DX425 bulletin issue nr. 279

SB DX@WW $425WW279A
425 DX News #279 [1/6]
 7 September 1996                  No 279                     BID: $425WW279A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                                  Edited by
                               I1JQJ  & IK1GPG
                                Translated by
                              I1-21171 & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@fileita.it - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)             !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3B8    - From 23  to 30 October  Jon, EA2KL  and Luis, EA3ELM  will be active
         from  Mauritius Island  (AF-049) from 3B8CF's QTH.  They will parti-
         cipate in the CQWW SSB Contest (26-27 October). QSL via home calls.
3B9    - If they get the licence Jon, EA2KL and  Luis, EA3ELM will be  active
         from Rodrigues Island (AF-017) from 31 October to  5  November.  QSL
         via home calls.
3D2    - 3D2AG's expedition to Rotuma [425DXN 271] has been postponed to  the
         end  of  October  or November. Antoine will be active from  80 to 10
         metres SSB and CW and probably on 160 metres and RTTY as  well.  QSL
         via 3D2AG.
3V     - Hranek,  YT1AD  will  participate  in  the  CQWW  SSB Contest (26-27
         October) from club station 3V8AA (10-160 metres).  Before  and after
         the  contest  the 3 activity will take place in CW on WARC bands. QSL
         via YT1AD.
3V     - From 11 to 17  September Hans,  DF2UU and Win, DK9IP  will be active
         from the club station 3V8BB. Hans and Win (who will try to work also
         in  RTTY) will participate in WAE SSB Contest, but before and  after
         the Contest they will be on low bands giving particular attention to
         North America and Asia on 80 and 160 metres.  All the contacts  will
         be automatically confirmed  via bureau by DK9IP. Win asks to use the
         bureau and informs that direct  answers  need  3 DM (about 2 dollars
         or 1.5 IRC) to  cover air  mail  costs  from  Germany.  DK9IP's  new
         address is:  Win Kriegl,  Martin-Luther-Str.  11,  D-76327 Pfinztal,
5N     - Alfred, DJ0KN/5N3ALE will be active for still a  few days from Bonny
         Island (NO-REF) with the call 5N4ALE.Alfred likes operating on nets.
5X     - Peter, ON6TT will be active again  (also on 160 and 80  metres) from
         Uganda as 5X1T starting  from 7 September. QSL via ON5NT. Peter will
         be go QRT  for  three  months  starting  from 1 December to join the
         Heard Island DXpedition [425DXN 275].
8P     - From 15 to 22 November John, K4BAI will be active as 8P9HT from Bar-
         bados  (NA-021). On 23-24 November John will participate in the CQWW
         CW Contest as 8P9Z. QSL via home call.
9Q     - For about one year, starting from 9 September, Fernando,  EA4BB will
         be again QRV from Zaire (activity on all bands SSB and CW) as 9Q5BB.
         QSL via EA4BB, also via the EA bureau.
9U     - Alfredo, 9U5CW is QRT at the moment for security problems due to the
         difficult situation in Burundi.
A3     - Paul, A35RK  [425DXN 273] has  been QRT for two weeks, but now he is
         active again from 40 to 15 metres CW/RTTY from  Nuku'alofa (Tongata-
         pu, OC-049). In  two or  three weeks  Paul will be  on Lifuka island
         (OC-169), from where he should be active starting from 1 October al-
         so from 10 to 80 metres.
A3     - Father Kevin Burke,  A35KB is now  on Eua island (OC-049) from where
         he should be active in a few days' time.
SB DX@WW $425WW279B
425 DX News #279 [2/6]
 7 September 1996                  No 279                     BID: $425WW279B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

CX     - Claudio, CX/LU7DW is trying  to  obtain permissions to  operate from
         Timoteo Dominguez island. The activity  should take place at the end
         of September or the end of October.
EA     - On all Fridays and Saturday evenings in  September  EA5KT  and EA5FD
         will be active on 20 and 80 metres from one of the following islands
         valid for DIEI:  El Tancat (V-12), El Campot (V-14), Baldovi (V-15),
         L'Alcati (V-20).
F      - From 28 October to  2 November F/ON5UP/P will  be active in QRP from
         Noirmoutier island (EU-064). QSL via home call.
FG     - From 23 to  29 October FG/KI6FE will be active (mainly on low bands)
         from  Guadeloupe.  He plans to participate in the CQWW  SSB  Contest
         (26-27 October) using the call FG5BG. QSL via KI6FE.
FR     - From 6 to 12  November Jon,  EA2KL and Luis, EA3ELM will be FR/ from
         Reunion island (AF-016). QSL via home calls.
HS     - Jorma, OH2KI will participate in the CQWW SSB Contest (26-27 October)
         together with US team HS50A.
I      - From 7 to 8 September the special station IQ1TSM will be active.
I      - The Venice DX Team has cancelled the activity (13-14 September) from
         the island of Sant'Angelo della Polvere [425DXN 253].
I      - Between 7 and 13.30 UTC of 14 September  Sergio, IA5/IK5WWB will try
         to be active on 20 and 40 metres SSB and CW from Pianosa island (EU-
         028, IIA LI-016). QSL via home call.
I      - From  5 to 20  September the  special station IO6ARI will be active.
         QSL via IK6PTH.
I      - Saturday  7 or  Sunday 8  September  Veronica,  IK3ZAW and  Martino,
         IK3RIY will be active from Fisolo island (EU-131, IIA VE-031).
I      - From 12 to 15 September  a group of operators of the Tivoli ARI Sec-
         tion  will be active from Pantelleria island (AF-018, IIA TP-001) as
         IH9DX. QSL via IK0SXU.
I      - On 21  and 22 September Maurizio (IK2ILH), Gigi (IK2MMF) and Roberto
         (IK2MRZ) will be active from Scanno del Palo  (IIA RO-008),  Ca' Ve-
         nier (IIA RO-011) and from other IIA islands in the Delta of the Po. 
         QSL via bureau to IK2MRZ.
I      - From 6 to 8 September the special scout II0S station  will be active
         from Bracciano.
I      - Gabriele ID9/I2VGW is active from Vulcano island (EU-017 IIA ME-018)
I      - On  8  September  (or,  in  case of bad weather, the  22  September)
         IK6CGO, IK6RHT and IA6ABC  will  be  IL6/  from Scoglio La Vela (IIA
         AN-001).  QSL  via  IK6CGO (Gianni Bonfigli, P.O.Box 19, I-62029 To-
         lentino-MC), also via the bureau.
I      - On 14 or 15 September Mario, IV3JWR will be active  from  Isola  del
         Lovo (IIA GO-022).
J3     - From 19  to 31 October IV3NVN and IV3TMV will be active in CW on all
         bands  from  Grenada.  They  plan to participate in CQWW SSB Contest
         with W8KKF, W9IXX, WA8LOW  and  WB8GEX using  the  call J3A (QSL via
JD1_oga- From 16 December  to 3 January Eiji, JQ1SUO will be active from Oga-
         sawara as JQ1SUO/JD1.  Operations  will  take  place on 160, 80, 40,
         30 and 20 metres CW and 80, 40 and 20 metres SSB. QSL via home call.
JY     - From 1 to 20 October Bob, WB9YXY will be active again from Jordan as
         JY8XY. Operations  will  take  place  mainly  in  CW,  from 10 to 80
         metres (WARC bands excluded). QSL via home call.
KH6    - From 7  to 8  October  some operators  of the  Yamata  ARC  (JA1JQY,
         JA1KJW,  JR1LVB, JA3MCA,  JA8VE, JA0KNM,  JD1BIK and 7L3MNH) will be
         AH6/ from Hawaii (OC-019). Operations will take place in SSB (3.798,
         7,080,  14.197,  18.145,  21,270, 24,937 and 28.497 MHz), CW (1.910,
         3.507,  7.007,  10.107, 14.007,  18.077, 21.077, 24.897 and   28.007
         MHz) and via satellite. QSL via their home calls.
KH8    - From 9 to 11  October some  operators  of the  Yamata  ARC  (JA1JQY,
         JA1KJW,  JR1LVB, JA3MCA,  JA8VE,  JA0KNM, JD1BIK and 7L3MNH) will be
         AH8/  from Ofu  island  (OC-077),  American  Samoa.  Operations will
         take place in SSB (3.798, 7,080,  14.197, 18.145, 21,270, 24,937 and
         28.497  MHz),  CW  (1.910,  3.507,  7.007,  10.107,  14.007, 18.077,
         21.077, 24.897 and 28.007  MHz) and via satellite. QSL via their re-
         spective home calls.
OE     - From 20  to  26 October  Bill, K4LTA/OE will be active from OE3JOS's
         QTH and from 4U50VIC.
P4     - Mike,  K4PI  will  participate in the CQWW SSB Contest from Aruba as
         P49I in 80 metres. QSL via home call.
SB DX@WW $425WW279C
425 DX News #279 [3/6]
 7 September 1996                  No 279                     BID: $425WW279C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

PJ     - From 19 to 29  October  AB4JI,  K4ADK, KJ4VH, KU4J, N4OKX and WA4DPU
         will be PJ2/ from Bonaire (SA-006). They plan to participate in  the
         CQWW SSB Contest (26-27 October) in the  multi-single categoy  using
         the call PJ9T. QSL via their respective home calls; for PJ9T QSL via
PY     - The Araucaria DX Group will participate in the WAE SSB Contest using
         the call ZW5B (operators PY5EG, PY5CC e PY5GU).
PY     - The  activity (CW  and SSB)  of PT2NP, PT2GTI  and PT2HF from Martim
         Vaz [425DXN 277]  will take  place after  the first  week of October
         using the  calls ZV0MB and  ZV0MV. QSL  via PT2DX (ABRA-DX Brazilian
         Association,  P.O.  Box 09647,  Brasilia (DF), 70001-970, Brazil) or
PY     - ZV5VB's activity, scheduled from 23  to 29  September [425DXN  267],
         will take place from Ratones island (SA-026, DIB 64 ) QSL via PP5VB.
PY     - From 16 to 24 November the station  PV2V will  be active  from Santo
         Amaro island (SA-071, DIB 10). QSL via PP5LL (Jay Lira, P.O. Box 08,
         88010-970 Florianopolis - SC, Brazil).
PY     - From 25 November to 2  December the station PS2S will be active from
         Sao Sebastiao island (SA-028, DIB 16). QSL via  PP5LL (Jay Lira, P.O
         Box 08, 88010-970 Florianopolis - SC, Brazil).
SP     - From 6 to 25 September Peter, SP5PB will be again  active in SSB and
         CW from IOTA groups EU-129 and EU-132. QSL via home call.
SV     - From 15 to 29 September Ivan, G3IZD will be  active (mainly in CW on
         WARC bands) as SV8/G3IZD from Kefallinia island  (EU-052).  QSL  via
         home call.
SV     - From 21  September to 10  October Jim, G0IXC  will be active as SV8/
         G0IXC from Skopelos island (EU-072). QSL via home call.
SV     - Until  8  September  IK3NOK and I3NGL will be active from Kefallinia
         island (EU-052).
TL     - TL8MS is  active  again from  Central Africa  [425DXN 277]. QSL  via
V2     - From 22 to 28  September Steve, WF2S  will be active from Antigua as
         V26Z. Operations will take place mainly on 20 and 17 metres CW.  QSL
         via home call.
V3     - On 30 August Glenn, S92ZM went QRT from Sao Tome after  four  years.
         He will be moving to Belize, from where he  should  be active before
         the end of the year.
VE     - Up to 15 December Louis, VE2BQB will be active (SSB and CW) as VE8TA
         from Iqaluit, Baffin Island (NA-047).  QSL via  home call (Louis Pa-
         quet, 1368 Rang 4, Lac Au Saumon, P.Q. G0J 1M0, Canada) also through
         the bureau.
VK0_mac- Warren, VK0WH reports that "two  to my greatly increased workload at
         present it's  unlikely that I  will be able to get on very much now"
         and, since one  of the  transmitters  has  broken, "I  will have  to
         declare QRT on CW. Amateur Radio for me was a last minute  thing and
         my  original  intention  was  only a  weekly sked  with a couple  of
         friends  and not any  DX - hence  my not bringing in any equipment -
         what DX I have  managed is 1200 QSOs with about 50 countries, modest
         compared with a  Dxpedition but  at least 1200 people  got the coun-
         try". Warren has also confirmed  to Dominik, DL5EBE that a member of
         the next  crew has an amateur  radio licence (it is rumoured that he
         is VK5GW, who should be active from Macquarie as VK0GW).
VP5    - From 22 to  29 October  VP5/N2VW, VP5/WA2YVA  and VP5/WB2YOF will be
         active from VP5JM's  QTH (Providenciales Island, NA-002). Operations
         will  take  place  mainly  in CW and on WARC bands, but they plan to
         participate  in  the  CQWW  SSB Contest in the  multi-multi category
         with  the  call VP5T.  QSL  via  K2SB  (for  VP5/WB2YOF),  N2VW (for
         VP5/N2VW and VP5T), WA2YVA (for VP5/WA2YVA).
VP9    - Steve, W4/YV5DTA might be active from Bermuda (NA-005) between 8 and
         11 September.
W      - From 16 to 20 UTC of 12 September Jim, KA3UNQ will be  active on  20
         metres from Block Island (NA-31). QSL via home call, also via bureau
W      - John, NL7TB and his  team will participate in the second W/VE Island
         Contest (14-15  September) [425DXN 277] working in the "Rover" cate-
         gory from WA-063R until WA-066R.
W      - Jim,  KA3UNQ  will  participate  in the second W/VE  Island  Contest
         (14-15 September) [425DXN 277] in the "Rover" category from  RI-03S,
         RI-05S, RI-06S,  RI-07S (respectively  Goat, Coasters Harbor, Aquid-
         neck and Conanicut islands, all counting for IOTA   NA-031),  MA-03S
         (West), MA-22R (Popes)  and  MA-23R  (Fish). QSL via KA3UNQ also via
ZB     - Jorma,  OH2KI  will  participate  in  the the CQWW CW Contest (23-24
         November) as ZB2X. QSL via home call.
SB DX@WW $425WW279D
425 DX News #279 [4/6]
 7 September 1996                  No 279                     BID: $425WW279D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ...  ***************************

7J1AYK/JD1 ---> During his recent operations from Ogasawara [425DXN 273] Ste-
ve,  W5VSZ logged 4095 QSOs (438 of which in RTTY) from 10 to 40 metres.

AH4/AH0W ---> During the  recent operations from Midway [425DXN 273] the AH4/
AH0W  team  logged  about  15,000  QSOs (45% with European stations). QSL via
KE7LZ   (Robert  W.  Johnson,  5627  West  Hearn  Road,  Glenfrome,   Arizona
85306-4213, USA).

of Man = 2D, GD, GT, MD, MT; Northern Ireland = 2I, GI, GN, MI, MN; Jersey  =
2J, GJ, GH, MJ, MH; Scotland = 2M, GM, GS, MM, MS; Guresney = 2U, GU, GP, MU,
MP; Wales =  2W, GW, GC,  MW, MC.   In the  GB prefixes  Countries cannot  be
identified at once.

novices; G, GD,  GI, GJ,  GM, GU,  GW =  full licence,  home station  (issued
before 1st April 1996); GX, GT,  GN, GH, GS, GP, GC  = club stations  (issued
before 1st April  1996);  M,  MD, MI, MJ,  MM, MU,  MW =  full licence,  home
station (issued after 1st April 1996: at present  all M full calls have 0  as
the digit); MX,  MT, MN, MH,  MS, MP, MC  = club stations  (issued after  1st
April 1996); GB  = special-event stations.  One-by-one calls may  be used  in
major contests: at present these are in  the G6 and M6 series, with  regional
indicators as appropriate (the digit indicates  the year so  in 1997 it  will
change to 7).

OZ QSL BUREAU ---> The new address of the Danish QSL  Bureau is: E.D.R. s QSL
Bureau, Klokkestoebervej 11, DK 5230 Odense M., Denmark.

QSL GACW ---> Alberto, LU1DZ reports that it is possible to write to the P.O.
Box 9,  1875  Wilde, Buenos Aires, Argentina for the  following activities of
the GACW operators (Grupo Argentino  de  Radiotelegrafia):  LU7X (Los Estados
island, SA-049, 1979), L8D-X (Los Estados island, SA-049, 1982), LU3ZI (South
Shetlands, 1983), LU6UO/Z and LU5EVB/Z.

QSL ID9S ---> Roberto, IK0PRG reports that the new QSL manager for the forth-
coming operations by ID9S  from Stromboli and  Strobolicchio  islands [425DXN
277] is IK0VTG.   QSL via direct (Giancarlo Trusiani, Via S. Antonio 7, 00010
San Polo dei Cavalieri-RM) or via the bureau.

QSL IIA ---> Bruno,  IK2PZG reports that requests  for  his  many  activities
from italian islands will be sent in Autumn, at the end of operations.

QSL IIA (IJ7) ---> Roberto, IK7XIV  reports that QSL via direct for the  many
activities from italian islands by the Salento DX Team will  be  sent  within
th end of September. The other QSLs will be then sent via bureau.

QSL KIRIBATI ---> Jack, K7EHI informs that he is  no longer  the QSL  manager
for T32AF, T30A, T30BC and T32BC. Glenn,  KH6UR/T32AF operator, has  not been
active since May of  1994 and he  is most unlikely to  be active again in the
foreseeable future. Henry, the operator for T30A, T30BC and T32BC, has been a
silent  key since  July 1993.  Jack reports  that "KH6UR  is unable to assume
responsibility  for his  operations and does not have any use for the logs. I
will hold all logs and cards here pending any arrangement short of  disposing
of all. However I am no longer  financially able to  support these  duties or
ship same at my expense. If  some one is willing to  support these duties and
pay for the  shipping, I  will clear the  arrangement with Glenn  and box all
items for shipment. I estimate there is around 40 pounds of logs and cards".

QSL LU7DW ---> Claudio's,  LU7DX  (active  from Martin Garcia island, SA-055)
new address is: Claudio Fernandez, C.C. 7, Tapiales - 1770, Buenos Aires, Ar-

QSL UA9AB ---> RZ9A, RZ9AZA, RP9ATZ,  UA9BA and UA9AJ are five stations whose
new manager is UA9AB (UA9AB QSL Service, P.O.Box  17 Troitsk,  457100 Chelya-
binskoy, Russia).

QSL ZV0TI ---> Paulo, PT2NP reports  that last  QSL for the  ZV0TI operations
from Trindade island (October 1995) are being sent.

QSL ZW6C & ZX6C ---> Paulo, PT2NP reports that QSL for the ZW6C and ZX6C ope-
rations  from Coroa  Vermelha island   (SA-062, January 1996) will be sent in
a two weeks' time.

SV9/IK1GPG ---> During  the recent  activity from Crete island  (EU-015) Max,
IK1GPG and  Betty, IK1QFM  logged  more  than 2,600 contacts on all the bands
(WARC included) and worked 87 countries. QSL via home call (all the QSOs will
be automatically confirmed via bureau).
SB DX@WW $425WW279E
425 DX News #279 [5/6]
 7 September 1996                  No 279                     BID: $425WW279E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

TK5NI/P & F/HH2HM ---> With  regard to TK5NI/P [425DXN 277], LES NOUVELLES DX
(#397) states that "as a  matter of fact this 'station', who asks for QSL via
F/HH2HM (and  everybody knows  that this call  does not exist any more and it
has no reason to be mentioned), no one else is but the very same F/HH2HM. Not
to mention F/HH2HM's past island activities (surely conjectural, as far as it
can be  judged))", for which  the authoritative French bulletin's editors be-
lieve that "a withdrawal pure  and simple  of the DIFM  and IOTA  credits" is
"more than salutary".

US.I. AWARD  ---> US.I. Award  island  chasers can now find detailed informa-
tion,  including  the complete island list, on the WEB Page edited personally
by John, NL7TB (http://www.owt.com/usislands/).

YEMEN --->  Carl, WB4ZNH  reports the  following: "I  spoke to  the  Director
General of Telecommunications in Sana'a. Amateur Radio is still NOT permitted
there.  Apparently  the Italian who  operated there this  past summer did  so
without official permission" [425DXN 268].

QSL riceived via direct:  3D2CU,  3XY0A, 4U/RW3AH,  5A1A (via IK2ILH),  5X3A,
IC8/IK8DDN (EU-031;  IIA NA-015,  NA-016),  IL3/IV3VER (EU-130;  IIA  UD-004,
UD-005),  MJ/K2WR,  UT100UDX,  UU100JN,  V51GB,  VK4ALF/9  (OC-216),  VU3CUR,

QSL riceived via WF5E DX QSL  service: 4U/KC0PA, 9X/ON4WW, TG/KA9FOX,  VS6WO,
W4/XE1CI (NA-110), ZV0TI 

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

IK8CJP, IK8YFU, I0ZV, IK0PRG, IK0SXU, Brescia  DX Group, Delta Mike,  Diamond
                     ***   425 DX NEWS  QSL ROUTES   ***
Following many requests we have decided to start experimentally a new service
to  help  our  readers to find managers and/or addresses of DX stations.  The 
requests  should  be  sent  only  to  IK1GPG, who is responsibile for the QSL 
Managers/QSL Routes, via e-mail: 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it
Answers will be published in the bulletin.

!       425 WWW Page --->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html      !
!                     INTERNET via  anonymous FTP at site:                  !
!  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  -  under the  /pub/ham/425news/english/  directory !
!             To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL:             !
!              http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/425dxnews-list             !
!     or sending a message to:               majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it    !
!     writing in the body of the message:    subscribe 425dxnews  address   !
!          where  address  is the e-mail address of the subscriber          !
!                 * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *                    !
!                     TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751                       !
!                     DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613                       !
!                      SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422                      !
!                     ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306                       !
!                     CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921                       !
!               HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677                       !
!                      WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183                       !
!                      JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332                      !
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
SB DX@WW $425WW279F
425 DX News #279 [6/6]
 7 September 1996                  No 279                    BID: $425WW279F
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  08/09      5B4/G3VMW                                              273
till  mid Sep    5N4ALE: Bonny Isl. (NO-REF)                            279
till  December   7P8/G4FUI                                              275
till  13/09      D2FIB * by SM0FIB                                      277
till  12/09      GM0LUQ: Skye Isl. (EU-008) * by G0LUQ                  271
till  mid Sep    ID9/I2VGW: Vulcano Isl. (EU-017) (IIA ME-018)          279
till  20/09      IO6ARI: special event station                          279
till  06/09      TK/IK3JYE/p                                            277
till  15/12      VE8TA: Baffin Isl. (NA-047) * by VE2BQB                279
till  November   VK0WH: Macquarie                                       238
till  10/09      V63BM * by JA6VZB                                      278
till  mid Sep    VP8BPZ: Falkland Is. * by DA4RG                        253
till  09/09      YV7/WH6DAG & YV7/AH6OM: Margarita Is. (SA-012)         273
till  December   ZD8DEZ * by G0DEZ                                      259
till  July 97    ZS8IR: Marion Is. * by ZS6RI                           263
till  10/09      ZY0ZGD: Fernando de Noronha * by SM0AGD                279
04/09-11/09      FH * by DL4XS, DL6ET, DL3KDV                           273
05/09-15/09      IB0/IK6JOT: EU-045 (IIA LT-001,LT-002,LT-021,LT-030)   275
06/09-25/09      SP5PB: EU-129 & EU-132                                 279
06/09-09-09      US8OBL: Lysonia * by UR5BBN                            275
07/09-08/09      IL3: Fisolo Isl. (IIA VE-031) * by IK3RIY & IK3ZAW     279
08/09-22/09      8Q7AS/qrp * by G4VPM                                   277
08/09            IL6: Scoglio La Vela (IIA AN-001) * by IK6CGO's team   279
08/09-11/09      VP9 * by W4/YV5DTA                                     279
09/09            Illinois: W9DXCC DX Convention                         ***
10/09-25/09      KG4ML * by WB6VGI                                      277
11/09-17/09      3V8BB * by DF2UU & DK9IP                               279
12/09-15/09      IH9DX: Pantelleria Isl. (AF-018)                       279
12/09            KA3UNQ: Block Isl. (NA-031)                            279
12/09-15/09      K8SCH: Emerald Isl. (NA-112)                           277
13/09-22/09      K9VV/C6A: Sugar Loaf Cay (NA-080)                      277
13/09-15/09      GM0LUQ: Lewis Isl. (EU-010) * by G0LUQ                 271
13/09-18/09      FG * by PA3BBP, PA3ERC, PA3EWP, PA3FQA                 275
13/09-15/09      ID9S: Strombolio & Strombolicchio Is. (EU-017)         277
14/09-15/09      DL: Greifswalder Oie Isl. (EU-157) by DL2RNS & DL2VFR  277
14/09            IA5/IK5WWB: Pianosa Isl. (EU-028) (IIA LI-016)         279
14/09-15/09      IG9: Lampedusa (AF-019) * by Marconi Contest Club team 275
14/09-15/09      IL3: Isola Del Lovo (IIA GO-022) * by IV3JWR's team    279
14/09-15/09      KA3UNQ: RI-0S,RI-5S,RI-6S,RI-7S,MA-3S,MA-22R,MA-23R    279
14/09-15/09      KL7HKX: Kodiak Isl. (NA-019)                           277
14/09-15/09      NL7TB: (USI: WA-063R, WA-064R, WA-065R, WA-066R)       279
14/09-21/09      OH0/DL6UAA                                             277
14/09-15-09      ZW5B * by PY5EG, PY5CC, PY5GU                          279
14/09-15/09      American & Canadian Islands Contest                    ***
14/09-15/09      WAE DX Contest SSB                                     ***
15/09-October    HS0ZAR * by K3ZO                                       271
15/09-29/09      SV8/G3IZD: Cefalonia Isl. (EU-052)                     279
15/09-22/09      TM2JP: special event station                           271
16/09-??         7Z5OO                                                  271
18/09-30/09      J7 * by PA3BBP, PA3ERC, PA3EWP, PA3FQA                 275
20/09-23/09      WF1N & KA1DIG: Appledore Isl. (NA-148)                 275
21/09-22/09      AM1LO: Big Lobeira Isl. (DIE O-133)                    275
21/09-22/09      IL3: (IIA RO-008, RO-011) * by IK2ILH, IK2MMF, IK2MRZ  279
21/09-29/09      IY1EY: Loano * special event station                   275
21/09-10/10      SV8/G0IXC: Skopelos Isl. (EU-072)                      279
22/09-28/09      V26Z * by WF2S                                         279
23/09-29/09      ZV5VB: Ratones Isl. (SA-026) (DIB 64)                  279
28/09-29/09      IG9: Lampedusa (AF-019) * by Marconi Contest Club team 275
28/09-29/09      TY1RY * by W6OTC, G0AZT, KE6FV, WF1B                   271
28/09-29/09      YV: Los Monjes Isl. (SA-015) * by W4/YV5DTA & YV5ENI   273
28/09-29/09      CQ WW RTTY Contest                                     ***
30/09-06/10      FM * by PA3BBP, PA3ERC, PA3EWP, PA3FQA                 275
30/09-13/10      J3 * by DL7DF, DL7BO, DJ6TF                            277
September-Oct    CX/LU7DW: Timoteo Dominquez Isl.                       279
September        CY9: Saint Paul Isl. * by VE1AOE & VE1RU               271
September        EA: (DIEI V-12, V-14, V-15, V-20) * by EA5KT & EA5FD   279
September        V5 * by WA1JBB                                         271
September        VU: Andaman * by VK9NS                                 273
September        Z2 * by SM0FIB                                         277
04/10-06/10      RSGB International HF & IOTA Convention                274
SB DX@WW $425WW279G
425 DX News #279_suppl.
 7 September 1996                  No 279              supplement # 279     
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                            GRAND PRIX AWARD 1996 
                               A.R.I. di MONZA


DATE: from 00.00 of September 1st till 23.59 of September 30th

OBJECT: contact (listen to) stations members of MONZA RADIO CLUB



QSO: a station can be contacted (listened to) one time per band per mode.
     Contacts (listenings) via cross-mode, repeater or in FM on VHF
     or UHF bands are NOT WORTHY.
     For each contact Monza stations will give a serial number.

POINTS: a station of Monza is worth: 1 point  in HF - SSB
                                     2 points in HF - CW,RTTY
                                     2 points in VHF-UHF - SSB,CW,RTTY
                                     4 points in SAT,EME

        every day will be on air a JOLLY station, whose contacts (listenings)
        will count DOUBLE pointing.

AWARDS: to obtain the GRAND PRIX AWARD the following points are needed:
        ITALY     - 20 POINTS
        EUROPE    - 12 POINTS
        ASIA      -  7 POINTS
        AFRICA    -  7 POINTS
        AMERICAS  -  7 POINTS
        OCEANIA   -  3 POINTS

LOGS: logs must contain a detailed list of contacts (listenings), specifying
      for each one: date and time, callsign of Monza station, band and mode,
      sent and received report, received serial number, points of contact.
      The apply must furthermore contain the total declared score and the
      own address of the applying.
      Award requests have to be sent to the GRAND PRIX AWARD Manager to the
      following address:
                             GRAND PRIX AWARD
                             P.O. BOX 1
                             MONZA 20052

COSTS: the cost of each award is Lit 15000 or $ 10 or IRC 12.

DEADLINE: logs must not be postmarked after November 15th 1995.

ENDORSEMENT: Same procedure as award but the cost is Lit. 10000 or $ 7 or 
             IRC 9.