DX425 bulletin issue nr. 257

SB DX@WW $425WW257A
425 DX News #257 [1/6]
 6 April 1996                      No 257                     BID: $425WW257A

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                        edited by  I1JQJ and I1-21171

3A     - Around mid April Berti, 3A/DJ5MN will be active from Laura's (3A2MD)
         QTH.  Berti hopes  to install a better antenna for 160 metres and he 
         is  available  for skeds on that band (DJ5MN @ DB0AAB). QSL via home 
3C     - Teo, 3C1DX was active recently from Equatorial Guinea, mainly  on 20  
         and 40 metres CW. QSL via EA6BH (Mateo Campomar Munar,  Reina M Mom-
         peller 74 B, 07007 Palma Mallorca, Spain).
3V     - From 3 to 12  April OK1TN, OK2ZZ and OK1GB will be active from Tuni-
         sia in CW  (1.825,  3.505, 7.005, 14.005, 21.005 and 28.005 MHz) and
         SSB (1.855,  3.795, 7.055, 14.155,  21.155 and  28.155 MHz). QSL via
         OK-DX Foundation, P.O. Box 73, 293 06 Bradlec, Czech Republic.
5W     - Starting from 8 May Michael DF8AN should be active (at local sunset)
         from Western  Samoa.  Operations are expected mainly on 40, 15 and 6 
         metres CW (QRP 5 watts). QSL via home call.
5X     - Peter, ON6TT has not been active so far from Uganda [425DXN 247].The 
         cargo  with  equipment  had a  two months' delay and licence will be 
         issued  in short  time. During his missions to other zones of Africa 
         Peter  would  like  to  be  active  from  Zaire (9Q) and, as a guest 
         operator, from Kenia (5Z), Tanzania (5H) and Burundi (9U).
8P     - From 24 April to 6 May Bernd, DJ1TO and  Baerbel, DL7UTO will be ac-
         tive from Barbados respectively as 8P9IR and 8P9IU.
8Q     - From  8 to  22  September  Andy, G4VPM will be active from Maldives. 
         Operations, QRP only, will probably take place with the 8Q7PM call.
9K     - Dave, KA5TQF will be in Kuwait for  work until May. Dave hopes to be
         active (on all bands, CW and SSB)  from 9K2HN's QTH and hopes to  be
         issued  a personal licence. It is also possible an activity from one 
         or more islands in the Persian  Gulf group (AS-118).
9L     - Starting from May/June Paul 9L1PG and Millie, 9L1MG will be in Sier-
         ra Leone. Paul  will be active mainly on 80 metres CW, while  Millie
         is often on 14.226 MHz. QSL via NW8F.
9M2    - From 23  April to 5 May Steve, G4JVG/P29DX should be active (from 10
         to 80  metres SSB) from  Pinang State  group (AS-015) using the call
         9M2/G4JVG. QSL via home call.
A3     - Eventually Morten,  LA9GY did not went to Tonga [425DXN 253], but to 
         Niue (see  ZK2).
A3     - From 3 to 8 May  Michael, DF8AN  should be active  (at local sunset)
         from  Tonga. Operations are expected   mainly on 40, 15 and 6 metres
         CW (QRP 5 watts). QSL via home call.
A6     - From 11 to 16 April  Peter,  OK1CZ will be active  in CW from United
         Arab Emirates  using the call A61AF. Daily operations  are  expected
         between 13 and 21 UTC, on all bands 160 included. QSL via home call.
CO     - The activity from Los Canarreos archipelago (NA-056) [425DXN 253 and
         255] has been postponed to half of June with the CO4OTA call.
CT     - From 12 to 14 April the  CQ2U station  will be  active from  Gibalta
         lighthouse,  which  counts   for  the  Portuguese  Lighthouses Award 
         (FES-09). QSL via CT4UW.
CT     - From 5 to 7 April CT1END will be portable from tthe following D.I.P. 
         islands:  Estrada  (BB-006, 5 April),  Carmona (BB-005, 6 April) and
         Marechal (BB-004, 7 April).
CT     - From 23 to 25 May Jorge, CT8FMX/p  will be active from Ponta da Pie-
         dade lighthouse (FAL-003).
EA     - EF1IAT will be  active until  7 April from La  Toja island (EU-080).
         Operations  take place on 40 and 80 metres CW, and also on 15 and 20 
         metres. QSL via EC1BXI (P.O. Box 54, 36980 El Grove, Spain).
EA     - During the weekend EA2CMW will activate La Loma island (DIEI ST-14).
         QSL via EA2CMW.
EA     - During the  weekend, a group of EA operators will activate  La Cabra
         island (DIE E-369). QSL via EA3NB.
EA     - On  7 April EA4ENK/p  will be  active  from La Trompeta island (DIEI
         BA-02). QSL via EA5OL.
EA     - On  5 April EA4ENK/p has been active from Baden island (DIEI BA-19).
         QSL via EA5OL.
                        TO BE CONTINUED IN PART TWO
SB DX@WW $425WW257B
425 DX News #257 [2/6]
 6 April 1996                      No 257                     BID: $425WW257B

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                        edited by  I1JQJ and I1-21171
                                  PART TWO

EA     - On  21 April  EA7BR/p will  be active  from San  Bruno  island (DIEI
         H-05). QSL via EA7CWA.
EA     - On  21 April EA4DMB/p will be active from Casa del Pozo island (DIEI
         M-13). QSL via EA4ENQ.
EA     - On  5  and 6  April EA1BT/p will  try to activate  Garandones island
         (DIEI ZA-40), or another island in the ZA province. QSL via EA1BT.
EA     - On  6 April EA1FDG and EA1BOI, members of the Kastrelos Kontest Team
         will be active from Monteagudo island (DIE O-001), in the Cies group
         (IOTA EU-080). The call will be EA1FDG/p and they will try to be ac-
         tive on two different bands or  modes  simultaneously  (CW and SSB).
         Operations are expected on 15, 17, 20 and 40 metres.  QSL  to EA1FDG
         via direct (P.O. Box 8243, 36200 Vigo, Spain) or via bureau.
EK     - Victor, RV6HKB/EK will be active for about one year from Armenia. 15
         20 and 40 metres CW operations using 100 watts and a dipole. QSL via
         home call.
F      - From 9 to 20 April  Andre, F/ON5UP/P will be active from Noirmoutier
         island  (EU-064).  Daily  CW  QRP  operations between 7 and 9 UTC on 
         7.030 MHz.
G      - On 6  and  7 April  G2UT will  be active   from  Lindisfarne  Island
GJ     - From 28 June to 1  July Jim, G3RTE and  Phil, G3SWH  will be  active
         from Les Minquiers  Plateau (EU-099)  using the calls GJ3RTE/P (SSB)
         and GJ3SWH/P (CW). Jim and Phil will try to be active using two sta-
         tions from 10 to 80 metres. QSL via G3SWH.
GM     - From 23 to 30 July  Ken (G0PCA), Eileen (G0PCB), Ian (G0MIF), Stuart
         (G7JYF), Kurt (G7NCV), Debbie (G7UWH) and Katie (2E1DQA) will be ac-
         tive from Benbecula, Outer Hebrides (EU-010) using the call GM0PCA/P
         Operations   will  take  place  in  CW, SSB and Pactor from 10 to 20 
         metres  and  in UHF. They plan to participate in the IOTA Contest as 
         GM0WDY/P. QSL via G0PCA.
GM     - From 14 to 18 April  the Dengie Hundred ARS will be active from Skye
         island  Skye (EU-008)  using the call  GM0UTT/P. The operations will
         occur from 2 to 160 metres SSB and CW on request.
HC8    - From 21 April to 10 May  DF1VU/HC8, DL4VCG/HC8 and DK5VP/HC8 will be
         active  from Galapagos islands.  Operations will take place with 700
         watts and a two element  beam from 10 to 40 metres mainly between 14
         and  18  UTC  (during  the  rest  of  the  day electric power is not 
         available, but it is possible that operators will  use batteries and
         50 watts). QSL via home calls.
HH     - Father John,  HH6JH lives on Ile a Vache (NA-149) and is  active  on
         Sundays on 14.260 MHz. QSL via home call.
HI     - Bob, K9LTN/HI9 will be active until the  end of April from Dominican
         Republic. CW and SSB operations on all bands. QSL via home call.
I      - The special IY0TCI station will participate in the 9th International 
         Marconi Day (20 April)  from  Civitavecchia  (Roma).  All  band/mode 
         operations. QSL to I0KHP, direct or via bureau.
I      - IK4CIE, IK4IDW, I4VJC  and IK4GNJ, members of  the Western Emilia DX
         Club, will participate in the International  Marconi Day  from Torre 
         Tigullio Marconi using the IY1TTM call.
IA5    - From 5 to 9 April Carlo, IA5/I4ALU  will be active  from Elba island
         (EU-028, IIA LI-001). CW operations only, from 10 to 80 metres, WARC 
         bands included. QSL via home call.
IC8    - From 4 to 11 April Walter,  IN3XUG will be active from Ischia island
         (EU-031,  IIA NA-001) mainly on 20 and 40 metres. Walter will try to
         be active  also from Castello  Aragonese  (Ischia Minore, EU-031 IIA
         NA-???). Every contact will be confirmed automatically via bureau.
IS0    - From 19 to 21 April the Marconian station IY0GA swill be active from 
         Capo Figari (Golfo Aranci, JN40TX). The station will participate  in 
         the International Marcony Day (20 April). Operations will take place 
         in HF, VHF and UHF (and for the first time also via satellite  Oscar 
         10 and Oscar 13, mode B). QSL to IS0JMA (Roberto Alaimo, P.O.Box 41, 
         07026 Olbia-SS) direct or through the bureau.
J6, J7 - During April Bruno, F5JYD will be in Dominica e St. Lucia, from whe-
         re he wants to make some activities.
KH0    - From 11 to 14 April Kou, KH0/JM4HNS will be active from Northern Ma-
         riana  (OC-086).  Operations  will  take  place  mainly  on 10 and 1
         7 metres. QSL via home call.
KH4    - Bill Myerson,  NH6D/KH4 [425DXN  245 and 238]  will be active  again
         from  Midway  for two weeks  during April. In 1997 the military will 
         leave the island.
                       TO BE CONTINUED IN PART THREE
SB DX@WW $425WW257C
425 DX News #257 [3/6]
 6 April 1996                      No 257                     BID: $425WW257C

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                        edited by  I1JQJ and I1-21171
                                 PART THREE
PA     - On  8 April 14 year old Rolf, DL3OCM hopes to be active on 40 metres
         CW from Texel island (EU-038) using the call PA/DL3OCM/p.
SV5    - From 25 May to 14 June Fred, SV5/SM7DAY/QRP will be active from  Ka-
         lymnos island, Dodecanese  (EU-001). Operations will take place also 
         from   Telendos  (EU-001)   and  Leros  islands  (EU-001)  using the 
         SV5/SM7DAY/p call.  Fred will be active on 17 and 20 metres CW only. 
         QSL via home  call, direct or via bureau.
TJ     - Two US  operators are active as TJ1GB in SSB and CW. QSL  via WA6SLO
         (Richard  G. Whisler, 716 Hill Ave.,  South San Francisco, CA 94080,
TK     - Until 12 April TK/F5RTJ will be active in CW and SSB on all bands.
UA_ant - Starting from July Valentin, RU1ZC,  will be active for three months
         from Russian  Antarctic base SAAM Mirny (WABA UA-07) using the R1ANZ
         call.  QSL via RU1ZC.
V7     - From 2 to 14 May  Bob, WW1V  will be  active as  V73W from Kwajalein
         (OC-028). Operations are expected  mainly  on 40 metres SSB. QSL via
         home call.
VE     - From 17 to  22  July a group of amateurs of the Montreal West Island
         Amateur  Radio Club  (Fred VE2SEI,  Helen, VE2YAK, Reg VE2AYU,  Jeff
         VE2TBH,  Al VE2DAV, Lowell  VY2OX and  Al VO1NO) will be active from
         the Marconian site of Glace Bay, Cape Breton (Nova Scotia). The pri-
         mary goal  of the expedition  will be transatlantic  contacts on two
         metres (144.020 MHz). QSL via VE2CWI.
VE     - From 25 July to 1 August the Montreal West Island Amateur Radio Club
         operators will be  active from  Seal Island  (NA-126). As from Glace
         Bay (see  above), they will give particular attention to transatlan-
         tic contacts  on two metres  (144.020 and  144.030  MHZ). The opera-
         tions are expected  on HF bands as well and they plan to participate
         in the IOTA Contest (27-28 July). QSL via VE2CWI.
VK     - Stuart's  (VK8NSB)  activity from Croker Island (OC-???), originally 
         planned  from 17  to 24 July  [425DXN 255], should be postponed from 
         8 to 14 August.
VK     - From 19 to 27 April Michael DF8AN should be active (at local sunset)
         from Australia using the call VK2IFB. Operations are expected mainly 
         on 40, 15 and 6 metres CW (QRP 5 watt). QSL via home call.
VK0_m  - Recently Warren, VK0WH  [425DXN 238, 239, 241, 242, 245 and 249] has
         not been  particularly  active due  to work problems.  Local  winter
         will reduce personnel at the scientific base and Warren hopes to ha-
         ve more  spare time  and  to be  active i n different hours then now
         (09.30-10.30 UTC). QSL via VK9NS.
VK9_nor- Temporary  licences have been issued to Jim, VK9NS and Kirsty, VK9NL
         to operate respectively  as VI9NS and VI9NL during the 75th anniver-
         sary of the Royal Australian Air Force.
VK9_xms- From 6 to  11 April the Laines  (Martti, OH2BH; Leena, OH2BE; Petri,  
         OH2KNB) will be active from Christmas  Island using the call  VK9XM. 
         QSL via JA1BK.
VP8_sg - During his staying on Falklands, planned from 11 May to 11 September  
         [425DX 253],  Reg,   VP8BPZ  (GW8VHI/DA4RG)   plans to  go  to South 
         Georgia,  from  where  he hopes to be  active if he can borrow an HF 
         transceiver.  It is possible to  contact Reg via G0OIL or at  e-mail 
         address k.rose@aston.ac.uk (please mark FAO REG).
VP9    - From  7 to 1 April Jay VP9/K4ZLE will be active from Bermuda. Opera-
         tions will take place mainly in CW and RTTY.
VP9    - From about 9 to 15 June Paul, N1LJA/VP9 will be active from 10 to 40
         metres. QSL via home call.
W6     - Between 24  April and 2 May Buck, W3KH should be active from Channel
         Islands (NA-066 and NA-144).
W6     - From 26 to 29  July Jim  (KG6VI), Steve (N6WKU), John (KO6TN), Frank
         (N6RNX)  and other operators  will be active  from San Miguel Island
         (NA-144).  They plan to participate in  the IOTA Contest. Operations 
         are expected from 10 to 160 metres, CW and SSB. QSL via home calls.
                       TO BE CONTINUED IN PART FOUR 
SB DX@WW $425WW257D
425 DX News #257 [4/6]
 6 April 1996                      No 257                     BID: $425WW257D

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                        edited by  I1JQJ and I1-21171
                                 PART FOUR
XV     - 3W5RS is often active on 40 metres asking QSL via P.O. Box 303, Vung
         Tau, Vietnam.
ZB2    - From 10 to 20 May Hans, ZB2/DL7CM and Torsten, ZB2/DL1BX will be ac-
         tive from  Gibraltar. RTTY  and low bands operations mainly. QSL via 
         their respective home calls.
ZB2    - From 10 April to 1 May G3RFX will be active from Gibraltar using the
         call ZB2FX. QSL via home call.
ZD8    - From 16 to 24 April Jim, N6TJ will be active (particularly on 14.160
         MHz at 20 UTC and on 21. 250 MHz at 21 UTC) from Ascension Island as
         ZD8Z. QSL via VE3HO.
ZK1_sk - From 12 to 19 April Michael DF8AN should be active (at local sunset)
         from  South  Cook  islands. Operations are expected mainly on 40, 15
         and 6 metres CW  (QRP 5 watts).  QSL via home call.
ZK2    - Morten,  LA9GY was active from Niue as ZK2ZE, mainly in CW.  QSL via 
         home call.
ZL     - From 27  April al 3 May  Michael, DF8AN  should be  active (at local
         sunset)  from  Christchurch, South  Island (OC-134)  using the  call
         ZL/DF8AN.  Operations  are expected mainly on 40, 15 and 6 metres CW 
         (QRP 5 watts). QSL via home call.
ZL8    - Preparations  for Kermadec  islands expedition, planned from 4 to 14
         May  [425DXN 245  and 249], go on regularly. The team will be formed 
         by  Peter  (ZL3GQ),  Ken  (ZL2HU),  Ron  (ZL2TT), Lee (ZL2AL), Peter  
         (ZL3GQ), Chris (ZL2DX), Al (WA3YVN) and Bin (JA3EMU). The voyage out 
         to  ZL8 will start from Napier, New Zealand, on 30 April. Operations 
         (SSB,  CW and RTTY) will take place from Raoul Island using the call 
         ZL8RI and the expedition aim is to log 40,000 QSOs. QSL   via  ZL2HU 
         (Ken Holdom,  P.O. Box 56099, Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand) to whom 
         is still  possible to send contributions (the loan of the boat costs  
         25,000 dollars cash on the nail).

****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ...  ***************************

3V8BB ---> DL2OBF, QSL  manager for 3V8BB  operations from 22 to 29  November
1995, reports to have problems with the printer. Please be patient and do not
send dupes.

9G5BQ QSL ---> Steve,  PA3GBQ reports that  cards for his recent  activity as
9G5BQ [425DXN 242] are ready. The direct requests have been sent.

9G5RC QSL ---> The QSL  for the 9G5RC operations  are ok via  home  call, ie. 
N1OCS  (not N1OCQ, 425DXN  256). Due to work Joe has not been very active but
he will print beautiful color cards.

9M8AD & 9M8MH ---> During their activity from Sarawak, East Malaysia  [425DXN 
251 and 253] Andrea 9M8AD/DL3ABL  and  Michael  9M8MH/DL6MHW  logged 2350 QSO 
(around  1200  on  20  metres  SSB,  550  on 40  metres CW, one hundred on 80 
metres, 150 on 30 metres, 250 on 17  metres and 150 on 15 metres). The 75% of 
the  contacts  was  with  Europe  (an 800 metre high mountain stopped signals 
toward North America and US stations in logs are just about fifty).

A45ZN ---> Tony, A45ZN reports  that a pirate was  active on 80  metres using
his call  and giving ZS1D as  QSL manager. Tony is  particularly active in CW
but not on 80 metres.

CONTEST DIE --->  Portuguese  islands  will  count as multipliers for the DIE 
Contest [425DXN 253].

CY0AA ---> Preparations continue for Sable Island expedition [425DXN 236, 245
251, 255], planned for 7-10 days between 18 June and 2 July. Contributions to
expedition   (other 2-3 thousands  dollars are still needed) can  be sent to:
VE9AA: Mike Smith, 131 Smith Rd., Geary, NB E2V 2G3, Canada.

DELTA MIKE DX CLUB ---> The new board of the Delta Mike DX Club includes  Fu- 
rio Macchi, IK2EKY (President); Guido Stella, IK2IKT (Vice President); Alber-
to Longone,  IK2YQX  (Secretary); Walter Pezzoni, IK2FEO and Giorgio di Bono, 
IK2RJK (Directors).

                       TO BE CONTINUED IN PART FIVE 
SB DX@WW $425WW257E
425 DX News #257 [5/6]
 6 April 1996                      No 257                     BID: $425WW257E

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                        edited by  I1JQJ and I1-21171
                                 PART FIVE
II2K QSL ---> IK1OUK is not the manager of this contest station of the  Monza
ARI Section. QSL can be sent to IK2UCK (for 1995) or I2KHM (for 1996), but it
is all right to sent them via bureau to II2K.

LACEPEDE ISLANDS ---> The  Diamond  DX  Club thank, through the 425 DX  News, 
those who sent contributions for the forthcoming DXpedition to Lacepede   Is.
Up to now the  following  have  sent a contribution: DE0MST, DL1SCQ,  DL2SCQ, 
OE3WWB, K1IYD, K9PPY,  W1NG,  W3KH and  W6RT.  Dewitt Jones, W4BAA, acting on
behalf of DDXC-North America,  collected  funds  in  U.S.  (TNX:  K5MK, K6DT,
W9HAO, W9NZM, W0MLY, WB9EEE,  WD9FEN).  Thanks to  voluntary  donations  DDXC
collected until  now more than 700 dollars to fund  part of Malcolm's (VK6LC)
expedition to  the Lacepedes (OC-???) planned from 16 to 21 May [425DXN 249].
The Diamond DX Club  aim  is  to  reach at least 1000 dollars.  Contributions
are still welcome  via I1HYW (Gianni Varetto, P.O.Box 1, 10060 Pancalieri-TO,
Italy) or for North America via W4BAA (Dewitt Jones, P.O.Box 379, Glen Arbor,
Michigan  49636,  USA)   or   for   Asia   via   JI6KVR   (Yuki Deguchi, 4796
Takashima-machi Yatsushiro City  Kumamoto,  866 Japan)  or  for  Oceania  via
VK6LC   himself  (Malcolm  M. Johnson, 9 Abinger  Road, Lynwood 6155, Western

NIDXA Convention ---> Saturday 7  September the Northern Illinois DX Associa-
tion organize the annual W9DXCC DX Convention at the Holiday Inn Rolling Mea-
dows, Illinois.  For further information  contact Phil  Camera,  KB9CRY (tel.
708-343.1696, fax 708-343.4394, E-mail Iphil@aol.com).

NORTH KOREA ---> During  a QSO with N5DC (DXAC  representative)  Eric,  G0CGL 
learnt that in mid April  a IARU team should go to North Korea for an activi-
ty (apparently on all bands CW and SSB)  similar to the one of the first ZA1A
group.  They  might  be  operations to instruct local amateurs and government
officers. Eric reports that N5DC  mentioned  that  the  ARRL DXCC Desk gave a
pre-approval to this apoeration, but the news is still unofficial (TNX DXNS).

PS8YL/PR8 QSL ---> Teresinha, PS8YL is sending via  bureau the cards  for her
recent activity  from Sao Luis  island (SA 016). For  those who would like to
receive a  direct reply  remember that one IRC or one dollar is not enough to
cover postage from Brazil.

ST1AP QSL ---> I0LCJ, QSL manager of ST1AP, reports that he has not  received
the logs and QSL for this station as yet. The direct and bureau requests will
be answered as soon as possible.

THE GAMBIA ---> C56CW  and  C56DX  [425DXN  247,  253]  went  QRT on 18 March 
after more than 29,000 QSOs. QSL via DL7DF.

TZ6VV ---> Since last May many health problems have prevented  Larry   Erwin,
TZ6VV  from being active from Mali as frequently as in the past. Currently he
is in Bamako, but  in August  he probably will move to Segou, Larry therefore 
uses just a vertical right now.  His QSL  manager is AA0GL, whose new address 
is  Marshall  Reece,  303 Hillcrest  Drive, RR#3, Larned, KS 67550 USA. It is 
also possible to write to Larry directly (BP 2786, Bamako, Mali).

QSL ricevute via diretta:  1A0KM,  D68SE, DS0DX/2 (AS-122), FT5ZF, IC8/IK8BIZ
(IIA: NA-007, NA-013, NA-020),   IC8/IK8DDN  (IIA: NA-013),  IC8/IK8MRA (IIA:
NA-019,  NA-021),  ID8/IK8DDN,  IL3/IK2EUY  (IIA:  VE-023,  VE-034,  VE-047),
IL7/IK8MRA (IIA:  FG-011),  IL8/IK8DDN (IIA:  PZ-001, SA-003),  TY8G,  LU1ZAB
(WABA LU-16), P49V,  PY0TI, SV2ASP/A, VK7DI (OC-195), VK9XZ/6 (OC-211), XR0Y,

QSL ricevute via WF5E DX QSL service: F6PFP/GAZA, T30RT, T93M, 

*                               425 DX NEWS                                 *
*                         DX info weekly bulletin                           *
*       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Maurizio Bertolino I1-21171   *
              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

I5FLN,  IK7AFM,  I0OWK,  I0ZV,  IK0LZR, IS0JMA, Brescia DX Group, Delta Mike,
Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, CT4UW, DC3MF, DL2HBX,DL2OBF,

*  Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
*              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)            *
*      INTERNET e-mail :  i1jqj@fileita.it    or    I121171@amsat.org       *
*       425 WWW Page -->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html       *
*                    INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site:                    *
*   www-dx.dei.unibo.it  - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/   *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
                  * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *
                      TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751
                      DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613
                       SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422
                      ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306
                      CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921
                HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677
                       WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183
                       JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332
SB DX@WW $425WW257F
425 DX News #257 [6/6]
 6 April 1996                      No 257                     BID: $425WW257F

                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  12/04      3V8BB * by OK1TN, OK2ZZ, OK1GB                         257
till  17/04      4S7BRG * by HB9BRM                                     251
till  10/04      5B4/DL8KWS                                             255
till  Sep        5R8EN * by F2JD                                        245
till  May        9K * by KA5TQF                                         257
till  mid Apr    C6AGN * by KM1E                                        236
till  16/04      DU * by DJ1PV                                          253
till  07/04      EF1IAT: La Toja Isl. (EU-080)                          257
till  Feb 97     FT5WF & FT5WE * by F5SZK & F5IJT                       239
till  25/04      GD/AI5P                                                255
till  06/04      H99I: Iguana Isl. (NA-199) * by HP2CWB's team          255
till  end April  K9LTN/HI9                                              257
till  11/04      IC8/IN3XUG: Ischia Isl. (EU-031)                       257
till  06/04      J56CK & J56DY: Majo Isl. (AF-020) * by I4LCK & IK4SDY  253
till  07/04      JW6RHA, JW9THA, JW8KT * LA/YL team                     255
till  12/06      PY0TI: Trindade * by PY1UP                             253
till  08/04      S0: Western Sahara * by EA & F team                    255
till  12/04      TK/F5RTJ                                               257
till  June       VQ9DX * by AA5DX                                       253
till  April      TN7OT * by AL7OT                                       243
till  Dec 96     VK0WH: Macquarie                                       238
05/04            CT1END/p: Estrada Isl. (DIP BB-06)                     257
05/04-06/04      EA1BT/p: La Garandones Isl. (DIEI ZA-40)           ??? 257
05/04-07/04      EA2CMW/p: La Loma Isl. (DIEI ST-14)                    257
05/04            EA4ENK/p: Baden Isl. (DIEI BA-19)                      257
05/04-07/04      ED3VDX: La Cabra Isl. (DIE E-369)                      257
05/04-09/04      IA5/I4ALU: Elba Isl. (EU-028)                          257
05/04-12/04      J3K * by WB8GEX                                        255
06/04            CT1END/p: Carmona Isl. (DIP BB-05)                     257
06/04            EA1FDG/p: Monteagudo Isl. (EU-080) (DIE O-001)         257
06/04-07/04      G2UT: Lindisfarne Isl. (EU-120)                        257
06/04-07/04      VK2BRT: Broughton Isl. (OC-???) * by JARA              253
06/04-11/04      VK9XM * by OH2BH, OH2�2BE, OH2KNB                      257
06/04-07/04      EA RTTY Contest                                        ***
06/04-07/04      SP DX Contest                                          ***
07/04            CT1END/p: Marechal Isl. (DIP BB-04)                    257
07/04            EA4ENK/p: La Trompeta Isl. (DIEI BA-02)                257
07/04            H95H, H88C, HO1P * by HP2CWB's team                    255
07/04-13/04      LX/DL3FCP & LX/DL4FCH                                  255
07/04-14/04      VP9/K4LZE                                              257
07/04-??         XE2/DL4VCR                                             247
08/04            PA/DL3OCM/p: Texel Isl. (EU-038)                       257
09/04-20/04      F/ON5UP/p: Noirmountier Isl. (EU-064)                  257
10/04-01/05      ZB2FX * G3RFX                                          257
11/04-11/04      A61AF * by OK1AF                                       257
11/04-14/04      AH0AV/KH2 * by JH6RTO                                  255
11/04-14/04      KH0/JM4HNS                                             257
11/04-18/04      SV8/SM0TXM: Paros Isl. (EU-067)                        255
12/04-14/04      CQ2U: Lighthose Gibalta (FES-09)                       257
12/04-14/04      JA DX CW High Bands Contest                            ***
12/04-19/04      ZK1: South Cook * by DF8AN/qrp                         257
13/04-24/04      3V8BB * by XE2CQ                                       255
14/04-18/04      GM0UTT/p: Skye Isl. (EU-008)                           257
14/04            IA5: Formiche di Burano (IIA GR-04) by IK0JFW & IK0MHR 255
16/04-20/04      HS0/7L1MFS: Samet Isl. (AS-107)                        255
16/04-23/04      ZD8VJ * by G4ZVJ                                  ???  251
16/04-24/04      ZD8Z * by N6TJ                                         257
19/04-21/04      EG9AI: Alboran Is. (AF-042) * by EA team               251
19/04-21/04      IY0GA: Golfo Aranci                                    257
19/04-27/04      VK2IFB * by DF8AN/qrp                                  257
20/04            IL3: La Certosa Isl. (IIA VE-018) * by ARI Venice team 253
20/04            IY1TTM: Torre Tigullio Marconi: Sestri Levante         257
20/04            IY0TCI: Civitavecchia                                  257
20/04            European Sprint Spring SSB                             ***
20/04            International Marconi Day                              ***
20/04-21/04      SARTG WW Amtor Contest                                 ***
20/04-21/04      YU DX Contest (SSB/CW)                                 ***
21/04            EA4DMB/p: Casa del Pozo (DIEI M-13)                    257
21/04            EA7BR/p: San Bruno Isl. (DIEI H-05)                    257
21/04-10/05      HC8 * by DF1VU, DL4VCG, DK5VP                          257
23/04-05/05      9M2/G4JVG: Pinang State group (AS-015)                 257
24/04-27/04      7X: Mediterranean Sea Coast Gr. (AF-???) * by W3GF     255
24/04-06/05      8P9IR & 8P9IU * by DJ1TO & DL7UTO                      257
24/04-28/04      IF9: Favignana Isl. (EU-054) (IIA TP-011) by IQ8B team 249
24/04-02/05      W3KH/6: Channel Is. (NA-066 & NA-144)                  257
25/04            IF9: Marettimo Isl. (EU-054) (IIA TP-010) by IQ8B team 249
26/04-30/04      EM10C: Chernobil * special event station               255
26/04            IF9: Levanzo Isl. (EU-054) (IIA TP-009) by IQ8B team   249
26/04-28/04      IJ9IB: Isola Bella(IIA ME-029) by IT9LQG,IT9KDA,IT9SKY 251
mid April        3A/DJ5MN                                               257
April            5T5MB * by DK3LQ                                       253
April            FO0FM/p: Dundas Reef (OC-066) * VK team                255
April            NH6D/KH4                                               257