SB DX @ WW $425WW249A 425 DX News #249 [1/4] 10 February 1996 No.249 BID: $425WW249A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ & I1-21171 3DA - Jon, 3DA0CA did not join the CQ WWDX 160 Meter CW Contest [425DXN 247] due to political problems in Swaziland. 5N - The 5N4OTB operations [425DXN 245] from Bonny Island (NO-REF) have been postponed due to landing permission problems. 8P - From 8 to 15 February Rob, VE4GV will be active from Barbados as 8P9EN. Operations mainly in CW, from 10 to 80 meters (WARC bands included). QSL via home call. 9N - 9N1ARB reports that in Nepal only other four amateurs exist: 9N1AA, 9N1HA, 9N1RB and 9N1RHM. No one seems to be interested in working low bands (9N1AA, is the only who has a 40 meters licence and gives hospitality to 9N1RB, who works 40 meters CW). CP - Jim (ex 9G1WJ) is now active as CP1/N9RPC from La Paz. QSL via K1SE. CU - From 19 February to 4 March Mike (DL4XS) and Dieter (DL3KDV) will be active from Azores. All bands operations particularly on 160 me- ters (1.827 MHz). EL - Johnny, EL2WA is a new amateur from Liberia. He has been reported on 20 meters SSB. F - From 23 to 24 March Phil (G3SWH) and Chris (G3SJJ) will be active for 24 hours from Chausey islands (EU-039) as F/G3SWH. Operations in CW only, from 17 to 80 meters.QSL via G3SWH (21 Dickensons Grove, Congresbury, Bristol BS19 5HQ, UK) also via bureau. FO - From 12 February to 31 March Ron, N6VO will be in Tahiti (OC-046), from where he will be active as FO5VO mainly in CW on low bands. He plans to join the ARRL DX CW Contest. QSL via home call. FS - Starting from 12 February Paul, WX9E will be active from FS5PL's QTH, using the FS/WX9E call except for the ARRL DX CW Contest (17-18 February). The 22 February Mike (N0BSH) and Chad (WE9V) will meet Paul in St.Martin, and the group will be active on all bands from 10 to 160 meters, WARC included. Chad will also try to be active in RTTY as FS/WE9V. They also plan to join the CQ WW 160 SSB Contest (23-25 February) and the ARRL DX SSB Contest (2-3 March). During the contests they will use the FS5PL call or a special one. They will go back home the 6 March. QSLs for FS/WX9E, FS/N0BSH and FS/WE9V are via the respective home calls. QSL for contests contacts via WX9E. FT_W - The 12 February Rene', FR5HR (not W4MGN as reported in 452DXN 245) will leave Reunion island on a military vessel, and after a six-week trip he will stop in Crozet islands, from where he hopes to be ac- tive for one week (from 18 to 26 February). Dates can change due to weather conditions. QSL via F5RRH (direct or via bureau). FT_X - At the end of his staying on Crozet island (see FT_W), Rene', FR5HR will go to Kerguelen islands, from where he hopes to be active for twelve days (from 1 to 12 March). Dates can change due to weather conditions. QSL via F5RRH (direct or via bureau). FT_Z - At the end of his staying on Kerguelen (see FT_X) Rene', FR5HR will go to Amsterdam Island, from where he hopes to be active for six days (from 14 to 20 March). Dates can change due to weather condi- tions. QSL via F5RRH (direct or via bureau). FY - Until the end of the month FY/DJ0PJ is active in QRP from french u- yana. Evening (European time) operations on usual QRP frequencies. G - Jim, K6ZH wants to join the IOTA Contest (27-28 July) from Lundy Island (EU-120) as G0WJF. GM - From 29 June to 7 July Don (G0NES), Peter (G7BXA), Manny (G7HSP) and Derek (G7DKX) will be active as GM0NES/P (in HF) and GS7UEG/P (in 2 and 6 meters) from Orkney islands (EU-009).QSL via G7DKX. GW - The Westnet DX Group will join the IOTA Contest (end of July) from a Welsh island (EU-124) using the GW4VEQ call. H4 - The 29 January Bernhard, DL2GAC/H44MS left India (from where he was active as VU2BMS) toward Solomon islands. He will be QRV as H44MS [425DXN 241]. The operations from Stewart/Sikaiana islands (OC-???) depend on transport. HK0 - From 13 to 20 February Bob, W7TSQ will be active from San Andres. He plans to join the ARRL CW DX Contest (17-18 February). QSL via home call (direct or bureau). HR - In March Bob, W7TSQ will be in Honduras: from 5 to 11 he will be ac- tive as W7TSQ/HR2 and from 12 to 18 as W7TSQ/HR6. QSL via home call (direct or bureau). IF9 - From 24 to 28 April the IQ8B Team (IK8NWK, IK8TEO, IK8TWP, IK8VRH, IW8BVN and IW8EAA) will be active from the following islands in the Egadi (EU-054) group: Favignana (24-28 April,IIA TP-011), Marettimo (25 April, TP-010), Levanzo (26 Aprile, TP-009), Scoglio Faraglione (27 April, TP-013), Scoglio del Rais (28 aprile, TP-???). 10 to 80 meters operations, WARC included, in CW, SSB and RTTY, and also on 2 meters. KG4 - Mark, KD4D wants to join the ARRL CW DX Contest (17-18 February) from Guantanamo Bay using the KG4NA call. LA/SM - From 15 to 19 February the stations SJ9WL and LG5LG, both located in Morokulien, will be activated by SM0DJZ. He plans to join the ARRL CW and the DARC HF RTTY Contests. For DXCC SJ9WL counts as Sweden and LG5LG as Norway. QSL via SM0DJZ. TO BE CONTINUED /EXI SB DX @ WW $425WW249B 425 DX News #249 [2/4] 10 February 1996 No.249 BID: $425WW249B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ & I1-21171 SECOND PART OZ - From 2 to 8 March Ullrich, OZ/DL2HEB/p will be active from Romo isl. (EU-125). P4 - Bob, K4UEE will join the ARRL CW DX Contest (17-18 February) using the call P40R, in the single operator all bands category. QSL via home call. PJ - From 16 to 23 March Bob (W9LNQ) and Dot (N9ALC) will be active from St. Maarten respectively as PJ7/W9LNO and PJ7/N9ALC. Operations in CW and SSB on all bands (WARC included). QSL via N9ALC. PY - The operations from Paz island [425DXN 247] have been postponed to this weekend. PY - From 15 to 25 February ZW5IZ will be active (in CW and SSB, from 10 to 80 meters) from Imbituba lighthouse (DFB SC-09). QSL via PP5VB (P.O. Box 13, Imbituba/SC, 88780-000, Brasil). PY - From 16 to 20 February ZW8P will be active from Grande Santa Isabel island (IOTA SA-025, DIB-19). CW and SSB operations from 10 to 80 meters. QSL via PS8DX (R. Arajuo Jr, Av. Dom Severino 846,Teresina/ PI, 64049-380, Brazil). PY0_tri- In early February PY1UP will be for four months at the Brazilian Naval Base on Trinidade island, from where he hopes to be active on all the bands as PY0TI. QSL via PY1UP (Joao Batista Guimaraes Mendonca, Rua Alfredo Becker 536, Bloco 5, apt 1101, Sao Goncalo/ RJ, 24452-000, Brazil). S0 - From 20 February Naama S01A, Arseli EA2JG and other operators will be active in SSB and CW using the S020R call. QSL via EA2JG (Arseli Echeguren. Las Vegas 91, 01479 Luyando. (Alava) Spain). SM - During February the special station 7S7JC will be active on all the bands to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the radio club SK7JC. QSL via SK7JC. TG - From 22 February Scott, KA9FOX will be again in Guatemala working as TG/KA9FOX from Juan's QTH, TG9AJR. Scott will join the ARRL DX SSB Contest (2-3 March) from Gerry's QTH, TG9GI using the special TD9IGI call. TI - From 20 February to 5 March Bob, W7TSQ will be active from Costa Ri- ca. QSL via home call (direct or via bureau). TJ - Francois, TJ1AG is every evening, from 20.00 to 23.00 UTC, on the A- frican DX-net on 7.065 MHz. QSL via F5RUQ (P.O.Box 104, 22650 Plou- balay, France). TU - G3SXW, G4FAM, K7GE, N7BG and WB7SRW will join the ARRL CW DX Contest (17-18 February) using the call TU5A. The 15 and 16 February they could be active using their home calls. QSL via W8AEF. V3 - Art (NN7A/V31JZ) and Mike (NG7S/V31RL), who from 3 to 14 February will be active from NA-123 and NA-180 [425DXN 236], will join the ARRL CW DX Contest (27-28 February) using the V31JZ call. QSL via NN7A. V4 - From 14 to 21 February Mike, N0BSH will be active from Nevis, proba- bly using the V47NZ call. He plans to join the ARRL DX CW Contest. All bands operations mainly in CW. QSL via home call (the right ad- dress is: Michael Tessmer, 1702 1/2 Loomis Street, La Crosse, Wi- sconsin 54603, USA). VK - From 16 to 21 May VK6LC and VK6DLB will be active from Lacepede is. (OC-???) [425DXN 237]. The Diamond DX Club is collecting funds to help Malcolm for this particularly dangerous IOTA DXpedition. It is possible send donations to I1HYW, DDXC Director (Gianni Varetto, P.O.Box 1, 10060 Pancalieri-TO, Italia). VK9_ck - The VK9CR operations (team by DL8WPX, DL3DXX, DK7YY and DL7UFN, see 425DXN 243, from Cocos-Keeling will occur from 13 to 22 February. QSL via DK7NP, direct (Rudi Hein, Am Uferholz 7, D-96047 Bamberg, Germany) or via bureau. VK9_xms- The VK9XY operations (team by DL8WPX, DL3DXX, DK7YY and DL7UFN, see 425DXN 243) from Christmas Island will prolong until 12 February. After the Cocos-Keeling operations (see VK9_ck) VK9XY will be active again the 23 and 24 February. QSL via DK7NP, direct (Rudi Hein, Am Uferholz 7, D-96047 Bamberg, Germany) or via bureau. VK9_xms- From 23 to 25 March Ken, AD4WF/JA1CMD will be active from Christmas Isl. as VK9XH. CW and SSB operations from 10 to 160 meters with par- ticular attention to WARC bands. QSL via home call or via AE4EZ. VK9_xms- VK9XL is active from Christmas Island. QSL via UA0ZDA. VK0_maq- Warren, VK0WH is still active but confirms that he has few spare ti- me. Warren prefers CW, because he has strong QRM on SSB. Jim, VK9NS has received the January logs and now he can confirm in a short whi- le. VP2E - From 12 to 20 February Will, AA4NC will be active from Anguilla as VP2EN. He plans to join (together with KI4HN) the ARRL DX CW Contest (17-18 February). Outside of the contest VP2EN he will be active in RTTY, particularly on 20, 40 and 80 meters. QSL via AA4NC. VP2E - From 28 February to 6 March VP2EZ (WA0PUJ), VP2ES (KC0ZC) and VP2E/N0ZSU will be active from Anguilla. They plan to join the ARRL SSB DX Contest (2-3 March) using the VP2E call. QSL via KC0ZC (CBA). VP2E - From 6 to 13 February Bill (W5SJ) and Bob (W5EUQ) will be active from Anguilla respectively as VP2ESJ and VP2EEU. The operations will occur in CW (1.828, 3.505, 7.005, 7.026, 14.005 MHz) and SSB (3.795 7.080 and 14.195), from 20 to 160 meters. QSL via home calls. VP2M - From 14 to 21 February Art, WA2UJH will be active from Montserrat as VP2MDY. The operations will mainly occur in CW, from 10 to 160 me- ters. QSL via NW8F. VP5 - Ken, K0PP and Lena, N7HKW want to join the ARRL CW DX Contest (17-18 February) from Turks and Caicos. The call is still unknown. VU_ant - The Indian Antarctic base VU2AXA is active. QSL via VU2DVC. W4 - From 17 to 24 February Nellie (XE1CI), Shirley (N5GGO), Wondy (K5KR) Stanley (W5JYK) and Mike (W5ZPA) will be active from Hilton Head Island (NA-110). XE - AA6DP, NF6H and other operators want to join the ARRL CW DX Contest (17-18 February) using the XE2EBE call in the multi-single category. XE - Until 12 February Oliver (XF3/OH2NSM), Henry (XF3/OH3JF) and Arno (XF3/OH7XM) will be active from Cancun island (not valid for IOTA). All bands operations, expecially in CW. XV - JA3UB, JR3MVF and JH3GRE, who from 9 to 15 February will be in Vietnam [425DXN 247], will also be active in RTTY, mainly on low bands. The call will be 3W6YL. QSL via JH3GRE (2 dollars or 1 IRC cover postal costs of a 10-gram envelope, airmail from Japan to Eu- rope, North and South America and Africa: cards with not enough con- tribution will be returned via surface mail or via bureau). XV - Nikolay, 3W5FM is currently in Moscow and plans to be active again in March. ZF - Dick, K3DI will join the ARRL CW DX Contest (17-18 February) using the call ZF2OP (QRP). QSL via K3DI. ZK1_sou- From 17 to 24 February Leo (K8PYD, who was active last November as ZL7PYD) and Paul (WT8S) will be active from Southern Cook islands respectively as ZK1PYD and ZK1WTS (two letters suffixes are for re- sidents). The operations will occur on all bands, mainly in CW and RTTY. The Northern Cook trip has been cancelled due to transporta- tion problems. ZL7 - From 9 to 16 February Antti, OH2BTB/OH5TB will be active from Cha- tham Islands. QSL via OH5TB. ZL7 - From 15 to 19 February Barry, G3MFW/ZS1JF will be active from Cha- tham islands (the call is still unknown). QSL via KA1JC. ZL8 - The Raoul Island expedition, Kermadec is. [425DXN 245], will occur from 4 to 14 May. Kermadecs are one of the "most wanted" Countries (sixth in the Italian chart) and the main goal of this expedition is to satisfy as many DXers as possible. All the operators are expert DXers, with many past activities and they will use all the propaga- tion openings toward Europe. The Kermadec DX Association still needs funds to loan the boat (25,000 US $) and donations can be sent to Ken Holdom (ZL2HU, expedition leader) at this address: Ken Holdom. P.O.Box 56099, Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand. Further information via Ken (ZL2HU@ZL2WA) or Ron Wills, ZL2TT, NZART DX Editor (e-mail: TO BE CONTINUED /EXI SB DX @ WW $425WW249C 425 DX News #249 [3/4] 10 February 1996 No.249 BID: $425WW249C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ & I1-21171 THIRD PART ************************ *************************** GOOD TO KNOW *************************** ************************ 9K2HN ---> HH2HM/F is no more the QSL manager of this station; card can be sent via bureau or directly to this address: Hamad J Al-Nusif, P.O.Box 29174, 13152, Safat, Kuwait. 9K2HN reports also that the Kuwaitian bureau has sent out the QSL of the last four months. ANDAMAN ---> Jim Smith, VK9NS has been working since November to make Mani, VU2JPS's activity accepted for DXCC. The Heard Island DX Association will donate to Mani, who lives in very bad conditions, many equipments (transcei- ver, beam, rotor) that will personally delivered by Jim. Mani will probably receive the new equipment in early April. Jim will pay the high custom's taxes (about 25% of the equipments value!). The HIDXA ask the international DX community an aid to meet these costs: donations must mention "Project Andaman" and can be sent to HIDXA,P.O.Box 90, Norfolk Island, Australia 2899. DX DINNER ---> The 17 May, at the Stouffer Renaissance Hotel (Dayton, Ohio), there will be the 11th Annual DX Dinner, by Southwest Ohio DX Association. For further information contact Steve Bolia, N8BJQ tel (513) 429-9954, fax (513) 429-0218, GAZA & JERICHO ---> As for these possible new ones, Arie, 4X6UO reports that residents in Gaza and Jericho will not obtain a prefix from ITU before 1997. HEARD ISLAND 1997 ---> The expedition plans to group the team in Reunion Isl. leaving toward Heard the 3 January 1997. The operations from Heard will start the 12 January ending the 28th. They will return to Reunion on February 5th. The boat has been found.It's the Marion Dufresne II: built for the TAAF/IFRTP (French Australian and Antarctic Lands/French Institute for the Polar Re- searches and Technologies) and actives in June 1995, it is a ship that can afford bad weather conditions. The loan of the Marion Dufresne II is 200,000 dollars "all included" (this means transportations to/from Heard, with heli- copters). The operators will be Michel Sabatino (EA8AFJ), Vincent Denecker (G0LMX), Willy Rusch (HB9AHL), Ted Algren (KA6W), Ralph Fedor (K0IR), Bob Allphin (K4UEE), Mike McGirr (K9AJ), Robert Schmieder (KK6EK), Bob Fabry (N6EK), Carlos Nascimento (NP4IW), Peter Casier (ON6TT), Arie Nugteren (PA3DUU), Igor Harry Buklan (RA3AUU), Glenn Vinson (W6OTC), Wes Lamboley (W8FMG), Glenn Johnson (WA0PUJ), Al Hernandez (WA3YVN) and James Brooks (9V1YC). Last two operators will be choosed from Japan and Australia. HL9DC ---> The 16 January Del, W8KJP/HL9DC returned in U.S. During the past two years he logged more than 18,000 QSO, all CW. Del has also joined the CQ WW CW Contest 1995 with the HL9CW call. QSL via N7RO MOROKULIEN AWARD ---> It is issued for contacts with SJ9WL and LG5LG (see LA/ SM). The DX stations must work each call, once in different days, also on the same band; the other stations must work each call twice in two days and on two different bands (total 4 QSOs). The award costs 5 US $ or 10 IRC and QSLs are not necessary. Further information from SM0DJZ, to whom request have to be sent. MOUNT ATHOS ---> VE3HO, DXAC Chairman, reports that votation on Mount Athos status has been postponed sine die. When the status will be discussed again by DXAC, the only options will be to confirm or withdrawn (not delete) Mount Athos from the DXCC Countries List. ROTUMA ---> 3D2AA is the first Rotuma native to have an amateur licence. QSL via VE6VK. SFDXA ---> The South Florida DX Association elected for 1996 WU2W (President) KR4GJ (VicePresident), K7UJP (Treasury), N4OLE (Secretary), WA4YLD, WS4E, WB4MAI, KP4AM (Directors). T30DP/T31 ---> This station was active in January on the following bands: 3 January (20 and 17 meters), 4 January (20, 15 and 40 meters), 5 January (15, 17 and 40 meters), 6 January (20, 30, 80 and 40 meters) 7 January (80, 20 and 15 meters), 8 January (20, 80 and 15 meters), 11 January (30, 40, 80 ande 160 meters), 12 January (20, 40, 80 and 160 meters), 19 January (30,40, 80 and 160 meters). QSL via VK4FW (ex VK4CRR): Bill Horner, 26 Iron Street, Gympie, QLD 4570, Australia. VS6WO ---> The QSL manager of this station is K9EC, whose new address is: Mi- chael Zeug, 3850 Sugar Pike Road, Canton, GA 30115, USA. VI100GM ---> From 5 to 11 December 1995 the VK1 Division of the Wireless In- stitute of Australia activated the special VI100GM station, to celebrate the first centennial of the radio. More than 900 contacts were made on all HF bands, in CW and SSB. QSL via the VK1 bureau, or via direct to VK1FF (Jim Muller, 40 Garrick St, Fadden, ACT 2904, Australia) or WB2FFY (Jim Muller, RD#1 Box 129a, Greene, NY 13778, USA). Those who want to receive the certificate send their QSL and 5 US $ to VK1 bureau or to VK1FF. VO2/KB4GYT ---> Paul, KB4GYT reports that VO2/KB4GYT QSL for DX stations have all been sent via bureau. + SILENT KEY + Last week Ferruccio Ferretti, IK1BOD, passed away. He was one of the most active members of the 425 DX Gang. QSL received via direct : 8R1AK/p (SA-068), CE0Z, FT5ZF, IH9/IK0XBX (AF-018), IY1TTM, IZ9ARI, OY6A, V63BM, YA9XL, YE8I (OC-208) QSL received via WF5E DX QSL service: 3DA0CA, 3V8BB, 5R8FA, 5R8FA/p (AF-057), 5U7Y, 5X1XT, VE3MJQ/9X5, CP8XA, K4TVE/CY9, ES1QD/0 (EU-034), FY5GJ, HK/K1WGM, HK0EFU/HK0 (NA-049), EO50HZ, F/HH2MM/p, J75A, J87FT, JW0C, K2OLG/m (NA-058, NA-076), KG4AG, WB8GEJ/PJ7, N5UR/c (NA-089), R1FJZ, RA0FA (AS-018), RS0F (AS-018), S0RASD, S07URE, ST2AA, T33K, TU4EY, V73Y, VP8CBE, WH0AAV, XF3/K7DBV XF3/XE3RKK (NA-200), XJ1CWI (NA-154), XT2CH, YK0A, ZK3RW **************************************************************************** * 425 DX NEWS * * DX info weekly bulletin * * edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Maurizio Bertolino I1-21171 * **************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HLI, I1HYW, I1SNW, IK1IYU, IK2CHZ, IK2FIQ, IK2ULV, IK2WXQ, IK3ASM, IK4XQM, I5FLN, IW6MTM, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, IK8VRH, IT9BLB, IK0XBX, Brescia DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DC3MF, DL2HEB, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL9GOA, EA3AOC, EA5KB, EI6FR, F5PYI, F6AJA, G3XJS, G4BUE, JH3GRE, JI6KVR, K8JRK, K9EC/4, KK6EK, KF7AY, KK6H, N7DYX, N7RO, N8BJQ, N0BSH, NL7TB, ON6TT, PS7AB, PS7KM, SM0DJZ, TJ1AG, VE6VK, VE7CC, VK1FF/WB2FFY, VK3OT, VK9NS, W4BAA, W7TSQ, WA0PUJ, WD8MGQ, WE9V, WL7MY, YV5DTA, ZL2HU, 9K2HN, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY DX. **************************************************************************** * Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to * * Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) * **************************************************************************** * INTERNET e-mail : or * * 425 WWW Page --> * * INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: * * - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/ * **************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ARRL HQ BBS USA : 860-594-0306 CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 TO BE CONTINUED /EXI SB DX @ WW $425WW249D 425 DX News #249 [4/4] 10 February 1996 No.249 BID: $425WW249D ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till ?? 8P9DX * by VA3DA 245 till 29/02 9A * by K4XU 247 till mid Feb C6AGN * by KM1E 236 till ?? ED0BAE: So. Shetland (AN-010) (WABA EA-01) 245 till ?? FR5ZQ/G 247 till Feb 97 FT5WF & FT5WE * by F5SZK & F5IJT 239 till end Feb FY/DJ0PJ/qrp 249 till ?? H44MS * by DL2GAC 249 till February LU6Z: South Orkney Is. (AN-008) (WABA LU-14) 241 till 17/02 P4/K2LE 245 till 01/04 PJ9JT: Curacao * by W1BIH 242 till May PY0TI: Trindade * by PY1UP 249 till ?? R1ANT: Molodezhnaja Base - Antarctica (WABA UA-06) 247 till April TN7OT * by AL7OT 243 till 01/04 TU4DA * by F5UJQ 238 till 12/02 VK9XY: Christmas Isl. * by DL8WPX,DL3DXX,DK7YY,DL7UFN 249 till Dec 96 VK0WH: Macquarie 238 till 16/02 VP2ESJ & VP2EEU * by W5SJ & W5EUQ 249 till ?? VU2AXA: Indian Antartic Base 249 till 12/03 XF3: Cancun Isl. * by OH2NSM, OH3JF, OH7XM 249 till March YV7/I5DCE: Margarita Isl. (SA-012) 236 till 21/02 ZSM6A * special event station 247 04/02-13/02 ZY3CEJ: Furado Isl. (DIB 62) 247 08/02-15/02 8P9EN * by VE4GV 249 09/02-15/02 3W6YL * by JA3UB, JR3MVF. JH3GRE 247 09/02-14/02 V31JZ, V31RL, V31VI: South Water Caye (NA-180) 236 09/02-16/02 ZL7: Chatham Is. * by OH2BTB & OH5TB 249 10/02-11/02 PY: Paz Isl. (NO-REF) (DIB 63) * PY's team 249 10/02-11/02 PACC Contest *** 11/02-19/02 VP5/K8JP 247 12/02-31/03 FO5VO: Tahiti (OC-046) * by N6VO 249 12/02-05/03 FS * by WX9E 249 12/02-20/02 VP2EN * by AA4NC & KI4HN 249 13/02-20/02 HK0: San Andres * by W7TSQ 249 13/02-22/02 VK9CR: Cocos Keeling Isl. * by DL's team 249 14/02-20/02 8Q7YV & 8Q7ZR * by HB9CYV & HB9CZR 247 14/02-19/02 V3 * by NS0B, WC0W, WG9L 247 14/02-21/02 V47NZ * by N0BSH 249 14/02-21/02 VP2MDY * by WA2UJH 249 15/02-19/02 SJ9WL & LG5LG: Morokulien * by SM0DJZ 249 15/02-19/02 ZL7: Chatham Is. * by G3MFW/ZS1JF 249 15/02-25/02 ZW5IZ (DFB SC-09) 249 16/02-01/03 3B8 * by DK1RP 247 16/02-18/02 LU: Los Riachos Is. (SA-???) * by LU's team 245 16/02-20/02 ZW8P: Isola Grande Santa Isabel (SA-025) (DIB-19) 249 17/02-18/02 GM3POI: Orkney Is. (EU-009) 247 17/02-18/02 HK0K1WGM: San Andres Is. 247 17/02-18/02 KG4NA: Guantanamo Bay * by KD4D 249 17/02-18/02 P40R * by K4UEE 249 17/02-18/02 TU5A * by G3SXW, G4FAM, K7GE, WB7SRW 249 17/02-18/02 V31JZ * by NN7A & NG7S 249 17/02-18/02 VP5 * by K0PP & N7HKW 249 17/02-24/02 W4: Hilton Head Isl. (NA-110) * XE1CI & W5's team 249 17/02-18/02 XE2EBE * by AA6DP & NF6H 249 17/02-18/02 ZF2OP * by K3DI 249 17/02-24/02 ZK1PYD & ZK1WTS: So. Cook Is. * by K8PYD & WT8S 249 17/02-18/02 ARRL International DX CW Contest *** 18/02-26/02 FT_W: Crozet Isl. * by FR5HR 249 18/02-22/02 KH8/IK2GNW 245 19/02-04/03 CU * by DL4XS & DL3KDV 249 19/02-13/03 S79XC * by G0IXC 245 20/02-02/04 9M8CC: Sarawak (OC-088) * by PB0ALB 227 20/02-20/03 A35RK: (OC-49, OC-169, OC-064) * by KK6H 247 20/02-?? S020R: Western Sahara * by S01A & EA2JG 249 20/02-05/03 TI * by WA7TSQ 247 20/02-28/02 XZ * by OH1MA, OH1RY, OH2BN, OH0XX 247 22/02-05/03 FS * by N0BSH & WE9V 249 22/02-March TG/KA9FOX 249 23/02-25/02 5W1NW * by IK2GNW 245 23/02-24/02 F: Chasey Is. (EU-039) * by G3SJJ & G3SWH 249 23/02-24/02 VK9XY: Christmas Isl. * by DL8WPX,DL3DXX,DK7YY,DL7UFN 249 23/02-25/02 CQ WW DX 160 meter SSB Contest *** 24/02-25/02 REF - French SSB Contest *** 24/02-25/02 UBA - CW Contest *** 25/02-29/02 A35NW * by IK2GNW 245 26/02-04/03 V3 * by W1HL 242 28/02-06/03 VP2E * by WA0PUJ, KC0ZC, N0ZSU 249 February-Sep 5R * by F2JD 245 February 5X * by ON6TT 247 February-March HR5/N4MO 249 end February J68AD * by YT1AD 247 February OA0MP: Machu Picchu - So. Shetland (WABA OA-01) 247 February VU7: Andaman Is. * by VK9NS ??? 240 February-March XJ8OT: Booth Isl. (NA-???) 228 01/03-12/03 FT_X: Kerguelen Isl. * by FR5HR 249 01/03-10/03 3V8BB * by DL8HYR 247 01/03-03/03 KH6/IK2GNW 245 02/03-08/03 OZ/DL2HEB/p: Romo Isl. (EU-125) 249 02/03-03/03 V2 * by YT1AD 243 02/03-03/03 ARRL International DX SSB Contest *** /EXI