DX425 bulletin issue nr. 243

SB DX@WW $425WW243A
425 DX News #243 [1/4]
30 December 1995                   No 243                    BID: $425WW243A

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                         >>>>>>>>>> BV9P <<<<<<<<<<
With reference to the QSL of Pratas Island [425DXN 242] Steve, KU9C  reports
to be currently in possession of the logs of the March 1994 and May-June  95
operations. The  logs of the first  operation should arrive in a while.  The
cards sent to the address in the Callbook (P.O.Box 5953,Parsippany, NJ 07054
USA) or to that publicized in  occasion of the expediton  (12 Netherton Ter-
race, Morristown, NJ 07960, USA) should be all in the hands of Steve. Around
20,000 QSLs for  BV9P (elaborated  in such a way to confirm all of the three
the activations)  are to be  printed: Steve hopes  that as soon as the cards
are delivered to him, he can reply to  all the  direct  requests  in  within 
fifteen days. Those  who  enclosed  to the Pratas requests other stations of
which Steve is manager, will have to wait for Steve getting those logs.

4L     - From 4 to 18 January Sergey, UA6JR/ 3 will activate Georgia for the
         first  time via satellite  with the call  4L1R. The frequencies are
         145,885 (AO10) and 145,890 (AO13).
9H     - DL4ML will be active until December 31 as 9H3MJ.
9K     - In March Tom, 9K2ZC and his wife Donna, 9K2YY  will  leave  Kuwait.
         9K2YY is the only woman in possession of a license issued in Kuwait
         Tom and Donna are both  regularly active on 20 SSB meters  (14.195-
         14.220 MHz), usually  between 15.00 and  16.00 UTC.  QSL via KC4ELO
         (Raymond H. McClure,  674 Crestlyn Drive,  North Augusta, SC 29841,
9M2    - Tex, JA0DMV/ 9M2TO is currently active from Penang Island (AS-015).
         Operations  on 17, 30, 40 and  80 meters. QSL  via Tex Izumo, Bukit
         Dumbar Apt 9-4, 97 Jalan Thomas 11700, Gelugor, Penang, Malaysia or
         via bureau to JA0DMV.
9X     - Mark, ON4WW is  currently in Belgium, but  at the end of January he
         should  return  to  Ruanda, where  he hopes to find an amplifier to
         improve performances on the low bands. QSL by ON5NT.
EA4    - On  14 January EA4ENK/p will be active from Isla la Trompeta  (DIEI
         BA-02). QSL via EA5OL.
EA4    - On  21 January EA4ENK/p will be active from Isla El Ciego (DIEI BA-
         10). QSL via EA5OL.
EA5    - On  29 and 30  December  EC5CPL/p will be active from Isla Mata  de
         Les Piules (DIEI V-13).
EA5    - On  28  January EA5AEI/p  will be active  from Isla  Mata del  Fang
         (DIEI V-21). QSL via EA5OL.
EA5    - On  14 January EA5AEI/p  will be  active from  Isla Mata d'En Torre
         (DIEI V-32). QSL via EA5OL.
FR     - From 1 to 19 January Albert, F6EDF, will be in Reunion Island, from
         where he will be active with his old call,  FR5AK, or as  FR/F6EDF.
         Due to  problems with  antenna installation, operations  only on 20
         meters, probably on 14.190 MHz (split 5 up).
HI     - From January 16  to February 6 DF5WA/ HI8 will be active from Domi-
         nican Republic.  The operations will be  in  CW,  SSB  and RTTY on
         all the  bands, 160 meters included.  QSL via home  call (Berthold
         Faisst, Hegelstr. 3, D-55122 Mainz, Germany).
HK0_sa - From 9 to  24 January, Wolfgang,  DF4UW, will be  portable HK0 from
         Santa Catalina Island, a small island near Providencia Island  (NA-
         049). QSL via DF4UW.
JD     - The activity  of Eiji,  JQ1SUO/JD1 from  Ogasawara  [425DXN 238] is
         particularly on 20 SSB meters (between  07.30 and 09.00 UTC) and on
         40 meters CW  and SSB (at abt 14.00  UTC).  Eiji has installed a 10
         meters  antenna and he will  try to be active on that band, as well
         as on 80 meters,between 21.00 and 21.24 UTC (time of local sunrise).
KH2    - From 5 to 12 January  Garth, VE3HO will be in Guam for work, but he
         could devote some hour to the radio.
LU_so  - The  operators of  the station LU6Z  [425DXN 241& 242], active from
         South Orkneys, are LU1ZPF and  LU6LO. The station,up to this moment
         active mainly in CW on 40 and 80 meters, uses 2 Kw of power,   on a
         four element beam and on wire  antennas for the low bands. A beacon
         has also been installed on 28,250 MHz. The operators will be at the
         Antarctic  Base up to early February.  QSL via  LU6EF (Raul Marcelo
         Diaz, P.O.Box 9. 1875 Wilde, Argentina).
SB DX@WW $425WW243B
425 DX News #243 [2/4]
30 December 1995                   No  243                   BID: $425WW243B

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*    *     *    *    *   *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***    *   *   *     *    *
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  *     *       *      *   edited by I1JQJ & IK1NLZ    *       *     *     *
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    *       *       *         - SECONDA PARTE -    *    *    *   *     *   *

P4     - From  February  15 to March  20 Martin,  VE3MR and his wife  Truus,
         VE3MRS  will be active from Aruba  respectively as P40MR and P40TR.
         The  operations  will  also take place on 12 and 17 meters SSB. QSL
         via home calls.
PY     - From 8 to 12 January, Roberto  PT2GTI, Paul  PT2NP and Jorge  PT2HF
         will be active as ZW6C (SSB) and ZX6C (CW) from Coroa Vermelha Isl.
         (IOTA SA-062, DIB-32). The operations will be from 10 to 80 meters,
         WARC  bands  included.  QSL via PT2GTI: Roberto Stuckert POB 09647,
         70001-970 Brasilia, DF, Brazil.
S21    - Andy, S21YE will be active from Bangladesh  for more than  a  year.
         SSB operations on all bands. QSL via G0EHX.
TG     - From 1 to 10 January  David, K4TT will be  active from Guatemala as
         TG9IDK. Mainly CW activity from 10 to 40 meters. QSL via home call.
TN     - Hazel,  AL7OT/TN7OT  will leave  Congo in April. Hazelis not likely
         to fix the radio, which is currently broken, before the  departure.
         Hazel will start to reply to QSLs once returned home.
V2     - Hrana, YT1AD will join to the ARRL Phone Contest (2-3 March) in the
         single operator all bands category with the  V26AS call. Before and
         after the contest  he will be active in CW  on the WARC  bands. QSL
         via home call.
VK9_ck - From 14 to 23  February  Joerg  (DL8WPX),  Dietmar  (DL3DXX),  Falk
         (DK7YY) and Juergen (DL7UFN) will be active from Cocos Keeling with
         the VK9CR call. All bands operations from 6 to 160  meters, in  CW,
         SSB and  via satellite. Particular  attention will be  given to low
         bands. QSL via  DK7NP  (Rudi Hein, Am  Uferholz 7, D-96047 Bamberg,
VK9_xms- From  4 to 13  February  Joerg  (DL8WPX),  Dietmar  (DL3DXX),  Falk
         (DK7YY) and Juergen (DL7UFN) will be active from Christmas Isl with
         the VK9XY call. All bands operations from 6 to 160  meters, in  CW,
         SSB and  via satellite. Particular  attention will be  given to low
         bands. QSL via  DK7NP  (Rudi Hein, Am  Uferholz 7, D-96047 Bamberg,
VU     - From 1 to 15 January  Norbert, DJ9RB will  be active from  southern
         India with the call VU2/DJ9RB.  The  operations will  be  mainly on
         80  (3.509-3.513 MHz) and 160 meters (1.824-1.825 MHz or 1,903 MHz)
W1     - During the weekend Mark AA1AC, is active from Aquidneck Island (NA-
ZA     - ZA5B (and not ZA5G, as wrongly reported in 425DXN 242) is the Alba-
         nian call of TL8NG. He is from Arizona and is now in Scutari, where
         he  should stay until  September. He is  particularly active on the
         low bands and soon he  will be active on 160  meters also.  QSL via
ZB2    - From 2  to 8 January, Martin,  IK3RIY and Veronica, IK3ZAW  will be
         portable ZB2 from Gibraltar. QSL via  IK3RIY: Martino Rizzi, Via  4
         Fontane 3/B, 30126 Lido di Venezia, Italy.

*******************************   IOTA NEWS   ******************************

                     >>>>>> LADY MUSGRAVE ISLAND <<<<<<
This  island,  from which Bill, VK4CRR/P, was active on 11 September, is not
part  of  the  Corals  Sea  Islands  Territory, an Australian administrative
division, whose southern limit runs more of 100 kilometers  of distance from
Lady Musgrave.  The  island  (23.50S 152.23E), included in the Bunker Group,
depends therefore from the state of Queensland and for what concerns   IOTA,
it is  located in the  QUEENSLAND STATE (SOUTH COAST) CENTRE group (OC-142).
The  CORAL SEA ISLANDS TERRITORY group is currently unnumbered.

                >>>>>> OPERATIONS FROM MEXICAN ISLANDS <<<<<<
The  IOTA Committee ascertained that  the cuurent Mexican licenses issued to
foreign amateurs forbid operations from the Mexican islands.This restriction
is also  valid  for   the  licenses  issued  on  the basis of the reciprocal
agreements between United States and Mexico.  Those who want to operate from
an island  must  have the  specific permission from the governemnt authority
(the Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes). It is believed that to get
this  authorization  at  least  the  50  per  cent  of the operators must be
Mexicans.  In  future  the IOTA Committee, before accepting any activity for
the IOTA, will ask the operators to provide  this specific permission.

SB DX@WW $425WW243C
425 DX News #243 [3/4]
30 December 1995                   No  243                   BID: $425WW243C

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*    *     *    *    *   *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***    *   *   *     *    *
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  *     *       *      *   edited by I1JQJ & IK1NLZ    *       *     *     *
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****************************     GOOD TO KNOW     **************************

With 1996 425 DX NEWS turns five  years old of  life, comforted by a success
that  flatters  us and spurs us to go on.  Our - and your - enthusiasm meets
with a series of objective problems, first of all the  difficulty  cope  the
hours and the needed attention to the layout of the bulletin  with the daily
work and family commitements of the editors and the  contributors.  Moreover
in these last months the dimensions of the bulletin have considerably grown, 
to justify not a reduction of the "pages," but a different distribution.
Beginning from January  425 DX News  will  be  therefore divided up into two
parts, each of them to be published every 15 days.  The heading will not  be
unchanged, as well as the numeration, that will go on without interruptions.
Simply, one week 425  DX  News  will  provide  the  DX information, with the
"Good to know"  section,  while  the following week  the section "Managers &
Addresses"   will  be   published  (together  with   any possible DX info of
particular importance).
We  hope that  the solution adopted meets the favour of the many readers who
every week read 425 DX News. A warm "thank you"  to all the  friends who, in
sending us with constancy information and advices,allow the bulletin to live
and to improve, changing at the demands of the readers.

HI3CVV---> This  is the call used by DL1GKG/HI3 and DL2GGA/HI3 during the CQ
WW CW Contest,  during which they logged  about 8000 QSO. QSL by DL2GGA. For
the contacts with DL1GKG/ HI3 and DL2GGA/ HI3, QSL via home call.

N7RO---> Dick  reports to receive  QSL requests for  EK6LF, EK7M  and EK8WB.
Dick  is  not  the manager of these stations and the cards will therefore be
returned to the sender direct or via bureau.

FO---> Ron, N6VO reports  that in French  Polinesia there is a new procedure
for the release of  the temporary licenses, which are now issued in 24 hours
and  are  valid  for a month.  Once to Papetee, go to the High Commissioners
Office and ask of Christian Clary  from PTT Cells - produce a copy of the
your amateur radio license, the passport, a list  of the equipments with the
numbers of series and the list of places from where you will operate.

ON4WW/ 9X& 9X4WW---> Ghis, ON5NT is in possession of all the logs for the o-
perations of Mark, ON4WW from Ruanda (around 31,000  QSOs).  The QSL of  the
first  operation  (April-June 1995)  are ready and the requests will be soon
replied. The QSL  for the second activity (September-December 1995) will  be
printed at the beginning of 1996.

S79JD --->  Jean-Michel, F6AJA, has received the logs for this activity  and
while  waiting   for  the cards  from the printer, is typing the QSOs in the

8R1K ---> QSL route for 1995 SSB & CW, 1994 SSB and  1993  SSB CQ WW DX Con-
test operations  is via OH6DO  Callbook Address  in Finland. If you have al-
ready sent via previous route OH1VL, no need to mail again, they will be an-
swered too.

QSL QSL QSL---> IK8SMZ  (Sandro Spallone, Box 64.  86170 Isernia-IS)  is the
manager for Sergio, 5N9RGP (active also with the  special calls 5N34RGP  and
5N35RGP), for David, 4L4ND and for Avto 4L7AT (for these latter two stations
Sandro has still to receive the logs).

+++ SILENT KEY +++ We  sadly   report of  the passing of Sid E. Molen VK2SG,
76 years  old, succumbed to a heart attack, Friday 29 December. In the early
Seventies Sid was a co-founder,  along with Bill, VK2EG, of  the Australian
National Amateur Radio Teleprinter Society (ANARTS). They subsequently star-
ted the weekly RTTY DX Notes that, renamed the VK2SG RTTY DX  Notes in 1993,
will continue to be generated by the present group of rotating editors I5FLN

*                              425 DX NEWS                                 *
*                        DX info weekly bulletin                           *
*      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Paolo Garavaglia, IK1NLZ      *
*       with  the  contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171        *
              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
DX Group, Delta Mike,  Diamond DX Club,  Roman DX Group, AA1AC, AB6NJ/OH6DO,
* Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
*             Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)            *
*                  INTERNET e-mail :  I121171@amsat.org                    *
*        425 WWW Page -->  http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html     *
*                   INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site:                    *
*   promet12.cineca.it  - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/   *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
                  * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *
                      TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751
                      DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613
                       SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422
                      ARRL HQ BBS USA :  203-666-0578
                      CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921
                HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677
                       WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183
SB DX @ WW $424WW243D
425 DX News #243 [4/4]
30 December 1995                                                     no.243
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                                edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  31/12      9H3MJ * by DL4ML                                       243
till  ??         9M2TO: Penang Isl. (AS-015) * by JA0DMV                243
till  31/12      A4=A4/25 * special event                               233
till  ??         D2/YO9CWY                                              237
till  31/12      FH/JA3JM                                               242
till  ??         FT5XK                                                  238
till  31/12      IR5GM: special event station                           241
till  03/01      JD1/JQ1SUO: Ogasawara                                  238
till  Febbruary  LU6Z: South Orkney Is. (AN-008) (WABA LU-14)           241
till  02/01      OH0: Aland Is. * by OH team                            242
till  April      TN7OT * by AL7OT                                       243
till  01/04      TU4DA * by F5UJQ                                       238
till  31/12      VA1S: special event station                            227
till  06/01      VK8NSB/p: Groote Eylandt (OC-141)                      237
till  Dec '96    VK0WH: Macquarie                                       238
till  03/01      YJ0AFU * by FK8FU                                      236
till  01/01      ZF2ON * by W4RIM                                       242
till  04/01      ZK1ATV, ZK1LIA, ZK1NJX: Manihiki Atoll (OC-014) by LA  236
22/12-05/01      V31/KM4IT                                              242
25/12-03/01      ZF * by I4ALU                                          240
29/12-14/01      A71AN * by DL9FCQ                                      225
29/12-30/12      EC5CPL/p: Isla Mata de Les Piules (DIEI V-13)          243
30/12-31/12      AA1AC/p: Aquidneck Isl. (NA-031)                       243
30/12-08/01      GM0FDJ/p: Skye Isl. (EU-008) * by G0FDJ                242
30/12-03/01      XQ0/JA7AYE: Easter Isl. * by JA7AYE & JA7XQV           237
31/12-15/01      9G * by PA3GBQ                                         242
mid Dec-mid Feb  C6AGN * by KM1E                                        236
Dec-Febbr 97     FT5WF & FT5WE * by F5SZK & F5IJT                       239
December         FT5XL: Kerguelen * by FB1LYF                           238
December         AA4LI/HP1                                              238
December         V3: Turneffe Is. (NA-123) * by W team                  238
01/01            Happy New Year Contest                                 ***
01/01            SARTG New Year RTTY Contest                            ***
01/01-09/01      5H1HW: Zanzibar Isl. (AF-032) * by I5JHW               240
01/01-19/01      FR: Reuniuon * by F6EDF                                243
01/01-10/01      TG9IDK * by K4TT                                       243
01/01-15/01      VU2/DJ9RB                                              243
01/01-12/01      VP2V/WB8ZTY                                            239
02/01-05/01      FR/JA3JM: Reunion Is.                                  242
02/01-06/01      VK4: Willesley Is. (OC-???) * by VK team               241
02/01-08/01      ZB2/IK3RIY & ZB2/IK3ZAW                                243
04/01-18/01      4L1R * by UA3JR/3                                      243
05/01-12/01      KH2 * by VE3HO                                         243
05/01-01/04      PJ9JT: Curacao * by W1BIH                              242
06/01/07/01      ARRL RTTY Roundup                                      ***
08/01-12/01      ZW6C & ZX6C: Coroa Vermelha (SA-026) * by PT2 team     243
10/01-??         5N4OTB: Bonny Isl. (NO-REF) * by 5N team               242
11/01-June       5R * by F2JD                                           242
11/01-18/01      J2: Gulf of Aden group (AF-053) * by J28ML's team      242
12/01-14/01      JA DX CW Low Bands (40/80/160) Contest                 ***
13/01-20/01      HB0/PA3EBT/p                                           242
13/01-16/01      KC6IY, KC6VO, KC6WG, KC6FS: Palau * by JA team         242
14/01            EA4ENK/p: Isla la Trompeta (DIEI BA-02)                243
14/01            EA5AEI/p: Isla Mata d'En Torre (DIEI V-32)             243
16/01-06/02      DF5WA/HI8                                              243
January          VU2BMS * by DL2GAC                                     241
January-March    YV7: Margarita Isl. (SA-012) * by I5DCE                236
January          XU6WV * by VS6WV                                       242