SB DX@WW $425WW254A 425 DX News #254 [1/4] 16 March 1996 No.254 BID: $425WW254A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ & I1-21171 LU - Pierluigi, LU/IK1EDC reports that on 16 or 17 March he will try to be active from Isla Blanca (SA-065). Operations are expected from around 12 to 23 UTC, starting on 15 and then moving to 20 metres. Pierluigi operates 15 and 20 metres only. **************************************************************************** * DIAMOND DX CLUB * * Antarctic Information * * Bulletin nr.50 * * edited by Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG and Gianni Varetto, I1HYW * **************************************************************************** Antarctic Bases valid for WABA (Worked Antarctic Bases Award) [6/6] REF. BASE NAME AREA O ISLAND LATIT LONGIT ============================================================================= U.S.S.R. -------- UA- LAZAREV Princess Astrid Coast 70.01 S 12.57 E UA- POLYUS NEDOSTOPNOSTI Wilkes Land 82.00 S 54.00 E UA- SAAM DRUZHNAYA II Lassiter Coast 74.30 S 62.00 W UA- SAAM DRUZHNAYA IV Wilkes Land 69.39 S 73.59 E UA- SAAM OASIS Knox Coast 66.16 S 100.45 E UA- SAAM SOYUZ Wilkes Land 70.35 S 68.47 E UA- SOVETSKAYA Wilkes Land (Geomagnetic) 78.30 S 88.20 E UA-01 SAAM DRUZHNAYA I Princess Astrid Coast 71.06 S 10.49 W UA-02 SAAM DRUZHNAYA III-AIRBASE Princess Astrid Coast 71.06 S 10.48 W UA-03 PROGRESS STATION Christensen Coast 69.00 S 76.00 E UA-04 SAAM BELLINGSHAUSEN King George I.(S.Shetland) 62.12 S 58.58 W UA-05 SAAM LENINGRADSKAYA Oats Coast 69.30 S 159.23 E UA-06 SAAM MOLODEZHNAYA Enderby Land 67.41 S 45.51 E UA-07 SAAM MIRNY Guillaume II Coast 66.33 S 93.01 E UA-08 SAAM NOVOLAZAREVSKAYA Princess Astrid Coast 70.46 S 11.50 E UA-09 SAAM RUSSKAYA Mary Bird Land 74.46 S 136.49 W UA-10 SAAM VOSTOK Wilkes Land (Geomagnetic) 78.28 S 106.49 E UA-11 VOSTOK I Wilkes Land 72.00 S 96.20 E UA-12 PIONERSKAYA Reine Mary Coast 69.50 S 95.47 E UA-13 SAAM KOMSOMOLSKAYA Wilkes Land 74.00 S 97.50 E A U S T R A L I A ----------------- VK- ANARE COMMONWEALTH BAY Adelie Land 67.00 S 142.43 E VK- ANARE EDGEWORTH DAVID knox Coast 65.51 S 100.30 E VK- LARSEMANN HILLS Ingrid Peterson Coast 69.24 S 76.23 E VK- LAW DOME Budd Coast 67.00 S 112.00 E VK- MOORE PYRAMID Mc Robertson Coast 70.00 S 65.00 E VK- SCULLIN MONOLITHE Mc Robertson Coast (150km Eof Mawso VK-01 AMERY Amery Ice Shelf 70.00 S 71.00 E VK-02 ANARE CASEY Budd Coast 66.17 S 110.32 E VK-03 ANARE DAVIS Christensen Coast 68.35 S 77.58 E VK-04 ANARE MAWSON Mc Robertson Coast 67.36 S 62.52 E VK-05 WILKES Windmill I. 66.15 S 110.32 E I N D I A --------- VU-01 DAKSHIN GANGOTRI Princess Astrid Coast 70.05 S 12.00 E VU-02 MAITRI Reine Maud Land 70.46 S 11.45 E N E W Z E A L A N D ---------------------- ZL- NZARP CAPE BIRD Ross I. 77.14 S 166.28 E ZL- NZARP VANDA STATION Victoria Land 77.31 S 161.40 E ZL-01 GONDWANA STATION Victoria Land 74.38 S 164.13 E ZL-02 NZARP SCOTT Ross I. 77.51 S 166.46 E ZL-03 SWAN BASE Balleny Is. 66.00 S 162.00 E ZL-04 WORLDPARK BASE Ross I. 77.38 S 166.25 E ZL-05 MC MURDO BASE Ross I. 77.53 S 166.40 E S O U T H A F R I C A ------------------------ ZS- BORGA CAMP Princess Martha Coast 73.00 S 04.00 W ZS- VESLE SKARVET Princess Martha Coast 71.40 S 02.49 W ZS-01 SANAE Princess Martha Coast 70.18 S 02.24 W ZS-02 SARIE MARAIS Grune Hogua Mountains 72.01 S 02.48 W JOKERS ------ Joker IN0G - ROMA, ITALY Institute National of Geophysics. Joker IR1ANT - TORINO, ITALY Antarctic Adventure. Joker IY0A - ROMA, ITALY Official station connected dayly with IA0PS Joker IY8UN - NAPOLI, ITALY Antarctic Commemoration. **************************************************************************** * Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to * * (Packet BBS: IK1GPG @ IW1BIM-8.IPIE.ITA.EU) * * (Packet Cluster: IK1GPG @ I1MRH-6) * **************************************************************************** /EX SB DX@WW $425WW254B 425 DX News #254 [2/4] 16 March 1996 No.254 BID: $425WW254B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ & I1-21171 **************************************************************************** * DIAMOND DX CLUB * * Antarctic Information * * Bulletin nr.51 * * edited by Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG and Gianni Varetto, I1HYW * **************************************************************************** ! W.A.B.A. (Worked Antarctic Bases Award) ! ----------------------------------------------- RULES ----- 1) The award W.A.B.A. is issued from A.R.I.-Diamond Dx Club for O.M. and S.W.L. 2) The minimun requisite for obtaining the award is to have 10 different Antarctic bases confermated representing at least 5 Countries having bases there. 3) The contacts can be effected on all ham radio bands, from 10 to 160 meters, and in the SSB, CW and RTTY modes. There is not differentations of mode or band. 4) There are not limits on signal reports received on SSB, CW and RTTY. 5) The contacts with stations in Antarctica are valid since January 1 st. 1961 (the year of the "Antarctic Treaty"). The Antarctica territory start from 60 degrees South Latitude. 6) The W.A.B.A. is issued to each Radio Amateur or S.W.L. that he will present to Diamond Dx Club Award Manager, I8IYW Giuseppe Iannuzzi Via R.Galdieri 9, I- 80020 Casavatore (NA), Italy : a) a datated and signed letter with which the applicant attest to have respected the rules of own Country and the detailed extract of the log showing: call-sign of the station worked, date, time GMT, frequency, mode RS(T), name of Antarctic Base; b) all QSL cards for the contacts listed. Diamond Dx Club members do not need to send QSL's, but must have them on hand for possible checking. The QSL's will be returned to applicant via the bureau unless return postage is enclosed with the application. c) The award fee is Lit.25,000 or $15,00 US. d) The endorsements fee is Lit.3,000 Lit. or $ 2 US each. 7) The possessors of the W.A.B.A. can use this title on own QSL's and in correspondence. 8) The Italian Official A.R.I. Magazine "Radio Rivista", will pubblish twice a year call-signs and names of the new W.A.B.A. awards issued and up to date of results. 9) The HONOR ROLL W.A.B.A. is free for who have 25 different Antarctic bases confermated representing at least 15 Countries having bases there and that he have got all endorsements. 10) The TOP HONOR ROLL W.A.B.A. is free for who have 50 different Antarctic bases confermated representing at least 20 Countries having bases there and that he have got all endorsements. 11) The W.A.B.A., the HONOR ROLL and the TOP HONOR ROLL awards consist of personalized aluminium silk-screened, colour plates showing the Antarctic continent, and are 200x240mm in size. 12) The endorsements consist in an adhesive colour flag of the Countries having a Base, for having contacted the 50% or at least 3 of the active Antarctic bases belonging to that Country, that's the bases with reference number on the W.A.B.A. Directory. 13) Copy of " ANTARCTIC BASES Directory of W.A.B.A. and W.A.S.A." is available from IK1GPG, Massimo Balsamo, Strada Statale 28 Nord # 7, I-12084 Mondovi' (Cuneo), Italy. The fee is Lit.15,000 or $9,00 US, as contribution for postal expences and photocopies. 14) The Radio Amateurs that active or have actived a base in Antarctica, has right to apply automatically the W.A.B.A. award without to enclose QSL's and log extract. 15) Contacts with special call IR1ANT, IN0G, IY0A and IY8UN are also valid for the award. These 4 stations can be used one time only like Joker, both for obtaining the award and the flag of endorsements. 16) Anyone have informations about Antarctic Stations not enclosed on the Directory, could get in touch or write to IK1GPG or I1HYW or I8IYW; the own call will be mentioned on first page of the Directory like contributor. 17) There is not limits for up to date. 18) The checkpoint authorized to verify the QSL cards are the following: Spain, Portugal, Andorra ........................ EA5KB Jose Ardit Arlandis United Kingdom .................................. G4RFV Brian Adams France, Belgium, Monaco, Luxembourg ............. F5XL Jean Pierre Tendron Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein ................. DL8AAM Thomas Roesner Sweden, Finland, Norway, Iceland ................ OH2QQ Rurik Ronnroth Oceania ......................................... VK9NS Jim Smith North America and Central America................ K9PPY James Model Canada .......................................... VE3XN Garry Hammond South America ................................... PS7AB Ronaldo Bastos Reis Asia ............................................ JI6KVR Yuki Deguchi C.I.S. .......................................... RA6YR Valery A Kharchenko /EX SB DX@WW $425WW254C 425 DX News #254 [3/4] 16 March 1996 No.254 BID: $425WW254C ============================= *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ============================= * Q S L M A N A G E R S * ============================= edited by IK1GPG CALL MGR CALL MGR CALL MGR CALL MGR ============================================================================= 3D2AA VE6VK BG4TBD 9A2AJ JY8XA K2XA TU4EX F/HH2HM 3D2RW ZL1AMO C6AGN KA1DIG KG4JO WI2T TZ6JC F/HH2HM 3D2SY JI3CEY CE0AA/X CE3ESS KH0/KH2S JH4RHF UA0FDX F/HH2HM 3W5FM F/HH2HM CE3HJB CE3CDV KH6/IK2GNW IK2GNW UA0MF/A F/HH2HM 3W6GM DF5GF CG1DCG VE1DCG KH8/IK2GNW IK2GNW UA1PAC RW6HS 3W6YL JA3UB CQ5EWA CT1EWA KH9/W4PGX KB4VHW US0HZ W3HNK 3X0DEX F/HH2HM CQ5FMX CT1FMX KP2/KE2VB KE2VB V31RC WG9L 3X0HME F5MGX CQ7EKY CT1EKY LU6Z LU6EF V31RL NG7S 3Z0MTP SP3KWX CU2/DL3KDV DL3KDV N4VA/M N4VA V31TP WC0W 4B1CO XE1BEF D68SE F6FNU OA461QV OA4QV V31VI KG6VI 4K9W DL6KVA EA4MU EA4AIQ OD5RY N4JR V47NZ N0BSH 4L2M DJ0IF EA5KT/P EA5OL OEM3HPA OE3HPA V47Z AA7VB 4L8A OZ1HPS EA7BR/P EA5OL OEM6MMD OE6MMD V51CM WA2JUN 4M0I I2CBM EA7GXP/P EA7GMC OH0MYF OH6YF VI75RAAF VK4LV 5H3JB NK2T EA8EA OH2MM OI3GZ OH3GZ VK7DI VK3UX 5N0BHFG OE6LAG EA9BCH EA9AU OI8BQT OH8BQT VK8DX N3AHA 5N0MVE ON7LX ED4MU EA4AIQ OM9AJP OM3CCA VK9CA JA1CMD 5N3/SP5XAR SP5CPR EG96SN EA4URE OT6A ON7LR VK9CA AE4Z 5U7AA F/HH2HM EL2AY WA3HUP P40MR VE3MR VK9CR DK7NP 5X4F KB4EKY ER2DX KD1CT PJ9JT W1AX VK9XH JA1CMD 6Y5/WH6X JE3MAS ES5Q ES5RY PT5T PP5LL VK9XH AE4Z 6Y5XX JE3MAS EY8XX GW3CDP PY0FF W9VA VK9XL UA0ZDA 7K3EOP/1 JA1EY FJL/RV6LMT DF7RX PY0TI PY1UP VK9XY DK7NP 7Q7JL G0IAS FK8HC F/HH2HM S79JD F6AJA VP2EJA JA1MZR 7Q7SB AB4IQ FM5/YT6A YT6A SM4/YO9FVU SM4AIO VP2EN AA4NC 7X4AN DJ2BW FM5GX F/HH2HM SN3P SP3KWX VP2ESJ W5SJ 7Z5OO W1AF FO0CW F2VX SO8HW SP8AG VP2EV AA7VB 8P6OL VE3ODC FS/N0BSH WX9E SU1AA SU1AL VP2MDY NW8F 8P9EN VE4GV FS/WE9V WX9E SU1AB SU1AL VP2MOP JA1OEM 8R1ZG W4FRU FS/WX9E WX9E SU1AC SU1AL VP5/K8JP K8JP 9G1BJ G4XTA GB60BBC G3UML SU1CS 9K2CS VQ9DX AA5DX 9G1YR G4XTA GJ4MFW ZS1FJ SU1FJ SU1DZ VQ9XX VQ9IO 9G5TL KG7XC GW0HGN/P GW0MOI SU1MK SU1HK VU2AXA VU2CDV 9H1EU WA4JTK H44MS DL2GAC SU1MN SU1HN YB2CPO DL5MEL 9H3SB DL5XAT HAM3MQ HA3MQ SU1MR SU1ER YC1XUR F/HH2HM 9H3SC DL5XAT HAM8RJ HA8RJ SU1NK SU1HK YI1HK SM5DBU 9J2AE F6FNU HC1OT KG8CY SU1RR SU1ER YI9CW DF3NZ 9J2BO W6ORD HD1OT KG8CY SU2MM SU2MT YQ7B YO7CGS 9J2HN JH8BKL HD9OT KG8CY SU2NN SU2MT YS1ZV KB5IPQ 9J2PI KB0KVA HI8LC VE9RHS T9/OI6XY OH3GZ YV7/I5DCE I5DCE 9J2SZ SP8DIP HK100GM HK3DDD T99MT K2PF YW171LM WS4E 9J2TO JA1NZV HP2CWB WT3B T9A K2PF Z2/DL5AWI DL5AWI 9K2PI KB0KVA HV4NAC IK0FVC TA2FE KK3S Z350KV Z32KV 9K2UB UR0EP HZ1AB K8PYD TA8AH TA1KA ZF2AS W1UA 9L1MG NW8F IR1A IK1GPG TK5NI F/HH2HM ZF2NE W5ASP 9Q5OWB F6ITD IU1L IK1NLZ TL8MS DL6NW ZF2OP K3DI 9U/F5FHI F2VX J28JA F5PWH TR8SF F/HH2HM ZK1DD G3MCN 9X/SM5DIC SM0BFJ J28JY F6BFH TT8AB IK3NAA ZP7AA ZP5AA A41JR YO3DAD J28MD DL2RDP TT8BP IK5JAN ZSM6A WA3HUP A45ZN ZS1D J28PP F5PWH TT8FT DL7FT ZW5IZ PP5VB AP2JZB K2EWB J68DA YT1AD TU2XZ F/HH2HM ZY3CEJ PY3CEJ /EX SB DX@WW $425WW254D 425 DX News #254 [4/4] 16 March 1996 No.254 BID: $425WW254D ============================= *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ============================= ***** Q S L I N F O ***** ============================= edited by IK1GPG 3B8CF Seewoosankar Mandary, Shastri Road, Candos, Quatre Bornes, Mauritius 4K6GF P.O.Box 116, Ktoprak 81031, Istanbul 5N4KST Osita, P.O.Box 1035, Enugu, Nigeria 5Z4BZ P.O.Box 41784, Nairobi, Kenya 9L1JC P.O.Box 1031, Freetown, Sierra Leone BG4RBL Yan, P.O.Box 538, Nanjing, China C6AIC P.O.Box 30-154, Stella Maris, Long Island, Bahamas CX7BL Jene, P.O.Box 37, Montevideo, Uruguay DL3ABL Andrea Diekmann, Bruno-Taut-Ting 56, D-39130 Magdeburg, Germany DL7DF Siegfried Presch, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, D-12621 Berlin, Germany E21CJN P.O.Box 25, Bangkok 10111, Thailand EL2AY Kamal, P.O.Box 3485, Monrovia, Liberia EL2WA Johnny Connelly, P.O.Box 192, Monrovia, Liberia F2VX Gerard Debelle, 4 Le Haut d'Yvrac, Yvrac, F-33370 Tresse, France GU4WQP Dick Attwater, 3 Stanley Villa, Stanley Road, StPeter Port, Guernsey JA1CMD K. Miyamori, c/o P.T.T.M.S. KM16 JL.DAAN MOGOT, Desa-Semanan, P.O.Box 02 JKTC, Jakarta 11850, Indonesia JH4RHF Junichi Tanaka, P.O.Box 61, Toyonaka, Osaka 560, Japan JX9ZP Astor, 8099 Jan Mayen, Norway K4YT Ernst Schwendler, Str 5/6 , D-60320 Frankfurt, Germany NE8Z Rick Dorsch, P.O.Box 616, Hamburg, MI-48139, U.S.A. OD5PI Jamal, P.O.Box 230, Zahle Bekaa, Lebanon PP5SZ Pedro Sirzanonk, Rua Padre Roma 194/704, Florianopolis, SC 88010-090, Brazil PP5VB P.O.Box 13, Imbituba, SC, 88780-000, Brazil PS7KM Karl M.Leite, Rua Estacio de Sa' 1838, 59054-580, Natal, RN, Brazil RZ9MYL P.O.Box 1742, 644099 Omsk, Russia SU1AH Ahmed Hassen, 40 Al-Zahraa St., Ein-Shams, Cairo, Egypt SU1AL Loutfy Al-Mahdy, P.O. Box 109 Al-Giza, Giza, Egypt SU1AO Mohamed Atif Osman, 5 Mansi St., Fiasal, Giza, Egypt SU1AY Aiman Ahmed, 3 Faried El-Atrash St., Ein-Shams, Cairo, Egypt SU1BH Mohamed El-Asiry, 4 El-Safa St., Mohandsein, Cairo, Egypt SU1CR Mohamed S. Reda, 50 Khidr El-Toni St., Nasr-City, Cairo, Egypt SU1CS Mohamed Al-Sabah, 4 Ben Zinki St., Zamalik, Cairo, Egypt SU1DZ Abdul J. Marafi, 32 Gamet Dewal Arabia, Mohansein, Cairo, Egypt SU1ER Ezzat S. Ramadan, P.O. Box 78 Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt SU1FN Fathy Anwar, 17 Mahmoud Fouad, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt SU1GM Gergis Makari, 4 St. No. 100, Maadi, Cairo, Egypt SU1GS Greiss Sobhi Greiss, P.O. Box 18 Agouza, Giza, Egypt SU1HA Hany Anwer, 37 El-Suaudi Building, New-Maadi, Cairo, Egypt SU1HH Ahmed Haroun, 15 Hendawi St., Dokki, Cairo, Egypt SU1HK Hosni Khater, 20 St., No. 2 Mokattam-City, Cairo, Egypt SU1HM Hasam El-Shenawi, 16 El-Dahir Sq., Cairo 11271, Egypt SU1HN Hamed Nassar, P.O. Box 1578 Alf-Maskan, Cairo, Egypt SU1HR Hesham Y. Khater, P.O. Box 78 Heliopolis, Cario, Egypt SU1HT Hassen El-Telbani, 7 MOH. Mahmoud, Imbaba, CAiro, Egypt SU1JR Jamal El-Rifaie, 15 Cairo Alex Road, Giza, Egypt SU1KR Khaled Said, P.O. Box 78 Heliopolis, Cairo 11341, Egypt SU1KZ Yousef Kamal Zada, 51 Al-Giza St., Giza, Egypt SU1MH Mahmoud M. Hassan, Via EAWC, Ramsis, Cairo, Egypt SU1MI Mouna Ibrahim Moh., 7 Rouda St., Al-Rouda, Cairo, Egypt SU1RA Reda Amer, 18 Sami Str., Lazoughli, Cairo, Egypt SU1SA Sayed Abdel-Samee, 53 Fahmy Ghali St., Ein-Shams, Cairo, Egypt SU1SK Said Kamel Ahmed, P.O. Box 62 Shobra Al-Khima, Cairo, Egypt SU1SM Sherif Samir, 56 Masged Elrahma St., Shobra, Cairo, Egypt SU1UN Talal Abdul Aziz, 12 Hassen Sabri St., Zamalik, Cairo, Egypt SU2MS Mahmoud El-Soori, 22 El-Geesh St., Stanly, Alexandri, Egypt SU2MT Mohamed Tartousieh, P.O. Box 1616, Alexandari, Egypt SU2TA Tarek Abdulla, P.O. Box 250 Al-Saray, 21411 Alexandaria, Egypt SU3AM Ahemd El-Sagir, 7 Orabi St., Port-Said, Egypt TJ1GG P.O.Box 827, Yaounde, Cameroon UA1OCW P.O.Box 1, 163057 Arcangelsk, Russia UA9OA Alex Pashkov, P.O.Box 177 , Novosibirsk, 630032 Russia V85HG P.O.Box 222, 1902 Brunei XQ1IDM Nicholas Herrera G., P.O.Box 345, Antofagasta, Chile XZ1N SCSDX-team, P.O.Box 111, SF 24101, Salo, Finland XZ1R SCSDX Team, P.O.Box 111, SF 24101, Salo, Finland YI1AIA P.O.Box 55072, Baghdad, Iraq YI1WN Wadi, P.O.Box 55072, Baghdad, Iraq ZL2HU Ken Holdom, 31 St. Jones Terrace, Tawa, Wellington 6006, New Zealand **************************************************************************** * 425 DX NEWS * * DX info weekly bulletin * * edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171 * **************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: CT1END, EA5KB, KN0Z, IK1HSR, IK7AFM, EA Dx Boletin, Diamond DX Club **************************************************************************** * Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to * * Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) * **************************************************************************** * INTERNET e-mail: *** * * 425 WWW Page --> * * INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: * * - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/ * **************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ARRL HQ BBS USA : 203-666-0578 CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 /EX