SB DX@WW $425WW251A 425 DX News #251 [1/5] 24 February 1996 No 251 BID: $425WW251A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ and I1-21171 4S7 - From 9 March to 17 April Mario, HB9BRM will be active from Sri Lanka as 4S7BRG using wire antennas. Mario will be QRV at 16.00 UTC on 14.290-14.320 MHz or 21.270-21.300 MHz, and at 19.00-21.00 UTC on 3.780-3.800 MHz or 7.040-7.070 MHz. Mario will also be active in Am- tor/Pactor. QSL via HB9BRM (Mario Primavesi, Falkensteinerstrasse 5, CH-4710 Balsthal, Switzerland). 9H - From 17 to 31 May Holger (DL7IO), Birgit (DL7IQ), Tom (DL7UTM), Ra- gnar (DL7URH) and Tom (DL2RUM) will be active from Gozo Island (Malta). They plan to join the CQWW WPX CW Contest with the 9H3TY call or a 9H8 call if operations during the contest take place from Comino island. At least two stations will be active with particular attention to 40, 80 and 160 meters. Birgit's and Holger's calls will be 9H3TZ and 9H3TY respectively; the others are still unknown. QSL via DL7VRO. 9M8 - From 14 to 25 March Andrea (DL3ABL) and Micha (DL6MHW) will be acti- ve from Sarawak (East Malaysia). The calls are still unknown, but the activity is planned in CW and SSB on 40, 20, 17,30 and 80 meters QSL via DL3ABL (Andrea Diekmann, Bruno-Taut-Ring 56, D-39130 Magde- burg, Germany). CT - From 23 to 25 February CT1FMX and CT1EWA will be active from 10 to 80 meters SSB from Faro Nazare (FBL-04) respectively as CQ5FMX and CQ5EWA. The activity is also valid for the Portuguese Castle Award (Forte S.Miguel Arcanjo, F-027). QSL via home call. CY0 - Mike, VE9AA (who in June, together with Wayne,W9OEH and Ken, WA8JOC, will be active as CY0AA from Sable Island) [425DXN 236] is looking for contributions for the expedition. The operations are planned from 2 to 160 meters, giving particular attention to 6 meters and to bands from 30 to 10 meters. 3 stations will be installed, one of which active mainly in VHF. The cost of the expedition is around 12 thousand dollars. D6 - Michel (FR5HG) [425DXN 242] has been in Comoro islands for 2 months and will be active with the D68SE call for another week. Michel is often on 40 meters CW, around 7.010 MHz (+/-QRM), between 02.30 and 03.00 UTC. QSL via F6FNU. DL_ant - Gustav, DL3OAY is the new operator of the DP0GVN station, located at the German antarctic base Georg Neumayer (WABA DL-03 IOTA AN-016) [425DXN 247]. EA - An activity from Isla Husillos (DIEI P26) is planned on 24 March. QSL via EA1MK. EA - On 24 and 25 February EA5RCG will be active from Castillo de Lut- xent (CVV-011). QSL via EA5HB. EA - On 25 February EA5URV will be active from Faro de Canet (E-0216). QSL via EA5OL. EA9 - From 19 to 21 April a group of operators (EA7CRL, EA7TL, EA7CJY and EA3CUU among the others) will be active from Alboran island (AF-042) During those days they also plan to activate Isla de La Nube (DIE S31). For all the contacts QSL via EA4URE. EM - From 3 al 23 March the special station EO150WLP will be active from Radioclub of Lviv Polytechnic. Sending 8 IRCs or 5 dollars it is possible to receive a certificate (one QSO is enough) to Radioclub Lviv Politechnica, P.O.Box 2040, Lviv 290012, Ukraina. F - Saturday 17 February F5VCR/P was active from Enez Terc'h island (DIFM MA-93). QSL via bureau to F5VCR. FP - FP5EK hopes to be active every day from 22.00 UTC on 3.515 MHz. QSL via K1RH. FR - On 23 February Conny, FR/DL1DA will end the activity started on 14 February. QSL via home call. FR/G - Michel (FR5HG), currently in Comoro islands (see D6), reports that there are good possibilities for a Glorioso activity in May. FR/J - Thierry, FR5DT/J is active from Juan de Nova and he has been worked on 20 meters SSB (14.122 MHz). He is not a skilful operator so be patient. The address given for the QSL is: Trans, BP 386, 97410 Ile de La Reunion, Via France. FT_W - Rene's activity, FR5HR, who should have left Reunion on 12 February [425DXN 249], has been postponed of about one week. HK - On 14 March Pedro, HK3JJH will be active for 24 hours from Palma island (SA-078) and plans to be QRV for Europe for four hours star- ting from 10 UTC, on 14.260 MHz. Pedro suggests "islands chasers" not to send him IRC, as he has many problems with them. TO BE CONTINUED PART TWO /EX SB DX@WW $425WW251B 425 DX News #251 [2/5] 24 February 1996 No 251 BID: $425WW251B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ and I1-21171 PART TWO I - Gianni, IK0AZG will use the IR0C call during the following SSB con- tests: ARRL International, CQ WPX, ARI International, IARU, CQWW DX. QSL via home call. I - Max, IK1GPG will join the ARRL DX SSB Contest (2-3 March) using the IR1A call in the single operator single band (40 meters) category. QSL via IK1GPG. IT9 - From 26 to 28 April IT9LQG/IT9, IT9KDA/IT9 and IT9SKY/IT9 will be ac- tive in CW and SSB (HF and VHF) from Bella island (IIA ME-029). QSL via bureau to their respective home calls. J5 - From 27 March to 3 April, Franco (I4LCK) and Onda (IK4SDY) will be active from Majo island (AF-052). The operations will occur from 10 to 160 meters, in CW and SSB. Franco and Onda will work with about 500 watts using a vertical R7 (10-40 meters) and dipoles for 80 and 160 meters. LU_ant - The Argentine antarctic base Teniente Matienzo (64.58S-60.04W, WABA LU-16) will be still active for few days with the LU1ZAB call. The operators Marco and Oscar, if work permits, are usually QRV on 14.170 MHZ around 20 UTC. QSL to: Marco Quintana, 4489 San Fernando, 1646 Buenos Aires, Argentina. LX - The Luxembourg Contest Team LX4A will join the CQ 160 meters SSB Contest in the multi-operator category. QSL via LX1NO (Norbert Ober- weis, 5 Cite Oricher-Hoehl, L-8036 Strassen, Luxembourg). PJ7 - From 25 February to 9 March Ron (ND5S), Sue (KF5LG), Bill (AA8GL) and Dorothy (KB8ZXO) will be active from St.Maarten. They plan to join the ARRL SSB Contest with a special call. QSL via home calls. T31 - Currently Karl, DL1VU is not in South Pacific.T31AF has been shortly active on 3 February, but it was probably a pirate activity. TF - From 26 March to 2 April Fred (TF/ON6QR/P), Peter (TF/ON7PC/P), Jack (TF/ON5OO/P) and Stef (TF/ON1KSZ/P) will be active from Iceland. On 28 March the group will be active from Westman islands (EU-071) as TF7/home call/P. They plan to join the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest (30-31 March) with a special call. QSL via home call. V3 - Vic (KI6IM) and John (N6YRU) will be active as V31DX from Ambergris Caye (NA-073) during the ARRL SSB DX Contest. QSL via AA6BB. VK - From 00.00 UTC of 7 March to 23.59 UTC of 10 March, during the Au- stralian F1 Gran Prix, this year in Melbourne, the Eastern and Moun- tain District Radio Club members will activate the special VI3GP station. Operations on the following frequencies (+/- QRM): SSB 3.650, 7.050, 14.180 and 21.250 MHz; CW 3.515, 3.799, 7.015, 14.015 and 21.015 MHz. QSL via VK3ER (P. O. Box 87, Mitcham, Victoria 3121, Australia) also via bureau. VK9_coc- From 19 to 23 March AD4WF and JA1CMD will be active as VK9CA from Cocos Keeling. The activity will occur from 10 to 160 meters, mainly on WARC bands, in CW and SSB using 100 watts. QSL via JA1CMD (direct or via bureau) or direct to AE4EZ. VQ9 - For next four months Ron, AA5DX will be active from Chagos islands as VQ9DX or VQ9RM. The operations will occur mainly on 40, 80 and 160 meters. QSL via: Ron Marra, Marginal 301C, La Rambla Suite 205, Ponce, PR 00731. Ron will answer QSL when back from VQ9. XU - On 23 February Mike, VS6WV/W0YZS will be back in Kampuchea, from where he will be active as XU6WV for one or two years. Until mid March Mike will respect these times: between 11.30 and 12.00 UTC on 7.007-7.012 MHZ (QSX up, QRV for the East Coast); between 12.00 and 13.00 UTC on 3.507 MHz (QSX up, QRV for the Midwest/East Coast); be- tween 13.00 and 13.30 UTC on 14.192 MHz (+/- QRM); from 13.30 UTC on 3.507 MHz (QSX up, QRV for Europe and USA); from 22.30 UTC to his sunrise on 3.507 MHz (QSX up, QRV for the East Coast). XZ - The XZ1R activity from Myanmar, planned from 26 January to 3 Februa- ry [425DXN 247] then postponed from 18 to 28 February, has been can- celled. The operators should have been Jaakko (OH1MA), Pekka (OH1RY) and three members of the Laine family: Leena (OH2BE), Martti (OH2BH) and Petri (OH2KNB). ZD7 - From 29 March to 12 April Andy, G4ZVJ will be active as ZD7VJ from St.Helena. The operations will occur only in CW (1.827, 3.503, 7.003 10.107, 14.027, 18.077, 21.027, 24.897, 28.027 MHz, +/- QRM, split up). QSL via home call (new address is Andy Chadwick, 5 Thorpe Chase Ripon, North Yorkshire HG4 1UA, UK). ZD - From 16 to 23 April Andy, G4ZVJ (see ZD7) could be active from Ascension Island as ZD8VJ. ZF - From 29 February to 4 March W5AU, W5MUG, N5OCD and N5XIQ will be ac- tive from Cayman islands (NA-016). The plan to join the ARRL DX SSB Contest (2-3 March). 10 to 160 meters operations. ZL9 - Graham, ZL4MV is on Auckland Island again, from where he should be active as ZL9GD until 21/22 February. Graham, after last year misunderstandings, is now aware that contacts /MM are not valid for DXCC. Frequencies will be +/- 14.260 and +/- 7.060 MHz and his 100 watts transceiver is battery powered. QSL via ZL4MV. TO BE CONTINUED IN PART THREE /EX SB DX@WW $425WW251C 425 DX News #251 [3/5] 24 February 1996 No 251 BID: $425WW251C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ and I1-21171 PART THREE ************************ *************************** GOOD TO KNOW *************************** ************************ 9U/F6FHI & 9Q5FHI QSL ---> Gerard, F2VX is the new QSL manager of 9U/F6FHI and 9Q5FHI: he already has the logs on computer for these two stations star- ting from November 1995 and now he is waiting for old logs. Every QSO will be confirmed automatically via bureau. Those who have already sent a direct request to F5FHI can write a note (without sending contribution) to Gerard, and he will ask F5FHI to verify the data. 9X/SM5DIC QSL ---> Leif, SM0BFJ is the QSL manager of Gus, 9X/SM5DIC (Leif cannot answer via bureau, therefore QSL direct). ARIZONA DX ASSOCIATIONS --> Boards of Directors for 1996 of the Southern Ari- zona DX Association and of the Central Arizona DX Association include respec- tively Larry Pace, N7DD (President), Russ Jordan, N7BSA (Vice President), Ka- ren Sasek, WA0NNC (Secretary/Treasurer); Gary Capek, K8BN (President), Frank Smith, AH0W (Vice President), Paul Playford, W8AEF (Segretary), Fred Hules, N7PNK (Treasurer). BV9P QSL ---> Steve, KU9C (helped by Ralph, K2PF) wants to send all the requests for Pratas not requiring deep searches in the logs within 29 Februa- ry. Cards sent by Steve (four sides with many pictures) will be the only va- lid for DXCC and will be used to confirm contacts with the three operations made from Pratas until now. DJ5CQ QSL ---> Rudi, DK7NP has replied all the direct requests for the past operation by DJ5CQ and now he is sending the cards via the bureau (about 2000 in January and February). FO0CW/A & FO0CW/M QSL ---> Gerard, F2VX has the logs for the F2CWs activity of the past years. The address is: Gerard Debelle, 4 Le Haut d'Yvrac, Yvrac, F-33370 Tresse, France. NORTH KOREA (DPRK) ---> The OH2BH/VR2BH's team is still working to activate P51DX and to promote a permanent amateur activity in North Korea. After a North Korean delegation visit at the Peking Convention, a great amount of do- nated stuff has been made to DPRK Amateur Radio Association. The DPRK project involves directly the CRSA, in the person of BA1HAM, based on good terms be- tween North Korea and China. HC1OT/HD1OT/HD9OT QSL ---> Due to W2KF's death, Ed, KG8CY is the new QSL manager for Pedro. HEARD ISLAND ---> Tony Deprato, WA4JQS/VP8BZL, founder of the South Sandwich Island Antarctic DX Group (SSIDXG), reports that, due to reorganizing the ex- pedition to Heard Island by KK6EK and ON6TT team and the impossibility to ma- ke a joined activity, the SSIDXG decided to step aside. The SSIDXG planned to activate Heard Island for three weeks starting from 2 December 1996. Among the reasons that induced the SSIDXG to renounce is the impossibility, by the interntional DX community, to supply enough contribution to two expeditions particularly expensive and with the same goal. KH2S/KH0 ---> Last week Jun, JH4RHF and Zorro, JH1AJT were active from Saipan with the call KH2S/KH0. It was a business trip but they spent some hours on the radio. Contacts (about 500) were made in CW and SSB, on 40 and 80 meters. QSL via JH4RHF. NEW UNITED KINGDOM PREFIXES ---> Starting from 1 April the calls for the new UK amateurs will have the M prefix (England), MW (Wales), MM (Scotland), MI (Northern Ireland), MD (Isle of Man), MU (Guersney), MJ (Jersey). The first one is M0AAA, issued to the Reading and District Amateur Radio Club (for the Reading Novices Amateur Aerial Association). Starting from 1 April it will be used the club version of the call (MX0AAA). The special prefixes for the ra- dio clubs will be: MX (England), MC (Wales) MS (Scotland), MT (Isle of Man), MN (Northern Ireland), MP (Guersney), MH (Jersey). PALMYRA ---> The Fullard-Leo family is selling the Palmyra atoll to a NYC firm for an amount between 36 and 50 million dollars. (TNX OPDX) FORMER USSR, QSL BUREAUS ---> Waldemar, DK3VN reports the addresses of the QSL bureaus of the ex-USSR republics: EK: Box 22, Yerevan 375000 Armenia ER: Box 6637, Kishinev-50, 277050 Moldavia EU: Box 469, c/o EU1AO, Minsk-50, 220050 Byelorussia EX: Box 1100, A.R.U.K. Bishkek, 720020 Kirghizia EY: Box 303, (T.A.R.L.) Glavpochtamt, Dushanbe 734025 Tadjikistan EZ: Box 555, (T.R.A.L) Ashgabat 744020, Turkmenia UK: Box 0, Tashkent, 700000, Uzbekistan UN: Box 112, c/o UN9PC, Karaganda 470055 Kazakhstan UR: Box 56, U.A.R.L. Kiev-1 252001 Ukraine 4K: Box 165, ROSTK DVPSTO, 4K7DWA, Baku 370000 Azerbaidjan 4L: Box 1, Tbilisi 380002 Georgia UA: Box 59, U.R.R., c/o RZ3AZO Moscow 105122 Russia Box 88, C.R.C.R.F Moscow, Russia R1MVI QSL ---> It seems that QSLs for R1MVI and OH2BU/MVI activities from Malyj Vysotskij (September 1995) will be sent in mid March. R0MIR ---> QSL goes to RV3DR: Sergej Samburov, Space MIR QSL Manager, P.O.Box 141070, BOX 73, Kaliningrad-10 city, Moscow Area, Russia. T94EU QSL ---> N2MAU (Stephanus Busono, 5235 Fiore Terrace #410, San Diego, CA 92122, USA) is the QSL manager for Boris,T94EU one of the most active sta- tions in Bosnia-Erzegovina. Stephan has replied the direct requests for the contacts until 19 November 1995. He has not received the other logs so far and Stephan asks to be patient and not to not dupes. TO BE CONTINUED IN PART FOUR /EX SB DX@WW $425WW251D 425 DX News #251 [4/5] 24 February 1996 No 251 BID: $425WW251D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ and I1-21171 PART FOUR UN7FW QSL ---> KD7H is no more the QSL manager for this station. The cards must be sent direct to Vadim Mikhin, UL. Lenina 47-27, Ekibastuz 638710 Kazakhstan, C.I.S. V26B QSL ---> Mike, KA2AEV/V26R reports that QSL for the Antigua Team activi- ty (V26B) during last CQ WW SSB Contest have been delayed due to a sponsor problem. Mike asks to be patient. V31EV, V31TP & V31RC QSL --> With regard to recent operations by NS0B (V31EV) WC0W (V31TP) and WG9L (V31RC) [425DXN 247], Alan (NS0B) reports that is not necessary to send QSL, as all the contacts will automatically be confirmed via bureau. For a faster answer QSL go via their home calls. VG3CRC ---> From 1 to 31 March the special VG3CRC station will be active to celebrate the centennial of the canadian Red Cross. Other special stations could be active from various provinces. QSL via VA3CRC (direct or bureau). VK9XY & VK9CR QSL ---> Rudi, DK7NP reports that the QSL for these two expedi- tions should be ready in late spring. QSL for DJ5CQ are handles separately and it is therefore better not to send them together with the Christmas and Cocos Keeling ones. VP5/JJ2QEH & VP5/JJ2QXI ---> From 4 to 9 February Masahiro and Koji have been active from VP5JM's QTH [425DXN 241], logging about 4 thousand QSO (2600 in CW and 1400 in SSB), and only 600 with Japanese stations. QSL to their ho- me calls via direct (JJ2QXI: Masahiro Mori, 1268, Atobe, Mugegawa Mugi, Gifu, 501-26, Japan; JJ2QEH: Koji Iida, 1866-2, Oota, Minokamo, Gifu, 505, Japan) or via bureau. WAKE ISLAND ---> The AL7EL/KH9 activity (by AL7EL, WB2DND, K4HQI and N6EK) [425DXN 247] took place from 1 to 7 February. The low bands propagation has been excellent and more than 1200 out of 9000 have been made with Europe. They logged 5722 QSO in CW, 2811 in SSB, 140 in RTTY and 60 via satellite (AO-13). Band totals are (CW/SSB/RTTY): 160 meters (455/5), 80 meters (1434/456), 40 meters (1901/226, 30 meters (508), 20 meters (646/1206/67), 17 meters (529/590/14), 15 meters (213/270/59), 12 meters (31/31), 10 meters (30 contacts in SSB), AO-13 (5/57). The QSO distribution (referred to countries with at least 10 contacts) is: USA 3699, Japan 3288, Finland 198, Russia 195, Italy 191, Germany 112, Poland 99, Sweden 78, Canada 88, Australia 60, Ukrai- ne 50, New Zealand 52, Slovak Rep 36, France 30, Korea 29, Belgium 28, Kaza- khistan and Denmark 27, Argentina 24, England 21, Spain 20, Brazil 18, Czech Rep, Norway and Switzerland 15, Latvia 13, Yugoslavia 12, Netherland 11, Me- xico, Hong Kong and Israel 10. QSL via K4HQI: Lloyd Westbrook, Box 638, Com- merce, GA 30529, USA. XR0Z & XR0Y QSL ---> About 2300 cards of XR0Z (Salas Y Gomes, SA-083) have been sent to QSL manager (WA3HUP: Mary Ann Crider, 2485 Lewisberry Rd., York Haven, PA 17370, USA). The XR0Y's QSLs (Easter Island) are now completed with the QSO data and next week will be sent to Mary Ann. She can solve now the troubles from the logs and she can also use blank cards to confirm con- tacts for wrong pre-printed calls. * SILENT KEY + We have sadly learnt abouth the passing of Fred Mason, KH6OR in Honolulu last 29 January. QSL received via direct: 3B8CF, 3W5FM, 9M6P, CE0Z, D2TT, FG5HR, FR5ZN, FT5ZF, IH9/I1SNW (AF-018), IH9/IK0XBX (AF-018), KH0AM, S79JD, TY5A, VP2EY, VP8CQS, XR0Z (SA-083), XU3UN, XX9AS, XZ1A, YA9XL, YE8I (OC-208) QSL received via WF5E DX QSL service: 3V8BB, 5Z4BU, 8P9Z, CY9/K4TVE, HH2MED, HH7PV, KL7Y, W5BOS/KL0 (NA-087), AA5DX/KP4, PJ8AA, R1FJZ, V51GB, VK9LZ, VP2EC VP2MGP, XX9AS, YS1ZV, ZC6B ***************************************************************************** * 425 DX NEWS * * DX info weekly bulletin * * edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Maurizio Bertolino I1-21171 * ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, IK1ADH, IK1GPG, IK1IYU, IK1QBT, IK1RGL, IK2HTW, IK2ULV, IK2WXQ, IK3OUH IV3TIQ, I4LCK, I5FLN, IW6MTM, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, IT9LQG, IK0AZG, Brescia DX Group, Dateline DX Association, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DC3MF, DK3VN, DK7NP, DL3ABL, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL9GOA, EA5KB, F6AJA, F9RM, G4BUE, G4JVG, G4ZVJ, JH1ORA, JH4RHF, JI6KVR, JJ2QXI, K4CEF, KA2AEV, KK6EK, KU9C, LX1NO, NL7TB, NS0B, OH1MA, OH2BH, OH2BU/OH7RF, ON6QR, PS7AB, PS7KM, PY2XB, SM0BFJ, SP3MIZ, VE7CC, VK3EW, VS6WV/W0YZS, W5AU, WA4JQS, WD8MGQ, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY DX. ***************************************************************************** * Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to * * Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) * ***************************************************************************** * INTERNET e-mail : or * * 425 WWW Page --> * * INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: * * - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/ * ***************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ARRL HQ BBS USA : 860-594-0306 CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 JUNGLE BBS NZ : +64-3-524-8332 /EX SB DX@WW $425WW251E 425 DX News #251 [5/5] 24 February 1996 No 251 BID: $425WW251E ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 01/03 3B8 * by DK1RP 247 till 29/02 9A * by K4XU 247 till 20/03 A35RK: (OC-49, OC-169, OC-064) * by KK6H 247 till 04/03 CU * by DL4XS & DL3KDV 249 till end Feb D68SE * by FR5HG 251 till 05/03 FS * by WX9E, N0BSH, WE9V 249 till Feb 97 FT5WF & FT5WE * by F5SZK & F5IJT 239 till end Feb FY/DJ0PJ/qrp 249 till ?? H44MS * by DL2GAC 249 till March HR5/N4MO 249 till Febbruary LU6Z: South Orkney Is. (AN-008) (WABA LU-14) 241 till 01/04 PJ9JT: Curacao * by W1BIH 242 till May PY0TI: Trindade * by PY1UP 249 till ?? R1ANT: Molodezhnaja Base - Antarctica (WABA UA-06) 247 till 13/03 S79XC * by G0IXC 245 till March TG/KA9FOX 249 till April TN7OT * by AL7OT 243 till 01/04 TU4DA * by F5UJQ 238 till Dec 96 VK0WH: Macquarie 238 till ?? VU2AXA: Indian Antartic Base 249 till March YV7/I5DCE: Margarita Isl. (SA-012) 236 till 25/02 ZW5IZ (DFB SC-09) 249 20/02-02/04 9M8CC: Sarawak (OC-088) * by PB0ALB 227 20/02-05/03 TI * by WA7TSQ 247 23/02-25/02 5W1NW * by IK2GNW 245 23/02-24/02 F: Chasey Is. (EU-039) * by G3SJJ & G3SWH 249 23/02-25/02 LX4A * by Contest team Luxembourg 251 23/02-24/02 VK9XY: Christmas Isl. * by DL8WPX,DL3DXX,DK7YY,DL7UFN 249 23/02-25/02 CQ WW DX 160 meter SSB Contest *** 24/02-25/02 REF - French SSB Contest *** 24/02-25/02 UBA - CW Contest *** 25/02-29/02 A35NW * by IK2GNW 245 25/02-04/03 FT_W: Crozet Isl. * by FR5HR 251 25/02-09/03 PJ7: St. Maarten * by ND5S, KF5LG, AA8GL, KB8ZXO 251 26/03-02/04 TF * by ON6QR, ON7PC, ON5OO, ON1KSZ 251 26/02-04/03 V3 * by W1HL 242 28/03 TF7: Westman Is. (EU-071) by ON6QR,ON7PC,ON5OO,ON1KSZ 251 28/02-06/03 VP2E * by WA0PUJ, KC0ZC, N0ZSU 249 29/02-04/03 ZF * by W5AU, W5MUG, N5OCD, N5XIQ 251 February-Sep 5R * by F2JD 245 February 5X * by ON6TT 247 end February J68AD * by YT1AD 247 February-June VQ9 * by AA5DX 251 February VU7: Andaman Is. * by VK9NS ??? 240 February-March XJ8OT: Booth Isl. (NA-???) 228 01/03-10/03 3V8BB * by DL8HYR 247 01/03-03/03 KH6/IK2GNW 245 02/03-03/03 IR1A * by IK1GPG 251 02/03-08/03 OZ/DL2HEB/p: Romo Isl. (EU-125) 249 02/03-03/03 V2 * by YT1AD 243 02/03-03/03 V31DX: Ambergris Cay (NA-073) * by KI6IM & N6IRU 251 02/03-03/03 ARRL International DX SSB Contest *** 03/03-23/03 EO150WLP: Lviv * special event station 251 04/03-18/03 C5 * by DL's team 247 05/03-11/03 W7TSQ/HR2 249 07/03-10/03 VI3GP * by Eastern & Mountain District Radio Club 251 07/03-12/03 ZF1JT * by G3PJT 245 08/03-19/03 FT_X: Kerguelen Isl. * by FR5HR 251 08/03-11/03 VK: Malville Isl. (OC-173) * by VK8HZ & VK8NSB 247 09/03-17/04 4S7BRG * by HB9BRM 251 09/03-23/03 J6/DL6SDS 247 09/03-10/03 Commonwealth Contest *** 12/03-18/03 W7TSQ/HR6 249 14/03-25/03 9M8: Sarawak * by DL3ABL & DL6MHW 251 14/03 HK: Palma Isl. (SA-078) * by HK3JJH 251 15/03-20/03 P40MR & P40TR * by VE3MR & VE3MRS 243 16/03-23/03 PJ7: St. Maarten * by W9LNQ & N9ALC 249 16/03-18/03 BARTG Spring RTTY Contest *** 16/03-17/03 Russian DX Contest (SSB/CW) *** 19/03-23/03 VK9CA: Cocos Keeling * by AD4WF & JA1CMD 251 21/03-28/03 FT_Z: Amsterdam Isl. * by FR5HR 251 23/03-24/03 F: Chausey Is. (EU-039) * by G3SWH & G3SJJ 245 23/03-25/03 VK9XH: Christmas Isl. * by AD4WF/JA1CMD 249 24/03 EA: Isla Husillos (DIEI P-26) 251 27/03-03/03 J5: Majo Isl. (AF-052) * by I4LCK & IK4SDY 251 29/03-12/04 ZD7VJ * by G4ZVJ 251 30/03-31/03 3V8BB * by YT1AD 247 30/03-31/03 CQ WW WPX SSB Contest *** March 3V * by DL8YHR 238 mid Mar-mid Apr C6AGN * by KM1E 236 March KH4 * by W's team 245 March KH0 * by KN6AH 238 March-April YJ * by DL2GAC 241 March ZS1FJ: Cape Province - So. Coast group (AF-???) 245 /EX