SB DX@WW $425WW282A 425 DX News #282 [1/5] 28 September 1996 No 282 BID: $425WW282A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1GPG Translated by I1-21171 & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector ! ! (e-mail ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 4U - The station 4U51UN will be active up to the end of from UN HQ (New York city) to celebrate the 51st anniversary of United Nations. QSL via WB8LFO. 5R - Ray, 5R8FK and his wife Donie, 5R8FJ are active from Madagascar (AF-013). A3 - Marcel, A35DM will be active up to 29 September from Ha'hapai group (OC-169). CT3 - From 3 to 9 October Stan, G4MQC will be active (14.060 MHz QRP) from Madeira (AF-014). QSL via home call. CY9 - Don, VE1AOE and Ken, VY2RU/VE1RU have been again forced to postpone their CY9AOE operation from Saint Paul Island (scheduled for 25 or 26 September) [425DXN 281] because of the bad weather. EA - Some 30 stations will be active with EG1-EG9 prefixes until 29 september to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Concurso Nacional de CW (CNCW). IS0 - During the weekend Roberto, IS0NHT and Giorgio, IS0GSR intend being active as IM0/IS0NHT (weather permitting) from Scoglio Su Giudeu (EU-024, IIA CA-026) [425DXN 281]. QSL via via IS0NHT (Roberto Meloni, Via Tirso 14, 09037 San Gavino-CA) also through the bureau. KP2 - From 3 to 8 October Dave, AG8L will be active as KP2/AG8L from U.S. Virgin Islands (NA-106). Dave intends participating in the California QSO Party, but outside the contest he will be active mainly on WARC bands. QSL via home call. XX9 - During the weekend Martti, OH2BH and Leena, OH2BE will be active from Macau as XX9X. This activity will mark the end of Martti's three-year staying in Honk Kong. Martti will be Seoul, Korea and Singapore based until the end of November and then getting re-organized at OH2BH. ZS8 - Chris, ZS8IR is again active from Marion Island [425DX 281]. Chris, who intends getting a better antenna for the low bands, will participate in the CQWW RTTY Contest scheduled for this weekend. /EX SB DX@WW $425WW282B 425 DX News #282 [2/5] 28 September 1996 No 282 BID: $425WW282B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== D . I . E . DIPLOMA ISLAS ESPANOLAS =========================== INTERIOR ISLANDS LIST [2/9] Ref. Island Zone Ref. Island Zone ============================================================================ BA-047 Turunuelo EA4 OV-009 Santianes Del Terron EA1 BA-048 Los Corvos EA4 OV-010 Llauepigo EA1 BA-049 Quebrada Honda EA4 OV-011 La Dehesa EA1 BA-050 Isla Del Romo EA4 OV-012 La Abellera EA1 BA-051 Los Majuelos EA4 OV-013 Llosa Del Abuelo EA1 BA-052 Las Caballerias EA4 OV-014 San Juan EA1 BA-053 Las Vinas EA4 OV-015 San Antonio EA1 BA-054 Tejera EA4 OV-016 San Esteban EA1 BA-055 Cabeza Gorda EA4 OV-017 San Justo EA1 BA-056 Callejon Del Lobo EA4 OV-018 Santa Maria EA1 BA-057 Majadas EA4 OV-019 San Nicolas De Bari EA1 BA-058 Vega Del Cestero EA4 OV-020 El Retiro EA1 BA-059 Vega De San Miguel EA4 OV-021 Entreseca EA1 BA-060 Perula EA4 OV-022 El Zarzal EA1 BA-061 El Cerron EA4 OV-023 Villar De Huergo EA1 BA-062 La Pinuela EA4 OV-024 Lo Llano EA1 BA-063 Juan Anton EA4 OV-025 Prado Redondo EA1 BA-064 Casas Novas EA4 OV-026 El Barco EA1 BA-065 La Pena Del Gato EA4 OV-027 Isla Del Lago Del Valle EA1 BA-066 Oriana EA4 P-001 Isla Del Sotillo EA1 BA-067 Los Manchones EA4 P-002 Ermita Del Llano EA1 BA-068 Palmeira EA4 P-003 Arroyada EA1 BA-069 La Foz EA4 P-004 Huertas Bajas EA1 BA-070 Valongo EA4 P-005 La Requijada EA1 BA-071 Espanola EA4 P-006 La Vega EA1 BA-072 De Cinza EA4 P-007 Torquemada EA1 BA-073 De Miguel y Molinosa EA4 P-008 El Pesqueron EA1 BA-074 Hornillo EA4 P-009 De Quintana Del Puente EA1 BA-075 Isla De Garcia De Sola EA4 P-010 Valbuena EA1 BA-076 La Lobera EA4 P-011 Cordovilla EA1 BA-077 Cijara EA4 P-012 El Rebollar EA1 BA-078 Abadia EA4 P-013 Las Olmedas EA1 BA-079 Aljucen EA4 P-014 El Puerto EA1 BA-080 Araya EA4 P-015 La Toja EA1 BA-081 Montijo EA4 P-016 La Costanilla EA1 BA-082 Sequero Del Oeste EA4 P-017 Del Medio EA1 BA-083 Trapero EA4 P-018 Retortillo EA1 BA-084 Isla De Merida EA4 P-019 La Retencion EA1 BA-085 El Ancon EA4 P-020 De Calahorra EA1 BA-086 La Coscoja EA4 P-021 La Acena EA1 BA-087 Miralrio EA4 P-022 La Treinta EA1 BA-088 Canchales EA4 P-023 Villalaco EA1 BA-089 La Dehesa EA4 P-024 Astudillo EA1 BA-090 Miradero EA4 P-025 Sostrada EA1 BA-091 Vega Del Toro EA4 P-026 Husillos EA1 BA-092 Regolfa EA4 P-027 Canchos EA1 BA-093 Los Pedroches EA4 P-028 Cardano EA1 BA-094 Cotorrillos EA4 P-029 Ruesga EA1 BA-095 Hornazuelo EA4 P-030 Lobera EA1 BA-096 Soto De Las Vinas EA4 P-031 Cornones EA1 BA-097 Isletas De Lobon EA4 P-032 La Nava EA1 BA-098 Las Vegas EA4 P-033 Santa Olaja EA1 BA-099 Baldia EA4 P-034 Barrios EA1 BA-100 Calera EA4 P-035 Valcabadillo EA1 BA-101 El Prado EA4 PM-001 L'Illa De L'Albufera EA6 /EX SB DX@WW $425WW282C 425 DX News #282 [3/5] 28 September 1996 No 282 BID: $425WW282C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== D . I . E . DIPLOMA ISLAS ESPANOLAS =========================== INTERIOR ISLANDS LIST [3/9] Ref. Island Zone Ref. Island Zone ============================================================================ BA-102 El Olivar EA4 PO-001 Telleiras EA1 BA-103 El Costuron EA4 PO-002 Canosa EA1 BA-104 El Pedazo EA4 PO-003 Morraceira Das Varandas EA1 BA-105 Los Tagarrales EA4 PO-004 Morraceira Do Grilo EA1 BA-106 Rincon De Gila EA4 PO-005 Insua Do Rato EA1 BA-107 Las Calderas EA4 PO-006 Pedras Negras EA1 BA-108 Las Retuertas EA4 PO-007 O Redondo EA1 BI-001 Pena San Antonio EA2 PO-008 Boega EA1 BI-002 Chacharramendi EA2 PO-009 Vaqueriza EA1 BI-003 San Antonio De Abina EA2 PO-010 Fillaboa EA1 BI-004 Ambecoa EA2 PO-011 Porto De Abaixo EA1 BI-005 Txipio EA2 PO-012 Ponte De Estrada EA1 BI-006 La Carolina EA2 PO-013 Veigas Do Rio EA1 BU-001 Arija EA1 PO-014 Seixal EA1 BU-002 Villamezan EA1 PO-015 Cancela EA1 BU-003 Erbosa EA1 PO-016 Xunqueira De Lerez EA1 BU-004 Corradero EA1 PO-017 Islotes De Vilarello EA1 BU-005 Virtus EA1 PO-018 Pazo De Torres EA1 BU-006 De Miranda EA1 PO-019 Penedo De Bruneiras EA1 BU-007 De Las Baneras EA1 PO-020 Bruneiras EA1 BU-008 Cabriana EA1 PO-021 Ponte De Ledesma EA1 BU-009 Los Valles EA1 PO-022 Castro De Couso EA1 BU-010 Cardin EA1 SA-001 Pradillo EA1 BU-011 Alto La Nave EA1 SA-002 Acena EA1 BU-012 Paso Malo EA1 SA-003 Hurtadas EA1 BU-013 La Nave EA1 SA-004 Cebrianes EA1 BU-014 Entrerroyos EA1 SA-005 La Serna EA1 BU-015 Los Pinos EA1 SA-006 Las Eras EA1 BU-016 Arce EA1 SA-007 Las Morelas EA1 BU-017 El Ferial EA1 SA-008 La Huerta EA1 BU-018 Moris EA1 SA-009 La Chopera EA1 BU-019 San Sebastian EA1 SA-010 Acena De San Moerlas EA1 BU-020 La Costanilla EA1 SA-011 Rioscalientes EA1 BU-021 Cillaperlata EA1 SA-012 Huerta Otea EA1 BU-022 Trespaderne EA1 SA-013 Huerta De La Virgen EA1 BU-023 Sobron EA1 SA-014 Alba De Tormes EA1 BU-024 Escuderos EA1 SA-015 Las Verdinas EA1 BU-025 Santa Lucia EA1 SA-016 Isla De Galisancho EA1 BU-026 Barbada EA1 SA-017 Salas Bajas EA1 BU-027 Los Canos EA1 SA-018 Bercimuelle EA1 BU-028 Los Nogales EA1 SA-019 Las Canadas EA1 BU-029 Sobalinde EA1 SA-020 Las Bardas EA1 BU-030 Peral De Arlanza EA1 SA-021 Carrascal De La Veguilla EA1 BU-031 La Isla De Medina Pomar EA1 SA-022 La Veguilla EA1 BU-032 El Molinillo EA1 SA-033 Nava del Judio EA1 BU-033 Penaisa EA1 SA-034 Pena de Juas EA1 BU-034 El Berral EA1 SE-001 Mayor EA7 BU-035 Llana EA1 SE-002 Minima EA7 BU-036 Pedroso EA1 SE-003 Menor EA7 BU-037 Fuente Guitos EA1 SE-004 Garza EA7 C-001 Fervenza EA1 SE-005 Isla Del Vado EA7 C-002 Chainza EA1 SE-006 La Cartuja EA7 C-003 Mean EA1 SE-007 Del Medio EA7 C-004 Insuas Das Arenas EA1 SE-008 La Isleta EA7 C-005 Rego Dos Prados EA1 SE-009 Isla Cristina EA7 /EX SB DX@WW $425WW282D 425 DX News #282 [4/5] 28 September 1996 No 282 BID: $425WW282D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== D . I . E . DIPLOMA ISLAS ESPANOLAS =========================== INTERIOR ISLANDS LIST [4/9] Ref. Island Zone Ref. Island Zone ============================================================================ C-006 Insua Martineira EA1 SE-010 La Minilla EA7 C-007 Ponte Maceira EA1 SE-011 El Pintado EA7 C-008 Volta Do Bico EA1 SE-012 Correa EA7 C-009 Portodemouros EA1 SE-013 El Marmol EA7 C-010 As Branas EA1 SG-001 La Huelga EA1 C-011 Redondino EA1 SG-002 Raposera EA1 C-012 Marrazon EA1 SG-003 Fuente Tarraga EA1 C-013 Veiga Da Cruz EA1 SG-004 Los Tamborileros EA1 C-014 Afoz EA1 SG-005 Soto De La Esperanza EA1 CA-001 Verde EA7 SG-006 La Irvienza EA1 CA-002 Morra De Guadiaro EA7 SG-007 El Salvador De Arriba EA1 CA-003 Grande De Guadiaro EA7 SG-008 Zorraclin EA1 CA-004 La Carraca EA7 SG-009 Pradillos EA1 CA-005 Palmones EA7 SO-001 Soto Playa EA1 CA-006 La Harina EA7 SO-002 Cuerda Del Pozo EA1 CA-007 Islotes De La Cartuja EA7 SO-003 Tras De Cerro EA1 CA-008 Isla De Barbate EA7 SO-004 La Poza EA1 CA-009 El Trocadero EA7 SO-005 Ituero EA1 CC-001 Quebrada EA4 SO-006 Soto De Riotuerto EA1 CC-002 Molino De Arriba EA4 SO-007 Almarail EA1 CC-003 Molino De Abajo EA4 SO-008 Molino De Crespos EA1 CC-004 Los Patos EA4 SO-009 La Muela EA1 CC-005 Cabeza Grande EA4 SO-010 Soto De Baniel EA1 CC-006 El Cabezo Norte EA4 SO-011 Valderroman EA1 CC-007 El Cabezo Sur EA4 SO-012 Caz De La Fabrica EA1 CC-008 Isla Del Santo EA4 SS-001 La Banera EA2 CC-009 Regato Del Vino EA4 SS-002 Camperta EA2 CC-010 De Zarza La Mayor EA4 SS-003 Santiago EA2 CO-001 Las Quemadillas De Abajo EA7 SS-004 Los Faisanes EA2 CO-002 Las Quemadillas De Arriba EA7 SS-005 Artabilla EA2 CO-003 Isla Del Lomo EA7 SS-006 Andresonea EA2 CO-004 El Llano EA7 SS-007 Irura EA2 CO-005 Isla De Rivera EA7 SS-008 Usurbil EA2 CO-006 La Isleta De Huerta Nueva EA7 SS-009 Calezar EA2 CO-007 Cerro Del Gomero EA7 SS-010 Lasarte EA2 CO-008 San Rafael De Navallana EA7 SS-011 Arama EA2 CO-009 Cerro Lobo EA7 SS-012 Eruzabaldecogana EA2 CO-010 Casillas EA7 SS-013 Arrambide EA2 CO-011 Amargacena EA7 ST-001 Rodero EA1 CO-012 La Albolafia EA7 ST-002 Barreda EA1 CO-013 Los Pajaros EA7 ST-003 El Molino EA1 CO-014 Los Molinos EA7 ST-004 Treto EA1 CO-015 El Botanico Grande EA7 ST-005 La Grasosa EA1 CO-016 El Botanico Chico EA7 ST-006 Limpias EA1 CR-001 Algeciras EA4 ST-007 Angustinas o Viar EA1 CR-002 Moreno EA4 ST-008 Ocina EA1 CR-003 Hinojos EA4 ST-009 Rada EA1 CR-004 Cerro De Pochela EA4 ST-010 Cubas EA1 CR-005 Los Galapagos EA4 ST-011 Carasa EA1 CR-006 Batancio o Batanejo EA4 ST-012 Alsa EA1 CR-007 La Entradilla EA4 ST-013 La Poblacion EA1 CR-008 Del Descanso EA4 ST-014 La Loma EA1 CR-009 Del Maturro EA4 ST-015 La Riva EA1 CR-010 De Los Tarayes EA4 ST-016 La Quintana EA1 CR-011 Cisnaeros EA4 ST-017 Cotaria EA1 /EX SB DX@WW $425WW282E 425 DX News #282 [5/5] 28 September 1996 No 282 BID: $425WW282E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== I.O.T.A. BONNY ISLAND ---> With reference to 5N4ALE's activity from Bonny Island (AF-076) [425DXN 279], the IOTA Committee reports that "doubts have been raised as to whether the 5N4ALE operation (1734) was land-based. The IOTA Committee will wish to resolve this matter satisfactorily before confirming the provisional number issued. Also there appear to be problems with the QSL cards. Some amateurs have sent cards to the old manager DJ2VZ. Information from Germany indicates that DJ2VZ is QSLing but does not have any logs. Such cards would not be accepted for IOTA. A decision on cards received direct or from DJ0KN will be made later". ***************************************************************************** *** 425 DX NEWS QSL ROUTES *** Following many requests we have decided to start experimentally a new service to help our readers to find managers and/or addresses of DX stations. The requests should be sent only to IK1GPG, who is responsibile for the QSL Managers/QSL Routes, via e-mail: Answers will be published in the bulletin. ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1WFF, IK1HSR, IK1QFM, IS0JMA, IK7AFM, IK8HYE, DL5EBE, EA5KB, EA5OL, G4BUE, JA1HGY, KF7AY, OH2BN, VY2RU/VE1RU, /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! 425 WWW Page ---> ! ! INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: ! ! - under the /pub/ham/425news/english/ directory ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL: ! ! ! ! or sending a message to: ! ! writing in the body of the message: subscribe 425dxnews address ! ! where <address> is the e-mail address of the subscriber ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * ! ! TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 ! ! DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 ! ! SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ! ! ARRL HQ BBS USA : 860-594-0306 ! ! CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 ! ! HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 ! ! WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 ! ! JUNGLE BBS NZ : +64-3-524-8332 ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang /EX