DX425 bulletin issue nr. 283

SB DX@WW $425WW283A
425 DX News #283 [1/5]
 5 October 1996                   No 283                     BID: $425WW283A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                                  Edited by
                               I1JQJ  & IK1GPG
                                Translated by
                              I1-21171 & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@fileita.it - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)             !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3DA    - 3DA0CQ will be the call used by Dave (WJ2O) Sam  (ZS6BRZ) and  Andre
         (ZS6WPX) during the CQWW SSB Contest [425DXN 277]. QSL via WJ2O.
5X     - Gus, 5X1D  is  the  first  station  active on 6 metres  from Uganda.
         Look  for  him  every day between 17.30 and 18.00 UTC on 50.150 MHz.
         QSL via SM0BFJ.
A3     - From  16  to  28  October  Bob, W7TSQ  will  be actives on all bands
         (except perhaps 160 metres) from Tonga as A35SQ. He will participate
         in the CQWW SSB Contest. QSL via W7TSQ, also through the bureau. 
A6     - From 3 to 8  November Don, WB2DND will be  active from A61AD's  QTH.
         Operations will take place on all bands, 160 metres included.
A6     - From 14 to 26 November  Dave, AA6DC  will be active  for 12-14 hours
         a day from Dubai, United Arab Emirates. CW and RTTY operations  will
         take  place  from  10  to 160 metres. He plans to participate in the
         CQWW CW Contest. QSL via home call.
C6     - From 22 to 28  October Mike, W7FKF will be active from 10 to 160 me-
         tres as  W7FKF/C6A. Mike will  participate in the CQWW  SSB  Contest
         probably using the call C6AHU. QSL via WJ8C.
CN     - From 15 to  24 October Andy,  DL2GGA will be  in Marocco, from where
         he should be  active from  club station CN8MC (but  using probably a
         personal CN call). Andy  will work on all bands CW only. QSL via bu-
         reau to DL2GGA.
CY9    - CY9AOE's operations from Saint Paul Island [425DXN 281 and 282] have
         been postponed to 1997 because of the bad weather.
EA     - On  13  October  EA1WO/p  will  be active from Isla de Briones (DIEI
         LO-12). QSL via EA5OL.
EA     - On 20 October EA1WO, EA2AE and EA2RW will be active as EA2RW/1  from
         Isla de Vigorta (DIEI LO-13). QSL via EA5OL.
FT_W   - The operators who in January 1997  will  be active from Heard Island
         intend operating (mainly in RTTY) for one day from Crozet islands.
FT_X   - The operators who in January 1997  will  be active from Heard Island
         intend  operating  (mainly  in RTTY)  for two  days  from  Kerguelen
FW     - From 22 October to 4  November DJ2EH, DJ4OI  and DL8NBH will  be FW/
         from  Wallis islands. Operations will take place from 10 to 160  me-
         tres  SSB,  CW  and RTTY, with particular attention to low bands and
G      - From 21 to 26 October Colin G0IFM will be active CW only (20, 40 and
         80 metres) as GB5LI from Lundy Island (EU-120). His son Martin G0UKI
         should be active (always as GB5LI) in SSB. QSL via bureau.
HS     - The E21AOY/8  operations from  Phangan island  (AS-101),  originally
         scheduled for 11-12 October [425DXN 281], have been postponed to 27-
         28 October.
SB DX@WW $425WW283B
425 DX News #283 [2/5]
 5 October 1996                   No 283                     BID: $425WW283B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

I      - Salvo, IT9HLR will participate in the CQWW SSB Contest as II9R.  QSL
         via IT9HLR.
I      - During  the  weekend  Michele  (IK2GPQ),  Angelo  (IK2HTW) and Bruno
         (IK2PZG)  will  be  active from a few islands (EU-131) in the Venice 
         Lagoon: Tessera (IIA VE-003), Campalto (IIA VE-002) and Murano  (IIA
I      - On 5 October, weather permitting, the Project Dx Team of ARI-Lomazzo
         (Como) will be active (CW, SSB and RTTY) from Boccasette island (IIA
         RO-???).  The  operators  will  be  IK2XDE,  IK2XDF,  IK2JYT, I2RFJ,
         IK2RZG, IK2QCF  e  IW2JEY.  QSL  (for all  operators)  via bureau to
         IK2XDE or direct to P.O. Box 3, 22072 Cermenate-CO.
I      - On 5 October, weather permitting, the Project Dx Team of ARI-Lomazzo
         (Como) will be active (CW, SSB  and RTTY) from Scanno Cavallari (IIA
         RO-???).  The  operators  will  be  IK2XDE,  IK2XDF,  IK2JYT, I2RFJ,
         IK2RZG,  IK2QCF  e  IW2JEY.  QSL  (for all operators)  via bureau to
         IK2XDE or direct to P.O. Box 3, 22072 Cermenate-CO.
J3     - From 20 to  29 November Dave,  WJ2O will be active  (mainly in CW on
         WARC bands) probably  as J3/WJ2O. He plans to participate in CQWW CW
         Contest. QSL via home call.
J8     - From 8 to  28 October DL3MIB will be active as J8/DL3MIB from Musti-
         que island (NA-025). He  plans to participate in CQWW SSB Contest as
         J80F.  QSL via home call.
JA     - From  23 to 24 November  Yuki JI6KVR will be /6 from Uji island (AS-
         067). The operations  will take place  on 40, 20 and 15 metres.  QSL
         via EA5KB or (only for Asiatic stations) JJ6LXX.
KC6    - Starting  from 12 October N5CG and N5OK, members of the Oklahoma  DX
         Association, will be active from Koror, (OC-009), Belau respectively
         as KC6GG and KC6OK. Operations (SSB and CW) will take place from  10
         to 160 metres, WARC bands included. They plan to participate in  the
         CQWW SSB Contest and probably in CQWW CW  Contest also. QSL via: Be-
         lau DXpedition, Box 88, Morris, OK 74445-0088, USA.
KH6    - From 21 to 27  October  F5TFS will be visiting Hawaii, from where he 
         will be active as KH6/F5TFS. He intends participating  in  the  CQWW
         SSB Contest.
KH8    - From 22 to 30 October Craig, KH8AL will be  active mainly on  80 and
         160 metres from American Samoa.
OD     - Thor, TF1MM (already active as 4X/TF1MM) is now active  as OD5/TF1MM
         from ONU HQ in Naqoura, Libano. QSL via 4Z4DX.
PY0_t  - The ZV0MB  (SSB) and ZV0MV (CW) operations  from  Martim Vaz islands
         [425DXN 279]  will take  place from 7 to afternoon UTC of 9 October.
         The  Martim Vaz islands are included in the same IOTA group of Trin-
         dade (SA-010) [425DXN 277].  QSL via PT2GTI (Roberto  Stuckert, P.O.
         Box 09647, Brasilia/DF, 70001-970, Brazil) also via the bureau.
V3     - From 23 to 28  October Jerry, K0BCN will be active from Caye Caulker
         (NA-073). He plans to participate in CQWW SSB Contest (single opera-
         tor low power). QSL via home call.
VP9    - From 6 to 11 October Steve, YV5DTA/W4 might  be  active from Bermuda
         as YV5DTA/VP9.
VR2    - On 6  October  VR2GY and  other CARSC operators (Chinese Amateur Ra-
         dio Study  Club)  of Hong  Kong  will be active as  VR2RC from Tamen
         island. The operations will take place on 40 metres SSB (7.053 MHz).
         It is still to verify if the (also known as Grass Island)  qualifies
         for AS-006 (the only IOTA group given to Hong Kong).
ZK1    - For at least five months starting from 2 November Gun, DF4DI will be
         active  on all the  bands from  South Cook  Islands  using the ZK1DI
         call. Gun  plans also to  go for one week to Manihiki (OC-014, North
         Cook). QSL via DK1RV.
SB DX@WW $425WW283C
425 DX News #283 [3/5]
 5 October 1996                   No 283                     BID: $425WW283C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ...  ***************************

BRYLA NET ---> The  Brazilian  YL Net was  born in 1975 and takes place every
Wednesday on 14.248 MHz from 19.00 to 21.00 UTC.

DJ9ZB ---> The new edition of the DXCC guide, by DJ9ZB, is in print. The gui-
de will be published by Verlag Rojahn + Kraft, Willersweg 36c, 22415 Hamburg,

HEARD ISLAND 1997 ---> Arno Metzler, OE9AMJ and Michael Mraz, N6MZ  have been
added  to the  team who  in January  1997  will  be active  from Heard Island
[425DXN 249 e  275]. As of  this moment  the team  includes  EA8AFJ,  HB9AHL,

IOTA NEW ONES??? ---> The  following announcement comes from the IOTA Commit-
tee Chairman (G3ZAY) and the IOTA Manager  (G3KMA):  "In  view of some recent
DXpedition  announcements, the  IOTA  Committee  would like to remind that no
changes to the existing IOTA Directory listings  (other than those  which may
result from any DXCC changes) are planned for the next few years. The Commit-
tee does periodically review the IOTA listings but the next review is several
years away and changes are likely to be very minor".

QSL 4U_ITU ---> I1YRL (Luc Glarey,  Via San Martino  11, 10091  Alpignano-TO,
Italy) is the QSL manager for the 4U1ITU's activities in the following dates:
21-22 March 1992, 26-27 September 1992, 3-4 March 1993, 25-26 September 1993,
12-13 March  1994, 29-30 April  1994, 22-23  July 1994, 11-12 March 1995, 8-9
April 1995 and 16-17 September 1995. Luc is also the QSL manager for the ope-
rations with the special prefixes  4U7ITU  (16-17 May 1992), 4U8ITU (1-2  May
1993 and 7-8 May 1993), 4U9ITU (1-2 May  1994 and 20-22 May  1994) and 4U0ITU
(1-2 May 1995, 20-21 May 1995 and 27-28 May 1995).

QSL 9Q5TE ---> Leif, SM0BFJ (QSL  manager for Gus,  9Q5TE, 9X/SM5DIC e  5X1D) 
reports that on 31 December he will  close  the  logs for  9Q5TE's operations
btween August 1989 and April 1992.

QSL CY0AA ---> The QSLs for the CY0AA operations from da Sable Island [425DXN
267] are in print. Roger, WD8SDL suggests to wait after the beginning of 1997
before sending a second request.

QSL DS0DX/2 ---> HL1XP reports that he started to answer requests for DS0DX/2
operations from  Jebu island  (AS-105, May  1996) [425DXN 261]. The cards via
bureau  will be sent after the direct cards. (Tnx HL1SSG)

QSL EJ7NET ---> Declan, EI6FR  reports that  all direct QSL  requests for the
Blasket  Islands (EU-007,  June 1996)  operations  received so  far have been
posted. A bureau mail shot will now be made to  all appearing in  the Blasket

QSL EX0V --->  For two  years DF8WS  has not been the QSL manager for Valery,
EX0V (ex UM8NU, UM1N, UM93NU and UM8NAP). The new QSL manager is KL7H/W6.

QSL TO IS0JMA ---> Roberto Alaimo, IS0JMA reports that his address  is:  P.O.
Box  41, 07026 Olbia-SS.
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425 DX News #283 [4/5]
 5 October 1996                   No 283                     BID: $425WW283D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

QSL LU6Z ---> Raul, LU6EF reports  that the GACW  (Grupo Argentino  de CW) is
replying to  direct  request for the LU6Z operations. At this moment 1850 en-
velopes have been sent. The  work is proceeding slowly, because the cards are
handwritten by a  single person. About 15-20%  of the received envelopes have
been tampered and some have probably got "lost". However,  before  to  send a
second request, it is better to wait for the GACW to report the  complete di-
spatchment of all requests. The GACW ask  not to  send dollars but IRC and to
use only this address: P.O. Box 9, 1875 Wilde, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

QSL V63CO ---> Uwe, DJ9HX  reports that QSL  for his recent activity as V63CO
[425DXN 271] should be ready in early October. His operations logged 4654 QSO
(1676 SSB and 2978 CW), 1004 with European stations. QSL via bureau to DJ9HX.

QSL ZK1AAU ---> Bruce,  AA8U has  started replying to the requests concerning
his recent operations from Rarotonga (OC-013, South Cook) as ZK1AAU. The  ad-
dress is  Bruce Lallathin, 9221 Ford Rd., Rives  Junction, MI 49277, USA. Bu-
reau requests will be sent as Bruce receives them.

QSL ZW6C & ZX6C ---> Paulo, PT2NP  reports that first  direct QSL for the ope-
rations from Coroa Vermelha (SA-062, January 1996) have been sent.

QSL received via direct:  3V8BB (via DK3DM), 5R8EN, 5R8EN/p (AF-057),  9G1AJ,
9M6AQ, 9N1KY, 9U5DX,  C21NJ, FY5GJ,  HC8KU, IA5/IK5WWB  EU-028; IIA  LI-016),
IB0/IK0CNA (IIA  RM-001), IB0/IK0ZAR  (EU-045; IIA  LT-015, LT-017,  LT-020),
IC8/IK8DDN (EU-031;  IIA NA-015,  NA-016),  IJ7/IK8TWP (IIA  LE-006,  LE-010,
LE-013), IL3/IV3DXW  (EU-130; IIA  GO-006, 011,  016, 020,  028),  IL3/IV3VER
(EU-130; IIA UD-001, 002,  003, 004, 005),  IL4/IK4HPU (EU-155; IIA  FE-001),
IM0JMA (EU-041; IIA SS-003), IM0JMA (EU-024; IIA NU-011), IM0/IK4HPU  (EU-24;
IIA NU-012),  IM0/IK4HPU  (eu-165; IIA  SS-076),  NL7TB  (NA-206),  SV8/I3BQC
(EU-049), TA0/I3BQC (AS-099),  TR0B, V26B, V63SD,  VK2BRT (OC-212),  VK4ALF/9

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

IK2XDE, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, IT9HLR, IS0JMA, Brescia DX Group, Delta  Mike,
Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, AA8U, BG5HAG, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DC8TS,  DJ9HX,
                     ***   425 DX NEWS  QSL ROUTES   ***
Following many requests we have decided to start experimentally a new service
to  help  our  readers to find managers and/or addresses of DX stations.  The 
requests  should  be  sent  only  to  IK1GPG, who is responsibile for the QSL 
Managers/QSL Routes, via e-mail: 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it
Answers will be published in the bulletin.

!       425 WWW Page --->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html      !
!                     INTERNET via  anonymous FTP at site:                  !
!  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  -  under the  /pub/ham/425news/english/  directory !
!             To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL:             !
!              http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/425dxnews-list             !
!     or sending a message to:               majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it    !
!     writing in the body of the message:    subscribe 425dxnews  address   !
!          where  address  is the e-mail address of the subscriber          !
!                 * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *                    !
!                     TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751                       !
!                     DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613                       !
!                      SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422                      !
!                     ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306                       !
!                     CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921                       !
!               HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677                       !
!                      WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183                       !
!                      JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332                      !
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
SB DX@WW $425WW283E
425 DX News #283 [5/5]
 5 October 1996                   No 283                     BID: $425WW283E
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  mid Oct    5R8EN                                                  281
till  December   7P8/G4FUI                                              275
till  06/10      FM * by PA3BBP, PA3ERC, PA3EWP, PA3FQA                 275
till  October    HS0ZAR * by K3ZO                                       271
till  13/10      J3 * by DL7DF, DL7BO, DJ6TF                            277
till  20/10      JY8XY * by WB9YXY                                      279
till  15/12      VE8TA: Baffin Isl. (NA-047) * by VE2BQB                279
till  19/11      VK0WH: Macquarie                                       238
till  08/10      K1EFI/VP9                                              281
till  December   ZD8DEZ * by G0DEZ                                      259
till  July 97    ZS8IR: Marion Is. * by ZS6RI                           263
28/09-07/10      YK0B * by DL team                                 ???  281
04/10-08/10      PJ9/K2JYL                                              281
04/10-06/10      RSGB International HF & IOTA Convention                274
05/10-07/10      CS5P * special event station                           281
05/10            IL3: Boccasette Isl.(IIA RO-???) * by Project DX Team  283
05/10-06/10      IL3: EU-131 (IIA VE-002,004,005) * by IK2 team         283
05/10-11/10      OZ: Laeso Isl. (EU-088) * by DL8HCO, DJ9RR, DH1LAD     281
05/10-06/10      XIX Iberoamerican Contest                              ***
06/10            IL3: Sc. Cavallari Isl.(IIA RO-???) by Project DX Team 283
06/10-11/10      YV5DTA/VP9                                             283
06/10            VR2GY: Tamen Isl. (NO-REF) * by CARSC                  283
07/10-08/10      AH6 (OC-019) * by JA team                              279
07/10-09/10      ZV0MB & ZV0MV: Martim Vaz Is. (SA-010) * by PT2 team   279
08/10-28/10      J8: Mustique Isl. (NA-025) * by DL3MIB                 283
09/10-13/10      3V8BB * by W6/G0AZT                                    277
09/10-14/10      FO0SUC: Rurutu Isl. (OC-050) * by F5JJW                271
09/10-10/10      AH8: Ofu Isl. (OC-077) * by JA team                    279
12/10-??         KC6GG & KC6OK: Koror Isl. (OC-00) * by N5CG & N5OK     283
12/10-13/10      > > > > >  BOLOGNA:  XII CONVEGNO HF/DX  < < < < <     277
13/10            EA1WO/p: Briones Isl. (DIEI LO-12)                     283
14/10-19/10      FO0SUC: Tubuai Isl. (OC-152) * by F5JJW                271
15/10-24/10      CN * by DL2GGA                                         283
16/10-22/10      3C1DX * by EA6BH                                       277
16/10-28/10      A35SQ * by W7TSQ                                       283
16/10-24/10      ZS/WJ2O                                                277
17/10-23/10      ZS: Seal Isl. (NO-REF) * by ZS1FJ's team               281
19/10-31-10      J37VN & J37MV * by IN3NVN & IN3TMV                     281
19/10-29/10      PJ2: Bonaire (PJ9T) * by W4 team                       279
20/10-26/10      4U50VIC * by K4LTA                                     279
20/10            EA2RW/1: Vigorta Isl. (DIEI LO-13)                     283
21/10-26/10      GB5LI: Lundy Isl. (EU-120) * by G0IFM & G0UKI          283
21/10-27/10      KH6/F5TFS                                              283
22/10-03/11      5N * by N0AW, N9NS, K8JP, G0LMY                        275
22/10-31/10      8Q7BT & 8Q7OK * by EA3BT & EA3AOK                      271
22/10-28/10      W7FKF/C6A                                              283
22/10-29/10      WA4DAN/CY0: Sable Isl.                                 277
22/10-04/11      FW: Wallis Is. * by DJ2EH, DJ4OI, DL8NBH               283
22/10-30/10      KH8AL                                                  283
22/10-29/10      VP5DX * by North Florida DX Association                281
22/10-29/10      VP5T * by N2VW, WA2YVA, WB2YOF                         279
23/10-30-10      3B8 * by EA2KL & EA3ELM                                279
23/10-29/10      FG/KI6FE                                               279
23/10-28/10      V3 +* by K0BCN                                         283
24/10-27/10      ZV2EPA: Comprida Isl. (SA-024) (DIB 21)                277
25/10-28/10      3DA0CQ * by WJ2O                                       283
26/10-27/10      3V8BB * by YT1AD                                       279
26/10-27/10      GU3HFN * by ZL2TT                                      273
26/10-27/10      HS50A                                                  279
26/10-27/10      II9HLR * by IT9HLR                                     283
26/10-27/10      J3A * by USA team, IN3NVN & IN3TMV                     279
26/10-27/10      KP2 * by Clay County DX Association                    281
26/10-27/10      P49I * by K4PI                                         279
26/10-27/10      V26B * by Team Antigua                                 281
26/10-27/10      V85HG * by JO1RUR                                      281
26/10-27/10      CQ WW SSB DX Contest                                   ***
27/10-28/10      E21AOY/8: Phangan Isl. (AS-101)                        283
28/10-02/11      F/ON5UP/p: Noirmountier Isl. (EU-064)                  279
28/10-14/11      OX3IPA                                                 271
29/10-01/11      ZS/WJ2O                                                277
31/10-05-11      3B9 * by EA2KL & EA3ELM                           ???  279
October-November 3D2AG: Rotuma                                          279
October          XV7SW * by SM5MX                                       281