SB DXNEWS@WW $425WW261A 425 DX News #261 [1/6] 4 May 1996 No 261 BID: $425WW261A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ and I1-21171 3A - From 11 to 13 May Tony (3A/IK1QBT), Frank (3A/IK1HLG) and Mauro (3A/IK1CJO) will be active from Monaco. The operations will take place on all bands, WARC included, in SSB, CW e RTTY. QSL via their home calls. 3V - From 23 to 30 May Hrane, YT1AD will be active again from radio club 3V8BB. QSL via home call. 7O - From 22 to 24 April Jean-Jacques, J28JJ was active /7O in RTTY. The status of this activity is not clear at the moment. QSL via F6HGO. 9A - 9A0CW will be active during the CQWW WPX CW Contest (25-26 May). QSL via 9A2AJ. 9H - From 22 May to 21 June Ruben, DL4VCR will be active from Malta mainly on 160 metres) using the call 9H3II. QSL via home call. 9K - Dave's (KA5TQF) [425DXN 257] and Hamad's (9K2HN) planned activity from Kubbar island (AS-118) took place on 1 May with the call 9K2HN/P. QSL via 9K2HN. 9Y - Alby, 9Y4/HB9TU and Peter, 9Y4/DJ4XN will be active in CW and SSB from Tobago (SA-009) up to 9 May. A6 - On 19 April Peter, OK1CZ ended his activity from A61AF after 2000 QSOs, all in CW (mainly on 30 and 17 metres). QSL via OK1CZ (only for contacts from 12 to 18 April, otherwise the manager is N1QMM). A9 - Bob, A92GD will not be active for the whole month of May. BV - Kin-Men island (AS-102) should be activated for five days at the end of July by a group of Japanese and Taiwanese operators. Operations are planned on all bands with two stations using the BO0K and BO0KS calls. BY - OK1DOR/BY1BJ is active, particularly on the WARC bands. C2 - C21/JA1WPX is active, particularly on the LF bands. C5 - Jerry, C56/KC4YDP is active in CW from Banjul, Gambia. QSL via home call. C6 - From 1 May to 12 June Bill, KM1E will be active (mainly on 6 metres and WARC bands) as C6AGN from Green Turtle Cay (NA-080). QSL via KA1DIG. C6 - From 7 to 17 June WZ8D will be active (particularly on 6 metres) as C6AIE. CT3 - From 1 to 22 May Hermann, HB9CRV (member of the CT3M team) will be active from Madeira using the CT3FN call. Operations are expected mainly on low bands. QSL via home call. CX - Jorge, CX6VM will participate in the CQWW WPX CW Contest using the call CW6V. QSL for both calls via W3HNK. D6 - From 22 August to 4 September DL4XS, DL6ET and DL3KDV will be active from Comoro on all bands, 160 metres included. E3 - Andy, G4OEP was active as E3A30 for eight days. Andy reports to have a regular licence. E3 - Tony I0JX reports that a station E3A30 has been active on 20 (be- tween 11 ad 13 UTC, on 21.028 MHz), 21 (between 10 and 12.45 UTC) and 22 (between 10.17 UTC and 15 UTC) April. The operators said his name is Andy, located in Asmara and gave G4OEP as QSL manager. EA - The activity from El Portell island (DIE E-243) [425DXN 259] has been postponed to Sunday 5 May, weather permitting. QSL via EA3BT. EA - On 19 May EA1AAD/p will be active from Virtus island (DIEI BU-05). QSL via EA5OL. EA - On 12 May ED1IUP will be active from Torquemada island (DIEI P-07). QSL via EA1CAI. EA - On 26 May ED1IUP will be active from Astudillo island (DIEI P-24). QSL via EA1CAI. EA - On 12 May ED7ILM will be active from La Minilla island(DIEI SE-10). QSL via EA7URS. EA - On 19 May ED7ILC will be active from Correa island (DIEI SE-12). QSL via EA7URS. EA - From 25 to 26 May ED4SEG/1 will be active from Soto de la Esperan- za island (DIEI SG-05). QSL via EA4ENQ. EA - From 29 to 30 June ED4IDS/1 will be active from Molino de Crespos island (DIEI SO-08). QSL via EA4ENQ. EA - In July ED1RUA will be active from Rua island (DIE O-63). QSL via EA1BEZ. EA - From 8 to 9 June ED7SPI will be active from Sancti Petri island (EU-143, DIE S-002). QSL via EA7PY. F - From 10 to 12 May a group of operators from Le Havre will be active on all bands, in CW and SSB, from Chausey islands (EU-039) with the special call TM5CHY. QSL to F6IUI. TO BE CONTINUED IN PART TWO /EX SB DXNEWS@WW $425WW261B 425 DX News #261 [2/6] 4 May 1996 No 261 BID: $425WW261B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ and I1-21171 PART TWO F - From 28 June to 5 July F6EXQ and other operators will be active as F6KSA/P from Cordouan island (EU-159). FH - After the operations from Comoro DL4XS, DL6ET and DL3KDV (see D6) would like to be active from Mayotte for a week. Dates are still to be confirmed and depend on transportation. FR - Bernd, DL1VJ and Heinz, F5NRG will participate in the CQWW WPX CW Contest (25-26 May) from Reunion island using the call TO3R. Before and after the contest they will use their home calls FR/. QSL via F6KLS. G - G0ORH, G3KLH, G3ZGC and other operators from the Newbury Radio Club will participate in the IOTA Contest from the island of Wight (EU-120) probably as G3WOI. QSL via G3WOI. GD - From 5 to 17 July Bert, GD/PA3GIO will be active in SSB. GU - From 18 to 25 May GU/DL4OCM (from 80 to 12 metres), GU/DL1FDH (10 and 6 metres) and GU/DG4YIE (on 2 metres and via satellite) will be active from Guersney. QSL via home calls. HS - From 5 UTC of 24 to 5 UTC of 26 May the Korean DX Club will be acti- ve from Chebu island (AS-105) using the call DS0DX/2. The operations will take place on all bands. The KDXC activated Chebu for the first time in July 1993 (HL93A/2). I - From 2 to 6 May I5JHW, I5NSR, I5ESR, I5PKP, IK5FTQ, IK5QQE and IK5ZWB will be active on all bands from Giannutri island (EU-028 IIA GR-001) using the call I5JHW/IA5. They plan to participate in the International ARI DX Contest using the special call IR5R. QSL via I5JHW. I - From 24 to 26 April IL3/IK4WLU, IL3/IK4GLV, IL3/IK4NQW, IL3/IK4RSR, IL3/IK4RUX and IL3/IK4THF were been active from Albarella island (IIA RO-002). QSL via their respective home calls. I - Gaetano's (IT9GAI) activity from Palme island (IIA SR-???) [425DXN 259] has been postponed to May or June. I - Mauro (I1JQJ), Paolo (IK1NLZ), Gianni (IK1QFP), Daniele (IK1QQT), Livio (IK1RLI) and Elena (IK1XVK) will participate in the Interna- tional ARI DX Contest (4-5 May) using the call IU1L. QSL via IK1NLZ. I - Stefano, IK2QEI will participate in the International ARI DX Contest (4-5 May) using the call IR2Y. QSL via IK2QEI. I - From 25 April to 2 May Stefano, I0WTD was active from Ventotene (EU-045, IIA LT-011) using the IB0/PA3FWP/p call. I - From 16 to 24 June Angelo, IK2HTW will be /IA5 from some islands in the Toscano archipelago (EU-028). I - I2EOW, I2VXJ and other operators from the Marconi Contest Club will participate in the WAE DX Contest SSB from Lampedusa island. IS0 - Froml 1 to 31 August Davide, IM0/IK1TKS will be active on 10, 15, 20 and 40 metres from some Sardinian islands valid for EU-165: San Pie- tro (IIA CA-013), Piana (IIA CA-008), Ratti (IIA CA-010), Calavina- gra (IIA CA-019). QSL via home call (P.O. Box 5602, 16154 Genova-GE) also via bureau. JA - Takeyasu's (JR0GFM) activity from Tsushima islands (AS-036) [425DXN 259] will be in QRP from 07.00 UTC of 5 May to 04.00 UTC of 7 May. He will work on 30 metres (3 watts) and 20 metres (SSB and CW, with 2 watts). JD1 - JH2ENF/JD1 is active mainly in CW from Iwo Jima (AS-030). FO - Stan, FO5IW (OC-067) has been reported on 20 metres. KL7 - John, NL7TB reports that the Barren Islands (NA-???) expedition is confirmed from 4 (starting from 18 UTC) to 8 July [425DXN 237]. The operators will be NL7TB, N6IV and probably also NL7RR and W7VMF. The call will be NL7TB and the operations (on 20, 40 and 80 metres SSB) should take place from East Amatuli Island. QSL via NL7TB. OD - Denis, F5PWT is /OD. QSL via F5PRR. OH0 - From 3 to 5 May it is planned an activity on all bands in CW and SSB with possible calls OH0JJN (QSL via K3FK), OH0NRG (QSL via OH2NRG) and OH0KMG (QSL via OH2KMG). P2 - Vince P29VH is active again on all bands. QSL via VK4FW (ex VK4CRR). P2 - P29AK's activity from Pocklington Reef [425DXN 255] should start on 7 May. P5 - Laszlo HA0HW (ex XU0HW and QSL manager of XU7VK and XU95HA), reports that Sanyi, HA7VK (ex XU7VK and XU95HA) and his wife Judit, HA7RJ will be in Phjongjang from 21 May to the end of July and they will try to have a permission to operate. SV - From 20 June to 5 July Vito SV8/I3BQC will be active from Samos (EU- 049) and from other islands in that area. T30 - Ron, ZL1AMO is active from Western Kiribati as T30BH. QSL via home call. TL - Eric, F5SEC will be active as TL8ED up to the end of May. QSL via home call. TZ - Larry, TZ6VV [425DXN 257] is now active mainly in CW, on 40, 17 and, mainly, on 30 metres. Find him between 10.109-10.115 MHz, around 22 UTC during weekends. QSL via TZ6VV (BP 2786, Bamako, Mali). TO BE CONTINUED IN PART THREE /EX SB DXNEWS@WW $425WW261C 425 DX News #261 [3/6] 4 May 1996 No 261 BID: $425WW261C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ and I1-21171 PART THREE UA0 - Starting from 17 May, for about a week, UR8LV/R0 will be active from AS-054. QSL via UR7LD. VK - The DXexpedition to Sandy Island, Lacepede islands(WESTERN AUSTRALIA STATE (N.W. COAST) EAST group OC-???) by Malcolm VK6LC and Dave, VK6DBL is confirmed from 16 to 21 May [425DXN 249]. Two stations will work on 80 (3.798 MHz), 40 (7.042-7.045, 7.165, 7.185 and 7.278 MHz), 20 (14.260 MHz) and 15 metres (21.260 MHz). The call will be VK6ISL. QSL via I1HYW (Gianni Varetto, P.O.Box 1, 10060 Pancalieri -TO, Italy). VK - From 00 UTC to 24 UTC of 17 May the special station AX2ITU will be active to celebrate the World Communications Day. QSL via VK2PS. VK - Bill, VK4FW reports that the DXpedition to Saumarez Reef [425DXN 259] has been postponed to a date to be defined. VP5 - From 9 to 13 May Joe, K8JP will be active mainly in CW, from 10 to 160 metres as VP5/K8JP. QSL via K8JP (whose new address is: Joe Pon- tek, P.O. Box 59573, Schaumburg, IL 60159-0573, USA). YB - From 15 to 19 May the station 8A5ITU will be active in CW and SSB. QSL via YC5BLG. ZF - From 19 to 25 May Mike, W5ZPA will be active in CW, SSB and RTTY from Grand Cayman as ZF2PA. QSL via home call (Michael W Mayer, 5836 Marcia Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70124, USA). ZL8 - The DXpedition to Raoul Island, Kermadec islands [425DXN 257] is confirmed from 4 to 14 May, using the call ZL8RI. At 2.30 UTC of 4 May Jan, WA4VQD talked to a station in New Zealand who confirmed that the team has arrived on the island. The main frequencies will be 14.080, 21,080 and 7.040 MHz (RTTY), 1.830, 3.775, 7.065, 14.195, 18.120, 21.295, 24.940 and 28.395/28.495 MHz (SSB), +5 or +20 khz from the bands edge in CW. QSL via ZL2UH. ************************ **************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************ + I1UKM, SK + The Torino ARI Section and 425 DX Gang sadly reports the death of Mario Ghizzani, I1UKM, Sunday 21 April after short illness. + VK9ND, SK + On 19 April Bob, VK9ND suddenly passed away while sitting at his radio. 3D2AA ---> 3D2AA (active in CW, SSB and RTTY) was born in Rotuma [425DXN 249], but lives and works in Viti Levu, the main island of Fiji. 3V8BB ---> From 20 to 24 April Javier, XE2CQ was guest operator from club station 3V8BB [425DXN 255]. Jerry, AA6BB has already started replying to QSL requests. CLIPPERTON ---> Jay WA2FIJ would like to return to Clipperton next March. He says "I am not looking for funds or contributions, I am trying to keep costs down by looking for hams or friends of hams with boats capable of making the trip". FAIRS - The 11 and 12 May the FAIRS (Foundation for Amateur Radio Service) will celebrate the fifth anniversary with a special activity in 40, 20 and 15 metres by KK4TW, US5WE, BY1QH, 8R1WD and S21AM. QSL via FAIRS, P.O.Box 341, Floyd, VA 24091, USA. KU9C ---> Steve, KU9C is the QSL manager for the following stations: 8P6AD, 8P6AL, 8P6AM, 8P6BE, 8P6BU, 8P6CV, 8P6DA, 8P6DK, 8P6QA, 8P6QY, 8P6RY, 8P6SH, 9M6BH, 9M8X, BV9P, FM5DN, VR2GO, XX9AS, XX9AW, XX9JN, XX9TZ, XX9X, YO6JN. For bureau answers, it is possible to send a request to Steve through E-mail (, writing the call, date, hour and frequency of the contacts to be confirmed. TO BE CONTINUED IN PART FOUR /EX SB DXNEWS@WW $425WW261D 425 DX News #261 [4/6] 4 May 1996 No 261 BID: $425WW261D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ and I1-21171 PART FOUR LACEPEDE ISLANDS ---> The Diamond DX Club thanks, through the 425 DX News, those who sent contributions for the forthcoming DXpedition to Lacepede Is. Up to now the following have sent a contribution: DE0MST, DL1SCQ, DL2SCQ, DL3MDJ, EA5KB, F5OKK, F5XL, F6ELE, F9MD, G3KMA, G3NUG I1EEW, I1HYW, I1JQJ, I1SNW, I1WAL, I1WFF, I1ZL, I2CBM, I2MWZ, I2FUG, I2VDX, I2LXA, I2YWR, I8ACB, IK1ADH, IK1GPG, IK1QFM, IK2FIQ, IK2ILH, IK2PZG, IT9GAI, JI6KVR, IT9UAG, OE3WWB, K1IYD, K9PPY,W1NG, W3KH and W6RT. Dewitt Jones, W4BAA acting on behalf of DDXC-North America, collected funds in U.S. (TNX: K5MK K6DT, KB8O, KD7SO, KE4I, NN2C, VE3XN, VE6VK, VE7IG, W4BAA, W5BOS, W9DC, W9DWQ W9HAO, W9NZM, W0MLY, WB9EEE, WD9FEN) and Yukihiro Deguchi, JI6KVR who col- lects funds in Asia. Thanks to voluntary donations DDXC collected until now about 1000 dol- lars to fund part of Malcolm's (VK6LC) expedition to the Lacepedes (OC-???) planned from 16 to 21 May [425DXN 249]. The Diamond DX Club aim is to reach at least 1000 dollars. Contributions are still welcome via I1HYW (Gianni Va- retto, P.O.Box 1, 10060 Pancalieri-TO, Italy) or for North America via W4BAA (Dewitt Jones, P.O.Box 379, Glen Arbor, Michigan 49636, USA) or for Asia via JI6KVR (Yuki Deguchi, 4796 Takashima-machi Yatsushiro City Kumamoto, 866 Japan) or for Oceania via VK6LC himself (Malcolm M. Johnson, 9 Abinger Road, Lynwood 6155, Western Australia). QSL ---> QSLs for ED3ELZ, active during the WPX, go via EA3ELZ. QSL ---> IK7MXB reports to have received the QSLs for Raul's (IK8VRS) opera- tions from Scoglio Cannone and Scoglio dello Schiavo. The cards will be sent in a short while. QSL ---> Ron, DL4FDU/NP2AQ reports that cards for EY8/NP2AQ, EZ0AA, EK9RM, 4L0MR and DL4FDU must be sent to this addres (the one in the Callbook is no more valid): Ron Maples, PSC-115 (ESC), APO AE 09213-0115. QSL 9U/F5FHI ---> Gerard, F2VX has received all the logs for the operations of 9U/F5FHI [425DXN 259], who starting from 19 April is active as 9U5DX. QSL FM5DN ---> KU9C is the new QSL manager for Leon Richer, FM5DN (Steve replies via bureau as well). Former QSL manager Doug, N3ADL will send Steve the requests that are still coming to his address. QSL IY1TTM ---> IK4XQM did not join the activity of the Western Emilia DX Club. The QSL manager for IY1TTM operations during the International Marconi Day [425DXN 257] is therefore I1TKB. The activity took place on 20 and 40 me- tres, with about 400 QSOs logged. Do not send dupes as the cards already sent to IK4XQM will be delivered to I1TKB. QSL R3IOTA ---> The QSL manager for this special station, active during the Lipetsk IOTA Convention (27-28 April) is RW3GW. QSL TJ1GG & TJ1RA ---> Erminio, I2EOW has received the logs for both these stations and started replying to the requests. Alberto, TJ1RA will stay in Cameroon until the end of June. QSL TK/IK3JYE ---> Armando, IK3JYE reports that he answered all the requests received directly and via bureau for his operations from Corsica (September 1995). Armando hopes to be again portable TK during the first weeks of Sep- tember. QSL UH3E/UA9TF ---> Leila, KB6MXH has Stan's (UH3E/UA9TF) logs for 1990, 1991 and 1993, but she has not hear from him since 1994. QSL VK9 ---> Rudi reports that almost all the labels for the VK9XY and VK9CR operations have been printed, but the cards are not yet ready. SOUTH AFRICA ---> Don, G3XTT reports after government changes in South Afri- ca, border lines have been redefined. The current provinces are nine (for example the old Transvaal has been divided up into two parts) and it is possible that the ZS1-ZS9 prefixes will be issued to them, while all the South African islands (Marion and Prince Edward included) should use the ZS0 prefix [tnx DXNS]. SOUTH SANDWICH ISLAND ANTARCTIC DX GROUP ---> Gary Jones, W5VSZ has joined the SSIDXG. Gary has been licensed for 35 years, is a first-rate CW operator and will be responsible for the SSIDXG Web site, whose birth is planned in a few weeks' time. After the VP8SSI, VP8BZL, VP8CBE, VP8CBA and 3Y0PI activi- ties, the SSIDXG is planning an expedition to another Antarctic "most wanted" island. ST. HELENA & ASCENSION ---> Andy, G4ZVJ logged about 13,000 QSOs as ZD7VJ [425DXN 251] (although the amplifier broken the second day of operations) and about 200 as ZD8VJ [425DXN 251]. WRTC 96 ---> The 1996 World Radiosport Team Championship will take place on 13-14 July near San Francisco. The 52 teams, each with two operators, will use the W6A-W6Z and K6A-K6Z calls and will also participate in the IARU HF World Championship. W0YR ---> Mike Lonneke, has been transferred from Mosca to Budapest. His new address is HA/W0YR, QSL via AA9DX (P.O.Box 923, Wood Frome, IL 60191-0923 USA). QSL received via direct: 1A0KM, 3D2HG, 9L1PG, 9U/EA1FH, A92GD, DS0DX/2 (AS-122), EM1KA (WABA UR-01), FT5WF, HK0/DL4MEH, R0MIR, TD9IGI, TY8G, V47HP, YE8SUN (OC-210), YE8TI (OC-209), YS1RRD, XT2DP, XY1HT, ZK1DXC, ZV0TI QSL received via WF5E DX QSL service: BV9G, SV2ASP/A, T5AR, YE50RI, YE8TI (OC-209) TO BE CONTINUED IN PART FIVE /EX SB DXNEWS@WW $425WW261E 425 DX News #261 [5/6] 4 May 1996 No 261 BID: $425WW261E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ and I1-21171 PART FIVE >>> ADDRESSES <<< 4F1JUX Gerry, P.O.Box 8078, Paranaque, 1700 Manila, Philippines 9N1HA Mr. Suresh, P.O.Box 10091, Kathmandu, Nepal A41LZ P.O.Box 2837, Ruwi 112, Sultanate of Oman AA0GL Marshall, 303 Hillcrest Drive, RR-3, Larned, KS-67550, USA. BZ4BRX P.O.Box 538, Nanjing, China CN8TW Ali Sekkat, Avenue de Fes, Californie, 20150 Casablanca, Morocco CU5ARJ A.R.J., P.O.Box 44-9800, Velas, Sao Jorge Island, Azores, Portugal DF1AL Juergen Weidemann, Kuedinghovener Strasse 142, D-53227 Bonn, Germany DF8AN Michael Noertemann, Amselstieg 4, D-38226 Salzgitter, Germany DL7DF Siefried Presch, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, D-12621 Berlin, Germany DL7FT Frank Turek, Quakerstr. 21, D-13403 Berlin, Germany E21CJN P.O.Box 25, Bangkok 10111, Thailand EA6BH Mateo Campomar Munar, Reina M.Mompeller 74-B, 07007 Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain F6KLS Saar Lorraine DX Club, 48 Rue Haute, F-57350 Stiring Wendel, France G4ZVJ Andy Chadwick, 5 Thorpe Chase, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 1UA, UK HB9BRM Mario, Falkensteinersstrasse 5, CH-4710 Balsthal, Switzerland HP2CWB Jose NG Lee, Disney International, PTY-201, Box 02-5275, Miami, FL-33102-5275, USA IT9KDA Santino, P.O.Box 99, 98028 Santa Teresa Di Riva-ME, Italy JH1NBN Yousuke Uchiyama, 924-4 Yokokawa, Hachiouji, Tokyo 193, Japan NARS Nigerian Amateur Radio Society, P.O.Box 2873, GPO, MArina, Lagos, Republic Federal of Nigeria N3AHA Ace Jansen, 42857 Hollywood Park Place, Ashburn, VA 20147, USA NE8Z Rick Dorsch, P.O.Box 616, Hamburg, MI 48139-0616, USA OD5NJ Gabriel Antoine Madiros, P.O.Box 70647, Beirut, Lebanon OH2KI Olli Rissanen, Suite 599, 1313 S. Military Trail, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442, USA OKDXF OK-DX Foundation, P.O.Box 73, 293 06 Bradlec, Czech Republic SM0AGD Vestegatan 27, S-19556 Marsta, Sweden SV1CIB Dimitris Lianos, P.O.Box 127, GR-30100 Agrinion, Greece SV1CID Kostas Bakolitsa, Papastratou 42, GR-30100 Agrinion, Greece TZ6VV Larry Erwin, P.O.Box 2786, Bamako, Mali VR2KM Terry, P.O.Box 541, Hong Kong XX9KC Kenny, P.O.Box 58, Macao YB5NOF John E.Fromuas, P.O.Box 1205, Palu 94001, Indonesia ZL2HU Ken Holdom, P.O.Box 56099, Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand ***************************************************************************** * 425 DX NEWS * * DX info weekly bulletin * * edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Maurizio Bertolino I1-21171 * ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, I1ZL, IK1ADH, IK1CJO, IK1GPG, IK1NLZ, IK1QBT, IK1QFM, IK1RLI, IK1TKS, I2EOW, IK2HTW, IK2QEI, I3BQC, IK3JYE, IN3XUG, IK4HPU, IK4WLU, I5JHW, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK7MXB, IT9GAI, I0JX, I0KNQ, IK0QDB, Brescia DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, A92GD, AA5AU, AA9DX, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DK7NP, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL9GOA, EA3ELZ, EA5KB, F1CNB, F5JYD, F6AJA, G3NYY, G4BUE, HA1AG, HA0HW, HL1SSG, JI6KVR, JR2BNF, JR0GFM, K8JP, KB6MXH, KU9C, N3ADL, NL7TB, 0H2/K8MM, PS7AB, PS7KM, TZ6VV, VE6VK, VE7CC, VK6LC, W5ZPA, WA4JQS, WA4VQD, WB2DIN, WD8MGQ, YB5NOF, XE2CQ, ZL2DX, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9)DX Report, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY DX. ***************************************************************************** * Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to * * Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) * ***************************************************************************** * INTERNET e-mail : or * * 425 WWW Page --> * * INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: * * - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/ * ***************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ARRL HQ BBS USA : 860-594-0306 CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 JUNGLE BBS NZ : +64-3-524-8332 /EX SB DXNEWS@WW $425WW261F 425 DX News #261 [6/6] 4 May 1996 No 261 BID: $425WW261F ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till Sep 5R8EN * by F2JD 245 till 06/05 8P9IR & 8P9IU * by DJ1TO & DL7UTO 257 till 07/05 9K2=9K5 * special prefix 259 till May 9K * by KA5TQF 257 till 05/05 9M2/G4JVG: Pinang State group (AS-015) 257 till ?? 9N1HP * by JA1OEM 259 till 09/05 9Y4/HB9TU & 9Y4/DJ4XN: Tobago Isl. (SA-009) 261 till 05/05 GM: Summer Is. (EU-092) * by K5MK, G0EVV, G0KJW 259 till 10/05 HC8 * by DF1VU, DL4VCG, DK5VP 257 till 06/05 IA5: Giannutri Isl. (EU-028) (IIA GR-001) * by I5 team 261 till 05/05 IR8ANT (WABA joker) 259 till 27/05 J37Q & J37P 259 till 05/05 JW5HE * by OZ8RO 259 till 05/05 OH0 * by K3FK, OH2NRG, OHKMG 261 till 12/06 PY0TI: Trindade * by PY1UP 253 till 05/05 SV8/G0WZK/qrp: Antiparos Isl. (EU-067) 259 till ?? T30BH * by ZL1AMO 261 till 04/05 TI9X & TE9RLI: Cocos * by TI & JA team 259 till June VQ9DX * by AA5DX 253 till Dec 96 VK0WH: Macquarie 238 01/05-22/05 C6AGN * by KM1E 261 01/05-22/05 CT3FN * by HB9CRV 261 02/05-14/05 V73W: Kwajalein (OC-028) * by WW1V 257 03/05-08/05 A3 * by DF8AN/qrp 257 03/05-08/05 CU4AH/p: Graciosa Isl. (DIP AZ-004) (FAZ-003) 259 04/05-05/05 CU5ARJ: S. Jorge Isl. (DIP AZ-005) 255 04/05-05/05 ED6IDM: Isla de Menorca (DIE E-022) 259 04/05-05/05 IR2Y * by IK2QEI 261 04/05-05/05 IU1L * by I1 team 261 04/05-14/05 ZL8RI * by ZL2HU's team 249 04/05-05/05 >>> ARI International DX Contest <<< *** 05/05 EA3BT/p: Isla El Portell (DIE E-243) 261 05/05-07/05 ED1IFA: Isla de Arosa (DIE O-007) 255 05/05-11/05 FB1BAM/p: Belle Isl. (EU-048) 259 05/05-07/05 JR0GFM: Tsushima Is. (AS-036) 259 07/05-?? P2: Pocklington Reef (OC-???) * by P29AK 261 07/05-09/05 G: Farne Is. (EU-109) * by K5MK, G0EVV, G0KJW 259 08/05-?? 5W * by DF8AN/qrp 257 09/05-13/05 VP5/K8JP 261 10/05-12/05 TM5CHY: Chausey Isl. (EU-039) * F team 261 10/05-20/05 ZB2/DL7CM & ZB2/DL1BX 257 11/05-13/05 3A * by IK1QBT, IK1HLG. IK1CJO 261 12/05 ED1IUP: Isla Torquemada (DIEI P-07) 261 12/05 ED7ILM: Isla La Minilla (DIEI SE-10) 261 15/05-19/05 8A5ITU 261 16/05-21/05 VK: Lacepede Is. (OC-???) * by VK6LC & VK6DLB 261 17/05 AX2ITU * special event station 261 17/05-31/05 9H * by DL7IO, DL7IQ, DL7UTM, DL7UTR. DL7RUM 251 17/05-25/05 UR8LV/R0: (AS-054) 261 18/05-25/05 GU * by DL4OCM, DL1FDH, DG4IYE 261 18/05-31/05 VK9: Cocos Keeling * by VK4FW, VK4DHM, VK2IVK 259 18/05 European Sprint Spring CW *** 19/05 EA1AAD/p: Isla Virtus (DIEI BU-05) 261 19/05 ED7ILC: Isla Correa (DIEI SE-12) 261 19/05-25/05 ZF2PA * by W5ZPA 261 22/05-21-06 9H3II * by DL4VCR 261 23/05-30/05 3V8BB * by YT1AD 261 24/05-26/05 CT8FMX/p: Lighthouse - Ponta del Piadade (FAL-003) 257 24/05-25/05 DS0DX/2: Chebu Isl. (AS-105) * by Korean DX Club 261 25/05-26/05 9A0CW 261 25/05-26/05 CO0RCT * by CO8ZZ 259 25/05-26/05 CW6V * by CX6VM 261 25/05-26/05 ED4SEG/1: Isla Soto de la Esperanza (DIEI SG-05) 261 25/05-26/05 TO3R: Reunion Isl. * by DL1VJ & F5NRG 261 25/05-26/05 XA5T * by Texas DX Socieety 259 25/05-26/05 CQ WW CW WPX Contest *** 25/05-14/06 SV5/SM7DAY/qrp 257 26/05 ED1IUP: Isla Astudillo (DIEI P-24) 261 26/05-30/05 G: Scilly Is. (EU-011) * by G0SGB, G1SMX, G2UT 259 27/05-10/06 IJ7: Sant'Andrea di Gallipoli Isl (EU-091)(IIA LE-001) 259 28/05-05/07 F6KSA/p: Cordouan Isl. (EU-159) 261 May 3B6: Agalega * by G3MFW/ZS1JF 245 May FO0FM/p: Dundas Reef (OC-066) * VK team ??? 255 May FR/G * by FR5HG ??? 251 May IL3/IK4HPU: La Batteria Isl. (IIA RO-007) 259 May FS/N2INQ * by JH4IFF ??? 259 May-mid Sep VP8BPZ: Falkland Is. * by DA4RG 253 May-December ZD8DEZ * by G0DEZ 259 May-July 97 ZS8IR: Marion Is. * by ZS5IR 253 /EX