SB DX@WW $425WW269A 425 DX News #269 [1/5] 29 June 1996 No 269 BID: $425WW269A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1GPG Translated by I1-21171 & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector ! ! (e-mail ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3C - Teo, EA6BH does not know when he can go to Equatorial Guinea. The planned activity [425DXN 263] therefore will not take place. 5W - Perry, WH6XY is active for one year as 5W1PC from Western Samoa. 9M6 - From 25 to 28 July and probably also from 2 to 4 August, Tony G0OPB will be active from IOTA group OC-133, probably as 9M6/G0OPB. He plans to enter the IOTA Contest. Outside of these periods Tony will be active from mainland (East Malaysia). QSL via home call. A4 - Chris, G3VUO is on Masirah island (AS-014), from which he will be active in about a week using the call A45XL. CT - During the weekend CT1FMX and CT1BXH will be active from Mouchaua de Alhanbra (DIP RI-005) and Mouchaua do Lombo Tojo (RI-007) islands. CT - On 7 July CT1AHU, CT1EEB, CT1BXH and CT1FMX will be active from Pombas island (DIP ES-021) after the DIE/DIP Contest. CT - From 26 to 29 July CT1ZW, CT1BQH, CT1BWW, CT1CJJ, CT1DVV, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, CT1ESV, CT1ETZ and CT1FMX will be /P from Insua island (EU- 150, DIP MI-001). Operations on all bands CW/SSB with three stations active simultaneously. They plan to enter the IOTA Contest probably using the call CQ2I. QSL via WA1ECA or (for European stations) CT1EEB, both also via bureau. DL - From 26 July to 5 August DH8FAP will be active on 80 metres SSB/RTTY from Spiekeroog island (EU-047). DL - From 19 July to 9 August DL4FCH will be active in CW from Pellworm island (EU-042). He will participate in the IOTA Contest. DL - From 26 to 28 July DL3OCF, DJ3XG and DL4FCX will be active from 10 to 80 metres from Fehmarn island (EU-128). They will participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL via bureau to DL3OCF. EA6 - The station ED6IDS will be active during the weekend from the island D'En Salas (DIE E-125). EA8 - Tony, EA8AKN will participate in the Die Contest (7 July) as ED8IGC from Roque de Arinaga (S-023). In case of bad weather Tony will be active from Gran Canaria (S-005). QSL via home call. F - Joel, F5PAC will participate the IOTA Contest from Oleron island (EU-032). F - G3TTC hopes to enter the IOTA Contest (20, 40 and 80 metres SSB) as F/G3TTC/P from Noirmoutier island (EU-064). QSL via home call. FG - From 7 to 30 July Jack FG/F6FUM and FG5HR will be active in CW and SSB from Guadeloupe (NA-102, 7-14 July), Les Saintes (NA-114, 15-21 July), Marie Galante (NA-102, 21-28 July) and La Desirade (NA-102), 29-30 July). GI - The special event station GB4GD will be active from 9 UTC of Saturday 29 June to 23.59 UTC of Sunday 30 June. QSL via P.O.Box 87, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT12 5PU (the event is for guide dogs for the blind and all the money collected is going to this charity). GM - On 21 July Bill, G4WSB should be active from North Rona island (EU-010, WAB HW83). GU - G3KHZ, G3SJJ and G3TMA will participate in the IOTA Contest with the call GU6D. Outside the Contest they might be active as GU3KHZ,GU3SJJ and GU3TMA. QSL via G3SJJ. GW - Fred (G4BWP), Steve (G3VMW) and Lionel (G5LP) will enter the IOTA Contest (all bands SSB/CW) from Ynys Mon (Anglesey island, EU-124) using the special call MW6Z. QSL via G5LP also via bureau. /EX SB DX@WW $425WW269B 425 DX News #269 [2/5] 29 June 1996 No 269 BID: $425WW269B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1GPG Translated by I1-21171 & IK1ADH GW - The WestNet DX Group will participate in the IOTA Contest [425DXN 249] from Ynys Mon (Anglesey island, EU-124) using the special call GW6J. QSL via GW4VEQ (all QSO will automatically be confirmed via bureau). HI - The activity of HI9/I4LCK from Cayo Levantado (NA-122) [425DXN 267] will take place from 2 to 11 August. QSL via I4LCK. I - The operations by IV3JWR and his team from Campo isl. (IIA GO-029), which were expected for 22 June [425DXN 268], have been postponed to Saturday 29 June. I - Saturday 29 June Nino, IK8DDN will be active from Scoglio A Penna (IIA NA-015) and La Rotonda island (EU-031, IIA NA-016). I - Some operators of the Salento DX Team are IJ7/ (for about 10 days) from Sant'Andrea island (EU-091, IIA LE-001). I - The DX Team of ARI Gallarate (Varese) will participate in the main contests with the call IR2G. QSL via IK2PUY. I - On 29-30 June the special station IQ0ARI will be active to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the town of Aprilia and the 10th anniversa- ry of the local ARI Section. J5 - Dave, KC9IM (ex TL8IM, 4K0IM, YB0AIM, KH2AD, KC6GZ, etc) will leave USA on 18 July for a two year assignment in Guinea Bissau with the U.S. State Department. Dave should be active from 10 to 40 metres, probably as J52IM, in mid-August. QSL via KB9XN. JD1_og - JD1BJP is active from Ogasawara. QSL direct to Shiseki Amano, Kiyose Chichijima, Ogasawara 100-21. KG4 - From 12 to 18 July Bill, KQ4GC will be active (SSB/RTTY) as KG4GC from Guantanamo . QSL via home call. KH4 - An international team leaded by Frank Smith, AH0W/OH2LVG, is plan- ning a DXpedition to Midway for mid-August. Operations will take place on all bands in CW, SSB and RTTY, with particular attention for Europe and Africa. QSL via KE7LZ. OY - Until 6 July Ingo, OY/SM0DSF is active from Faroe islands. QSL via home call, also via bureau. OY - From 27 June to 9 July Greg, SQ6CWP and Mario, SP6OJG will be active in SSB and CW, WARC bands included, from Faroe islands using the call OY/SM6RXS. QSL via SM6RXS. P4 - From 11 to 16 July Dennis, AA7VB will be active from Aruba as P40Z. Dennis will participate in the IARU Contest (13-14 July). PY - From 1 to 7 July the special station PX7AB will be active on 20 and 40 metres SSB during the Week of the Fire Preventing. QSL via PS7AB (Ronaldo Reis, PO Box 2021, Natal/RN, 59094-970, Brasil). TA - On Sunday 30 June Vito, I3BQC will try to be active from an island valid for IOTA group AS-099. V2 - A group of Team Antigua operators will be active as V26B during the WRTC/IARU RadioSport Games (13 July) in the Multi/single or Multi/ multi category. Before and after the contest V26B (Sam Harner, QSL via WT3Q), V26E (Darrel Neron, QSL via AB2E) and V26U (Bill Hudzik, QSL via WA2UDT) will be active on all modes and all bands. VE - From 00.00 UTC of 8 June until 24.00 UTC of 8 August, during the 100th Anniversary of the Yukon Gold Discovery the Canadian amateurs can use a special prefix depending on their ordinary prefix, as fol- lows: VA2 (normal prefix)/VD2 (special prefix), VA3/VD3, VE1/VC1, VE2/VC2, VE3/VC3, VE4/VC4, VE5/VC5, VE6/VC6, VE7/VC7, VE8/VC8, VE9/VC9, VO1/CZ5, VO2/CZ4, VY1/CK3, VY2/CK4. VE - VE6NQ, one of the Calgary Amateur Radio Association calls, will be used to activate Prince's Island (C.Is.A. AB03) on 80, 40 and 20 me- ters CW/SSB during the Canada Day Contest, starting from 00.00 UTC of 1 July for 24 hours. QSL via VE6NAO. VE - On 3 August nine Canadian amateurs (Winston Seeney, VE3WFS; John Harden, VE3VGI; Lyle Sibbald, VA3DXE; Fred Bengel, VE3TIG; Bob El- ston, VE3LLE; Aldo Galati, VA3AG; Gary Hammond, VE3XN; Doug Ibbotson VE3WTI; Paul Lantz, VE3KBL and Laird Solomon, VE3LKS) will reach Moosonee (Ontario) on the "Polar Bear Express" train of the Ontario Northland Railway. A first group will then work until 7 August from Moosonee, a second group will try to be active from Akemiski Island (NA-???) and from some of the following islands VE3 valid for the C.Is.A.: Maidmans, Charles, South Charles, Butler, Big Duck, Little Duck, Moose Flats, Biscuit, Tomisidenik, Horseshoe, Pilgrim, Flats and Sawpit. QSL via VE3TIG. VK0_m - Warren, VK0WH (Macquarie Island) has been QRT since 23 June because he has dismounted the antennas to replace some parts of the tower. VP5 - From 26 June to 1 July Joe, VP5/K8JP will be active in CW and SSB mainly on 17 metres. QSL via home call. W - WQ5Y, K5LBU, KG5CM and other operators of the Ant-Hill team are planning to participate in the IOTA Contest from Mustang Island (NA-092). /EX SB DX@WW $425WW269C 425 DX News #269 [3/5] 29 June 1996 No 269 BID: $425WW269C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1GPG Translated by I1-21171 & IK1ADH W - On 28-29 June Chris, N1HRW will be active from Assateague (NA-139) and Tangier island (NA-083). From 5 to 8 July, if he gets the lan- ding permission, Chris will be active from IOTA group NA-148. It is also possible that Chris will goes to other islands valid for the US Islands Award. All the contacts with foreign stations will be confirmed automatically via bureau. The address for direct cards is: Chris Taron, 607 Harwood Ct., Champaign, IL 61821, USA. W - From 13 to 20 July Ranfroml, KD8JN/4 will be active from Hatteras Island (NA-067). Operations will take place on all bands, except 160 metres, mainly in SSB (CW on request). QSL via bureau or direct to Ranfroml L. Phelps, 1226 Delverne Ave SW, Canton, OH 44710-1306, USA ZD8 - From 9 to 17 July Jim, N6TJ will be active (all bands SSB/CW) as ZD8Z from Ascension Island. QSL via VE3HO. ************************ **************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************ 3A/IK2GZU ---> 3A/IK2GZU's activity [425DXN 267] ended with more than 1850 logged QSO (1350 CW contacts made mainly in 80, 40, 30 and 20 metres). BRAZIL DX NET ---> The new Brazil DX Net timetable is from 19 to 21 UTC on 14.222 MHz (Saturday and Sunday). DIFM ---> The 1996 DIFM (Diplome des Iles de la France Metropolitaine) list is the following: 1. F9RM (175); 2. F5XL (159); 3. F6EXQ (149); 4. F6FWW (146); 5. F5JYD (143); 6. F6AXP (132); 7. F6FCZ (128); 8. F6CFT (125); 9. F5LJM (119); 10. F11ADB (104, SWL); 11. F5RBB (100); 12. F2YT (99); 13. F6ELE (91); 14. F5JSK (85); 15. IK1GPG (83); 16. EA3KB (79); 17. F5MIW (73); 18. IK8DDN (72); 19. I2LXA (66); 20. F6DRA (65). IIA ---> IK8DDN's operations on 24 February took place from the Castello Ara- gonese located on the island of Ischia Minore (EU-031), whose IIA Reference Number is NA-024. QSL via IK8DDN. PACIFIC TOUR UPDATE - The latest update concerning the upcoming Pacific tour by KB8ECG, KG8CO, KG8DS, K8AQM and N8CC [524DXN 267] is the following: 1 - 4 July, Marshall islands (V73TR and V73JB from Majuro, OC-029); 5 - 7 July, Micronesia (V63CK and V63CF from Pohnpei, OC-010); 7 - 9 July, Micronesia (V63CK and V63CF from Truk, OC-011); 10- 12 July, Belau (KC6JJ and KC6BP from Palau, OC-009); 13 - 17 July, Osaka, Giappone (7J3YAD, Konsai International Radio Club); 17-19 July, Hawaii (KH6/K8AQM, KH6/KG8CO and NH6/N8CC from Maui, OC-019); 20 - 24 July, American Samoa (KH8/KB8ECG, KH8/KG8DS, KH8/KG8CO, KH8/K8AQM and NH8/N8CC from Ofu, OC-077); 24 - 29 July, Western Samoa (5W0BS, 5W0DG, 5W0KI, 5W0TR and 5W0JB from Apia, OC-097).QSL for all calls via AA8HZ. QSL A61AF ---> The QSL manager for this station is N1QMM [425DXN 266]. Anyway the QSL for the recent activity of David (AA6DC) from A61AF goes via AA6DC [425DXN 268]. QSL CT9F ---> The recent activity by CT9F took place from Ilheu do Chao (AF- 46, DIP MA-003). For the DXCC it counts as Madeira (CT3). QSL via CT3BM: Ave- lino Silva Pereira, P.O.Box 490, 9000 Funchal, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. QSL EJ/GM0DEQ/P ---> Bob, GM0DEQ reports that all requests for his 1995 acti- vity from Tory Island (EU-121) have been sent. Those who still have not re- ceived the QSL, can address to GM0KVI, also via bureau. QSL HI7/DL5PV ---> The new address of Frank, DL5PV is the following: Frank Eichstaedt, Mussbacher Str. 7, D-67067 Ludwigshafen, Germany. QSL de IV3TAN ---> IV3TAN reports that he sent all the direct QSL for IG9A, IG9T, IG9R and IG9W. All other QSO will automatically be confirmed via buro. /EX SB DX@WW $425WW269D 425 DX News #269 [4/5] 29 June 1996 No 269 BID: $425WW269D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1GPG Translated by I1-21171 & IK1ADH QSL L4D ---> The IOTATG reports that "as a result of the QSL initiatives by the RSGB IOTA Transition Group that were described in recent RadCom IOTA columns we have received the logs of the L4D operation from Blanca Is. SA-065 during November 1993. Our returns indicated that cards for this operation are still needed by many island chasers. Phil Whitchurch G3SWH has kindly agreed to act as QSL Manager. He will process both direct and bureau cards. His address is: 21 Dickensons Grove, Congresbury, Bristol BS19 5HQ, England". QSL LU/IK1EDC ---> Pier Luigi, IK1EDC reports that QSL for his Argentina ope- rations (March 1996) are going to be printed - please do not send dupes. QSL ND3A ---> The QSL for the recent short activity by Rob Shapiro, ND3A, from 9J (177 QSO, most of which with European and Japanese stations) go via home call (P.O. Box 3675, Merrifield, VA 22116-3675, USA), also via bureau. QSL OH2BU/MVI & R1MVI ---> Jari, OH2BU reports that all the direct requests for the OH2BU/MVI and R1MVI operations from Malyj Vysotskij have been sent. Cards via bureau will be sent in early July. QSL R0/UR8LV ---> On 27 June R0/UR8LV was active from Andreya island (AS-063) QSL via P.O. Box 32, Dickson Island, 663241 Russia. QSL TM1MA (ERRATA CORRIGE) ---> The correct address of F5TKA, QSL manager for TM1MA operations from EU-095 [425DXN 262 and 265] is the following: Eric Hei- drich, La ferme du Temple, Batiment K2, 91130 Ris Orangis, France. QSL YW0RCV ---> Riccardo, IK5MEN reports that Reinaldo, YV5AMH still has the logs and QSLs of YW0RCV (Aves Island, July 1994). Riccardo has received the confirmations sending his request to Radio Club Venezoelano, Box 2285, Cara- cas 1010-A, Venezuela. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received via direct: E3A30, HS0/IK4MRH (AS-053), IB0/IK0QDB (EU-045; IIA LT-013), IJ9/I5GWO (EU-166; IIA CT-001), IP1/I2MWZ (IIA SP-015); IP1/IK1GPG (IIA SP-016), J56CK (AF-020), J56DY (AF-020), KH4/NH6D, LZ0A (WABA LZ-02), VK0WH. QSL received via WF5E DX QSL service: 3B8CF, 9J2BO, 9J2SZ, 9G1BJ, A92Q, FK8GJ, FR/F5PXQ, WX3N/HD8, S92PI, VK9XY ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, IK1EDC, IK1NEG, I2GXS, IK2EUY, IK2DUV, IK2GZU, IK2MRZ, I4LCK, I5FLN, IK5MEN, IK6CGO, IK7AFM, IK7JTF, IK8CJP, IK8DDN, IK8VRS, IK0QDB, IK0ZAR, Brescia DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, AA7VB, AA8U, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, CT1FMX, CT4NH, DJ3XG, DK7NP, DL2MX, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL9GOA, EA3BHK, EA5KB, EA6BH, EA8AKN, EI6FR, F6AJA, F9RM, G3NUG, G3NYY, G4BUE, G5LP,JA1ELY, JA3AAW, JI6KVR, K8AE/7, K8AQM, KC9IM, KD8JN, KV5V, LX9EG, N4MM, N5OGP, N6ZS, ND3A, NL7TB, NM7M, ON6TT/5X1T, OH2BU, PS7AB, PS7KM, SM0DSF, SQ6CWP, V29SW, VE1RU, VE3LKS, VE6VK, VE7CC, W3GOI, W4MWT, WA6BXH, WB2DIN, WB2DND, WD8MGQ, WQ5Y, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY DX. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 425 DX NEWS QSL ROUTES *** Following many requests we have decided to start experimentally a new service to help our readers to find managers and/or addresses of DX stations. The requests should be sent only to IK1GPG, who is responsibile for the QSL Managers/QSL Routes, via e-mail: Answers will be published in the bulletin. ***************************************************************************** /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! 425 WWW Page ---> ! ! INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: ! ! - under the /pub/ham/425news/english/ directory ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL: ! ! ! ! or sending a message to: ! ! writing in the body of the message: subscribe 425dxnews <address> ! ! where <address> is the e-mail address of the subscriber ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * ! ! TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 ! ! DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 ! ! SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ! ! ARRL HQ BBS USA : 860-594-0306 ! ! CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 ! ! HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 ! ! WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 ! ! JUNGLE BBS NZ : +64-3-524-8332 ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang /EX SB DX@WW $425WW269E 425 DX News #269 [5/5] 29 June 1996 No 269 BID: $425WW269E ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 02/09 4S7BRG * by HB9BRM 265 till Sep 5R8EN * by F2JD 245 till 06/07 9H * by PA team 263 till July 9N1KY 263 till 30/06 9Q5HX * by IK2BHX 267 till 02/07 CY0AA: Sable * by VE9AA, WA8JOC, W9OEH 259 till 05/07 F: Cordouan Isl. (EU-159) * by F team 261 till 01/07 GJ3RTE/p & GJ3SWH/p: Les Minquiers Plateau (EU-099) 257 till 30/06 LA/DL2SWW: Lofoten Is. (EU-076) 265 till 09/07 OY/SM6RXS * by SQ6CWP & SP6OJG 269 till 06/07 OY/SM0DSF 269 till 06/07 SP5PB/1: EU-132 & EU-129 267 till 04/07 SV5/DL9UDS 265 till 30/08 SV9, SV8 (EU-052, 075), SV1 (EU-060) by SV1CID, SV1DPL 263 till 06/07 VK6ISL: Sholl Isl. (OC-140) * by VK6LC & VK6VS 267 till December VK0WH: Macquarie 238 till mid Sep VP8BPZ: Falkland Is. * by DA4RG 253 till December ZD8DEZ * by G0DEZ 259 till July 97 ZS8IR: Marion Is. * by ZS6RI 263 till 30/06 LA: Lofoten Is. (EU-076) * by DL2SWW 265 26/06-01/07 VP5/K8JP 269 27/06-04/07 J6 * by F5CCO 255 28/06-30/06 GW: St. Tudwal's Is. (EU-106) * by G8JM, G3NQT, G3JBJ 265 29/06-30/06 CT1FMX & CT1BXH: DIP RI-05 & RI-07 269 29/06-30/06 ED6IDS: Isla D'en Salas (DIE E-125) 269 29/06-07/07 GM0NES/p: Orkney Is. (EU-009) * by G's team 249 28/06-29/06 N1RHW: Assateague Isl.(NA-139) & Tangier Isl.(NA-083) 269 29/06 IC8/IK8DDN: Sc. A Penna & La Rotonda(IIA NA-015 & 016) 269 29/06-early July IJ7: Sant'Andrea di Gallipoli (EU-091) (IIA LE-001) 269 29/06 IL3/IV3EXW: Campo Isl. (IIA GO-029) 269 29/06-30/06 IQ0ARI: Aprilia * special event station 269 29/06-02/07 PR5L: Campeche Isl. (SA-026) (DIB 41) 267 30/06 TA: AS-099 * by I3BQC ??? 269 June GM5VG/p: Monach Is. (EU-111) * by GM team 263 June-July HK0: Bajo Nuevo (NA-132) * by HK3JJH ??? 267 June-July HK0: Serrana Bank (NA-133) * by HK3JJH ??? 267 June-July IL3/IK4HPU: Casone San Guglielmo Isl. (IIA RO-005) 267 01/07-05/07 LA/DL2SWW: Vesteralen Is. (EU-033) 265 01/07-07/07 PX7AB: special event station 269 01/07-04/07 V73TR & V73JB: Majuro (OC-029) * by N8CC & K8AQM 269 01/07-03/07 VE: Anticosti Isl. (NA-077) * by N6JM 267 01/07 VE6NQ: Prince's Isl. (C.Is.A. AB-03) 269 04/07-08/07 KL: Barren Is. (NA-???) * by N6IV & NL7TB 261 05/07-07/07 GD/PA3GIO 261 05/07-08/07 N1RHW: NA-148 ??? 269 05/07-07/07 V63CF & V63CK: Ponape (OC-010) * by N8CC & K8AQM 269 06/07-10/07 YB28AR * special event station 267 07/07 CT: Pombas Isl. (DIP-ES-021) * by CT1 team 269 07/07-09/07 V63CF & V63CK: Truk Is. (OC-011) * by N8CC & K8AQM 269 07/07-14/07 FG/F6FUM & FG5HR 269 07/07 DIE/DIP Contest 268 09/07-11/07 VE: NA-198 * by N6JM 267 09/07-17/07 ZD8Z * by N6TJ 269 10/07-12/07 KC6BP & KC6JJ: Palau Is. (OC-009) * by N8CC & K8AQM 267 10/07-25/08 OX/G3WUX/qrp 259 11/07-16/07 P40Z * by AA7VB 269 11/07-21/07 ZK1AAU,ZK1AGW,ZK1MJZ: Rarotonga Isl. (OC-013)-So.Cook 267 12/07-20/07 DU2INT: Babuyan Isl. (OC-092) * by DU2/N3GKY 267 12/07-18/07 KG4GC 269 13/07-20/07 HB0 * by F6ELE, F1PNA, F6HKA 263 13/07-20/07 KD8JN/4; Hatteras Isl. (NA-067) 267 13/07 V26B 269 13/07-14/07 IARU HF World Championship *** 13/07-14/07 World Radiosport Team Championship 1996 (San Francisco)261 14/07-27/07 HB0 * by DL1JBN, DL3JSW, DK5YY 265 15/07-21/07 FG: Les Saintes Is. (NA-114) * by F6FUM & FG5HR 269 17/07-19/07 KH6: Maui Isl. * by N8CC, K8AQM, KG8CO 269 17/07-22/07 PR5L & ZV5AVM: Anhatomorin Isl. (SA-026) (DIB 22) 267 18/07-01/08 5B4/DL5MX 265 18/07-21/07 EA: Portitxol Isl. (EU-093) * by EA5AHK & EA5AFF 263 18/07-21/07 4M5LR: Los Roques Is. (SA-035) * by YV team 267 18/07-20/07 A.R.A.R.M. Convention 253 19/07-09/08 DL4FCH/p: Pellworm Isl. (EU-042) 269 20/07-24/07 KH8: Ofu Isl.(OC-077) by N8CC,K8AQM,K8AQM,KG8DS,KB8ECG 269 20/07-31/07 R1/EU1FC & R1/EW1MA: Solovetskiye Is. (EU-066) 267 20/07-21/07 VE: La Madeleine Isl. (NA-038) * by N6JM 267 /EX