SB DX@WW $425WW253A 425 DX News #253 [1/5] 9 March 1996 No 253 BID: $425WW253A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ and I1-21171 3D2 - Ron, ZL1AMO, is active, mainly in CW, as 3D2RW. QSL via home call. 3W - Franz, DF5GF/3W6GM, is currently active from near Saigon. He will go QRT on 31 March and go back to Germany the 19th. His licence allows him to operate on 14.198 MHz only, where it is possible to find him every day from 11 to 15 UTC. QSL via home call. 3W - Nikolay, UA0FM/3W5FM [425DXN 249] is still active every days in CW from 14 UTC on 7.005 MHz and in SSB, helped by Sergey (UA0WY), from 15.30 UTC on 7.045 MHz. The operations should end in May. QSL via direct to: P.O. Box 66, Vladimir, 600011, Russia. 5R - Gerard, F2JD has received the 5R8EN call and will stay in Malagasy until September [425DXN 245]. At the moment he works using a long wire, but will soon improve. QSL via F6AJA via direct or bureau. 5T - DK3LQ, currently portable 6W1, hopes to be QRV from Mauritania in late March or early April, using the 5T5MB call. 8Q - 8Q7CR is active from Angaga island (AS-013). QSL via DF5JR. 9G - From 12 to 24 March Joe, N1OCS will be in Ghana for work. Joe hopes to be active from Accra Radio Club in the late evening (UTC) of 12 March and from Navrongo starting from 14 March. He will return to Accra (with a possible new activity from the Radio Club) the 22 Mar- ch. During his stay in Navrongo Joe will be active with 100 watt and a dipole, in CW (+/- QRM 1.819, 3.525, 7.025, 10.105, 14.025, 18.025 21.025, 24.895, 28.025 MHz) and if propagation permits in SSB (+/- QRM 1.845, 3.795, 7.065, 14.195, 18.145, 21.295, 24.945, 28.495 MHz). 9M8 - The calls used by Andrea (DL3ABL) and Michael (DL6MHW) during the activity from Sarawak (East Malaysia), planned from 14 al 26 March [425DXN 251], will be 9M8AD and 9M8MH respectively. The operations are expected on 12 (24.895 MHz), 15 (21.007 and 21.295 MHz), 17 (18.073 and 18.127 MHz), 20 (14.007 and 14.195 MHz), 30 (10.101/ 10.107 MHz), 40 (7.007 and 7.064 MHz) and 80 (3.507/3.501 MHz) me- ters. Andrea and Michael should be active from 14 to 16 UTC on 20 meters, from 16 to 17 UTC on 30 meters, from 17 to 22 UTC on 40 me- ters and from 19.30 to 21 UTC on 80 meters. QSL via DL3ABL: Andrea Diekmann, Bruno-Taut-Ring 56, D-39130 Magdeburg, Germany A3 - From 16 March to 4 April Morten, LA9GY, will be active from Tonga both in CW and SSB. Morten, who will participate in the CQ WW WPX Contest, hopes to use the A35GY call. QSL via home call. BV - From 29 to 30 March the station BO0OKS will be active from Kin-Men (Quemoy) Island (AS-102). QSL via BV2KI. C5 - The activity of the German group from Gambia [425DXN 247] has regu- larly started. Calls are C56DX (in SSB) and C56CW (in CW). QSL via DL7DF (ex-DL7UUO). CE - From 6 to 9 March CE7AOY will be active from Guaitecas Is.(SA-043). CE - A group of Chilean operators hopes to activate a new IOTA reference during the weekend using the XQ8A call. CE0_eas- CE0Y/DK9FN will be active until 13 March from Easter Island. The o- perations are mainly in CW from 10 to 160 meters. QSL to DK9FN via bureau. CO - Luis, CT1ESO, hopes to activate La Juventude Isl. (NA-056), for so- me days, during March. DU - Erich, DJ1PV will be in the Philippines from 12 March to 16 April. The main activity will take place from OC-042, but Erich wants to go to Polillo islands (OC-091) as well. The call is still unknown. Erich will be active on 14.275 and/or 21.260 MHz. EA9 - The call of the Alboran island expedition (DIE S-001, IOTA AF-042), planned from 19 to 21 April [425DXN 251] will be EG9AI. QSL via EA4URE. FR_J - FR5DT/J is currently in Juan de Nova, from where he will be active for two weeks. Look for him every days on 14.122 MHz around 15 UTC. FT_X - FR5HR's activity from Kerguelen islands [425DXN 249 and 251] is now planned from 9 to 15 March. FT_Z - FR5HR's activity from Amsterdam [425DXN 249 e 251] is now planned from 18 to 24 March. H4 - Bernhard's (DL2GAC/H44MS) planned activity from Stewart/Sikaiana Is. (OC-???) [425DXN 241 and 249] has been cancelled due to high costs of transportation. H5 - At the end of the year the H5 prefix will be ceased, as the postal organization of the Bophuthatswana homeland is now part of the South Africa. Every Sunday, starting from 31 March, the station H5ABP will be active (and being active from Mafikeng, it will also celebrate the 97th anniversary of the scout movement). Until 23 June H5ABP will be QRV for North America and Asia; from 30 June till the end of September it will be QRV for Europe,then again for North America. Until the end of October, during the JOTA period,the station will be active every day at 18 UTC on 14.170 MHz. Bophuthatswana/H5 is not valid for DXCC but counts for All Africa Award and WPX. TO BE CONTINUED IN PART TWO /EXI SB DX@WW $425WW253B 425 DX News #253 [2/5] 9 March 1996 No 253 BID: $425WW253B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ and I1-21171 PART TWO IL3 - The 9 and 10 March Veronica, IK3ZAW will be active from the islands of Mazzorbo (IOTA EU-131, IIA VE-009) and Burano (IOTA EU-131, IIA VE-010). IL3 - In next months Stefano (IK3ABY), Daniele (IK3BSM), Mario (IK3HAQ) Giorgio (IK3PQH) and Roberto (I3THJ), of the ARI Venice Team, hope to activate, if weather permits, the following islands in the Venice lagoon: La Certosa (20 April, IOTA EU-131, IIA VE-018), Burano (from 7 to 9 June, IOTA EU-131, IIA VE-010), Sant'Angelo della Polvere (from 13 to 14 September, IOTA EU-131, IIA VE-034). QSL via IK3ABY. J5 - The operations of Franco (I4LCK) and Onda (IK4SDY) from Majo isl. (AF-020) are planned from 27 March to 6 April (correction 425DXN 251). Call will be respectively J56CK and J56DY. CW, SSB and proba- bly RTTY activity. They will join the CQ WW SSB WPX Contest (30-31 March). QSL via their home calls. JW - From 7 to 11 March LA5VK, LA7XJA and LA1BJA will be active from Svalbard islands as JW5VK, JW7XJA and JW1BJA. All bands operations (WARC included), in CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via LA5VK. JW - From 14 to 18 March Erik, JW/SM0AGD and John, JW/SM0DJZ will be ac- tive from Svalbard islands mainly on 30, 40 and 80 meters CW (SSB and RTTY operations are also planned, joining the BARTG Contest and via satellite RS-12). QSL via their home calls. JX - JX9ZP [425DXN 247] has been reported on 20 and 17 meters SSB around 15 UTC. The operator gave this address: Amateur Radio Station JX9ZP, N-8099 Jan Mayen, Norway. KG4 - From 8 to 14 March Bill, KQ4GC will be active from Guantanamo Bay as KG4GC. SSB and RTTY operations on all bands. QSL via home call (Bill Gallier, 4094 Sandy Run Drive, E. Middleburg, FL 32068, USA). KH0 - From 10 to 18 March Jun, JH4RHF will be in Saipan again for work. Jun will try to be active as KH2S/KH0 between 10 and 16 UTC on 40 and 80 meters. QSL via home call. KH0 - From 25 al 30 March Allen KN6AH [425DXN 237] will be active as KH0/KN6AH from Saipan and Tinian islands. QSL via KN6AH. LU - The 7 March Pierluigi IK1EDC has left for Argentina, from where he could be active as LU/IK1EDC from Buenos Aires Province East Group (SA-???) and from Santa Cruz Province North Group (SA-???). Pierlui- gi, who will return to Italy before the end of the month, will in- form about his activities as soon as he sorts out some local problems. LU - The Radio Club 9 de Julio expedition to Isla del Sur (SA-022), ori- ginally planned from 16 to 18 February [425DXN 245], has been post- poned due to landing problems. New dates are still unknown but the activity should take place in March. P2 - Paul, P29PL accepts skeds on 80 and 160 meters CW. PY - From 8 to 10 March ZY5A will be active from Santa Marta lighthouse (DFB SC-012). CW and SSB operations, from 10 to 80 meters. QSL via PP5SZ (Pedro Sirzanink, Rua Padre Roma 194/704, Florianopolis/SC, 88010-090, Brazil). PY - From 28 to 30 March ZW5CIA will be active from Ararangua lighthouse (DFB SC-13). CW and SSB operations, from 10 to 80 meters. QSL via PP5VB (P.O. Box 13, Imbituba/SC, 88780-000, Brasil). PY0_tri- The activity of PY1UP/PY0TI [425DXN 249] should continue until 12 June. S0 - EA3NY will join the CQWW SSB WPX Contest (30-31 March) from Western Sahara in the Single Operator Multiband category. Activity from 10 to 80 meters and his call will probably be S01EA. ST - Claus, ex 9G1AP and 9N1AP, is QRV as ST1AP. TT - DL7FT should be active in CW and SSB on all bands (160 meters also) as TT8FT until 9 March. QSL via homecall. VK - The activity from Snake Bay, Melville Island (OC-173) [425DXN 247] is now planned from 15 to 18 March. The operators (Stuart, VK8NSB and David, VK8HZ) ill use the VK8MI call. QSL direct to VK4ARR. VK - The JARA (Japanese Amateur Radio in Australia) IOTA Group is plan- ning an operation from Broughton islands (OC-???, New South Wales State Centre group). The operators will be Atsu (VK2BEX), Chris (VK2FHY) and Ken (VK2IAZ) and the expedition will take place the 6 (from 0100 UTC) and 7 April (until 04.00 UTC). CW operations (7.030, 14.030 and 21.030 MHz) and SSB (7.055, 14.260 and 21.260 MHz). The call is still unknown. QSL via VK2BEX (Atsu Asahina, P.O. Box 195, Killara, NSW 2071, Australia), also via bureau. VK4 - Bill, VK4FW/P (ex VK4CRR) hopes to be active from Queensland State (South Coast) North group (OC-160) from 7 to 9 March. QSL via home call: Bill Horner, 26 Iron Street, Gympie, QLD 4570, Australia. VK4 - Bill, VK4FW/P (ex VK4CRR) hopes to be active from Queensland State (North Coast) South group (OC-171) from 11 to 14 March. QSL via home call: Bill Horner, 26 Iron Street, Gympie, QLD 4570, Australia. VK9 - Bill, VK4FW/9 (ex VK4CRR) hopes to be active from Saumarez Reef (Co- ral Sea Islands Territory, OC-???) for four days, starting from 17 or 18 March. QSL via home call: Bill Horner, 26 Iron Street, Gympie, QLD 4570, Australia. TO BE CONTINUED IN PART THREE /EXI SB DX@WW $425WW253C 425 DX News #253 [3/5] 9 March 1996 No 253 BID: $425WW253C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ and I1-21171 PART THREE VK9_coc- The JA1CMD's activity from Cocos-Keeling as VK9CA [425DXN 251] has been postoned of a week and will take place from 26 to 30 March. VK9_chr- The JA1CMD's activity from Christmas Island as VK9XH [425DXN 251] has been cancelled. VK9_lh - VK9XL/LH is active in CW. QSL via UA0ZDA. VP8_fal- From mid May to mid September DA4RG will be active in SSB from the Falklands using the VP8BPZ call. QSL via GW8VHI or via bureau to DA4RG. QSL will not be sent before November. XZ - The recent postponing of XZ1R's operations [425DXN 251] will not change the XZ1N's activity that is planned in April. The final per- mission, thanks to Martti Laine interest, should be issued in few days. ZL7 - Barry's (G3MFW/ZS1JF) activity from Chatham islands [425DXN 249] seems to be postponed to mid March. ZS8 - From early May until June-July 1997 Chris,ZS5IR/ZS6RI will be active from Marion Island (AF-021) [425DXN 240] as ZS8IR. Chris will join the 53th scientific expedition to Marion, as the official doctor and will work from base champ (WWL KE83WC) on all the bands, also on 6 and 160 meters, in SSB, CW and RTTY hoping to join major contests. The station will be equipped with an IC-735, a FL-2100Z, PK-232 and antennas will mainly be wire due to high winds. QSL via ZS6EZ (ex ZS6BCR). ************************ *************************** GOOD TO KNOW... *************************** ************************ 3A QSL ---> Alberto, I1QOD reports that I1YRL is the QSL manager only for o- perations by 3A/I1ZB and 3A/I1QOD in October 1993 and April 1994. The cards for 3A/I1ZB, 3A/I2MOV and 3A/I8FXT (22-23 September 1995) go to respective home calls. 9K QSL ---> Starting from 1 March Ray (W8CNL, QSL manager of 9K2ZZ) and Derek (KC4ELO, QSL manager of 9K2ZC and 9K2YY) McClure have the following address: 5 McKenzie Circle, North Augusta, South Carolina 29841, USA. A.R.A.R.M CONVENTION ---> The 36th International A.R.A.R.M. Convention (As- sociation of Radio Amateurs of the Republic of Mexico) will take place from 18 to 20 July 1996 at the Plaza Uruapan Hotel and Resort of Uruapan, in the state of Michoacan. For further information contact Sergio Valdes Sada, XE2RJ (phone 5283-353368 or 5283-357113 or 5283-353476). ANTARCTICA ---> The Ukranian Antarctic base Akademic Vernadskij (EM1KA) has officially born the 7 February 1996. Those who worked EM1KA before that date have contacted the Faraday base (WABA G-04), while starting from 7 February the contacts are valid for WABA UR-01. The call of the club station of the Vernadskij base is EM1U. CANADA SPECIAL PREFIXES ---> During the 50th anniversary of UNICEF from 00.00 UTC of 30 March to 23.59 UTC of 30 May the Canadian amateurs can replace their prefixes with a special one: the VA2 prefixes can change into VC2, VA3-VC3, VA7-VC7, VE1-VD1, VE2-VD2, VE3-VD3, VE4-VD4, VE5-VD5, VE6-VD6, VE7- VD7, VE8-VD8, VE9-VD9, VO1-VO7, VO2-VO8, VY1-VY7 and VY2-VY8. CENTRAL ARIZONA DX ASSOCIATION ---> The CADXA council for 1996 includes Gary Capek, K8BN (President), John Arthurs, AA7WP (Vice President), Michael Bill, AA7NO (Secretary), Fred Hules,N7PNK (Treasurer), Warren Hill, KF7AY and David Hollander, N7RK (Directors), Ned Stearns, AA7A (Past President). CONTEST DIE ---> The 1996 DIE Contest willtake place from 05.00 to 13.00 UTC of 14 July. GS7UEG/P QSL ---> Derek, G7DKX, QSL manager for last year operations by GS7UEG/P from Islay and Mull islands, reports that all the direct requests have been sent and bureau cards will soon be sent. QSL ---> The cards for IL3/IK2MRZ's operations (from Scanno Boa and Ca' Ve- nier) will be printed in March. Roberto, IK2MRZ has sent all the 4J0/IK2BHX cards received directly; the other QSO will automatically be confirmed via bureau. QSL ---> The new UA1MU address, QSL manager for various artic and antarctic stations is: Victor G. Topler, P.O. Box 38, 192241 St.Petersburg, Russia. QSL ---> I0WOK is not the QSL manager of HS1OVH. QSL for HS1NYH, HS1OVH and HS1PDY (father, mother and son) go via bureau or Box 195, Samsennai, Bangkok 10400, Thailand. QSL ---> Charlie, KY0A reports that cards for his V5/ZS6YG activity must be sent via home call, direct or via U.S. bureau. TO BE CONTINUED IN PART FOUR /EXI SB DX@WW $425WW253D 425 DX News #253 [4/5] 9 March 1996 No 253 BID: $425WW253D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ and I1-21171 PART FOUR QSL ---> Arno, OH7XM has logged all the QSO into the computer for the TU2MA activity and QSL will soon be sent. SLOVENIA - NEW POSTAL CODES ---> Starting from 1 March the postal codes of Slovenia Republic have been changed. The first number of the old codes (6) is cancelled and replaced by SI (for example the old 61000 becomes SI-1000, 62000 becomes SI-2000 ecc.). UNESCO ---> In spring a special station will be active, probably using the 4U1SCO call, from UNESCO (Paris), which in November will celebrate its 50th anniversary. QSL via F5SNJ. VIRGINIA DX CENTURY CLUB ---> The executives of the Virginia DX Century Club for 1996 are Al Bianchi (KG4O), Jim Wise (W4PRO) and Chuck Harding (NW3K). VK6LC ---> Gianni Varetto, I1HYW, Diamond DX Club Director, whishes to thank DE0MST, DL1SCQ, DL2SCQ, DL3MDJ, F5OKK, F5XL, F6ELE, F9MD, I1EEW, I1HYW, I1JQJ I1SNW, IK1ADH, IK2ILH, IT9UAG, OE3WWB, W3KH and W6RT who, with their dona- tions, helped DDXC to collect, until now, about 500 dollars for the expedi- tion of Malcolm, VK6LC to Lacepede islands (OC-???) planned from 16 al 21 May [425DXN 249]. VK9XY & VK9CR ---> The Christmas Island and Cocos/Keeling operations have logged more than 26,000 contacts (over 10,000 on low bands). Excepts for about 150 QSO, all the other contacts were made with stations located at least 6,000 Km far. Many storms disturbed the reception and, main- ly on 80 meters, QRM caused from Indonesian CB stations working in AM with loud signals and over 60 kHz splatter. Bands totals are: (CW/SSB): VK9XY (13171 total QSO, 1506 with North America and 7623 with Europe) - 160 meters (357/-), 80 (1296/15), 40 (3680/142) 30 (2256/-), 20 (988/462), 17 (841/70), 15 (555/1184), 12 (147/94), 10 (104/218), via satellite (35/144), RTTY 583; VK9CR (12954 total QSO, 1965 with North America and 7294 with Europe) - 160 meters (559/-), 80 (1586/120), 40 (2847/12), 30 (1880/-), 20 (1268/217), 17 (1114/522), 15 (945/847), 12 (166/123), 10 (26/-), via satellite (83/87), RTTY 552. ZA QSL ---> KE7LZ is the QSL manager of Frank's (AH0W) activity as ZA9B. + SILENT KEY + Floyd Teetson, W5MUG and his wife Winnie, WN5YTR were murdered last week of February in their house in Heflin, Louisiana. Floyd, who during the Sixties served as the Director of the ARRL Delta Division, was a famous DXer and joined many multi-operators contest teams from Caribbean. He had planned to join the Little Cayman Island expedition during the ARRL International DX SSB Contest [425DXN 251]. The operators (W5AU, N5OCD and N5XIQ) used Floyd's call (ZF2FT) in memoriam. + SILENT KEY + The international IOTA community sadly report the death of Bob Suden, K2EYJ. QSL received via direct : 9K2F (AS-118), BV9P, CE0Z, FS5PL, FS/FG5BG (NA-199) IR1LS QSL received via WF5E DX QSL service: 3V8BB, CE0Z, CE7AOY/p (SA-043), CP9XA CY9CWI, FG/FS5PL (NA-114), PJ8AA, UA0QFC (AS-82), V21YA, V26DX ***************************************************************************** * 425 DX NEWS * * DX info weekly bulletin * * edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Maurizio Bertolino I1-21171 * ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, I1QOD, I1SLI, IK1ADH, IK1GPG, IK1IYU, IK1NLZ, IK1QFM, I2MOV, IK2HTW, IK2IQD, IK2MRZ, IK3ABY, IK3ASM, I4LCK, IK4WMH, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, AH0W, Brescia DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DC3MF, DK1RV, DL3ABL, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL8WPX, DL9GOA, DS1DOA, EA5KB, F5PYI, F6AJA, G3KMA, G3NYY, G4JVG/P29DX, G7DKX, H5ANX/ZS6EW, JA9IFF/1, JH4RHF JI6KVR, KD7SO, KE4I, KF7AY, KJ4VH, LA1BJA, N1OCS, N5WA, NL7TB, OH2BH, PS7AB, PS7KM, PY2XB, S53JK, SM0AGD, SM0DJZ, VE7CC, VK2IAZ/JS1DLC, VK2NPH, VK6LC, W8CNL, W9DC, WA1MBK, WD8MGQ, ZS5IR, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY DX. ***************************************************************************** * Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to * * Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) * ***************************************************************************** * INTERNET e-mail : or * * 425 WWW Page --> * * INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: * * - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/ * ***************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ARRL HQ BBS USA : 860-594-0306 CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 JUNGLE BBS NZ : +64-3-524-8332 /EXI SB DX@WW $425WW253E 425 DX News #253 [5/5] 9 March 1996 No 253 BID: $425WW253E ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 31/03 3W6GM * by DF5GF 253 till Sep 5R8EN * by F2JD 245 till 18/03 C56CW & C56DX * by DL's team 247 till 09/03 CE7AOY/p: Guaitecas Is. (SA-043) 253 till 13/03 CE0Y/DK9FN: Easter Is. 253 till March FR5DT/J. Juan de Nova 253 till Feb 97 FT5WF & FT5WE * by F5SZK & F5IJT 239 till ?? H44MS * by DL2GAC 249 till 11/03 W7TSQ/HR2 249 till 09/03 PJ7: St. Maarten * by ND5S, KF5LG, AA8GL, KB8ZXO 251 till 12/06 PY0TI: Trindade * by PY1UP 253 till June VQ9DX * by AA5DX 253 till 13/03 S79XC * by G0IXC 245 till April TN7OT * by AL7OT 243 till 09/03 TT8FT * by DL7FT 253 till 01/04 TU4DA * by F5UJQ 238 till 10/03 VI3GP * by Eastern & Mountain District Radio Club 251 till 09/03 VK4FW/p: OC-160 253 till Dec 96 VK0WH: Macquarie 238 till March YV7/I5DCE: Margarita Isl. (SA-012) 236 till 02/04 9M8CC: Sarawak (OC-088) * by PB0ALB 227 07/03-11/03 JW5VK, JW7XJA, JW1BJA * by LA5VK, LA7XJA, LA1BJA 253 07/03-12/03 ZF1JT * by G3PJT 245 08/03-14/03 KG4GC * by KQ4GC 253 08/03-10/03 ZY5A: Lighthouse - Santa Marta (DFB SC-012) 253 09/03-17/04 4S7BRG * by HB9BRM 251 09/03-15/03 FT_X: Kerguelen Isl. * by FR5HR 251 09/03-10/03 IL3/IK3ZAW: Mazzorbo & Burano Is.(IIA VE-009 & VE-010) 253 09/03-23/03 J6/DL6SDS 247 09/03-28/03 LU/IK1EDC 253 09/03-10/03 Commonwealth Contest *** 10/03-18/03 KH2S/KH0 * by JH4RHF 253 11/03-14/03 VK4FW/p: OC-171 253 12/03-24/03 9G * by N1OCS 253 12/03-16/04 DU * by DJ1PV 253 12/03-18/03 W7TSQ/HR6 249 14/03-25/03 9M8AD & 9M8AH: Sarawak * by DL3ABL & DL6MHW 251 14/03 HK: Palma Isl. (SA-078) * by HK3JJH 251 14/03-18/03 JW * by SM0AGD & SM0DJZ 253 15/03-20/03 P40MR & P40TR * by VE3MR & VE3MRS 243 15/03-18/03 VK8MI: Malville Isl. (OC-173) * by VK8HZ & VK8NSB 253 16/03-04/04 A35 * by LA9GY 253 16/03-23/03 PJ7: St. Maarten * by W9LNQ & N9ALC 249 16/03-18/03 BARTG Spring RTTY Contest *** 16/03-17/03 Russian DX Contest (SSB/CW) *** 17/03-21/03 VK4FW/9: Saumarez Reef (OC-???) 253 18/03-24/03 FT_Z: Amsterdam Isl. * by FR5HR 251 23/03-24/03 F: Chausey Is. (EU-039) * by G3SWH & G3SJJ 245 24/03 EA: Isla Husillos (DIEI P-26) 251 25/03-30/03 KH0/KN6AH 253 26/03-02/04 TF * by ON6QR, ON7PC, ON5OO, ON1KSZ 251 26/03-30/03 VK9CA: Cocos Keeling * by JA1CMD/AD4WF 253 27/03-06/04 J56CK & J56DY: Majo Isl. (AF-020) * by I4LCK & IK4SDY 253 28/03 TF7: Westman Is. (EU-071) by ON6QR,ON7PC,ON5OO,ON1KSZ 251 28/03-30/03 ZW5CIA: Lighthouse - Ararangua (DFB SC-013) 253 29/03-20/03 BO0OKS: Kin-Men Isl. (AS-107) 253 29/03-12/04 ZD7VJ * by G4ZVJ 251 30/03-31/03 3V8BB * by YT1AD 247 30/03-31/03 S01EA * by EA3NY 253 30/03-31/03 CQ WW WPX SSB Contest *** March 3V * by DL8YHR 238 March-April 5T5MB * by DK3LQ 253 mid Mar-mid Apr C6AGN * by KM1E 236 March CO: La Juventude Isl. (NA-056) * by CT1ESO 253 March KH4 * by W's team 245 March XJ8OT: Booth Isl. (NA-???) 228 March-April YJ * by DL2GAC 241 March ZL7 * by G3MFW/ZS1JF 253 March ZS1JF: Cape Province - So. Coast group (AF-???) 245 /EXI