DX425 bulletin issue nr. 287

SB DX@WW $425WW287A
425 DX News #287 [1/5]
 2 November 1996                   No 287                     BID: $425WW287A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                                  Edited by
                               I1JQJ  & IK1GPG
                                Translated by
                              I1-21171 & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@fileita.it - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)             !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

5R     - Gerard F2JD/5R8EN is gone QRT and is back in France.  Starting from
         20 November will be in Panama for at least six months.
5V     - The activity from Togo for CQWWi CW Contest (23-24 November) [425DXN
         271] is confirmed. Ten operators will enter the multi-multi category
         with six  stations and  17 antennas. The  new call to be used during
         the contest is 5V7A (QSL via GM4AGL). Before the  contest (21-22 No-
         vember) the operators  will operate (also  hopefully on  WARC bands)
         with their  personal call-signs:  5V7MB (AA7NO), 5V7A (G3SXW), 5V7FA
         (G4FAM), 5V7RF (GM3YTS), 5V7VT  (K5VT), 5V7JL  (K7GE), 5V7MF (KC7V),
         5V7BG  (N7BG) e 5V7PN (WB7SRW). QSL via home call. All activity will
         cease at the end of the contest.
6Y     - For the next two years JE3MAS (ex 5H1HK) will be active from Jamaica
         as 6Y5XX. QSL via bureau.
9M2    - From 7 to 10 November Don,  G3OZF will be  active as 9M2/G3OZF  from
         Pangkor Island (AS-072, West Malaysia).  Operations will take  place
         on SSB and CW from 10 to 80 metres. QSL via home call.
CE     - John,  K4ERO  will be  active at least for the  next six  months  as
         CE3/K4ERO from Calera de Tango, Cile.
FH     - From 9 to 27 November Denise, F6HWU will be active (mainly in CW and
         probably in RTTY also) as FH/F6HWU.
FR/T   - Jacky, FR5ZU/T is active on SSB from Tromelin. QSL via FR5ZU. 
FT_Z   - Next week Eric,  F5ICB will be  moving to  Amsterdam (AF-002),  from
         where he will be active for 4 months at least.
HB0    - A group of Hungaria operators will  be active until 8 November  from
         Triesen,  Liechtenstein  using   the  calls  HB0/HA6NL,   HB0/HA0HW,
         HB0/HA6PS and HB0/HA9RR.   QSL via their respective  home calls. Be-
         tween 1 and 7 November they  plan to participate in  HA-QRP  Contest
         (3.511 MHz) using the call HB0/HA5RT/p (QSL via HA6NL).
I      - On 1 November Paolo, I8USE and  Umberto, I8KUT were IC8/ from  Isola
         Pennata (IIA NA-???).
I      - On 1 November Mario, IV3JWR was IL3/ from Isola Ravaiarina  (EU-130,
         IIA GO-010).
I      - From 1 to 3 November the special station IR8L will be active (40 and
         20 metres). QSL via IK8FLW.
J2    -  At 02.25 UTC of 26 August  J28JA is gone QRT; Jean Claude  is now in
J3     - Until 12  November  Gert, DL7VOG will  be active  (CW  and RTTY)  as
         J38GU from Grenada. QSL via home call.
J6     - From 19 November to 1 December WB8ENR/J68AE,WD8IXE/J68AG, AC0S/JS8AH
         W8QID/J68AK, K9BQL/J68AR, N9AG/J68AS and  W9UI/J68ER will be  active
         from St. Lucia. They  plan to  participate in CQWW  CW Contest using
         the call J6DX. Outside  of the Contest they will be particularly ac-
         tive on WARC bands (CW, SSB and RTTY).
J8     - From 12 to 25 November Gert,  DL7VOG will be  active (mainly CW  and
         RTTY) as J87GU.
SB DX@WW $425WW287B
425 DX News #287 [2/5]
 2 November 1996                   No 287                     BID: $425WW287B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

KH4    - KH4/N1VXT is active da Midway. QSL via JA3IG.
KH4    - From 3 to  10 November Ron, W7VWR  will be active  (SSB and CW) from
         Midway (OC-030) probably as KH4/W7VWR. QSL via home call.
OZ     - From 22 December to 3 January 1997 Ulli DL2HEB will be active mainly
         in CW  (10-80 metres) as OZ/DL2HEB/p from Romo island (EU-125).  QSL
         via DL2HEB also via bureau.
PA     - PA3ASC reports that  PA amateurs  can now operate on 160 metres from
         1.810 to 1.850 MHz.
PY     - From 15 to  17 November PY1AF/p and  PY1ADU/p will  be active in SSB
         and CW  from Paqueta  island (DIB 026),  not valid for IOTA. QSL via
         bureau to PY1AF.
S7     - S79MAD will remain active from Seychelles until August  1997.  Paddy
         works mainly on 20 metres SSB, CW and RTTY and on 40 metres  SSB and
SP_ssh - Starting on December and for 1997 Mark, SP3GVX will be active  (also
         via satellite and on SSTV)  from the station  HF0POL located at  the
         Antarctic Polish Base Henryk Arctowski (WABA  SP-01) on King  George
         Isl. (62.10S 58.32W). Operations will take  place mainly on the  low
         bands. QSL via SP3FYM.
SV9    - DL2DN and DJ4TAR are active as SV9/ mainly on CW.
UA     - U1ZA/A is active (mainly CW) from Kil'din Island (EU-082).
UA_ant - Valentin, UW1ZC, is active as R1ANZ from Russian Antarctic base Saam
         Mirny (WABA UA-07), located on the Guillaume II Coast (66.33S-93.01E)
         Look  for him on  14.150/14.140 MHz  between 16 and  18 UTC. QSL via
VE     - From 17 to 30 November the station VA5MA will be active (between  15
         and 23 UTC, on 20 and  80 metres) to celebrate the 75th  anniversary
         of the Moose Jaw ARC. QSL via VE5MA.
VK0_h  - On 10  October the  second  of two  20-ft.  containers of  gear  was
         shipped from Oakland to Reunion Island, the departure point for  the
         expedition.  The gear includes complete life support for 20  persons
         for the three-week stay on Heard Island, plus all the equipment  for
         five complete radio  operating on all  HF bands,  RTTY, and  amateur
         satellite. The team will assemble on Reunion Island during the  last
         week of  December. On  3  Janury 1997  they  will leave  aboard  the
         "Marion Dufresne" for a 10-day sail to Crozet and then Heard Island.
         The stations will come on the air on or before 15 January, using the
         callsign VK0IR.
         The total  cash budget  for the  expedition is  US$ 320,000  dollars
         (almost 2/3 of this cost is  transportation to Heard Island). As  of
         mid-October about  US$ 260,000  has been  raised or  is  guaranteed.
         Donations  are  greatly  appreciated  and  are  not  at  risk.   The
         expedition team  is taking  all financial  responsibility until  the
         expedition is completed. Should the project  fail due to other  than
         an Act of  God, the donors  monies will be  returned. Donations  are
         gratefully accepted via one of the following addresses:
         * Heard Island DXpedition, c/o Bob  Allphin (K4UEE), 4235  Blackland
           Dr., Marietta, GA 30067 USA
         * Heard Island DXpedition, c/o Peter  Casier (ON6TT), Oude  Heerbaan 
           30B-9230 Wetteren, Belgium
         * NCDXF, P.O. Box 2368, Stanford, CA. 94309-2368, USA.
VP5    - Dave,  WD5N  will be  active as  VP5EA in  CQWW CW  Contest  and  as
         VP5/WD5N for  a few days  before and after the contest. QSL via WD5N
         (whose new  address  is: David S. Harper, 103 Osage Dr., Leander, TX
         78641, USA) also through the bureau.
VP8_fal- For the next two years Brian, ZD7BJ  will be active on SSB from  the
         Falklands as VP8CWN.  Look for him  on 14.240 MHz  at about 20  UTC,
         when he is often in QSO with his wife (ZD7XY).
XU     - Martti, OH2BH and Pekka, OH2BVF will be QRV from Phnom Penh possibly
         as early as  1 November and  operate as XU6WV  through the  weekend.
         This operation will  be limited to  CW only  and there  will be  two
         stations operating simoultaneusly. QSL  via OH2BVF (Pekka  Holstila,
         Linnaistent 7, SF-01640 Vantaa, Finland).
W      - From 9 to 11 November the  Tallahassee ARS will  be active from  St.
         George Island (NA-085) as K4TLH or AC4TD.
W      - Jim, KA3UNQ  was not active from NA-031 and other US islands [425DXN
         285] because of some minor equipment problems and some major weather
         problems which kept him off the air. His next scheduled visit should
         fall  in the middle of December.
SB DX@WW $425WW287C
425 DX News #287 [3/5]
 2 November 1996                   No 287                     BID: $425WW287C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ...  ***************************

425 DX NEWS  REFLECTOR ---> On  26 October  a system  crash occurred:  Mirko,
IK0ZSN was able to recover the system (updated to a week ago) from a  backup,
but some subscriptions may have been unrecorded.
We report that the *** NEW URL *** is the following:

DXAC ---> Vince, K5VT has entered the DX Advisory Committee (DXAC).

GERMAN ANTARCTICA ---> DP1KGI's was the first and last amateur radio activity
from the  Ardley base,  which will  be closed  in early  1997. The  new  base
(Dallmann Station)  will be  located at  Jubany  Argentine base.  The  George
Foster base has been entirely dismantled.

IOTA --->  Three  further  appointments to  the existing  RSGB IOTA Committee
(G3ZAY, G3KMA, G3NUG, W4BAA, I1JQJ, 2E1FHJ)  have been made.  The new members
are Ian Buffham (G3TMA), Don Beattie  (G3OZF) e John  Kay (G3AAE).   Two more
are due to be appointed shortly as well as a number of corresponding members.

NCDX --->  The new  Officers  and Directors  of  the Northern  California  DX
Foundation are  Len  Geraldi, K6ANP  (President);  Bob  Vallio,  W6RGG  (Vice
President); Tom McShane, NW6P (Secretary);  Bruce Butler, W6OSP  (Treasurer);
Eric Edberg, W6DU; Jack Troster, W6ISQ; Dick Dievendorff, AA6MC; Rusty  Epps,
W6OAT; Dave Leeson, W6QHS; Steve Thomas, N6ST; Lou Beaudet, K6TMB. The  Board
of Directors is assisted in many of  the Foundation's projects by a group  of
Advisors. They are Jim Maxwell,  W6CF; Merle Parten,  K6DC; Bob Fabry,  N6EK;
Ron Steiner,  K6KEO;   Bob Ferrero,  W6RJ; Al  Lotze, W6RQ;  Bud Bane,  W6WB;
Howard Brainen, WZ6Z.

PUERTO RICO, NEW PREFIXES ---> KP3x stand for an "Extra" class licence, KP3xx
for "Advanced",  NP3 for "General" and "Technician" and WP4 for "Novice".

QSL 3A/IK2GZU ---> All  the  direct requests  for 3A/IK2GZU  operations (June
1996) have  been answered. The  QSL via bureau will be sent before the end of

QSL 5C8MC ---> CN8GI  reports that  QSL for 5C8MC, active during the CQWW SSB
Contest, will be automatically sent to all the calls logged.

QSL 7O1PA ---> Michael, W5ZPA has  no information at all about this  station,
for which he is not the QSL manager.

QSL AP2MY ---> Juraj, OM2SA  still has the logs and QSL for the N9NC's opera-
tions  as AP2MY in the CQWW CW Contest 1995. Direct requests to Sipos  Juraj,
93013 Trhova-Hradska 550,  Republic of Slovakia, or via bureau.

QSL BY1QH/W5ZPA ---> The QSls for the activity of Michael, BY1QH/W5ZPA  (from
05.47 to 07.11 UTC of 22 October and from  03.22 to 08.00 UTC of 25  October)
should be addressed to Michael W. Mayer, 5836 Marcia Avenue, New Orleans,  LA
70124, USA.

QSL DP1KGI ---> DL5EBE is the new QSL manager (via direct and bureau) for the
DP1KGI operations from  Ardley Island  (South  Shetlands).  Those who already
sent a request to DL7VTS (ex DD6UAB) don't have to re-send a second one.

QSL EY8CQ ---> EY8CQ (Alex  Rubtsov, Box 32,  Moscow, 117449, Russia)  is the
QSL manager for EY1ZA, EY50V, EY2Q, EY8CQ/R3Q, EY8AB, UJ8JCQ  and RJ8JAB. The
cards can  be requested  also  through the Tajik  Amateur  Radio  League  QSL

QSL IK0ZKK --->  IK0ZKK  (Paolo  Papio  Orillac,  Via  Flaminia  Vecchia 701,
00191 Roma - RM) is the  QSL manager for  CM8DC, CO8LF, CN8SH,  YS4IS, YN1RFV
and 4X6RE.

QSL KP3V ---> Bob Keenan, KD8IW is the QSL manager for KP3V (ex KP4SB).

QSL LP3C ---> QSL for LP3C, that participated in CQWW SSB Contest  (operators
Luis, LU3CF and Carlos, LU3AGL), goes via LU3CF, also via bureau.

QSL N7RO ---> Dick, N7RO is the QSL manager for A41KL, EA6WX,  HL9CW,  HL9DC,
HL9DX, HK7UL HZ1HZ, but not for A71AO, A71AV, EK8WB and KP2J.

QSL R1ANT ---> Victor,  UA1MU  still has  the logs  for the R1ANT  activities
(winter 1996).

QSL TO5A ---> F6BUM has the logs only for the July 1996 operations.

QSL XX9X ---> All XX9X QSLs for 1996 operations will handled by  OH2BH at his
new Finland address:  Martti Laine,  Nuottanimementie 3D20,  SF-02330  Espoo,
Finland. Many QSL requests are still coming to Hong Kong. These have been ta-
ken care of  for the present, but mail forwarding is not expected to continue
for much longer.
SB DX@WW $425WW287D
425 DX News #287 [4/5]
 2 November 1996                   No 287                     BID: $425WW287D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

QSL XY1HT & XY1U ---> This  DXpedition to Yangon,  Myanmar is progressing  on
schedule (25 October-4 November) [425DXN 286]. The call XY1U was used in  the
CQWW SSB Contest, and for Satellite  and RTTY contacts. It  is being used  by
the Japanese operators (JA1CDG, JA8RUZ and  JP1TRJ) and QSLs are via  JA8RUZ.
XY1HT is being  used by the  European operators  (G3NOM and  LA7JO): QSL  via

QSL YA9XL ---> F5TCN  has  received  the  YA9XL's  logs only  for the  period
betwee 1 and 24 December 1995.

QSL ZS8IR ---> ZS8IR's QSL  have been  printed  and in few  days Chris, ZS6EZ
will start to send them.

SEYCHELLES ---> Paddy, S79MAD reminds that P.O. Box 191 has  been closed  and
that there is no QSL bureau in the Seychelles. Here is a list of QSL info for
current S7  stations: S79BBC  via P.O. Box 96,  Victoria; S79JBM via P.O. Box
156, Victoria; S79KMB via KN2N; S79MAD via  GW4WVO; S79NB  via P.O.  Box 448,
Victoria or G6LQI.

WABA & WASA ---> The 1996 edition of the Help Directory for  W.A.B.A. (Worked
Antarctic  Bases Award) and W.A.S.A. (Worked  Antarctic Stations Award) costs
10 US$  (refund of postal and print costs) and is available from  the Diamond
DX Club,  c/o  IK1GPG  (Massimo  Balsamo,  Strada  Statale 28 Nord # 7, 12084
Mondovi'-CN, Italy).

QSL riceived  via  direct:  5R8FI,  5V7HR,  5W1PC,   8A5ITU  (OC-215),  9M8R,
A61AH/p  (AS-118),  BD4IE,  DP1KGI  (via  DL5EBE),  ED7SPI  (EU-143),   ED9IA
(AF-042), F5CCO/p  (EU-095), FO0SUC  (OC-152), FT5WE,  H99I, HS0/IK4MRH  (AS-
053), IA1/IK1JJB (IIA  SV-004), IB0JN, IJ7/IK7JWX  (EU-091; IIA LE-003,  009,
016, 017),  IL3/IK2ILH  (IIA RO-013),  IL3/IK2MRZ  (IIA  RO-008),  IL3/IK3RIY
(EU-131; IIA VE-031), IL3/IK3ZAW (EU-131; IIA  VE-011), IM0/IK6CGO   (EU-041;
IIA  SS-001), J87CQ, NL7TB/p (NA-206),  PZ1DR, S01M, VK6ISL (OC-140),  VK6ISL
(OC-214), NL7TB/W0  (US.I. ND-009R),  WF1N/p (NA-148),  XU1FL, ZD7VJ,  ZX3T/1

QSL riceived via WF5E DX  QSL service: 3D2RW,  4K8F, 9Q2L, FG5BG/p  (NA-114),
FS/FG5BG (NA-199),  PQ5L (SA-047;  DIB-24),  PW5W (SA-027;  DIB-63),  TG9IDK,
VK4CCC (OC-138),  VK4CRR/p  (OC-142), VK7DI  (OC-195),  XX9GD,  ZW5IZ,  ZW5LL
(SA-027; DIB-08), ZW6C (SA-062; DIB-32), ZZ5LL (SA-027; DIB-08).

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

IK0ZKK, Brescia DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, CN8GI, 
                     ***   425 DX NEWS  QSL ROUTES   ***
Following many requests we have decided to start experimentally a new service
to  help  our  readers to find managers and/or addresses of DX stations.  The 
requests  should  be  sent  only  to  IK1GPG, who is responsibile for the QSL 
Managers/QSL Routes, via e-mail: 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it
Answers will be published in the bulletin.

!       425 WWW Page --->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html      !
!                     INTERNET via  anonymous FTP at site:                  !
!  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  -  under the  /pub/ham/425news/english/  directory !
!             To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL:             !
!               http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/nph-425dxnews             !
!     or sending a message to:               majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it    !
!     writing in the body of the message:    subscribe 425dxnews  address   !
!          where  address  is the e-mail address of the subscriber          !
!                 * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *                    !
!                     TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751                       !
!                     DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613                       !
!                      SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422                      !
!                     ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306                       !
!                     CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921                       !
!               HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677                       !
!                      WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183                       !
!                      JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332                      !
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
SB DX@WW $425WW287E
425 DX News #287 [5/5]
 2 November 1996                   No 287                     BID: $425WW287E
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  December   7P8/G4FUI                                              275
till  15/11      9J2CE * by IN3VZE                                      285
till  28/11      9N1OSN * by W4OSN                                      285
till  06/11      DU3/AH8F: OC-046 * by G4ZVJ                            285
till  ??         FR5ZU/T                                                287
till  04/11      FW: Wallis Is. * by DJ2EH, DJ4OI, DL8NBH               283
till  08/11      HB0 * by HA team                                       287
till  ??         KH4/N1VXT                                              287
till  12/11      J38GU * by DL7VOG                                      287
till  14/11      OX3IPA                                                 271
till  15/12      VE8TA: Baffin Isl. (NA-047) * by VE2BQB                279
till  19/11      VK0WH: Macquarie                                       238
till  04/11      XY * by JA1UT's team                                   286
till  December   ZD8DEZ * by G0DEZ                                      259
till  July 97    ZS8IR: Marion Is. * by ZS6RI                           263
02/11-03/11      9M8HIM * by JA2SWJ                                     286
03/11-08/11      A6 * by WB2DND                                         283
03/11            II3GM * special event station                          285
03/11-10/11      KH4/W7VWR                                              287
06/11-13/11      5T * by JA1UT                                          285
06/11-12/11      FR: Reunion * by EA2KL & EA3ELM                        279
07/11-10/11      9M2/G3OZF: Pangkor Isl. (AS-072)                       287
07/11-11/11      DL: Greifswalder Oie Isl (EU-057) by DL2RNS & DL2VFR   280
09/11-10/11      WAE DX RTTY Contest                                    ***
09/11-27/11      FH/F6HWU                                               287
12/11-25/11      J87GU * by DL7VOG                                      287
14/11-26/11      A6 * by AA6DC                                          283
15/11-22/11      8P9HT * by K4BAI                                       279
15/11-29/11      GD4UOL * by G4UOL                                      285
15/11-17/11      PY: Paqueta Isl. (DIB 026) * by PY1AF & PY1ADU         287
15/11-25/11      V47VJ & V47WD * by G4ZVJ & G4RWD                       285
16/11-26/11      J38AA, J38AB, J38AC, J38AD, J38AE, J38AF * by W1 team  285
16/11-24/11      PV2P: Santo Amaro Isl. (SA-071) (DIB 10)               279
16/11-25/11      XZ1N * by Central Arizona DX Association               281
16/11-17/11      IARU 160 meters CW Contest                             ***
16/11-17/11      INORC Contest                                          ***
17/11-30/11      VA5MA * special event station                          287
19/11-01/12      J6 * by USA team                                       287
20/11-29/11      J3/WJ2O                                                283
20/11-28/11      JY * by DL5MBY                                         285
21/11-24/11      5V * by G3SXW's team                                   279
22/11            HK0: Serrana Bank (NA-133) * HK3JJH                    285
22/11-24/11      IQ4KID * special event station                         285
22/11-24/11      Madras: Seanet Convention 1996                         271
21/11-24/11      5V * by G3SXW's team                                   279
23/11-24/11      A45ZN                                                  285
23/11-24/11      C6: AbacoIsl. (NA-080) * by K3TEJ & WA3WSJ             281
23/11-24/11      D4 * by DK7YY, DL3DXX, DL2OAP, DL2OBF                  281
23/11            HK0: Rocador Cays (NA-133) * HK3JJH                    285
23/11-24/11      HS8AS                                                  281
23/11-24/11      JI6KVR: Uji Is. (AS-067)                               283
23/11-24/11      TM0ZK * by F5OZK                                       285
23/11-24/11      VP5EA * by WD5N                                        287
23/11-24/11      ZB2X * by OH2KI                                        279
23/11-24/11      ZM2K * by Kiwi Contest Group                           285
23/11-24/11      CQ WW CW DX Contest                                    ***
24/11            HK0: Serranilla Bank Cays (NA-132) * HK3JJH            285
25/11-02/12      PS2S: Sao Sebastiao Isl. (SA-028) (DIB 16)             279
November-Dec     FO: Tahiti (OC-046) * by F5CCO                         285
November-Feb     FT_Z: Amsterdam * by F5icb                             287
November         XU6WV                                                  287 
November         ZL8: Kermadec * by G3MFW/ZS1JF                         245