SB DX@WW $425WW273A 425 DX News #273 [1/7] 27 July 1996 No 273 BID: $425WW273A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1GPG Translated by I1-21171 & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions should be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector ! ! (e-mail ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 5B - From 25 August to 8 September Steve, G3VMW will be active as 5B4/G3VMW from Cyprus (AS-004). QSL via home call. 9G - Gaby, OD5NJ will be in Ghana for two months and hopes to be active in SSB. QSL via home call. 9H - 9H1EL, G3OZF and G4JVG will participate in the IOTA Contest from Malta (EU-023) with the call 9H0A. QSL via G3OZF. 9U - Jean-Pierre F5FHI is active from Burundi as 9U5DX from Alfredo's (9U5CW) QTH. QSL via F2VX. A3 - Starting from August Paul, KK6H will be active from 10 to 40 metres (mainly CW and RRTY) as A35RK for at least six months. QSL via W7TSQ A3 - On 6 August Craig, A35CT will go QRT and until a replacement can be found the Tonga bureau will not be active. C9 - From 2 to 5 August JA6SJN, JG6BKB and JR6XIW will visit the mission of Father Ishikawa, C93AN (P.O.Box 164, Mutare, Zimbabwe) and hope to improve the radio station. They want to be active in SSB and CW on all bands, /EXcept 160 metres. D2 - Until Sunday 28 July Peter (DG1RPV) Henri (DL2RSI) and Axel (DL4KAI) will be active from Angola respectively as D2PV, D2HB and D2AO. D6 - From 22 August to 3 September Maike (DL4XS), Dieter (DL3KDV) and Mirko (DL6ET) will be active from Comoro islands (AF-007) [425DXN 261]. The call will be issued upon arrival. The operations will take place in SSB, CW and RTTY on all the HF bands, particularly on 80 and 160 metres. QSL via DL4XS (whose new address is Maike Stargardt, Friedrichsthal 21, 51688 Wipperfuerth, Germany) also via bureau. DL - From 26 to 28 July DL2KUW, DL3KUD, DL5WA, DL8KWA and DL9OA will be active as DL0HRO/p from Usedom island (EU-129, DIA O-013). They plan to participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL via bureau a DL3KUD. EA - A group of operators will be active during the IOTA Contest from Me- das (EU 078, DIE E-001, Faro E-0472) using the call ED3IM. EA - During the weekend EA1JW/2 will be active from La Moquera island (DIEI HU-13). EI - EI7CC and other operators will participate in the IOTA Contest from Bere island (EU-121) as EJ1D. EI - Anthony, EI2HY and Mike, EI2IB will participate in the IOTA Contest from the Saltee islands (EU-103) as EJ5CRC. The operations will take place on all bands. QSL via EI2HY. EI - Sean (EI4GK), Declan (EI9HQ), Joe (EI7GY) and Colm (EI2EDB) will participate in thr IOTA Contest from Fromkey island (EU-121) using the call EJ4GK. All bands SSB/CW operations. QSL via EI4GK. EL - Karl, K4YT/DL4YT hopes to be active from Monrovia, where he will be for two or three weeks starting from 12 August. QSL via K4YT/DL4YT. F - F5PAC, F5PFT, F1TRE and F5UII will participate in the IOTA Contest from Oleron island (EU-032, DIFM AT025) using the call F5PAC/P. All the contacts will be confirmed automatically via the bureau. F - F6ELE and F6HKA will be active from Molene island (EU-065) until 28 July. Before the IOTA Contest it is planned the activity from some smaller islands valid for DIFM. QSL via F6ELE (Didier Bas, 1 rue du Noyer, Voutron, F-17340 Yves, France) or F6HKA (Bert Banlier, 45 rue de l'Alma, F-87000 Limoges, France), also via the bureau. F - The operations by ON4TH, F5TMZ, F5TJP and F5TGR from Sept Isles (EU-107) during the IOTA Contest [425DXN 267] will take place with the TO8T call from Monks island (DIFM MA-015). /EX SB DX@WW $425WW273B 425 DX News #273 [2/7] 27 July 1996 No 273 BID: $425WW273B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== FH - After the operations from Comoro islands (see D6) Maike (DL4XS), Dieter (DL3KDV) and Mirko (DL6ET) will be in Mayotte (AF-027) [425DXN 261], from where they will be FH/home call until 11 Septem- ber. The activity will take place in SSB, CW and RTTY on all HF bands, particularly on 80 and 160 metres. QSL via DL4XS (whose new address is Maike Stargardt, Friedrichsthal 21, 51688 Wipperfuerth, Germany) also via bureau. FJ - From 12 to 25 August Carlo, I4ALU will be FJ/ from Saint Barthelemy (NA-146). The operations will take place in CW only on all HF bands. FK - From 10 to 14 August Hiro, JE5WIM will be active, mainly in CW, from New Caledonia. QSL via homecall. G - During the IOTA Contest Eric G0KJW will be active (from 10 to 80 me- tres SSB) for a few hours only from Farne islands (EU-109). In case of bad weather Eric will be active (mainly on 20 metres SSB) from Lindisfarne (EU-120). G - The G6B call will be used by the Shefford & District ARS during the CQ WW 1996 Contests. GM - The operators active during the IOTA Contest from Cumbrae (EU-123) using the call GM3USL/P [425DXN 265] will be Bob (GM0DEQ), Eddie (GM0KVI), Robbie (GM0SEI), George (GM0SYU) and Alsion (GM0UGG) QSL via GM0KVI. GM - Taizo, GW0RTA will participate in the IOTA Contest (10, 15 and 20 metres SSB) from Arran Isle (EU-123) using the call GM0RTA/P. QSL via home call. GM - During the IOTA Contest Ivan, G3IZD should be active in CW on all bands from Grimsay Island or from North Uist Island (EU-010). QSL via home call. GM - Dave (GM0LVI), Gavin (GM0GAV) and David (GM4EVS) will participate in the IOTA Contest from Summer Isles (EU-092) using the call GM6Z. The operations will take place on all bands /EXcept 160 metres. QSL via GM0GAV. GM - Michael, GM/DL6MHW will be active (on 3.755, 7.055, 14.155, 21.255 and 28.455 MHz) from islands Orkney (EU-009) in IOTA Contest during the last three minutes of every hour. Before and after the Contest Michael will be active on WARC bands. QSL via DL3ABL (all the QSO made during the Contest will be automatically confirmed via bureau). GM - Clive, GM3POI will participate (CW only) in the IOTA Contest from Orkney is. (EU-009). GM - GM4FDM and other operators will participate in the IOTA Contest from Monach is. (EU-111) using the call GM5VG/P. QSL via GM3UTQ. GM - From 4 to 7 August David, G3TQQ will be active on 20 metres SSB as GM3TQQ/P from Arran island (EU-123). On 9 August David should be active from Great Cumbrae Island (EU-123). QSL to home call. GU - Ron, ZL2TT will participate in the CQ SSB Contest (26-27 October) as GU3HFN with the Guersney ARS. GW - From 23 to 28 August the station GB5FI will be active from Flat- holm island (EU-124). The operations will take place in RTTY ARQ and Pactor. QSL via GW0ANI. HI - Due to transportation problems Franco, I4LCK has postponed to 6-16 August his activity from Cayo Levantado (NA-122) [425DXN 269]. Fran- co will be active mainly on IOTA frequencies. HL - From 26 July to 3 August the station HL0Y/3 will be active from Shapsi island (AS-080). The operations will take place 24 hours a day in SSB and CW on 12, 15, 17, 20, 30 and 40 metres. QSL via HL0Y (YARRA-Yonsei Amateur Radio Research Association), Yonsei Universi- ty, 134 Shinchon-Dong, Seodaemun , Seoul 120-749, Korea) also via the bureau. I - The activity of IC8/IZ8AJW on Friday 26 July took place from Scoglio del Vichingo (IIA NA-???). I - The activity of IK3TTY/p on Friday 26 July took place from Volpera island (IIA GO-014). I - IV3JWR and his team will participate in the IOTA Contest from San Giuliano island (EU-130, IIA GO-005). I - On 28 July Lorenzo, IK4XQM (HF SSB and CW) and Raffaele, IK4CNO (VHF SSB) should be active from Marconian station IY1TTM. /EX SB DX@WW $425WW273C 425 DX News #273 [3/7] 27 July 1996 No 273 BID: $425WW273C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== I - From 8 to 10 August Antonio, ID9/IK1MND will be active from Vulcano island (EU-017, IIA ME-018). I - From 4 to 30 August Nino, I2IAU will be ID9/ from Lipari island (EU-017, IIA ME-001). Nino will try to activate some smaller islands valid for IIA. QSL via bureau. I - From 5 to 21 August Luca, ID9/IK2AEQ will be active on 2, 6, 10, 12, 15, 17 and 20 metres from Lipari island (EU-017, IIA ME-001). I - From 17 to 22 August Antonio, IH9/IK1MND will be active from Pantel- leria island (AF-018, IIA TP-001). I - From 24 to 31 August IK1TTD should be active from Elba island (EU-028, IIA LI-001). QSL via bureau. I - From 22 August to 5 September Mauro, IK1ZNM, will be portable IH9 from Pantelleria (AF-018, IIA TP-001). Activities on 10, 15 and 20 metres SSB and CW. I - From 11 to 31 August Bruno, IC8/IK2PZG should be active from some Neapolitan islands: Scoglio Rovigliano (IIA NA-009, 12 or 13 August, together with IK8VVY), Procida (EU-031, IIA NA-002, 19 August, together with IK8VRS), Scoglio Cannone (EU-031, IIA NA-023, 20 August, together with IK8VRS), Vivara (EU-031, IIA NA-005, 21 August together with IK8VRS), Ischia Minore (EU-031, IIA NA-024, 23 August, together with IK8DDN). QSL via IK2PZG. I - During the weekend the IV3DXW team hopes to be active from Lovo isl. (IIA GO-022). I - From 2 to 11 August Ruggero, IK2PZC will be active in SSB, CW and RTTY from Lampedusa island (AF-019, IIA AG-001) as IG9/IK2PZC. IS0 - From 3 to 19 August Alberto, IK4HPU will spend his holidays in Sar- dinia and hopes to be active from Tavolara (EU-165, IIA SS-068) and Molara (EU-165, IIA SS-073) islands and probably from other smaller islands in Sassari province. JD - From 14 to 21 August Gary, W5VSZ will be active from Chichijima isl. Ogasawara (AS-031) using the call JD/7J1AYK. The operations will ta- ke place in SSB, CW and RTTY from 10 to 80 metres, particularly on WARC bands. Gary will spend a third of his time working in RTTY. QSL via home call: Gary E.Jones, 23 Pirate Drive, Hattiesburg, MS 39402-9557, USA. J2 - J28JA is now active 160 metres also. QSL via F5PWH. JA - From 26 to 29 July Yuki, JH1UUT/1 will be active from 10 to 80 me- tres SSB from Hachijo island (Arcipelago Nampo, AS-043). Yuki will participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL via homecall. JW - From 25 July to 27 August Ola, JW7GV will be in Norway, and then he will be active again from Svalbard (EU-026) for one year. JX - Per Einar, LA7DFA works from Jan Mayen (EU-022) as JX7DFA and hopes to be active also as JX7DFA/p from 16 UTC of 26 July to 10 UTC of 28 July and in the same hours from 10 to 12, from 17 to 19 and from 23 to 25 August. The activity will take place on 20 metres RTTY, on 2 and 6 metres and probably also MS the 10-12 August. KC6 - From 28 December 1996 to 5 January 1997 Tosy, JA6VZB should be acti- ve from Belau using the call KC6VW. Tosy would like to work on 160 metres. KH0 - AH0AV will oarticcipate in the Contest IOTA from Saipan (OC-086). QSL via JH6RTO. KH4 - From 18 to 25 August AH0W/OH2LVG, UA3AB, WA7LNW and W2UE, members of the Central Arizona DX Association, will be active from Midway isl. (OC-030). QSL via KE7LZ. Frank, AH0W/OH2LVG reports that "the DXpe- dition marks the turning over of control of Midway to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, with Midway officially now called 'Midway Atoll Wildlife Refuge'". OJ0 - From 1 to 4 August OH1VR, OH0RJ, OH2KI, OH2BDP, OH3MEP and probably also OH6PJ will be OJ0/ from Market Reef (EU-053). The operations will take place from 6 to 160 metres in SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL via their respective home calls. P4 - From 28 July to 3 August Dave, AA6DC will be active from Aruba (SA- 036) possibly as P46DC or P43DC. PA - Gregg, G4RTO will participate in the IOTA Contest from Schouwen Duiveland island (EU-146) using the call VE3ZZ/PA. QSL via G4RTO. S9 - From 29 August to 2 September Antonio, LX2DW will be active from 10 to 40 metres SSB/CW from Principe island (AF-044) as S91DW. QSL via home call. SM - Until 28 July Kjell, SM4DDS/7 will be active in SSB and CW from Se- noren island (EU-138). He plans to participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL via home call. SV9 - From 21 to 29 August Ivan SV9/IK7VEH will be active in SSB from Cre- te (EU-015). QSL via home call also via the bureau. TI9 - On 23 and 24 July TI2JJP was active as TI9JJP from Cocos island. UA - From 20 to 28 July RA0FY, RA0FW and RA0RU will be active in 10, 15 and 20 metres from Habomai island (AS-062) using the call RK0FWL/p. They plans to participate in the IOTA Contest. /EX SB DX@WW $425WW273D 425 DX News #273 [4/7] 27 July 1996 No 273 BID: $425WW273D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== VE - The activity of the Polar Bear /EXpress DXpedition [425DXN 269] from Akimiski Island (NA-???) and from some Canadian islands valid for C.IS.A. is confirmed, if weather permits, from 4 to 6 August. Opera- perations will take place in CW as well. The call used from Akimiski will be VE8A (the operators will be Bob, VE3ILE; Ernest, VE3NSZ and John, VE3VGI), while Garry, VE3XN will try to activate the C.IS.A. islands. VK - From 27 to 30 July Bill, VK4FW will be active from Green Island (OC-172). Bill will participate in the IOTA Contest. VU - Due to some custom problems with Mani's equipment (VU2JPS), Jim, VK9NS has postponed the trip to Andaman islands (AS-001) [425DXN 265] to the first week of September. W - Due to last minute work scheduling conflicts, WQ5Y, KG5CM and K5LBU have been forced to cancel their Mustang Island (NA-092) IOTA Con- test operation [425DXN 269]. W - Debby, AA7RW will participate in the IOTA Contest from Guemes Island (NA-065). W - Bob, WB2DIN will try to participate in the IOTA Contest from the New Jersey State group (NA-111). QSL via home call (Bob Reed, 538 Brewers Bridge Road, Jackson, New Jersey 08527, USA). W - From 3 to 16 August (00.00-04.00 UTC and 12.00-15.00 UTC) Don, KE4PUC will be active in 10, 20 and 40 metres from Sunset Beach (NA- 112). QSL home call. W - Some memmbers of the Clay County DX Association will participate in the IOTA Contest from St. George island (NA-085) using the AE4SJ call. QSL via Gary Young, 3331 Wilderness Circle, Middleburg, FL 32068, USA. W - In late July and in August Howie, K1VSJ will be active from Martha's Vineyard (NA-046). He plans to participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL via home call. W - From 27 July to 3 August Jon, WB8YJF will be active from Ocracoke island (NA-067). He will participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL via home call. W - From 10 to 11 August W2OB will be active from Long Beach island (NA- 111). QSL via NU2F. W - From 10 to 11 August Adam, KE1BG and Jack, N1REU will be active from IOTA group NA-031. W - The commemorative station W4O is active from Atlanta during the XXVI Olympiad. YV - From 19 August to 9 September Moni, DL1SEN and Mike, DK2SEK will be active from Margarita island (SA-012) respectively as YV7/WH6DAG and YV7/AH6OM. YV - Steve, W4/YV5DTA will join the CQ WW RTTY Contest (28-29 September) as Single operator-Single band (20 metres) from Los Monjes archipe- lago (SA-015). Before the contest Steve will be active in CW while his father (Luigi, YV5ENI) will be active in SSB. If they do not go to Los Monjes, operations will take place from La Tortuga (SA-044). QSL via I2CBM. ************************ **************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************ QSL 5A1A (ITALIAN STATIONS) ---> Toly, UT3UY sent a copy of the logs to Maurizio, IK2ILH, who can therefore confirm the contacts made by Italian stations. Please send a SASE to Maurizio Galliani, Via Valvassori Peroni 83, 20133 Milano. The cards have been donated by 425 DX News, DELTA MIKE DX Group, IK2GAO and IK2MRZ. Financial support to Toly's effort can be sent to the address above. QSL 5A1A (JAPANESE STATIONS) ---> JA2JPA is the QSL manager for 5A1A (1995 operations by Toly, UT3UY) for Japanese stations. QSL 5A1A (U.S.A. STATIONS) ---> Toly, UT3UY sent a copy of the original paper logs and the computer disks to Bart, K4CEF, who in his turn will send them to Carl Smith, N4AA. The U.S. stations who have not QSLed so far either to the original European managers (OM3JW and LZ2UA) or to Toly himself (Anatoly Kirilenko, P.O. Box 439/3, Kiev-151, 252151 Ukraine), may therefore send their requests and a SASE to Carl. For those who want to help reimburse Toly a small amount for some of the financial commitments he assumed in order to put this country on, the "5A1A DXpedition" account is still open, and checks can be sent with your QSL requests to N4AA, or to K2ENT, or to W4BRE. /EX SB DX@WW $425WW273E 425 DX News #273 [5/7] 27 July 1996 No 273 BID: $425WW273E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== GIOIA MARCONI ---> On 17 July Gioia Marconi Braga, Guglielmo Marconi's dau- ghter, died in New York at 80 years of age. Born in London, she had studied in Italy. In 1954 she married the George Atkinson Braga and went to the US, where she worked for the NBC. In 1974 she founded the Marconi International Fellowship Council, for the development of scientific and cultural relation- ships between Italy and the Unites States. QSL 5R8EN ---> Jean-Michel, F6AJA has received 5R8EN's logs until 24 June 1996. QSL A92GD ---> The new address of K1SE, QSL manager of A92GD, is the follo- wing: P.O. Box 685, Manassas Park, Virginia 20113-0685, USA. QSL CY0TP ---> Wayne, VE1CBK is still working on the cards received from the United States and asks those still waiting to be patient. QSL EW1AAA ---> F6AML, QSL manager for EW1AAA (/EX-UC2AAA) has not received the logs for the EW10As operations and only some from EW1AAA. All the QSL re- ceived directly or via bureau have been sent to EW1AAA, to whom future requests should be sent (Valery Pristavko, P.O. Box 17, 220012 Minsk, Belarus). QSL FT5XL ---> F5NZO, QSL manager for FT5XL has replied to all the requests for the contacts of which he has the logs (QSOs until 13 February 1996). QSL GM0DEQ/P ---> Direct QSL requests for GM0DEQ/P's recent operations from the Shiant islands (EU-112) [425DXN 265] have all been posted. Bureau cards will be replied on receipt. QSL UK4YT ---> During his recent visit to Uzbekistan Karl, DL4YT/K4YT was active as UK4YT from Fedor's QTH, UK9AA [425DXN 267]. Karl's n/EXt trip to Ta- shkent is planned for September/October. QSL via DL4YT. QSL UT7W ---> Miro, UT7WZA reports that starting from 1 July 1996 the QSLs for UT7W go via WA3HUP. ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, I1OCQ, IK1MND, IK1TTD, IK1ZNM, I2IAU, IK2AEQ, IK2ILH, IK2MRZ, IK2PZC, IK2PZG, IV3AJZ, IV3DXW, IV3JWR, I4LCK, IK4CIE, IK4PKM, IK4XQM, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK7VEH, IK7VJX, IK8CJP, IK8DDN, IK8VRS, Brescia DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, A92GD, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DL3KUD, DL4YT/K4YT, DL6ET, DL7VOA, DL9GOA, EA3UJ, EA5KB, F5CCO, F6AJA, F6ELE, F5TGR,F5UII, G3NYY, G4BUE, GM0DEQ, HL1TUE, JA1ELY, JI6KVR, JO1CRA, K4CEF, N1REU, NL7TB, OH2BDP, PS7AB, PS7KM, PA3ASC, UT1WPR, VE1RU, VE3LKS, VE3VGI, VE7CC, W4BRE, W4/YV5DTA, W5VSZ, WD8MGQ, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY DX. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 425 DX NEWS QSL ROUTES *** Following many requests we have decided to start /EXperimentally a new service to help our readers to find managers and/or addresses of DX stations. The requests should be sent only to IK1GPG, who is responsibile for the QSL Managers/QSL Routes, via e-mail: Answers will be published in the bulletin. ***************************************************************************** /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! 425 WWW Page ---> ! ! INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: ! ! - under the /pub/ham/425news/english/ directory ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL: ! ! ! ! or sending a message to: ! ! writing in the body of the message: subscribe 425dxnews address ! ! where address is the e-mail address of the subscriber ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * ! ! TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 ! ! DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 ! ! SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ! ! ARRL HQ BBS USA : 860-594-0306 ! ! CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 ! ! HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 ! ! WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 ! ! JUNGLE BBS NZ : +64-3-524-8332 ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang /EX SB DX@WW $425WW273F 425 DX News #273 [6/7] 27 July 1996 No 273 BID: $425WW273F =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== **** CONTEST IOTA ****** =========================== The following stations are /EXpected to participate in the 1996 IOTA Contest (from 12 UTC of Satyrday 27 to 12 UTC of Sunday 28 July): EU-009 GM3POI: Orkney Is. 273 EU-009 GM/DL6MHW: Orkney Is. 273 EU-010 GM0PCA/p: Outer Hebrides 257 EU-010 GM3IZD/p: Grimsay Isl. 273 EU-023 9H3UD & 9H3UF: Gozo Isl. * by DL8OBC & DL4OCL 265 EU-023 9H0A * by 9H1EL, G3OZF, G4JVG 273 EU-030 OZ4FF: Bornholm Isl. 271 EU-032 F5PAC/p: Oleron Isl. * by F5PAC, F5PFT, F1TRE, F5UII 273 EU-040 CT: Berlenga Isl. * by Portuguse DX Group 259 EU-042 DL4FCH/p: Pellworm Isl. 269 EU-047 DH8FAP: Spiekeroog Isl. 269 EU-048 F/IK3GES/p: Belle Ile en Mer 271 EU-052 J48AFA: Zakinthos Isl. 271 EU-064 F/G3TTC/p: Noirmoutier Isl. 269 EU-065 F: Molene Isl. * by F6ELE & F6HKA 263 EU-066 R1/EU1FC & R1/EW1MA: Solovetskiye Is. 267 EU-075 SV8 * by SV1CID, SV1DPL 263 EU-078 ED3IM: Medas Is. 273 EU-080 ED1IMA: Monte Agudo Isl. 271 EU-091 ID7: Grande Isl. (EU-091) (IIA LE-002) * by Salento DX 259 EU-092 GM6Z: Summer Is. * by GM0LVI, GM0GAV, GM4EVS 273 EU-095 F5CCO/p & F5JSZ/p: Planier Isl. (DIFM ME-004) 255 EU-103 EJ5CRC: Saltee Isl. * by EI2HY & EI2IB 273 EU-107 TO8T: Les Sept Iles * by F5TGR, F5TJP, F5TMZ, ON4TH 273 EU-109 G0KJW: Lindisfarne Isl. 273 EU-111 GM5VG/p: Monach Isl. * by GM4FDM's team 273 EU-114 GU6D * by G3KHZ, G3SJJ, G3TMA 269 EU-120 G0WJF: Lundy Isl. * by K6ZH 249 EU-120 M6N: Wight isl.* by Radio Club Newbury 271 EU-121 EJ1D: Bere Isl. * by EI7CC's team 273 EU-121 EJ4GK: Dalkey Isl. * by EI4GK, EI9HQ, EI7GY, EI2EDB 273 EU-123 GM3USL/p: Cumbrae Isl. * by GM team 265 EU-123 GM0RTA/p: Arran Isl. 273 EU-124 GW6J: Anglesey Isl. * by WestNet DX Group 269 EU-124 MW6Z: Anglesey Isl. * by G4BWP, G3VMW, G5LP 269 EU-128 DL: Fehmarn Isl. * by DL3OCF, DJ3XG, DL4FCX 269 EU-129 DL0HRO/p: Usedom Isl. * DL team 273 EU-130 IL3: San Giuliano Isl. (IIA GO-005) * by IV3JWR's team 273 EU-131 IL3: Sant'Erasmo Isl. (IIA VE-015) by IK3 team 271 EU-138 SM4DDS/7: Senoren Isl. 273 EU-146 PA/VE3ZZ: Schouwen Duiveland Isl. 273 EU-150 CQ2I: Insua Isl. (DIP MI-001) * by CT1 team 269 EU-151 EA: Peneta del Moro * by EA5RKX's team 267 EU-155 IL4: Scanno di Piallazza Isl. (IIA FE-001) 271 AF-008 FT5WF/F5SKZ: Crozet 269 AS-004 5B4/DL5MX 265 AS-043 JH1UUT/1: Hachijo Isl. 273 AS-062 RK0FWL/p: Habomai Isl. * by RA0FY, RA0FW, RA0RU 273 AS-067 JI6KVR: Uji Is. 259 AS-080 HL0Y/3: Shapsi Isl. * by HL team 273 AS-095 RF0Z: Starichkova * by RA3DEJ 272 AS-102 BO0KS: Kin Men Isl. * by BV & JA team 263 NA-046 K1VSJ: Martha's Vineyard Isl. 273 NA-065 AA7RW: Guemes Isl. 273 NA-067 WB8YJF: Ocracoke Isl. 273 NA-083 N4OT/4: Gwynn Isl. 271 NA-085 AE4SJ: St. George Isl. * by Clay County DX Ass. 273 NA-076 W: Cedar Key * by KR4UJ & KR4DL 267 NA-102 FG: Marie Galante Isl. * by F6BUM & FG5HR 269 NA-111 WB2DIN 273 NA-112 W: Esmerald Is. * by WB4RMJ & WB4NFS 272 NA-126 XJ1CWI: Seal Isl. * by West Island Am. Radio Club 257 NA-127 VE1JS 267 NA-138 W5IJU: Amelia Isl. 271 NA-144 W6: San Miguel Isl. * by W6 team 257 NA-168 KB5KYO: Grand Isl. 271 OC-086 AH0AV 273 OC-097 5W0BS, 5W0DG, 5W0JB, 5W0KI, 5W0TR, 5W0BS * by K8 team 269 OC-133 9M6/G0OPB 269 OC-172 VK4FW: Green Isl. 273 SA-029 ZX1A (cw) & ZY1A (ssb): Grande Isl. 271 SA-046 ZX7XX: Itamaraca Isl. * by PY7XC 272 /EX SB DX@WW $425WW273G 425 DX News #273 [7/7] 27 July 1996 No 273 BID: $425WW273G ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 02/09 4S7BRG * by HB9BRM 265 till Sep 5R8EN * by F2JD 245 till 09/08 9H3UD & 9H3UF: Gozo Isl. * by DL8OBC & DL4OCL 265 till 28/07 D2PV, D2HB, D2AO * by DG1RPV, DL2RSI, DL4KAI 273 till August D4 * by IK3RIY & IK3ZAW 271 till ?? ID9/IK2GWO: Salina Isl. (EU-017) (IIA ME-015) 272 till December VK0WH: Macquarie 238 till mid Sep VP8BPZ: Falkland Is. * by DA4RG 253 till December ZD8DEZ * by G0DEZ 259 till July 97 ZS8IR: Marion Is. * by ZS6RI 263 25/07-08/08 NH6D/KH4 272 26/07-03/08 HL0Y/3: Shapsi Isl. (AS-080) * HL team 273 27/07-28/07 EA1JW/2: Isla La Moquera (DIEI HU-13) 273 27/07-28/07 IL3/IV3DXW: Isola del Lovo (IIA GO-022) 273 27/07-03/08 WB8YJF: Ocracoke Isl. (NA-067) 273 28/07 IY1TTM * by IK4XQM & IW4CNO 273 28/07-03/08 P4: Aruba * by AA6DC 273 29/07-30/07 FG: La Desirade Isl. (NA-102) * by F6BUM & FG5HR 269 29/07-12/08 IM0/IK2MRZ: EU-024 & EU-165 263 August 5A * by LZ1WR, LZ3HH, LZ1ZF, LZ1JO 271 August-September 9G * by OD5NJ 273 August IJ7: Della Malva Isl. (IIA LE-003) by Salento DX team 259 August R0/UT8LL: Ushakova Isl. (AS-???) ??? 267 01/08-04/08 OJ0: Market Reef * by OH team 273 02/08-04/08 9M6/G0OPB: OC-133 269 02/08-05/08 C9 * by JA6SJN, JG6BKB, JR6XIW 273 02/08-11/08 IG9/IK2PZC: Lampedusa (AF-019) (IIA AG-001) 273 03/08-04/08 EA1BT/p: Isla Garandones (DIEI ZA-40) 267 03/08-19/08 IM0/IK4HPU 273 03/08-05/08 IT9: Scuola Isl. (EU-166)(IIA TP-022) by IT9GNG,IT9FXY 271 03/08-16/08 KE4PUC: Sunset Beach (NA-112) 273 03/08 European HF Championship *** 03/08-04/08 YO DX Contest *** 04/08-07/08 GM3TQQ/p: Arran Isl. (EU-123) 273 04/08-03/08 ID9/I2IAU: Lipari Isl. (EU-017) (IIA ME-001) 273 04/08 IL6/IK6CGO: Sc. Le due Sorelle(IIA AN-002) by IK6 team 271 05/08-21/08 ID9/IK2AEQ: Lipari Isl. (EU-017) (IIA ME-001) 273 06/08-16/08 HI9/I4LCK: Cayo Levantado (NA-122) 273 06/08-31/08 IH9/IK8BIZ: Pantelleria Isl. (AF-018) 271 08/08-14/08 3D2: Fiji * by I5JHW 271 08/08-10/08 ID9/IK1MND: Vulcano Isl. (EU-017) (IIA ME-018) 273 08/08/11/08 JQ1SUO/JD1: Ogasawara 271 08/08-14/08 VK8CI: Croker Isl. (OC-???) * by VK8NSB 257 09/08 GM3TQQ/p: Great Cumbrae Isl. (EU-123) 273 09/08-11/08 ID7: Grande Isl. (EU-091) (IIA LE-002) * by Salento DX 259 10/08-11/08 EA1BT/p: Isla Olmillos (DIEI ZA-37) 267 10/08-14/08 FK * by JE5WIM 273 10/08-05/09 IM0/IK1TKS: EU-165 271 10/08-14/08 V63CO: Truk Isl. (OC-011) * by DJ9HX 271 10/08-11/08 W2OB: Long Beach Isl. (NA-111) 273 10/08-11/08 WAE DX Contest CW *** 11/08-31/08 IC8/IK2PZG: EU-031 273 12/08-end August EL * by K4YT/DL4YT ??? 273 12/08-25/08 FJ/I4ALU: Saint Barthelemy Isl. (NA-146) 273 12/08 IC8: Sc. Rovigliano (IIA NA-009) * by IK2PZG & IK8VVY 273 14/08-21/08 JD/7J1AYK: Ogasawara * by W5VSZ 273 14/08-19/08 OZ5RM/a & OZ/SM7KJH: Anholt Isl. (EU-088) 265 14/08-22/08 V63CO: Kosrae Isl. (OC-059) * by DJ9HX 271 14/08-20/08 ZK1sc: Rarotonga (OC-013) * by I5JHW 271 16/08-18/08 GW: St. Tudwel's Is. (EU-106) * by G8JM, G3NQT, G3JNJ 271 17/08-18/08 EA1BT/p: Isla Los Rompidos (DIEI ZA-38) 267 17/08-21/08 IH9/IK1MND: Pantelleria (AF-018) (IIA TP-001) 273 17/08-18/08 SARTG RTTY Contest *** 17/08-18/08 Seanet SSB Contest *** 18/08-25/08 KH4 * by AH0W/OH2LUG's team - Central Arizona DX Ass. 273 19/08 IC8: Procida Isl. (IIA NA-002) * by IK2PZG & IK8VRS 273 19/08-09/09 YV7/WH6DAG & YV7/AH6OM: Margarita Is. (SA-012) 273 20/08 IC8: Sc. Cannone (IIA NA-023) * by IK2PZG & IK8VRS 273 21/08-29/08 FO: Bora Bora (OC-067) * by I5JHW 271 21/08 IC8: Vivara Isl. (IIA NA-005) * by IK2PZG & IK8VRS 273 21/09-29/09 SV9/IK7VEH 273 August 3D2AG/p: Rotuma 271 August IM0/IK8HCH: Serpentara Isl. (EU-165) (IIA CA-015) 271 August IM0/IK8HCH: Varaglioni di Serpentara Isl.(EU-165) ??? 271 August J52IM * by KC9IM 271 early August VK: Ashmore Reef (OC-???) * by AA6LF ??? 267 early August W3GOI: Ocracoke Isl. (NA-067) 271 /EX