DX425 bulletin issue nr. 245

SB DX@WW $425WW245A
425 DX News #245 [1/6]
13 January 1996                    No 245                   BID: $425WW245A

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               edited by I1JQJ

3D2    - From 25 January to 1 February JI3CEY will be active from Fiji Is.
3V     - From 13 to 21 January  Albert, F2KN will be in Tunisia  trying to be
         active in SSB from 3V8BB station.
5N     - The 5N4OTB  operations from Bonny Island (NO-REF) [425DXN 240 & 242]
         should start on 26 January for three or four days.
5R     - Gerard, F2JD  is moving to  Madagascar  [425DXN 242], where he  will
         probably stay until  September.   Gerard plans  to  be  active  from
         February  with all bands  operations (WARC included)  in CW, SSB and
         RTTY. QSL via F6AJA.
5W     - From 23 to 25 Febraury, Adriano, IK2GNW will be active from  Western
         Samoa. The call, probably 5W1NW,  will be locally  assigned. He will
         use an IC-706, 1 KW amplifier, wire antennas and an R7. All bands o-
         perations from 10 to 160 meters  (6 meters included)  mainly in SSB,
         but Adriano  plans to be active  in RTTY and CW also. Particular at-
         tention will be given  to Europe, expecially  on low bands: the sked
         is at 16.30 UTC on 80 meters (when the pile-up is high, Adriano will
         transmit above 3.8 MHz, split down). QSL via IK2GNW: Adriano prefers
         different envelopes for each operation (see A35, KH6, KH8).
8P     - From 20 January Glenn, VA3DA (ex VE3ICR), will  be active as  8P9DX,
         from Chris's QTH, 8P9EM. QSL via home call.
9N     - It seems that Shin, 9N1SW has the  permission to operate on 160 mtrs
         too. Find him around 1.824 MHz starting  from 21 UTC. QSL via JH1XUP
         Yoshimi Maeda, 2-18-15 Inokashira, Mitaka, Tokyo, 181 Japan.
A3     - From 25 to 29  February Adriano, IK2GNW  will be  active from Tonga.
         The  call, probably A35NW,  will be locally assigned. QSL via IK2GNW
         (see 5W, KH6, KH8).
C6     - From 13 to 20 January, Andy,  K2LE, will be portable C6A from  Eleu-
         thera Island (NA-001). QSL via home call.
CY0    - Mike (VE9AA), Ken (WA8JOC) and Wayne (W9OEH), together with  another
         Canadian operator, are planning a DXpedition to Sable Island to take
         place at the end of June with the CY0AA call  [425DXN 236]. They are
         still looking for other 15 thousand  dollars for the  operation that
         will work  from 6 to 160  meters. The contribution  collection  will
         start from March: for the present it is possible to send Ken, WA8JOC
         a letter and pledge oneself to sent the contribution when necessary. If in
         If in  March  the pledges  are not sufficient, the  activity will be 
         postponed to 1997. The letters  (write  the  exact  amount  of  your
         contribution and your phone or fax for the pledge to be verified can 
         be  sent to  Kenneth S. Scheper 5875  Cedaridge  Drive,  Cincinnati,  
         OH 45247-7438, USA (tel/fax 513-598-6887).
EA7    - EA7BJ will be active the 21 January from La Sal  Grande  island (DIE
         S-212). QSL via EA7BJ.
EA_ssh - The station ED0BAE will be  active starting from 15 January from the
         Spanish  antarctic base Juan Carlos I, located on Livingston Island,
         South Shetland Is. (IOTA AN-010, WABA EA-01).
F      - From 23 to 24 March Phil, G3SWH and Chris, G3SJJ will be active from
         Chausey islands (EU-039) using the F/G3SWH call. CW only  operations
         from 17 to 80 meters. QSL via G3SWH.
FT     - Ed, W4MGN  is  currently at Reunion island. He should be leaving the 
         island  the  12th  of  February  to Crozet and then to Kerguelen and 
G      - During  the whole 1996  some International  Short Wave League (ISWL)
         members will use the special GB50SWL call, to celebrate the 50th an-
         niversary  of ISWL foundation. In January Dick, G2BRR will be the o-
         perator. QSL via G0DBX.
G      - During the whole 1996 some Ariel Radio  Group members (the BBC radio
         club) will use the special GB60BBC call, to celebrate the 60th anni-
         versary of  the first  hi-definition TV transmissions.  QSL via RSGB
         bureau or direct to each operator.
GM     - Due to bad weather conditions Keith G0FDJ has postponed to 15 Janua-
         ry  the planned activity from Skye Island (EU-008) [425DXN 242]. The
         call will be GM0FDJ/P for CW only operations.
HV     - On 20 January Massimo, IK6RUM will be active in SSB from HV4NAC sta-
         tion.  QSL  via IK0FVC: Francesco Valsecchi,  Via Bitossi 21,  00136
SB DX@WW $425WW245B
425 DX News #245 [2/6]
13 January 1996                    No 245                   BID: $425WW245B

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               edited by I1JQJ

J7     - From evening  (local time) of 20 to 25  January Scott  (N9JCL),  Tom
         (K0SN), Paul  (WC9E) and Jim (AA9PB) will  be active  from  Dominica
         working from 10 to 160 meters (WARC included) all modes.  They  plan
         to use also the RS-12 satellite. Particular attention will  be given
         to RTTY and on 80 and 160 meters CW. QSL via K0SN.
KH4    - On  15  January  Bill  Myerson,  NH6D will be back to Midway for two 
         weeks (he has been already active last December  [425DXN 238]).  40, 
         80 and 160 meters operations, in SSB and CW. Bill has sent more than 
         2000  QSLs  for  the  December  activity.  For January operation the 
         manager is KL7H/W6.
KH4    - A group of amateurs mainly from U.S.  are planning an  expedition in
         March to Midway, from where they will work all bands/modes.
KH6    - From  1 to 3 March  Adriano,  KH6/IK2GNW will be active from Hawaii.
         QSL via IK2GNW (see 5W, A35, KH8).
KH6    - From 18 to 22 February Adriano,  KH8/IK2GNW will be active from Ame-
         rican Samoa. QSL via IK2GNW (see 5W, A35, KH8).
KH9    - Due to transportation problems, the expedition by Dateline DX  Asso-
         ciation [425DXN 240] has been postponed of a week and it's now plan-
         ned from 1 to 7 February. The call will be AL7EL/KH9. QSL via AL7EL.
KH0    - JA2DHG, JA2IVY, WK3D/JF2KOZ and JH2BHL are portable KH0 from Mariana
KP2    - Until 10 January Gerald, K9BG and  Bob, KS9W have been  portable WP2
         from U.S. Virgin Islands. QSL via home calls.
LU     - From 16 to 18 February the Radio Club 9 de Julio that in November 93
         activated SA-065, will  be QRV from Los Riachos island (SA-022). QSL
         via IK2HTW.
LU_ant - LU1ZB is  active from Argentinian antarctic base  Des. Navy Melchior
         (WABA LU-05), located on Anvers Island (AN-012).
P4     - From 31 January to 17 February, Andy, K2LE, will be portable P4 from
PA     - Enno (PA0ERA),  Henry (PA3DUA) and Peter  (PA3FNE) will join next CQ
         WW 160 meters Contest using the PA6Z call.
PJ2    - The 26-28 January  George (W8UVZ), Charlie  (W0CD) and George (K8GG)
         will join the CQ WW 160 CW Contest from Curacao,  Netherlands Antil-
         les, probably with the PJ9Z call. QSL direct or via  bureau to W8UVZ
         (271  Parkshore Drive, Battle  Creek, MI 49017,  USA). From 23 to 30
         January, before and after the Contest, the operators should use PJ2/
         home call, mainly on low and WARC  bands. For  QSO before  and after the
         Contest, QSL to respective homecalls (direct or via bureau).  W8UVZ,
         W0CD and  K8GG are members of the group that builds the Battle Creek
         antennas, used in many DXpeditions for low bands contacts.
PY8    - Until 17 January Teresinha, PS8YL/PR8 is active from Sao Luiz island
         (SA-016, DIB-07). Find her on 14.260 MHz after 18.00 UTC and on Bra-
         zil  DX  Net. QSL via  Teresinha V. Nobre,  Rua C 2103,  Jardim  Ae-
         roporto, 64200-970, Parnaiba/PI, Brazil.
SB DX@WW $425WW245C
425 DX News #245 [3/6]
13 January 1996                    No 245                   BID: $425WW245C

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               edited by I1JQJ

S7     - From 19 February  to 13 March Jim, G0IXC will be active from Praslin
         Island (AF-024)  using the S79XC  call. SSB operations on 10, 15, 20
         and  40 meters, with particular attention  to IOTA  frequencies. QSL
         via home call.
SY     - Monk  Apollo, SV2ASP/A,  will be QRV on 160 meters Sunday 14 January 
         at 17.00 UTC.
T31    - T30DP will be in Kanton for a few weeks, Central Kiribati,from where 
         he is active as T30DP/T31. QSL via VK4CRR.
T32    - Norbert, DF6FK has cancelled the trip to Central  Kiribati (T31) and
         he will continue the activity until 16  January, mainly on 40 meters
         CW, as T32BB. QSL via home call.
T32    - Until  16 January T32Z is active from East  Kiribati. He is normally
         QRV for Europe on  40 meters  CW around 07.00  UTC. He  doesn't work
         lists and doesn't like "last 2 letters" calls. QSL only via N7YL.
UA_ant - Alex and Olga  are the R1ANT  operators (active  daily starting from
         02.30  UTC on 14.255 and 14.005/14.00  MHz), located in the multina-
         tional antarctic base Patriot Hills  (WABA  MN-01, 80.12S-80.05W).
V2     - On 20 January Scott (N9JCL), Tom (K0SN), Paul (WC9E) and Jim (AA9PB)
         will be in Antigua during the trip towards  Dominica  (see  J7). All
         modes/bands  operations (WARC included) and via satellite RS-12. QSL
         via K0SN.
W4     - Until  25 January  Larry,  N4VA/M  will  be active from several IOTA
         and/or US.I islands located in South Carolina, Georgia and  Florida.  
         QSL via home call: Larry Vogt, Box 12, Springfield, VA 22150, USA.
XV     - Rolf,  XV7SW  has installed an Inverted L for 80 and 160 meters, and 
         should install  an  Inverted  V  for 40 meters as well.  His licence 
         has  frequency  restrictions  and he is allowed to be active only on 
         the  following: 1.827, 3.505, 7.013, 14.016, 14.021, 21.016, 21.019, 
         28.016  and  28.019 MHz.  QSL via  Rolf T. Salme, Embassy of Sweden, 
         Box 9, Hanoi, Vietnam o via SM3CXS.
XW     - The 16 January  Adri, PA3BWS  will be for  family reasons in Savanna
         Khet, Laos, trying to  have a licence  from local  authorities for a
         possible activity in 1997
ZF     - From 7 to 12 March Bob, G3PJT will be active from 10 to 80 meters as
ZL8    - The Kermadaec DX  Association, that is planning a DXpedition to Ker-
         madec islands for next May [425DXN 240], has received the permission
         for landing  and working from Raoul  Island. The call is  ZL8RI. The
         all bands/modes operations will be 11 day  long. The operators  will
         be Chris Hannagan (ZL2DX), Ron Wills (ZL2TT),  Lee Jennings (ZL2AL),
         Ken Holdom (ZL2HU) and Al Hernandez  (WA3YVN). A sixth operator will
         replace Ron (ZL1AMO), who is not  joining  the  expedition.  All the
         operators are expert DXers. They currently  need   other 25 thousand
         dollars for the boat. Contributions can be sent to:  The Kermadec DX
         Association, c/o Mr. Ken Holdom, P.O.  Box 56099, Tawa,  Wellington,
         New Zealand.
ZP     - From 23 to 30 January a group of  six operators will  be active with
         the special ZP73Y call. QSL via ZP5WYV.
ZS     - From afternoon UTC of 26 January to morning UTC of 29  January Barry
         (ZS1FJ,  active in the past as ZL8/G4MFW and VR6AB), Dennis (ZS1AU),
         Maurice (ZS1ESC), Frank (ZS1CM) and Al  (ZS1JC) will activate Robben
         Island (AF-064). Operations from 10 to 80 meters (WARC included) and
         on 6 meters  in SSB, CW, RTTY  and via satellite.  The call  will be
         ZS64RI.  QSL  via  KA1JC: Phyllis  Davis,  5282 Boyle  Terrace, Port
         Charlotte, FL 33981.
ZS     - In  March  Barry, ZS1FJ   hopes  to  activate an  island in the CAPE 
         PROVINCE SOUTH COAST group (AF-???).
SB DX@WW $425WW245D
425 DX News #245 [4/6]
13 January 1996                    No 245                   BID: $425WW245D

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               edited by I1JQJ

ARRL NEWS ---> The  DXAC vote about the  possible deletion  of Mount Athos is
planned in February.

DXCC DESK ---> Documentation has been received and approved for:
CN2NI          D2RU           DU1/SM5ENX     HI/DL1DA       HS0ZCJ
HS/DF8AN       HS/KM4P        J3J            J3X            J3Y
TT8BP          TY8G           VK9LX          VK9LZ          VK9NM
VK9XRS         VR2/DF8AN      VU2/DJ9RB      XT2DP          XZ1A
XY1HT          XZ1X           XZ1Z           ZA5B           ZA9B
ZA/PB0AIO      ZA/PA0HTR      ZK1DI          ZL7CW          ZL7PYD
ZV0TI          3A/IK1OWC      3A/I2MOV       3A/I1ZB        3A/I8FXT
3W5FM          4B9CQ          6Y5/DL1DA      7P8CW          7Q7DC
8Q7CW          9J2CE          9N1AN          9N1SXW         9R1A

+++ SILENT KEY +++ We are sad to learn of the passing of Bert  Moroz  (W8QFR)
Top  Honor Roll; of Enzo Bruno (I0EHO) and Pedro  Castellano  Hurle (EA1EBK),
both DXers and DXpeditioniers to IOTA, IIA and DIE islands.

                      D.I.B. - BRAZILIAN ISLANDS AWARD List
                              Updated 31 December 1995

ISL   CALL     MODE                     ISL   CALL     MODE
52    PP5SZ    PHONE                    36    PS7AB    PHONE
35    PT2TF    PHONE                    34    D44BS    PHONE
30    W9DC     MIXED                    30    PY2DBU   MIXED
30    PY2AE    MIXED                    30    PT2NP    MIXED
30    CT1AHU   PHONE                    30    4Z4DX    MIXED
26    PY8EA    MIXED                    25    PT7VBN   PHONE
23    CT1UE    PHONE (S.K.)             22    PY3CEM   PHONE
22    PT7BI    PHONE                    22    PS8ET    PHONE
21    VE3XN    MIXED                    21    PP5LL    PHONE
21    PP5AVM   CW                       21    IK8OZZ   MIXED
21    IK1GPG   MIXED                    21    HH2HM/F  PHONE
21    HB9BVV   PHONE                    21    EA5BKH   PHONE
21    EA3KB    PHONE                    21    DE0MST   SWL
20    UB5ECE   PHONE                    20    PY5PS    PHONE
20    PY4WZ    MIXED                    20    PY2CC    MIXED
20    PT7YS    PHONE                    20    PT2AZ    MIXED
20    PS8YL    PHONE                    20    PP5SC    PHONE
20    PP5DU    MIXED                    20    PP2MLP   PHONE
20    N1CNS    PHONE                    20    IK0OEG   PHONE
20    I8YRK    MIXED                    20    I1JQJ    MIXED
20    HB9CZW   PHONE                    20    CT4UW    PHONE

***************************    GOOD TO KNOW...   ***************************

9J2BO ---> The new address of this station is:  Brian Otter, P.O.  Box 34554,
Lusaka, Zambia.

9R1A and 9Q2L ---> Alex, PA3DMH reports that QSL  for 9R1A  operations during
the CQWW  SSB Contest 1995 and for 9Q2L are in print. All the direct requests
will soon be sent. 9Q2L plans to use the 9R1A call  during the 1996  ARRL  DX
Contests. QSL via PA3DMH.

CY0TP ---> Wayne,  VE1CBK,  QSL manager  for CY0TP from Sable Island, reports
that QSL  will  be  sent  starting  from  mid-January.  For  direct  requests
the address is:  Wayne Edward King, 63 Brook St, Lake  Fletcher, NS, B2T 1A5,
Canada. Postage is 52 cents (for U.S.) or 90 cents  (for other countries) and
Wayne therefore suggests sending a SAE + 1 IRC or 1 US$, or using the Bureau.

DL6ZFG --->  Rolf, DL6ZFG  (Rolf Rahne,  Box  15, D-39241  Gommern,  Germany)
prefers to receive Bureau requests for the stations he is manager for:

Call               Dal           Al
4K2BY              1 Jan 1993    31 Dec 1994
4K2OKV             1 Jan 1991    31 May 1993
4K2/4K4BAT         1 Jan 1992    31 Jul 1993
4K4BAT             1 Jan 1992    31 Jul 1993
4K4BAT/A             only March-April  1993
4K4BEU             1 Jan 1990    31 Oct 1993
4K4BEU/A               only May    1993
4K4BEU/P               only July   1993
4K4BEM             1 Jan 1991    31 Aug 1993
4K4BG              1 Jan 1991    31 Oct 1993
UV3CC/UA1P         1 Jan 1989    31 Mar 1989
4K2/UV3CC          1 Dec 1990    30 Apr 1991
4K2CC              1 Jan 1992    31 Mar 1992
UM8MY              1 Jan 1991    30 May 1993
RM8MW              1 Jan 1991    31 Dec 1993
UL0ACI                 only August 1990
UL7ACI             1 Jan 1990    30 Sep 1993
UL0A               1 Jan 1991    30 Sep 1993
UN0AA              1 Oct 1993    31 Dec 1993
R100R              only May    1995 (EU-133)
RA9LI/9            only Jul-Sep 1995 (AS-089)

For  contacts made with UN0AA after 31 December 1993, QSL goes via home call.
For contacts made with EX8F QSL goes via DL8FCU.  Logs of these stations have
been closed: UL7OE, UL7AAE,  RL7AA,  RA6WF,  UF6FKW,  4L1FKW,  R7RG,  UL1RWR,
UL8AWL,  RE92C  (QSL therefore is via their home calls).
SB DX@WW $425WW245E
425 DX News #245 [5/6]
13 January 1996                    No 245                   BID: $425WW245E

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               edited by I1JQJ

IH9/IK0XBX ---> Francesco,  IK0XBX reports that all QSL for his activity from
Pantelleria will sent via direct or bureau in mid-January.

IRA AWARD --->  In  1996  the Icelandic Radio Association celebrates its 50th
anniversary issuing an Award to OM and SWL. It is necessary to QSO or  HRD at  
least 7  (for TF stations) or 2  (for other countries) TF  stations (the  /TF 
calls are not valid). QSO/HRD on any band/mode between 00.00 UTC of 1 January 
and 23.59 UTC of  31 December 1996.  It is possible to ask for mode  or  band 
endorsements.  To  receive  the award  (it  costs 5 US $ or 8 IRCs) send  the 
the log, before the end  of 1997, to  IRA Awards  Manager, Brynjolful Jonsson 
(TF5BW), P.O. Box 121, IS-602 Akureyri, Iceland.

KD7P ---> At the end of 1996 Bob, KD7P will  close the logs  for his last  15
years  of activities with  operations from  NH7, NH4, NH5, KC4, 5W1, NH6, OA,
LU, KP4, KC6 and also  KA2DX, KA2IJ, KA2MI.  In doubt send Bob an  e-mail to:

PY0FZ ---> Fred,  PY7ZZ/PY0FZ reports  that during his activity from Fernando
de  Noronha he logged  3901 QSO, 518 on 160 meters.  No contacts on 15 and 30
meters.The QSLs are ready and Fred hopes to start sending them before the end
of the month.

VE, SPECIAL PREFIXES ---> Until 24.00 UTC of 29  February  Canadian  amateurs
may use special prefixes to celebrate the end of Holocaust. Prefixes can vary
as follows: VA2 becomes CG2,  VA3-CG3, VA7-CG7,  VE1-CF1,  VE2-CF2,  VE3-CF3,
VE4-CF4,  VE5-CF5,  VE6-CF6,  VE7-CF7,  VE8-CF8,  VE9-CF9,  VO1-CZ1, VO2-CZ2,
VY1-CK1, VY2-CK2.

VK0WH ---> Jim, VK9NS reports that he has received via  fax  Warren's (VK0WH)
logs.  VK0WH  is  currently active from Macquarie  Island. Logs cover from 26 
November to 31 December, during this period Warren logged about 200 QSOs.  In 
the  future  Warren will  send the logs to Jim once a month. Jim has also got 
the QSLs from the printer and he is therefore able to start confirmations. 
Some  pirate  operations  have  been spotted on 40 meters CW the 5, 16 and 25 
December 1995 always around 10.00/11.00 UTC.

YA9XL ---> Yan, F5TCN has received the logs for YA9XL operations from  1 to 9
December 1995.  Yan will try to obtain the documentation to be sent to ARRL.

ZF1RC ---> The 23 December  Roger  Corbin's  (ZF1RC)  house  was  damaged  by
a lightning. No person has been involved but Roger will be inactive until the
repairs and he will slowly answer to QSL.

ZS1FJ ---> Between 1996 and 1997  Barry Fletcher plans different DXpeditions.
In January and March two  South African IOTA islands  are planned (see above)
while in May he  should be on Agalega (3B6). In November Barry should like to
go  back  to  Kermadec  (ZL8) and in 1997 there are plans for a big operation 
from Bouvet (3Y5).

QSL received via direct : 4D63RG, 4U/KC0PA, 6Y5/G3XAQ, 9G1YR, AK1L  (NA-055),
AP2N,  BY0AA,  CZ9UL,  DU97RG,  EG9A  (AF-069),  F5XL/TK/P  (EU-014,  EU-100,
EU-164), IA1/IK1EDC, IA1/IK1JJB, IA5S (6mt), IL7/IK8RMB (EU-050),  IM0/IS0KEB
(IIA NU-016),  KA5TQF/p  (NA-143),  KC6GB,  LR3F,  OJ0/OH8AA,  V31DX,  VK9LZ,
WY6/IK1GPG (NA-066), WH0ABC, YE50RI, ZY3CEJ (DIB 62)

QSL received via WF5E DX QSL service: 3V8BB, 4U/KC0PA, 9M6NA (OC-133),  9M0A,
BV9AYA (AS-103), BZ5HAN, HK0TCN, J20UFT (AF-053), YW0RCV (NA-020)

*                              425 DX NEWS                                 *
*                        DX info weekly bulletin                           *
*      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Paolo Garavaglia, IK1NLZ      *
*       with  the  contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171        *
              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
IK6BMU, IK7AFM, IK7TAJ, I0ZV, IK0XBX, IK0YYY, IS0JMA, Brescia DX Group, Delta
Mike, Diamond DX Club,  Roman DX Group,  AH0W/OH2LVG, CT1ENQ, DC3MF,  DL7VOA,
PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY DX.
* Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
*             Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)            *
*                  INTERNET e-mail :  I121171@amsat.org                    *
*        425 WWW Page -->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html     *
*                   INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site:                    *
*  www-dx.deis.unibo.it  - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/  *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
                  * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *
                      TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751
                      DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613
                       SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422
                      ARRL HQ BBS USA :  203-666-0578
                      CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921
                HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677
                       WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183
SB DX@WW $425WW245F
425 DX News #245 [6/6]
13 January 1996                                                      no.245
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  18/01      4L1R * by UA3JR/3                                      243
till  15/01      9G5BQ * by PA3GBQ                                      242
till  14/01      A71AN * by DL9FCQ                                      225
till  mid Feb    C6AGN * by KM1E                                        236
till  Feb 97     FT5WF & FT5WE * by F5SZK & F5IJT                       239
till  18/01      J20RAD: Maskali Isl. (AF-053) * by J28ML's team        242
till  ??         KH0 * by JA team                                       245
till  ??         LU1ZB: Avers Isl. (AN-012) (WABA LU-05)                245
till  Febbruary  LU6Z: South Orkney Is. (AN-008) (WABA LU-14)           241
till  25/01      N4VA/m                                                 245
till  01/04      PJ9JT: Curacao * by W1BIH                              242
till  17/01      PS8YL/PR8: Sao Luiz Isl. (SA-016) (DIB 07)             245
till  ??         R1ANT: Antarctica (WABA MN-01)                         245
till  mid Jan    T30DP/T31                                              245
till  16/01      T32BB & T32Z                                           245
till  April      TN7OT * by AL7OT                                       243
till  01/04      TU4DA * by F5UJQ                                       238
till  Dec 96     VK0WH: Macquarie                                       238
till  15/01      VU2/DJ9RB                                              243
till  March      YV7/I5DCE: Margarita Isl. (SA-012)                     236
01/01-19/01      FR: Reuniuon * by F6EDF                           ???  243
09/01-24/01      HK0/DF4UW: Santa Catalina Isl.                    ???  243
12/01-14/01      JA DX CW Low Bands (40/80/160) Contest                 ***
13/01-17/01      3V8BB * by F2KN                                        245
13/01-20/01      C6A/K2LE: Eleuthera Isl. (NA-001)                      245
13/01-20/01      HB0/PA3EBT/p                                           242
13/01-16/01      KC6IY, KC6VO, KC6WG, KC6FS: Palau * by JA team         242
14/01            EA4ENK/p: Isla la Trompeta (DIEI BA-02)                243
14/01            EA5AEI/p: Isla Mata d'En Torre (DIEI V-32)             243
15/01-??         ED0BAE: So. Shetland (AN-010) (WABA EA-01)             245
15/01-28/01      GM0FDJ/p: Skye Isl. (EU-008) * by G0FDJ                245
15/01-30/01      KH4/NH6D                                               245
16/01-06/02      DF5WA/HI8                                              243
20/01-??         8P9DX * by VA3DA                                       245
20/01            HV4NAC * by IK6RUM                                     245
20/01-25/01      J7 * by N9JCL, K0SN, WC9E, AA9PB                       245
20/01            V2 * by N9JCL, K0SN, WC9E, AA9PB                       245
21/01            EA4ENK/p: Isla el Ciego (DIEI BA-10)                   243
21/01            EA7BJ: Isla La Sal Grande (DIE S-212(                  245
21/01            HA DX CW Contest                                       ***
22/01-29/01      P49I * by K4PI                                         242
23/01-02/02      3W * by KF7AY, Central AZ DX Ass. & DX Page Ass.       214
23/01-30/01      PJ2: Curacao * by W8UVZ, W0CD, K8GG                    245
23/01-30/01      ZP73Y: special call                                    245
25/01-01/02      3D2: Fiji * by JI3CEY                                  245
25/01-31/01      VK: Margie Isl. (NO-REF) * VK team                     240
26/01-30/01      5N4OTB: Bonny Isl. (NO-REF) * by 5N team               242
26/01-28/01      PA6Z * by PA0ERA, PA3DUA, PA3FNE                       245
26/01-29/01      ZS64RI: Robben Isl. (AF-064) * by ZS1FJ's team         245
26/01-28/01      CQ WWDX 160 Meter CW Contest                           ***
27/01-28/01      REF - French CW Contest                                ***
27/01-28/01      UBA - SSB Contest                                      ***
28/01            EA5AEI/p: Isla Mata del Fang (DIEI V-21)               243
31/01-17/02      P4/K2LE                                                245
end January      3W: Hon Tre Isl. (AS-???) * by KF7AY's team            214
January          VU2BMS * by DL2GAC                                     241
01/02-07/02      KH9 * Dataline DX Association                          245
03/02-07/02      V31JZ & V31RL: Turneffe Is. (NA-123) * by NN7A & NG7S  236
03/02-09/02      VP5 * by JJ2QEH & JJ2QXI                               241
03/02-04/02      ADRS WW RTTY WPX Contest                               ***
04/02-13/02      VK9XY: Christmas Isl. * by DL team                     243
08/02-15/02      VI7DI: Deal Isl. (OC-195)                              213
09/02-14/02      V31JZ, V31RL, V31VI: South Water Caye (NA-180)         236
10/02-11/02      PACC Contest                                           ***
12/02-??         FT: Crozet * by W4MGN                                  245
14/02-23/02      VK9CR: Cocos Keeling Isl. * by DL team                 243
15/02-20/03      P40MR & P40TR * by VE3MR & VE3MRS                      243
16/02-18/02      LU: Los Riachos Is. (SA-???) * by LU team              245
17/02-18/02      ARRL International DX CW Contest                       ***