DX425 bulletin issue nr. 252

SB DX@WW $425WW252A
425 DX News #252 [1/4]
 2 March 1996                       No 252                BID: $425WW252A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               edited by I1JQJ

             >>> RSGB PRESS BULLETIN * 28 FEBRUARY 1996 <<<

                        RSGB IOTA AWARDS PROGRAMME

The RSGB is very supportive of the Islands on the Air (IOTA) programme  and 
has been most impressed to observe its growth in recent years. The  Society 
wishes to give full recognition to IOTA and to establish, in due course,  a 
new IOTA Committee as a Full Committee of the Society. The recent growth of 
IOTA has  been very  significant and  is undoubtedly  placing  unreasonable 
demands on  those involved  in the  administration  of the  programme.  The 
Society will in future therefore handle all administration. This will  free 
up members  of the  new  IOTA Committee  to  concentrate on  strategic  and 
technical matters.

In order to facilitate this move  we have decided  to disband the  existing 
IOTA committee.  This  committee is  in  fact a  working  group  and  is  a 
sub-committee of  the  Society's HF  Committee.  An IOTA  Transition  Group 
(IOTATG) under the joint  chairmanship of Martin  Atherton, G3ZAY, and  the 
Society's General Manager, Peter Kirby, G0TWW, is to manage the transfer of 
the  IOTA   administration  to   the   Society's  Headquarters.   Mrs   Eva 
Telenius-Lowe has been appointed HQ IOTA Co-ordinator.

The Society is most grateful to all members of the IOTA Committee for their 
past support  and contribution,  especially  Roger Balister,  G3KMA,  whose 
unstinting hard  work  and  enthusiasm  over the  past  11  years  is  much 
responsible for the growth and popularity  of the programme worldwide.  The 
Society is delighted  that Roger  has accepted  the position  of RSGB  IOTA 
Manager, and will continue to  manage the programme  on a day-to-day  basis 
alongside the HQ IOTA Co-ordinator and the IOTA Committee.

As a result  of the action  of the  Society, the  future of  the RSGB  IOTA 
programme is now assured. The Society is confident that the programme  will 
continue to grow in  popularity and take  its place as  one of the  leading 
amateur radio awards in the world. All future correspondence and  enquiries 
regarding the IOTA programme should be directed to RSGB IOTA Programme.  PO 
Box 9, Potters Bar, Herts, EN6 3RH. England.

            >>>  RSGB PRESS BULLETIN  *  1 MARCH 1996 <<<

Further to the RSGB Press  Bulletin dated 28  February 1996 concerning  the 
RSGB Islands On The Air (IOTA)  Awards Programme, it  should be noted  that 
the new address for correspondence with the IOTA Programme is for enquiries 
and administration only. This address should  not be used for QSL  checking 
or IOTA  award applications:  all UK and overseas checkpoints  and overseas
Country Assistants (DK1RV,  EA5RC,  F6AJA,  I1JQJ,  SP6TPM,  UT8LL,  W4BAA)
remain in place as before.

It should also be  made clear that  there is no  intention to diminish  the 
international aspect of the IOTA Programme. The Society is grateful to  the 
many IOTA enthusiasts around the world who have contributed their time  and 
enthusiasm to the IOTA Awards Programme  in recent years and who have  made 
IOTA the international success which it has become.

International representation  on  the  IOTA  Committee  will  continue  and 
foreign language  versions  of  the IOTA  Directory  will  continue  to  be 
published and expanded in the future.


Enquiries and Administration:
RSGB IOTA Programme. PO Box 9, Potters Bar, Herts, EN6 3RH. England.

Authorised Checkpoints:
UK, EI, CT:     Philip Marsh, G4WFZ, 28 Orcheston Road, Charminster,
      Bournemouth, Dorset BH8 8SR,  England
ON, PA, LX, OZ:      Brian Adams, G4RFV, 38 Waterloo Road, Poole, Dorset BH17
      7LF, England
DL:   Hans-Georg Goebel, DK1RV, Postfach 1114, D-57235 Netphen, Germany
I:    Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG, Strada Stale 28 Nord 7, 12084 Mondovi'-CN,
EA:   Jose' F. Ardid, EA5KB, Apartado Correos 5013, E-46080 Valencia, Spain
F:    Jean-Michel Duthilleul, F6AJA, 515 Rue du petit Hem, Bouvignies,
      F-59870 Marchiennes, France
Altri paesi europei: John Hall, G3TOK, 54 South Eden Park Road, Beckenham,  
      Kent BR3 3BG, England
USA - Call areas 1, 2, 3: Tom Webster, WT2O, 72 Thornley Road, Eatontown, NJ
      07724, USA
USA - Call areas 4, 5, 6, + isole Caraibi e Pacifico:    Don Chamberlain,
      W9DC, 2 Coxswain, Salem, SC 29676, USA
USA - Call areas 7, 8, 9, 0:   Dewitt L. Jones, W4BAA, P.O.Box 379, Glen
      Arbor, MI 49636, USA
Canada, Messico, America Centrale, resto dei Caraibi:    Garry V. Hammond,
      VE3XN, 5 McLaren Avenue, Listowel, Ontario N4W 3K1, Canada
Australia, Nuova Zelanda, resto del Pacifico:  Jim Smith, VK9NS, HIDXA,
      P.O.Box 90, Norfolk Island, Australia 2899
Africa, Asia, Sud America:     Ray Small, G3ALI, 13 Rydal Close, Stowmarket,
      Suffolk IP14 1QX, England
SB DX@WW $425WW252B
425 DX News #252 [2/4]
 2 March 1996                       No 252                BID: $425WW252B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               edited by I1JQJ
*                              DIAMOND DX CLUB                             *
*                          Antarctic Information                           *
*                              Bulletin nr.49                              *
*       edited by Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG  and Gianni Varetto, I1HYW       *
   Antarctic Bases valid for WABA (Worked Antarctic Bases Award)  [4/6]
REF.   BASE NAME                  AREA O ISLAND              LATIT   LONGIT  
       N O R W A Y                                                           
LA-    MAUDHEIM                   Princess Martha Coast      71.01 S 11.00  W
LA-    SVARTHAMMAREN              Princess Martha Coast      71.53 S 05.09  E
LA-    NORWAY 6                   Princess Martha Coast      75.30 S 10.00  W
LA-    TROLL                      Dronning Maud land         72.01 S 02.32  E
LA-01  PETER 1                    Peter 1 Island            68.49 S 90.44  W
LA-02  GUILLAUME                  Guillaume II Coast         66.33 S 93.01  E
LA-03  BLUE FIELDS CAMP           Luitpold Coast             77.30 S 34.10  W
LA-04  TERRA NOVA BAY             Terra Nova Bay             75.00 S 164.00 E
LA-05  MAUD LAND                  Dronning Maud land         73.45 S 14.45  W
LA-06  NORWAY 1                   Ellsworth Land             80.00 S 80.00  W
LA-07  NORWAY STATION             Princess Martha Coast      70.30 S 02.32  W
       A R G E N T I N A                                                     
LU-    BALLVE (ARDLEY)            Ridley I.     (S.Shetland) 61.48 S 58.01  W
LU-    GURRUCHAGA                 Nelson I.     (S.Shetland) 62.15 S 59.00  W
LU-01  A. DE NAVAJO SOBRAL        Edith Ronne Land           81.00 S 40.00  W
LU-02  ARMY ALMIRANTE BROWN       Peninsule Palmer           64.53 S 62.53  W
LU-03  BAS VICECOMODORO MARAMBIO  Seymour I.                 64.14 S 56.38  W
LU-04  DES. NAVY DECEPTION        Deception I.  (S.Shetland) 62.19 S 60.43  W
LU-05  DES. NAVY MELCHIOR         Anvers I.                  64.20 S 62.59  W
LU-06  ARMY EJERCITO ESPERANZA    Peninsule Palmer           63.23 S 56.59  W
LU-07  ELLSWORTH STATION          Luitpold Coast             77.45 S 41.00  W
LU-08  ARMY GENERAL BELGRANO II   Luitpold Coast             77.52 S 34.37  W
LU-09  GENERAL BELGRANO III       Berkner I.                 78.00 S 45.00  W
LU-10  GENERAL BELGRANO           Luitpold Coast             77.52 S 39.00  W
LU-11  ARMY GENERAL SAN MARTIN    Peninsule Palmer           68.08 S 67.04  W
LU-12  PETREL AIR STATION         Dundee I.                  63.28 S 56.17  W
LU-13  ARMY PRIMAVERA             Alejandrina I.             64.09 S 60.57  W
LU-14  NAVY ORCADAS               Laurie I.     (S.Orkney)   60.16 S 44.44  W
LU-15  TENIENTE JUBANY            King George I.(S.Shetland) 62.14 S 58.40  W
LU-16  AF TENIENTE MATIENZO       Nunatak Larsen  (Islote)   64.58 S 60.04  W
LU-17  NAVY TEN.CAMARA BAHIA LUNA King George I.(S.Shetland) 62.02 S 58.42  W
LU-18  SCIENTIFIC CAMP            Livingston I. (S.Shetland) 62.71 S 60.49  W
LU-19  BEYS BAY                   Livingston I. (S.Shetland) 62.37 S 61.08  W
LU-20  ISLA 25 DE MAYO            25 May I.     (S.Shetland) 62.44 S 58.37  W
       B U L G A R I A                                                       
LZ-01  NOVOLAZAREVSKAYA           Princess Astrid Coast      70.46 S 11.50  E
LZ-02  HEMUS BASE                 Livingston I. (S.Shetland) 62.38 S 60.22  W
   Antarctic Bases valid for WABA (Worked Antarctic Bases Award)  [4/6]
REF.   BASE NAME                  AREA O ISLAND              LATIT   LONGIT  
       MULTI - NATIONAL   Bases                                              
MN-01  PATRIOT HILLS BASE         Ellsworth Land             80.12 S 80.05  W
MN-02  MOUNT VINSON BASE          Ellsworth Land             78.32 S 86.01  W
       P E R U                                                               
OA-01  MACHU PICCHU BASE          King George I.(S.Shetland) 62.04 S 58.27  W
       F I N L A N D                                                         
OH-    ABOA                       Princess Martha Coast      73.03 S 13.25  W
       B E L G I U M                                                         
ON-01  ROI BAUDOUIN               Princess Ragnhild Coast    70.26 S 24.19  E
       B R A Z I L                                                           
PY-    ASTRONOMO CRULS            Nelson I.     (S.Shetland) 62.14 S 59.00  W
PY-    ENGENEIRO WILTGEN          Elephant I.   (S.Shetland) 61.13 S 55.21  W
PY-    HARMONY POINT              King George I.(S.Shetland) 62.19 S 59.14  W
PY-    PADRE BALDUINO RAMBO       King George I.(S.Shetland) 62.11 S 58.59  W
PY-01  COMANDANTE FERRAZ          King George I.(S.Shetland) 62.05 S 58.23  W
PY-02  HARDY POINT CAMP           Greenwich I.  (S.Shetland) 62.30 S 59.45  W
       S W E D E N                                                           
SM-    SVEA                       Princess Martha Coast      74.35 S 11.13  W
SM-01  WASA                       Princess Martha Coast      73.03 S 13.25  W
SM-02  KIRVANVEGGEN CAMP          Princess Martha Coast      74.05 S 06.17  W
       P O L A N D                                                           
SP-    DOBROWOLSKI                Knox Coast                 66.16 S 100.45 E
SP-01  HENRYK ARCTOWSKI           King George I.(S.Shetland) 62.09 S 58.28  W
 * Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
 * (Packet BBS:     IK1GPG @ IW1BIM-8.IPIE.ITA.EU)                          *
 * (Packet Cluster: IK1GPG @ I1MRH-6)                                       *
SB DX@WW $425WW252C
425 DX News #252 [3/4]
 2 March 1996                       No 252                BID: $425WW252C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               edited by I1JQJ
               *     D.I.B.  -  BRAZILIAN ISLANDS AWARD     *
                   Awards issued up to  10 February 1996
                     edited by Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG
 N.   CALL      NAME       MD     CTRY     CONT    D M Y    Isl
001   PP5AVM    Lucio      CW     PY-001   SA-001  200193   21
002   PS7AB     Ronaldo    Pho    PY-002   SA-002  200193   36  
003   PT7BI     Daniel     Pho    PY-003   SA-003  220393   22  
004   4Z4DX     Dov        Mix    4Z-001   AS-001  190493   30  
005   HB9CZW    Willy      Pho    HB-001   EU-001  100593   sk  
006   PY2DBU    Helio      Mix    PY-004   SA-004  100593   40  
007   PS8ET     Jesus      Pho    PY-005   SA-005  050793   22  
008   PY5PS     Evandro    Pho    PY-006   SA-006  280793   20  
009   I8YRK     Gennaro    Mix    I -001   EU-002  230893   20  
010   VE3XN     Garry      Mix    VE-001   NA-001  230893   21  
011   PP5SC     Clodi      Pho    PY-007   SA-007  230893   20  
012   N1CNS     Bonas      Pho    W -001   NA-002  300993   20  
000   PP5SZ     Pedro      Pho    PY-008   SA-008  271093   52  
013   IK0OEG    Renato     Pho    I -002   EU-003  301093   20  
014   UB5ECE    Alex       Pho    UB-001   EU-004  301093   20  
015   EA5BKH    Ferdinand  Pho    EA-001   EU-005  021193   21  
016   IK1GPG    Massimo    Mix    I -003   EU-006  161193   21  
017   CT1AHU    Carlos     Pho    CT-001   EU-007  221193   30  
018   CT1UE     Cesar      Pho    CT-002   EU-008  110494   sk  
019   PY2AE     Marcelo    Mix    PY-009   SA-009  110494   30  
020   DE0MST    Fredy      SWL    DL-001   EU-009  200494   21  
021   I1JQJ     Mauro      Mix    I -004   EU-010  180694   20  
022   IK8OZZ    Luigi      Mix    I -005   EU-011  020894   21  
023   PY8EA     Rocha      Mix    PY-010   SA-010  050894   26  
024   PY4WZ     Souto      Mix    PY-011   SA-011  230994   20  
025   PT2AZ     Camargo    Mix    PY-012   SA-012  160195   20  
026   PT2TF     Terezinha  Pho    PY-013   SA-013  190195   35  
027   PT7YS     Rebouas    Pho    PY-014   SA-014  280195   20  
028   CT4UW     Joo        Pho    CT-003   EU-012  280195   20  
029   PT7VBN    Murilo     Pho    PY-015   SA-015  040395   25  
030   HH2HM/F   Michel     Pho    F -001   EU-013  200595   21  
031   EA3KB     Ramon      Pho    EA-002   EU-014  200595   21  
032   PP5DU     Freire     Mix    PY-016   SA-016  230595   20  
033   PP5LL     Lira       Pho    PY-017   SA-017  230595   21  
034   PY2CC     Toledo     Mix    PY-018   SA-018  270795   20  
035   PT2NP     Paulo      Mix    PY-019   SA-019  210895   30  
036   HB9BVV    Franz      Pho    HB-002   EU-015  050995   21  
037   PS8YL     Terezinha  Pho    PY-020   SA-020  050995   20  
038   W9DC      Donald     Mix    W -002   NA-003  091095   30  
039   PP2MLP    Marciano   Pho    PY-021   SA-021  241195   20  
040   PY3CEM    Oliveira   Pho    PY-022   SA-022  021295   22  
041   D44BS     Angelo     Pho    D4-001   AF-001  241295   34  

         I1JQJ,  PY4WZ, PT2AZ, PT7YS,  CT4UW,  PP5DU,  PY2CC,  PS8YL, PP2ML
         PP5LL,  HB9BVV
22 Is. = PT7BI,  PS8ET, PY3CEM
25 Is. = PT7VBN
26 Is. = PY8EA
30 Is. = 4Z4DX,  PY2DBU, CT1AHU, PY2AE, PT2NP, W9DC
34 Is. = D44BS
35 Is. = PT2TF
36 Is. = PS7AB
40 Is. = PY2DBU
52 Is. = PP5SZ
SB DX@WW $425WW252D
425 DX News #252 [4/4]
 2 March 1996                       No 252                BID: $425WW252D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               edited by I1JQJ

*                               D . I . E .                                 *
*                       DIPLOMA  ISLAS  ESPANOLAS                           *
*              Honour Roll List no.19 (23 February 96) (first 100).         *
*              Edited by IK1GPG, Massimo - Check Point per l'Italia         *

                      Call, Islands - Inner Islands 
DE0MST  282-241 EA5AEN  189-209 IS0JMA  193-158 EA5RC  133-156 EA8BGY 124-133
EA5BD   281-240 EA1EDF  208-188 EA1EAU  175-175 EA7ABL 125-163 EA7HCZ 122-134
EA3KB   281-236 EA9PY   189-205 EA5YJ   169-173 EA7CWV 168-117 EA5IY  144-109
EA5OL   258-239 EA9PB   183-209 I1HYW   186-155 EA5ZW  151-131 EA3GDX 151-131
EA6BE   258-237 CT4IC   204-187 EA7CWA  141-199 IK1QFM 166-114 EA1AAD 101-151
EA5KB   272-215 EA8KK   190-195 EA4IF   190-147 EA1FBE 151-129 EA4CAZ 135-115
EA7ABW  257-225 EA8AKN  211-173 EA4CBA  178-159 CT4UW  124-155 EA7TU  117-133
EA7OH   261-210 EA7HDQ  185-194 I1JQJ   210-124 EA1BEY 151-128 EA2CMW 119-130
EA7JB   223-226 EA5GNT  166-212 EA5FGK  149-184 EA7HAE 120-158 EA7BLU 125-118
EA5AT   241-202 EA9PD   176-201 EA5FTE  149-174 I8IYW  179-99  IK1NEG 133-107
EA9TQ   223-216 EA5ZR   200-173 EA7FQS  184-137 EA7HDO 132-140 G4WFZ  149-84 
EA4BUE  235-200 EA1KK   219-153 EA1EBK  178-141 EA1FY  124-146 EA5XP  169-63 
EA7EFE  239-191 EA1JW   174-196 CT1UE   185-124 EA5EQ  137-129 EA5GJM 154-78 
EA7CIW  246-183 EA4CWN  205-165 EA5AEI  140-169 CT1AHU 139-127 EA5UB  105-126
EA7CYS  223-201 EA5GLT  163-204 EA1MK   147-162 EA7GYZ 142-122 DK6NJ  129-99 
EA5KY   220-202 EA5CRA  194-173 EA2CMU  145-160 EA7GYJ 159-104 ON4XL  145-82 
IK1GPG  242-177 EA5RJ   200-163 EA3EYR  127-175 IK2MLY 160-102 IK1JJB 148-73 
EA3LS   224-190 EA5FKF  169-194 EA5KT   140-161 F5XL   133-127 F6FCZ  122-98 
EA4GZ   198-204 CT1BSC  209-150 EA4ENT  120-175 EA3BT  127-132 EA2AOL  97-123
EA7BR   194-205 EA7BF   169-185 EA7MK   172-117 EA1FEA 118-141 EA5GOU 121-98 

Other Italian stations...                                                             
I1RJP   137-76  I2FUG    73-38  I2-66508 31-56  IK2QPR  31-19  IK8PGC  20-13 
I1ZL    144-65  I1EEW    63-45  I2MWZ    75-8   IK1NLZ  23-27  I8YRK   32-0  
I8KNT   126-80  I2YWR    50-55  IK8SMZ   53-21  IK2HKL  39-2   IK8MKE  16-6  
I5DCE   125-57  I8XTX    75-26  I2YDX    68-6   IK8VRQ  20-17  I1CAW   31-0  
IK8OZZ  115-50  IN3NJB   55-46  I3ZSX    35-23  I2PHN   35-0   I121171 21-0  
I2LXA    94-58  IK8DDN   59-40  IK8CVZ   38-19  IK1SLE  27-7                 
*                              425 DX NEWS                                 *
*                        DX info weekly bulletin                           *
*    edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171    *

            For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
EA5KB, G3KMA, G3ZAY, G4JVG/P29DX, PP5SZ, DXNS, EA DxBoletin, Diamond DX Club
* Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
*             Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)            *
*                  INTERNET e-mail :  I121171@amsat.org                    *
*        425 WWW Page -->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html     *
*                   INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site:                    *
*  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/  *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
                  * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *
                      TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751
                      DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613
                       SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422
                      ARRL HQ BBS USA :  203-666-0578
                      CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921
                HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677
                       WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183