DX425 bulletin issue nr. 270

SB DX@WW $425WW270A
425 DX News #270 [1/7]
 6 July 1996                      No 270                     BID: $425WW270A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                                  Edited by
                               I1JQJ  & IK1GPG
                                Translated by
                              I1-21171 & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@fileita.it - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)             !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

5R    - Gerard F2JD/5R8EN will be on  Nosy Be island  (AF-057) for three  or
        four days starting from 4 July.  It is not  a DXpedition but  Gerard
        will try to be active during his spare time on 20 (14.010 and 14.260
        MHz) and  15 (21.010  and 21.260  MHz) metres  as 5R8EN/p.  QSL  via
6W    - During the weekend the station 6V1A will be active from Goree Island
        (AF-045). QSL via 6W6JX.
9A    - 9A3LO, 9A3NU,  9A4NA,  9A4SP and  9A6LFY  (from  Split  Radio  Club,
        9A1AKL) are active (all bands CW/SSB) from Palagruza island (EU-090)
        as 9A2A and 9A8P. The operations started on 4 July and should go  on
        for a week. QSL via 9A1AKL.
CT    - On Saturday, 6 July, the CQ2A team [425DXN 267] will be active  from
        Ilha Leziria International. (DIP BA-17). QSL via CT4UW.
DL    - DL7VOX is active (mainly CW) from EU-128.
EA    - On 7 July, from 6  to 11 UTC,  a group of  operators from the  Radio
        Club of the University of Palencia will be active as ED1RUP from the
        island Quintana del Puente (DIEI P-09). QSL via EA1JK.
F     - On 6 and  7 July F5PVX  will be active  in SSB as  TM5R from  Rousse
        (also named Pierreplanne, DIFM ME-036) island.
F     - During the weekend Derek  F5VCR/P will be  active from Venan  island
        (DIF MA-090).
F     - During  the  weekend  the  station  TM5H will  be active from Hoedec
        island (EU-048; DIFM AT-017). QSL via F6SUL.
F     - During the weekend ON5JE and F5MQB  will be active from  Noirmoutier
        island (EU-064).
FR/T  - On 22 and 15 June Henry, FR5ZQ was spotted /T from Tromelin  [425DXN
I     - During the  weekend  Luca, IK0QDB  and  Maurizio, IK0ZAR  (Crazy  DX
        Group) will be  IB0/ from Faraglioni  di Calzone  Muto (EU-045,  IIA
I     - IL7/IK6CAC is active from Tremiti islands (EU-050).
IS0   - On 7 July, weather permitting, a  group of operators from ARI  Olbia
        will be active as IM0JMA from  Razzoli island (EU-041, IIA  SS-011).
        QSL via IS0JMA (Roberto Alaimo, P.O.Box  41, 07026 Olbia-SS,  Italy)
        also through the bureau.
OZ    - OZ/DL3HBG is active from EU-088.
P5    - Some two weeks ago [425DXN 267]  Sanyi, HA7VK stated that  presently
        there are no chances to get an amateur radio licence in North Korea.
        The latest news is that Sanyi has at all events applied to the local
        authorities in order to  be granted permission  to operate with  100
        watts on 20 and 15 metres CW/SBB,  between 6 and 14 July. Sanyi  has
        applied for a P51VK or P5/HA7VK call (QSL via HA0HW).

              425 DX NEWS NR.268: ERRATA CORRIGE (TNX DL5KZA)

5V5HR     via DL7UBA      ===>     5V7HR     via DL7UBA
9M3VR     via DL7VRO      ===>     9H3VR     via DL7VRO
9Q5AQD    via SM0AGD      ===>     9Q5AGD    via SM0AGD
9Q5TE     via SM5BFJ      ===>     9Q5TE     via SM0BFJ
A45ZN     via ZS1D        ===>     PIRATE
DX9C      via OH2BH       ===>     DX9C      via DU9RG
IU1L      via IK7NLZ      ===>     IU1L      via IK1NLZ
OD5MM     via HB9CYR      ===>     OD5MM     via HB9CYH
S02R      via EA5JR       ===>     S02R      via EA2JG
T32LN     via AA6BB       ===>     T32LN     via VK4FW
YL8M      via YK2KL       ===>     YL8M      via YL2KL
YM3DL     via DL4BVP      ===>     YM3DL     via DL4VBP
WB3DNA ---> Tim is NOT the QSL manager for the following stations: CP6EE,
NW8F ---> Cecil is NOT the QSL manager for the following stations: J52UAI,
SB DX@WW $425WW270B
425 DX News #270 [2/7]
 6 July 1996                      No 270                     BID: $425WW270B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ** I.I.A.  LIST [UA-ZZ] **

UD-001  Isola dei Bioni (26)                 Friuli       ?  Y    ?
UD-002  Isola di San Pietro (27)             Friuli       ?  Y    ?
UD-003  Isola Sant'Andrea                    Friuli       Y  Y  EU-130
UD-004  Isola Marinetta                      Friuli       Y  Y  EU-130
UD-005  Isola Martignano                     Friuli       Y  Y  EU-130
VE-001  (ex Forte) San Secondo               Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-002  Campalto                             Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-003  (ex Batteria) Tessera                Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-004  Murano                               Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-005  (ex Batteria) Carbonera              Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-006  San Giacomo in Palude                Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-007  Madonna del Monte                    Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-008  Buel del Lovo                        Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-009  Mazzorbo                             Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-010  Burano                               Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-011  Torcello                             Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-012  Santa Cristina                       Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-013  La Salina                            Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-014  La Cura                              Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-015  Sant'Erasmo                          Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-016  San Francesco nel Deserto            Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-017  Le Vignole                           Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-018  La Certosa                           Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-019  San Servolo                          Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-020  San Lazzaro degli Armeni             Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-021  Lazzaretto Vecchio                   Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-022  San Giorgio Maggiore                 Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-023  La Grazia                            Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-024  La Giudecca                          Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-025  San Clemente                         Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-026  Sacca Sessola                        Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-027  Santo Spirito                        Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-028  Poveglia                             Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-029  Campana (ex Batteria Podo o          Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
        Forte di Sopra)
VE-030  (ex Batteria) Poveglia (o            Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
        Forte di Mezzo)
VE-031  (ex Batteria) Fisolo (o              Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
        Forte di Sotto)
VE-032  Lido                                 Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-033  Pellestrina                          Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-034  (ex Forte) Sant'Angelo della         Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-035  San Giorgio in Alga                  Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-036  Isola delle Tresse (o Trezze)        Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-037  (ex Ridotto di) Crevan               Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-038  Lazzaretto Nuovo                     Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-039  San Ariano                           Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-040  San Michele                          Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-041  Ottagono degli Alberoni              Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-042  Ottagono abbandonato                 Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-043  Ottogono di San Pietro (o            Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
        Il Bastione)
VE-044  Ottagono di Caroman                  Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-045  Venezia                              Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-046  (ex Faro) Spignon                    Venezia      Y  Y  EU-131
VE-047  San Giuliano                         Venezia      N  N    -
VV-001  Scoglio San Leonardo                 Calabria     N  ?    -
SB DX@WW $425WW270C
425 DX News #270 [3/7]
 6 July 1996                      No 270                     BID: $425WW270C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ** I.I.A.  - NOTES [1/3] **

(1)   All Sicilian islands count  for IOTA one way  or another.  Apart
from the  ID9  (Eolie, EU-017),  IE9  (Ustica,  EU-051),  IF9  (Egadi,
EU-054), IG9 (Pelagie,  AF-019) e IH9  (Pantelleria, AF-018)  islands,
the "other"  islands may  be assimilable  to  Sicily (EU-025)  or,  if
qualifying, they  may  be included  in  the  "coastal  islands"  group
(EU-166). In this  latter case,  they must  meet Rule  1, directly  or
through the alternative paths of qualification, and Rule 2  (obviously
Sicily has to  be considered as  the "mainland" from  which an  island
must be at least 200 metres far).

(2)   The papers at  my current disposal do not  show the presence  of
any island or rock officially named  "Capobianco". However there is  a
Capo Bianco,  from which  the long  Trapanelli dike,  linking  Pedagna
Grande (BR-001) to the mainland, leads off. There is also an anonymous
islet located on the outer side of Pedagna Grande. Therefore we cannot
discard the hypothesis  that this islet  might have been  unofficially
named "Capobianco": if  that is the  case, it would  meet both Rule  1
(thanks to the  alternative paths of  qualification) and  Rule 2,  and
consequently it would count for EU-091 as well.

(3)   Though conforming to  Rule 1,  Sant'Andrea  Island in   Brindisi
province (not  to  be mistaken  for  the homonymous  island  in  Lecce
Province) does not count for  IOTA. In fact  the distance between  the
island and the mainland, to which Sant'Andrea is linked by a  causeway
and/or a bridge, seems to be less than 500 metres. That means that the
island does not  meet Rule  E.8.2 and  therefore it  cannot count  for

(4)   All Sardinian islands  count for  IOTA one way or another.  With
regard to the islands located in the IIA "Cagliari" group, they may be
assimilable to  Sardinia  (EU-024) or,  if  qualifying,  they  may  be
included in the "coastal islands" group (EU-165). In this latter case,
they must meet Rule 1,  directly or through  the alternative paths  of
qualification, and Rule 2 (obviously Sardinia has to be considered  as
the "mainland" from which an island must be at least 200 metres far).

(5)   The poor readibility  of   the only map at my disposal  prevents
me from calculating  the distance from  the coast.  It is  furthermore
possible that  the bay  delimited by  Capo Malfatano  (west) and  Capo
Spartivento (east), in which the island  lies, is a "largely  enclosed
bay" (i.e. with an opening that  is less than  5 kilometres wide,  see
IOTA Directory E.7.3). That, apart from any other consideration, would
make Tuaredda a non-counter for EU-165.

(6)   Formerly allocated to Le Castella, which  has been given the new
IIA Reference Number  KR-001 accordingly to  its passing into  Crotone
province, CS-004 has been declared "vacant"  and afterwards issued  to
Scogli Coreca.

(7)   From the papers  at  my  current  disposal  it appears  that the
so-called Isole dei  Ciclopi (Cyclopes  Islands), which  meet Rule  1,
include seven rocky formations.  These are in  their turn gathered  in
two groups,  whose IOTA  status depends  on  their distance  from  the
mainland: the first group counts for EU-166 and includes Lachea Island
(or  Isola  di  Aci),  Isola  dei  Ciclopi  (Cyclopes  Island,  or  Il
Faraglione) and two anonymous rocks located  between them; the  second
group includes  other three  rocks, which,  being much  closer to  the
mainland, count for EU-025.

(8)   Formerly allocated to Scoglio San Leonardo, which has been given
the new IIA Reference  Number VV-001 accordingly  to its passing  into
Vibo Valentia province, CZ-002 is currently vacant.

(9)   The IIA Reference Number GO-027 had been allocated to the island
of Bioni, which however it has been ascertained to be located in Udine
province (see UD-001). Consequently, GO-027 has been declared "vacant"
first, and then given to the island of Ara Storta (see UD-002).
SB DX@WW $425WW270D
425 DX News #270 [4/7]
 6 July 1996                      No 270                     BID: $425WW270D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ** I.I.A.  - NOTES [2/3] **

(10)  GO-028 is the new  IIA Reference Number that  has been given  to
the island of  Marina di Macia,  which it has  been ascertained to  be
located in Gorizia province. Consequently, UD-001, formerly  allocated
to this island, has been  declared "vacant" first,  and then given  to
the island of Bioni.

(11)  Isola Rossa is  situated in  front  of  Argentario, in  Grosseto
province, but  had been  given by  mistake  the IIA  Reference  Number
LI-021.  It has been  therefore necessary to  give a proper  Reference
Number to it  (GR-015).  Consequently,  LI-021 been declared  "vacant"
first, and then given to the Scoglietti di Capraia.

(12)  Unfortunately the  only  map  at  my  current  disposal  is  not
enlightening. However,  comparing  this  map  with  the  little  other
information I have  (according to it  the island is  placeable to  the
south of Isola della  Scogliera and opposite  Punta La Strega),  Isola
del Capezzone might meet both Rule 1 (through the alternative paths of
qualification) and Rule 2, thus qualifying for EU-091.

(13)  The ancient part  of  the  small town of  Gallipoli stands on an
island linked  to the  mainland by  a causeway  and/or a  bridge.  The
distance between the island and the coast is clearly below the minimum
required  in  such  cases  (see  IOTA  Directory,  E.8.2).   Therefore
Gallipoli, though likely to meet Rule 1, does not qualify for IOTA.

(14)  The two entries  - "Scoglio della  Meloria" (LI-004) and  "Torre
della  Meloria"  (LI-030)  -  clearly  refer  to  two  different   IIA
"entities" which are both situated in the area of the famous omonymous
shoals.  Torre  (Tower)  della  Meloria  (i.e.  the  old   lighthouse,
originally  built  in  the  XII  century  and  afterwards   repeatedly
destroyed and reconstructed) admittedly meets Rules 1 and 2, but since
it has been built on a reef,  it might fall within the cases  provided
for by paragraph E.8.3. The IOTA status of the so-called Scoglio della
Meloria is even more dobtful. The  Meloria Rock is  most likely to  be
identifiable with the stony platform on  which the new lighthouse  has
been built. However this islet, though  meeting Rules 1 and 2,   seems
to be an "artificial" island,  i.e. a non-counter  for IOTA (see  IOTA
Directory E.7.7).

(15)  The definition "Scogli di Vada"  can apply to a group of coastal
rocks, also known as "I Catini", which do not qualify for IOTA. It can
also apply to the possible rocks located within the omonymous  shoals,
expecially to the low rocky bank on which a lighthouse has been built.
In this latter case, the lighthouse meets Rules 1 and 2, but its  IOTA
status must be determined taking  into consideration paragraphs  E.7.7
and E.8.3.

(16)  The IIA Reference Number ME-028 had been allocated to an  "Isola
Galeotta" which apparently does  not exist in  the Eolie islands  (but
there is a  Galeotta in the  Egadi islands, which  has been  regularly
given the IIA Reference Number TP-005). It is therefore reasonable  to
suppose that  this  name refers  to  Scoglio Jalera,  a  satellite  of
Stromboli (not to be mistaken  for Scoglio Galera  ME-020, which is  a
satellite of Alicudi).

(17)  Though meeting  Rule  1  and  being   some  500 metres far  from
the mainland, the island of Nisida  does not qualify for IOTA  because
the long masonry bridge, which links Nisida to the coast, does not let
water "to flow at all times" (see IOTA Directory, E.8.2).
SB DX@WW $425WW270E
425 DX News #270 [5/7]
 6 July 1996                      No 270                     BID: $425WW270E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ** I.I.A.  - NOTES [3/3] **

(18)  All  Sardinian  islands  count  for  IOTA  one  way or  another.
With regard to the islands located  in the IIA "Nuoro" and  "Oristano"
groups,  they  may  be  assimilable  to   Sardinia  (EU-024)  or,   if
qualifying, they  may  be included  in  the  "coastal  islands"  group
(EU-165). In this  latter case,  they must  meet Rule  1, directly  or
through the alternative paths of qualification, and Rule 2  (obviously
Sardinia has to be considered as  the "mainland" from which an  island
must be at least 200 metres far).

(19)  Though meeting  Rule  1  and  being   some  250 metres far  from
the coast, Isola di Capo Passero appears to be linked to the  mainland
by a sandbar,  which prevents the  island from  qualifying for  EU-166
(see IOTA Directory, E.6.7).

(20)  Pilots report that the island of Vendicari, though meeting  Rule
1 and being  some 300  metres far  from the  coast, is  linked to  the
mainland by a sandbar, which prevents  the island from qualifying  for
EU-166 (see IOTA Directory, E.6.7).

(21)  The IIA   "Maddalena"   group  includes  one   IOTA  "officially
recognised  island  group"  (see  IOTA  Directory,  E.5.1),  i.e.  the
Maddalena Archipelago (EU-041), plus a number of coastal islands. Some
of these latter are considerably far from the archipelago, but at  all
events they are subjected to the township of La Maddalena. With regard
to their IOTA status, Capo Ferro has been taken as the eastern  border
of the  area  covered by  EU-041:  consequently  the  islands  located
south-east of Capo Ferro - which,  for the sake of convenience,  could
be  defined  as  "Emerald  Coast  islands"  -  have  been  taken  into
consideration in order to  determine whether they  qualify or not  for
the "coastal islands" group (EU-165). Therefore the islands  belonging
to the  IIA "Maddalena"  group can  be included,  according to  single
cases, into EU-024, EU-041 or EU-165.

(22)  All  Sardinian  islands  count  for  IOTA  one  way or  another.
With regard to the islands  located in the  IIA "Sassari" group,  they
may be assimilable to Sardinia (EU-024) or, if qualifying, they may be
included in the "coastal islands" group (EU-165). In this latter case,
they must meet Rule 1,  directly or through  the alternative paths  of
qualification, and Rule 2 (obviously Sardinia has to be considered  as
the "mainland" from which an island must be at least 200 metres far).

(23)  Apart  from  any  possible   compliace to  Rules 1  and 2,  this
island is located  in a "largely  enclosed bay"  (see IOTA  Directory,
E.7.3) and therefore it cannot be taken into consideration in order to
determine whether it counts for EU-165.

(24)  Scoglio Tontonara, which had been given the IIA Reference Number
SV-004, was  been  deleted from  the  IIA island  list.  Consequently,
SV-004, which  had  been declared  "vacant",  has  been  allocated  to
Scoglio delle Donne.

(25)  The  IOTA status   of  Asinelli  Island has  been considered  in
order  to  determine  whether  Asinelli  qualifies  for  the  "coastal
islands" group (EU-166). In fact the  island is not part of the  Egadi
Archipelago, nor  it is  located in  an area  that can  be defined  as
"pertaining" to the archipelago (that is the case of Scogli  Porcelli,
TP-008).   Consequently,  Isola  Asinelli,  which  had  been  formerly
included in the  IIA "Egadi" group,  has now  been listed  in the  IIA
"Sicilia" group.

(26)  The IIA Reference Number  UD-001 had been formerly allocated  to
the island of Marina di Macia,  which however it has been  ascertained
to be located in Gorizia province  (see GO-028). Consequently,  UD-001
has been declared  "vacant" first,  and then  given to  the island  of
Bioni (see GO-027).

(27)  The IIA Reference Number  UD-002 had been formerly allocated  to
the island of Ara Storta, which however it has been ascertained to  be
located in  Gorizia province  (see GO-027).  Consequently, UD-002  has
been declared "vacant"  first, and  then given  to the  island of  San
SB DX@WW $425WW270F
425 DX News #270 [6/7]
 6 July 1996                      No 270                     BID: $425WW270F
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   W.A.B.A.   ******
                        Worked Antarctic Bases  Award
                              by Diamond DX Club
    Call   .... Bases                                                       
 1. K4MZU  .... 79  Top HR     . I8LEL  .... 25  HR     . OK1-1198...11     
 2. VE3XN  .... 70  Top HR     . IK2FIQ .... 25  HR     . IK0GPP ....11     
 3. GM3ITN .... 68  Top HR     . F5XL   .... 25  HR     . IS0JMA ....11     
 4. I8ACB  .... 64  Top HR     . EA7BR  .... 25  HR     . WB9EEE ....11     
 5. I1ZL   .... 61  Top HR     . IK8DDN .... 25  HR     . EA5GJM ....11     
 6. IK1EDC .... 55  Top HR   62. KC8PG  .... 23         . IK2ILH ....11     
 7. I8KNT  .... 54  Top HR     . OA4OS  .... 23         . PY5OP  ....11     
  . DE0MST .... 54  Top HR     . I1UKM  .... 23         . TU2QW  ....11     
 9. I1HYW  .... 52  Top HR     . VE3NSZ .... 23         . IK8VRS ....11     
  . I1SNW  .... 52  Top HR     . EA8BGY .... 23         . DL6KVA ....11     
11. VE7IG  .... 51  Top HR   67. I5DCE  .... 22       123.IK8HVH ....10     
  . K9PPY  .... 51  Top HR     . F/HH2HM.... 22         . IK8DOI ....10 (SK)
  . W9DC   .... 51  Top HR     . VE3MDQ .... 22         . I2MQP  ....10     
14. I2YDX  .... 50  Top HR   70. UT51862.... 21         . HB9CSA ....10     
  . I1JQJ  .... 50  Top HR     . PT2TF  .... 21         . EA7CIW ....10     
16. F6EPN  .... 48  HR       72. I2LPA  .... 20         . BRS-44266..10     
17. I8IYW  .... 47  HR         . EA3KB  .... 20         . YB0RX  ....10     
18. OE2-205572. 46  HR         . IK8PGC .... 20         . ONL4003....10     
19. IK1JJB .... 43  HR       75. I8WES  .... 19         . OH3MIG ....10     
20. IK1GPG .... 42  HR       76. IK8BMW .... 18         . EA9PY  ....10     
  . W3KH   .... 42  HR         . W0-6437.... 18         . CT1DIZ ....10     
  . YL1XZ  .... 42  HR         . NE8Z   .... 18         . HB9DAX ....10     
23. I2FUG  .... 41  HR         . JE1DXC .... 18         . IK8TWV ....10     
  . IK2HTW .... 41  HR       80. DL7CW  .... 17         . SM5HV  ....10     
25. IK8OZZ .... 40  HR         . I1-21171... 17         . GM0LVI ....10     
  . F6ELE  .... 40  HR       82. I2PHN  .... 16 (SK)    . IK4HPU ....10     
27. ON5KL  .... 38  HR         . EA7OH  .... 16         . KD1CT  ....10     
28. DK1RV  .... 37  HR         . UY5XE  .... 16         . EA5ZR  ....10     
29. W0MLY  .... 36  HR         . I8SAT  .... 16         . CT1AHU ....10     
  . DE0DXM .... 36  HR         . PY2DBU .... 16         . CT1EEB ....10     
31. I2MWZ  .... 34  HR         . IK8MKE .... 16         . EA5GCX ....10     
  . OH2QQ  .... 34  HR         . KA5TQF .... 16         . EA5OB  ....10     
  . OE3WWB .... 34  HR       89. I8YZP  .... 15         . UA3-147412.10     
  . EA5AT  .... 34  HR         . G3TOK  .... 15         . F6HKA  ....10     
35. I8XTX  .... 33  HR         . I8KUT  .... 15         . KK6ZO  ....10     
    EA4MY  .... 33  HR         . EU2AW  .... 15         . EA3EYR ....10     
  . G4WFZ  .... 33  HR         . KJ8M   .... 15         . IK4HLU ....10     
  . WD8MGQ .... 33  HR         . I2ZGA  .... 15         . ON7DR  ....10     
39. I1KFB  .... 32  HR (SK)  95. I8IHG  .... 14         . I7JFQ  ....10     
  . IK6FHX .... 32  HR         . EA4KK  .... 14         . IK5ATM ....10     
  . OM3JW  .... 32  HR       97. IK8FUN .... 13       152.ARI    .... 0     
  . G4RFV  .... 32  HR         . G3YAA  .... 13         . ARI ROMA .. 0     
43. W9DWQ  .... 30  HR         . CT1UE  .... 13 (SK)    . J.A.R.L.... 0     
  . IT9GAI .... 30  HR         . VE6VK  .... 13         . CQ USA .... 0     
45. I8KCI  .... 29  HR         . IK5UIS .... 13         . U.R.E. .... 0     
  . IK2MLY .... 29  HR         . IK7NXM .... 13         . DK3PZ  ....Simple 
  . OE6MKG .... 29  HR         . EA5GRM .... 13         . U3HB   ....Simple 
48. IK2IWU .... 28  HR         . IK8CVZ .... 13         . EA4BOD ..Op.ED0BOD
  . I8QJU  .... 28  HR         . JH1IED .... 13         . ZL2AKV ..Op.ZL5AL 
50. EA5KB  .... 27  HR         . I1RJP  .... 13         . F6APU  ..Op.FB8YF 
  . VE3LDT .... 27  HR       107.RA3AR  .... 12         . N4GCK  ..Op.3Y0PI 
52. I8YRK  .... 26  HR         . I8INW  .... 12         . WA4JQS ..Op.3Y0PI 
  . W4BAA  .... 26  HR         . IT9YRE .... 12         . DL8JDX ..Op.DP0GVN
  . 4Z4DX  .... 26  HR         . EA5OL  .... 12         . GM0GAV ..Op.VP8GAV
55. I5OYY  .... 25  HR       111.DK6NJ  .... 11         . I0JBL  ..Op.IA0PS 
  . I0OLK  .... 25  HR         . I2AT   .... 11       168.VP8CMR ..Op.VP8CMR
                         *******   W.A.S.A.   ******
                       Worked Antarctic Stations Award
                              by Diamond DX Club

    Call   .... Stations                                                    
 1. GM3ITN .... 206          12. VE3LDT .... 38       23. I8INW  .... 14    
 2. K4MZU  .... 127          13. EA5AT  .... 34       24. I8KUT  .... 13    
 3. VE3XN  .... 113          14. VE3MDQ .... 28       25. F5JYD  .... 11    
 4. VE7IG  .... 83           15. UC2AW  .... 24         . IK8CVZ .... 11    
 5. I8KNT  .... 68           16. EA5KB  .... 21       27. IK8TWV .... 10    
 6. IK1GPG .... 54           17. PY2DBU .... 20         . F10095 .... 10    
  . I8IYW  .... 54             . I1-21171... 20         . EA5OB  .... 10    
 8. ON5KL  .... 50             . NE8Z   .... 20         . JA4CTL .... 10    
 9. IK8OZZ .... 45           20. I8LEL  .... 19         . LU7AGG .... 10    
  . WD8MGQ .... 45           21. IK8MKE ....  19                            
11. I2MWZ  .... 42           22. JH1IED ....  16                            
SB DX@WW $425WW270G
425 DX News #270 [7/7]
 6 July 1996                      No 270                     BID: $425WW270G
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  DIE/DIP   CONTEST  ***

The  following Portuguese (counting for DIP) and Spanish (counting for DIEI
or  DIE)  islands  will be active during the DIE/DIP Contest, which will be
held from 5 to 13 UTC of 7 July [425DXN 269]: 

Ref.   Isola                   Call       Operatori                   QSL via
BA-11  Los Manchones (zona CT) CQ2U       CT1EIT, CT4UW  (5-9 UTC)      CT4UW
BB-05  Carmona                 CS1E                                    CT1END
ES-02  Dho Baleal              CS4X       CT1AHU, CT1FMX, CT1BXH       CT1AHU
AV-26  La Ermita               ED1RAV     EA1JJ                         EA1JJ
BA-40  Teresa                  EA4ENK/p   EA4ABK, EA4ENK, EC4ABX        EA5OL
BA-67  Los Manchones (zona EA) CT4UW/EA4  CT1EIT, CT4UW (9-13 UTC)      CT4UW
BU-17  El Ferial               EA1FY/P                                  EA5OL
BU-28  Los Nogales             EA1BVG/p   EA1BUK, EA1BVG, EA1CD         EA5OL
BU-35  La Llana                EA1CSB/p   EA1CSB,EA1DJV,EA1EPT,EC1DRO   EA5OL
CO-03  Lomo                    EA7HCU/p                                EA7HCU
CR-25  Pan                     ED4UCR                                  EA4EIC
CS-01  Sitjar                  EA5AL/p                                  EA5AL
GU-21  Gravera                 EG4DIE     EA4CAZ,EA4CBA,EA5RC,EA5DMU    EA5OL
LE-22  Espinas de Can          ED1ILE     EA1AEW,EA1BLF,EA1DLN,EC1AIS  EC1AIS
LO-12  Briones                 EA1WO/p                                  EA5OL
M -26  Soto de Aldobea         EA4DMB/p   EA4DMB, EA4EMZ, EC4DCF       EA4ENQ
OR-03  As Conchas              EA1EHE/p   EA1EHE                       EA1EHE
OV-21  Entreseca               EA1BEY/p   EA1BEY                       EA1BEY
P -09  De Quintanar del Puente ED1RUP     EA1CAI                       EA1CAI
P -18  Retortillo              ED1PR                                    EA1MK
SA-05  La Serna                ED1ISA                                  EA1EAU
T -04  Vinallop                EA3GDE/p   EA3GDE                        EA5OL
V -01  Lago de Anna            EA5HQ/p                                  EA5HQ
V -04  La Barca                EA5AEN/p                                EA5AEN
V -06  Oficinas Viejas         ED5RCC     EA5ADT,EA5GLT,EA5GKT,EC5AFE  EA5GLT
V -09  El Palmar               EA5BHK/p                                EA5BHK
V -25  Moli de Cardona         EA5FL/p    EA5CY, EA5FL, EC5CPL          EA5OL
VA-27  El Sotto                ED1ISV     EA1AGZ, EA1AHM, EA1AYU        EA5OL
VA-29  Aniago                  ED1VA                                    EA5OL
E-013  Mayor o Baron           EA5VY/p    EA5VY                         EA5VM
E-136  D'En Pau                EA3BT/p    EA3AOK, EA3BT, EA3FBM         EA3BT
E-258  Els Pallers             EA5URP     EA5FSL, EA5JW, EA5WW          EA5OL
E-402  Cabo Boquera            EA3NY/p                                  EA3NY
N-053  Castro Gaitero          ED1IDA     EA1BT, EA1IH, EC1AMY          EA1BT
N-113  San Juan Gaztelugache   ED2URV     EA2AKP,EA2AJO,EA2ASB,EA2BFM  EA2CMW
O-023  Carcabeiro              EA1DFP/p                                 EA5OL
S-004  Saltes                  EA7URE     EA7AIE,EA7BR,EA7CWA,EA7FQS   EA7CWA
S-013  La Palma                EA8BIE                                  EA8BIE
S-013  La Palma                EA8AJM                                  EA8AJM
S-023  Roque de Arinaga        ED8IGC                                  EA8AKN
S-149  Baja Larga              EA8KV/p                                 EA8BWW
S-233  De Leon                 ED7IDL     EA7FR                         EA7FR
                     ***   425 DX NEWS  QSL ROUTES   ***

Following many requests we have decided to start experimentally a new service
to  help  our  readers to find managers and/or addresses of DX stations.  The 
requests  should  be  sent  only  to  IK1GPG, who is responsibile for the QSL 
Managers/QSL Routes, via e-mail: 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it
Answers will be published in the bulletin.
             For the news issued in this number, thanks to:                   
!       425 WWW Page --->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html      !
!                     INTERNET via  anonymous FTP at site:                  !
!  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  -  under the  /pub/ham/425news/english/  directory !
!             To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL:             !
!              http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/425dxnews-list             !
!     or sending a message to:               majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it    !
!     writing in the body of the message:    subscribe 425dxnews <address>  !
!          where <address> is the e-mail address of the subscriber          !
!                 * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *                    !
!                     TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751                       !
!                     DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613                       !
!                      SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422                      !
!                     ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306                       !
!                     CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921                       !
!               HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677                       !
!                      WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183                       !
!                      JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332                      !
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang