DX425 bulletin issue nr. 277

SB DX@WW $425WW277A
425 DX News #277 [1/5]
 24 August 1996                    No 277                     BID: $425WW277A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                                  Edited by
                               I1JQJ  & IK1GPG
                                Translated by
                              I1-21171 & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@fileita.it - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)             !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3C    - From 16 to 22 October Teo, EA6BH will be active from  Cogo as  3C1DX.
        SSB/CW operations  will take  place on  80-10  metres. Teo  might  be
        active on WARC bands as well  and, if he has the  time, on 20  meters
        RTTY. QSL via home call.
3DA   - From 25  to 28  October  Dave, WJ2O  will  be active  from  Swaziland
        [425DXN 271]. Dave will  participate in the  CQWW SSB Contest  (26-27
        October) with  Sam, ZS6BRZ  and Andre,  ZS6WPX (10-160  metres,  WARC
        bands excluded).
3V    - From 9 to 13 October Eddie, W6/G0AZT will be active from club station
        3V8BB. Operations will take place  mostly from 10  to 80 metres  RTTY
        (low power).
8Q    - Andy's (G4VPM)  activity from  the Maldives  [425DXN 257]  will  take
        place from 8 September for two weeks. Andy had applied for 8Q7PM, but
        he has been given the call 8Q7AS. Operations will concentrate on  the
        usual QRP CW frequencies and  Andy will decide  which band(s) to  use
        depending on propagation.
9M6   - Saty, JE1JKL has a  contest station on  Labuan island (OC-133),  from
        which he is active as 9M6NA.
A2    - During his staying in Africa Dave,  WJ2O will try  to be active  from
C6    - From 13 to 22 September Fred, K9VV will be active (10-160 metres)  as
        K9VV/C6A (or possibly a C6 call)  from Sugar Loaf Cay (NA-080).  Fred
        expects to be active during the WAE SSB Contest. QSL via K9VV.
CY0   - From 22 to 29 October WA4DAN, V73C/AH9C, KW2P, VK2BEX and AA4VK  will
        be active from Sable  Island (NA-063) as  WA4DAN/CY0. They expect  to
        participate in the CQWW SSB Contest (26-27 October).
D2    - Birgitta, SM0FIB will be active from Angola (mainly on 20 metres SSB)
        up to 13 September  as D2FIB. On  Thursdays Birgitta participates  in
        the YL net (at 17 UTC on 14.243 MHz),  but she can be found at  about
        19 UTC on 14.295 MHz. QSL via home call.
D4    - If he gets in contact with a local amateur, Dave, WJ2O might stop  at
        Capo Verde for a few days  before going back home at  the end of  his
        African tour.
DL    - From 14 to 15 September DL2RNS  and DL2VFR will be active mosttly  in
        CW from the island of Greifswalder Oie (EU-157).
EA    - Alan, G3PMR hopes to be active for one or two days (between 26 August
        and 9  September) as  EA1/G3PMR  from an  island  in the  IOTA  group
I     - During the weekend IV3EXW and his  team might be  active from an  IIA
        island in the Grado Lagoon.
I     - On 24 August, weather permitting, IK1JJB and IK1EDC will activate for
        the first time Scoglio delle Donne (IIA SV-004).
I     - During the week end a group of operators of the Salento DX Team  will
        be active from Isola degli Scheletri (IIA LE-???).
I     - From  13  to  15  September  Angelo  (I0VWV),  Lello  (I0QI),  Franco
        (IK0YSL), Bruno (IW0FHO) and  Romeo (IW0GBR) will  be active as  ID9S
        from the islands of Stromboli (EU-017, IIA ME-016) and Strombolicchio
        (EU-017, IIA  ME-017).  Operations will  take  place from  10  to  80
        metres, and  on 2  & 6  metres and  70  centimetres. QSL  via  I0VWV,
        through the bureau as well.
IS0   - On 25 August IS0UPR/IM0 and IS0BDF/IM0 will be active from Scoglio Il
        Catalano (EU-165, IIA OR-002)  or, if weather  does not permits  (see
        below), from  Peloso  islet  (EU-024,  IIA  OR-004).  QSL  via  their
        respective home calls.
IS0   - On 1 September IS0UPR/IM0 and IS0BDF/IM0  will be active from  Peloso
        islet (EU-024, IIA OR-004). If this island is activated on 25  August
        (see above), their activity will take place from Scoglio Il  Catalano
        (EU-165, IIA OR-002). QSL via their respective home calls.
SB DX@WW $425WW277B
425 DX News #277 [2/5]
 24 August 1996                    No 277                     BID: $425WW277B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

J3    - From 30 September to 13  October Sigi, DL7DF  (ex DL7UUO), DL7BO  and
        DJ6TF will be active (from 10 to 160 metres CW/SSB/RTTY) from Grenada
        with two stations.
J8    - From 2 to 7 September Buzz,  N5FTR will be active from St.Vincent  as
        J8/N5FTR or with a J8 call. Operations will take place mainly in SSB,
        but Buzz might be active in CW as well. QSL via N5FTR.
KG4   - Larry, WB6VGI will be again active  from Guantanamo as KG4ML for  two
        weks starting on 10 September. Operations  will take place mainly  on
        the WARC bands, QSL via WB6VGI.
KL    - From 14 to  15 September  KL7HKX will  be active  from Kodiak  Island
        (NA-019) QSL via NL7WA.
OH0   - From 30 August to 1 September  OH2KMG will be active  (from 15 to  80
        metres CW/SSB) froml Aland Islands as OH0KMG. 
OH0   - From 14 to  21 September Mart,  DL6UAA will be  active as  OH0/DL6UAA
        (from 160  metres to  70 centimetres  and via  satellite) from  Aland
        islands (EU-002).
PY    - PT2NP, PT2GTI and PT2HF will be  active from Martim Vaz for a  couple
        of days in the first half of October. Up to 1994 the Ilhas Martim Vaz
        were a separate unnumbered IOTA group, but following the revision for
        the 30th  anniversary of  IOTA Trindade's  coverage was  enlarged  to
        include the islands, which are now part of SA-010.
PY    - ZV2EPA's activity from Comprida Island (SA-024, DIB 21) [425DXN  267]
        is now scheduled for 24-27 October.  SSB and CW operations will  take
        place from 80  to 10  metres (WARC  bands excluded).  QSL (direct  or
        through the bureau) to PY2YW (who is the manager for PY2EPA, the club
        station of AREP-Electropaulo Amateur Radio Association).
TK    - From  06.00 UTC of  August 27 TK2YT  will be active  for a few  hours
        from the island of San Ciprianu (DIFM TK-037). QSL via F2YT.
TK    - From 1 to  6 September Armando,  IK3JYE will be  active from  Corsica
        (EU-014)  as  TK/IK3JYE/p.  QSL  via  home   call  (Box  300,   36100
        Vicenza-VI), through the bureau as well.
TL    - TL8MS is currently on vacation in  Germany, but will be again  active
        at the end of August.
V5    - During his staying in Africa Dave,  WJ2O will try  yo be active  from
V6    - From 27 August to 1 September JH8BKL (V63KA), JF8IYR (V63MC), JA8AXL,
        JA8DON and JA8NOJ will be active  from Pohnpei islands (OC-010).  QSL
        via JH8BKL.
VE    - From 30  August to  1 September  Martin, G3ZAY  will  be   active  as
        NU2L/VE8  from  the   N.W.T.  (GULF  OF   BOOTHIA)  group   (NA-???).
        Operations, which will take place from Avataqpivik Island near  Pelly
        Bay, should start  at about 22  UTC of Friday  30th until  1 UTC  and
        again at about 14 UTC of Saturday 31th. Martin will try to be QRV  on
        Sunday 1st between 14 and 18 UTC. QSL via G3ZAY.
VE    - From 18 (local time) of 1 September to 15 (local time) of 2 September
        Martin, G3ZAY  will  be active  as  NU2L/VE8 from  Gjoa  Haven,  King
        William Island (NA-131). QSL via G3ZAY.
W     - Between 15 UTC and 20 UTC  of Saturday August  24th N9LUR, N9CHQ  and
        KF9YL will be active from a few "new" US.I. islands in Illinois.  QSL
        via KF9YL.
W     - From 28  to 29  August John,  K0IFL will  be active  from Grand  Isle
W     - From 12 to 15 September the station K8SCH will be active (from 10  to
        80 metres SSB,  WARC bands  excluded) from  Emerald Island  (NA-112).
        QSL via bureau or direct to WA6EZV.
W     - On 1 October the special event station W4D will be active (on 40  and
        15 metres  CW, 80  and 20  metres SSB)  from  the Walt  Disney  Magic
        Kingdom Park (Florida) to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Park.
        QSL via KD4FQT.
Z2    - After 13 September Birgitta, SM0FIB/D2FIB will try to be active  from
ZB2   - The prefix ZG2 may be used from Gibraltar between 3 and 10 September.
ZS    - From 16 October to 1 November (except between 25 and 28 October,  see
        3DA) Dave, ZS/WJ2O  will be active  from South Africa.  QSL via  home
SB DX@WW $425WW277C
425 DX News #277 [3/5]
 24 August 1996                    No 277                     BID: $425WW277C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ...  ***************************

4X9 & 4Z9 ---> These prefixes (followed by a three-letter suffix) are  issued
to Israeli novice licensees, who are allowed  to operate on 40 and 15  metres

BARREN ISLANDS  (NA-206) --->  After two  years of  planning and  replanning,
Ushagat Island (USI AK-095S), located in the Barren Islands (NA-206), finally
became a reality on July 4th thanks to John, NL7TB and Rick, N6IV. Landing on
Ushagat was  extremely easy  on a  beautiful day,  but then  the weather  got
worse, with rain and strong winds  (55 mph up!) blowing from all  directions.
Often times John and Rick could  not hear 5 by 9  signals with headphones  on
due to the roar  of the wind  slamming against their  tent. Vlad (UR5WCW)  at
club station UT7WZA, assisted them with taking lists for Europe several times
and other  operators also  helped with  lists  for North  America.  NL7TB/KL7
worked 1432 stations  on  59  countries in   50 hours   of actual   operating
time.  (TNX NL7TB)

HI9/I4LCK --->  Franco's  (I4LCK) operations  from  Cayo  Levantado  (NA-122)
[425DXN 273] logged more than 5,300 QSOs. QSL via Franco Armenghi, Via  Jussi
9, 40068 San Lazzaro-BO.

IC8/IZ8AMZ ---> On 21 August IZ8AMZ, IZ8AJV, IZ8AMY and IZ8ALA were active as
IC8/IZ8AMZ from Scoglio dei Francesi (IIA NA-020) and from Scoglio Lungo (IIA
NA-021). QSL  via  IK8NBE  (Michele  Farina,  P.O.  Box  2,  81020  Valle  di
Maddaloni-CE, Italy).

ISLAND HOPPER --->  Art, N2AU and  Terry, W9JOO  are the  editors of  "Island
Hopper" (26  issues  per year)  -  all about  IOTA,  USI,  CISA  etc.  island
operations.   Free    copy   available    from   Terry,    just   send    him
(qrziota@netusa1.net) your call and mailing address.

MARKET REEF ---> The recent operations by a group of Finnish amateurs [425DXN
273] logged about 4800 QSOs, which  were made during 62  hours with the  call

OKDXA 1996  DX  BANQUET  --->  The  annual DX  Banquet  of  the  Oklahoma  DX
Association will take place on Saturday,  November 9, at the River Oaks  Golf
Club (Edmond, OK  ). Special guests  will be Vince  Thompson, K5VT (who  will
present a color  slide collage of  his most  recent DX  operations) and  Bill
Kennamer, K5FUV (who will discuss  the DXCC Program  of the future).  Tickets
($20 per attendee) are available only by preregistration from Jim Hood,  WV5S
(Jim Hood,  11623 Smoking  Oaks Drive,  Oklahoma City,  OK 73150,  USA).  The
registration deadline is October 31, 1996.  Further information is  available
on the OKDXA WWW site at http://www.pcok.com/~n5ogp/okdxa/

QSL 5N0T ---> Due to a computer crash, Snafu, 5N0T has lost the QSO data  for
the period between 20 July and 2 August. He  only has the paper logs for  the
contacts made with extra-European stations.

QSL 9U5CW ---> 9U5CW's QSLs  are acceptable for  DXCC credit. Bill  Kennamer,
K5FUV (ARRL DXCC Manager) reports that  "some cards were rejected because  we
received the documentation after the cards were sent to us".

QSL ID9/IK8WTD & ID9/IK8VRQ ---> Angelo, IK8VRQ reports that the direct cards
for the operations  (18-19 May)  from the  island of  Stromboli (EU-017,  IIA
ME-016) have all been replied. Bureau cards will be sent out on 1 September.

QSL IS0JMA ---> Roberto, IS0JMA informs that he has replied to all the direct
requests he has got so far concerning his operations from Sardinian  islands.
Due to the huge amount of mail lying at the local Post Office, a few requests
are likely to be still waiting to be delivered. Roberto therefore invites  to
be patient and not to send duplicates. Bureau QSLs will be sent out soon.

QSL LU6Z --->  During the past  Antarctic summer two  operators of the  Grupo
Argentino de  Radiotelegrafia (Hector,LU6UO  and Ernie,  LU1ZPF) logged  more
than 23,000  QSOs from  South  Orkneys with  the  call LU6Z.  Alberto,  LU1DZ
reports that the  QSL manager (Raul,  LU6EF) has  sent out  about 500  direct
and/or bureau cards so far.

QSL ZX7XX ---> Jim, PY7XC reports that the QSLs for ZX7XX's recent operations
(SA-046) will be ready within two months.
SB DX@WW $425WW277D
425 DX News #277 [4/5]
 24 August 1996                    No 277                     BID: $425WW277D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

RSGB INTERNATIONAL HF & IOTA CONVENTION ---> Brochures and booking forms  may
be    requested    also     from    Neville     Cheadle,    G3NUG     (e-mail
neville@g3nug.demon.co.uk). The  Convention  is  scheduled  for  4-6  October
[425DXN 274].

TK5NI/P ---> The station TK5NI/p, who recently stated to be active from  some
Corsican islands  (QSL manager  F/HH2HM), must  be  considered as  a  pirate.
Jean-Michel, F6AJA (RSGB IOTA Country Assistant for France) is in touch  with
the genuine TK5NI,  who does not  speak English, operates  mostly CW and  has
never been active from any TK coastal island.

USA/CANADA ISLANDS CONTEST ---> The second edition of this annual competition
will take place  from 17.00  UTC of  Saturday 14  September to  23.00 UTC  of
Sunday 15 September. There are  one category of  non-island stations and  two
categories of stations ("Island Station" and  "Island Rover") operating  from
US and Canadian  islands with an  USI or CISA  reference number. For  further
information please  contact NL7TB:  John Reisenauer,  Rt 2  Box 2162,  Benton
City, WA 99320, USA.

QSL received via direct: 1A0KM, 3A/IK1HLG/p, 3A/IK1QBT/p, 5A1A (via IK2ILH),
HS0/IK4MRH (AS-053),  KH4/NH6D,  VK2BRT (OC-212), VK4ALF/9 (OC-216), ZD7WRG,

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club,  Roman DX Group,  AA4M, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ,  DL7VOA,
                     ***   425 DX NEWS  QSL ROUTES   ***

Following many requests we have decided to start experimentally a new service
to  help  our  readers to find managers and/or addresses of DX stations.  The 
requests  should  be  sent  only  to  IK1GPG, who is responsibile for the QSL 
Managers/QSL Routes, via e-mail: 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it
Answers will be published in the bulletin.

!       425 WWW Page --->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html      !
!                     INTERNET via  anonymous FTP at site:                  !
!  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  -  under the  /pub/ham/425news/english/  directory !
!             To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL:             !
!              http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/425dxnews-list             !
!     or sending a message to:               majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it    !
!     writing in the body of the message:    subscribe 425dxnews  address   !
!          where  address  is the e-mail address of the subscriber          !
!                 * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *                    !
!                     TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751                       !
!                     DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613                       !
!                      SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422                      !
!                     ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306                       !
!                     CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921                       !
!               HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677                       !
!                      WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183                       !
!                      JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332                      !
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
SB DX@WW $425WW277E
425 DX News #277 [5/5]
 24 August 1996                    No 277                     BID: $425WW277E
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  02/09      4S7BRG * by HB9BRM                                     265
till  24/08      5R8EN/p: Nosy Be Isl. (AF-057) * by 5R8EN & F6AJA      276
till  Sep        5R8EN * by F2JD                                        245
till  03/09      5R * by F6AJA                                          275
till  December   7P8/G4FUI                                              275
till  25/08      AH4/AH0W * by Central Arizona DX Ass.                  273
till  13/09      D2FIB * by SM0FIB                                      277
till  03/09      D6 * by DL4XS, DL6ET, DL3KDV                           273
till  25/08      FJ/I4ALU: Saint Barthelemy Isl. (NA-146)               273
till  29/08      FO/I5JHW: Bora Bora (OC-067)                           271
till  31/08      IC8/IK2PZG: EU-031                                     273
till  05/09      IH9/IK1ZNM: Pantelleria Isl. (AF-018) (IIA TP-001)     273
till  31/08      IH9/IK8BIZ: Pantelleria Isl. (AF-018)                  271
till  05/09      IM0/IK1TKS: EU-165                                     271
till  25/08      LX/G4BJM/p                                             275
till  02/09      TK/F2YT                                                275
till  29/08      SV9/IK7VEH                                             273
till  27/08      V63CO: Ponnpei Isl. (OC-059) * by DJ9HX                271
till  November   VK0WH: Macquarie                                       238
till  mid Sep    VP8BPZ: Falkland Is. * by DA4RG                        253
till  09/09      YV7/WH6DAG & YV7/AH6OM: Margarita Is. (SA-012)         273
till  December   ZD8DEZ * by G0DEZ                                      259
till  July 97    ZS8IR: Marion Is. * by ZS6RI                           263
23/08-28/08      GB5FI: Flatholm Isl. (EU-124)                          273
23/08-02/09      PR5L & ZV5AVM: Sao Francisco Isl. (SA-027) (DIB 08)    277
24/08-25/08      EA1BT/p: Isla La Reguera (DIEI ZA-39)                  267
24/08-31/08      HB0 * by DL1AZZ,DL1AQU,DL3ARK,DL3ASK,DL4AMK,DG0OGM     275
24/08            IA1: Scoglio delle Donne (IIA SV-004) by IK1EDC,IK1JJB 277
24/08-31/08      IA5/IK1TTD: Elba Isl. (EU-028) (IIA LI-001)            273
24/08-25/08      IJ7: Scheletri Isl. (IIA LE-???) * by Salento DX team  277
24/08-25/08      IL3/IV3EXW                                             277
24/08            N9LUR, N9CHQ, KF9YL: US.I.                             277
24/08-31/08      PA: EU-038 & EU-146 * by ON4DBS & DL5NEJ               271
25/08-08/09      5B4/G3VMW                                              273
25/08-05/09      IG9/IK1AOD: Lampedusa Isl. (AF-019) IIA (AG-001)       275
25/08            IS0: Sc. Il Catalano (IIA OR-002) * by IS0UPR & IS0BDF 277
27/08-01/09      V6: Pohnpei Is. (OC-018) * by JH8BKL's team            277
27/08            TK2YT: San Ciprianu Isl. (DIFM TK-037) * by F2YT       277
28/08/29/08      K0IFL: Grand Isl. (NA-168)                             277
28/08-01/09      V63CO: Yap Isl. (OC-012) * by DJ9HX                    271
29/08-02/09      S91DW: Principe Isl. (AF-044) * by LX2DW               273
30/09-01/09      OH0KMG * by OH2KMG                                     277
30/08-01/09      NU2L/VE8: N.W.T. (Gulf of Boothia) (NA-???) * by G3ZAY 277
30/08-31/08      New Orleans International DX Convention                ***
31/08-01/09      EA1BT/p: Isla Vahuero (DIEI ZA-04)                     267
31/08-01/09      GM0LUQ: Arran Isl. (EU-123) * by G0LUQ                 271
August           3D2AG/p: Rotuma                                        271
August           5A * by LZ1WR, LZ3HH, LZ1ZF, LZ1JO                     271
August-September 9G * by OD5NJ                                          273
August-September EA1/G3PMR: EU-142                                      277
August           J52IM * by KC9IM                                       271
August           R0/UT8LL: Ushakova Isl. (AS-???)                  ???  275
August           R0/UR8LV: Ushakova Isl. (AS-???)                  ???  275
01/09            IS0: Peloso Isl. (IIA OR-004) * by IS0UPR & IS0BDF     277
01/09-06/09      TK/IK3JYE/p                                            277
01/09-02/09      NU2L/VE8: King William Isl. (NA-131) * by G3ZAY        277
02/09-07/09      J8 * by N5FTR                                          277
03/09-12/09      GM0LUQ: Skye Isl. (EU-008) * by G0LUQ                  271
04/09-11/09      FH * by DL4XS, DL6ET, DL3KDV                           273
05/09-15/09      IB0/IK6JOT: EU-045 (IIA LT-001,LT-002,LT-021,LT-030)   275
06/09-09-09      US8OBL: Lysonia * by UR5BBN                            275
08/09-22/09      8Q7AS/qrp * by G4VPM                                   277
09/09            Illinois: W9DXCC DX Convention                         ***
10/09-25/09      KG4ML * by WB6VGI                                      277
12/09-15/09      K8SCH: Emerald Isl. (NA-112)                           277
13/09-22/09      C6: Sugar Loaf Cay (NA-080) * by K9VV                  277
13/09-15/09      GM0LUQ: Lewis Isl. (EU-010) * by G0LUQ                 271
13/09-18/09      FG * by PA3BBP, PA3ERC, PA3EWP, PA3FQA                 275
13/09-15/09      ID9S. Strombolio & Strombolicchio Is. (EU-017)         277
13/09-14/09      IL3: Sant'Angelo Isl. (IIA VE-034) by ARI Venice team  253
14/09-15/09      DL: Greifswalder Oie Isl. (EU-157) by DL2RNS & DL2VFR  277
14/09-15/09      IG9: Lampedusa (AF-019) * by Marconi Contest Club team 275
14/09-21/09      OH0/DL6UAA                                             277
14/09-15/09      KL7HKX: Kodiak Isl. (NA-019)                           277
14/09-15/09      American & Canadian Islands Contest                    ***
14/09-15/09      WAE DX Contest SSB                                     ***
04/10-06/10      RSGB International HF & IOTA Convention                274