DX425 bulletin issue nr. 275

SB DX@WW $425WW275A
425 DX News #275 [1/6]
 10 August 1996                    No 275                     BID: $425WW275A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                                  Edited by
                               I1JQJ  & IK1GPG
                                Translated by
                              I1-21171 & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@fileita.it - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)             !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

5N     - From 22  October to 3 November  Pete (W0AW), Mike (N9NS), Joe (K8JP)
         and Vincent (G0LMY)  will be active from Nigeria in CW, RTTY and via
         satellite (RS-12 and AO-13).They will participate in  the  CQWW  SSB 
         Contest  (26-27  October  [425DXN 271]) using the call 5N9N and they 
         are looking for two other operators (those interested should contact  
         Pete, K8JP). QSL via N2AU.
5R     - From 18 August to 8 September Jean-Michel, F6AJA will visit  Gerard,
         5R8EN and will be active as a guest operator or with  a call sign of
         his  own. Gerard  and Jean-Michel  will try  to be active  from  the
         island of Nosy Be (AF-057).
7P     - Until early December Martin, G4FUI will be active in SSB and CW from 
         Lesotho as 7P8/G4FUI. QSL via home call.
9K     - From 14 UTC of 9 August to 4 UTC of 10 August Hamad, 9K2HN/P and Mo-
         hammad, 9K2RF/P  will be active from Umm al Maradim island (AS-118).
         QSL via their home calls.
9Q     - Alex PA3DZN/9Q2L left Zaire [425DXN 267] due to dangerous situation.
         9Q5OWB is active from Goma (QSL via F6ITD).
DU     - From 13 to 16 August Nao, JA1HGY will be active  from Manila  mainly
         on WARC  bands using  the call  DX1RVN. QSL via JA1HGY (Nao Mashita,
         8-2-4 Akasaka, Minato, Tokyo 107, Japan).
EA     - During the weekend EA1BEY will be active from Los Bolos island  (DIE 
EA     - During the weekend EA3NB  will be active  from Hormigas island  (DIE 
         E-058). QSL via EA3BT.
EA     - From 21 to 22 September the station AM1ILO  will be active  from Big
         Lobeira  island  (Galicia, DIE O-133). Operations will count for the
         Spanish Lighthouses award (D-1756, information via Pepe, EA5KB). QSL
         via EA1EPB (P.O. Box 974, 15080 La Coruna, Spain: contributions will
         be donated to UNICEF), also through the bureau.
F      - The island of Bendor, from which the station TM5BEN  will be  active
         (8-12 August),  does not  qualify for  IOTA and  counts only for the
         DIFM (ME-008) [425DXN 274].
F      - F9IE/p is  active  from the  island  of  Noirmoutier  (EU-064,  DIFM 
F      - From 15 to 16 August F5LOW /P and F5OCP /P will be active on 10, 15,
         20, 40 and 80 metres SSB from Madame island (EU-032, DIFM AT-024).
FG     - From 13  to  18  September  Peter  (PA3BBP),  Rob  (PA3ERC),  Ronald 
         (PA3EWP) and Dick  (PA3FQA) will be  FG/ from  Guadaloupe. All  band 
         (including 160 metres) SSB/CW/RRTY operations  will take place  with 
         two stations around  the clock. During  the WAE  SSB Contest  (14-15 
         September) they should be active as TO5C (to be confirmed). QSL  via 
         PA3ERC (Rob  Snieder,  Van Leeuwenstraat  137,  2273 VS    Voorburg, 
         Holland), also through the bureau.
FM     - From 30 September to 6 October Peter (PA3BBP), Rob (PA3ERC),  Ronald 
         (PA3EWP) and Dick  (PA3FQA) will be  FM/ from  Martinique. All  band 
         (including 160 metres) SSB/CW/RRTY operations  will take place  with 
         two stations  around the  clock. QSL  via PA3ERC  (Rob Snieder,  Van 
         Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273  VS   Voorburg, Holland),  also through  the 
SB DX@WW $425WW275B
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 10 August 1996                    No 275                     BID: $425WW275B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

FO     - The operations by Joel, F5JJW/FO0SUC from Rurutu (OC-050) and Tubuai
         islands (OC-152), planned  from 9 to  14 and from  14 to 19  October
         [425DXN 271],  will  take  place  in  SSB  and CW using 100  watt, a 
         vertical antenna and a dipole for 20 metres. QSL via bureau to F5JJW 
         or direct to P.O.Box 7, 69520 Grigny, France.
GW     - The  activity  from St.Tudwal's islands (EU-106), planned from 16 to 
         18  August  [425DXN  271/273/265],  will  take place  using the call 
         GB2STW. QSL  via G3JNJ or via bureau.
HB0    - From  24 al 31  August  DL1AZZ,  DL1AQU,  DL3ARK, DL3ASK, DL4AMK and
         DG0OGM will be  HB0/ from 10 to 160 metres in SSB and CW. HB0/DL1AZZ
         will be active on 6 metres, while HB0/DG0OGM will be active on 2 me-
         tres, 7 centimetres and via satellite.  QSL via their respective ho-
         mecalls, also via bureau.
HL     - From 12 UTC  of 8 August  to 2 UTC of  13 August twenty operators of
         the K.U.A.R.C.  (Korea University Amateur Radio Club) will be active
         from  Duck-Juck island (AS-090)  using the call  HL0T/2.  Operations
         will take place on 40 (7.090-7.095 MHz SSB and 7.005-7.010 MHz  CW), 
         20  (14.015-14.030  MHz  CW,  14.165-14.200  MHz  SSB) and 15 metres 
         (21.020-21.030 MHz CW, 21.250-21.300 MHz SSB). QSL via  direct (HAM, 
         Korea  University 1,  5-Ka,  Anam-Dong,  Sungbuk-Ku, Seoul, 136-701, 
         South Korea) or via bureau.
I      - It  is  possible  that  Gianni, IK6CGO  and his team will be granted 
         permission  [425DXN 274]  to  operate  from  Scoglio Le Due  Sorelle 
         (IIA  AN-002)  on  Sunday  11 August. The activity is subject to the
         weather conditions.
I      - On 10 August IV3CII, IV3EXW and IV3JWR will be active as  IL3/IV3EXW 
         from San Giuliano island (EU-130, IIA GO-005).
I      - On 10 August Pasquale (IZ8AJV), Salvatore  (IZ8AMZ) and others  will 
         be active (on 20 and 40  metres SSB) from Scoglio del Vichingo  (IIA 
         NA-???, already activated  on 26 July  [425DXN 273])  with the  call 
         IC8/IZ8AJV. QSL via IK8NBE (Michele Farina, P.O. Box 2, 81020  Valle 
         di Maddaloni-CE).
I      - From  10 to 17 or 18 August Boris, IK4RSR and Vanni, IK4RUX  will be
         IA5/ from  Elba  island  (EU-028, IIA  LI-001).  If weather  permits
         Boris and Vanni will activate some smaller islands  in  the  Tuscany
         Archipelago:  Gemini (IIA LI-002), Ortano (IIA LI-006), Triglia (IIA
         LI-013)  and Corbelli  (IIA LI-026). QSL via  direct to  P.O.Box 17,
         42042 Fabbrico-RE or via bureau to the respective homecalls.
I      - The activity of IC8/IK2PZG  and  IK8DDN  from Ischia Minore (EU-031,
         IIA NA-024) [425DXN 273] is scheduled for around 15 August.
I      - Erminio,  I2EOW  and  other  Marconi  Contest  Club  operators  will 
         participate in the  WAE  SSB  (14-15 September) and CQWW RTTY (28-29 
         September)  Contests  from  Lampedusa  island  (AF-019,  IIA AG-001, 
         Zone 33).
I      - During the  weekend IF9/IK8WTM  will be  active from  the island  of 
         Marettimo (EU-054, IIA TP-010).
I      - From 5 to 15 September Fabio, IK6JOT will be IB0/ from the island of
         Ponza (EU-045, IIA LT-001). Weather permitting, he will also try  to 
         be active  from Gavi  (IIA LT-002),  Faraglioni della  Madonna  (IIA 
         LT-021) and Scoglio Spaccapolpi (IIA  LT-030). Activity is  expected 
         on 20 and 40 metres SSB. QSL via IK6MWK.
I      - From 25  August to 5  September IG9/IK1AOD  will be active in 15, 20
         and  40 metres SSB from  Lampedusa island  (AF-019, IIA AG-001). QSL
         via home call.
IS0    - Saturday 10 August Roberto,  IM0/IK2MRZ  will  be  active  from  the
         island of San Pietro (EU-165, IIA CA-013) and maybe from Isola Piana
         di San Pietro (EU-165, IIA CA-008) as well. On Sunday (11 August) he
         should  be  active  from  Isola  Rossa  di Capo Teulada (EU-165, IIA
         CA-011). On  4 August Roberto was active from the island of La Vacca
         (EU-165,  CA-004). QSL via bureau to IK2MRZ.
J7     - From 18  to  30  September  Peter  (PA3BBP),  Rob  (PA3ERC),  Ronald 
         (PA3EWP) and  Dick (PA3FQA)  will be  J7/  from Dominica.  All  band 
         (including 160 metres) SSB/CW/RRTY operations  will take place  with 
         two stations around the clock. During  the CQWW RTTY Contest  (28-29 
         September) they should be active as J77C (to be conformed). QSL  via 
         PA3ERC (Rob  Snieder,  Van Leeuwenstraat  137,  2273 VS    Voorburg, 
         Holland), also through the bureau.
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425 DX News #275 [3/6]
 10 August 1996                    No 275                     BID: $425WW275C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

KH4    - The operation  from Midway, scheduled for 18-25 August [425DXN 273],
         will now include satellite modes and Pat Guerin, NH6UY will join the
         team as satellite operator. QSL via KE7LZ.
KL     - KL7/KD0WZ is active from NA-042.     
KP2    - Mark, KD4D will participate in  the  WAE CW  Contest  (10-11 August) 
         from the Virgin Islands (NA-106).
LX     - From 18 to  25 August Fraser, G4BJM will be active in CW from Luxem-
         bourg as LX/G4BJM/P. QSL via home call.
OZ     - During the weekend OZ1DYI will be active from EU-125.
OZ     - From 6 to 11 October DL8HCO, DJ9RR and DH1LAD will be OZ/ from Laeso 
         Island (EU-088). Operations  will take place  in SSB e  CW. QSL  via 
         their respective homecalls, also through the bureau.
TK     - From 18 August to 2  September Paul, TK/F2YT  will be in Corsica and
         will try to be active from some coastal islands.
TY     - Sigi, DJ4IJ will be active from Benin for two weeks in  August using
         the call TY1IJ. QSL via DK8ZD.
UA     - UT7ZWA  reports that  UT8LL should  be active  from Ushakova  island
         (AS-???)  in the second  half of August.  Meanwhile also R0/UR8LV is
         trying to go there and will confirm after 18 August.
UR     - From  6 to  9 September  Igor, UR5BBN will  be active  from  Lysonia
         mountain, near Berezhany in  Ucraina. It  is an historical place, as
         in 1916 there was a battle  for the  Ukranian  independence. He will
         use the  US80BL  (Ukranian Sovereign,  80 years of battles for inde-
         pendence and liberty, Berezhany,  Lysonia).  A special  QSL  will be
         available for 3 IRC to  Radioexpedition  LYSONIA-96,  P.O.  Box  12,
         Berezhany, Ternopilska Oblast, 283150, Ukraine Republic.
V6     - From 10  to 13 August Yuu-san, JA3IG will be active on 15, 20 and 40
         metres (SSB and CW) from Yap island (OC-012) using the call V63YI/Y.
         QSL via JA3IG.
VK     - Stuart's (VK8NSB ) activity from  Croker Island (OC-???),  scheduled 
         for 8-14 August [425DXN 257], has  been cancelled. Stuart, who is  a 
         novice licence holder, wants to find somebody with a full licence to 
         go with him on the DXpedition.
VK0_h  - Since the  end of July Warren, VK0WH has been again active from Mac-
         quarie Island after  being QRT for about a month. He will be QRV for
         the US on  Tuesdays from  10.30 UTC on  7.009 MHz and  for Europe on
         Sundays from 5 UTC until the end  of August.  Warren  can operate on
         20 meters  (14.040 MHz  QSX 3 up  and 14.164  MHz) and on  7.060 and
         3.550 MHz. These  are the only  amateur radio band  frequencies cur-
         rently programmed into his  commercial equipment -  it is programmed
         from a site which is fairly distant from his operating site and War-
         ren must  walk  about a kilometre  to change  frequencies or  modes!
         After August  he will have to curtail his amateur radio activities a
         bit  because of his business  committements. Warren expects to leave
         the island at the end of  October, but it is rumored that his repla-
         cement has an amateur call.
W      - Starting from  17 UTC of 11 August  Pat, N0NYG and  Dave, K9FXH will
         be active  from a new  island in Illinois valid for US Islands Award
         Program.  QSL via K9FXH.
W      - From 18 to  24 August Jim, KF8VX and  Cathie, KG8QL  will be  active
         from Ocracoke  Island (NA-067).  QSL via their respective home calls
         also via bureau.
W      - From 20 to 23 September Tony, WF1N and Lou, KA1DIG will air Appledo-
         re Island (NA-148).  40 metres  will get  special attention  (7.160-
         7.190  QSX down  for DX stations  and 7.260-7.290  for USA).  QSL to
         their home calls, direct (SASE) or via the bureau.
YK     - During the first week of October a group of twenty  German operators
         will be active from  Siria in SSB, CW, RTTY and via satellite  using
         the call YK0B. QSL via DL8HCZ.
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425 DX News #275 [4/6]
 10 August 1996                    No 275                     BID: $425WW275D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ...  ***************************

10 METRES ---> Paddy O'Reilly, S79MAD  is active on around  28.500 MHz at  13
UTC during the week and at  10 UTC duirng the weekends.  In a recent  message
Paddy states that "with the poor  conditions it seems  very few stations  are
active up on 10 metres. The band always seems dead: so why bother to QSY?  On
the first week-end  in August, the  10 metres band  was alive.  But not  with
amateur activity. CB operation is spreading illegally beyond the limit of the
27 MHz band. It is important that hams world wide keep this band alive during
this low part of the solar cycle. The legal CB channels are overcrowded,  and
those operators see all these empty spare 'channels' right next door. So, get
onto ten, otherwise when the conditions  pick up again there will be  anarchy
on the airwaves. Use it or lose it."

CISA ACTIVITY ---> In July John,  NL7TB/VY1ISL and Bill, VY1AU activated  the 
first fresh  water Yukon  islands for  the  Canadian Islands  Awards  Program 
(C.Is.A.): Kishwoot (YT-002, on 11  July, as VY1AU),  Matthew (YT-003, on  11 
July, as VY1ISL), Mark (YT-004, on 11  July, as VY1ISL), Luke (YT-005, on  11 
July, as VY1ISL) and North Campbell (YT-006, on 14 July, as VY1ISL). QSLs for 
VY1AU are via homecall, QSLs for VY1ISL are via NL7TB.

QSL 5A1A (U.S.A. STATIONS) ---> Carl,  N4AA has got  the logs from Dan, W4BRE
(not from K4CEF as stated in 425DXN 273) and  has already started sending the
replies  out. For those  who want to  help reimburse Toly  a small amount for
some of the financial commitments he assumed in order to put this country on,
the "5A1A DXpedition" account is still open. Checks can be sent with your QSL
requests to N4AA (Carl E Smith, POB 6843,  Asheville, NC 28816,  USA), or  to
K2ENT (Arthur  M Albert,  2476 Fortesque Ave,  Oceanside, NY  11572, USA), as
well as  W4BRE (Daniel C Whitsett Jr, 2410 Covemont Dr, Huntsville, AL 35801,
USA ).

DXCC & VK4ALF/VK9 ---> Bob, N6EK  reports that the October 1995 operation  by
Steve, AA6LF from Mellish Reef using the call VK4ALF/VK9 has been accepted by
the ARRL for DXCC credit.   The recent activity  from Ashmore Reef  (OC-216),
which took place with the same call, counts only as VK for DXCC.

HEARD ISLAND 1997 ---> Bob, KK6EK reports that one of the team for the  Heard
Island expedition  [425DXN 255]  had to  withdraw for  professional  reasons.
There is a vacancy and those who are interested in joining the expedition are
therefore invited to  contact the organisers.  The current  team members  are

OKLAHOMA DX  ASSOCIATION --->  The following  were  elected officers  in  the
Oklahoma DX Association and will serve from October 1, 1996 through September
30, 1997: Jim Hood, WV5S (President), Ross Hunt, K5RH (Vice President), Steve
Sweetko, AA4BG (Vice President), Mark Byard, N5OGP (Secretary/Treasurer).

QSL 5R8EN ---> Jean-Michel, F6AJA has got Gerard's logs  concerning the  con-
tacts made up to 9 July.

QSL DU/NH2G ---> Paul  Rubinfeld,  WF5T  will be  the QSL  manager of Gary G.
Dein, NH2G, who is to going to the Philippines.

QSL EU-050 ---> The QSLs for operations by IL7/IK6VGO, IK6JOT, IK6PTH,  I6JSH
and  IZ6ADX  from  various Tremiti islands  (31 May-2-June)  [425DXN 263] are
ready and  QSL manager will  answer the requests as soon as possible. QSL via
IK6MWK, also via bureau.

QSL L4D ---> Phil  Whitchurch, G3SWH has obtained the logs for the L4D opera-
tion from Isla Blanca (SA-065, 21-22 November 1993) and will act as QSL mana-
ger. The  IOTA Committee has provided a supply of cards and Phil will respond
to requests either direct or via the bureau.

also through bureau. Please indicate which  segment of Polar Bear  DXpedition
has been  worked: train  (Northlander, Polar  Bear Express),  XM3P;  Akimiski
Island, VE8A; other islands, CI3O; Moosonee XM3P.

QSL TJ1RA ---> At the end of  July Alberto, TJ1RA should have sent the log on
disk to Erminio, I2EOW, who wants to reply to the requests before  the end of 

QSL VQ9SA ---> Greg  Altig, N5OKR continues to receive direct and bureau QSLs
for this station, but he is not the QSL manager for it.

THE DX BULLETIN ---> The  ARRL Newsletter  dated 2 August  reports that "Paul
and Nancy Smith, AE4AP & KB4RGW respectively, will  take over the DX Bulletin
and the  DX Magazine from  Chod Harris, VP2ML. The changeover  is supposed to
happen within a few weeks. The Smiths already produce The GOLIST, QSL Manager
List and The DX Reporter". The Smiths have a new e-mail address:
dxpub@midwest.net and it is also  possible to write to DX  Publications, P.O.
Box 2306, Paducah, KY 42002-2306, USA.
SB DX@WW $425WW275E
425 DX News #275 [5/6]
 10 August 1996                    No 275                     BID: $425WW275E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

VK4ALF/VK9 ---> Bob, N6EK reports that  "Steve, AA6LF,  made 467  QSOs in  43
countries  during  his  three  day Ashmore  Reef  operation  using  the  call
VK4ALF/VK9 (OC-216) [425DXN  274]. Steve had  European openings on two of his
three days.  On  the 3rd,  he worked a  9A at 02.36 UTC  and three F stations
during 05.48-05.54 UTC.  On the 4th,  he made 33 QSOs  with European stations
including I, G, ON, LA, PA, HB, HA, CT, EA and F.  All European openings were
on twenty meters. The East Coast US opening was 1214Z-1240Z on the 4th during
which time  Steve worked  31 stations. Steve  uses a Butternut vertical and a
barefoot transceiver powered by a large boat battery. QSL via AA6BB.

QSL received via direct: 1A0KM, 3A/IK1HLG/p, 3A/IK1QBT/p, 3C1DX,  4K4/UA9KW
(AS-089), 5A1A  (via  IK2ILH), 7Q7SB,  9K2MU,  A70X (AS-088),  A92GD,  BV9P,
C21NI, HS0/IK4MRH  (AS-053),  IB0/IK0QDB (EU-045;  IIA  LT-013),  IC8/IK8DDN
(EU-031; IIA NA-018,  NA-024), IL3/IK3ABY (EU-131;  IIA VE-010),  IL3/IK4HPU
(IIA RO-005, RO-007),  IL7/I6JSH (EU-050; IIA  FG-001), IL7/IK6JOT  (EU-050;
IIA FG-002),  IL7/IK6PTH  (EU-050;  IIA  FG-008),  IL7/IK6VGO  (EU-050;  IIA
FG-003),  IP1/I2MWZ  (IIA  SV-017),  IP1/IK1NEG  (IIA  SV-017),   IP1/IK1QBT
(EU-083; IIA SV-001),  IQ9IB  (IIA  ME-029), IR8ANT  (WABA), KH4/NH6D,  LZ0A
(WABA LZ-02), V63IK, TI9X, TK5NI/p (EU-164), VK2BRT (OC-212), VK9CT,  XT2DP,
YE8T (OC-213), YE8V (OC-157), YV5IVB/p (SA-054), ZD7WRG

QSL received via WF5E DX  QSL service: 3E2G  (NA-202), 5U7Y, C31LJ,  FS5PL/p
(NA-199),  FK8HC,  KA3UNQ/p  (NA-083),  PS8YL/PR8  (SA-016),  V40Z,   WF1N/p

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

IK6CGO, IK6VGO, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, IZ8AJV, Brescia DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond
DX Club, Roman DX Group, 9K2HN, AH0W/OH2LVG, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DL7VOA,  DL8HCO,
                     ***   425 DX NEWS  QSL ROUTES   ***
Following many requests we have decided to start experimentally a new service
to  help  our  readers to find managers and/or addresses of DX stations.  The 
requests  should  be  sent  only  to  IK1GPG, who is responsibile for the QSL 
Managers/QSL Routes, via e-mail: 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it
Answers will be published in the bulletin.
!       425 WWW Page --->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html      !
!                     INTERNET via  anonymous FTP at site:                  !
!  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  -  under the  /pub/ham/425news/english/  directory !
!             To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL:             !
!              http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/425dxnews-list             !
!     or sending a message to:               majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it    !
!     writing in the body of the message:    subscribe 425dxnews  address   !
!          where  address  is the e-mail address of the subscriber          !
!                 * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *                    !
!                     TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751                       !
!                     DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613                       !
!                      SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422                      !
!                     ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306                       !
!                     CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921                       !
!               HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677                       !
!                      WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183                       !
!                      JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332                      !
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang

SB DX@WW $425WW275F
425 DX News #275 [6/6]
 10 August 1996                    No 275                     BID: $425WW275F
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  14/08      3D2HW: Fiji * by I5JHW                                 271
till  02/09      4S7BRG * by HB9BRM                                     265
till  Sep        5R8EN * by F2JD                                        245
till  December   7P8/G4FUI                                              275
till  ??         F9IE/p: Noirmountier Isl. (EU-064) (DIFM AT-020)       275
till  16/08      HI9/I4LCK: Cayo Levantado (NA-122)                     273
till  13/08      HL0T/2: Duck-Juck Isl. (AS-090)                        275
till  10/08      ID9/IK1MND: Vulcano Isl. (EU-017) (IIA ME-018)         273
till  21/08      ID9/IK2AEQ: Lipari Isl. (EU-017) (IIA ME-001)          273
till  31/08      IH9/IK8BIZ: Pantelleria Isl. (AF-018)                  271
till  12/08      IM0/IK2MRZ: EU-024 & EU-165                            263
till  19/08      IM0/IK4HPU                                             273
till  mid August IM0/IK8HCH: Serpentara Isl. (EU-165) (IIA CA-015)      271
till  11/08      IG9/IK2PZC: Lampedusa (AF-019) (IIA AG-001)            273
till  16/08      KE4PUC: Sunset Beach (NA-112)                          273
till  ??         KL7/KD0WZ (NA-042)                                     275
till  19/08      SV9/HA0HW/p                                            274
till  12/08      TM5BEN: Bendor Isl. (DIFM ME-008)                      274
till  December   VK0WH: Macquarie                                       238
till  mid Sep    VP8BPZ: Falkland Is. * by DA4RG                        253
till  December   ZD8DEZ * by G0DEZ                                      259
till  July 97    ZS8IR: Marion Is. * by ZS6RI                           263
09/08-10/08      9K2HN/p & 9K2RF/p: Umm al Maradim Isl. (AS-118)        275
09/08-12/08      HL0BDU/5: Maemul Isl. (AS-081)                         274
10/08-11/08      EA1BEY/p: Los Bolos Isl. (DIE N-151)                   275
10/08-11/08      EA1BT/p: Isla Olmillos (DIEI ZA-37)                    267
10/08-11/08      EA3NB/p: Hormigas Isl. (DIE E-058)                     275
10/08-14/08      FK * by JE5WIM                                         273
10/08-18/08      IA5 (EU-028) * by IK4RSR & IK4RUX                      275
10/08            IC8/IK8AJV: Scoglio del Vichingo (IIA NA-???)          275
10/08-11/08      IF9/IK8WTM: Marettimo Isl. (EU-054) (IIA TP-010)       275
10/08            IL3/IV3EXW: San Giuliano Isl. (EU-130) (IIA GO-005)    275
10/08-24/08      IL7 (EU-071 & EU-091) * by IK8VRH, IK8TWP, IW8BNV      274 
10/08-05/09      IM0/IK1TKS: EU-165                                     271
10/08            IM0/IK2MRZ: San Pietro Isl. (EU-165) (IIA CA-013)      275
10/08-11/08      KP2 * by KD4D                                          275
10/08-14/08      V63CO: Truk Isl. (OC-011) * by DJ9HX                   271
10/08-11/08      OZ1DYI/p: EU-125                                       275
10/08-11/08      W2OB: Long Beach Isl. (NA-111)                         273
10/08-11/08      WAE DX Contest CW                                      ***
11/08-31/08      IC8/IK2PZG: EU-031                                     273
11/08            IL6/IK6CGO: Scogli Le Due Sorelle (IIA AN-002)    ???  275
11/08            IM0/IK2MRZ: Rossa di Capo Teulada (EU-165)(IIA CA-011) 275
12/08-end August EL * by K4YT/DL4YT                                ???  273
12/08-25/08      FJ/I4ALU: Saint Barthelemy Isl. (NA-146)               273
12/08            IC8: Sc. Rovigliano (IIA NA-009) * by IK2PZG & IK8VVY  273
13/08-16/08      DX1RVN * by JA1HGY                                     275
14/08-21/08      JD/7J1AYK: Ogasawara * by W5VSZ                        273
14/08-19/08      OZ5RM/a & OZ/SM7KJH: Anholt Isl. (EU-088)              265
14/08-22/08      V63CO: Kosrae Isl. (OC-059) * by DJ9HX                 271
14/08-20/08      ZK1sc: Rarotonga (OC-013) * by I5JHW                   271
15/08-16/08      F: Madame Isl. (EU-032; DIFM AT-024) by F5LOW & F5OCP  275
15/08            IC8: Ischia Minore Isl.(IIA NA-024) by IK2PZG & IK8DDN 275
16/08-18/08      GB2STW: St. Tudwel's Is. (EU-106) by G8JM,G3NQT,G3JNJ  271
17/08-18/08      EA1BT/p: Isla Los Rompidos (DIEI ZA-38)                267
17/08-21/08      IH9/IK1MND: Pantelleria (AF-018) (IIA TP-001)          273
17/08-18/08      SARTG RTTY Contest                                     ***
17/08-18/08      Seanet SSB Contest                                     ***
18/08-03/09      5R * by F6AJA                                          275
18/08-25/08      KH4 * by AH0W/OH2LUG's team  - Central Arizona DX Ass. 273
18/08-25/08      LX/G4BJM/p                                             275
18/08-02/09      TK/F2YT                                                275
19/08            IC8: Procida Isl. (IIA NA-002) * by IK2PZG & IK8VRS    273
19/08-09/09      YV7/WH6DAG & YV7/AH6OM: Margarita Is. (SA-012)         273
20/08            IC8: Sc. Cannone (IIA NA-023) * by IK2PZG & IK8VRS     273
21/08-29/08      FO: Bora Bora (OC-067) * by I5JHW                      271
21/08            IC8: Vivara Isl. (IIA NA-005) * by IK2PZG & IK8VRS     273
21/09-29/09      SV9/IK7VEH                                             273
22/08-03/09      D6 * by DL4XS, DL6ET, DL3KDV                           273
22/08-05/09      IH9/IK1ZNM: Pantelleria Isl. (AF-018) (IIA TP-001)     273
22/08-27/08      V63CO: Ponnpei Isl. (OC-059) * by DJ9HX                271
23/08-28/08      GB5FI: Flatholm Isl. (EU-124)                          273
24/08-25/08      EA1BT/p: Isla La Reguera (DIEI ZA-39)                  267
24/08-31/08      HB0 * by DL1AZZ,DL1AQU,DL3ARK,DL3ASK,DL4AMK,DG0OGM     275
24/08-31/08      IA5/IK1TTD: Elba Isl. (EU-028) (IIA LI-001)            273
24/08-31/08      PA: EU-038 & EU-146 * by ON4DBS & DL5NEJ               271
25/08-08/09      5B4/G3VMW                                              273
25/08-05/09      IG9/IK1AOD: Lampedusa Isl. (AF-019) IIA (AG-001)       275
26/08-01/09      PR5L & ZV5AVM: Sao Francisco Isl. (SA-027) (DIB 08)    267
August           3D2AG/p: Rotuma                                        271
August           5A * by LZ1WR, LZ3HH, LZ1ZF, LZ1JO                     271
August           IM0/IK8HCH: Varaglioni di Serpentara Isl.(EU-165) ???  271
August           J52IM * by KC9IM                                       271
August           R0/UT8LL: Ushakova Isl. (AS-???)                  ???  275
August           R0/UR8LV: Ushakova Isl. (AS-???)                  ???  275
early August     W3GOI: Ocracoke Isl. (NA-067)                          271
SB DX@WW $425WW275S
425 DX News #275_suppl.
 10 August 1996                                         supplement to #275          
                     *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                 Associazione Radioamatori Italiani
                        - Sezione di Loano -       


The A.R.I. Loano Radioclub is riproposing  for  1996  the Interna-
tional "Loano Elettra" Award, to  remember the 3rd anniversary  of
the death of a good friend  Libero Meriggi - I1YXN,  President  of
our radioclub for 11 years. Conceiver  and  devotee of this award.


PARTICIPATION: Open to all OM and SWL in the world.
PERIOD:        From 07:00 UTC of 21.09.96 to 24:00 UTC of 29.09.96
BANDS & MODES: 40 and 80 meters in CW and SSB.
SCORES:        The A.R.I. radioclub Loano  stations  will call "CQ 
               Loano Elettra" and  give the RS(T) report  to  each
               correspondent, the same stations  can be called se- 
               veral times  during the same day but on a different
               band or in a different mode  and  each contact will  
               count 1 point. The special call IY1EY will be acti-      
               vated  during the same period and each contact with
               it will count 3 points (same rules as above).
               To apply for the "Loano Elettra Award" it is neces-
               sary to collect at least 10 points.

               At the end of the  manifestation a table of results
               will be drawn up (amoung  all partecipants who have
               sent their  summary sheets), and  plaques  will  be 
               sent as prizes for:
               - 1st, 2nd, 3rd italian hams.
               - 1st foreign ham.
               - 1st SWL.
               _ 1st ham that has realized the highest score  with 
                 CW QSO's.

APPLICATIONS:  The applications for the award, a original fotogra-
               ph  of the Ship "Elettra" (the ship that  Guglielmo
               Marconi  used  for his radio experiments from  1919 
               to 1936), must be sent no later than 30.11.1996 en-      
               closing  the  summary sheet and $ 10 (ten Dollars), 
               or  DM 15 (fifteen Deutschmark)  or L. 15.000 (fif-
               teen thousand Lire) to the Award Manager:

                             IK1QBT - Tony Gallo, 
                            Via Capo S.Spirito 1/16
                          I-17020 BORGHETTO S.S. (SV)

NOTE:          The  special call sign IY1EY is to be used  for all   
               bands and all modes, but  for  the award only those   
               on 40 and 80  meters in CW and SSB count. Each  QSO      
               with  IY1EY  will be confirmed with a commemorative 
               QSL card (via IK1QBT).

               All  CW  contacts (IY1EY included) also  count  for
               the permanent  "Marconista"  award from the Marconi
               Club A.R.I. Loano, whose Award Manager  is  Luciano
               Tonin - I1HLI  and  the rules for which were publi-
               shed in Radio Rivista  in  July 1994  and  February     