SB DX@WW $425WW259A 425 DX News #259 [1/7] 20 April 1996 No 259 BID: $425WW259A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ and I1-21171 4K2 - In August Sergey R1FJZ will end the operations from Franz Josef Land and collect the QSLs from DF7RX (who works as a "mail box"). 6W - Starting from July, for two years, Didier, F5OGL will be active from Dakar, Senegal. Didier plans to work on all bands from 10 to 160 metres in CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via F6KEQ. 7O - Paul, F6EXV is looking for another permission to operate from Yemen. 8P - From 20 to 27 April David, VE3VET and Joe, VE3BW will be active from Barbados respectively as 8P9IJ and 8P9IK. QSL via home calls. 9K5 - From 7 April to 7 May Kuwaiti amateurs can use the 9K5 prefix. 9M2 - On 27 and 28 April Hans, DF5UG/9M2QQ will be active from Ketam island (AS-074). Hans plans to start operations around 13 UTC. 9M8 - On 20 and 21 April Hans, DF5UG/9M8QQ will be active from Satang island (OC-165). Hans plans to start operations around 13 UTC. 9N - During April Mako, JA1OEM will be active from Nepal as 9N1HP. QSL via home call 9U - Jean-Pierre, F5FHI has been issued the call 9U5DX. QSL via F2VX (all the contacts will be confirmed automatically via the bureau; the QSL manager is waiting for the disk with the last 9,000 QSOs made by Jean-Pierre as 9U/F5FHI). 9U/EA1FH has been issued a new call as well (9U5CW). C6 - In mid-June WA4VCC, K4MQG and AA4R will be active from Grand Bahamas (NA-001) using the call K4MQG/C6. CE - CE8PWE/P is active from Navarino island (SA-050). CO - CO8ZZ and other operators should participate in the CQWPX CW Contest as CO0RCT or CO9RCT. CT - CT1AHU, CT1BOH, CT1BOP, CT1CBI, CT1DIZ and CT4NH, of the Portuguese DX Group Contest Team, will participate in the IOTA Contest (27-28 July) from Berlenga Is. (EU-040). CU - From 3 May CU4AH/p will be active for three days from Ponta Barca lighthouse (DFP FAZ-003) located on Graciosa Island (DIP AZ-004) Operations will take place on 20, 40 and 80 meters. CY0 - The activity of CY0AA from Sable Island [425DXN 257] will be exten- ded from 7 to 15 days. Mike, VE9AA will be the first to arrive on the island and the operations should start on 18 June. The second group of two operators (WA8JOC and W9OEH) will arrive about five days later and until 2 July there will be three active stations (from 2 to 160 metres). QSL via WD8SDL (for HF contacts) and VE9AA (for 2 and 6 metres contacts). Cards via bureau will be sent later (the direct cards will not be sent also via bureau). QSL managers suggest to wait six months before sending dupe direct requests. DL - DA0IMD is active during the International Marconi Day (20 April) from Borkum island (EU-047). DL - During the weekend DL2MX will be active from EU-129. DL - During the weekend DL7VSN will be active from EU-057. DU - In July Jim DU2/N3GKY should be active from OC-092 for three or four days. EA - Sunday 21 April the EA3BT/P team (EA3BT, EA3AOK and EA3FBM) will be active from El Portell island (DIE E-243). QSL via EA3BT. EA - On 28 April the station ED6ZXN will be active from Isla D'es Farayo D'es Fred (DIE E-133). QSL via EA6ZX. EA - On 28 April EA4ENK will be active from Isla Cogolludos (DIEI BA-14) QSL via EA5OL. EA - On 28 April EA4EHE will be active from Isla as Mestas (DIEI OR-04) QSL via EA1EHE. EA - From 4 to 5 May the station ED6IDM will be active from Isla de Me- norca (DIE E-022). QSL via EA6ARM. EA9 - The operations from Alboran island [425DXN 251] are likely to be postponed to May or June. F - During the weekend F6OYU will be active from EU-064. F - Until 21 April F5PAC/P will be active from Oleron island (EU-032). F - From 5 to 11 May FB1BAM/P will be active in CW (10, 15, 20 and 40 metres) from Belle Ile (EU-048). FK - Until 4 May Guy, F6EYG will be active again as FK8DH. FS - After the operations from Anguilla (see VP2E) JH4IFF should be ac- tive as FS/N2INQ from Saint Martin. G - On 26 and 30 May Steve (G0SGB), Patrick (G1SMX) and Keith (G2UT) will be active from various islands in the Scilly group (EU-011). Operations will take place on 3.760, 7.060 and 14.265 MHz. G - From 7 to 9 May Larry (K5MK), David (G0EVV) and Eric (G0KJW) will be active mainly in SSB from Farne islands (EU-109). QSL via their re- spective home calls. GM - From 3 to 5 May Larry (K5MK), David (G0EVV) and Eric (G0KJW) will be active mainly in SSB from Summer islands (EU-092). QSL via their re- spective home calls. TO BE CONTINUED IN PART TWO /EX SB DX@WW $425WW259B 425 DX News #259 [2/7] 20 April 1996 No 259 BID: $425WW259B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ and I1-21171 PART TWO HR - Ron, N2EUN is active as HR3RON and it is often possible to find him on 14.280 MHz around 23 UTC. QSL via home call. HS - Nerio, IK4MRH lives on Phuket island (AS-053) and has got the licence to be active as HS0/IK4MRH on 10, 15, 20 and 40 meters. At the moment Nerio is active using a three element mounted in a low position, but has already ordered a tower. QSL via IK4DCT. I - On 21 April, weather permitting, Nino, IK8DDN/IC8 will be active from La Castelluccia island (EU-031, IIA NA-018). I - Saturday 27 and during the morning of Sunday 28 April Vito, I3BQC will be active from Trezze island (IIA VE-036). 15, 20 and 40 metres operations. I - In the first half of May Alberto, IK4HPU will be active from La Bat- teria (IIA RO-007). I - The activity of IK0JFW/IA5 and IK0MHR/IA5 from Formiche di Burano (EU-028, IIA GR-004), planned for 14 April [425DXN 255], has been postponed to Sunday 21 April. I - Starting from 20 April the call IY8UN (joker for the WABA) will be replaced by IR8ANT. From 20 April to 5 May the station IR8ANT will be active in SSB and CW on all the bands (WARC included) and via satellite. QSL via I8ACB. I - The Salento DX Team plans to activate some islands in the Puglia region: Sant'Andrea di Gallipoli (EU-091, IIA LE-001: 27 May-10 June) and Grande di Porto Cesareo (EU-091, IIA LE-002: 22 July-10 August, including the IOTA Contest). During the latter operation it is also possible an activity Isola Della Malva (IIA LE-003). I - Gaetano, IT9GAI hopes to be active from Isola delle Palme (IIA SR-???) on Saturday 20 April. I - The operations from Isola Bella (EU-025, IIA ME-029), planned from 26 to 28 April [425DXN 251], will take place on HF and VHF/UHF using the call IQ9IB. Operators will be IT9KDA, IT9RRJ, IT9SKY, IT9LQG, IT9LCY, IK8NKQ and IW9DIZ. QSL via IT9KDA (P.O.Box 99, 98028 Santa Teresa di Riva-ME). I - J3 - From 25 April to 7 May J37Q and J37P will be active on 20 metres particularly in the early hours of the local evening. JA - From 5 to 7 May JR0GFM will be active from Tsushima is. (AS-036). JA - On 28 April JA6VZB/6 should be active in CW (7.001, 10.115 and 14.040 MHz) from Uji archipelago (AS-067). JA - Yuki, JI6KVR will participate in the IOTA Contest (27-28 July) from the Uji archipelago (AS-067). QSL via EA5KB. JD1 - JG8BQI/JD1 is active (mainly during the weekends) from Minami Tori- shima. QSL via JA8CJY. JW - Froml 1 to 5 May Rag, OZ8RO will be active from Svalbard islands as JW5HE. The operations will mainly take place on new bands. JX - JX7DFA will be active from Jan Mayen until October. OD - Until 30 September OD/F5PWJ will be active from Libano in CW and SSB on all bands. QSL via F5PRR. OX - From 10 July to 25 August Terry, G3WUX will be active (5 Watt QRP) from Greenland as OX/G3WUX/P in CW (14.002 MHz) and SSB (14.200MHz). QSL via home call. P5 - Within the end of the month JA1UT and his team should be visiting North Korea. They hope to get a licence similar to the one they were issued in order to operate as XY1HT. PJ - From 19 to 23 April Mike, K3UOC/7Z5OO will be active (mainly in CW) as PJ5AA from St.Eustatius. QSL via W1AF. S7 - From 29 April to 5 May Seiji, JH6RTO will be active from Seychelles probably using the call S79SF. QSL via JH6RTO (Seiji Fukushima, 2-183-A207, Soubufrom, Zama City 228, Japan). SV - From 19 to 21 April Dimitris (SV1CIB/3), Vasilis (SV1DPJ/3), Kostas (SV1CID/3) and Aleka (SV1DPL/3) will be active in SSB and CW from Sfaktiria island (EU-158). Operations will take place on all bands and probably via satellite RS 12/13 as well. For contacts with SV1DPL/3 and SV1CID/3 QSL via direct to SV1CID (Kostas Bakolitsa, Papastratou 42, 30100 Agrinion, Greece). For contacts with SV1CIB/3 and SV1DPJ/3 QSL via direct to SV1CIB (Dimitris Lianos, P.O.Box 127, 30100 Agrinion, Greece). TO BE CONTINUED IN PART THREE /EX SB DX@WW $425WW259C 425 DX News #259 [3/7] 20 April 1996 No 259 BID: $425WW259C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ and I1-21171 PART THREE SV - From 1 to 9 June Phil, SV8/G3SWH will be active in CW (40, 30, 20, 17 and probably 15 metres) from Mykonos island (EU-067). QSL via ho- me call. SV - From 28 April to 17 May Nick, G0WZK will be active on 20 metres SSB from Antiparos Isl. (EU-067) as SV8/G0WZK/P. QSL via home call. T7 - From 26 to 28 April Domenico (IK6BMU) and Max (IK6RUM) will be T7/ from the Republic of San Marino. Main activity will take place via satellite (AO-10 and AO-13). QSL via home calls. TI9 - From 26 or 27 April to early May JH1NBN, TI5RLI, TI5KD, JI3ERV and 7L2RPY will be active from Coco's Island (NA-012) as TI9X (HF) and TE9RLI (satellite). They will return in Costa Rica on 5 May. Ope- rations will take place in SSB, CW and RTTY from 6 to 160 metres and via satellite AO13 and AO10. QSL via JH1NBN. V5 - In July and August Charlie KY0A will be active (including on the WARC bands) from Namibia. This year the call will be V5/ZS6YG. QSL via KY0A. (In February 1997 Charlie, together with WB0HBS, KV0Q and W8UVZ will particpate in the ARRL CW Contest probably using the call V52YG). V8 - During his staying in Borneo (see YB & 9M8) Hans, DF5UG, should be active fromthe rare Muara Besar (AS-184). VK - After the activity from Magnetic Island (OC-171) Bill, VK4FW (ex-VK4CRR) should operate from Coral Sea Islands Territory (OC-???) [425DXN 253 e 255]. QSL via home call. VK9_coc- From 18 to 31 May VK4FW, VK4DHM and VK2IVK will be active from Co- cos-Keeling. Operations will take place with two stations active in SSB (mainly) and CW on all bands. QSL via VK4FW (Bill Horner, 26 Iron St, Gympie, QLD 4570, Australia). VK9_wil- Until the end of the year Graeme, VK5WG will be active as VK9WG from Willis islands. QSL via home call. VK0_mac- Warren, VK0WH [425DXN 257] reported to Bob, NM7M to be active only on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays on 40 metres CW (TX 7.009/7.010 MHz, RX 3 up). The pirates active on this frequency are at least two: one works simplex and the signal seems to come from East Asia, the other is more difficult to identify and should be from New Zealand. The real VK0WH works a slow but good CW. QSL via VK9NS. VP2E - From 29 April to 3 May JH4IFF and JH4EZI will be active from Anguil- la respectively as VP2EFF and VP2EZI. Operations will take place in CW, SSB and RTTY from 10 to 160 meters. QSL via home calls. VU - Sergio, VU3CUR is active from the Himalayan zone in India, where he is working. QSL via IW4DHW. W - On 8 April John, NL7TB and Jeff, KC7VA were active from Bateman Island, valid for U.S. islands award (WA-066R, Columbia River/Benton Cty). W - Starting from 17.30 UTC of Saturday 20 April John, NL7TB should be active from Harper Island, WA (Sprague Lake/Adams County), valid for USI Award. XE - Earl, KZ8E and other members of the Texas DX Society should partici- pate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest (25-26 May) using the call XA5T. YB - Before the end of the month Hans, DF5UG will join the Kamil Rally until the West Kalimantan and will be active on HF, using probably the call YB0SMC. YB - Between 26 and 30 April YB5NOF/8 should be active from Togian islands (OC-???). YI - Tom, YI9CW will be active daily until 20 May. Preferred frequencies are 7.007, 1.4007, 21.007 and 28.007 MHz. Tom is also active in 30, 17 and 12 metres (80 and 160 metres are forbidden in Irak). At the end of May Tom will leave Irak. QSL via SP5AUC (Tom Rogowski, P.O. Box 11, 02-800 Warsaw 93, Poland). ZD8 - From the end of May until the end of the year Des, G0DEZ will be ac- tive from Ascension Island as ZD8DEZ. Operations will take place on HF and on 50 MHz, mainly in CW. He plans to join major contests. QSL via G0DEZ (Des Watson, 12 Chadswell Heights, Lichfield, Staffordshi- re, WS13 6BH England) also via bureau. ************************ **************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************ 9M2JJ QSL ---> QSL for this station are via SM0OEK (Jaan Jurgenson, c/o Falk, Sveavagen 89, 3tr., S-113 50 Stockholm, Sweden). A92GD ---> Bob, N3NGC/A92GD [425DXN 236] is mainly active on 40, 20 and 15 metres SSB (many stations from Bahrain are active in CW) - on 160 and 80 metres the antenna (a dipole) works badly, on 17 he makes TVI (he is looking for a filter to sort the problem out), on 10 and 12 metres he made no contact at all, as on 30 metres (but he wants to be active on this band). Operations are mainly during the local weekend, Thursday and Friday (in Bahrain works goes from Saturday to Wednesday, and there is some problem for the contests). QSL via K1SE. TO BE CONTINUED IN PART FOUR /EX SB DX@WW $425WW259D 425 DX News #259 [4/7] 20 April 1996 No 259 BID: $425WW259D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ and I1-21171 PART FOUR ANDAMAN UPDATE (HIDXA) ---> Jim VK9NS reports that his Indian licence (VU2JBS) and documentation for the import of stuff to donate to Mani, VU2JPS [425DXN 249] should have been sent to HIDXA. BV9P QSL ---> Steve KU9C reports the he answered most of the Pratas requests. QSL still to sent are those for calls different from the ones in the computer (he has to check yhe paper logs) and for those who requested, together with BV9P, other cards handled by Steve. CQ5P & CQ7P ---> Paulo, CT1ETE used this special call only during 1994, in the CQ WPX. The QSL manager for CQ7P (also active in CQ WPX 94) is CT1ERK (P.O.Box 4403, 4007 Porto, Portugal). DX DINNER ---> The 11th Annual DX Dinner of the Southwest Ohio DX Association will take place the 17 May at the Stouffer Renaissance Hotel, Dayton OH. During the dinner Wayne Mills, N7NG will talk about "Visit Myanmar Year 1996. The Opening of Burma". For further information contact Steve Bolia, N8BJQ: (513)429-9954 (tel), (513)429-0218 (fax), E-mail ERRATA CORRIGE ---> Due to a typo error in 425 DX News nr.258 [1/5] the list of stations managed by W3HNK (Joseph L Arcure Jr., P.O.Box 73, Edgemont, PA 19028, USA) was showed under the "QSL HANDLED BY W3HCW" title. The stations managed by W3HCW (Carl F Mc Daniel, 2116 Reed St, Williamsport, PA 17701 USA) are correctly in 425 DX News nr.258 [2/5]. F2JD ---> F2JD/5R8EN is in Seychelles for one or two weeks. Gerard should be active in CW as S79JD. Returning in Malagasy he plans to stop in Reunion, from where Gerard should be QRV as FR/F2JD. HC6CR QSL ---> NE8Z (Dr. Rick Dorsch, P.O. Box 616, Hamburg, MI 48139-0616, USA) is the new QSL manager for Roberto Camacho, HC6CR/HD6CR.Rick can confirm past contacts as well. HC8A QSL ---> Derek, AA5BT is not the QSL manager for HC8A, but for HC8N and WN4KKN/HC8. Derek accepts cards also via bureau. HH2PK QSL ---> Gary, KA9RLJ has not received logs from Pat since 1994. There are some 3,000 requests waiting for reply which are in stand by in the hope Pat sends recent logs. IK2MRZ QSL ---> Roberto, IK2MRZ, reports that cards of IL3/IK2ILH and IL3/ IK2MRZ for the September '95 and March/April '96 IIA activities (Ca' Venier and Scanno Boa islands) are in print and should be sent in a few weeks. IY1TTM QSL ---> QSL route for the Marconian station IY1TTM (Western Emilia DX Club, 425DXN 257) is via IK4XQM, direct (Lorenzo Rosa, Piazza Salsi 5, 43100 Parma-PR, Italy) or through the bureau. J56CK & J56DY ---> The activity of Franco, I4LCK/J56CK and Onda, IK4SDY/J56DY from Majo island (AF-20) [425DXN 253] ended with more than 12,000 logged QSOs (about 4,600 in CW). Work conditions were difficult with sudden black outs and power instabilities (varying from 200 to 260 volts it damaged some equipment). QSL via respective home call. I4LCK (Franco Armenghi, Via Jussi 9, 40068 San Lazzaro di Savena-BO, Italy) asks not to include requests concerning past activities. LACEPEDE ISLANDS ---> The Diamond DX Club thank,s through the 425 DX News, those who sent contributions for the forthcoming DXpedition to Lacepede Is. Up to now the following have sent a contribution: DE0MST, DL1SCQ, DL2SCQ, DL3MDJ, EA5KB, F5OKK, F5XL, F6ELE, F9MD, G3NUG, I1EEW I1HYW, I1JQJ, I1SNW, I1ZL, I2CBM, I2MWZ, I2FUG, I2VDX, I2LXA/1, I1WFF, I8ACB, IK1ADH, IK1GPG, IK1QFM, IK2FIQ, IK2ILH, IT9GAI, JI6KVR, IT9UAG, OE3WWB, K1IYD K9PPY, W1NG, W3KH and W6RT. Dewitt Jones, W4BAA, acting on behalf of DDXC- North America, collected funds in U.S. (TNX: K5MK, K6DT, KB8O, KD7SO, KE4I NN2C, VE3XN, VE6VK, VE7IG, W4BAA, W5BOS, W9DC, W9DWQ, W9HAO, W9NZM, W0MLY, WB9EEE, WD9FEN) and Yukihiro Deguchi, JI6KVR who collects funds in Asia. Thanks to voluntary donations DDXC collected until now more than 900 dol- lars to fund part of Malcolm's (VK6LC) expedition to the Lacepedes (OC-???) planned from 16 to 21 May [425DXN 249]. The Diamond DX Club aim is to reach at least 1000 dollars. Contributions are still welcome via I1HYW (Gianni Va- retto, P.O.Box 1, 10060 Pancalieri-TO, Italy) or for North America via W4BAA (Dewitt Jones, P.O.Box 379, Glen Arbor, Michigan 49636, USA) or for Asia via JI6KVR (Yuki Deguchi, 4796 Takashima-machi Yatsushiro City Kumamoto, 866 Japan) or for Oceania via VK6LC himself (Malcolm M. Johnson, 9 Abinger Road, Lynwood 6155, Western Australia). TO BE CONTINUED IN PART FIVE /EX SB DX@WW $425WW259E 425 DX News #259 [5/7] 20 April 1996 No 259 BID: $425WW259E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ and I1-21171 PART FIVE LIBIA ---> Dave Hutchison, W7WQR has still the logs and QSL for his opera- tions as 5A1TV, between 1965 and 1968. LIBERIA ---> K4VUD and other operators of the 4U1UN Radio Readiness Net wor- wed on 14.268 MHz collecting messages from Liberia. As in 1985, when Angelo IK2CKR/5L2EQ was in Monrovia during some disorders, also in this case an Italian amateur (Monica Maconi, EL2PP) was involved in the Liberian events MARKET REEF ---> The operations from Market Reef [425DXN 255] ended before than expected (at 9 UTC of Sunday 24 March) due to bad weather condition. About 3,000 QSOs were logged. OH0XX QSL ---> QSL for DX1EA, YV5A, CP6/OH0XX, CP6AA and OH0XX/DU1 operations are via OH0XX: Olli Rissanen, Suite 599, 1313 So. Military Trail, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442, USA. OLYMPIC CALLSIGNS ---> During the Olympic Games in Atlanta, GA, from 15 April to 31 August the amateurs in Georgia should change their prefix number in 96, 26 or 400. PIRATE ---> The station 9K2EC active on 80 metres SSB is a pirate as 9K2EC is not active in phone and has no antennas for 80 metres. QSL ---> OZ7C reports that the following stations do NOT have W3HNK as mana- ger: AB9BS, AH0M, AP2CU, AP2HR, C31EJ, CE1UE, CE1HBI, CE2CZQ, CE3DQR, CE3CM, CN4NH, CN8SN, CN8BQ, CN0N, CO2BB, CO5VG, CO5VE, CO6CDC, CO7CD, CO0UA, CQ3AF, CQ4UH, CQ5N, CQ6LF, CQ6LG, CQ7BOH, CQ7I, CQ7P, CQ8M, CQ8N, CR4BK, CR4NH, CR7LF, CR7CH, CR0A, CS2A, CS7P, CT1REP, CT2ARA, CT2AZ, CT2BT, CT2EB, CT2JAM, CT2AP, CT3EB, CT3FN, CU4UW, CU7AHU, CU8IOTA, CW0AA, CX3AR, CX4ACC, CX7BU, D2ACA, DU2/W4GW, DV2/W2WYP, EI2BI, EI2CB, EI2EN, EI2ET, EI2EU, EI2EV, EI2X, EL2WV, EL2A, EL3BI, EN4L, ES5UC, ES0NW, ES0SM, EU2AR, EW2CFZ, EW6LB, F0AZG, FG5EM, FG5ED, FG0AGC, FG0FQE, FG0AFC/FC, FG/W3HNK, FJ8UQ, FM4DM, FM4WD, FM7DM, FM7CL, FM7JD, FM7WH, FO5WD, FS7AFC, FS7DX, FS/W3HNK, FS/FG/W3HNK, FW8CCK, FY7AX, G4FLD, G5UQ/FS, HC8/HC2DZ, HC9GI, HD2DZ, HD4GI, HH2OR, HI8LAI, HL1EP, HU2CEN, IG9VT, J37A, J50HZ, J73A, JA1VV, JT1/UA9VH, JT0DKF, KC4EN, KG4JR, KH2T/KH0, KH6GI, KH8GI, KL7HCC, KN4EY, KP4AD, KP4EEN, KP4QD, KV4FA, KX6BW, N3RD/VP9, N4KCL/DU2, NP2A, OA3FF, ON4DX, OX3BD, OY5NZ, OY7ED, OY9BD, P5A, PJ8UG, PJ8CQ, PJ8UC, PJ8UZ, PJ9UQ, PJ9JR, PY8YL, PZ1FA, RA0FA, RB5GI, RC2AR, RJ1J, RJ4X, RM8MF, RO4OE, RT0U, RT0UN, SM7CKW, SP9BT, SS6DD, SV0CP, SZ1M, T49AB, T55FO, T5SW, T77R, TA2AK, TA3DX, TE5DX, TF2EP, TF3FG, TF4BW, TF0/AI5P, TG9KR, TI9CC, TI9DX, TI9PN,,TI9XXX, TO50HZ, TR8RE, TU2HU, UA1PAM, UB6DMW, UC2ANY, UD6DWW, UD6DRW, UG1700GAW, UG6GGG, UG6GFF, UG6GRA, UG7GWL, UI2QZ, UJ8JCM, UK2FAA, UL7LS, UL8JMM, UM8XXX, UM8FM, UX8OO, UZ9YWA, UZ0FZ, UZ0HZX, V2ABA, V31FX, V47KK, V51DH, VE1AWS/1, VE1BL, VE7SBO, VK9JA, VK9XK, VP2VB, VP2AD, VP2JM, VP2E/AI5P, VP2KAA, VP2LBJ, VP5PLS, VP500C, VP5/AI5P, VP5PX, VP5M, VP5CI, VP9AAD, VP9/N3RD, VP9AZ, VS5XX, VS6BL, VS6WO, VU2VKJ, VU2ZAD, VU2HJA, W94C, WG4W/DU2, XT2TB, XT3A, XW6GV, XW8BV, XX9VC, XX9TNH, Y77V, YA2VI, YI3AA, YN2CC, YS1GWD, YS1GOD, YS1GMG, YS1RDD, YS1SC, Z32JS, ZE4JU, ZE4JE, ZE4JA, ZF1/W4IQW, ZO5RL, ZP5YW, ZS3AK, ZS3R, ZS4HL, ZS6WI, 3A2DX, 3A2HB, 3D2A, 3Z9PT, 4D8GWI, 4S7D, 5A1TZ, 5L3EV, 5N8BRC, 5N8SHE, 7X2RX, 8P6IJ, 8P7FJ, 8Q7XC, 9C9LS, 9G1EA, 9H1JM, 9H1JN, 9H4H, 9H7GL, 9K2DF, 9L1JL, 9N1GL, 9N1GC, 9V0YB, 9Y4NED, 9Y4NV, 9Y4F, 9Y5MP, 9Y5NP, 9Y0NP, 9Z4NP. S79CK QSL ---> Franco, I4LCK reports that he sent all the direct and bureau requests for the operations as S79CK/C and S79CK/D. SV1CIB QSL ---> SV1CIB (Dimitris Lianos, P.O.Box 127, 30100 Agrinion, Greece) is the QSL manager for J41AFA, J43AFA, J48AFA, SV1AFA (Club) and J41CIF. TO BE CONTINUED IN PART SIX /EX SB DX@WW $425WW259F 425 DX News #259 [6/7] 20 April 1996 No 259 BID: $425WW259F =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ and I1-21171 PART SIX TAJIKISTAN (EY, ex UJ) ---> The Tajik Amateur Radio League QSL bureau (TARL) has been active for one year and during this time more that half of the cards received was about no-more resident people in the Tajikistan (in 1984 they were more than 250, today are about fifty). Nodir, EY8MM made a list of amateurs whose call was changed in 1994: ---> Call area 4 (Gornyj Badakhshan, ex UJ*R): EY4AA/UJ8RA (QSL via UA9AB). ---> Call area 6 (Kurgan-Tybe, ex UJ*X): EY6AA/UJ8XCZ, EY6AB/UJ8XDG. ---> Call area 7 (Leninabad, ex UJ*S): EY7AB/UJ8SB, EY7BG/UJ8SBG, EY7SB/UJ8SBD, EY7RT/UJ8SBA, EY7SC/UJ8SCL, EY7SS/UJ8SAS (ora QRT), EY7AA/UJ8SA (now QRT), EY7AD/UJ8SAD, EY7AE/UJ8SE, EY7AF/UJ8SAF, EY7AG/UJ8SG, EY7AH/UJ8SFH, EY7AI/UJ8SCI, EY7AK/UJ8SD, EY7AP/UJ8SB EY7AS/UJ8SAO (now Silent Key), EY7AT/UJ8SBT (now QRT), EY7BH/UJ8SBH, EY7BI/UJ8SBI, EY7BK/UJ8SAK, EY7BZ/UJ8SBZ, EY7CC/UJ8SCC, EY7CN/UJ8SCN, EY7SA/UJ8SAA, EY7SK/UJ8SCK, EY7CG/UJ8SCG, EY7YL/UJ8SCF. ---> Call area 8 (Dushanbe City, ex UJ*J): EY8AA/UJ8JM, EY8MM/UJ8JMM, EY8WW/RJ8JM, EY8AB/RJ8JAB, EY8CQ/UJ8JCQ, EY8AS/UJ8JD, EY8YL/UJ8JY, EY8AC/RJ8JCP, EY8OK/UJ8JKB, EY8JA/UJ8JA (now QRT), EY8VV/UJ8JKK, EY8JJ/UJ8JJ, EY8JX/UJ8JX (now Silent Key), EY8DV/RJ8JDV, EY8AN/UJ8JF, EY8DW/UJ8JMY, EY8QX/UJ8JLT, EY8DX/UJ8KAC, EY8AZ/UJ8AZ (now Silent Key), EY8XX/UJ8KA, EY8GG/UJ8JLM, EY8HB/UJ8JLU, EY8JV/UJ8JV, EY8AD/RJ8JEC, EY8YE/UJ8JKD, EY8SB/UJ8JMO, EY8AM/UJ8JI (QSL via DF3OL), EY8AI/UJ8JKS, EY8AE (new), EY8AG (new), EY8AF (new), EY1ZA/RJ7JYZ, EY8ZA/UJ9JWC. ---> Call area 9 (Dushanbe Region, ex UJ*J): EY9AA/UJ8KAA (now QRT), EY9AE/UJ8KAE (now QRT), EY9AB/UJ8JKE, EY9AC/UJ8JCZ, EY9CF/RJ8JCF (QRT) EY9ZA/UJ9JWM. For further information write to EY8MM: Nodir M. Tursoon-Zadeh, P.O. Box 303, Dushanbe, 734001 Tajikistan, CIS. NOTE: Nodir suggests to use the bureau and to not send green stamps. For direct QSL, enclose IRC. TT8FT QSL ---> The address of DL7FT, manager for TT8FT operations, is as follows: Frank Turek, Quakerstr. 21, 13403 Berlin, Germany. TU5A QSL ---> Paul Playford, W8AEF reports that he sent all the direct re- quests for TU5A operations. UA BUREAU ---> Andrew Chesnokov, UA3AB (IARU Liaison, SRR) reports that the the only bureau officially recognized by IARU is as follows: SRR, c/o RZ3AZO, P.O.Box 59, Moscow, 105122, Russia [425DXN 258 for a typo reported P.O.Box 9] UA9AB QSL ---> Gene, UA9AB asks not to send SAE, but a pre-addressed label (that Gene will apply on a normal Russian envelope). Gene reports that postal costs are covered by 1 green stamp or 2 IRC. US ISLANDS ---> In March John, NL7TB and his wife Claire, WL7MY were active /M from Fifromgo Island (NA-065, USI# WA-002S) and from four main islands in the San Juan group (NA-065): San Juan (USI# WA-004S), Shaw (USI# WA-040S), Orcas (USI# WA-049S) and Lopez (USI# WA-035S). VK4FW QSL ---> Bill, VK4FW (ex VK4CRR: Bill Horner, 26 Iron St., Gympie, QLD 4570,Australia) reports the operations for which he is the QSL manager: 3D2KM 3D2OO, H44/VK7VH, P29VH, P20VH, RA6AU, T30DP, T30RT, T30DP/T31, T32DP, T30RT/ T32, UA9LM, UR7GW, VK4CRR, VK4FW, VK4MWZ, VK4VD, VK7VHM, VK8AN, VK9CE, VK9LD VK9MM, VK9WO, VK9XO, XF3M, YC1XUR, YD1NNG, YJ0AVH. VP2EZ ---> Between 19 and 20 February AA7VB logged about 300 QSO using the VP2EZ call before the local authorities discovered that the call had been already issued to WA0PUJ. The new call issued to AA7VB is VP2EV. W7TSQ QSL ---> Bob, W7TSQ reports that he answered to all the requests for his recent operations from TI5, TI7 and HR6. Direct requests for A35RK (handled in the past by KK6H), A35SQ and YB3ASQ have already been answered, those via bureau will be as soon as possible. About YB3OSE, Bob answered all the requests for contacts until March 1995. Since that moment Bob has received no more logs from Achmad, therefore be patient. WESTERN SAHARA ---> During the 36 hours activity as S020R [425DXN 255] the Lynx DX Group logged about 5,500 QSO. The 20th anniversary of the Western Sa- hara saw also the birth of the URS (Union de Radioaficionados Saharauis). XR0Y & XR0Z QSL ---> Mary Ann, WA3HUP replied all the requests for XR0Y (Easter island) and XR0Z (Salas y Gomez, SA-083) received directly (about 20 thousand). The expedition video is available c/o Bob, KK6EK ($25), as mugs and T-shirts ($15). The book is not yet ready (booking it to KK6EK for $20). YT1AD QSL---> Hrane, YT1AD is the QSL manager for the following operations: 3V8BB (only for QSO made in the periods 29 April-5 May 1995, 24-29 July 1995, 14-31 October 1995, 28 March-2 April 1996, 23-30 May 1996), V26AS (ARRL SSB 1996), J68DA, V29AD, 9Y4/YT1AD. ***************************************************************************** * 425 DX NEWS * * DX info weekly bulletin * * edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Maurizio Bertolino I1-21171 * ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, I1ZL, IK1ADH, IK1GPG, IK1QFM, IK2FIQ, IK2HTW, IK2MRZ, I3BQC, I4LCK, IK4DCT, IK4HLU, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK6BMU, IK7XIV, IK8DDN, IT9GAI, IT9LQG, IK0QDB, IS0JMA, Brescia DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, 9K2EC, 9K2HN, AA5BT, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, CT4UW, DF5UG, DL7VOA, DL9GOA, EA3AOK, EA5KB, EY8MM, F5OZF, F6AJA, F6EXV, G2UT, G3NYY, G4BUE, JA6VZB, JH1NBN, JH6RTO, JI6KVR, KK6EK, N3NGC, N4UCK, N8BJQ, NI6T, NL7TB, NM7M, OZ7C, PS7AB, PS7KM, SM0OEK, SP5ELA, SV1CIB, UA3AB, VE7CC, VE9AA, VK1FF/WB2FFY, VK4FW, W3GOH, W7TSQ, W8AEF, WA4VCC, WB2DND, WD4KXB, WF5E, WD8MGQ, YB5NOF, ZL2TT, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9)DX Report, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY DX. ***************************************************************************** * Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to * * Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) * ***************************************************************************** * INTERNET e-mail : or * * 425 WWW Page --> * * INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: * * - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/ * ***************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ARRL HQ BBS USA : 860-594-0306 CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 JUNGLE BBS NZ : +64-3-524-8332 /EX SB DX@WW $425WW259G 425 DX News #259 [7/7] 20 April 1996 No 259 BID: $425WW259G ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till Sep 5R8EN * by F2JD 245 till 07/05 9K2=9K5 * special prefix 259 till May 9K * by KA5TQF 257 till ?? 9N1HP * by JA1OEM 259 till 25/04 F5PAC/p: Oleron Isl. (EU-032) 259 till Feb 97 FT5WF & FT5WE * by F5SZK & F5IJT 239 till 25/04 GD/AI5P 255 till 21/04 F5PAC/p: Oleron Isl. (EU-032) 259 till 04/05 FK8DH * by F6EYG 259 till 21/04 IY0GA: Golfo Aranci 257 till end April K9LTN/HI9 257 till 12/06 PY0TI: Trindade * by PY1UP 253 till 21/04 SV3: Sfaktiria Isl. (EU-158) by SV1CIB, SV1DPJ, SV1DPL 259 till June VQ9DX * by AA5DX 253 till Dec 96 VK0WH: Macquarie 238 till 01/05 ZB2FX * G3RFX 257 till 24/04 ZD8Z * by N6TJ 257 16/04-23/04 ZD8VJ * by G4ZVJ ??? 251 19/04-21/04 EG9AI: Alboran Is. (AF-042) * by EA team ??? 251 19/04-23/04 PJ5AA: ST. Eustatius * by K3UOC 259 19/04-27/04 VK2IFB * by DF8AN/qrp 257 20/04-21/04 9M8QQ: Satang Isl. (OC-165) * by DF5UG 259 20/04 DA0IMD: Borkum Isl. (EU-129) 259 20/04-21/04 DL2MX/p: EU-129 259 20/04-21/04 DL7VSN/p: EU-057 259 20/04-21/04 F6OYU/p: EU-064 259 20/04 IL3: La Certosa Isl. (IIA VE-018) * by ARI Venice team 253 20/04-05/05 IR8ANT (WABA joker) 259 20/04 IY1TTM: Torre Tigullio Marconi: Sestri Levante 257 20/04 IY0TCI: Civitavecchia 257 20/04 NL7TB/p: Harper Isl. 259 20/04-27/04 8P9IJ & 8P9IK * by VE3VET & VE3BW 259 20/04 European Sprint Spring SSB *** 20/04 International Marconi Day *** 20/04-21/04 SARTG WW Amtor Contest *** 20/04-21/04 YU DX Contest (SSB/CW) *** 21/04 EA3BT/p: Isla El Portell (DIE E-243) 259 21/04 EA4DMB/p: Casa del Pozo (DIEI M-13) 257 21/04 EA7BR/p: San Bruno Isl. (DIEI H-05) 257 21/04-10/05 HC8 * by DF1VU, DL4VCG, DK5VP 257 21/04 IA5: Formiche di Burano (IIA GR-04) by IK0JFW & IK0MHR 259 21/04 IC8/IK8DDN: La Castelluccia Isl. (IIA NA-018) 259 23/04-05/05 9M2/G4JVG: Pinang State group (AS-015) 257 24/04-27/04 7X: Mediterranean Sea Coast Gr. (AF-???) * by W3GF 255 24/04-06/05 8P9IR & 8P9IU * by DJ1TO & DL7UTO 257 24/04-28/04 IF9: Favignana Isl. (EU-054) (IIA TP-011) by IQ8B team 249 24/04-02/05 W3KH/6: Channel Is. (NA-066 & NA-144) 257 25/04 IF9: Marettimo Isl. (EU-054) (IIA TP-010) by IQ8B team 249 25/04-27/05 J37Q & J37P 259 26/04-30/04 EM10C: Chernobil * special event station 255 26/04 IF9: Levanzo Isl. (EU-054) (IIA TP-009) by IQ8B team 249 26/04-28/04 IQ9IB: Isola Bella(IIA ME-029) by IT9LQG,IT9KDA,IT9SKY 259 26/04-28/04 T7 * by IK6BMU & IK6RUM 259 26/04-04/05 TI9X & TE9RLI: Cocos * by TI & JA team 259 26/04 YB5NOF/8: Togian Is. (OC-???) 259 27/04-28/04 9M2QQ: Ketam Isl. (AS-074) * by DF5UG 259 27/04 IF9: Faraglione (EU-054) (IIA TP-013) * by IQ8B team 249 27/04-28/04 IL3/I3BQC: Trezze Isl. (IIA-VE036) 259 27/04-03/05 ZL: South Island (OC-134) * by DF8AN/qrp 257 27/04-28/04 Helvetia Contest 249 28/04 EA4EHE/p: Isla as Mestas (DIEI OR-04) 259 28/04 EA4ENK/p: Isla Cogolludos (DIEI BA-14) 259 28/04 ED6ZXN: Isla D'es Farayo D'es Fred (DIE E-133) 259 28/04 IF9: Scoglio del Rais (EU-054) (IIA TP-???) by IQ8B 249 28/04 JA6VZB: Uji Is. (AS-067) 259 28/04-05/05 SV8/G0WZK/qrp: Antiparos Isl. (EU-067) 259 29/04-03/05 VP2EFT & VP2EZI * by JH4IFF & JH4EZI 259 April 9M8QQ: Sampadi Isl. (OC-165) * by DF5UG 259 April FO0FM/p: Dundas Reef (OC-066) * VK team ??? 255 April NH6D/KH4 257 April-May VK4FW/9: Saumarez Reef (OC-???) 255 April YB0SMC * by DF5UG 259 April YJ * by DL2GAC 241 01/05-05/05 JW5HE * by OZ8RO 259 02/05-14/05 V73W: Kwajalein (OC-028) * by WW1V 257 03/05-08/05 A3 * by DF8AN/qrp 257 03/05-08/05 CU4AH/p: Graciosa Isl. (DIP AZ-004) (FAZ-003) 259 03/05-05/05 GM: Summer Is. (EU-092) * by K5MK, G0EVV, G0KJW 259 04/05-05/05 CU5ARJ: S. Jorge Isl. (DIP AZ-005) 255 04/05-05/05 ED6ZXN: Isla de Menorca (DIE E-022) 259 04/05-14/05 ZL8RI * by ZL2HU's team 249 04/05-05/05 >>> ARI International DX Contest <<< *** 05/05-07/05 ED1IFA: Isla de Arosa (DIE O-007) 255 05/05-11/05 FB1BAM/p: Belle Isl. (EU-048) 259 05/05-07/05 JR0GFM: Tsushima Is. (AS-036) 259 07/05-09/05 G: Farne Is. (EU-109) * by K5MK, G0EVV, G0KJW 259 08/05-?? 5W * by DF8AN/qrp 257 10/05-20/05 ZB2/DL7CM & ZB2/DL1BX 257 12/05 EA7ILM: Isla La Minilla (DIEI SE-10) 255 16/05-21/05 VK: Lacepede Is. (OC-???) * by VK6LC & VK6DLB 249 /EX