SB DX@WW $425WW265A 425 DX News #265 [1/6] 1 June 1996 No 265 BID: $425WW265A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1GPG Translated by I1-21171 & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector ! ! (e-mail ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 4S7 - From 7 June to 2 September Mario, HB9BRM will be active from Sri Lanka as 4S7BRG. Operations on 20 (between 14.270 and 14.320 MHz) and 15 metres (between 21.210 and 21.260 MHz) around 13 UTC, on 40 (between 7.045 and 7.070 MHz) and 80 metres (between 3.790 and 3.800 MHz) around 19-21 UTC. QSL via home call (Mario Primavesi, Falkensteinerstrasse 5, CH-4710 Balsthal, Switzerland). 5B - From 18 July to 1 August Michael, DL5MX (ex-DL5ARX) will be active as 5B4/DL5MX from 10 to 160 metres. He plans to join the IOTA Con- test. 6W - Up to 1 June Jerry, UT4UZ and Victor, UT3UV will be active on all bands SSB/CW from Senegal as N2WCQ/6W1 and KE4EKV/6W1. On May 22 N2WCQ/6W1 was active from Goree island (AF-045). QSL via PA3BUD. 9H - Until 7 June Dieter DL9GDB will be active as 9H3UT from Comino Isl. (EU-023). QSL via bureau. 9H - From 22 July to 9 August Felix, DL8OBC/9H3UD and Matthias, DL4OCL/ 9H3UF will be active from Gozo island (EU-023). Operations are expected mainly in CW on all bands from 10 to 80 metres (WARC bands included). They also plan to participate in the IOTA Contest. It is also possible that Felix and Matthias will be active in digimodes. QSL (also via bureau) via their respective home calls, DL8OBC (Felix J.Reiss, P.O.Box 1253,D-30984 Gehrden, Germany) and DL4OCL (Matthias Deutscher, P.O.Box 100412, D-30942 Ronnenberg, Germany). 9J - Starting from 1 June Hans, KN6DI should be active for one or three months from Zambia probably using the call 9J2DI. The activity will take place in SSB only. QSL via AA6BB. BS7 - Rumours about a Scarborough Reef activity in October, after the ty- phoon season. C6 - The activity by K4MQG, AA4R and WA4VCC from Grand Bahama [425DXN 259] will take place from 7 to 14 June. Operations on HF, on 6 and 2 metres and on 432 MHz. CT - The NPDXG DXpedition Team will participate in the IOTA Contest from Insua Island (EU-150). The operators will be CT1ZW, CT1DVV, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, CT1ESV, CT1ETZ, CT1BWW and CT1FMX. CU - From 6 to 11 June Leonel, CU3EJ will be active on 20, 40 and 80 me- ters as CU8L from Flores island (EU-089) and as CU9L from Corvo isl. (EU-089). QSL via home call. EA - On 1 and 2 June EA1BEY/p will be active from Isla Chouzano (DIE N-102). QSL via EA1BEY. EA - On 2 June EA4ENK/p will be active from Isla Los Patos (DIEI CC-04). QSL via EA5OL. EA - On 8 and 9 June EA1BT/p will be active from Isla La Chada (DIE N-183). QSL via EA1BT. EA - On 9 June EA1CSB/p will be active from Isla Los Canos (DIEI BU-27). QSL via EA5OL. EA - On 9 June EA4ENK/p will be active from Isla Quebrada (DIEI CC-01). QSL via EA5OL. EA - On 15 and 16 June EA1BPC/p will be active from Isla de Entrellusa (DIE N-103). QSL via EA1BT. EA - On 16 June EA4ENK/p will be active from Isla Molino de Arriba (DIEI CC-02). QSL via EA5OL. EA - On 22 and 23 June EA1BEY/p will be active from Islote Corviro (DIE N-153). QSL via EA1BEY. TO BE CONTINUED IN PART TWO /EX SB DX@WW $425WW265B 425 DX News #265 [2/6] 1 June 1996 No 265 BID: $425WW265B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1GPG Translated by I1-21171 & IK1ADH PART TWO EA - On 26 June EA4ENK/p will be active from Isla Molino de Abajo (DIEI CC-03). QSL via EA5OL. EA9 - The activity from Alboran island (IOTA AF-042, DIE S-001) and La Nu- be (DIE S-031) [425DXN 251, 253 and 259] will probably take place between 14 and 16 June using respectively the EG9IA and EG9IN calls. QSL via EA4URE. EI - The WestNet DX Group operations from Great Blasket Island (EU-007) are confirmed from 7 to 10 June using the call EJ7NET [425DXN 247]. The activity will take place from 10 to 160 metres, with particular attention to low bands. QSL via EI6FR. EM - From 27 May to 5 June the special station EM8W will be active during the Amateur Radio Festival in Lviv. From 3 to 9 UTC of 2 June the following stations will be active on 20 and 40 metres CW: UX0W, UX9W, UY0W and UY9W. QSL all via UY5XE. EM_ant - EM1U is daily active around 18 UTC on 14.133 MHz. It is also possi- ble to find EM1U and EM1KA on 160 metres (1.837 MHz) between 3 and 5 UTC. QSL via 9H3UP. F - For the whole weekend F6OYU/p will be active from Fort Brescou (EU- 148). QSL via F5XL. FR/T - In July FR5ZQ should be /T from Tromelin for some weeks. The activi- ty is planned in SSB (probably after 15 UTC on 21.300/21.320 MHz) and in CW. GM - GM3USL/P will participate in the IOTA Contest from Cumbrae island (EU-123). QSL via GM0KVI. GM - From 25 to 29 May Bob, GM0DEQ and Robbie, GM0SEI were active from Shiant islands (EU-112). QSL via GM0KVI. GW - From 28 to 30 June G8JM, G3NQT and G3JNJ will be active from St.Tud- wal's islands (EU-106). Operations on 15, 20 and 40 meters SSB (CW on request). QSL via G3JNJ. HB0 - From 14 to 27 July DL1JBN, DL3JSW and DK5YY will be active from Liechtenstien on HF (from 10 to 160 metres), while DG0JAG, DG0JS and DG0OKA will be active on VHF and the satellites. HL - From 24 to 26 June the Hanyang University Radio Club will be active from Bogil island (AS-085) using the call HL0C/4. QSL via HL0C also via bureau. I - On 2 June IL3/IK4HPU will be active from Batteria isl. (IIA RO-007). I - The 15 and 16 June IK1QBT and other operators will be active from Gallinara island (EU-083, IIA SV-001). Operations CW/SSB on all bands. I - From 14 UTC of 1 June to 14 UTC of 2 June I0WBX/ID9, IK0DDP/ID9, I0INU/ID9 and IW0RFK/ID9 will be active from Vulcano island (EU-017, IIA ME-018). Operations will take place on HF (40 and 80 metres), U/VHF and via satellite. QSL via bureau to their home calls. LA - From 16 June to 5 July DL2SWW will be active from 10 to 160 metres from Vesteralen islands (EU-033). From 28 to 30 June Frank will try to be active also from Lofoten islands (EU-076). QSL via home call. OZ - From 14 to 19 August OZ5RM/A and OZ/SM7KJH will be active mainly on 20 and 80 metres CW from Anholt island (EU-088). PA - The station PA6V/p will participate in the Field Day Benelux VHF/UHF /SHF (1-2 June) from locator JO23OA. PY - PY1LVF will use the special call ZW9L during the Contests CQWW CW WPX (25-26 May) and IOTA (27-28 July). QSL via PY1LVF. SM - From 31 May to 2 June the special station SK7MO will be active from Bolm island, located in Bolmen lake, during the local Ham Fest. SV5 - From 20 June to 4 July Dieter, DL9UDS will be active from Dodecanese in CW and SSB from 10 to 80 metres (mainly on WARC bands) and on 6 metres. QSL via DL9UDS also through the bureau. VE - During the weekend VE1AGF will be active from some islands valid for C.Is.A. TO BE CONTINUED IN PART THREE /EX SB DX@WW $425WW265C 425 DX News #265 [3/6] 1 June 1996 No 265 BID: $425WW265C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1GPG Translated by I1-21171 & IK1ADH PART THREE VE - From 4 to 10 June Ernest, VE3NSZ will be active from different islands valid for C.IS.A.: Orleans (PQ007 IOTA NA-128), Expo (PQ011) Grande (PQ019), Nuns/Des Soeurs (PQ023), Bigras (PQ026), Lameque (NB004, IOTA NA-068), Outer Hirthe (NS008), Tancook (NS012, IOTA NA-081), Heckmans (NS040), Little Tancook (NS042), Marvins (NS043). VU - Jim, VK9NS has received his Indian licence (VU2JBS), valid for five years and he is now planning to back to the Andamans in July or August. The import permissions for the equipment donated to Mani (VU2JPS) by the Heard Island DX Association [425DXN 249] should have already been sent to Norfolk. ************************ **************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************ 3A ---> The operations by Tony 3A/IK1QBT, Frank 3A/IK1HLG and Mauro 3A/IK1CJO from Monaco [425DXN 261] took place from 11 UTC of 11 May to 8 UTC of 13 May, logging about 1500 QSO (950 in CW, 300 in RTTY and 250 in SSB). The activity was mainly on 30, 17, 20 (particolarly in RTTY), 40 and 80 metres. QSL (also through the bureau) via their respective home calls: IK1QBT (Tony Gallo, Via Capo S.Spirito 1/16, I-17020 Borghetto S.Spirito-SV, Italy), IK1HLG (Frank Imbesi, P.O.Box 155, I-17025 Loano-SV, Italy), IK1CJO (Mauro Ferrua, P.O.Box 41, I-17031 Albenga-SV,Italy) 5X4C ---> On 12 April father Sebastiano's (5X4C) mission was attacked and sacked. The radio station has been destroyed, equipments robbed and 5X4C is currently QRT. Anyone who can really help Father Sebastiano to be back on- the-air can contact him at this address: Sebastiano Bianchi, Catholic Mission Iceme, P.O.BOX.43, Lira, Uganda. IOTA ---> NEW REFERENCE NUMBERS ISSUED IN MAY: OC-214 VK6 WESTERN AUSTRALIA STATE (N.W.COAST) EAST group (Australia, Western Australia islands, letter "e"), following the operations by VK6LC from Lacepede island. OC-215 YB5 MENTAWAI IS (Indonesia, YB5 islands, letter "f"), following the operations by 8A5ITU from Siberut island. IOTA ---> 1996 IOTA CONTEST SOFTWARE: The latest realease of SDI (Super-Duper IOTA), the software written by Paul, EI5DI for the management of IOTA Contest logs, is available via or via anonymous FTP at the site "ISLAND HOPPER" ---> Art, N2AU and Terry, W9JOO publish the fortnightly bulletin "Island Hopper", dedicated to islands activities. For sample copies send 10 SASE to W9JOO: Terry Long, 1385 Hauptstrasse, Berne, IN 46711-1710, USA. ON6BY ---> Monique's (QSL manager for 9K2CA and JY5DK) new address is the following: Monique V.D. Dolder, Klaprozenlaan 10, B-4800 Oostende, Belgium. PALESTINE UPDATE ---> The JA1UT/JA3UB group has been involved in Palestine since mid-1994 with a United Nations humanitarian aid project. providing and installing VHF radios in ambulances and hospitals. Several visits have been made in pursuit of the project, and two of them included licensed amateur radio operation. The first step in the resumption of amateur radio was made by a short operation of a Palestinian national Dr Sami Tarazi from the Gaza Strip on 2nd December 1994 using the historic call sign ZC6B. The first operation by the JA1UT/JA3UB group took place between 12-20th December 1994 from the Gaza strip, using the call signs JA1UT/GAZA, JA3UB/GAZA, JK1KHT/GAZA JO3XEQ/GAZA. The /GAZA suffix was used because Palestine did not hold a cur- rently valid call-sign allocation. A written permit was issued by the Mini- stry of Telecommunications and Posts. The second operation by this group took place 14-19 May 1995. The call signs used were JA1UT/ZC6, JA1UPA/ZC6, JA3UB/ ZC6, JO3XEQ/ZC6, JO3XER/ZC6, JH7DHS/ZC6, JR0CGJ/ZC6. A licence was issued by the Ministry of Telecommunications and Posts of the Palestinian Authority. This stipulated the use of the /ZC6 prefix. An informal approach was made to a representative of DXAC at the Tokyo Ham Fair August 1995, sounding out the possibility of a DXAC accreditation. In the personal opinion of the represen- tative, it would be a long time before DXAC could even consider such an ap- plication two to the political complexities concerning the autonomy criteria. The JA1UT/JA3UB group are planning another visit to Palestine in late June/ early July 1996. (TNX G3NOM/JA1UT). TO BE CONTINUED IN PART FOUR /EX SB DX@WW $425WW265D 425 DX News #265 [4/6] 1 June 1996 No 265 BID: $425WW265D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1GPG Translated by I1-21171 & IK1ADH PART FOUR QSL ERRATA CORRIGE ---> The QSL manager for the following stations (in 425DXN 263 wrongly reported as EA3ADS) is IK2QPR (Paolo Fava, Via Bertani 8, 45100 Mantova - MN): EO2CWO, EW6WW, EX7MA, EX8DX, EX8MF, RL0O, UC1WWO, UC2WO, UI8IZ UK8IZ, UL7OB, UL0OB, UM7MA, UM8DX, UM8MDX, UM8MFO, UM8MU, UN2O, UP50O. Paolo handles also the QSL of EV6MM, EX2U, RL2O, UK7PBH, UL7PJQ, UN7PJQ, UN9PQ. QSL ERRATA CORRIGE ---> The QSL manager for R3/W0YR and HA/W0YR is AA9DX, whose correct address [425DXN 261 and 263] is the following: P.O.Box 923, Wood Dale, IL 60191-0923, USA. QSL 5A1A ---> Dan, W4BRE reports a typo in Toly's (UT3UY) address [425DXN 263]. The correct addres is the following: Anatoly Kirilenko, P.O. Box 439/3 Kiev-151, 252151 Ukraine. Toly suggests not to send more than one or two dol- lars writing NO call on the envelope. It is therefore better to send dona- tions to W4BRE. QSL 9N1RHM ---> Following what published in 425DXN 263, it is also possible to ask QSL directly to Rich (9N1RHM), who during a QSO gave this address: Box 10801, Katmandu, Nepal. QSL AP2N ---> Willi, DF8WS is the new QSL manager for this station. Cards can also be sent to him via the bureau QSL CY0TP ---> Almost all the direct requests for the CY0TP operation from Sable Island (October 1995) [425DXN 229] have been replied. The cards via the bureau will start to be sent during the week. QSL ER9V ---> The QSL for this station, active from 6 to 9 May during the Victory Day, goes via the Moldavian bureau: P.O.Box 6637, 2050 Kishinev, Mol- dova. QSL EX9A ---> Willi, DF8WS is the new QSL manager for this station. Cards can also be sent him via the bureau QSL HS0/IK4MRH ---> Davide, IK4DCT reports that Nerio's (HS0/IK4MRH, resident on Phuket island, AS-053) are ready. Davide has started to reply to the requests. QSL I.I.A. ---> Roberto, IK2MRZ reports that all the contacts recently made by IL3/IK2MRZ and IL3/IK2ILH from some islands in the Rovigo province valid for IIA have been confirmed via direct or bureau. QSL IR2P ---> The QSL for this call, used in the main 1996 contests by some operators of the Limbiate (Milano) ARI Section, goes via bureau to IK2DUW. QSL IZ2ABW ---> The QSL for this station, whose call is part of the new ordinary series issued in Italy, can be sent via the bureau or direct to Alberto Di Benedetto, Viale Ca' Granda 27, 20162 Milano-MI, Italy. QSL PY5CC ---> JA1VOK is the new QSL manager for Peter, PY5CC. It is possible to ask JA1VOK (both direct and bureau) for confirmation about the PY5CC ope- rations (1996), PY0FM (1993, 1994, 1995 and 1996) and PX5A (1996). QSL R1FJZ ---> Bernhard, DF7RX is the QSL manager for this station, who has logged about 40,000 QSOs so far. All the request will be replied but Bernhard ask to be patient, as the communications betweeen Franz Josef Land and the mainland have been interrupted for six months. R1FJZ's operator will visit Bernhard in August and he hopes to receive all the logs. QSL TM1MA ---> The QSL for the operations by this station from Frioul island (EU-095) [425DXN 262] goes via F5TKA: Eric Heidrich, 11 Avenue Leon Blum, 91100 Corbeil, France. QSL UA3DR ---> Bob, AA9DX informs not to use the address in the Callbok, but this one: Leonid Shaparov, P.O.Box 111, 101000 Moscow, Russia [425DXN 247]. QSL UA3YH/KC4 ---> Serge, RW3XA (ex-UA3XBY: Serge Satyr, P.O.Box 461, Obninsk 249020s Russia) reports to have replied to all the direct and bureau requests for Nick's (UA3YH/KC4) activity from Antarctica (February 1995-February 1996). QSL VK9GA ---> The QSL for PA0GAM's operations (currently YB3AQE) from Christmas Island, which took place from 23 al 27 May with the VK9GA call [425DXN 263], goes via PA0GIN: Geert Heemstra, Noorderkroonstraat 16, 9742 XD Groningen, The Netherlands. QSL VU2JPS ---> Paul, DK8SR reports to have received VU2JPS's QSL (Andaman Islands) sending a registered letter to VU2FOT: M. Shanmugasundaram, 4/355-S, Edayarpalayam, Mettuppalayam (H.O.), Postal Code-641 301, Tamilmadu, India. RW6HS QSL SERVICE ---> QSL for the following Russian stations of area call 6 can be sent to the bureau through the RW6HS QSL Service (Box 20, Georgievsk, Stavropolsky Kr., 357800 Russia): RA-RZ, UA6A, B, D (Krasnodarsky Kr.),..A6E, F, G, H (Stavropolsky Kr.), ..A6I (Kalmykia Rep.), ..A6J (Ossetia Rep.), ..6L, M, N (Rostovskaya Obl.), ..6P (Chechenia Rep.), ..6U (Astrakhanskaya Obl.), ..6W (Dagestan Rep.), ..6X (Kabardino-Balkaria Rep.), ..6Y (Adygeya Rep.). TO BE CONTINUED IN PART FIVE /EX SB DX@WW $425WW265E 425 DX News #265 [5/6] 1 June 1996 No 265 BID: $425WW265E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1GPG Translated by I1-21171 & IK1ADH PART FIVE RW6HS ---> Vasili, RW6HS (ex-UW6HS: Box 20, Georgievsk, Stavropolsky Kr., 357800 Russia) has the logs still open for the following operations: 4Z5FW, 9H1ED, OD5EH, OD5SE, OD5NO; EO6AHG, EX8A, EX8QA, EY7AH, EY8VV, EZ5AD, EZ8AI, LY2ER, R1FJA, R1FJC, RA6WA, RA6WF, RP6HWF, RA9DX, RA0AY, RA0BY, RA0FAC, RA0FAN, RF6QAI, RI1OA, RI3B, RI6O, RI8BAM, RI8BDN, RI8OAA, RI0OAA, RL2O, RL0O, RV9JS, RV0AM, UA1PAC, UA2FBR, UA2FFM, UA2FGG, UA2FGU, UA0BC, UA0BCU, UA0I/UV3DDC, UA0QBQ, UA0Y/UA9YC, UA0ZCJ, UD8DWC, UE6ADI, UF6QAT, UF6QBA, UF6VAI, UI8DAG, UI8OAA, UI9ABL, UI9BWO, UI9B/RB3MO, UJ3I, UJ8JKK, UJ8SCH, UJ8SCI, UK50A...Z, UK8BN, UK8BAM, UK8BWO, UK8FC, UK8GBS, UK8OAN, UK8OB, UK8OM, UK9ADL, UL7OB, UL7TX, UM4BWO, UM8QA, UM0MO, UN2O, UN7AO, UN7TX, UU8I, 4L1QBA, 4K2BDU, 4K2BY, 4K2OX, 4K4BCU, 4K4BDU. SSIDXG ---> The South Sandwich Island DX Group is workin to an expedition to Bouvet [425DXN 261], which should be activated between the end of 1997 and the beginning of 1998. SSTV ---> The monthly Picture DX Bulletin is devoted to SSTV.Internet URL is: WABA & WASA ---> The 1996 edition of the Help Directory for W.A.B.A. (Worked Antarctic Bases Award) and W.A.S.A. (Worked Antarctic Stations Award) costs 10 US$ (refund of postal and print costs) and is available from the Diamond DX Club, c/o IK1GPG (Massimo Balsamo, Strada Statale 28 Nord # 7, 12084 Mondovi'-CN, Italy). XU1CJF ---> On May 15 JA1UT, JA1CMS, JA1UPA, JA4FWM and JH4LPY, were back from Cambodia [425DXN 263]. The main purpose was installing VHF equipment on ambulances and hospital, but they were active on amateur radio bands using the XU1CJF call. All the operations (excepts a few QSO on 30 metres) took place on 14, 21 and 40 metres SSB, mainly with Japan, Europe and USA West Coast. QSL via JR0CGJ, also via bureau. ZL8RI ---> The expedition to Raoul Island, Kermadec islands logged 33897 con- tacts (41% in CW, 53% in SSB and 6% in RTTY) with 31750 different stations. First QSO took place on 5 May at 4 UTC on 20 metres SSB with A7UN, last sta- tion was UR4LWC at 16.38 UTC of 13 May on 20 metres SSB. The contacts distri- bution depending on continents is the following: North America 6784 CW, 10106 SSB, 558 RTTY; South America 59/179/2; Europe 1772/1769/77; Asia 5094/5548/ 773; Africa 18/40/1; Oceania 259/836/16. Contacts distribution (except du- pes) depending on bands is the following: 160 metres CW 277, SSB 5, RTTY 0; 80 metres CW 1267, SSB 984, RTTY 1; 40 metres CW 2624, SSB 1812, RTTY 193; 30 metres 1284; 20 metres CW 3139, SSB 6289, RTTY 513; 17 metres CW 1672, SSB 2396, RTTY 0; 15 metres CW 2192, SSB 4106, RTTY 534; 12 metres CW 633, SSB 930, RTTY 0; 10 metres CW 88, SSB 810, RTTY 1. QSL cards are currently being printed and will be sent in about two months. Ken's (ZL2HU) team is already working on the next DXpedition - ZL9 (Auckland and Campbell) to be activated within two years. QSL received via direct: 1A0KM, 5R8EN, 9U/F5FHI, BG7YA (AS-094), BV9P, C56CW C56DX, EM1KA (WABA UR-01), IA5/IK0MHR (IIA GR-004), IC8/IK8VRS, IL3/I3BQC (IIA VE-036), IL3/IK2ILH, IL3/IK2MRZ (IIA R0-001, RO-007, RO-009, RO-010, RO-011), JX9ZP, NL7TB, V85HG, VK9CR, VK9XY, XX9KC, YE8T (OC-213), ZD8Z ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** 425 DX NEWS QSL ROUTES *** Following many requests we have decided to start experimentally a new service to help our readers to find managers and/or addresses of DX stations. The requests should be sent only to IK1GPG, who is responsibile for the QSL Managers/QSL Routes, via e-mail: Answers will be published in the bulletin. ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, IK1QBT, IK1UGX, IK1VHR, IK2DUW, IK2IQD, I2KUW, IK2MRZ, IK2PZG, IK2QPR, IK2SGB, IZ2ABW, IK3ASM, IV3SCR, IK4DCT, IK4HPU, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, IK8DYD, IK0AZG, IK0NGI, Brescia DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, AA9DX, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DK3VN, DL2SWW, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL8OBC, DL9GOA, DL9WVM, EA5KB, EI6FR, ER1AN, F5CCO, F6AJA, G3NYY, G3RTE, G4BUE, GM0DEQ, HB9BRM, HL1SSG, HS0/G3NOM, JI6KVR, NL7TB, ON6JG, PA0GAM, PE1KNL, PS7AB, PS7KM, PY5CC, RW3XA, SM7BUA, UA9CR, UT1WPR, UY5XE, VE1AGF, VE3NSZ, VE7CC, W4BAA, W4BRE, W6RGG, W9JOO, W9UI, WB2DIN, WD8MGQ, ZL2TT, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY DX. /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! 425 WWW Page ---> ! ! INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: ! ! - under the /pub/ham/425news/english/ directory ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! To subscribe the 425dxnews reflector through URL: ! ! ! ! or sending a message to: ! ! writing in the body of the message: subscribe 425dxnews <address> ! ! where <address> is the e-mail address of the subscriber ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * ! ! TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 ! ! DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 ! ! SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ! ! ARRL HQ BBS USA : 860-594-0306 ! ! CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 ! ! HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 ! ! WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 ! ! JUNGLE BBS NZ : +64-3-524-8332 ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang /EX SB DX@WW $425WW265F 425 DX News #265 [6/6] 1 June 1996 No 265 BID: $425WW265F ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till Sep 5R8EN * by F2JD 245 till 21/06 9H3II * by DL4VCR 261 till 07/06 9H3UT: Comino Isl. * by DL9GDB 265 till July 9N1KY 263 till 05/06 EM8W: Lviv * special event station 265 till 02/06 F6OYU/p: Fort Brescou (EU-148) 265 till 12/06 PY0TI: Trindade * by PY1UP 253 till 14/06 SV5/SM7DAY/qrp 257 till December VK0WH: Macquarie 238 till mid Sep VP8BPZ: Falkland Is. * by DA4RG 253 till June VQ9DX * by AA5DX 253 till December ZD8DEZ * by G0DEZ 259 till July 97 ZS8IR: Marion Is. * by ZS6RI 263 27/05-10/06 IJ7: Sant'Andrea di Gallipoli Isl (EU-091)(IIA LE-001) 259 28/05-05/07 F6KSA/p: Cordouan Isl. (EU-159) 261 31/05-02/06 BO1/JP1RIW: Ma-tsu (AS-113) 263 31/05-02/06 IL7: Tremiti Is. (EU-050) * by I6 team 263 31/05-02/06 SM: Bolm Isl. * by SK7MO 265 01/06-?? 9J2DI * by KN6DI 265 01/06-02/06 EA1BEY/p: Isla Chouzano (DIE N-102) 265 01/06-02/06 ID9: Vulcano Isl. (EU-017) (IIA ME-018) * by I0 team 265 01/06-02/06 II1ARI: Torino * special event station 263 01/06-09/06 SV8/G3SWH: Mykonos Isl. (EU-067) 259 01/06-02/06 VE1AGF/p: C.Is.A. 265 01/06-04/06 ZK2YY * by JA3IG 263 02/06 EA4ENK/p: Isla Los Patos (DIEI CC-04) 265 02/06 IL3/IK4HPU: La Batteria Isl. (IIA RO-007) 265 03/06-18/06 5V7HL & 5V7ML * by DL7UBA & DL7ALM 263 03/06-06/06 IG9/IK4NYV: Lampedusa Isl. (AF-019) (IIA AG-001) 263 04/06-10/06 VE3NSZ/m: C.Is.A. 265 06/06-11/06 CU8L: Flores Isl. (EU-089) & CU9L: Corvo Isl. (EU-089) 265 06/06-20/06 SV5/DL8SET 263 07/06-02/09 4S7BRG * by HB9BRM 265 07/06-08/06 9A: Susac Isl. (EU-016) * by I3BQC, I3CZM, I3RSP 263 07/06-17/06 C6AIE * by WZ8D 261 07/06-14/06 K4MQG/C6 * by WA4VCC, K4MQG, AA4R 265 07/06-13/06 CO4OTA: Los Canarreos Is. (NA-056) 257 07/06-10/06 EJ7NET: Great Blasket Isl. (EU-007) * by WestNet DX Gr.247 07/06-09/06 IL3: Burano Isl. (IIA VE-010) * by ARI Venice team 253 07/06-14/06 OH0: Aland Isl. * by DL team 263 08/06-09/06 EA1BT/p: Isla La Chada (DIE N-183) 265 08/06-09/06 ED7SPI: Sancti Petri Isl. (EU-143) (DIE S-002) 261 08/06-09/06 II1ARI: Torino * special event station 263 08/06-09/06 Contest A.R.I. *** 09/06 EA1CSB/p: Isla Los Canos (DIEI BU-27) 265 09/06 EA4ENK/p: Isla Quebrada (DIEI CC-01) 265 09/06-15/06 N1LJA/VP9 257 10/06-30/08 SV9, SV8 (EU-052, 075), SV1 (EU-060) by SV1CID, SV1DPL 263 13/06-29/06 PA3ERL/6Y5 263 14/06-16/06 EG9IA & EG9IN: Alboran Is. (AF-042) 265 15/06-16/06 EA1BPC/p: Isla de Entrellusa (DIE N-103) 265 15/06-16/06 II1ARI: Torino * special event station 263 15/06-16/06 IP1: Gallinara Isl. (EU-083) (IIA SV-001) * by IK1QBT 265 15/06-16/06 All Asian CW Contest 263 16/06 EA4ENK/p: Isla Molino de Arriba (DIEI CC-02) 265 16/06-05/07 LA: Vesteralen Is. (EU-033) * by DL2SWW 265 18/05-19/05 N4BP/C6A: Bimini Is. (NA-048) * by N4BP, W4OVU, WA4FLZ 263 18/06-02/07 CY0AA: Sable * by VE9AA, WA8JOC, W9OEH 259 20/06-04/07 SV5/DL9UDS 265 20/06-05/07 SV8/I3BQC: Samos Isl. (EU-049) 261 21/06-23/06 ID9: Salina Isl. (EU-017) (IIA ME-015) * by IT9 team 263 22/06-23/06 EA1BEY/p: Islote Corvino (DIE N-153) 265 23/06-30/06 9N * by KV5V 263 24/06-26/06 HL0C/4: Bogil Isl. (AS-085) 265 26/06 EA4ENK/p: Isla Molino de Abajo (DIEI CC-03) 265 27/06-04/07 J6 * by F5CCO 255 28/06-01/07 GJ3RTE/p & GJ3SWH/p: Les Minquiers Plateau (EU-099) 257 29/06-30/06 ED4IDS/1: Isla Molino de Crespos (DIEI SO-08) 261 29/06-07/07 GM0NES/p: Orkney Is. (EU-009) * by G's team 249 28/06-30/06 LA: Lofoten Is. (EU-076) * by DL2SWW ??? 265 June 3C1DX * by EA6BH 263 June GM5VG/p: Monach Is. (EU-111) * by GM team 263 early June VK4ALF: Stanley Isl. (NO-REF)* by AA6LF 263 04/07-08/07 KL: Barren Is. (NA-???) * by N6IV & NL7TB 261 /EX