SB DXNEWS@WW $425WW271A 425 DX News # 271 [1/6] 13 July 1996 No 271 BID: $425WW271A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1GPG Translated by I1-21171 & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector ! ! (e-mail ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3DA - In October Dave, WJ2O should be active from Swaziland. 3D2 - From 8 to 14 August Gianni, I5JHW will be active from Fiji islands (OC-016). The operations will take place in SSB and CW from 10 to 40 metres, WARC bands included, using 100 watt and a vertical antenna. 3D2_R - In August Antoine, 3D2AG/P should be active (10-80 metres CW/RTTY) from Rotuma. 4L - The activity from South Georgia reported by Japan DX News [425DXN 267] is to be intended as a DXpedition in Georgia by a group of PA operators using the call 4L6PA. QSL via PA0TLX. 5A - In July or August LZ1WR, LZ3HH, LZ1ZF and LZ1JO should be active from 6 to 160 metres from Libia. 5N - W0AW (ex N0AFW) and N9NS will participate in the CQ SSB Contest (26-27 October) from 5N9KWO's QTH. 5W - KG8CO,KB8ECG,K8AQM,N8CC and KG8DS will be operating in the IOTA con- test from 5W as 5W0BS. 5V - The VooDoo Contest Group (AA7NO, G3SXW, G4FAM, GM3YTS, K5VT, K7GE, KC7V, N7BG, W6RGG and WB7SRW) is planning the participation in CQ WW CW Contest (23-24 November) from Togo in the multi-multi category (six stations and 17 antennas will be installed!). The 5V5A call has been requested and it is possible that before the contest the opera- tors will be active on WARC bands and on 160 metres with their call- signes. QSL via GM4AGL. 8Q - From 22 to 31 October Josep, EA3BT and his wife Nuria EA3AOK will be active in SSB, RTTY and CW (WARC bands included) from Maldive re- spectively as 8Q7BT and 8Q7OK. They plans to participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. QSL via EA3BT (Josep Gibert, P.O. Box 366, 08800 Vilanova i la Geltru, Spain). CY9 - Don, VE1AOE and Ken, VE1RU are organizing a DXpedition to Saint Paul Island for September. D4 - From 21 July Veronica, IK3ZAW and Martino, IK3RIY will be at Cape Verde, from where they hope to be active, mainly on 20 metres SSB from some local amateur's station. EA - From 25 to 28 July the Kastrelos Kontest Team will be active as ED1IMA (in CW and SSB from 10 to 80 metres) from Monte Agudo island (EU-080). They will participate in IOTA Contest. QSL via EA1FDG. F - Gabriele, IK3GES will participate in IOTA Contest from Belle Ile en Mer (DIFM AT-015; EU-048). F - From 15 to 22 September the special station TM2JP will be active in CW on all bands during the visit of pope John Paul II. FM - From 11 tol 18 July Dave, WJ2O will be active on all bands from Mar- tinique (NA-107) as FM/WJ2O. Dave will participate in IARU HF World Championship and outside of the contests he will work mainly in CW on WARC bands. QSL via home call. FO - FO0ALE (QSL via CX3AN), FO0CAA (QSL via CX3CE) and FO0REB (QSL via CX4CR) are active from Moorea (OC-046). FO - From 21 to 29 August Gianni I5JHW will be active from Bora Bora (OC- 067). The operations will take place in SSB and CW from 10 to 40 me- tres, WARC bands included, using 100 watt and a vertical antenna. FO - From 9 to 14 October Joel, F5JJW will be active in SSB as FO0SUC from Rurutiu (OC-050). FO - From 14 to 19 October Joel, F5JJW will be active in SSB as FO0SUC from Tubuai (OC-152). FT_W - After a few weeks of QRT, Samuel, FT5WE is again active from Crozet [425DXN 239]. Samuel will try to work expecially in RTTY, but, as he is suffering from noise problems, he will use a battery with an autonomy of only 60-90 minutes. Samuel wants to participate in the IOTA Contest, probably using Jean-Jacques's (FT5WF) call. TO BE CONTINUED IN PART TWO /EX SB DXNEWS@WW $425WW271B 425 DX News # 271 [2/6] 13 July 1996 No 271 BID: $425WW271B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1GPG Translated by I1-21171 & IK1ADH PART TWO G - Steve, G4JVG will be active in SSB on all bands during the IARU HF World Championship using the call G6W. QSL via home call. G - M6Z will join allo IARU HF World Championship. QSL via G4BWP. G - The activity of the Newbury Radio Club from Island of Wight during the IOTA Contest [425DXN 261] will take place using the call M6N. QSL via G3WOI. G - The 20 and 21 July the special station GB80CS will be active to ce- lebrate the 80th years of cubs and scouts. QSL via G0RJX. GM - From 31 August to 1 September Terry, G0LUQ will be active on 20 and 160 metres from Arran island (EU-123) as GM0LUQ. All the logged QSO will automatically be confirmed via bureau. GM - From 3 to 12 September Terry, G0LUQ will be active on 20 and 160 me- tres from Skye Island (EU-008) as GM0LUQ. All the logged QSO will automatically be confirmed via bureau. GM - From 13 to 15 September Terry, G0LUQ will be active on 20 and 160 metres from Lewis Island (EU-010) as GM0LUQ. All the logged QSO will automatically be confirmed via bureau. GW - The operations by G8JM, G3NQT and G3JNJ from St.Tudwal's islands (EU-106), planned from 28 to 30 June [425DXN 265], have been post- poned to August due bad weather conditions. GW - The WESTNET DX Group will be qrv from the Island of Anglesey, off the coast of North Wales (EU-124) during the IOTA contest (27-28 Ju- ly) using the call GW6J. QSL via GW4VEQ. HB0 - Until 16 July, Aurelio (PA3EZL), Robert (PA3FXW), Martijn (PA3GFE), Johan (PE1NEX), Michel (PE1NVK) and Jons (PQ1PRG) will be active as HB0/PI4TUE. The operations will take place in SSB/CW/RTTY on all the HF bands, in VHF and UHF. HH - David, HH5HK is often QRV around 12.45 UTC on 14.160 MHz. QSL via W3RM. HS - Starting from about 15 September, Fred (K3ZO) will be active as HS0ZAR for three or four weeks. QSL via K3ZO. HZ - Mike, 7Z5OO is currently in United States and he will be active again starting from 16 September. QSL via W1AF. I - The 4 August (or the 11 August in case of rain) IK6CGO, IK6RHT and IK6ATS will be active on 20 and 40 metres SSB as IL6/IK6CGO from Le Due Sorelle reef (IIA AN-002). QSL via IK6CGO (Gianni Bonfigli, P.O.Box 19, 62029 Tolentino - MC, Italy) also via bureau. I - From 6 to 31 August Roberto, IK8BIZ will spend his vacations in Pan- telleria (AF-018, IIA TP-001), from where he will be active mainly in CW. Some activations from minor islands are also possible. I - Domenica 7 July the stations IL3/IV3EXW and IL3/IV3DXW were active respectively from Gorgo (EU-130, IIA GO-012) and Villa Nova (EU-130, IIA GO-020) islands. I - Domenica 14 July, if weather conditions permit, I2MWZ and K1NEG will be active as IP1/IK1NEG from Padre Vecchio reef (IIA SP-??). QSL via IK1NEG (Gabriele Rocchi, Via Argine Destro 303, 18100 Imperia). I - IK4HPU and IK4GRO will participate at IOTA Contest from Scanno di Piallazza (EU-155). QSL via IK2HTW. I - IK3SSJ, IK3STG and IK3RIT will participate at IOTA Contest from Sant'Erasmo (EU-131, IIA VE-015). QSL via IK3SSJ. I - From 3 to 5 August IT9GNG and IT9FXY will be active from La Scuola island (EU-166; IIA TP-022). IS0 - On 14 July the Roberto, IS0JMA's team will try again to be active from Razzoli island (EU-041; IIA SS-011). Sunday 7 July the planned activity from Razzoli [425DXN 270] was cancelled due to bad weather condition and IM0JMA's operations took place from Praratora island (EU-024; IIA NU-011). IS0 - The activity by Davide, IK1TKS from EU-165 [425DXN 261] is planned from 10 August to 5 September. IS0 - During the first half of August, Gianni IK8HCH hopes to activate for 4-5 days, if weather permits, Serpentara island (EU-165; IIA CA-015) and if possible Variglioni di Serpentara (EU-165; IIA CA-029). IS0 - During the morning of 14 July IM0/IK6CGO/P will be active from Mad- dalena island (EU-041, IIA SS-001). In the afternoon Gianni will be in Caprera (EU-041, IIA SS-005). QSL via IK6CGO (Gianni Bonfigli, P.O.Box 19, 62029 Tolentino - MC, Italy) also via the bureau. JD1_O - From 8 to 11 August JQ1SUO/JD1 will be active (mainly on 20 meters during the local night hours) from Ogasawara. QSL via home call. TO BE CONTINUED IN PART THREE /EX SB DXNEWS@WW $425WW271C 425 DX News # 271 [3/6] 13 July 1996 No 271 BID: $425WW271C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1GPG Translated by I1-21171 & IK1ADH PART THREE OD - For the coming four months F5PWT will be active again as OD5/F5PWT. He is mainly on 21.186, 18.137 and 14.132 MHz. OH0 - From 13 to 23 July Albert OH0/HB9BCK will be active in CW and SSB from Aland islands. OX - From 28 October to 14 November the operators of the Danish Inter- nationel Police Association Section will be active as OX3IPA from Nuuk, Greenland. The operations will take place mainly in CW, from 10 to 160 metres. QSL via OZ5AAH. OZ - Karsten, OZ4FF will participate in IOTA Contest Bornholm island (EU- 030). P5 - Laci, HA0HW reports that on 11 July Sanyi, HA7RJ got the reply to his application for a licence [425DXN 270]. The letter from the North Ko- rean minister of Post and Telecommunications reads as follows: "Your letter informed me that you serve good purposes however I required to inform to you that I can not give you positive answer". The P5 sta- tions that have been recently spotted should therefore be considered as pirates. PA - From 24 to 31 August David, ON4BDS and Tobi, DL5NEJ will be active from Texel islands (EU-038) and Duiveland (EU-146). The operations will take place on all HF bands (except 160 metres) in CW, SSB and probably also in RTTY. QSL via ON4BDS, also via bureau. PY - Two stations will be active during the IOTA Contest from Grande Isl. (SA-029): ZX1A (CW) and ZY1A (SSB). QSL via PY1SL SV - From 26 July to 15 August, during an ecologic expedition to Zakin- thos (EU-052) to defende marine turtles, the special station J48AFA will be active in SSB and CW from 10 to 160 metres. QSL via SV1CIB (Dimitris Lianos, P.O.Box 127, Agrinion 30100, Greece). TY - Glenn (W6OTC), Eddie (G0AZT), Steve (KE6FV) and Ray (WF1B) will participate in CQWW/DX RTTY Contest (28-29 September) using the call TY1RY in the multi-single category.Before the contest it is possible a CW and SSB activity also on WARC bands. QSL via Eddie Schneider, P.O.Box 5194, Richmond, CA 94805 USA. V5 - The 17 July Gary, WA1JBB (that was active for three years from Gam- bia as C53HG) will move to Namibia, from where he should be active from September. V6 - From 7 August to 4 September Uwe, DJ9HX will be active as V63CO from Micronesia. The date of his operations are about as follows: from 10 to 14 August, Truk (OC-011); from 14 to 22 August, Kosrae (OC-059); from 22 to 27 August, Pohnpei (OC-010); from 28 August to 1 Septem- ber, Yap (OC-012). QSL via bureau to DJ9HX. VE - Rudi, VE9RHS, activated the 15 of June, Treasure Island in the pro- vince of New Brunswick, valid for the Canadian Islands Award Pro- gram. Over the next few weeks he will be going to NB007, Centennial Island, and will be activating Cocagne Island and Shediac Island as brand new ones. More on dates of activations soon. VP5 - Until 15 July Joe, VP5/W3HNK will be active in all modes/all bands. VP5 - From 14 to 28 July VP5/I0LL will be active in all modes/all bands. VR6 - Meralda, VR6MW is active in RTTY from Pitcairn. W - In early August John, W3GOI will be active for one week from Ocraco- ke island (NA-067). W - W1AW, the station of the ARRL H.Q., will be active as W1AW/3 from W3LPL's QTH during the IARU HF World Championshp. W - From 26 to 28 July N4OT/4 will be active from Gwynn Island (the be- long of this island to the IOTA group NA-083 is still to verify). During the IOTA Contest he will probably work CW only (mainly on 20 and 40 metres), outside the Contest he will be active in SSB. QSL QSL via home call (Andrew D. Harris, 11981 William and Mary Circle, Woodbridge, VA 22192-1314, USA). W - W5IJU will participate in IOTA Contest from Amelia Island (NA-138). W - From 24 to 28 July, KB5KYO will be QRV from Grande Isl. (NA-0168). W - The 20 and 21 July AB5EB, AB5EA and N5FTR will be active from Tim- balier island (NA-119) and will give particular attention to con- tacts with Europe on 40 metres CW. YJ - Ron, ZL1AMO, is active from Vanuato as YJ0ARW. QSL via ZL1AMO. YK - Marco, VE3MJQ/YK will be active for other two months from the Golan Heights. QSL via home call. ZK1_sc - From 14 to 20 August Gianni I5JHW will be active from Rarotonga (OC- 013). The operations will take place in SSB and CW from 10 to 40 metres, WARC bands included, using 100 watt and a vertical antenna. ZL9 - The Ron, ZL2TT's team has started to prepare the operations from Auckland and Campbell, planned for January/February 1999 using the call ZL9CI. TO BE CONTINUED IN PART FOUR /EX SB DXNEWS@WW $425WW271D 425 DX News # 271 [4/6] 13 July 1996 No 271 BID: $425WW271D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1GPG Translated by I1-21171 & IK1ADH PART FOUR ************************ **************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************ 9U5CW ---> In nine days of activity from 9U5CW's QTH [425DXN 267], Peter (ON6TT/5X1T) and Alfredo (EA1FH/9U5CW) logged more than 3,000 QSO, 350 of which in RTTY, 42 on 160 metres and 233 on 80 metres. Peter left in Burundi (until the end of August) a vertical for low bands as 9U on 80 and 160 metres is more wanted than Uganda. JD1BIE ---> In 1993-94 JD1BIE was in both Minami Torishima (from 26 October 1993 to 26 January 1994 and again from 25 March to 5 April 1994) and in Oga- sawara (from 26 January 1994 to 25 March 1994 and again from 5 April to 29 November 1994). Now his call is JE4RHL (Shigeaki Miyamae 3-13-28-1 Monzen-ma- chi, Iwakuni, Yamaguchi 740, Japan) and JA8FCG is no more the QSL manager. MARION ISLAND ---> Until 5 July Chris, ZS8IR, logged 3670 QSO, working 113 Countries, 48 ITU and 35 CQ Zones. Chris doesn't like nets and is active in SSB/CW/RTTY on HF bands and 6 metres. PALESTINE ---> An operation, which was linked with a United Nations aid project, took place from the Gaza Strip from 14-22 June. The operators, who signed their homecalls /ZC6, were JA1UT, JA1UPA, JA8CDG, JA8RUZ/KH2Y, and G3NOM. Some 6,000 QSOs were made mainly on 40, 20 and 15 metres (CW/SSB/RTTY) Ray, G3NOM reports that "it may be of interest to note, from the DXCC point of view, that the Palestine Authority has a National Assembly, issues its own passports and postage stamps, has its own police force and judicial system" and that "the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications is the authority that assigns frequencies and licences for telecommunications services in Palestine The regulations for the amateur radio service are already established, three Palestine nationals have been licensed and arrangements have been made to set up an amateur radio station (ZC6MPT) in the MPT headquarters (equipment and antennasss have been donated by the JA1UT group)". POSTAL PROBLEMS ---> Nodir, EY8MM reports that amateurs resident in some ex- USSR republics (Kirghiz, EX; Tadzhikistan, EY; Kazakhstan, UN) have problems with local post. Nodir suggests to use the bureau, but for direct requests he suggests to not send green stamps but 2 IRCs (air mail costs are about 90 90 cents for EX, 72 cents for EY and 72 cents for UN) and to not use SAE but pre-addressed stickers. For further information contact EY8MM (Nodir M. Tur- soon-Zadeh, P.O.Box 303, Dushanbe, 734001 Tajikistan, CIS or via e-mail: QSL 4J1FS ---> The QSL managers for the activities from Malyj Vysotskij are the following: 4J1FS (1988), QSL via OH2RF; 4J1FS (1989), QSL via OH5NZ; 4J1FS (1991), QSL via OH2BU; 4J1FS (1992), QSL via OH2BU; 4J1FW and 4J1FW (1992), QSL via AH0W/OH2LVG. QSL CY0NSM ---> Ken, VE1RU reports that he has no more cards to process for this station (last bureau QSL were sent on 10 June). QSL II3R ---> QSLs for this station active during the main contests go to IV3TMV. QSL II3ARI ---> QSLs for this special station go to IK3GES. QSL KG4MN ---> The QSL manager for this station is not WB2RAJ but Bob WB2YQH. For those who already sent the QSL to WB2RAJ it is not necessary to send du- pes to Bob, while WB2RAJ will give him the envelopes received. QSL OD5PN ---> Norby, LX9EG (Norbert Oberweis, 5, Cite Oricher-Hoehl, L-8036 Strassen, Luxembourg) reports that he has the complete log of Jamil, OD5PN starting from from 27 July 1995. QSL S92SS ---> The address for QSLs is: Charles L. Lewis P.O. Box 522, Sao Tome, Sao Tome and Principe, West Africa. QSL UN7JX ---> N2AU is not the QSL manager for Nick, to which QSLs go via his CBA. QSL V29SW ---> DL1HH is no more the QSL manager for this station. QSLs go to Wolfgang Stock, P.O.BOX W170, Woods Centre St. John's, Antigua. TO BE CONTINUED IN PART FIVE /EX SB DXNEWS@WW $425WW271E 425 DX News # 271 [5/6] 13 July 1996 No 271 BID: $425WW271E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1GPG Translated by I1-21171 & IK1ADH PART FIVE QSL VK9CR & VK9XY ---> Rudi, DK7NP reports that he mailed all the direct QSLs (more than 2500) for the VK9CR and VK9XY operations. Also the few (until now) bureau requests have already been replied. QSL XN8DXA ---> Ken, VE1RU reports to have replied to all the direct and bu- reau requests (17 June). QSL ZL8RI ---> The QSLs for the ZL8RI DXpedition to Raoul Island (Kermadec islands) have arrived in New Zealand from Japan, They are being written out now and the manager's objective is to post all cards out on 29 July. QSL ZS5HAM ---> QSLs for this special station (activated on 22 June by the Highway Amateur Radio Club of Durban, South Africa to honour Old Timers amateurs) go via bureau. SEANET CONVENTION ---> The 1996 SEANET Convention will be held November 22-24 in Madras, India. The convention (organized by the Madras Amateur Radio So- ciety) has been carefully planned to build relationships and camaraderie among attendants. For further information send a request to Gaja, VU2GJR (P.O Box 1127, Madras, India 600 010) or e-mail to UZBEKISTAN BUREAU ---> The new Uzbek Radioamateur Federation address is P.O. Box 0, Tashkent 700000, Uzbekistan, CIS. UZBEKSITAN CONTEST CALLS ---> The calls UK7F (QSL via W3HNK) and UK0A (QSL via DL4YT/K4YT) will be respectively used by UK8FF and UK9AA during main con- tests. QSL received via direct: 3B8/DK1RP, 3C1DX, HS0/IK4MRH (AS-053), IB0/IK0QDB (EU-045; IIA LT-013), KH4/NH6D, LZ0A (WABA LZ-02), R1MVI, S0A, XU6WV, YI9CW, ZS64RI (AF-064) QSL received via WF5E DX QSL service: 5X4F, BV9P, R1FJZ, S21AR, ZK1PN ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, I5FLN, I5JHW, IK1NEG, IK1TKS, IK1IYU, IK3GES, IK3SSJ, IK3ZAW, IK4HPU, IK6CGO, IK7AFM, IK8BIZ, IK8CJP, IK8HCH, IT9GNG, IS0JMA, IV3TMV, IV3DXW, Bre- scia DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, AB5EB, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DJ9HX, DK9IP, DL7VOA, DL9GOA, EA3BT, EA5KB, EY8MM, F5TGR, F6AJA, G3NOM, G3NYY, G3SXW, G4BUE, HA0HW, JH1ORA, JI6KVR, NL7TB, ON4BDS, OZ4FF, PS7AB, PS7KM, SV1CIB, VE7CC, W5IJU, W6/G0AZT, W9DC, WB2YQH, WD8MGQ, ZL2TT, ZS1AFZ, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY DX. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 425 DX NEWS QSL ROUTES *** Following many requests we have decided to start experimentally a new service to help our readers to find managers and/or addresses of DX stations. The requests should be sent only to IK1GPG, who is responsibile for the QSL Managers/QSL Routes, via e-mail: Answers will be published in the bulletin. ***************************************************************************** /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! 425 WWW Page ---> ! ! INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: ! ! - under the /pub/ham/425news/english/ directory ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL: ! ! ! ! or sending a message to: ! ! writing in the body of the message: subscribe 425dxnews <address> ! ! where <address> is the e-mail address of the subscriber ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * ! ! TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 ! ! DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 ! ! SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ! ! ARRL HQ BBS USA : 860-594-0306 ! ! CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 ! ! HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 ! ! WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 ! ! JUNGLE BBS NZ : +64-3-524-8332 ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang /EX SB DXNEWS@WW $425WW271F 425 DX News #271 [6/6] 13 July 1996 No 271 BID: $425WW271F ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 02/09 4S7BRG * by HB9BRM 265 till Sep 5R8EN * by F2JD 245 till 14/07 FG/F6FUM & FG5HR 269 till ?? FO0ALE, FO0CAA, FO0REB: Moorea Isl. (OC-046) 271 till 16/-6 HB0 * by PA team 271 till 16/07 P40Z * by AA7VB 269 till 30/08 SV9, SV8 (EU-052, 075), SV1 (EU-060) by SV1CID, SV1DPL 263 till December VK0WH: Macquarie 238 till 15/07 VP5/W3HNK 271 till mid Sep VP8BPZ: Falkland Is. * by DA4RG 253 till ?? YJ0ARW * by ZL1AMO 271 till December ZD8DEZ * by G0DEZ 259 till 17/07 ZD8Z * by N6TJ 269 till 21/07 ZK1AAU,ZK1AGW,ZK1MJZ: Rarotonga Isl. (OC-013)-So.Cook 267 till July 97 ZS8IR: Marion Is. * by ZS6RI 263 10/07-25/08 OX/G3WUX/qrp 259 11/07-18/07 FM/WJ2O 271 12/07-20/07 DU2INT: Babuyan Isl. (OC-092) * by DU2/N3GKY 267 12/07-18/07 KG4GC * KQ4GC 269 13/07-14/07 G6W * by G4JVG 271 13/07-20/07 HB0 * by F6ELE, F1PNA, F6HKA 263 13/07-20/07 KD8JN/4; Hatteras Isl. (NA-067) 267 13/07/14/07 M6Z * by G4BWP 271 13/07-23/07 OH0/HB9BCK 271 13/07-14/07 V26B 269 13/07-14/07 W1AW/3 271 13/07-14/07 IARU HF World Championship *** 13/07-14/07 World Radiosport Team Championship 1996 (San Francisco)261 14/07-27/07 HB0 * by DL1JBN, DL3JSW, DK5YY 265 14/07 IM0JMA: Razzoli Isl. (EU-041) (IIA SS-011) 271 14/07 IM0/IK6CGO: Maddalena Isl. (EU-041) (IIA SS-001) 271 14/07 IM0/IK6CGO: Caprera Isl. (EU-041) (IIA SS-005) 271 14/07 IP1/IK1NEG: Scoglio Padre Vecchio (IIA SV-???) 271 14/07-28/07 VP5/I0LL 271 15/07-21/07 FG: Les Saintes Is. (NA-114) * by F6FUM & FG5HR 269 17/07-19/07 KH6: Maui Isl. * by N8CC, K8AQM, KG8CO 269 17/07-22/07 PR5L & ZV5AVM: Anhatomorin Isl. (SA-026) (DIB 22) 267 18/07-01/08 5B4/DL5MX 265 18/07-21/07 EA: Portitxol Isl. (EU-093) * by EA5AHK & EA5AFF 263 18/07-21/07 4M5LR: Los Roques Is. (SA-035) * by YV team 267 18/07-20/07 A.R.A.R.M. Convention 253 19/07-09/08 DL4FCH/p: Pellworm Isl. (EU-042) 269 20/07-21/07 AB5EB, AB5EA, N5FTR: Timbalier Isl. (NA-119) 271 20/07-21/07 GB80SC * special event station 271 20/07-24/07 KH8: Ofu Isl.(OC-077) by N8CC,K8AQM,K8AQM,KG8DS,KB8ECG 269 20/07-31/07 R1/EU1FC & R1/EW1MA: Solovetskiye Is. (EU-066) 267 20/07-21/07 VE: La Madeleine Isl. (NA-038) * by N6JM 267 20/07-21/07 Seanet CW Contest *** 21/07-August D4 * by IK3RIY & IK3ZAW 271 21/07-28/07 FG: Maria Galante Isl. (NA-102) * by F6FUM & FG5HR 269 21/07 GM: North Rona Isl. (EU-010) * by G4WSB 269 22/07-09/08 9H3UD & 9H3UF: Gozo Isl. * by DL8OBC & DL4OCL 265 22/07-10/08 IJ7: Grande Isl. (EU-091) (IIA LE-002) * by Salento DX 259 23/07-30/07 GM0PCA/p: Outer Hebrides (EU-010) 257 24/07-29/07 5W0BS, 5W0DG, 5W0JB, 5W0KI, 5W0TR, 5W0BS * by K8 team 269 24-07/28/07 KB5KYO: Grand Isl. (NA-168) 271 25/07-28/07 9M6/G0OPB: OC-133 269 25/07-28/07 ED1IMA: Monte Agudo Isl. (EU-080) 271 25/07-29/07 F: Molene Isl. (EU-065) * by F6ELE & F6HKA 263 25/07-01/08 VE: Seal Isl. (NA-126) * by West Island Am. Radio Club 257 26/07-29/07 BO0KS: Kin Men Isl. (AS-102) * by BV & JA team 263 26/07-29/07 CT: Insua Isl. (EU-150) (DIP MI-001) * by CT1 team 269 26/07-05/08 DH8FAP: Spiekeroog Isl. (EU-047) 269 26/07-28/07 DL: Fehmarn Is. (EU-128) * by DL3OCF, DJ3XG, DL4FCX 269 26/07-15/08 J48AFA: Zakinthos Isl. (EU-052) 271 26/07-28/07 N4OT/4: Gwynn Isl. (NA-083) 271 26/07-29/07 W6: San Miguel Isl. (NA-144) * by W6 team 257 27/07-28/07 CT: Berlenga Isl. (EU-040) * by Portuguse DX Group 259 27/07-28/07 F: Les Sept Iles (EU-107) * by F5TGR,F5TJP,F5TMZ,ON4TH 267 27/07-28/07 F5CCO/p & F5JSZ/p: Planier Isl. (EU-095) (DIFM ME-004) 255 27/07-28/07 F5PAC/p: Oleron Isl. (EU-032) 269 27/07-28/07 F/G3TTC/p: Noirmountier Isl. (EU-064) 269 27/07-28/07 F/IK3GES/p: Belle Ile eu Mer (EU-048) 271 27/07-28/07 FT5WF/F5SKZ: Crozet 269 27/07-28/07 G0WJF: Lundy Isl. (EU-120) * by K6ZH 249 27/07-28/07 GU6D * by G3KHZ, G3SJJ, G3TMA 269 27/07-28/07 GM3USL/p: Cumbrae Isl. (EU-123) 265 27/07-28/07 GW4VEQ: EU-124 * Westnet DX Group 249 27/07-28/07 GW6J: Anglesey Isl. (EU-124) * by WestNet DX Group 269 27/07-28/07 IL3: Sant'Erasmo Isl. (EU-131) (IIA VE-015)by IK3 team 271 27/07-28/07 IL4: Scanno di Piallazza Isl. (EU-155) (IIA FE-001) 271 27/07-28/07 JI6KVR: Uji Is. (AS-067) 259 27/07-28/07 M6N: Island of Wight (EU-120) * by Radio Club Newbury 271 27/07-28/07 MW6Z: Anglesey Isl. (EU-124) * by G4BWP, G3VMW, G5LP 269 27/07-28/07 OZ4FF: Bornholm Isl. (EU-030) 271 27/07-28/07 VE1JS: NA-127 267 27/07-28/07 W: Cedar Key (NA-076) * by KR4UJ & KR4DL 267 27/07-28/07 W: Mustang Isl. (NA-092) * by WQ5Y, K5LBU, KG5CM 269 27/07-28/07 W5IJU: Amelia Isl. (NA-138) 271 27/07-28/07 ZX1A (cw) & ZY1A (ssb) : Grande Isl. (SA-029) 271 27/07-28/07 IOTA Contest *** /EX