DX425 bulletin issue nr. 281

SB DX@WW $425WW281A
425 DX News #281 [1/6]
 21 September 1996                 No 281                     BID: $425WW281A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                                  Edited by
                               I1JQJ  & IK1GPG
                                Translated by
                              I1-21171 & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@fileita.it - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)             !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

9M_spr - Jaan 9M2JJ has received the permission to operate from Layang Layang
         (Spratly islands, AS-051) [425DXN 263],  but  with  a 9M6 prefix and
         not the 9M0 as he requested.
3V     - From 21 September to 1 October Peter, OK1CZ will be active from club
         station  3V8BB.  Operations will take place on all bands (160 metres
         included: 1.826 and 1.828 MHz). QSL via home call.
5R     - Gerard, 5R8EN is now  active in RTTY also and will be in Malgasy un-
         til middle October. Jean-Michel,  F6AJA/5R8FI  is back in France and
         has brought with him  Gerard's logs up to  7 September (included the
         operation of 5R8EN/P da Nosy Be, AF-057).
6Y     - From  26 September to 1 October  JJ3SRU/6Y5 (QSL via home  call) and
         KB5VRF/6Y5 (QSL via JR4PMX) will be active  from Kozu's (6Y5X) shack
         from 10 to 160 metres SSB, CW and RTTY.
9H     - From 21 to 28 September 9H3WD and 9H3WM  will be active  from Comino
         island (EU-023). Operations will take place mainly in CW on the  low
         bands and WARC. QSL via OK1AD.
9M_spr - Jaan 9M2JJ has received the permission to operate from Layang Layang
         (Spratly islands, AS-051) [425DXN 263],  but  with  a 9M6 prefix and
         not the 9M0 as he requested.
BY     - The local association of amateurs in Kunming (73  Renmin West  Road,
         Kunming, Yunnan,  650031  China)  was  established  on 18 April 1996
         and  has been issued the call BY8SKM. The opening of the  radio sta-
         tion is scheduled for 23 November.
C6     - K3TEJ  and WA3WSJ will participate in the CQWW CW Contest (23-24 No-
         vember) from Abaco (NA-080), Bahamas. QSL via K3TEJ.
CY9    - Don, VE1AOE and Ken, VY2RU/VE1RU are now scheduled to be active from
         St.Paul  Island [425DXN 271] from 25 or 26 September weather permit-
         ting. They will use the CY9AOE call. QSL via VE1AOE.
D2     - Alex, PA3DZN plans  to be active from Angola for at least six months
         starting from October. His operations  should take place from  10 to
         160 metres,  mainly in CW  (but also in RTTY and  SSB). The call and
         QSL managed will be announced later.
D4     - Falk (DK7YY),  Dietmar (DL3DXX), Tom (DL2OAP) and Hein (DL2OBF) will
         participate in the CQWW CW Contest ((23-24 November) from the   sta-
         tion of a Cape Verde resident amateur.
DL     - From 30 September to 6 October Karsten, DL2ABM will  be active on 20
         and 80 metres  from Amrum island (EU-042,  GIA N-18). QSL via direct
         (P.O.Box 1153, D-38501 Gifhorn, Germany) or via bureau.
EA     - From 21 to 22 September the  station EG1NTP will be  active from  La
         Toja island (DIEI P-15). QSL via EA1MK.
EA     - During the weekend EA5FD and EA5KT will be active from Erron de  Ce-
         najo island (DIEI AB-02).
EA     - On 22 or 29 September  EA6ZXO should be active  from  Ferrera island
         (DIE E-230). QSL via EA6ZX.
EA     - On 29  September  EA5CCD/4  will  be active from Umbria isalnd (DIEI
         CU-02). QSL via EA5CCD.
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                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

EL     - Starting from 23 or 24 September Carl, K4YT/DL4YT  [425DXN 273] will
         be active for two weeks from Liberia as EL/K4YT. QSL via home call.
HI     - Niki, DH2JD will be  active  from  Dominican  Republic  for the next
         three years as DH2JDX/HI3. Niki will be QRV mainly during the  week-
         ends around 18.30 UTC on 14.272 MHz.
HP     - From 20 to 31  October  Gunter, HP1XVH (NA-072) will use the special
         call 3E1DX, with which he will also participate in the CWWW SSB Con-
         test. QSL via KF0UI.
HS     - The Southern Thailand DX Group will participate in the the  CQWW  CW
         Contest (23-24  November)  from  Suratthanee  club station using the
         call HS8AS. QSL via E21AOY (Box 8, Phuket 83150, Thailand).
HS     - The 11 and 12  October Wara, E21AOY will  be active on 20 and 40 me-
         tres CW from Phangan island (AS-101). QSL via 7L1MFS.
I      - ID9S's  operations  from Stromboli (EU-017, IIA ME-016) and Strombo-
         licchio (EU-017, IIA ME-017) islands, planned  from 13 to 15 Septem-
         ber [425DXN 277], have been cancelled due to the rough sea.
I      - On Saturday 21 September I1FX, IK1GPG, IK1NEG, IK1QFM, I2MWZ, IK2OWX
         and IW4BWH [425DXN 280] will be active simultaneously  from  Le For-
         miche di  Capraia (LI-033), I Brichetti (LI-034)  and Scoglio  della
         Capra (LI-040).  On  Sunday  22 September  they will be  active from
         other islands around Capraia.   All the islands count for IOTA group
         EU-028.  QSL manager  for all the activities  is IK1QFM  (direct and
         through the bureau).
I      - Mario's (IV3JWR) activity from Lovo island (IIA  GO-022),  scheduled
         for 14 or 15 September [425DXN 279], has been postponed due the lack
         of the landing permission by the owner of the island.
I      - From 21 to 29 September the special station IY1EY will be  active in
         SSB, CW  and  RTTY  during  the  "Loano  Elettra  Award", issued  to
         commemorate the radio electric experiments made by Guglielmo Marconi
         from the ship "Elettra"  between 1916 and 1936. QSL via IK1QBT  (new
         QSL manager).
I      - On 22 September IK8TEO,  IK8TWP, IK8UDV  and IK8VRH will  be  active
         from Scogli Gaiola (IIA NA-007). Operations will  take  place  using
         the calls IK8TWP/IC8 in SSB (QSL via IK8VRH,  direct  or via bureau)
         and IK8TEO/IC8 in CW (20 and 40 metres).
IS0    - Saturday 21 September (weather permitting) Roberto, IS0NHT and Gior-
         gio, IS0GSR  will be active as  IM0/IS0NHT from  Scoglio  Su  Giudeu
         (IIA EU-024, IIA CA-026). QSL via IS0NHT (Roberto  Meloni, Via Tirso
         14, 09037 San Gavino-CA) also via the bureau.
J3     - The group of amateurs who  will be active as J3A during the CQWW SSB
         Contest  [425DXN 279] is  looking for  other two  operators to  join
         W8KKF, WA8LOW, WB8GEX,  W9IXX, IV3NVN  and IV3TMV. Those  interested
         should get in touch with Harry, W8KKF (phone  513-434-9616). The QSL
         manager for the  J3A  operations  will  be  WA8LOW  (not  WA8YOW, as
         reported in 425DXN 279: sorry for the typo!).
J3     - The activity  of IV3NVN and  IV3TMV from Grenada, planned from 19 to
         31  October  [425DXN 279],  will  probably take place with the calls
         J37VN  and  J37MV.  Before the CQWW SSB Contest operations will take
         place in CW and SSB on WARC  bands, after the  Contest in CW and SSB
         on all the bands from 10 to 160 metres. QSL via IV3TMV.
KG4    - From 27 September to 4 October Bill KQ4GC/KG4GC and Jan WA4VQD/KG4QD
         will be active from Guantanamo  in  SSB, CW and  RTTY on all  bands.
         Bill,  Jan  and  Rusty  (KG4AU)  will  participate  in the CQWW RTTY
         Contest  (28-29  September)  using  the  call  KG4GC.  QSL via their
         respective home calls.
KG4    - Larry, WB6VGI/KG4ML will  be active from  Guantanamo until 24  or 25
         September.  Larry works mainly on WARC bands, with short  activities
         on 40 and 80 metres CW.
KG4    - Rusty, KG4AU will be active from Guantanamo for  two to  four years.
         He is often on 20 metres SSB between  14.215 and 14.225 MHz. QSL via
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                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

KP2    - The Clay  County DX Association will  participate  in  the  CQWW SSB
         Contest from U.S. Virgin Islands.
OZ     - The operations of OZ/DJ9RR, OZ/DK7XS and OZ/DL8HCO  from  Laeso isl.
         (EU-088) [425DXN 275] are planned from 5 to 11 October.
PJ     - From 4 to 8 October Joe,  K2YJL and his  wife Lynn, KE4WDZ,  will be
         active from Bonaire  (SA-006). The  operations will take place on 10
         metres only using the call PJ9/K2YJL (and probably a special one du-
         ring the Ibero-American contest the 5-6 October).
T7     - From 20 to 22 September a group of YLs of the YLRCI Elettra  Marconi
         will be active from T70A  on 10, 15,  20, 40 and  80 metres SSB,  CW
         and RTTY. QSL  via T70A (A.R.R.S.M., P.O.Box 77, 47031 Repubblica di
         San Marino) also via bureau.
V8     - JO1RUR  will  participate  in the CQWW SSB Contest from Brunei using
         the call V85HG. QSL via JH7FQK.
VP5    - From 22  to 24 September  JA1MZL will be  active from VP5JM's shack.
         QSL via home call.
VP5    - From 22 to 29 October AB4UF, N4KE, NF4L,  NO4J, W3ZNB and  K4UTE, of
         the North Florida DX Association, will be active  from Caicos island
         (NA-002). They plan to participate in the CQWWW SSB  Contest  (26-27
         October) using the call VP5DX (QSL via  K4UTE, also via the  bureau)
         in the Multi-Single category.
VP9    - From 26 September to 8 October Fred, K1EFI will be active from Bermu-
         da as K1EFI/VP9. All bands operations mainly in CW. QSL via homecall
VQ9    - VQ9WM  will be  active from Chagos  islands  for at  least other ten
         months. QSL via K7IOO.
XV     - Rolf, SM5MX/XV7SW is presently on leave in Sweden, but he expects to
         be  on the air  again from  Hanoi some  time in October.  He will be
         active (only CW) mostly  on 160, 80 and 40  metres, but,  two to his
         workload, it will difficult for him to run skeds. Rolf is restricted
         to operating only  on the following fixed  frequencies (for which he
         pays a considerable annual fee): 1.827, 3.506, 7.007, 14.016, 14.021
         21.016, 21.019, 28.016 and 28.019 MHz. QSL via Rolf T Salme, Embassy
         of Sweden, Box 9, Hanoi, Vietnam (1 USD is sufficient for mailing up
         to 2 cards  in an  envelope, but the  banknote should  be reasonably
         fresh,  because Rolf  reports that  the local banks  "do not  accept
         crumpled or  dirty bills"). Rolf  also has a QSL  manager in  Sweden
         (Joe, SM3CXS),  to whom he  sends his log  files about once a month.
         Bureau cards should be sent to SM3CXS, since  there is no  bureau in
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 21 September 1996                 No 281                     BID: $425WW281D
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XZ     - From  16 to 25 November a  group of operators of the Central Arizona
         DX  Association (AB6ZV,  AA7WP,  JA1BK, K5VT,  KC5AYR, N6BT, WA6CDR,
         KF7AY,  N7NG,  N7WTU, NZ7E, OH2BH,  WA7LNW and WY7K)  will be active
         from Myanmar with  the call XZ1N. This  activity has the approval of
         the Myanmar government at the  highest levels and will conclude with
         a special multi-multi entry in the CQ World-Wide CW DX Contest. Ope-
         rations will  take place on  the usual DX  calling frequencies:  the
         main mode of operation will be CW, but there will also  be extensive
         RTTY and SSB activity. There will be a  special emphasis on  the low
         bands  by AB6ZV and  N6BT. QSL  via W1XT  (P.O. Box 17108,  Fountain
         Hills, AZ 85269, USA) also through the  bureau  (note: bureau  cards
         can be requested via the Internet by sending e-mail to xz1n@qrz.com)
XZ     - In  preparation  for  the large  scale  XZ1N  operation in November,
         Martti, OH2BH  will be visiting  Myanmar this weekend (21-22 Septem-
         ber) and the station XZ2BH  will be sporadically on the air in seve-
         ral bands, including the Scandinavian Activity Contest.
YK     - The Geraman operators' activity from Syria [425DXN 275] is now plan-
         ned from 28 September to  7 October. Starting from 30 September they
         will pay particular attention to 160 metres. QSL via DL8HCZ.
ZS     - Barry's  (ZS1FJ)  activity  from  Cape  Province-South  Coast  group
         (AF-???) [425DXN 245] is scheduled from 17 to 23 October. The opera-
         tions (SSB and CW) will  take place from  Seal Island and Barry will
         be joined by ZS1B, ZS1JM, ZS1X, ZS1LVH and others.
ZS8    - From 17 up to 26 or 27 September Chris, ZS8IR will go QRT due to his
         work commitments on Marion Isl.

****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ...  ***************************

CANADIAN SPECIAL PREFIXES ---> From 00.00  UTC of 26  October until 23.59 UTC
of  29 December  1996, to  commemmorate  the 60th anniversary of the Canadian
Broadcasting  Corporation (CBC). Canadian amateurs may use the following spe-
cial prefixes in place of  their regular prefixes: VA2/XM2, VA3/CJ3, VA7/VX7,
VE1/CG1,  VE2/CI2,  VE3/CI3,  VE4/XL4,  VE5/XM5,  VE6/VA6, VE7/XK7,  VE8/CH8,
VE9/VB9, VO1/XO3, VO2/CZ6, VY1/CK5, VY2/XN2.

HONG KONG, SPECIAL PREFIXES ---> Starting  on 10  September,  Hong Kong radio
amateurs  may change  the number in  their prefixes  to "96" (in  1996), "97"
(next year) and "98" (in 1998) to celebrate the transfer of  sovereignty over
Hong Kong from the UK to China.

NORTHERN CALIFORNIA DX CLUB ---> On October 10, 1996 the Northern  California
DX Club will celebrate its 50th anniversary. There will be an award  given to
any  DX station  who submits a  log showing hopescts with  50 different NCDXC
members during the anniversary year.  A hopesct with the NCDXC club callsign,
W6TI, will count as ten QSOs towards the 50 required. Club members may choose
to sign /NCDXC or /50 after their home callsigns to help  identify themselves
as club members. A certificate commemorating the  NCDXC 50th Anniversary will
be sent to those stations qualifying. The  usual log information (Date, Time,
Station worked  & Band) should be  included with the submission.  Submissions
should be  sent to the club address as  follows: Northern California DX Club,
P.O. Box 608, Menlo Park, California 94026-0608, USA.  Awards will  be mailed
out at the completion of the anniversary year (October 10, 1997).

PIRATES ---> Jean-Charles,  F9JS/3A2MG  is  active  in  SSB only; the station
3A2MG active in CW is therefore a pirate.

QSL 5A1A (JULY 1995) ---> Dan,  W4BRE reports  that regarding  Toly's (UT3UY)
Ukrainian  operation from 5A1A (July 1995), "Carl Smith, N4AA has now comple-
tely caught-up  with all USA  requests. He  has now  been answering  requests
usually on the day they  as in.  Exceptions:  there're several  discrepancies
where a  station's call is  not in the  computer for a  particular band/mode,
etc. but this does not mean the station is 'Not In  The Log!'. Approx. 38,500
plus hopescts  were entered  into the computer  after the return to Kiev from
Libya, so it's understanderable if a few didn't get entered. Carl should have
his hands on  the paper logs  this week and hopefully will be able to resolve
most cases  where he cannot  find someone's call in the  computer". Regarding
the cards sent to the original  OM/LZ managers, Toly told  W4BRE  "that since
Carl is  taking care of  the USA, and a  JA says he is  taking care of Japan,
Toly is working on other  countries" [editor:  except Italy, whose  cards are
handled by IK2ILH].

QSL 5A1A (JULY 1995) ---> In a message to Bert (DL7PR) Steve,  OM3JW (QSL ma-
nager for  the SSB activity)  reports that  "my situationon as QSL mgr is not
good. Till now I was envelope collector only, I could not open  envelopes and
all envelopes which I got are now in Kiev. I  have logs and a few QSL yet and
because I feel responsibility  for 5A1A QSL, I send QSL everybody who tell me
that he  didn't QSL from  Kiev (UT3UY). I know this  situation is not normal,
but it is not my fault. I hope, that all QSL's will be answered from Ukrainia
very soon".

QSL DL4XS ---> DL4XS's  new  address  (she  is  the QSL manager for the opera
tions  of  D68DV, D68ET  and D68XS) is: Maike  Stargardt,  Friedrichsthal 21,
51688 Wipperfuerth, Germany (the old address in the 1996 Callbook is no  more

QSL DE DL4VBP ---> Patrick, DL4VBP  reports that  all the YM3DL requests (WPX
Contest March 1996)  have been sent via  direct or bureau. Also  the requests
reeived via direct for the F/DL4VBP/p operations  from Oleron and  Re islands
(EU-032, June 1996) have been sent. Patrick encourages the  use of the bureau
but for direct replies (remember: air mail postage is 3 DM, about 2  US$) his
new  address is:  Patrick  Scheidhauer,  Fontanestr. 134,  D-60431 Frankfurt,
SB DX@WW $425WW281E
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                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

QSL DE I3BQC ---> Vito, I3BQC reports to have started replying to the  direct
requests for his operations  (June 1996) as  TA0/I3BQC (AS-099) and SV8/I3BQC
(EU-049). The rest of the cards will be sent via the bureau within ten days.

QSL DE IK4HPU ---> Alberto, IK4HPU reports to have replied to  all the direct
requests for his operations from Batteria (IIA RO-007), Casone  San Guglielmo
(IIA  RO-005),  Cavalli  (EU-165, IIA  SS-076) and  Cana island  (EU-024, IIA
NU-012). The other cards will be sent via the bureau.

QSL ID9/IK2DUW ---> Antonello, IK2DUW reports that the  QSLs for  his  recent
activity from Lipari island  (EU-017,  IIA  ME-001)  have  been  sent via the

QSL DE WA9BXB ---> Rich,  WA9BXB  is receiving  request  for TI1C,  TI2CF and
TI4CF QSLs, but he is not the manager for these stations. Rich is the manager
for VK3MO, TI2/N9IUO, TI2IDX ande TI4IDX.

VIETNAM ---> Rolf, SM5MX/XV7SW reports that, to the best of his knowledge, at
the moment  only five  stations are  regularly licensed: 3W5FM, 3W5RS, 3W6AR,
XV7SW and XV7TH  (XV1A is a  pirate who is  most likly to be located far from
Vietnam). Amateur  radio in the sense  we know does not  exist in Vietnam and
the above licensees should be seen as exceptions, pending the introduction of
a fresh set of Regulations for Amateur Radio.


              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

Group, Delta Mike,  Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group,  9K2HN, AA6G,  BV/N0IAT,
QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY DX.
                     ***   425 DX NEWS  QSL ROUTES   ***
Following many requests we have decided to start experimentally a new service
to  help  our  readers to find managers and/or addresses of DX stations.  The 
requests  should  be  sent  only  to  IK1GPG, who is responsibile for the QSL 
Managers/QSL Routes, via e-mail: 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it
Answers will be published in the bulletin.
!       425 WWW Page --->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html      !
!                     INTERNET via  anonymous FTP at site:                  !
!  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  -  under the  /pub/ham/425news/english/  directory !
!             To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL:             !
!              http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/425dxnews-list             !
!     or sending a message to:               majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it    !
!     writing in the body of the message:    subscribe 425dxnews  address   !
!          where  address  is the e-mail address of the subscriber          !
!                 * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *                    !
!                     TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751                       !
!                     DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613                       !
!                      SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422                      !
!                     ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306                       !
!                     CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921                       !
!               HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677                       !
!                      WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183                       !
!                      JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332                      !
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang

SB DX@WW $425WW281F
425 DX News #281 [6/6]
 21 September 1996                 No 281                     BID: $425WW281F
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  mid Oct    5R8EN                                                  281
till  December   7P8/G4FUI                                              275
till  22/09      K9VV/C6A: Sugar Loaf Cay (NA-080)                      277
till  October    HS0ZAR * by K3ZO                                       271
till  30/09      J7 * by PA3BBP, PA3ERC, PA3EWP, PA3FQA                 275
till  25/09      KG4ML * by WB6VGI                                      277
till  25/09      SP5PB: EU-129 & EU-132                                 279
till  29/09      SV8/G3IZD: Cefalonia Isl. (EU-052)                     279
till  22/09      TM2JP: special event station                           271
till  15/12      VE8TA: Baffin Isl. (NA-047) * by VE2BQB                279
till  November   VK0WH: Macquarie                                       238
till  ??         Z2/SM0FIB                                              277
till  24/09      ZK1: Rarotonga (OC-013) * by N6PEQ                     280
till  December   ZD8DEZ * by G0DEZ                                      259
till  July 97    ZS8IR: Marion Is. * by ZS6RI                           263
20/09-22/09      IA5: EU-028 (IIA LI-020,033,034,040)* by I1 & I2 team  281
20/09-22/09      T70A * by YLRCI                                        281
20/09-23/09      WF1N & KA1DIG: Appledore Isl. (NA-148)                 275
21/09-1/10       3V8BB * by OK1CZ                                       281
21/09-28/09      9H3WD & 9H3WM: Comino Isl. (EU-023)                    281
21/09-22/09      AM1ILO: Big Lobeira Isl. (DIE O-133)                   275
21/09-22/09      EA: Erron de Cenajo Isl (DIEI AB-02) by EA5FD & EA5KT  281
21/09            ED3URC * special event station                         281
21/09-22/09      EG1NTP: Toja Isl. (DIEI P-15)                          281
21/09-22/09      IL3: (IIA RO-008, RO-011) * by IK2ILH, IK2MMF, IK2MRZ  279
21/09            IM0/IS0NHT: Scoglio Su Giudeu (EU-024) (IIA CA-026)    281
21/09-29/09      IY1EY: Loano * special event station                   281
21/09-10/10      SV8/G0IXC: Skopelos Isl. (EU-072)                      279
21/09-22/09      XZ2BH * by OH2BH                                       281
22/09            EA6ZXO: Ferrera Isl. (DIE E-230)                       281
22/09            IC8: Scogli Gaiola (IIA NA-007) * by IK8 team          281
22/09            IJ7: Scoglio Fanciulla (IIA LE-009) by Salento DX Team 281
22/09-28/09      V26Z * by WF2S                                         279
22/09-24/09      VP5 * by JA1MZL                                        281
23/09-07/10      EL/K4YT                                                281
23/09-29/09      ZV5VB: Ratones Isl. (SA-026) (DIB 64)                  279
25/09-??         CY9AOE: Saint Paul Isl. * by VE1AOE & VE1RU            281
26/09-01/10      JJ3SRU/6Y5 & KB5VRF/6Y5                                281
26/09-08/10      K1EFI/VP9                                              281
27/09-04/10      KQ4GC & KG4QD * by KQ4GC & WA4VQD                      281
28/09-29/09      IG9: Lampedusa (AF-019) * by Marconi Contest Club team 275
28/09-29/09      TY1RY * by W6OTC, G0AZT, KE6FV, WF1B                   271
28/09-29/09      YV: Los Monjes Isl. (SA-015) * by W4/YV5DTA & YV5ENI   273
28/09-07/10      YK0B * by DL team                                      281
28/09-29/09      CQ WW RTTY Contest                                     ***
29/09            EA5CCD/4: Umbra Isl. (DIEI CU-02)                      281
30/09-06/10      DL2ABM: Amrum Isl. (EU-042) (GIA N-18)                 281
30/09-06/10      FM * by PA3BBP, PA3ERC, PA3EWP, PA3FQA                 275
30/09-13/10      J3 * by DL7DF, DL7BO, DJ6TF                            277
September-Oct    CX/LU7DW: Timoteo Dominquez Isl.                       279
September        EA: (DIEI V-12, V-14, V-15, V-20) * by EA5KT & EA5FD   279
September        V5 * by WA1JBB                                         271
September        ZK2 * by N6PEQ                                         280
01/10-20/10      JY8XY * by WB9YXY                                      279
01/10            W4D * special event station                            277
04/10-08/10      PJ9/K2JYL                                              281
04/10-06/10      RSGB International HF & IOTA Convention                274