box 395, Segou, Mali
UW1ZC     Valentin Mykitenko, Akademgorodok 2 1, 184340 Loparskaya, Russia
V51GB     Gerhard Bruns, P.O.Box 1165, Tsumeb 900, Namibia
VK1DX     Canberra DX Club, P.O.Box 24, O'Connor, ACT 2601, Australia
VP2VF     Dirk J.de Jong, P.O.Box 137, Road Town, Tortola, Virgin Islands
VP9EP     Edward C Pitman, P.O.Box HM 1536, Hamilton HM FX, Bermuda Island
VR6MW     Meralda Warren, P.O.Box 27, Pitcairn Island
VU2PAI    Ananth Pai, Bharath Beedi Works, P.O.Box 730,Mangalore 575003,India
VY1JA     Jay Allen, RR 2 Site 15 Comp 117, Whitehorse, YT, Y1A 5W9, Canada
WH0AAV    Toribio C.Mercado Jr., P.O.Box 1941, Saipan MP-96950, U.S.A.
WH6CQH    Ken R.Wages, HC 3 Box 13065, Keaau HI-96749, Hawaii Islands
WH6LU     Richard S.Gardner, P.O.Box 754, Kurtistoww, HI-96760, Hawaii Island
WH6R      Eran Agmon, 3049 Ualena Sr Suite 1005, Honolulu HI-96819, Hawaii I.
WL7MA     Cheri L Worley, 1000 Loch Ness Cir, Wasilla, AK-99654, Alaska
XE1K      Ramon Moreno Sanchez, 1 de Mayo 40, Periban de Ramos, Mich 60440,
XE1L      Luis Chartarifsky, 947 Bosques de Reforma, Mexico, DF 11700, Mexico
XX9GD     Tony, P.O.Box 1476, Macau
YB5QZ     Anton Iriawan, P.O.Box 55, Pekanbaru 28001, Indonesia
YC1XUR    Deddy D.Iskandar, JL Martangara 4, Karawang 41312, Indonesia
YS1RRA    Romualdo Ricardo Alvarado, Reparto los Heroes, Calle Gabriel
          Rosales 101, San Salvador, El Salvador
YS1RRD    Raymundo Rodriguez Diaz, P.O.Box 32, San Salvador, El Salvador
ZA1A      Albanian Amateur Radio Association, P.O.Box 66, Tirana, Albania
ZB2BU     Gibraltar Amateur Radio Society, Hargraves Ramp, Gibraltar
ZK1DB     Arnold Gibbons, P.O.Box 277, Tepuka, Rarotonga, South Cook
ZL1AXQ    D.B.Hardwick, 53 Broadway, Matamata 2271, New Zealand
ZL2AL     L.F.Jennings, 203 Beresford Street, Hastings 4201, New Zealand
ZL3GQ     Peter W.Watson, Hamptons Rd, RR 4, Christchurch 8001, New Zealand
ZL3RG     Graham R.Roberts, 22 McBeath Ave, Hoon Bay, Christchurch 8002, New
ZS6CAX    Koji Tahara, Japan  Embassy, P.O.Box 11434, Brooklyn 0011, S.Africa
ZS6EZ     Chris R.Burger, P.O.Box 4485, Pretoria 0001, South Africa
ZS6H      J.J.Malan, Parkstr 814, Arcadia 0083, South Africa
ZS6P      Tjerk J.Lammers, P.O.Box 48052, Hercules 0030, South Africa
ZS9A      Ian Sutherland, P.O.Box 2327, Walvis Bay 9190, South Africa
SB DX@WW $425WW290D
425 DX News #290 [4/5]
 23 November 1996                  No 290                     BID: $425WW290D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          Islands of Scotland Award 

GMDX Group      Islands of Scotland Award  (Groups,Islands,References)
CLYDE ISLANDS                           Firth of Lorne
Arran                 CL1               Lismore             FL1
Bute                  CL2               Kerrera             FL2
Great Cumbrae         CL3               Seil                FL3
Little Cumbrae        CL4               Luing               FL4
Ailsa Craig           CL5               Scarba              FL5
Holy Island           CL6               Garvellachs         FL6
Pladda                CL7
Sanda                 CL8
Davaar                CL9
Inchmarnock           CL10
Lady Isle             CL11
OUTLIERS                                FIRTH OF FORTH
Flannan Island        OL1               Isle of May         FF1
St Kilda              OL2               Bass Rock           FF2
North Rona            OL3               Craigleith          FF3
Sula Sgeir            OL4               Fidra               FF4
Rockall               OL5               Inchkeith           FF5
                                        Inchcolm            FF6
Mainland              SH1               Hestan              SF1
Unst                  SH2               Little Ross         SF2
Yell                  SH3               Islands of Fleet    SF3
Fetlar                SH4               Scares              SF4
Whalsay               SH5
Bressay               SH6
Foula                 SH7
Outer Skerries        SH8
Fair Isle             SH9
OUTER HEBRIDES                          ORKNEY ISLANDS
Lewis & Harris        OH1               Mainland            OR1
North Uist            OH2               Westray             OR2
South Uist            OH3               Papa Westray        OR3
Benbecula             OH4               North Ronaldsay     OR4
Berneray              OH5               South Ronaldsay     OR5
Monach Islands        OH6               Hoy                 OR6
Vatersay              OH7               Shapinsay           OR7
Mingulay              OH8               Stronsay            OR8
Eriskay               OH9               Rousay              OR9
Sandray               OH10              Sanday              OR10
Barra                 OH11              Eday                OR11
Great Bernera         OH12              Egilsay             OR12
Scarp                 OH13              Flotta              OR13
Tarnansay             OH14              Burray              OR14
Pabbay                OH15
South Berneray        OH16
South Pabbay          OH17
Shiant Islands        OH18
INNER HEBRIDES                          COASTAL ISLANDS
Canna                 NH1               Pentland Skerries   SC1
Rhum                  NH2               Stroma              SC2
Eigg                  NH3               Neave               SC3
Tiree                 NH4               Eilean Nan Ron      SC4
Coll                  NH5               Rabbit Islands      SC5
Muck                  NH6               Eilean Hoan         SC6
Skye                  NH7               Handa               SC7
Ascribe Islands       NH8               Oldany              SC8
Rona                  NH9               Gruinard            SC9
Raasay                NH10              Summer Isle         SC10
Pabay                 NH11              Isle of Ewe         SC11
Crowlin Islands       NH12              Eilean Horrisdale   SC12
Longay                NH13              Longa               SC13
Wiay                  NH14              Trodday             SC14
Mull                  NH15              Fladda              SC15
Iona                  NH16              Mingay              SC16
Treshnish Islands     NH17              Isay                SC17
Ulva                  NH18
Colonsay              NH19
Oronsay               NH20
Jura                  NH21
Total Groups   10
Total Islands  120
SB DX@WW $425WW290E
425 DX News #290 [5/5]
 23 November 1996                  No 290                     BID: $425WW290E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          Islands of Scotland Award

This  award  is administered by the GMDX Group and is the creation  of
Les Hamilton GM3ITN, who has accepted advice and some alterations from
Gavin Taylor GM0GAV, Dave Warburton GM0LVI and Robert Ferguson GM3YTS.
Les Hamilton GM3ITN is the top U.K. station on the Islands on the  Air
(IOTA) Honour Roll. He has devised an award that is extremely challen-
ging, particularly the higher graded awards.
We hope this award will encourage Amateur Radio operators from  around
the world to contact or visit and activate some of the most  beautiful
and remote parts of Scotland.
In order to encourage operations from the islands, there  will  be two
classes of awards, one for the Chasers and the other for  those who go
out and activate the islands (the Activators).
The islands listed are the only ones eligible for these awards.
No other islands will be added.
Applicants should be licensed radio amateurs.  A short-wave  listerner
qualifies for the Chaser's Award.
Chasers and Activators have different goals to  achieve and the awards
are graded as below:
            CHASERS                             ACTIVATORS
            -------                             ----------
Basic   10 Islands in  6 Island Groups    5 Islands in 3 Island Groups
Silver  25 Islands in  7 Island Groups   12 Islands in 4 Island Groups
Gold    50 Islands in  8 Island Groups   25 Islands in 5 Island Groups
Supreme 75 Islands in 10 Island Groups   40 Islands in 7 Island Groups
Chasers must submit proof of contact with stations as designated above.
Activators  must  show  evidence  that they have made a minimum of 100
contacts  from  each  island  claimed, i.e. photocopied log details or
computer log disk.
Contacts should be made from the same DXCC country and must be made
with licensed amateur stations.
Contacts must have taken place since 1 November 1947 and must have
been made on the 1.8, 3.5, 7, 10, 14, 18, 21, 24, 28, 50, 144 Mhz bands.
Maritime mobile contacts are not allowed. All stations must be shown
to be land based.
Original QSL cards confirming the contacts must be submitted by chasers.
Any cards deemed to have been altered will be disallowed.
The Islands of Scotland Directory cost 6 pounds,10 US dollars or 16 IRC
and this should be applied for in the first instance.
The cost of the Directory includes the cost of the Basic certificate.
On applying for the Basic awards,applicants should send only sufficient
postage for the return of their QSL cards.
The individual cost of each other award (Silver, Gold, Supreme) is:-
5 UK pounds or 8 US dollars or 12 IRCS, plus return postage.
Please specify category of return postage required and allow for this
when including your postage fee.
In addition to the certificate, the Supreme Award entitles the
applicant to receive a Scottish Quaich, engraved with the applicants
callsign and award details. Please ask for details on applying for the
Supreme Award. The fee for this varies, depending on availability.
Directory Applications to: Dave Warburton GM0LVI, Law Vista, High Street
                           Errol, Perthshire, SCOTLAND U.K., PH2 7QQ
Award Applications to:     Les Hamilton GM3ITN, Hall's Land, Hardgate,
                           Clydebank, SCOTLAND U.K., G81 6NR

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, CT1EEB,CT1ENQ, DL7VOA,
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                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang