DX425 bulletin issue nr. 255

SB DX@WW $425WW255A
425 DX News #255 [1/6]
 23 March 1996                     No 255                     BID: $425WW255A

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                        edited by  I1JQJ and I1-21171

Remember that annual updates for DXCC Honor  Roll have to be sent  before the
March 31.  QSLs for  Scarborough  Reef,  BS7H [425DXN 247] and Pratas Island,
BV9P  [425DXN 242] can be sent for credit starting from 1 APRIL.

3V     - From 14 to  24  April Javier,  XE2CQ will be in Tunisia for work and
         he  will  be  active  on all bands, in CW and SSB, as guest operator 
         from radio club 3V8BB. QSL via AA6BB.
5B     - From 22 March  to 10 April Frank,  DL8KWS  will be again active from
         Cyprus as 5B4/DL8KWS. QSL via bureau.
5R     - From the afternoon of 22 March to the afternoon of 24  March Gerard,
         F2JD/5R8EN will be on Nosy Be island (AF-057), from  where  he hopes 
         to be active as 5R8EN/p.
7P     - UA9MFN, UA9MHN and DK8FS are active from Lesotho using the 7P8FS and
         7P8MA  calls  for a multinational  activity to promote amateur radio 
         in Africa. QSL via DK8FS.
7X     - From 24 to 27 April W3GF and a couple of  other  operators  will  be
         active for six  hours a day from two islands  located in the Mediter-
         ranean Sea Coast East group (AF-???).
CE     - CE1IDM will participate in the CQ WW WPX  SSB  Contest (30-31 March) 
         using the 3G1X call.
CO     - CT1ESO will  not join the  expedition to La Juventud island (NA-056)
         [425DXN 253] and will be replaced by CO2QQ.
CT     - From 22 to 24 March Jorge, CS5FMX  and Paulo,  CS5EWA will be active
         from Penedo da Saudade  and S.Pedro  de Moel lighthouses.  QSL their 
         home calls (CT1FMX and CT1EWA).
CT3    - From about 18 to 25 March Bert, PA3GIO will be active in from Madei-
         ra (AF-014) as CT3/PA3GIO/m. 10 to 20 metres activity, WARC included
         with QSL via home call.
CU     - Some members of the Associacao de  Radioamadores  Jorgenses,  CU5ARJ 
         will  activate  Rosais  (D.F.P. FAZ-005,  23 and 24 March)  and Topo  
         (D.F.P. FAZ-006, 4 and 5 May) lighthouses, located on S.Jorge island 
         (IOTA EU-003 DIP AZ-005).
DL     - From  10  to  20  UTC of 25 March DL8BDC will be active from Fehmarn 
         island (EU-128). Operations will take place in CW  (3.540, 7.020 and 
         14.040 MHz) and SSB (14.260 MHz). QSL via bureau.
EA     - Plans  are  being  made  for the activation of Isla La Minilla (DIEI 
         SA-10) on 12 May.
EA     - Plans are  being made for the activation of Isla Correa (DIEI SE-12)
         on 19 May.
EA     - From 5 to 7 April the station ED1IFA will be active froml Isla de A-
         rosa (DIE O-007). QSL via EA1BEZ.
EA     - On 24 March  EA1CSB/p will be active from Isla  El  Molinillo  (DIEI
         BU-32). QSL via EA5OL.
EA     - On 24  March  the station ED1ISA  will be active from Isla Huerta de
         la Virgen (DIEI SA-23). QSL via EA1EAU.
EA     - On  5 or 14 April the station  ED3VDX  will be active from  Isla  La 
         Cabra or Roca Grossa (DIE E-369). QSL via EA3BT (Josep Gilbert, APDO  
         366, 08800 Vilanova I La Geltru (Barcelona), Spain).
EM     - From 26  to 30  April  the station  EM10C will be active  from radio
         club of Chernobyl amateurs. QSL via UY5XE.
F      - Pascal (F5LEN), Bruno (F5NGZ), Pascal (F5PTM) and Herve (F5RMY) will
         participate in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (30-31  March) from the club 
         station  "Sciences  et Techniques  Nancy"  (F6KIM) using the special 
         TM5Z call. 10 to 160 meters activity. QSL via bureau.
F      - Bruno,  F5JYD  will  participate in the CQ WW SSB WPX Contest (30-31 
         March) using the TM7I call on 40 meters. QSL only via bureau.
F      - F5CCO/P (SSB)  and  F6JSZ  (CW) will participate in the IOTA Contest  
         from Planier island  (EU-095, DIFM ME-004). F1IXQ will be active via 
         satelite. QSL via home calls.
FO     - In  April  a  group of operators, including some Australians, should 
         be active as FO0FM/p from Dundas Reef (OC-066).
FT_w   - Sam, FT5WE [425DXN 239] should be QRV in 80  metres from Crozet in a
         couple of weeks.
GD     - From 26 March to 25  April Rick, AI5P will  be /GD. Between 19 March
         and 16  May it is possible  that Rick will be also active from other
         sites. QSL via AI5P.
HC8    - Shun, JF1MGI is doing  scientific researches  on Galapagos, where he
         will stay until the end of March.  He  should  be  active during his
         spare time.
HP     - On 5  and 6 April Ricardo  (HP2CTM), Jose  (HP2CWB), Emilio (HP2DFU)
         and Manuel (HP2ECP) will be active from Iguana island (NA-203) using
         the H99I  call. Operations will take place  from 10 to 40 meters, on
         the usual IOTA frequencies, in CW and SSB. QSL  via  HP2CTM (Ricardo 
         Lee, P.O.Box 152, Colon, Republic of Panama).
HP     - Sunday  7  April, at the end the operations from Iguana (see above),  
         Ricardo (HP2CTM), Jose (HP2CWB), Emilio (HP2DFU) and Manuel (HP2ECP)  
         will activate for about one hour, on 20 meters,  the Herrera  (HP5), 
         Cocle (HP8) and Panama (HP1) provinces respectively using the  H95H, 
         H88C and  HO1P calls. QSL via HP2CWB: Jose  Ng Lee,  Disney Interna-
         tional, PTY-201,  P.O.Box 02-5275, Miami, FL 33102-5275, USA. (don't 
         enclose  U.S. post stamps as QSL will be  sent  via  the  HP  postal 
                        TO BE CONTINUED IN PART TWO
SB DX@WW $425WW255B
425 DX News #255 [2/6]
 23 March 1996                     No 255                     BID: $425WW255B

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                        edited by  I1JQJ and I1-21171

                                  PART TWO
HS     - From  16 to 20 April  HS0/7L1MFS  will be  active from  Samet island
         (AS-107). QSL via home call. 
I      - I1JQJ will be active in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest (30-31 March) with 
         the IQ1A call. QSL via I1JQJ.
         IV3VER and IV3WHL will participate in  the  CQ  WW  WPX  SSB Contest 
         (30-31 March) using the II3R call, in the Multi/Single category. QSL 
         will be sent automatically via the bureau to all stations in log.
I      - IK0OZB  (Luigi),  IK0QDM (Luigi),  IK0TXF (Emilio)  and IK0VVE (Max)
         will particpate  in ARI International DX Contest (4-5 May) from Ter-
         racina (LT) in the Multi  category  using  the  IR0I  call.  QSL via 
I      - IK1GPG will particpate in the CQ WW WPX  SSB  Contest using the IR1A  
         call in the  Single op/Single band category  (40  meters).  QSL  via 
I      - IK1NLZ and IK1RLI will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest (30-
         31 March) using the IU1L call. QSL via IK1NLZ.
I      - During  1996  Daniele, IK0REH  will participate in the International 
         ARI, CQ WW WPX CW, IARU, WAE and CQ  WW CW Contests  using  the IQ0J  
         call. QSL via home call (Daniele Casini, P.O. Box 42, 06011  Cerbara
         - PG), also via the bureau.
IA5    - On 14 April,  from 6.30 to 15.30 UTC, Salvatore (IK0JFW/IA5) and Ro-
         berto  (IK0MHR/IA5) will be active, weather permitting,  from Formi-
         che di  Burano  (IOTA EU-028, IIA  GR-004).  Operations on 20 and 40 
         metres,  SSB  and  CW.  QSL via their homecalls (IK0MHR: Roberto Bo-
         nafede, Via Costanzo Casana 281, sc. D, 00121 Ostia Lido-RM; IK0JFW:
         Salvatore  Benedetto, Via  Minerbio  46, 00127 Vitinia-RM), also via
         the bureau.
IA5    - Paolo, I5GWO  will be  active from  Gorgona (EU-028, IIA LI-014) for
         one day during the week from 25 to 31 March.
IL3    - On 23  and 24 March IK2MRZ and IK2ILH will be active from one or mo-
         re  islands  in  the  Delta  of the Po valid for the Italian Islands 
J3     - From 5  al  12 April WB8GEX will be active from Grenada with the J3K
J6     - Eric,  F5CCO  is  waiting  for the licence to operate from St.Lucia, 
         where he will be oh honeymoon from 27 June al 4 July.
JW     - From 31 March to 7 April three Norwegian YLs - Unni, (JW6RHA), Turid
         (JW9THA)  and Inger (JW8KT)  - will be  active from Svalbard on  SSB
         and CW.
KH2    - From  11 to  14 April  Seiji,  JH6RTO  will be  active  from Guam as
         AH0AV/KH2. Activity mainly  on 10 and 17  metres. QSL via  home call
         (Seiji  Fukushima,  2-183-A207, Soubufrom, Zama City 228, Japan).
KH0    - From 29  March to 3  April  Kou, KH0/JM4HNS  will spend his holidays
         on Saipan, from where he will  be active on 10, 15, 20 and 40 metres
         SSB.  He  plans  to participate in the CQ WW SSB  WPX Contest (30-31 
         March). QSL via home call (Kouichi Nakase, 267-1-502 Tomita, Okayama 
         City, 700 Japan).
KH6    - WR6R will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest from Hawaii using 
         the WH7 or WH6 prefix.
LU     - Saturday 23 March Pierluigi  LU/IK1EDC will be active from Isla Gama
         (SA-022).  Operations  are  expected from 12 to 22 UTC, on 15 and 20
LU     - Wednesday 13 March Pierluigi, LU/IK1EDC, was active from Isla  Chaf-
         fers (47.46S-65.54W). He logged about 1000 QSOs. It is still unknown 
         if  the  island,  located  in  the  Santa Cruz  Province North group 
         (SA-???), qualifies for IOTA. QSL via IK1JJB.
LU     - Tuesday 19 March  Pierluigi, LU/IK1EDC, was active from Isla Pardela
         (Golfo Nuevo, 42.42S-64.36W). It is still unknown if the island, lo-
         cated in the Chubut Province North group (SA-???), will qualify  for 
         IOTA. QSL via I1CAW.
LU     - Pierluigi's (LU/IK1EDC) activity from SA-065, planned for Sunday  17
         March, did not take place. During the voyage out to  the  island the 
         boat turned upside down because of the rough sea and operations  had 
         to be cancelled.
LX     - From 7 to 13 April Harry, LX/DL3FCP and Peter, LX/DL4FCH will be ac-
         tive from Luxembourg  mainly on 30, 17 and 12 metres CW. Possible o-
         perations  on  80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres. QSL via home calls, di-
         rect or via bureau.
OJ0    - From 22 to 24 March OH0MB  (QSL via OH0RJ),  OJ0/OH1VR (QSL via home
         call) and OJ0/OH2KI (QSL via  OH2KI) will be active from Market Reef
         in SSB, CW and RTTY, on all the bands.
P2     - In May  P29AK and other  two operators will try to activate Pocklin-
         gton Reef (OC-???).
P4     - AI6V  will  participate  in  the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest (30-31 March) 
         from Aruba using the P40V call.
PY     - PP5JR  will  participate  in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest (30-31 March)  
         using the PQ0MM call.
PY     - Ari, PT2BW will use the PW2A during the BARTG Spring RTTY, CQ WW WPX
         (SSB/CW) and EA RTTY Contests. For all operations QSL via bureau.
PY     - PU2LCD  and  PU2LSR  will  participate  in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest 
         respectively as ZW2WAL (10 metres) and  ZY2HT  (40 metres).  QSL via 
                      TO BE CONTINUED IN PART THREE
SB DX@WW $425WW255C
425 DX News #255 [3/6]
 23 March 1996                     No 255                     BID: $425WW255C

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                        edited by  I1JQJ and I1-21171

                                 PART THREE
S0     - From  5 to  8  April  EA2BP,  EA2BSJ,  EA2CLU, EA2CNU, EA2JG, EA2KL,
         EA3ELM, EA3GBU, F2VX, F6EXV  and Naama, S01A will be active from We-
         stern Sahara. Operations will take place  in SSB, CW and RTTY from 6
         to 160 metres  and via satellite  RS-12. They  plan to have two sta-
         tions simultaneously active. It is possible they will use  a special
         prefix to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Western Sahara. QSL via:
         EA2JG (Arseli Echeguren, Las Vegas 91, 01479-Luyando, Alava Spain).
SV     - From  11 to 18  April  Mike, SM0TXM/HB9EBC will be active from Paros
         island (EU-067) as SV8/SM0TXM. Mike will try to be active also on 80
         and 160 metres.
TA     - DL8OBC/AA0NV  (Felix  J. Riess),  DL3FDU  (Thomas  Beiderwieden) and
         DL4VBP/AC5FJ (Patrick K.Scheidhauer) will participate in  the  CQ WW 
         WPX SSB Contest in the Multi OP/Single TX category  using the  YM3DL  
         call. The activity will take place from Mustafa's (TA3B) QTH. Before 
         and  after  the  contest  operations  will take place from 10 to 160 
         metres, in SSB and CW, using individual calls  TA3Z.. or YM3DL.  QSL 
         (also via the bureau) to DL4VBP,  whose new address is:  Dr. Patrick 
         Scheidhauer, Fontanestrasse 134, D-60431  Frankfurt (Main), Germany.
TN     - Sam, TN/KF4BTY is currently active from Congo. QSL via home call.
VK     - From 17 to 24 July Stuart,  VK8NSB will be active from Croker Island
         (OC-???) probably as  VK8CI or VI8CI. The  island is located  in the
         Northern Territory (Arafura Sea Coast) Centre group. QSL via VK8HA.
VK     - The operations from Broughton islands (OC-???), planned from  6 to 7
         April [425DXN 253], will take place using the  VK2BRT  call. QSL via 
         VK2BEX (Atsu Asahina, P.O. Box  195, Killara,  NSW 2071, Australia), 
         also via the bureau.
VK9    - Due to business commitments, JA1CMD/AD4WF's activity as VK9CA (Cocos
         /Keeling)  and VK9XH (Christmas Island) [425DXN 251 e 253] have been 
VK9    - VK4FW/9's  activity from Saumarez Reef [425DXN 253], planned from 17 
         or 18 March, has  been postponed  of about  six weeks   due  to  bad
         weather conditions.
XE     - Javier, XE2CQ is particularly active on WARC bands, mainly on 30 me-
         tres (10.109  MHz +/- QRM, QSX 1 kc up), where he is usually QRV for
         Europe starting from 00.00 or 06.00 UTC. QSL direct via home call.
XZ     - The  XZ1N activity,  planned by  Central Arizona DX  Association and
         planned from 2 to 12 April, has been cancelled. Warren, KF7AY decla-
         red  that "for the  immediate future, the  door to amateur  radio in
         the Union of  Myanmar will be  closed. There have arisen a number of
         unsettled  regulatory matters  between the military  and several mi-
         nistries which  must  first be sorted out  before any further amateur
         radio activity can proceed".
ZK1_S. - Froml 1 to 20 July Bruce  (AA8U/ZK1AAU), Stanley  (K8MJZ/ZK1MJZ) and
         Marilyn  (AG8W/ZK1AGW)  will be  active in SSB and CW from Rorotonga
         (South Cook Islands, OC-013) on all HF bands, with particular atten-
         tion for 80 and 160 metres. QSL via AA8U (Bruce Lallathin, 9221 Ford
         Rd., Rives Junction, MI 49277, USA).

****************************    GOOD TO KNOW...   ***************************

3B8/DK1RP --->  Peter's  (3B8/DK1RP) activity Jacky's (3B8CF) QTH  took place 
from  28  February to 7 March.  QSO  logged  (SSB/CW)  were 5405  (1341/4064)
and Peter has been active on 80 (377 QSO only CW), 40 (384/751), 30 (445), 20
(50/740), 17 (186/786),  15 (653/781), 12 (32/181) and 10 (36/3) metres. Most
of the  contacts were with  Europe but he logged also about 500 U.S. stations
and about  100 Japanese. All the contacts will automatically be confirmed via

9A3U/4U ---> This  station is active from Haiti,but it is stil unknown if his
operations will count for DXCC. It seems that T93A/4U activity  [425DXN  197] 
will not be accepted by ARRL.

CENTRAL CALIFORNIA DX CLUB ---> The board of directors  of CCDXC for 1996 in-
cludes  Charles  McConnell,  W6DPD (President);  Mike  McCorkle, KM6CB (First
Vice President);  Fred Moore,  W6KUS  (Second Vice President); John McConnell
KC6ESL  (Secretary/Treasurer);  Carl Boone, WB6VIN - Harry Billings, WA6UOR -
Jules Wenglare, W6YO (directors), Jimmie Wakefield, AH6CO (Past President).

                      TO BE CONTINUED IN PART FOUR 
SB DX@WW $425WW255D
425 DX News #255 [4/6]
 23 March 1996                     No 255                     BID: $425WW255D

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                        edited by  I1JQJ and I1-21171

                                 PART FOUR
CY0AA ---> The DXpedition to Sable Island, planned for next June [425DXN 236,
245, 251],  will be particularly  active on  bands from 40  to 160 metres and
RTTY too  (Wayne, W9OEH will get trained with  Tony, WA4JQS). Operations will 
take place for at least one week. The operators (VE9AA, WA8JOC and W9OEH) are
still looking for  donations  to cover  costs (air transportation has a great
cost but it is the most safe way - until  now  more  than 400 shipwrecks have
been reported near the island).

FS QSL ---> WX9E [425DXN 254]  handles only  the FS/WX9E  requests. QSLs  for
FS/N0BSH and FS/WE9V go via respective homecalls.

FT5WE QSL ---> At the end  of February  Claude,  F5GTW received the logs from
FT5WE,  for  whom  he is the QSL manager, for the period 28 December 1995 - 8 
January 1996 period (about 1000 QSO). Direct QSLs  have  already  been  sent. 
Claude asks to be patient and to send no dupes.

HEARD ISLAND ---> David  Muller, VK2TQM  and Junicho  Tanaka, JH4RHF  are the
last two  components of the team that in January 1997 [425DXN 249] will acti-
vate Heard Island. As previously announced the other operators will be EA8AFJ

IIA QSL ---> Roberto, IK0PRG reports he has answered all the direct or bureau
requests for his activities from Italian islands: IB0R  (via IW0BET, from LT-
001, LT-002,  LT-005, LT-015,  LT-021), IL7/IK0PRG  (from FG-002), ID9/IK0PRG
(from ME-006, ME-022, ME-034).

IY4ARI & IY4OTA --> IK4DCT  (manager  for IY4ARI)  and  IK4QJH  (manager  for
IY4OTA) report that cards will soon be sent out.

QSL ---> IK2SGC  is the manager for IU2M, II2M and II7M (contest operations).
QSL via bureau.

QSL MANAGER ---> Vance, W5IJU is offering himself as QSL manager (via  direct
and via bureau) for DX stations.

RTTY MOST WANTED COUNTRIES --->  According  to  Don's  (AA5AU) survey, the 25 
Most Wanted RTTY countries are as follows:
1. BS7 Scarborough Reef,  BV9 Pratas Island, P5 North Korea;  2. 5A Libya, 7O
Yemen, VK0/H  Heard Island; 3. ZL8 Kermadec  Island;  4. A5 Bhutan, PY0/S St.
Peter & St. Paul Rocks; 5. FT8X Kerguelen Islands;  6. VK0/M Maquarie Island,
VU/A Andaman & Nicobar Islands; 7 FT8W Crozet Island, PY0/T Trindade & Martin
Vaz Islands; 8. 3C0 Pagalu; 9. T31 Central Kiribati; 10. ZL9 Auckland & Camp-
bell Islands; 11. EP Iran; 12. 3Y  Bouvet, 9N Nepal,  VU/L Laccadive Islands;
13. FT8Z Amsterdam & St. Paul Islands; 14. TT Chad, XW Laos; 15. JX Jan Mayen
16. KH4 Midway Island;  17. TI9 Cocos  Island; 18.  1S Spratly Islands, KH5/K
Kingman Reef, ST Sudan, ZS8 Prince Edward & Marion Islands; 19. 3A Monaco, A6
United Arab Emirates, T33 Banaba (Ocean)  Island, TN Congo;  20. ST0 Southern
Sudan, VK9/W Willis  Island, YA Afghanistan;  21. FR/T  Tromelin Island,  OJ0
Market Reef, XY-Z Myanmar (Burma); 22. 3D2/R Rotuma Island,  JD1/M Minami To-
rishima; 23. 7X Algeria, VP8/S South Sandwich Islands; 24. 3B6,7 Agalega & St
Brandon Islands, ZK3 Tokelau Islands; 25. 8Q Maldive Islands, ZD9 Trinstan de
Cunha & Gough Islands.

TA2ZW QSL ---> QSLs  for  this  station  must be requested via OK1TN, via the
bureau or directly to OK-DX-Foundation, P.O.Box 73, 293 06 Bradlec, Czech Re-

TK2C QSL ---> Cards  for the operations  of this station  during the CQWW DX
SSB and CW 1995 Contests will be sent in the next weeks (QSL via DF7RX)

TM7I QSL ---> Bruno, F5JYD reports that all the QSLs of the TM7I's activities
(more than 6 thousands contacts) have been sent.

US1IDX QSL ---> Floyd, N5FG is the new QSL manager for US1IDX and US1I. Floyd
has already received the logs from Igor for the US1I activity during the ARRL
DX Contest.

VISALIA 1996 ---> The  annual   DX  Convention  will take place from 19 to 21 
April  at  Holiday Inn, Visalia  CA.  The DX  stations who want to particpate
in the Convention should contact K6EXO (af006@lafn.org).

VK4FML QSL ---> The QSL manager for VK4FML is JE1LET, not JF1LET [425DXN 250].

VK8DX QSL ---> During years  1996 and 1997 N3AHA (Ace Jansen, 42857 Hollywood
Park Place, Ashburn,  VA 20147,  USA) will use  the VK8DX call  from Northern
Territory (Australia). VK8DX has already  been active  from 1 to 3  March and
has joined the ARRL DX SSB Contest.

VP5  QSL ---> The cards  for the  activity by  VP5C,  VP5/PA3BBP, VP5/PA3ERC,
VP5/PA3EWP  and VP5/PA3FQA  will be printed  before the end of March. QSL via
PA3ERC ((R.J.Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS, Voorburg, Holland) also
via the bureau.

W3 INCOMING BUREAU ---> The Pennsylvania DX  Association  (P.O. Box 100, York
Haven,  PA 17370-0100)  will handle the incoming card for the call area 3 bu-

WB2YQH ---> Bob Nadolny,  WB2YQH (P.O.Box 73, Spring Brook, NY-14140, USA) is
the QSL  manager of the following stations:  9G1PW,  KG4MN,  VE8/VO1XA, VP9AE,

                      TO BE CONTINUED IN PART FIVE 
SB DX@WW $425WW255E
425 DX News #255 [5/6]
 23 March 1996                     No 255                     BID: $425WW255E

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                        edited by  I1JQJ and I1-21171

                                 PART FIVE
YB2ARW ---> Jack, YB2ARW/W4LCL is going back to in Florida. Jack has been  in 
Java for about one year, during which he was active mainly on 17 meters SSB.

+ SILENT KEY + It is  with great sadness that we heard of the passing of Ray, 
G3MTL, good DXer and joiner of the Lazy Bones Net.

QSL received via  direct:  1A0KM, IC8/IC8JAH  (EU-031;  IIA: NA-011, NA-012),
QSL received via WF5E DX QSL service: 6D2X, FP/ND9O, Z32XA

                    ******** DXCC Information *********

Here are the changes to the DXCC countries list from 1980 to present (courte-
sy of Bill Hellman, NA2M, ARRL Hudson Division DXAC Representative).

1980     Deleted     Okino-Tori-Shima
1981     New         SMOM
1982     Deleted     Kamaran Island
1982     Deleted     Seranna Bank
1982     Deleted     Bajo Nuevo
1982     Deleted     Saudi/Iraq Neutral Zone
1985     New         British Cyprus
1987     New         Peter 1 Island (Note 1)
1988     New         Aruba
1988     New         Western Sahara (Note 2)
1989     New         M-V Island
1989     New         Rotuma Island
1989     New         Conway Reef
1990     New         Banaba Island
1990     New         Walvis Bay
1990     Deleted     East Germany
1990     Deleted     Yemen Arab Republic (4W)
1990     Deleted     PDR Yemen (7O)
1990     New         Yemen
1990     New         Penguin Islands
1992     New         Croatia (9A) As of June 26, 1991.
1992     New         Slovenia (S5) As of June 26, 1991.
1992     New         Bosnia-Herzogovina (T9, 4N4) As of Oct. 15, 1991.
1993     Deleted     Abu Ail. As of March 31, 1991
1993     New         Macedonia (Z3,  4N5-YU5) Effective  September  8, 1991
1993     Deleted     Czechoslovakia (OK) Effective January 1, 1993
1993     New         Czech Republic (OK-OL) Effective January 1, 1993
1993     New         Slovak Republic (OM) Effective January 1, 1993
1993     New         Eritrea (E3, ET2) Effective May 24, 1991 (Note 3)
1994     Deleted     Walvis Bay (ZS9). Effective March 1, 1994  counts as V5,
1994     Deleted     Penguin Islands  (ZS0). Effective  March 1,  1994 counts
                     as V5, Namibia.
1995     New         North Korea (P5).  Effective July  16, 1995.  QSL  cards
                     for contacts will be accepted as of October 1, 1995.
1995     New         Pratas  Island  (BV9).  Effective  January 1,  1994. QSL
                     cards will be accepted April 1, 1996.
1996     New         Scarborough Reef (BS). Effective  January 1,  1995.  QSL
                     cards will be accepted April 1, 1996. Note 4.

Note 1 - Peter  1 was approved  for DXCC country  status in 1983, but was not
added to the list until its first operation in January 1987.

Note 2 - With regard to Western Sahara, this action  was actually a  reversal
of the deletion of Rio de Oro which took place in 1978.

Note 3 - Eritrea is a reinstatement  of a country  that was deleted as of No-
vember 15, 1962.  QSOs for  ET2 contacts  prior to this date  will be removed
from the  deleted list and credited  as a current  country. QSL  cards may be
submitted for credit January 1, 1994. This action was by the ARRL Awards Com-
mittee on Sept. 29, 1993.

Note 4 - The first accredited  operation from  Scarborough Reef took place in
April 1995. The 1994 DXpedition did not qualify as a land-based operation.

There are now 329 countries on the active DXCC list and 57 deleted countries.
With the deletion of Walvis Bay and  the Penguin Islands as of March 1, 1994,
it will take 320 countries on the active list to qualify for any Honor Roll.

                    ****** 425 DX NEWS MAILING LIST ******

We are glad to report that thanks to  Mirko, IK0ZSN the  mailing list for 425
DX News  has been created. Those  who have Internet  access can  subscribe it
at the URL:


Or via e-mail sending a message to:   majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it

and writing in the body:              subscribe 425dxnews

*                               425 DX NEWS                                 *
*                         DX info weekly bulletin                           *
*       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Maurizio Bertolino I1-21171   *
              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

Brescia DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group,  9K2HN, AA5AU,

*  Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
*              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)            *
*      INTERNET e-mail :  i1jqj@fileita.it    or    I121171@amsat.org       *
*       425 WWW Page -->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html       *
*                    INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site:                    *
*   www-dx.dei.unibo.it  - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/   *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
                  * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *
                      TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751
                      DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613
                       SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422
                      ARRL HQ BBS USA :  860-594-0306
                      CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921
                HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677
                       WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183
                       JUNGLE BBS NZ  : +64-3-524-8332
SB DX@WW $425WW255F
425 DX News #255 [6/6]
23 March 1996                      no.255                   BID: $425WW255F
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  31/03      3W6GM * by DF5GF                                       253
till  17/04      4S7BRG * by HB9BRM                                     251
till  10/04      5B4/DL8KWS                                             255
till  Sep        5R8EN * by F2JD                                        245
till  ??         7P8FS & 7P8MA * by UA9MFN, UA9MHN, DK8FS               255
till  25/03      9M8AD & 9M8AH: Sarawak * by DL3ABL & DL6MHW            251
till  04/04      A35GY * by LA9GY                                       253
till  mid Apr    C6AGN * by KM1E                                        236
till  24/03      CS5FMX & CS5EWA * by CT1FMX & CT1EWA                   255
till  25/03      CT3/PA3GIO/m                                           255
till  16/04      DU * by DJ1PV                                          253
till  Feb 97     FT5WF & FT5WE * by F5SZK & F5IJT                       239
till  end March  HC8 * by JF1MGI                                        255
till  23/03      J6/DL6SDS                                              247
till  28/03      LU/IK1EDC                                              253
till  24/03      OJ0: Market Reef * by OH team                          255
till  12/06      PY0TI: Trindade * by PY1UP                             253
till  June       VQ9DX * by AA5DX                                       253
till  April      TN7OT * by AL7OT                                       243
till  ??         TN/KF4BTY                                              255
till  01/04      TU4DA * by F5UJQ                                       238
till  Dec 96     VK0WH: Macquarie                                       238
till  24/03      9G * by N1OCS                                          253
till  02/04      9M8CC: Sarawak (OC-088) * by PB0ALB                    227
22/03-24/03      5R8EN/p: Nosy Be (AF-057) * by F2JD                    255
23/04-24/03      CU5ARJ: S. Jorge Isl. (DIP AZ-005)                     255
23/03-24/03      F: Chausey Is. (EU-039) * by G3SWH & G3SJJ             245
23/03-24/03      IL3 * IK2ILH & IK2MRZ                                  255
23/03            LU/IK1EDC: Gama Isl. (SA-022)                          255
24/03            EA: Isla Husillos (DIEI P-26)                          251
24/03            ED3VDX: La Cabra (DIE E-369)                           255
25/03            DL8BDC/p: Fehmarn Isl. (EU-128)                        255
25/03-30/03      KH0/KN6AH                                              253
26/03-25/04      GD/AI5P                                                255
26/03-02/04      TF * by ON6QR, ON7PC, ON5OO, ON1KSZ                    251
27/03-06/04      J56CK & J56DY: Majo Isl. (AF-020) * by I4LCK & IK4SDY  253
28/03            TF7: Westman Is. (EU-071) by ON6QR,ON7PC,ON5OO,ON1KSZ  251
28/03-30/03      ZW5CIA: Ararangua (DFB SC-013)                         253
29/03-30/03      BO0OKS: Kin-Men Isl. (AS-102)                          253
29/03-03/04      KH0/JM4HNS                                             255
29/03-12/04      ZD7VJ * by G4ZVJ                                       251
30/03-31/03      3G1X * by CE1IDM                                       255
30/03-31/03      3V8BB * by YT1AD                                       247
30/03-31/03      II3R * by IV3 team                                     255
30/03-31/03      IQ1A * by I1JQJ                                        255
30/03-31/03      IR1A * by IK1GPG                                       255
30/03-31/03      IU1L * by IK1NLZ & IK1RLI                              255
30/03-31/03      IQ0J * by IK0REH                                       255
30/03-31/03      P49V * by AI6V                                         255
30/03-31/03      PQ0MM * by PP5JR                                       255
30/03-31/03      PW2A * by PT2WA                                        255
30/03-31/03      S01EA * by EA3NY                                       253
30/03-31/03      TM5Z * by F5LEN, F5NGZ, F5PTM, F5RMY                   255
30/03-31/03      TM7I * by F5JYD                                        255
30/03-31/03      WH7/WR6R: Hawaii                                       255
30/03-31/03      YM3DL * by DL8OBC, DL3FDU, DL4VBP                      255
30/03-31/03      ZW2WAL * by PU2LCD & PU2LSR                            255
30/03-31/03      CQ WW WPX SSB Contest                                  ***
31/03-07/04      JW6RHA, JW9THA, JW8KT * LA/YL team                     255
March            3V * by DL8YHR                                         238
March-April      5T5MB * by DK3LQ                                       253
March            CO: La Juventude Isl. (NA-056) * by CO2QQ              255
end March        IA5/I5GWO: Gorgona Isl. (IIA LI-014)                   255
March            KH4 * by W's team                                      245
March            XJ8OT: Booth Isl. (NA-???)                             228
March-April      YJ * by DL2GAC                                         241
March            ZL7 * by G3MFW/ZS1JF                                   253
March            ZS1JF: Cape Province - So. Coast group (AF-???)        245
05/04-06/04      H99I: Iguana Isl. (NA-199) * by HP2CWB's team          255
05/04-12/04      J3K * by WB8GEX                                        255
05/04-08/04      S0: Western Sahara * by EA & F team                    255
06/04-07/04      EA RTTY Contest                                        ***
06/04-07/04      SP DX Contest                                          ***
06/04-07/04      VK2BRT: Broughton Isl. (OC-???) * by JARA              253
07/04            H95H, H88C, HO1P * by HP2CWB's team                    255
07/04-13/04      LX/DL3FCP & LX/DL4FCH                                  255
07/04-??         XE2/DL4VCR                                             247
11/04-14/04      AH0AV/KH2 * by JH6RTO                                  255
11/04-18/04      SV8/SM0TXM: Paros Isl. (EU-067)                        255
12/04-14/04      JA DX CW High Bands Contest                            ***
April            FO0FM/p: Dundas Reef (OC-066) * VK team                255
April-May        VK4FW/9: Saumarez Reef (OC-???)                        255