DX425 bulletin issue nr. 267

425 DX News #267 [1/6]
 15 June 1996                      No 267                     BID: $425WW267A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                                  Edited by
                               I1JQJ  & IK1GPG
                                Translated by
                              I1-21171 & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@fileita.it - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)             !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3A     - From 21 to 23 June  IK2GSN, IK2FYH, IK2GXK,  IK2UZQ  and IK2GZU  (of
         the  ARI  Brescia  DX  Group) will be active from Monaco. CW and SSB
         operations 10 to 80 metres (WARC bands included) and probably on 160  
         metres as well, using the call 3A/IK2GZU. QSL via  IK2SAU  (Faustino  
         de Pellegrin, Via Torricella  di sotto, 25100 Brescia-BS, Italy).
3DA    - During the weekend  3DA0/H5ANX will be active on 10, 15, 20, 40, and
         80 metres SSB from Swaziland. QSL via ZS6EW.
3D     - Jon,  3DA0CA  will  remain  in U.S.A. until early September. Then he 
         will return to Swaziland with a new rig. Jon hopes to be active   on 
         all bands CW and SSB also from Mozambique and Lesotho. QSL via W4DR.
3Y     - The planned expedition to Bouvet [425DXN 265],organized by the South
         Sandwich DX Group,will leave Cape Town (South Africa) in December 97
         Fours stations simultaneously active 24 hours a day, with  SSB,  CW, 
         RTTY and satellite operations. Operators are, at the moment: WA4JQS,  
         AH9B, HB9AHL, W6KNB, W7KNT, XE1L and ZS1FJ.
5R     - It is possible that in  June Gerard, 5R8EN will be active again from
         a coastal island in Madagascar (AF-057).
5W     - From 23  to 29  July 5W0JB (N8CC), 5W0TR (K8AQM), 5W0BS (KG8CO), to-
         gether with KG8DS and KB8ECG  will be active on all bands from Apia, 
         Western Samoa (OC-097). They plan to join the IOTA Contest.  QSL via 
5X     - Peter, ON6TT [425DXN  257] has received  the call 5X1T, but starting
         from  21 June  he will be in Belgium for  a two week  vacation.  QSL
         via ON5NT. The call 5X1AR or 5X1ARJ should be issued to Ake, SM4ARJ.
5X     - 9Q5TE will be active from Kampala with the 5X1D call.QSL via SM0BFJ.
5Z     - SM5DIC (ex 9X/SM5DIC) has received the call 5Z1TE.
6Y     - Until 17 June  Tom, W4JKC should  be active on 20  and 40 metres SSB
         and CW from Jamaica as W4JKC/6Y5. QSL via home call.
9A     - For about three weeks starting from 13 June Peter, DL9TL will be ac-
         tive (in  CW, SSB and RTTY  from 10 to  160 metres) from  Rab island
9H     - From 23 June to  6 July  Frits (PA0BEA/9H3IE),  Bill (PA3BIZ/9H3ON),
         Teun  (PA0TPM/9H3TD),  Peter (PE1NZA/9H3TE),  Anton  (PA3CRA/9H3UJ),
         Eric (PA3DES/9H3UK),  Phillip (PA3EPV/9H3WA) and Andre (PA0JR/9H3WH)
         will be active on HF (10-80 metres), 2 metres,  6 metres, 70 centim.
         and via  satellite. QSL via their respective home calls also via bu-
         reau. QSL can also be sent to PI4KGL radio club, P.O. Box 1126, 2340
         BC Oegstgeest, The Netherlands.
9Q     - Alex,  PA3DZN  should  have been returned to Zaire in early June. He 
         will be active for one year as 9Q2L. QSL  via PA3DMH.
9Q     - Piero, IK2BHX will be active as 9Q5HX up to the end of June. QSL via
CT     - During  the DIE/DIP Contest,  planned from 05.00 to 13.00  UTC of 14
         July, the following Portuguese stations will be active:
Ref.   Island                  Call       Operators                   QSL via
BA-11  Los Manchones (CT area) CQ2U       CT1EIT, CT4UW  (5-9 UTC)      CT4UW
ES-02  Dho Baleal              CS4X       CT1AHU, CT1FMX, CT1BXH       CT1AHU
CU     - From 21 to  23 June  CU4N will  be active from  Carapacho Lighthouse
         (DFP FAZ 04). QSL via CU4AH.
CY0    - The CY0AA operations  from Sable Island  [425DXN 259] are  confirmed
         from  18  June  to  2/3  July.  All modes/all bands activity will be 
         started  by  Mike,  VE9AA,  who  will be joined (24 June) by  Wayne, 
         W9OEH and Ken, WA8JOC. For QSO from 10 to 160 metres QSL via WD8SDL;
         for QSO on  VHF and via  satellite QSL  via VE9AA.The QSOs confirmed
         direct will not be confirmed via bureau as well.
425 DX News #267 [2/6]
 15 June 1996                      No 267                     BID: $425WW267B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                                  Edited by
                               I1JQJ  & IK1GPG
                                Translated by
                              I1-21171 & IK1ADH

DU     - For the  whole month of June Robin, DU9RG  will use the special call
DU     - From 12 to 19 or 20 July Jim,  DU2/N3GKY will be active from Babuyan
         island (OC-092) using probably the call DU2INT. Operations will take
         place  from  10  to  80 metres, probably in SSB only, with 100 watts
         and wire antennas.
EA     - During  the DIE/DIP Contest,  planned from 05.00 to 13.00  UTC of 14
         July, the following Spanish stations will be active:
Ref.   Island                  Call       Operators                   QSL via
AV-26  La Ermita               ED1RAV     EA1JJ                         EA1JJ
BA-40  Teresa                  EA4ENK/p   EA4ABK, EA4ENK, EC4ABX        EA5OL
BA-67  Los Manchones (EA area) CT4UW/EA4  CT1EIT, CT4UW (9-13 UTC)      CT4UW
BU-28  Los Nogales             EA1BVG/p   EA1BUK, EA1BVG, EA1CD         EA5OL
BU-35  La Llana                EA1CSB/p   EA1CSB,EA1DJV,EA1EPT,EC1DRO   EA5OL
GU-22  Gravera                 EG4DIE     EA4CAZ,EA4CBA,EA5RC,EA5DMU    EA5OL
LE-22  Espinas de Can          ED1ILE     EA1AEW,EA1BLF,EA1DLN,EC1AIS  EC1AIS
M -25  Soto de Aldobea         EA4DMB/p   EA4DMB, EA4EMZ, EC4DCF       EA4ENQ
OR-03  As Conchas              EA1EHE/p   EA1EHE                       EA1EHE
OV-21  Entreseca               EA1BEY/p   EA1BEY                       EA1BEY
P -09  De Quintanar del Puente ED1RUP     EA1CAI                       EA1CAI
P -18  Retortillo              ED1PR                                    EA1MK
T -04  Vinallop                EA3GDE/p   EA3GDE                        EA5OL
V -05  Oficinas Viejas         ED5RCC     EA5ADT,EA5GLT,EA5GKT,EC5AFE  EA5GLT
V -25  Moli de Cardona         EA5FL/p    EA5CY, EA5FL, EC5CPL          EA5OL
VA-27  El Sotto                ED1IVA     EA1AGZ, EA1AHM, EA1AYU        EA5OL
VA-29  Aniago                  ED1VA                                    EA5OL
E-012  Mayor o Baron           EA5VY/p    EA5VY                         EA5VM
E-136  D'En Pau                EA3BT/p    EA3AOK, EA3BT, EA3FBM         EA3BT
E-258  Els Pallers             EA5URP     EA5FSL, EA5JW, EA5WW          EA5OL
N-053  Castro Gaitero          ED1IDA     EA1BT, EA1IH, EC1AMY          EA1BT
N-113  San Juan  Gaztelugache  ED2URV     EA2AKP,EA2AJO,EA2ASB,EA2BFM  EA2CMW
S-004  Saltes                  EA7URE     EA7AIE,EA7BR,EA7CWA,EA7FQS   EA7CWA
S-013  La Palma                EA8BIE
S-233  De Leon                 ED7IDL     EA7FR                         EA7FR
EA     - During  the   weekend   ED5DX  will  be  active  from Tabarca island 
         (EU-093). QSL via EA5GRC.
EA     - The activity of ED4IDS/1 from Molinos de Crespo  island (DIEI SO-08)
         should  have  been  postponed  to this weekend [425DXN 261]. QSL via 
EA     - From 23 to 30 June EA1WO, EA2RW and EA2AE will be active  as EA2AE/p
         from Carcavo island (DIEI VI-17). QSL via EA2AE.
EA     - On 28 July EA5RKX's team will try to activate for a few hours Peneta 
         del Moro (EU-151).
EA     - From 3 to 4 August EA1BT will be active from Garandones island (DIEI
         ZA-40). QSL via EA1BT.
EA     - From 10 to 11 August EA1BT will be active from Olmillos island (DIEI
         ZA-37). QSL via EA1BT.
EA     - From 17 to 18  August EA1BT will be active from Los  Rompidos island
         (DIEI ZA-38). QSL via EA1BT.
EA     - From 24 to  25 August  EA1BT will  be  active from La Reguera island
         (DIEI ZA-39). QSL via EA1BT.
EA     - From 31 August to 1 September EA1BT will be active from Vahuero isl.
         (DIEI ZA-04). QSL via EA1BT.
EA6    - On 22  June ED6ZX will be active from Farao des Fret island. QSL via
F      - F5TGR,  F5TJP,  F5TMZ and ON4TH will participate in the IOTA Contest  
         from Les Sept Iles (EU-107).
G      - Until the end of the year the Stratford-on-Avon & District Radio So-
         ciety  members  will  use  for  three  weeks  each  the special call 
         GB800SA. QSL via RSGB bureau.
HI     - In late July/early August HI9/I4LCK will be  active from Cayo Levan-
         tado (NA-122). Actual dates depend on transportation. 
HK     - It is possible that Pedro, HK3JJH will soon activate Bajo Nuevo (NA-
         132) and Serrana Bank (NA-133).
425 DX News #267 [3/6]
 15 June 1996                      No 267                     BID: $425WW267C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                                  Edited by
                               I1JQJ  & IK1GPG
                                Translated by
                              I1-21171 & IK1ADH

I      - On  16  June  Nino,  IK8DDN  will  be  active from A Penna reef (IIA 
I      - During  the  weekend Raul, IC8/IK8VRS will be active from the island
         of Procida (EU-031, IIA NA-002). QSL via IK8DYD.
I      - On  6 and 7 July Marcello, IW6MTM will probably be active in V/U/SHF 
         from Tremiti islands.
I      - From 14 to 17 June IJ9/IT9HLR, IJ9/IT9AXZ, IJ9/IT9YRE and IJ9/IT9WDY
         will be active  from Porri  island (EU-166,  IIA RG-001). Operations
         from 10 to  80 metres (WARC  bands included), in SSB and CW. QSL via
         their respective home calls.
I      - Callsigns of the activity from Gallinara island (EU-083,IIA SV-001), 
         planned on 15-16 June  [425DXN  265],  will be  IP1/IK1QBT (CW)  and
         IP1/IK1ZOZ and  IP1/IK1JXW (SSB). Operations will take place on  all 
         the bands,WARC and 6 metres included, with different stations active 
         simultaneously. QSL via their respective home calls,  also  via  the
I      - During  the  last  weekend of  June or  the first  of July  Alberto,
         IL3/IK4HPU will be active from Casone San Guglielmo (IIA RO-005).
KC6    - From 10 to 12 July Jeff (N8CC/KC6BP) and Ted  (K8AQM/KC6JJ)  will be
         active on  all bands  from Koror,   Palau islands (OC-009). QSL  via
KH0    - From 14 to 17 June KH0N (JA6CNL) and KH0/JA6IP will be active (10-80
         metres, WARC bands included, and 6 metres) in SSB and CW from Saipan
         Northern Mariana (OC-086). They plan to participate in the All Asian 
         DX CW Contest. QSL via bureau to their respective home calls  or  to 
         NKDXC, P.O Box 11, Yahata, 805 Japan.
KH6    - From 17 to 19 July Jeff (N8CC) and Ted (K8AQM) will be active on all
         bands from Maui island (OC-019). QSL via AA8HZ.
KH8    - From 19 to 23 July  NH8/N8CC,  KH8/K8AQM,  KH8/KG8CO,  KH8/KG8DS and
         KH8/KB8ECG will be active on all bands from Ofu, American Samoa. QSL
         via AA8HZ.
KH8    - Don, KH8/N5OLS will be  active for three years from  American Samoa.
         All modes/all bands operations (usually he is on 14.218  and  14.224 
         MHz SSB and at 3 UTC on 14.030 MHz CW). QSL via AA5BL or  direct  to 
         the operator: Don Barclay, Box 8, Pago Pago, AS 96799, USA.
PY     - From 29 June to 2 July PR5L will be active from Campeche island (SA-
         026, DIB 41). QSL via PP5LL.
PY     - From  17 to 22 July  ZV5AVM and PR5L will be active from Anhatomorim
         island (SA-026, DIB 22). QSL via PP5LL.
PY     - From 26 August to 1 September ZV5AVM and  PR5L will be  active  from
         Sao Francisco island (SA-027, DIB 08). QSL via PP5LL.
PY     - From 23 to 29 September ZV5VB will be active  from Coral island (SA-
         26, DIB 58). QSL via PP5VB.
PY     - From 24 to  28 October  ZV2EPA  will be  active from Comprida island
         (SA-024 DIB 21). QSL via PY2EPA.
PY     - From 16 to 21 November ZV2EPA will be active from Santo Amaro island
         (SA-071, DIB 10). QSL via PY2EPA.
PY     - From 22  to  25  November  ZV2EPA will  be active from Sao Sebastiao 
         island (SA-028, DIB 16). QSL via PY2EPA.
SP     - Until 6 July Peter, SP5PB/1  is active in SSB and CW from EU-129 and
         EU-131. QSL  via home call  (Piotr Brydak, Okolnik 9A/16, 00368 War-
         szawa, Poland).
UA     - From 20 to 31 July Constantin, R1/EU1FC and Sergej, R1/EW1MA will be
         active  from 15  to 80 metres  from  Solovetskiye  islands (EU-066).
         They plan  to join the IOTA Contest using the call R1/EU1FC. QSL via
         P.O.Box 202, Minsk-5, 220005, Belarus.
UA0    - Between 25 July and 15 August Victor, R0/UT8LL should be active  for
         less than  24 hours from  Ushakova island  (AS-???). Operations will
         take place mainly on 20 metres CW (14.030 MHz).
UK     - From 21  June to 2 July  Karl K4YT/DL4YT  will be in Tashkent, Uzbe-
         kistan  for  work  and he will be  active from Fedor's  (UK9AA) QTH, 
         probably using the call UK4YT. QSL via DL4YT.
V6     - From 4 to 7 July Jeff (N8CC/V63CF) and Ted (K8AQM/V63CK) will be ac-
         tive on all bands from Ponape (OC-010). QSL via AA8HZ.
V6     - From 7 to 9 July Jeff (N8CC/V63CF) and Ted (K8AQM/V63CK) will be ac-
         tive on all bands from Truk islands (OC-011). QSL via AA8HZ.
V7     - From 1  to 4 July Jeff  (N8CC) and Ted (K8AQM) will be active on all
         bands from Majuro (OC-029), Marshall islands. QSL via AA8HZ.
VE     - From 1 to 3 July John, N6JM will be active from 10 to 80 metres from
         Anticosti Island (NA-077).
VE     - From 9 to 10 July John N6JM will be active from 10 to 80 metres from
         a costal island of Newfoundland (NA-198).
VE     - From 20 to 21 July John,  N6JM will be  active from 10  to 80 metres
         from La Madeleine island (NA-038).
VE     - John, VE1JS will participate in the IOTA Contest from  Freeport,Nova
         Scotia (NA-127). QSL via direct (CBA from 1995) or via bureau.
VK     - From 26 June to 6 July Malcolm, VK6LC and Terry, VK6VS will  be  QRV
         from  Sholl Island (OC-140). This  IOTA group was  activated for the
         first time by  VK6LC/P  in 1989, but during  that occasion  Malcolm,
         who operated from Thevenard island, logged only 200 QSO.
VK     - Steve,  AA6LF  should be active from  Ashmore Reef  (OC-???) in  the
         first week of August.
VP2V   - From 14 to 29 June Arch VP2V/K8CFU will be active on 20 metres (pro-
         bably also on 40 and 80) from British Virgin Islands.
VP8_sg - The Japan DX  News announced  an activity  on all  bands from  South
         Georgia from 14 to 26 June. QSL via PA0TLX.
W      - KR4UJ and KR4DL will join the IOTA Contest from Cedar Key (NA-076).
YB     - From 00  UTC of 6 to  24 UTC of 10  July the special  station YB28AR
         will be active from Giakarta during  the 28th  anniversary of  ORARI
         (the Indonesian amateur radio association).  QSL  only via bureau to 
YV     - From 18 to  21 July a group of  16 Venezuelan operators  will be ac-
         tive on all modes  using the call  4M5LR from Los Roques island (SA-
         035). QSL via WS4E.
YV     - Luigi, YV5ENI should be soon active from SA-015 (Los Monjes Archipe-
         lago) and SA-044 (La Tortuga).
ZC6    - JA1UT  is planning  an activity in SSB  and CW from Gaza and Jericho
         in late June/early July for one or two weeks. 
ZF     - From 22 to 26 June Wondy (ZF2KR), Stan (ZF2MP) and Mike (ZF2PA) will
         be  portable  ZF8  from  Little  Cayman Island. Operations will take 
         place in CW, SSB and RTTY.
ZK1_sc - The activity of  ZK1AAU, ZK1MJZ  and ZK1AGW [425DXN  255] from South
         Cook Islands is now planned from 11 to 21  July.  QSL via AA8U (also
         via bureau).
425 DX News #267 [4/6]
 15 June 1996                      No 267                     BID: $425WW267D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                                  Edited by
                               I1JQJ  & IK1GPG
                                Translated by
                              I1-21171 & IK1ADH

****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ...  ***************************

DIFM ---> The DIFM Award manager has issued two new Reference Numbers:AT-123,
Ile de Nole (for the  activity of F6ELE/P,  18 May 1996) and MA-100, Ile Enez
Aman Ar Rouz (for the activity of F5VCR/P, 8 June 1996).

HAMRADIO '96 ---> The 1996 Hamradio Convention will take place from 28  to 30
June in Friedrichshafen.  The Convention will include a DX meeting,  the  QSL
check  for  DXCC  by  Bill Kennamer (K5FUV), an IOTA party organized by Hans, 
DK1RV with Roger, G3KMA and Martin, G3ZAY and the first meeting of newly born 
German DX Foundation (GDXF).

IOTA OC-172 & OC-187 ---> The activity of Steve, AA6LF from OC-172 and OC-187
[425DXN 263] suffered from poor propagation. From OC-172 Steve logged only 80 
contacts (none with Europeans), while from OC-187 QSO logged were  about 327, 
with one hour opening towards Europe.

IOTA OC-251 (!) ---> In 425 DX News #265 the IOTA Reference Number OC-251 was
give to Mentawai island (YB5). It is a typo - the right number is OC-215.

JARL 70 AWARDS ---> The JARL (Japan Amateur Radio League) celebrates his 70th
anniversary  offering  to  OM  and  SWL a series of five awards for contacts/
heards made between 1 June 1996 and 31 May 1997. Awards are as follows:
J  Award: for QSO/HRD with at least 7 different Japanese prefixes;
A  Award: for QSO/HRD with at least 7 different  DXCC Countries (JA/JD exclu-
R  Award: for QSO/HRD with at least 7  different JARL  commemorative stations
          (prefix 8J or JA*RL/JA*YRL/JR6RL);
L  Award: for QSO/HRD with at least 7 different Japanese stations having dif-
          ferent grid squares;
70 Award: for QSO/HRD with at least 70 different Japanese stations  on a sin-
          gle band or single  mode  (Note: on 2.4 GHz, 1 QSO = 2 stations; on 
          5.6 GHz, 1 QSO = 7  stations; on 10 GHz, 1 QSO = 10 stations; on 24 
          GHz or above 1 QSO = 35 stations).
The requests will  be accepted starting from 1 August  1996 and no later than
31 December 1997. It is necessary to send the log  extract and 6 IRC  to JARL
Award Desk, PO Box 377, Tokyo Central, Japan,

NEW ADDRESS ---> The  new  address  of  Raymond  (W8CNL)  and  Derek (KC4ELO) 
McClure is the following: 5 McKenzie  Circle,  North  Augusta, South Carolina
29841-4319,  USA. Ray and  Derek are the  QSL managers for  9K2ZZ, 9K2ZC, and
9K2YY (Ray handles also the QSL for N600BFM, Olympic prefix of N6BFM).

1996 will take place from 30 to 31 August  c/o  Royal  Sonesta  Hotel  in New 
Orleans.  JA1BK,  "DXer of the year", will attend the event. Further informa-
tion please contact Mike, W5ZPA (e-mail w5zpa@ix.netcom.com o fax Michael  W.
Mayer, (504-524-2129).

NORTH KOREA ---> Sanyi, HA7VK, who is  currently at the Hungarian embassy  in
Pyongyang  [425DXN 261],  has  got in touch with the North Korean authorities
just to learn that "at  present  time there is absolutely no chance to get an 
amateur radio licence in North Korea". Sanyi has also talked  with BZ1HAM and 
other Chinese amatuers, who had received the same reply.

PUERTO RICO NP3 ---> The FCC has started issuing  the  new calls with the NP3

QSL 3C1DX ---> Teo, EA6BH  reports  to have  replied to some 800 requests for 
the 3C1DX activity. The other requests will be sent before the end of June.

QSL 3Z0PAE ---> The QSL manager of this special station is SP1NQF.

QSL 3Z0WAW ---> The QSL  manager of this special station, currently   working 
on all bands CW and SSB to celebrate the 400th  anniversary  of the change of 
the capital city, form Krakow to Warsaw. QSL via SP5PBE.

QSL 5A1A ---> N4AA is the QSL manager for U.S.A. for the operations from 5A1A
made by the Ukrainian operators up to 25 July 1995.  Contibutions can be sent 
together with QSL and N4AA will give them to W4BRE.

QSL 5R8EN ---> Jean-Michel, F6AJA has received the logs up to 12 May.

QSL 9H0DX & 9H3WK ---> Win, DK9IP  reports that QSL for his activity as 9H0DX
(WPX SSB Contest) and 9H3WK are ready  to be sent  to DARC. Win  has  already
answered to direct requests, but 1 US$ or 1 IRC is not enough to cover postal 
costs: air mail is 3 DM, or 2 US$ or 1,5 IRC (1 IRC= 3$=2 DM)

QSL 9U5CW ---> From 7 to 9 June Peter ON6TT was active from 9U5CW's QTH.
The operations took place in CW (160, 80, 40 and 17 metres), SSB (20, 17, 15,
12 and 10 metres) and RTTY (15 and 20 metres).  QSL via EA1FFC.

QSL FT5WE ---> Claude, F5GTW has received the log for  29 December 95-9 April 
96 (6400 QSO).

QSL J28JJ/7O --->  Remigio IK3ASM has received the QSL of J28JJ/7O from F6HGO
[245DXN 261].

QSL JY74 ---> Amir 4X6TT reports that QSL for the JY74 activities (July 1995)
have been printed and should be sent at the end of June. QSL via JY6ZZ.
425 DX News #267 [5/6]
 15 June 1996                      No 267                     BID: $425WW267E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                                  Edited by
                               I1JQJ  & IK1GPG
                                Translated by
                              I1-21171 & IK1ADH

QSL LU6Z ---> Alberto, LU1DZ reports that first QSL for the LU6Z's operations
from South Orkney should be sent around the end of June.

QSL TA2DS/0 ---> The QSL for the recent TA2DS/0's activity from Bozcaada isl.
(AS-099) go direct via home call.

QSL TM1V & TM8OV ---> The QSL managers for these two stations, active from 10
to 16 June during the 80th anniversary of the Verdun battle, are respectively
F5NPS and F5REQ.

QSL TM5DUM ---> The QSL manager for this activity, which took place from 7 to
9 June from Dumet island (EU-064) is F5OQJ.

QSL ST.PIERRE ET MIQUELON ---> Gary, K9GS  reports to have replied to all the
direct  requests  for  the October 1995 operations by TO5M, FP/N9AU, FP/ND9O, 
FP/W9OP and FP/K9GS [425DXN 226]. The QSL manager for  TO5M's  activity  from 
Martinica (March 1993), is not Gary, but FM5CD [425DXN 099].

U.I.A.: UKRAINIAN ISLANDS AWARD ---> The award is issued to  OM and SWL.  For
the basic award it is necessary to  contact/heard  five different DXpeditions
working  from at least three  different islands. Endorsements available every
5 more islands: 10, 15,  20 (Honour Roll) and 25 (Top Honour Roll). The award
(5 IRC) and endorsements  (2 IRC each) can  be request  sending a log excerpt
signed by two amateurs to: George Chlijanc (UY5XE), P.O.Box 19, Lviv, Ukraine
Groups and islands valid for U.I.A. are the following: 
* BLACK SEA GROUP 3D BS-01 Babyn; BS-02 Berezan [activity by di RY8BI (8/91)]
BS-03  Velykyi; BS-04  Dzarylgach  [activity by  RY8DI (8/91), RY9DI (8/92)];
BS-05  Dovhyi  [activity  by UR8G  (7/91)];  BS-06  Yehorlytski (Yehiprtski);
BS-07  Zmiinyi [activity by  EK5ZI (5/90), 4K5ZI  (7/90, 7/91, 7/92)];  BS-08
Kalanchack; BS-09  Kinskyi; BS-10 Korabel-Kamin  Rocks; BS-11 Kruhliyi; BS-12
Lebediachi  (Lebiazhyi);  BS-13  Orlov; BS-14  Pervomaiskyi; BS-15  Sybirski;
BS-16 Smoliani; BS-17  Tendrivska  kosa (Tendra)  [activity by RY9TI  (8/92),
UY9TI (8/93)]. 
* AZOV SEA GROUP  3D AZ-01 Liapina; AZ-02 Malyi Dzenddzyk.
* KERCH STRAIT GROUP  3D KS-01 Kosa Tuzla.
* DNIPRO RIVER  GROUP  3D DN-01  Bilohrudyi; DN-02  Velykyi  Potiomkin; DN-03
Karantynnyi;  DN-04   Malyi  Potiomkin;  DN-05  Vilkhovyi  (Olkhovyi);  DN-06
Khortytsia  [activity by UB4QWW/a  (1/90), RB5QW/a (7/90), RY1QH (7/91), EK5Q
(7/81), RB5QZ (7/91), UY5ZE (resident)].
* DUNAI RIVER GROUP  3D DU-01 All the islands except DU-02 Kubanskyi.
* ANTARCTICA GROUP  3D AN-01 Base Academic Vernadskyi (Galindez island)  [QSO
are valid with EM1KA and EM1U starting from 7 February 1996).

YM21HCS & YM22HCS QSL --->  The  QSL  manager  for these two special stations 
active  from  Istanbul  (YM21HCS on the European side, YM22HCS on the Asiatic 
side)  during the U.N. Conference Habitat 2 is TA2BK.

ZC4 ---> Roger,  G3SXW  has  reported  that   no  more radio activity will be 
allowed to non-residents in the British Bases area.

ZK2YY ---> Yuu  Yoshitani, JA3IG was not active as ZK2YY  [425DXN 263] due to
mechanical problems to the airplane.

QSL received via direct:   3D2CT,  3W5FM,   J28JJ/7O,  9K2MU,  9U5DX,  BV9P,
CE0Y/DK9FN,  FK/JA1WPX,  FS/WX9E,  HK0NAF,  IB0/IK0HWI  (EU-045; IIA LT-014),
IJ9/I5GWO  (EU-166; IIA CT-001),  J56CK (AF-020),  J56DY (AF-020),  KH4/NH6D, 

QSL received via WF5E DX QSL service: DX1EA, J8/LA4LN, TU4SR, XR0Z (SA-083)


              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, CT1EEB,CT1ENQ, DK9IP,

                     ***   425 DX NEWS  QSL ROUTES   ***

Following many requests we have decided to start experimentally a new service
to  help  our  readers to find managers and/or addresses of DX stations.  The 
requests  should  be  sent  only  to  IK1GPG, who is responsibile for the QSL 
Managers/QSL Routes, via e-mail: 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it
Answers will be published in the bulletin.

!       425 WWW Page --->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html      !
!                     INTERNET via  anonymous FTP at site:                  !
!  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  -  under the  /pub/ham/425news/english/  directory !
!             To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL:             !
!              http://www.fr.flashnet.it/cgi-bin/425dxnews-list             !
!     or sending a message to:               majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it    !
!     writing in the body of the message:    subscribe 425dxnews <address>  !
!          where <address> is the e-mail address of the subscriber          !
!                 * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *                    !
!                     TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751                       !
!                     DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613                       !
!                      SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422                      !
!                     ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306                       !
!                     CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921                       !
!               HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677                       !
!                      WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183                       !
!                      JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332                      !
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
425 DX News #267 [6/6]
 15 June 1996                      No 267                     BID: $425WW267F
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  02/09      4S7BRG * by HB9BRM                                     265
till  Sep        5R8EN * by F2JD                                        245
till  18/06      5V7HR & 5V7ML * by DL7UBA & DL7ALM                     263
till  17/06      W4JKC/6Y5                                              267
till  21/06      9H3II * by DL4VCR                                      261
till  07/06      9H3UT: Comino Isl. * by DL9GDB                         265
till  July       9N1KY                                                  263
till  30/06      9Q5HX * by IK2BHX                                      267
till  17/06      C6AIE * by WZ8D                                        261
till  06/07      SP5PB/1: EU-131 & EU-129                               267
till  20/06      SV5/DL8SET                                             263
till  30/08      SV9, SV8 (EU-052, 075), SV1 (EU-060) by SV1CID, SV1DPL 263
till  December   VK0WH: Macquarie                                       238
till  mid Sep    VP8BPZ: Falkland Is. * by DA4RG                        253
till  December   ZD8DEZ * by G0DEZ                                      259
till  July 97    ZS8IR: Marion Is. * by ZS6RI                           263
13/06-29/06      PA3ERL/6Y5                                             263
14/06-16/06      ED5DX: Tabarca Is. (EU-093)                            267
14/06-16/06      EG9IA & EG9IN: Alboran Is. (AF-042)                    265
14/06-16/06      IC8/IK8VRS: Procida Isl. (EU-031) (IIA NA-002)         267
14/06-17/06      IJ9: Porri Isl. (EU-166) (IIA RG-001) * by IT9 team    267
14/06-17/06      KH0N & KH0/JA6IP                                       267
14/06-29/06      VP2V/K8CFU                                             267
14/06-21/06      VP8: South Georgia                                     267
15/06-16/06      EA1BPC/p: Isla de Entrellusa (DIE N-103)               265
15/06-16/06      ED4IDS/1: Isla Molino de Crespos (DIEI SO-08)          267
15/06-16/06      3DA0/H5ANX                                             267
15/06-16/06      II1ARI: Torino * special event station                 263
15/06-16/06      IP1: Gallinara Isl. (EU-083) (IIA SV-001) * by I1 team 267
15/06-16/06      All Asian CW Contest                                   263
16/06            EA4ENK/p: Isla Molino de Arriba (DIEI CC-02)           265
16/06-24/06      IA5/IK2HTW                                             261
16/06            IC8/IK8DDN: Scoglio A Penna (IIA NA-015)               267
16/06-05/07      LA: Vesteralen Is. (EU-033) * by DL2SWW                265
18/06-19/06      N4BP/C6A: Bimini Is. (NA-048) * by N4BP, W4OVU, WA4FLZ 263
18/06-02/07      CY0AA: Sable * by VE9AA, WA8JOC, W9OEH                 259
20/06-04/07      SV5/DL9UDS                                             265
20/06-05/07      SV8/I3BQC: Samos Isl. (EU-049)                         261
21/06-23/06      3A/IK2GZU * ARI Brescia DX Group                       267
21/06-23/06      CU4N: Lighthouse Carapacho (DFP FAZ-04)                267
21/06-23/06      ID9: Salina Isl. (EU-017) (IIA ME-015) * by IT9 team   263
22/06-23/06      EA1BEY/p: Islote Corvino (DIE N-153)                   265
22/06            ED6ZX: Farao des Fret Isl.                             267
22/06-26/06      ZF8/ZF2KR, ZF8/ZF2MP, ZF8/ZF2PA                        267
23/06-06/07      9H * by PA team                                        263
23/06-30/06      9N * by KV5V                                           263
23/06-30/06      EA2AE/p: Carcavo Isl. (DIEI VI-17)                     267
23/06-06/07      VK: Sholl Isl. (OC-140) * VK6LC & VK6VS                267
24/06-26/06      HL0C/4: Bogil Isl. (AS-085)                            265
26/06            EA4ENK/p: Isla Molino de Abajo (DIEI CC-03)            265
27/06-04/07      J6 * by F5CCO                                          255
28/06-05/07      F6KSA/p: Cordouan Isl. (EU-159)                        261
28/06-01/07      GJ3RTE/p & GJ3SWH/p: Les Minquiers Plateau (EU-099)    257
29/06-07/07      GM0NES/p: Orkney Is. (EU-009) * by G's team            249
29/06-02/07      PR5L: Campeche Isl. (SA-026) (DIB 41)                  267
28/06-30/06      LA: Lofoten Is. (EU-076) * by DL2SWW              ???  265
June             3C1DX * by EA6BH                                       263
June             GM5VG/p: Monach Is. (EU-111) * by GM team              263
June-July        HK0: Bajo Nuevo (NA-132) * by HK3JJH              ???  267
June-July        HK0: Serrana Bank (NA-133) * by HK3JJH            ???  267
June-July        IL3/IK4HPU: Casone San Guglielmo Isl. (IIA RO-005)     267
June-July        ZC6: Palestine - Gaza & Jericho * by JA1UT's team      267
01/07-04/07      V7: Majuro (OC-029) * by N8CC & K8AQM                  267
01/07-03/07      VE: Anticosti Isl. (NA-077) * by N6JM                  267
04/07-08/07      KL: Barren Is. (NA-???) * by N6IV & NL7TB              261
04/07-07/07      V63CF & V63CK: Ponape (OC-010) * by N8CC & K8AQM       267
05/07-07/07      GD/PA3GIO                                              261
06/07-10/07      YB28AR * special event station                         267
07/07-09/07      V63CF & V63CK: Truk Is. (OC-011) * by N8CC & K8AQM     267
09/07-11/07      VE: NA-198 * by N6JM                                   267
10/07-12/07      KC6BP & KC6JJ: Palau Is. (OC-009) * by N8CC & K8AQM    267
10/07-25/08      OX/G3WUX/qrp                                           259
11/07-21/07      ZK1AAU,ZK1AGW,ZK1MJZ: Rarotonga Isl. (OC-013)-So.Cook  267
12/07-20/07      DU2INT: Babuyan Isl. (OC-092) * by DU2/N3GKY           267
13/07-20/07      HB0 * by F6ELE, F1PNA, F6HKA                           263
13/07-14/07      IARU HF World Championship                             ***
13/07-14/07      World Radiosport Team Championship 1996 (San Francisco)261
14/07-27/07      HB0 * by DL1JBN, DL3JSW, DK5YY                         265
14/07            DIE/DIP Contest                                        267