DX425 bulletin issue nr. 263

425 DX News #263 [1/6]
 18 May 1996                       No 263                     BID: $425WW263A

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                        edited by  I1JQJ and I1-21171

3C     - In June Teo,  EA6BH should be active again from Equatorial Guinea as
         3C1DX.  Teo will try to be active also from Annobon island (Pagalu).
         QSL via home call.
3D2_f  - From 28 to 30 May Yuu Yoshitani, JA3IG  will be active as 3D2JA from
         Fiji islands. Usually Yuu is ctive on 40 and 20 metres CW.
5R     - Gerard F2JD/5R8EN  wants to build an  antenna for 80 and 160  metres
         and to improve the antennas for WARC bands.
5V     - From 3 to 18 June Roy, DL7UBA/5V7HR and Lars,  DL7ALM/5V7ML will  be
         active from Kpalime, Togo. The activity will take place on all bands
         in SSB and CW. QSL via their respective homecalls.
6Y     - From 13 to 29 June Theo, PA3ERL/6Y5 will be active from Jamaica. QSL
         via home call.
9A     - On 7  and  8  June  Vito  (9A/I3BQC)  Enrico  (9A/I3RSP)  and  Mario
         (9A/I3CZM) will be active from Susac island (EU-016).
9M0    - Jan, SM0OEK is currently in Malaysia, from where is active as 9M2JJ.
         He hopes  to plan an expedition to Pulau Layang Layang, in the Spra-
         tly islands group.
9M2    - Tex,  9M2TO,  who  is QRV  from Penang island (AS-015) [425DXN 243],
         will be active  during the CQWW  WPX CW Contest (25-26  May) from 10
         to 80 metres. QSL via direct to  9M2TO (Tex Izumo,  Bukit Dumbar APR
         9-4, 97 Jalan Thomas 11700, Gelugor Penang,  Malaysia) or via bureau
         to JA0DMV.
9N     - Dick, 9N1ARB and Rich, 9N1RHM prefer to work on 20 metres SSB.
9N     - From 23 to 30 June Brad, KV5V  will be in  Nepal and  he will try to
         operate from their stations on 20 and 15 metres CW.
9N     - Kyoko, 9N1KY is again active   from Nepal, where she will stay until
BV     - From  31  May  to 2 June BO1/JP1RIW will be active  from  the Ma-tsu
         islands (AS-113). QSL via BV2KI.
BV     - The activity of BO0KS from  Kin-men island (Quemoy, AS-102)  [425DXN
         253] is now planned from 26 to 29 July. QSL via BV2KI.
A3     - From 30 May to 1 June,  and again  from 5 to 6  June, Yuu Yoshitani,
         JA3IG  will  be active as A35IG from Tonga. Usually Yuu is active on
         40 and 20 metres CW.
C6     - On  18-19  May  N4BP,  W4OVU  and  WA4FLZ will be active from Bimini
         (NA-048) as N4BP/C6A. Operations will take place on 6 metres  and HF
         bands QRP  (7.040,  14.060,  21.060 and  28.060  MHz CW; 14.285,
         21.385 and 28.385 MHz SSB).
CO     - The expedition to Los Canarreos archipelago (NA-056) [425DXN 257] is
         planned  from  7  to 9  June.  The call will be CO4OTA, with special
         effort on CW. QSL via CT1ESO.
CT     - On  26  May,  weather  permitting, Jorge, CT1FMX will be active from
         Pessegueiro island (EU-167) using  the call CT8FMX/P. QSL via CT1FMX
         (Jorge Santos, P.O.Box 189, 2562  Torres Vedras, Portugal).
EA1_9  - To celebrate  the 121st anniversary  of I.T.U. foundation (Paris, 17
         May 1865), from 17 to 19 May the following special stations will be
         active: EG1ITA  (QSL via EA1JJ),  EG1ITD  (EA1CSB),  EG1ITU (EA1KK),
         EG3UIT  (EA3AM), EG3ITU  (EA3BT),  EG4ITU (EA4ENQ),  EG5ITD (EA5AR),
         EG5ITO  (EA5HQ), EG5ITU  (EA5OL),  EG5UIT (EA5GRC),  EG6ITU (EA6YX),
         EG7ITU  (EA7CWA),  EG8ITU (EA8BWW), EG9ITU (EA9TQ), EG9UIT (EA9PY).
EA     - EA2CLU will participate  the  CQ WW CW WPX  Contest (25-26 May) with
         the call ED2CLU.QSL via EA2CLU (P.O.Box 1122, E-20080 San Sebastian,
         Spain) also via the bureau.
EA     - From 18 to  21 July  EA5AHK and EA5AFF will be active from Portitxol
         island (EU-093, DIE E-011).
EA     - In July EA5IQ will be active from Benidorm island (EU-093 DIE E-007)

                         TO BE CONTINUED IN PART TWO

425 DX News #263 [2/6]
 18 May 1996                       No 263                     BID: $425WW263B

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                        edited by  I1JQJ and I1-21171

                                  PART TWO
F      - From 24 to 27 May Derek, F5VRC (ex-GW4VRV) will be active from Vier-
         ge island (IOTA EU-105).
F      - From 18 to  19 May Didier,  F6ELE and Bertrand, F6HKA will be active
         from Fort Enet (IOTA EU-032).
F      - From  25 to 29 July Didier, F6ELE and Bertrand, F6HKA will be active
         Molene island (IOTA EU-065).
FO     - Until 31 May Elizabeth, AC6TZ will be active in SSB on all the bands
         as FO5PO. QSL via N6VO.
FO     - Until 31 May Ron, N6VO, will be active mainly on 40 and 80 metres CW
         as FO5VO. QSL via home call.
HB0    - From 13 to 20  July F6ELE,  F1PNA and F6HKA  will be active with two
         stations (10-160 metres) from Liechtenstein.
GM     - Tom, GM4FDM will participate in the CQWW WPX CW Contest  (25-26 May)
         as GM6MD (low power). QSL via home call.
GM     - In early  June  GM4FDM, GM3NIG, GM3UTQ, GM4YMA and GM3COB  should be
         operating  (10,  15,  20,  40  and  80 metres)  from  Monach islands
         (EU-111),  which  were  activated for the last time in 1993. Call is
         stil unknown, but it should be  GM5VG/P. QSL via GM3UTQ.
HI     - Frank, DL5PV/HI7  is again active on  17, 20  and 30 metres. QSL via
I      - From 3 to 6 June Giampiero, IG9/IK4NYV will be active from Lampedusa
         island (AF-019, IIA AG-001). QSL via IK4PLC  (Gianluca Vidotto,  Via
         Andreini 30, 40026 Imola-BO).
I      - From 31 May to 2 June IL7/IK6VGO,  IL7/IK6JOT, IL7/IK6PTH, IL7/I6JSH
         and IL7/IZ6ADX will be  active on 10, 15, 17, 20 and  40 metres from
         Tremiti islands (EU-050). Operations will take place from San Domino
         (IIA FG-001), San  Nicola (FG-002), Caprara (FG-003), from Cretaccio
         (FG-006) and probably also from Scoglio La Vecchia (FG-008). QSL via
I      - The  operations  of IB0/IK0HWI  from  a  minor island in the Pontine
         group (EU-045)[425DXN 262] has been postponed to this coming weekend
         due to bad weather conditions.
I      - In June  (1 and 2, 8 and  9, 15 and  16) the special  station II1ARI
         will be  active in  SSB, CW and  RTTY during the  celebration of the
         50th  anniversary of the Turin  ARI Section.  QSL via I1JQJ (all the
         contacts will be confirmed automatically via bureau).
I      - From 21 to  23 June Tino (ID9/IT9NGN, QSL via bureau to G4RRA), Mau-
         rizio (ID9/IT9HLN, QSL via bureau), Giovanni (ID9/IT9TZZ, QSL to P.O
         Box 213, 98100  Messina-ME, Italy), Daniela (ID9/IW9ELV, QSL via di-
         rect) and Maurizio (ID9/IT9LQG, QSL  via bureau) will be active from
         Salina  island  (IIA ME-015), in  the  Eolie  archipelago  (EU-017).
         Operations will take place in all modes and on all bands.
IS0    - From 29 July  to 12 August Roberto, IM0/IK2MRZ  will be active in CW
         and SSB from Sant'Antioco (EU-024 IIA CA-014) and San Pietro islands
         (EU-165  CA-013),  and also from  other Sardinian  islands valid for
         the Italian Islands Award. QSL via home call.
JA     - The operations  of JI6KVR/6 from  Uji islands (AS-067), planned from
         27 to 28 July during the IOTA Contest [425DXN 259], will take  place
         on 15, 20 and 40  metres SSB with  two  stations.  QSL  via EA5KB or
         JJ6LXX (only for Asia).
KH4    - For the next two  weeks Bill Myerson, KH4/NH6D will be at Midway for
         work purposes [425DXN 262] and he will  be active  during  his  free
         time. Operations are expected in the  evenings/nights  and  in early
         mornings (Midway time) on 20 (14.025 and 14.200 MHz),40 (7.005 MHz),
         80 (3.505 MHz) and 160 metres (1.828 MHz). Bill will concentrate  on
         Africa  and  Europe.  He  should  also  be active via satellite RS12
         (probably uplink 21.230 MHz and downlink 29.430 MHz).
OH0    - From 7 to 14 June Hadi  (DJ2PJ/OH0JWH, QSL via DJ2PJ). Peter (DL5FF/
         OH0JWL, QSL via DL5FF), Rainer (OH0/DL1ZBO,  QSL via home  call) and
         Karl (OH0/DL4FAN, QSL via home call) will be active in all modes and
         on all bands from  Oeverby, Aland islands. On 6 metres Hadi will use
         the call OI0JWH (CW and SSB, QSL via DJ2PJ).
PJ9    - Carl,  OH6XY  participated in  the CQWW WPX SSB Contest as PJ9Y. The
         hotel  from  where  he  worked  has  been sold and the new owner has
         decided to take the towers down.

                       TO BE CONTINUED IN PART THREE
425 DX News #263 [3/6]
 18 May 1996                       No 263                     BID: $425WW263C

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                        edited by  I1JQJ and I1-21171

                                 PART THREE
SV     - From 10 June  to 30 August SV1CID  and SV1DPL will be  active on 10,
         15, 20, 40, 80 and 160 metres CW/SSB from Crete (SV9,  EU-015), from
         Ionian  islands (SV8, EU-052), from Euboea (SV1 EU-060) and from Hy-
         dra  (SV8 EU-075).  QSL  via  SV1CID (Papastratou 42, Agrinio 30100,
SV5    - From  6 to 20 June Manfred, DL8SET will be active again from Rhodes.
         Operations   are  expectd to  take  place  from 6 to 20 metres (WARC
         probably included) in SSB and CW. QSL via homecall.
T9     - Carl OH6XY is active from Bosnia as T9/OI6XY mainly in RTTY. QSL via
TJ     - Alberto, TJ1RA is often on 3.780  MHz around 21 UTC with IK7JTF. Un-
         fortunately Alberto's transceiver cannot work CW any more. QSL   via
TK     - From 20 to 30 May Falk, DK7YY (ex-DL7UTA) will be active from Corsi-
         ca  as  TK/DK7YY.  Falk  will participate in the CQWW WPX CW Contest
         (single band). Before and  after  the contest  he will work  on WARC
         or on 10 and 12 metres.
V6     - From 25 to 28 May  JE7JRZ will be active in all modes  and all bands
         as  V63NN.  He  plans to participate in the CQWW WPX CW Contest. QSL
         via homecall.
VK     - From 21 to 22 May  Steve  Salmon, AA6LF  should be active  for three
         days as VK4ALF  from the Low Islets. The IOTA status of the islands,
         which should be located in the Queensland State (North Coast) Centre
         group (OC-172), is still to be confirmed. QSL via AA6BB.
VK     - In  early  June  Steve Salmon, AA6LF should be active as VK4ALF from
         Stanley  Island  or  Howick Island.  The IOTA status of the islands,
         which should be located  in the Queensland State (North Coast) North
         group (OC-187), is still to be confirmed. QSL via AA6BB.
VK0_m  - Warren, VK0WH [Macquarie  Island, 425DXN  259] is QRV mainly for Eu-
         rope on  Sunday, between 5.30 UTC and 7 UTC on 40 metres CW  (7009.4
         MHz, QSX 3 up). QSL via VK9NS.
VK9_ck - The Cocos-Keeling expedition is confirmed from 18 to 31 May [425 DXN
         259]. The five operators  hope to be active  starting from  5 UTC of
         Saturday 18. There will be two station simultaneously active and the
         call will be VK9CT. QSL to  Oceania DX Group,  P.O.Box 929,  Gympie,
         4507 Queensland, Australia.
VK9_xms- From 23 to 27 May Gerben PA0GAM will be active from Christmas Island
         as VK9GA. Operations will take place in CW from 10 to 80 metres. QSL
         via PA0GIN.
VK0_m  - Warren, VK0WH [Macquarie  Island, 425DXN  259] is QRV mainly for Eu-
         rope on  Sunday, between 5.30 UTC and 7 UTC on 40 metres CW  (7009.4
         MHz, QSX 3 up). QSL via VK9NS.
XU     - From  11 to 15 May  some Japanese amateurs (JA1UT,  JA1CMS,  JA4FWM,
         JH4LPY and JR0CGJ) were active from Phnom Phen with the call XU1CJF.
         The main purpose of the visit  was to train local operators. QSL  to
         JR0CGJ also via the bureau.
YO     - From 20 to 25 May Jean-Michel, F6AJA will be in Romania for work and
         will be active from YO8FZ station.
ZK2    - From 1 to 4 June Yuu  Yoshitani, JA3IG will be active as  ZK2YY from
         Niue. Usually Yuu is active on 40 and 20 metres CW.
ZS8    - The activity of Chris,  ZS6RI as ZS8IR da  Marion Island has started
         [425DXN 253]. QSL via ZS6EZ.

****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ...  ***************************

5A1A ---> On 14 May the DXCC Desk approved all the 5A1A operations. The acti-
vity from Tripoli  Radio Club  started on 13 July 1995 by a group of Ukranian
amateurs (UT3UX,  UT2UA, UT3UY,  UX4UMI), who  worked  until  25 July (for CW
contacts QSL via LZ2UA: Vlad Vladov, Box 100, 5600  Troyan, Bulgaria; for SSB
QSL via OM3JW: Stefan Horecky, Mnska 2, Stupava, IBV 900 31, Slovak Republic)
About 35,000  QSL are going to be  processed  and those who have already sent
their  requests do not need to send dupes. Those who have waited for the DXCC
Desk's decision  before sending their card and/or donations, can write direct
to  UT3UY:  Anatoly  Kirilenko,  P.O.  Box  494/3,  Kiev-151, 252151 Ukraine.
Donations can also be sent to W4BRE.

                       TO BE CONTINUED IN PART FOUR
425 DX News #263 [4/6]
 18 May 1996                       No 263                     BID: $425WW263D

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                        edited by  I1JQJ and I1-21171

                                 PART FOUR
5X4F ---> On 25 April Paul, 5X4F and his wife Peggy, 5X4G  left Uganda due to
security  problems. Paul, who will spend the next four months in  U.S., hopes
to return to Arua  in September. During a eight months' activity  Paul logged
more than 12,400 contacts (650 on  160 metres, 1650 on 80  metres, 1400 on 40
metres, 500 on 30 metres, 2400 on 20 metres, 1100 on 17 metres, 575 on 12 me-
ters and 1130 on 10 metres), most of which with 100 watts solar powered.

ADDRESSES ---> The correct addresses of A61AN, LX2AA, OH0XX, OH2KI and SM0AGD
are the following:
A61AN,  Naser Fekri, P.O.Box 53656, Dubai, U.A.E.
LX2AA,  Giancarlo Paul Bavassano, P.O.Box 1888, L-1018 Luxembourg
OH0XX,  Olli  Rissanen, Suite 599,  1313 S. Military Trail, Deerfield  Beach,
        FL 33442, USA
OH2KI,  J.S. Saloranta, Karhutie 39, FI-00840 Helsinki, Finland
SM0AGD, Erik Sjolund, Vestagatan 27, S-19556 Marsta, Sweden

DEER ISLAND ---> On 5 May Mike, VE9AA (who  from 18 June  to 2  July will be
active from Sable Island as  CY0AA, 425DXN  259) worked mobile from Deer Isl.
NA-014, CISA NB-005). QSL via home call (Mike Smith, 131 Smith Rd, Geary, NB,
E2V 2G3, Canada).

D.I.P. (DIPLOMA ILHAS PORTUGUESAS) ---> From 25 to 28 April the Northern Por-
tugal DX Group  activated some  islands valid  for DIP but not for IOTA: Gaga
(BL-004 from  14 UTC to 17  UTC of 25 April;  operators CT1CJJ/p CT1EEB/p and
CT1FMX/p);  Testada  (BL-002, from 18 UTC  to 20 UTC of 25  April;  operators
CT1CJJ/p,  CT1EEB/p  and CT1FMX/p); Parrachill  (BL-007, from 10 UTC to 13.50
UTC of 26 April; operators CT1EEB/p and CT1FMX/p); Amoroso  (BL-012, from  15
UTC to  19 UTC of  26  April;  operators  CT1EEB/p and CT1FMX/p);  Ms-do-Meio
(BL-008, from 17 UTC to 20 UTC of 27 April; operators CT1CJJ/p and CT1FMX/p);
Gramatal (BL-015, from 9.30 UTC to 16.30 UTC of 28 April; operators CT1CJJ/p,
CT1EEB/p and CT1FMX/p). QSL via home call.

ERITREA ---> Between  20 and 27  April Andy, G4OEP logged  283 contacts in CW
using the call  E3A30 [425DXN  261]. Andy used  a home made  transceiver  (20
watts) and a dipole. QSL via home call.

GERMAN DX FOUNDATION ---> Rudi,  DK7NP  announces the birth of the German  DX
Foundation (GDXF), which has been established at Lampertheim by a group of 12
German DXers. "The one and only purpose of the foundation", Rudi reports, "is
to  support  amateur radio activities and persons who help further our common
hobby DX". Anyone can join it and the fee is 45 DM. The officers  of the GDXF
are   DJ9ZB   (President),  DK7NP   (Secretary),  DF3UB   (Treasury),  DL5IAR
(Membership  Accountant).  For further  information  contact  DK7NP  (e-mail:

MOUNT ATHOS ---> The ARRL Membership Services Committee (MSC, a standing com-
mittee of the Board of Directors),  has received a 9 to 7 recommendation from
the DX Advisory Committee (DXAC) to make  no change in the status of Mount A-
thos on the ARRL DXCC Countries List.  The Awards Committee reported a unani-
mous vote to MSC in support of the DXAC to make no change at this time. Since
the DXAC and the  Awards Committee are in  agreement in their recommendations
to the MSC, the matter is decided.

QSL ---> The address of AA9DX, QSL manager for R3/W0YR and HA/W0YR activities
is P.O.Box 923, Wood Frome, IL 60191-0923, USA.

QSL ---> The QSL  of 5R8EN and 5R8EN/P  have been printed. Jean-Michel, F6AJA
has the logs until the 30 March and will start to reply as soon as possible.

QSL ---> IV3TAN reports  that QSL of IG9A IG9R IG9T and IG9W will be ready in
about a month. First he will send the direct cards, then the others via buro.
Card for DL stations will be delivered at Friedricshafen.

                       TO BE CONTINUED IN PART FIVE
425 DX News #263 [5/6]
 18 May 1996                       No 263                     BID: $425WW263E

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                        edited by  I1JQJ and I1-21171

                                  PART FIVE
QSL ---> The cards of CO1OTA  (NA-093) should be sent by  Luis, CT1ESO befo-
re the end of the month.

QSL ---> EA3ADS is  the QSL manager  of  some  stations  from  Kazakh  (UN2O,
UL7OB, RL0O,  UP50O,  UL0OB),  Kyrghyz  (EX8DX, EX7MA,  EX8MF, UM8MFO, UM8MU,
UM8DX,  UM8MDX),  Belarus  (EU6MM, EW6WW,  UC1WWO, UC2WO,  EO2CWO) and Uzbek

QSL NEPAL ---> Brad, KV5V is the QSL manager for Dick 9N1ARB and Rich 9N1RHM.
Currently Brad haas no more cards for 9N1RHM and delivering times might  vary
from few  weeks to  two months.  The requests for 9N1ARB cards are being sent
without delay.

TI9X/TE9RLI ---> The  expedition  took place with many  difficulties and QSOs
logged (on 160 metres SSB, 80 metres CW/SSB, 40 metres CW/SSB/RTTY, 30 metres
CW/RTTY, 20 metres CW/SSB/RTTY, 17 metres CW/SSB, 15 metres CW/SSB, 12 metres
CW/SSB, 10 metres CW/SSB  and via satellite) were about 7,000. The address to
which to send QSL requests is: Yoosuke Uchiyama (JH1NBN), 924-4 Yokokawa-cho,
Hachioji,  Tokyo  193, Japan. It is better to use SAEs larger than 4x6 inches
(about 10x15 centimetres).

ZL8RI ---> The QSL manager  for Raoul Island,  Kermadec islands operations is
ZL2HU: Ken Holdom, P.O. Box 56099, Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand [425DXN 245,
249, 257].

ZL9GD ---> During the  activity from  Auckland in last  February [425DXN 251]
Graham, ZL4MV/ZL9GD logged about 800  contacts, made in three days.

+ SILENT KEY + We  sadly  report  of  the death of Ed Goodbout, W9DWQ, famous
DXer and one of the most active IOTA island chasers in North America.

QSL received via direct: 1A0KM, C56CW,  DS0DX/2 (AS-122), EM1KA (WABA UR-01),
I3BQC/IL3 (IIA VE-036), IC8/IK8VRS, YE8SUN (OC-210), YE8TI (OC-209),
QSL received via WF5E DX QSL service: 3D2CU,  C53HG, K2LE/C6A, CE8SFG, J28JA,

*                               425 DX NEWS                                 *
*                         DX info weekly bulletin                           *
*       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Maurizio Bertolino I1-21171   *
       For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

Brescia DX Group, Delta Mike,  Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, 4X6ZK, AA9DX,

*  Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
*              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)            *
*      INTERNET e-mail :  i1jqj@fileita.it    or    I121171@amsat.org       *
*       425 WWW Page -->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html       *
*                    INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site:                    *
*  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/   *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
                   * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *
                      TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751
                      DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613
                       SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422
                      ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306
                      CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921
                HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677
                       WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183
                       JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332
425 DX News #263 [6/6]
 18 May 1996                       No 263                     BID: $425WW263F

                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  Sep        5R8EN * by F2JD                                        245
till  19/05      8A5ITU: Mentawai Is. (OC-215)                          261
till  July       9N1KY                                                  263
till  22/05      C6AGN * by KM1E                                        261
till  22/05      CT3FN * by HB9CRV                                      261
till  31/05      FO5PO & FO5VO * by AC6TZ & N6VO                        263
till  27/05      J37Q & J37P                                            259
till  end April  KH4/NH6D                                               263
till  12/06      PY0TI: Trindade * by PY1UP                             253
till  21/05      VK6ISL: Lacepede Is. (OC-214) * by VK6LC & VK6DLB      261
till  June       VQ9DX * by AA5DX                                       253
till  Dec 96     VK0WH: Macquarie                                       238
till  mid Sep    VP8BPZ: Falkland Is. * by DA4RG                        253
till  20/05      ZB2/DL7CM & ZB2/DL1BX                                  257
till  July 97    ZS8IR: Marion Is. * by ZS6RI                           263
17/05-31/05      9H * by DL7IO, DL7IQ, DL7UTM, DL7UTR. DL7RUM           251
17/05-25/05      UR8LV/R0: (AS-054)                                     261
18/05-19/05      F: Fort Enet (EU-032) * by F6ELE & F6HKA               263
18/05-25/05      GU * by DL4OCM, DL1FDH, DG4IYE                         261
18/05-19/06      IB0/IK0HWI: Pontine Is. (EU-045)                       263
18/05-31/05      VK9CT: Cocos Keeling * by VK4FW, VK4DHM, VK2IVK        259
18/05            European Sprint Spring CW                              ***
19/05            EA1AAD/p: Isla Virtus (DIEI BU-05)                     261
19/05            ED7ILC: Isla Correa (DIEI SE-12)                       261
19/05-25/05      ZF2PA * by W5ZPA                                       261
20/05-30/05      TK/DK7YY                                               263
20/05-25/05      YO * F6AJA                                             263
21/05-24/05      VK4ALF: Low Islets (NO-REF) * by AA6LF                 263
22/05-21-06      9H3II * by DL4VCR                                      261
23/05-30/05      3V8BB * by YT1AD                                       261
23/05-27/05      VK9GA: Christmas Is. * by PA0GAM                       263
24/05-26/05      CT8FMX/p: Lighthouse - Ponta del Piadade (FAL-003)     257
24/05-25/05      DS0DX/2: Chebu Isl. (AS-105) * by Korean DX Club       261
24/05-27/05      F5VCR/p: Vierge Isl. (EU-105) (DIFM MA-020)            263
25/05-26/05      9A0CW                                                  261
25/05-26/05      9M2TO: Penang Isl. (AS-015)                            263
25/05-26/05      CO0RCT * by CO8ZZ                                      259
25/05-26/05      CW6V * by CX6VM                                        261
25/05-26/05      ED2CLU * by EA2CLU                                     263
25/05-26/05      ED4SEG/1: Isla Soto de la Esperanza (DIEI SG-05)       261
25/05-26/05      GM6MD * by GM4FDM                                      263
25/05-26/05      TO3R: Reunion Isl. * by DL1VJ & F5NRG                  261
25/05-28/05      V63NN * by JE7JRZ                                      263
25/05-26/05      XA5T * by Texas DX Socieety                            259
25/05-26/05      CQ WW CW WPX Contest                                   ***
25/05-14/06      SV5/SM7DAY/qrp                                         257
26/05            CT8FMX/p: Pessegueiro Isl. (EU-167) * CT1FMX           263
26/05            ED1IUP: Isla Astudillo (DIEI P-24)                     261
26/05-30/05      G: Scilly Is. (EU-011) * by G0SGB, G1SMX, G2UT         259
27/05-10/06      IJ7: Sant'Andrea di Gallipoli Isl (EU-091)(IIA LE-001) 259
28/05-30/05      3D2JA: Fiji * by JA3IG                                 263
28/05-05/07      F6KSA/p: Cordouan Isl. (EU-159)                        261
30/05-01/06      A35IG * by JA3IG                                       263
31/05-02/06      BO1/JP1RIW: Ma-tsu (AS-113)                            263
31/05-02/06      IL7: Tremiti Is. (EU-050) * by I6 team                 263
May              3B6: Agalega * by G3MFW/ZS1JF                     ???  245
May              FO0FM/p: Dundas Reef (OC-066) * VK team           ???  255
May              FR/G * by FR5HG                                   ???  251
May              IL3/IK4HPU: La Batteria Isl. (IIA RO-007)              259
May              FS/N2INQ * by JH4IFF                              ???  259
May-December     ZD8DEZ * by G0DEZ                                      259
01/06-02/06      II1ARI: Torino * special event station                 263
01/06-09/06      SV8/G3SWH: Mykonos Isl. (EU-067)                       259
01/06-04/06      ZK2YY * by JA3IG                                       263
03/06-18/06      5V7HL & 5V7ML * by DL7UBA & DL7ALM                     263
03/06-06/06      IG9/IK4NYV: Lampedusa Isl. (AF-019) (IIA AG-001)       263
06/06-20/06      SV5/DL8SET                                             263
07/06-08/06      9A: Susac Isl. (EU-016) * by I3BQC, I3CZM, I3RSP       263
07/06-17/06      C6AIE * by WZ8D                                        261
07/06-13/06      CO4OTA: Los Canarreos Is. (NA-056)                     257
07/06-10/06      EJ7NET: Great Blasket Isl. (EU-007) * by WestNet DX Gr.247
07/06-09/06      IL3: Burano Isl. (IIA VE-010) * by ARI Venice team     253
07/06-14/06      OH0: Aland Isl. * by DL team                           263
08/06-09/06      ED7SPI: Sancti Petri Isl. (EU-143) (DIE S-002)         261
08/06-09/06      II1ARI: Torino * special event station                 263
08/06-09/06      Contest A.R.I.                                         ***
June             3C1DX * by EA6BH                                       263
June             K4MQG/C6 * by WA4VCC, K4MQG, AA4R                      259
June             GM5VG/p: Monach Is. (EU-111) * by GM team              263
early June       VK4ALF: Stanley Isl. (NO-REF)* by AA6LF                263