SB DX@WW $425WW289A 425 DX News #289 [1/6] 16 November 1996 No 289 BID: $425WW289A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1GPG Translated by I1-21171 & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail - BBS IK1GPG@IK1JNS.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector ! ! (e-mail ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3B8 - From 20 November to 5 December Jacques, F6HMJ will be active as 3B8/F6HMJ From QTH di 3B8CF. 3V - Uli, DL2HBX will participate in the CQWW CW Contest from club station 3V8BB. QSL via DL2HBX (the QSOs will be all confirmed via the bureau, for direct requests the address is: Ulrich Ann, Marienstr. 20a, D-38104 Braunschweig, Germany). 4K - Axel, DL6KVA (ex Y42DA) will be again active (CW only) from Vlad's (4K9W) QTH in Azerbaijan. 9H - From 25 to 30 November Mario, IZ3AHY will be active from Malta as 9H3XF. QSL via home call (Mario Sala, via Rodolfo Fiori 81, 32010 Polpet-BL). 9Y - From 18 to 25 November Jose, CT1BOH will be active (all bands, CW and SSB). He is expected to participate in the CQWW CW Contest as 9Y4H (Single Operator, all bands). A4 - Tony (A45ZN) and Thomas (SM0CXU) will participate in the CQWW CW Contest (Multi-Single) as A45ZN. C2 - Martti Laine, OH2BH will celebrate his fiftieth birthday with a DXpedition to Nauru. From 20 to 27 November four stations, all signing C21BH, will be active including a multi-multi entry in the CQWW CW Contest, using three different sites with beam antennas. All band operations will take place mainly on SSB and CW and the operators will be DU3YL, DU9RG, KJ4VH, K8YSE, JA1BK, OH1RY, OH2BC, OH2BE, OH2BH and SM7PKK. QSL via OH2BH: Martti J. Laine, Nuottaniementie 3D20, 022330 Espoo, Finland. Further information is available at the SM7PKK DX-Pedition Site ( C6 - From 3 to 19 December N6RA will be active as C6AHF. He will participate in the ARRL 10 and 160 metres Contests. QSL via home call CO - The Tunas Radio Club will participate in the CQWW CW Contest with the call CO0RCT. CP - Olli, OH0XX will be active as CP6AA during the CQWW CW Contest (Single Operator, all bands). QSL via Suite 599, 1313 So. Military Trail, Deerfield Beach, FL33442, U.S.A. CX - In late November-early December Claudio, CX/LU7DW might be active from Timoteo Dominguez island (SA-057). EA - On 16 November EA5CCD/P will be active from Santa Isabel island (DIEI Z-06). QSL via EA5CCD. EA6 - EA3AIR, EA3AKY, EA3ALV, EA3DU, EA6ACC and EA3KU will participate in the CQWW CW Contest with the call EA6IB. F - From 16 to 24 November Dominique, F5SJB will be active as TM5CW. This call will be used during the CQWW CW Contest as well. F - The radio club F5KAI will use the call TM5TEL during Telethon 1996 (6-7 December). F - From 16 to 25 December the station TM6CLO will be active (only CW). QSL via F5WA. FO - Eric, F5CCO has cancelled his trip to Tahiti [425DXN 285] FT_Z - Eric, F5ICB left Reunion on 5 November. He will be arriving to Amsterdam [425DXN 287] on about 20 November and will be active (with 100 Watts and a R5) as FT5ZG for one year. QSL via F5RQQ (Jean-Marc Vigier, 14 rue Paul Helbronner, 38000 Grenoble, France). FY - From 15 to 18 November Dave, FY/DJ0PJ should be again on 15, 17, 20 30 metres CW (QRP). GM - Tom, GM4FDM will participati in the CQWW CW Contest (Single Operator, 40 metres) as GM6X. QSL via GM4FDM o through the bureau. HC8 - N5KO (ex-WN4KKN) will participate in the CQWW CW Contest as HC8N. Trey will be active as N5KO/HC8 before and after the contest, QSL via AA5BT. /EX SB DX@WW $425WW289B 425 DX News #289 [2/6] 16 November 1996 No 289 BID: $425WW289B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== HK - In January Boris, IK4RSR will be in Colombia, where he plans to be active as HK3/IK4RSR (from Bogota) and HK0/IK4RSR from the islands of San Andres (NA-033) and Providencia (NA-049). HR - Joe, WA6VNR will participate in the CQWW CW Contest as HR6/WA6VNR from Roatan Island (NA-057). Before and after the contest he will be active on WARC bands. QSL via home call. HS - From 16 November to 1 December Jack, WA0RJY will be active from Thailand as HS0/WA0RJY. QSL via Jack Fleming, P.O. Box 581, Seattle, WA 98111, USA. HS - Jack (HS0/WA0RJY), Sam (HS0/SM3DYU) and several other operators (including LA7JO) will be mounting a multi-single effort with the callsign HS0AC during the CQWW CW Contest. They have received special permission to operate on 80 and 160 metres. I - The station IQ4A will participate in the CQWW CW Contest (Multi-Single). KC4_ant Greg, WB7CHV/KC4 was recently active from a new Antarctic base that is being set up at Siple Dome Station located on the Siple Coast area (81.40S-149.00W). Greg is currently at McMurdo, but he will be returning to Siple Dome in about two weeks for two days. Another operator (Don) is there all the time, but it is not sure how much operating he will do. KH0 - KH0DQ/JF1SQC, NH2C/JI3ERV, AL7NC/JK3GAD and WI3O/JR7OMD will participate in the CQWW CW Contest from Saipan (Northern Mariana) as KH0DQ (Multi-Single). QSL via JF1SQC. LU - LU1BR and LU2AH will participate in the CQWW CW Contest as L75AA (the special call celebrates the 75th anniversary of the Radio Club Argentino). QSL via LU4AA. LX - LX4B will be active on 80 metres during the CQWW CW Contest. QSL via LX1TI. PA - From 16 to 17 November the station PI4ZWN will be active (SSB and CW) from Schouwen-Duiveland (EU-146). QSL via PA3FIA. PJ8 - From 21 to 27 November Hardy, N7RT will be active from St. Maarten as eother PJ8M or PJ8RT. He is expected to participate in the CQWW CW Contest. Outside the Contest he will be active on 80 and 160 metres, and possibly on WARC bands. QSL via home call. PY0_f - Ville, OH2MM will participate in the CQWW CW Contest (Single Operator, all bands) from PY0FF's QTH. SV5 - From 21 to 26 November Al, K7AR will be SV5/. He is expected to participate in the CQWW CW Contest (probably on 20 metres). QSL via AA6BB. TZ - Larry, TZ6VV is now active on 160 metres (at about 23 UTC on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, on 1.833 MHz, QSX 2 kHz up). QSL via AA0GL. UA9 - From 15 November to 10 December RW9SG (ex UW9SG) will be operating as UE9SAA to celebrate his 50th birthday and 35 years of amateur radio activity. QSL via P.O.Box 1161, Orenburg 460051, Russia. Cards for /RY1B, /RM4N, /RU4L and /RU3L activities can be sent to this address as well. V2 - From 17 to 27 November David, G6QQ will be active (mostly on 10, 15, 17, 20 and 40 metres) as V2/G6QQ. He is expected to participate in the CQWW CW Contest. QSL via home call. V2 - Larry, K3TLX will participate in the CQWW CW Contest (all-band single operator) from Antigua. A contest call is expected but is not known at this time. QSL via K3TLX. V8 - JO1RUR will participate in the CQWW CW Contest as V85HG. QSL via JH7FQK. VE - From 21 to 26 November Jon, WB8YJF and Joe, WB8YTZ will be active from Zone 2 with a VO2 call. They are expected to participate in the CQWW CW Contest. Before and after the Contest Jon and Joe will be working RTTY. W - From 16 to 19 November Jim, KA3UNQ will be active (20 and 40 metres) from a numebr of Rhode Island islands (Aquidneck, Conanicut, Goat and Coasters Harbor). QSL via bureau. ZF - ZF2RF will be active during the CQWW CW Contest (Multi/Single category, all bands). Operators to date include K4UVT (ZF2RF), K9LA (ZF2AY), K9MK (ZF2MK), N5HRG (ZF2HR) and N9NS. QSL via K4UVT (P.O. Box 231240, Montgomery, AL 36123-1240, USA) or via bureau. Individual operators will also be active outside the contest on both CW and SSB during the period November 21-29 (QSL contacts with individual operators via their home call). ZS8 - Chris, ZS8IR is temporarily QRT on 160 metres, but he intends being active on all bands during the CQWW CW Contest. /EX SB DX@WW $425WW289C 425 DX News #289 [3/6] 16 November 1996 No 289 BID: $425WW289C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== ************************ **************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************ >>>>> 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR <<<<< The address where to subscribe or unsubscribe the mailing list and to find all the information about it is the following: Those who prefer using e-mail are invited to send a message to the following address: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL 4U1ITU ---> The QSOs made with 4U1ITU from 00.00 UTC of 25 October to 00.00 UTC of 27 October 1996 (CQWW SSB Contest included) will be all confirmed through the bureau. Direct requests should be sent to J.Meezen, Narcisstraat 3, 9675 Ma Winschoten, Netherlands. QSL 4U0ITU ---> Cards for contacts made with 4U0ITU on 13-14 May 1995 are via IK1CJO (SSB and RTTY) and IK1QBT (CW). QSL AH8A ---> Bruce, W6OSP is not the QSL manager for Bill, AH8A (to whom cards should be sent direct). QSL CQ1A ---> Jose, CT1EEB reports that WA1ECA is not the QSL manager for CQ1A's 1996 operations. QSL CQ2I ---> Jose, CT1EEB reports that the cards of CQ2I (IOTA Contest 1996) from Insua island (EU-150) are ready. They can be used to confirm contacts made with the various team members (CT1CJJ/p, CT1BQH/p, CT1DVV/p, CT1EEB/p, CT1BWW/p, CT1ENQ/p, CT1ETZ/p and CT1FMX/p). Jose intends replying to direct cards within a few days. Bureau cards will be replied as soon as they arrive. Stateside manager WA1ECA has been already sent a package of cards. Bureau cards can be asked for also via e-mail (just send a message to detailing the QSO data). QSL DL1OY ---> Helmut, DL1OY is the QSL manager for UC1AWZ, EW1WZ, EW1CZ, UC2AKP, EV5DX. Helmut replies both direct and through the bureau. QSL HI9/I4LCK ---> QSLs for his operations from NA-122 are ready and Franco, I4LCK intends to start replying within a few days. QSL I1YRL ---> I1YRL (Luc Glarey, Via San Martino 11, 10091 Alpignano-TO, Italy) is the QSL manager (direct) for VU2TS, BZ4DHI and Z32KV. As far as his own operations from ITU Geneva are concerned (the last took place on 9-10 November, 425DXN 288), QSL cards can be sent also through the bureau. QSL LU6Z ---> Raul, LU6EF (G.A.CW QSL manager) reports that the last batch of direct cards of LU6Z (South Orkney) was mailed during the first week of October. Those who have not received their cards are invited to send another request to P.O. BOX 9, 1875 Wilde, Buesos Aires, Argentina (do not send any green stamp, but IRCs). Raul is now replying to bureau cards. You can apply to him also for the following other G.A.CW operations: LU7X, L8D/X, LU3ZI, LU2ZC, LU6UO/Z and LU5EVB/Z. QSL PJ9E ---> QSL cards for PJ9E's operations during the CQWW SSB Contest 1996 are via K2SB. This is the same group that has brought PJ1(9)B on the air for the past eight years: as a memorial to Chet Brandon, PJ9EE, who passed away the week before the contest, the group requested and received (at the last minute) permission to use PJ9E in the contest instead of PJ9B. QSL S83H ---> Rosie, KA4S is not the QSL manager for Eric, S83H (who is active From Transkei, South Africa and whose cards should be sent direct). QSL VP2E ---> WB5CRG is the QSL manager for the following operations during the 1996 CQWW SSB Contest [425DXN 286]: VP2E (20 metres), WB5CRG/VP2E (80 metres), VP2EZ (160 metres). QSL ZA1TAG & ZA1M ---> Angelo, IK2HTW has received the logs. The cards are being printed and should be ready soon. /EX SB DX@WW $425WW289D 425 DX News #289 [4/6] 16 November 1996 No 289 BID: $425WW289D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== >>>>> ERRATA CORRIGE (QSL) <<<<< * 4U0ITU ---> The QSL manager for contacts made with 4U0ITU between 23 May and 1 June 1995 (including the CQWW WPX CW Contest on 25-26 May) [425DXN 283] is HA6NY. * 4U0ITU ---> IK1CJO is the QSL manager for the SSB and RTTY contacts made with 4U0ITU on 20-21 May 1995 [425DXN 283]. CW contacts are confirmed by the operators (I1YRL and IK1QBT). * 7P8/OE2VEL ---> OE2DYL [425DXN 288] is not the manager for 7P8/OE2VEL. (cards should be sent via OE2GEN). * 9A1A ---> 9A2AJ [425DXN 288] is not the manager for the operations made by 9A1A team. Cards should be sent to 9A1A, P. O. Box 108, 10001 Zagreb, Croatia. * 9K2HN ---> 9K2FN [425DXN 288] is not the manager for Hamad, 9K2HN, to whom cards can be sent either direct (Hamad Al-Nusif, P.O.Box 29174, 13152 Safat, Kuwait) or through the bureau. * 9K2RA ---> YO9HP [425DXN 288] is not the manager for 9K2RA, to whom cards can be sent through the bureau. * YM2ZM ---> The OKDXF does not manage cards for YM2ZN [425DXN 288]. The QSL manager is OK1DTP (ex TA2/OK1DTP). * YM2ZW ---> OK1KTN [425DXN 288] is not the manager for YM2ZW, whose cards can be sent either via OK1TN or the OKDXF (Box 73, Bradlec, CZ-29306, Czech Republic). VK0IR, HEARD ISLAND (UPDATE) ---> Bob, KK6EK reports that "the funding for the trip is about 90% complete. We are now working to find the last 10%, or $30K. We are open to the possibility of taking one or two 'guest/sponsors'. These people would not have any formal duties and would not even have to be licensed radio amateurs, but would be financial supporters. We have nearly the entire original team intact, although a recent withdrawall has opened a position. If you or anyone you know is interested, please contact me immediately". The timing of this Dxpedition (15-27 January, 1997) is ideal for emphasing the Low Bands (160, 80, 40 and 30 metres), as this winter will see the "peak" of the low band propagation in the solar cycle. Good openings are anticipated on 20, 17 and 15 metres as well with fair, sporadic openings on 12 and 10 metres. Extensive use of pilot operators will help the Heard Island team gets feedback to ensure success of the DXpedition. The pilots will relay your input and suggestions to the Heard team on what can be done to improve performance and results. Pilots are: John, ON4UN (Europe & pilot co-ordinator); Don, WB2DND (US Eastcoast); Bob, WD0AEK (US Northcoast); Randy, K0EU (US Central); Scotty, N4PYD (US Southcoast); Jay, WA2FIJ/6 (US Westcoast); Isao, JH1ROJ (Japan & Asia). Donations are greatly appreciated and are not at risk. The expedition team is taking all financial responsibility until the expedition is completed. Should the project fail due to other than an Act of God, the donors monies will be returned. Donations can be sent to Heard Island DXpedition, c/o Bob Allphin, K4UEE (4235 Blackland Dr., Marietta, GA 30067, USA) or c/o Peter Casier, ON6TT (Oude Heerbaan 30B-9230, Wetteren, Belgium). All the information about the project is available at ZV0MB & ZV0MV ---> Early October operations from Martim Vaz [425DXN 283] logged more than 2100 QSOs during 40 hours. XZ1N WEB SITE ---> The XZ1N web site is now available in both English ( and Spanish ( /EX SB DX@WW $425WW289E 425 DX News #289 [5/6] 16 November 1996 No 289 BID: $425WW289E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== QSL riceived via direct: 3D2PN, 4K4BG (AS-005), 5R8EE, 7K3EOP/1 (AS-008), 8A5ITU (OC-215), 8P9FC, 9K2HN/p (AS-118), A61AH/p (AS-118), BY7BJ/OK1DOR, C21NJ, C50BI (AF-060), C6AGR, C91CB, DP1KGI (via DL5EBE), ED3IM (EU-078), ET3BT, F5CCO/p (EU-095), F6ELE/p (EU-065), F6EXQ/p (EU-159), F6FWW/p (EU-159), F/DJ8QP/P (EU-058), F/DJ8SE/P (EU-105), F/IK3GES/p (EU-064), FO0SUC (OC-050, OC-152), FR5ZQ/T, FT5WE, GJ3RTE/p (EU-099), GW4KCT/P (EU-106), AG9A/HC8, HI9/I4LCK (NA-122), HS0/IK4MRH (AS- 053), IA1/IK1JJB (IIA SV-004), IJ7/IK7DXP (IIA LE-009, LE-016), IJ7/IK7DXP (EU-091, IIA LE-017), IJ7/IK7JWX (IIA LE-003, LE-016, LE-009), IJ7/IK7QHS (EU-091; IIA LE-018), IL3/IK2GPQ (EU-131; IIA VE-001), IL3/IK3ZAW (EU-131; IIA VE-028), IM0/IK2MRZ (EU-024; IIA CA-014), IM0/IK2MRZ (EU-165; IIA CA-004, CA-013), IZ7IGM, JY9QJ, KG4GC, NL7TB/p (NA-206), LU/IK1EDC (SA-022), LU/IK1EDC, , RA9LI/9 (AS-089), SV8/F2VX (EU-052), T30BH, TJ1HP, TO5A (NA-114), VK6ISL (OC-140), VK6ISL (OC-214), VP2MBR, VY2SS/VE2 (NA-038), YE8SUN (OC-210), YE8TI (OC-209), YW5LO (SA-054), JA8CDG/ZC6. ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HLI, I1HYW, I1WFF, I1YRL, IK1CJO, IK1IYU, IK1QBT, IK1QFM, I2IEY, IK2HTW, IV3TIQ, IV3TMM, I4LCK, IK4RSR, IZ4AHS, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, IK8TEM, Brescia DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, 9A9A, 9K2HN, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DL1OY, DL2HBX, DL5EBE, DL7VOA, DL9GOA, EA5KB, EA5OL, F5CCO, F5PYI, F6AJA, G3NOM, G3NYY, G3XJS, G4BUE, HA0HW, HA6NY, JA1UT, JF1SQC, JI6KVR, K4MZU, K4UVT, K7WX, KA3UNQ, KD8IW, KK6EK, KF7AY, LU6EF, LU7DW, N3ED, N5KO, NL7TB, OE2GEN, OK1DXI, PA0ABM, PE1LAU, PS7AB, PS7KM, PT2NP, RX9TX, SM7PKK, SV1CID, VE7CC, VK2TQM, WA0RJY, WB5CRG, WD8MGQ, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY DX. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 425 DX NEWS QSL ROUTES *** Following many requests we have decided to start experimentally a new service to help our readers to find managers and/or addresses of DX stations. The requests should be sent only to IK1GPG, who is responsibile for the QSL Managers/QSL Routes, via e-mail: Answers will be published in the bulletin. ***************************************************************************** /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! 425 WWW Page ---> ! ! INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: ! ! - under the /pub/ham/425news/english/ directory ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL: ! ! ! ! or sending a message to: ! ! writing in the body of the message: subscribe 425dxnews address ! ! where address is the e-mail address of the subscriber ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * ! ! TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 ! ! DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 ! ! SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ! ! ARRL HQ BBS USA : 860-594-0306 ! ! CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 ! ! HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 ! ! WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 ! ! JUNGLE BBS NZ : +64-3-524-8332 ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang /EX SB DX@WW $425WW289F 425 DX News #289 [6/6] 16 November 1996 No 289 BID: $425WW289F ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till December 7P8/G4FUI 275 till 28/11 9N1OSN * by W4OSN 285 till 27/11 FH/F6HWU 287 till ?? FR5ZU/T 287 till 25/11 J87GU * by DL7VOG 287 till 15/12 VE8TA: Baffin Isl. (NA-047) * by VE2BQB 279 till 19/11 VK0WH: Macquarie 238 till December ZD8DEZ * by G0DEZ 259 till July 97 ZS8IR: Marion Is. * by ZS6RI 263 14/11-26/11 A6 * by AA6DC 283 15/11-22/11 8P9HT * by K4BAI 279 15/11-29/11 GD4UOL * by G4UOL 285 15/11-18/11 FY/DJ0PJ/qrp 289 15/11-17/11 PY: Paqueta Isl. (DIB 026) * by PY1AF & PY1ADU 287 15/11-10/12 UE9SAA * by RW9SG 289 15/11-25/11 V47VJ & V47WD * by G4ZVJ & G4RWD 285 16/11 EA5CCD/p: Santa Isabel Isl. (DIEI Z-06) 289 16/11-01/12 HS0/WA0RJY 289 16/11-26/11 J38AA, J38AB, J38AC, J38AD, J38AE, J38AF * by W1 team 285 16/11-19/11 KA3UNQ/p: US.I. 289 16/11-17/11 PI4ZWN: Schouwen-Duiveland Isl. (EU-146) 289 16/11-24/11 PV2P: Santo Amaro Isl. (SA-071) (DIB 10) 279 16/11-24/11 TM5CW * by F5SJB 289 16/11-25/11 XZ1N * by Central Arizona DX Association 281 16/11-17/11 IARU 160 meters CW Contest *** 16/11-17/11 INORC Contest *** 17/11-27/11 V2/G6QQ 289 17/11-30/11 VA5MA * special event station 287 18/11-25/11 9Y4H * by CT1BOH 289 19/11-01/12 J6 * by USA team 287 20/11-05/12 3B8/F6HMJ 289 20/11-27/11 C21BH * by OH2BH's team 289 20/11-Feb FT5ZG: Amsterdam * by F5ICB 289 20/11-29/11 J3/WJ2O 283 20/11-28/11 JY * by DL5MBY 285 21/11-24/11 5V * by G3SXW's team 279 21/11-27/11 PJ8: St. Maarten * by N7RT 289 21/11-26/11 SV5/K7AR 289 21/11-26/11 VO2: zone 2 * by WB8JYF & WB8YTZ 289 22/11 HK0: Serrana Bank (NA-133) * HK3JJH 285 22/11-24/11 IQ4KID * special event station 285 22/11-24/11 Madras: Seanet Convention 1996 271 21/11-24/11 5V * by G3SXW's team 279 23/11-24/11 3V8BB * by DL2HBX 289 23/11-24/11 A45ZN * by A45ZN & SM0CXU 289 23/11-24/11 C6: AbacoIsl. (NA-080) * by K3TEJ & WA3WSJ 281 23/11-24/11 CO0RCT 289 23/11-24/11 CP6AA * by OH0XX 289 23/11-24/11 D4 * by DK7YY, DL3DXX, DL2OAP, DL2OBF 281 23/11-24/11 EA6IB * by EA6ACC & EA3 team 289 23/11-24/11 GM6X * by GM4FDM 289 23/11-24/11 HC8N * by N5KO 289 23/11 HK0: Rocador Cays (NA-133) * HK3JJH 285 23/11-24/11 HR6/WA6VNR: Roatan Isl. (NA-057) 289 23/11-24/11 HS8AS 281 23/11-24/11 HS0AC 289 23/11-24/11 IQ4A 289 23/11-24/11 JI6KVR: Uji Is. (AS-067) 283 23/11-24/11 HS0AC 289 23/11-24/11 KH0DQ * by JF1SQC, JI3ERV, JK3GAD, JR7OMD 289 23/11-24/11 L75AA * by LU1BR & LU2AH 289 23/11-24/11 LX4B 289 23/11-24/11 PY0FF * by OH2MM 289 23/11-24/11 V2 * by K3TLX 289 23/11-24/11 V85HG * by JO1RUR 289 23/11-24/11 VP5EA * by WD5N 287 23/11-24/11 ZB2X * by OH2KI 279 23/11-24/11 ZF2RF * by K4UVT, K9LA, K9MK, N5HRG, N9NS 289 23/11-24/11 ZM2K * by Kiwi Contest Group 285 23/11-24/11 CQ WW CW DX Contest *** 24/11 HK0: Serranilla Bank Cays (NA-132) * HK3JJH 285 25/11-30/11 9H3XF * by IZ3AHY 289 25/11-02/12 PS2S: Sao Sebastiao Isl. (SA-028) (DIB 16) 279 November ZL8: Kermadec * by G3MFW/ZS1JF ??? 245 /EX